View Full Version : [Exalted]Creation World War I - Here's your shovel(IC)

2011-03-17, 09:58 AM
"The Beginning of an Ending"

The Solars had returned. Some saw hope, others despair. That was 600 years ago. From there to today, lot of things happened

Some have risen to power, some have fallen. The Empress married and then ran away from the Ebon Dragon. The Seal of Eight Divinities was broken for peaceful contact, only for the Autochtonians to later become enemies of Creation. The Deathlords come out of their thrones and send their armies to strike. The Reclamations first steps are being taken

Now, the world is at war. Grand battles happen somewhere, where hundreds or thousands die with glory. In other places, political warfare, where shaming your opponent is worth more. And finally, in the darkest places, the battles are among assassins, who can kill more silently?

Yet, you all receive the same letter. An invitation to a party in Iskiathrowed by founders themselves. Along with proposal to discuss the terms of an Alliance between kingdoms Was it a chance to more political warfare? Or a genuine desire to ally with people who might share the will to let Creation live?

2011-03-17, 10:15 AM
Lera sat above the entrance to her manse, looking like the Barbarian Queen she loved to style herself as. Silver bracelets and bangles covered her arms and a thin but exquisite silver Tiara sat neatly upon her head. Her cloths where woven of pure moonlight, and where ornate, but in a certain tribal fashion. Long strips covered her breasts with shimmering fantastic weaving, but left her arms and stomach exposed, while her silver skirt was trimmed neatly and cut to show more then a little leg.

The manse, Silver Edged Rain was one of her best, a mansion made of what seemed to be liquid moonsilver and ever changing halls. The moon shown bright over its many spires and walls, which seemed to move ever so slightly, like a living thing. She had great hopes for tonight. Creation was dying, she could see it herself, it had been this way for eons, yet for all their strength she and Rovell could not halt the sickness alone. They had tried, and ha perhaps slowed it, but if anything would remain it must be stopped altogether.

War tore at creation, and it was time the chosen united to bring some manner of peace to this broken world.

And so, she had sent the letters. They where not vague, or enigmatic, but cheerful, warm, and surprisingly direct, as the woman always was. She didn't play the game at being crotchety like some many elders were prone to, life was to short to spend it being mysterious and annoying. Now to see if the seeds would bear fruit.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-17, 03:06 PM
A pale skinned woman, with an astounding beauty, and hair of a bright orange, descended from the sky, a pair of shimmering wings of red, blue and green flapping wildly on her back. She landed perfectly, lightly on her feet. Her stance was balanced perfectly-despite her apparent youth, she was clearly massively experienced.

"Well." she said, almost purring. "Would you be our host, the oh-so-famous Lera?"

2011-03-17, 06:37 PM
Novina arrived by skyship. The graceful, sleek, and jet black craft was one of Exar'Xia's finest and few craft. Lightly armed and armored it suited this purpose well. It was now resting near the city, powered down and only manned by a few of her people. She had left just enough people to make it ready to fly quickly if necessity demanded it. Still she came, with letter in hand. It had been awhile since she had left Exar'Xia's controlled lands. What with the Mask of Winters a threat she dared not take her eyes away from so readily. Of course there were rumors from her loyal followers that the loyal followers of the Yozi were pressing Southern coasts. Still... she had to leave, she had to know.

She was dressed as she liked when away from Exar'Xia's Towers. With her hair glittering with diamonds and falling to her thighs and sways in the soft breeze, and her deep dark blue eyes for the moment take in bright Luna, lips pressed tightly together. Her outfit was as black as night, with a blood red decoration that crosses over her breasts. The decoration itself is a golden circle with three dark red rays coming set in an upside down triangular formation, surrounded by a set of 3 curved blades among both the right and left sides of the circle. A half skirt is held to her slender waist by a band of gold and is open at the front, the inside of the skirt glitters with star like sequins. Slender bands of gold wrap around her wrists and thighs and ankles. She was a light mocha colored woman a sign of her Southern heritage, with the invitation tapping against her lips.

After a moment she continues on, the entrance to the Manse, she assumed was over there, after all she recognized the Lunar that was hosting thing. Her walk was graceful, regal, if not a conveying the pride she held for herself. Exar’Xia was alive and flourishing, and she had made that happen, despite the threats from her former masters.

“Good evening, Sera of Iskia,” Novina says to Lera with a bow and then a nod to the other woman. “And a Good evening to the guests of Sera Lera.”

