View Full Version : Is there anything that lets you Deflect ranged attacks with a weapon?

2011-03-16, 02:42 PM
I read the feat, and you could only do it with 1 hand free. So if you were holding like a Great Sword, you're screwed. I kinda though if someone were fast enough to deflect with their hands, why can't he do it with a sword?

2011-03-16, 02:48 PM
The closest thing I can think of is the Spinning Defense feat, from Dragon Magazine. Among other things, when you take a Total Defense action while wielding a Polearm you can use Deflect Arrows as many times as you want during your turn, and you don't need a free hand to Deflect Arrows.

Combat Reflexes
2011-03-16, 02:53 PM
IIRC, it is a free action to remove one hand from the hilt of a greatsword, so you could deflect arrows and wear a greatsword at the same time :smalltongue:
The same also goes for bucklers and light shields: they leave your hand free to do other things...

For the rest, you're right. If you TWF or use a heavy shield, you're screwed.

2011-03-16, 02:57 PM
I'm pretty sure you do not recall correctly, as the FAQ says that you can't make Somatic gestures while wielding a two-handed weapon. I could be wrong about that, though.

Blue Paladin
2011-03-16, 03:30 PM
Not deflect per se, but the maneuver Wall of Blades (Iron Heart lvl 2) gives you a chance to avoid a hit. Need to roll high though, since it replaces your AC with your attack roll. Still might end up getting hit anyway.

And it's only good 95% of the time: it doesn't work when they roll a 20, cuz that'll hit no matter what you replace your AC with. Although sometimes it might reduce a crit to a mere auto-hit, by making their confirmation roll "miss".

2011-03-16, 03:35 PM
I'm pretty sure you do not recall correctly, as the FAQ says that you can't make Somatic gestures while wielding a two-handed weapon. I could be wrong about that, though.

Dropping an item is a free action. I can't find the specific rule from dropping the hand off a two-handed weapon, though. I really can't imagine that it is different than dropping a weapon.

2011-03-16, 03:38 PM
Personally as a DM I would let someone just use their sword to deflect arrows. However they wouldn't ever be able to return ranged weapons like a monk can.

Although I would bump it with a weapon down to 3.0 deflect arrows. The would have to make a DC 20 reflex save to do it.

2011-03-16, 03:41 PM
I'm pretty sure you do not recall correctly, as the FAQ says that you can't make Somatic gestures while wielding a two-handed weapon. I could be wrong about that, though.

You can drop one hand off a two-handed weapon as a free action.
Article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20041102a)

And quote:

Although the rules don't mention it, letting go of a two-handed weapon with one hand or putting a free hand back on the weapon is a free action for you.

2011-03-16, 04:48 PM
You can drop one hand off a two-handed weapon as a free action.
Article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/rg/20041102a)

Point conceded. However, I'm still fairly sure that the FAQ rules otherwise (not that it hasn't contradicted other rules or even basic logic before).

2011-03-16, 05:01 PM
About the free action hand dropping.

I don't think this would be a problem at all seeing as how even if you stated that every round you left your hand off the hilt before your action ended, you would then be treated as unarmed for everyone else's turn.

Unless I read the section wrong I believe you can only use free actions on your turn.

Trading any attacks of opportunity in a round for the chance to deflect one ranged attack? Pretty hefty and makes it so enemies can waltz right past you.