2011-03-21, 11:11 AM
The sky was quiet and silent. It looked like a cloud was coming down from the sky, flying straight down into Iskia inside the cloud there was a man that appeared very young with his ornate clothing, bracers and amulet, dark skin and eyes as blue as the sky. He wasn't tall, actually by most standard, he was short. There was no doubt, it was the golden spider. There was a woman right next to him with long dark hair and a robe she dusted off the shoulder of the Golden spider.

There were some very intricate hatchets strapped on each side of his hips. He took a look at the letter again and looked around for where the meeting was going to take place. He left most of his entourage back at the temple city, as he didn't expect to spend more than a day or two out of it.

At his arrival inside, the golden spider saw that a few people were already here. Like usual, the Golden spider put on a smile, it often put people at ease but expected to conduct business and get back to his city asap, after all researches never wait.

"Evening ladies and gentlemen."

2011-03-21, 11:12 AM
Lera grinned lightly as Saera dropped down, the only Dragon Blooded she had saw fit to offer an invite to the little gathering. Saera was notoriously pragmatic when it came to relations with the various factions in Creation, and while they had never met personally Lera had seen fit to send the woman the occasional letter and tidbit of information. Such small favors now seem to have payed off.

"SAERWA!" Lera jumped down from perch smoothly lifting the woman into her arms and squeezing her gently, "Oh I'm so glad you came. Rwovell is just itching to meet you. He's in the back glade right now, making sure everything is just purfect." She smiled widely and unabashedly, already feeling much better about the whole thing, she released her, skipping back, staying in motion with a tangible, electric energy that permeated the air around the woman.

She opened her mouth to say something more when her next guest arrived. Lera danced around Novina on the balls of her feet, often coming a centimeter close to her skin before she pivoted and moved around her, laughing teasingly. Novina. Her old rival, not turned wary ally. Rovell and her had actually argued about this one, but in the end she had came. Their only choices was to attack her or enlist her, ignoring her was not an option.

"Novina! Ever the pleasure! How is my favorite little Infurnal doing?!" She said with a wide fanged grin. In the end, they had decided to trust her, because the fact of the matter was Novina wielded cosmic power like children played with blocks. They might not be able to trust her, but they would be fools not to try. And maybe Lera would be surprised. Old wounds or not, Lunars where famously fast healers.

The Spider received her next welcome. She skipped over to him smiling widely, moved in close, and promptly kissed the man headless of the woman next to him, holding the motion for a while before she stepped back. You could, Lera had long since decided, tell much about a person by the way they kissed. With hunger, with passion, with a pliant desire, or with reluctance. All told her interesting things, and she couldn't help but wonder how this one would kiss.

"Spidey!" She laughed spinning backwards like a dancer on a stage, "So glad you could come. Let me intrwoduce everyone so far shall I? My Drwagon Blooded friend over there is goes by the name Saerwa, she is a furwocious martial artist, no doubt you have heard over her. The other woman is an old acquaintance of mine by the name of Novina." Lera fluttered her eyelashes at her, "We go way back. And this ladies, is the Golden Spider, exalt of some rwenown."

2011-03-21, 12:26 PM
Golden spider was surprised by the kiss, found it a bit unorthodox but didn't deny or reject it. The woman standing right next to him, took a look at Lera but didn't flinch or said word for that matter. He kept his composure even under those circumstances and looked around when introduced to the people around. He wasn't insensible to her charms but this didn't go beyond carnal attraction.

"Well, I wouldn't miss this meeting and glad that I didn't. Enchanted to meet you ladies. This one is the Red Lotus, an assistant of mine."

2011-03-21, 01:58 PM
Before this route of conversation could go on. A colossal figure emerges from behind the trees. A moving stone statue, weathered by time and nature, strides across the ground, the earth rumbling as he steps. Once he reaches the Manse he stops, eyes glowing a little brighter, and bends to kneel down. Not to show subservience, but to better examine and observe these creatures who call upon him. A low rumble emerges from his throat, acknowledging the presence of the other guests.

At this point, surprisingly, something climbs into view, scrambling up over the top of the Giant's mossy and cracked head. The small girl, dressed in a small bright frock, gives a sigh and promptly sits down on the statue's head.

Awfully nice to meet you! I've never been here before, seems rather nice doesn't it Archie? she playfully jumps off the giant's head and slides along his arms to the ground. As soon as her feet touch the ground, her babbling commences, she bounds up to Lera. Oooh, look at you! I've never seen a queen before! Are you a nice queen or a nasty one? Her face creases into a light frown I don't know if I'll like you if you're nasty, but if you're nice then it'll be great!
Before giving Lera a chance to respond to this bombardment, her gaze slips to Saera and Novina, and her mind does too. Wow, aren't you pretty! You're absolutely gorgeous do you know that? Do you think you could -? Another rumble comes from the statue, and she turns back to him for a reply, apparently understanding it.
Oh you're so boooring! she turns back to the guests, Archie's telling me to stop... per-stes-stering? Pestering you. Am I pestering you? I'm awfully sorry, Archie's always telling me to make a good impression. He calls himself Forgotten Archon, but that's too long and boring, I just call him Archie. The girl grins and skips back to Archon, sitting on his grounded hand.

2011-03-21, 04:17 PM
Novina resisted the urge to bring a hand down on the every moving Lunar to do two things, keep her still or keep her atleast at arms length. What was it with this Lunar?! Still it was better than being attacked on sight and so Novina allows it, albeit with a soft groan and a finger going to her head to rub away the perceived headache.

"Sera Lera of Iskia," Novina hides the irritation from her voice reminding herself to be 'nice' to Lera, "it has been a while hasn't it since our last... meeting. I give assurances that meeting will not be repeated. For now our goals... seem to be the same."

She glances to the others present, the Solar that had come weilded power and it made her headache grow. A man of all things wielding such things. She nods to him respectfully none-the-less, it would not be proper if not simply straining, to not give Lera's allies the respect they needed. They... were allies right? Solars and Lunars were always allies. Or maybe not. Perhaps it was Lera that was... overly friendly. Hmmm.

"Ser Golden Spider and lovely assistant Sera Red Lotus, a pleasure to meet the both of you." She greets with a flourished curtsy.

An inward sigh later as Lera gives the Spider a kiss, it is to her surprise that a ... machine was it, came with a very talkative girl. She turned and looksed to the machine for a moment with a frown then glanced to the excitable child.

"Pestering, I do not think so." Yet, she adds silently at the end. "Ser Forgotten Archon then?" She looks to the girl with a curious look and finger tapping on her lips. "I am Novina Sera Illithar of Exar'Xia, and you are? Regardless, it is a pleasure... to meet the both of you."

Quite a gathering it appeared, varied and strong in power. A dragon blooded, strange and unusual, a Solar who was as she expected, and this... girl and machine. What could be the hidden power here? The machine large and physically strong or... the girl?

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-21, 05:10 PM
Red Mountain, Dragonlands ... several days earlier.

"Don't bother me, I'm taking my nap."

The irritiated voice of an sleepy giant thundered trough the gargantuan cave, causing some of the piled up treasures to scatter a bit. Light reflected from precious gems and gold adorning the hoard in piles many times greater than the owner of the mighty voice and shined up on the brightly red scales of the massive reptillian beast sleeping in the midst of it. Puffs of smoke emanated from it's nostrils, when the tip of the massive winged predator moved a little, scattering some piles of treasures. By now he resmbled an annoyed feline whose regenerative nap was disturbed. Young woman kneeling in front of him was holding a closed scroll in extendend hand ... and she didn't even flinched in front of the mighty being, despite being obviously distressed. Her raven black hair was neatly cut into page boy style, as if to not interfere with wearing of the helmet hanging at her hip. Her strong and slightly compact body was enveloped in full armor, adorned with many wax seals and paper charms. armor itself, as well as crossbow-like weapon hanging at her other hip were looking as if they saw their share of warfare, and she was wearing them like second skin. Her cold eyes of a war veteran were respectfully lowered, and two tear-shaped red tatoos marking her bronze skin under her left eye marked her as veteran who survived two years of full duty. She pursed her lips, gently placed the unopened scroll in front of the master of the cave and stood up ready to leave. But before leaving she checked if any of the riches scattered around here didn't accidentally attached themselves to her armor or sutra-vovs. Pleased with inspection she bowed her head once and departed from the cavern. The massive creature narrowed it's eyeridges and sniffed slightly before whispering to himself.

"Kitty ?"

Sky above Lera's manse, now.

He gazed down hard all those three miles, and his eyes went alight like molten bronze for a moment before he decided to half-close his eyes again. So ... it seemed that there were some old acquintances of him ... some newcomers, too. He remembered picture Lera sent him and snorted with irritation. Were she not one of his favorites he would already respond by showing his discomfort in a sea of flames. But the picture was emphatic enough to pick his interest ... she most likely know how he dislikes when his nap is disturbed, and so he reached under his gauntleted front paw and stroke tiny, by comparision, crystalline bird wich sang sweet tune before turning to him, ready to receive the message. He whispered, knowing that full meaning might avoid the careless kitty again.

*Yes, kitty ? Have You woken me from my slumber to tell me that You finally finished Your second lesson from ... some time ago ?*

And the ghostly shape left the dragon's little bird-artifact and speeded up down towards the recipient of the message that was the Alabaster Lioness. Tone of the message was purpousefully neutral and balanced ... even if it poorly hid slight annoyance and some bit of dry amusement.

"Gods, I needed to stretch my wings, that's for sure."

And he stared again at his glittering armor, with pride swelling his chest. If Lera is planning another war ... and wants to plea for his contribution, he's more than ready to crush those who will dare to stand in the way !

2011-03-21, 06:17 PM
Lera grinned at the little girl, bending down beside her. She adored children, though at the moment had none to occupy her time, which was sadly focused on other things. She still had a few of her children still alive though, and more grandchildren then you can shake a stick at. They where her legacy, in a way. She wondered what legacy this girl would leave?

"I am a nice Queen." She assured with a purr, her ears flicking back playfully, "Well. Nice to my frwiends at least, and furocious to those who try to hurt them. And I think we'll be frwiends child, though you have yet to tell me your name." She rose up, getting a measure of the Alchemical, who she hoped would be her contact with that strange people, and the little girl. They had seemed forthright, she trusted the two readily. Anyone who treated a child not there own with such kindness was worthy of Lera's respect.

"Awchie." Lera grinned up at him, not in the least imposed or worried, "Glad you could come. I hope to make the trip wowrth your while." Everything falling into place....

She was startled from her revelry by the small bird she held the creature daintily, listening to its message before whispering a reply. He played at being irritated, but she knew he had a soft spot for her, and while she would never push him to far, she knew where to get her leeway.

Please land behind in the Manse, in the brightly lit glade. You'll find food to your tastes there, I'll be with you shortly, and bring the other guests along as well."

2011-03-21, 11:30 PM
A quite breeze stirs the trees around the gathered champions, causing the branches to sway gently and the leaves to rustle softly. In that moment a woman appears before them, several yards from where they gather, hair and dress settling into place, as if she had just stopped after moving at great speed. Great white wings spread from her shoulders, folded at the moment.

Her garb is startling simple, appearing to be nothing more than a silk shift, so white that it almost glows in the moonlight. Elegant gloves and slippers adorn her extremities, and a golden circlet holds back long, luxuriant silver hair. Her skin is tanned a golden brown, contrasting sharply with her lilac eyes. The caste mark of a zenith burns brightly upon her brow, and she takes a hesitant step forward.

"Greetings, champions. I am Serene Auria of the Northern lands. A few days ago I received a letter from one who calls herself Lera the Lioness, requesting my presence this night." She stops for a moment, measuring their reactions, then continues forward. "I am unsure of how you heard of me...but the words of your letter bring me hope. For too long have the enemies of Creation cavorted within the domain of Invictus Sol"

Lix Lorn
2011-03-22, 04:17 AM
Saera twitches slightly at the hug, but after a few dangerous moments returns it. It's been too long since she could greet anyone in that way.

2011-03-22, 04:20 PM
Red lotus bowed down at Novina greetings.
"Pleasure to meet you as well."
"The same."

Before he could engage in a conversation, some heavy steps caught his attention.

The little girl and her machine came in and Golden Spider looked up for a moment and not too long before the girl was done talking, a shadow covered most of the manse and seems another gigantic individual had joined the meeting.

Someone joined soon and stopped a few yards from them. Apparently this quick on her feet individual was Serene Auria from the north. Lera had managed to gather a group of powerful individuals. Was this the last possible attempt at saving creation? That should be interesting.

"That's an impressive guest list Lera."

2011-03-22, 04:46 PM
The girl blushes and turns her head away from both Lera and Novina. My name is Ayna. she half-says, half-giggles. Nice to meet you. Archie wants me to ask what he's been called for. He's always sooo impatient, he wants to get the meeting done with, don't you Archie? The colossus' eyes dim slightly and brighten, as if blinking, and he nods his granite head almost imperceptibly. Ayna giggles again.

Lucus Casius
2011-03-22, 06:22 PM
Rovell grinned with faint pride at the glade, leaning against a nearby tree as he examined it. Thin silver and gold ribbons danced in eloquent patterns through the tress, and a great feast was laid out on a vast jade table. Statues, forged by the Eclipse himself out of a composite of mundane metals and the relevant magical materials (other than that of the Infernal, for whom he had chosen a mixture of Orichalcum and Jade) to look like his and Lera's guests, circled the clearing at regular intervals, risen upon floating platforms. Other sights and artifacts, created by either himself or his descendants were spread around, displaying the might and affluence of the Solar and Lunar pair. If an agreement were to be reached, they had to show that they were worth agreeing with.

He nodded, satisfied, and brushed his dark, brown hair out of his eyes. A golden arm ring, studded with emeralds, wrapped around his bare left arm while a smaller band rested around his right. Yet more gold rested on his head in the form of a circlet. He, like his mate, was garbed in the light of his patron, shining and glorious, if keeping a clever mixture of small drops of civilization with the tribal garb he had grown accustomed to. It arranged itself cunningly around his handsome, athletic features, serving exactly as it was designed.

He wordlessly communicated with his wife, sending her pictures of the design of the glade as well as a few feelings of good cheer. The guests had arrived, and everything was beginning to fall into place, just as they had hoped. Indeed, it could not fail!

Turning, he stepped back, heading to the manse with a bright smile on his face. "Greetings, greetings!" he said, laughing lightly. "Good to see you all!"

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-24, 02:24 PM
Dragon, willing himself to be not seen nor heard quietly descended and watched over the treasures prepared by Lera's man. He eyed pinned Roc and smiled greedily, his eyes would narrow themselves were they visible for common sight. Afterwards he moved to the lake and started his preparations for the grand entrance.

2011-03-25, 08:34 AM
"Greeting Rovell, good to see you too."

Golden Spider and Red Lotus arrived into the glade. He took a good look at the statues standing around. They didn't spare in any of their expenses, that was good. The glade was impressive to say the least.

2011-03-27, 07:17 AM
Sensing that the gathering was moving along, Forgotten Archon lumbers towards the glade. As Ayna sees the statues, her mouth opens in amazement, but then creases into a small frown. Why isn't there a statue of me? She pouts for a while, but Archon's throat rumbles with what sounds like laughter, and her irresistible smile breaks out again. Jumping of Archon's head, she runs over to the lake.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-27, 02:19 PM
Having waited enough Crimson Fury decided that it is a good time for his grand entrance. As the little girl run towards the lake a faint smell of ozone arose, air got all ... charged as if before the storm. Despite fact that the sky was clear blue, sun riding high and no single cloud in sight. At the same time gentle puffs of wind carried the charged and extremely humid air from the lake's surface towards the gathered Exalts, making things a little bit more blurry, as if a fog were to rise.

Air became hot and steamy, wich added to the humidity was putting a certain effect on the gathered people, especially their clothes.

With a soft sound even more steam rose from the lake surrounding the little girl with foggy waves, then quickly washing away over the Mighty gathered here with a sudden gust of wind ! When the sight cleared somewhat and enormous being sat at the lake's surface, dwarfing even the mighty size of the Alchemical Colossus. It gave a short glance towards the little child standing so near it's front paws, but it was all the attention he gave the little girl. By comparision to the child, the towering beast seemed even more dangerous and predatory. Front paws, easily the size of the girl ... with taloned fingers, each talon the size of the girl's forearm, thick scales the color of the richest red covering it's skin. The water filling the air was making each color on the giand reptile's body all more intense, from the rich red of it's scales to the molten gold of it's half-closed eyes. When eyes rose from the ground to embrance the whole magnitude of the giant being it took a good while to do.

Each of the taloned front paws was covered in metallic gauntlet, the left one bearing a brilliant-red, faceted square glowing as brightly
as a candle. And the right one bearing a small sun, vortex of unimaginable energies contained into this small form, shedding brilliant light all around. Gauntlets themselves showed to be part of armor covering the body of the giant reptile, a golden metal polished to such sheen that it seemed to emit it's own soft light. Whole surface of the metallic plates covering the reptile's body was covered in ancient-looking yet vaguely reckognisable pictographic script, chiseled artfully into the armor itself. Armor, of obviously inhuman design, seemed to hug the giant creature as if it were it's second skin, the light reflected from it created small corona of rainbows surrounding the lizard being like small aurora borealis. It stared down at the gathered, as if king giving an audience to his lessers, and sweeped with it's stare over the gathered people. Barely noticing the men and giving each of the gathered ladies an almost burning stare, in it's intensity. And then the monstrous jaw opened and a thundering voice boomed out, clearly designating it's owner as a male.

"Hello there, ladies."

Lix Lorn
2011-03-27, 03:30 PM
The-now soaked-Saera isn't sure whether to be annoyed or amused. Her dress is now clinging to her in a very, very provocative manner-which is saying something with how bad it was before.

She finally decides to stick with amused, and smirks.

2011-03-27, 03:49 PM
Ayna lets out a terrified scream as the Dragon bursts up from the lake. The shock causes her to lose her footing and stumble and fall into the lake with a large splash.
Instantly, Archon lets out an enraged roar and strides straight towards the Dragon, giant fists clenched, his eyes shining brightly with anger. It is only when Ayna resurfaces moments later, bursting with uncontrollable laughter, that his gaze softens, and his fists loosen. But he continues to stare at the Dragon angrily. A warning never to scare the girl again.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-27, 04:01 PM
Dragon replied with a wink to Saera's smirk and looked below, as if remembering that someone was there. Seeing a laughing girl stumbling almost between his front-paws froze him for a moment, before he decided on another course of action and lowered his head towards the child. He grinned to her, wich might be a very, very frightening sight wich each of his fangs big as dagger !

"Didn't saw You before, little one. Wanna piggy back ?"

2011-03-28, 07:54 AM
Despite being the near the worst of the sudden explosion of water, not a single drop touched Lera's skin as she casually seemed to find impossible spaces between drops as he body twisted in strange, jarring ways. Eventually she stood in front of the dragon, her hands on her hips, dry as desert as she moved over to Fury frowning, and promptly bop'd him on the tip of his nose.

Fury was a good sort, but he was also very male, and prone to such fits of showing off Luna knew. Rovell wasn't much better, but she didn't blame him. Not everyone could have her smooth temper after all, but that didn't mean she shouldn't try and teach them. Oh well, at least the others seemed more amused then upset. Poor little girl though. One of her daughters appeared quickly with a cone of shaved ice at a gesture from Lera, a delicacy she had imported specifically for tonight and offered it to Anya.

Giving Fury one last hard stare she broke into a grin and wrapped her arms around part of his neck, hugging him gently as she laughed, "Its been so long Furwy! I'm glad you made it. You may have overwdone your welcome a bit though." She said releasing him and heading over to a table that had been thankfully protected by the canopy of a tree. She checked the large map she had set there with a nod, before moving around like a whirlwind and collecting some food for herself.

2011-03-28, 12:55 PM
Despite the sudden humidity and static permeating the air, Serena remains untouched. The steam parts around her, and the ambient electric charge finds no purchase on her glorious form. She gives the revealed reptile a studied look, her caste mark flaring subtly.

"How odd. I had always thought those of the night caste were masters of stealth and the art of subtlety. I would not think the Unconquered Sun would gift such an exaltation to such an unusual and...flashy creature. Truly his divine will is a mystery."

She turns her back to the preening dragon and moves to join their hostess.

2011-03-28, 01:11 PM
Red Lotus bowed down and saluted the dragon that just appeared in the court as the water splashed her body. Golden Spider didn't say any words and simply observed the water coming at him. The dragon wanted to have fun with the ladies well why not. He was going to focus on the matter at hand for the moment.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-28, 04:13 PM
"You smell happy, kitten. Good for him."

Crimson Fury was amused to no end with Lera's stubborn insisting that he had something called goodness in his heart. When she hugged his neck, barely circling it in the thinnest place ... he winced. Weren't he reasonably careful he would get a hug not trough his armor. He smiled with his eyes to her before turning to the woman making her obeisances and her master besides her. Still in good humor he smoothly, like running water, stepped above the Lera and the little girl and moved forwards with undeniable snake-like grace, halting as instantly with his head on the level of the bowing woman and her master, and several paces away to not frighten her. He knew that master sorcerers like himself and the politely ignored neighbourn of his knew better than fear the inevitable. His tone as thundering as before, but pleasantly gracious when he adressed the woman ... and indirectly gauged the reactions of her master. And quite openly judged him. After all, they met for the first time ... and one master sorcerer wouldn't be himself without comparing his ... magewand with another of his kind.

"Yes, it is I, the tyrant of the Dragonlands. Finally we meet, after several centuries of polite coexistence ... wich is unexpected, as I dare to understate. And a welcome novelty ... in this world of mine."

Dragon's eyes narrowed as if the giant reptile was smiling, wich was impossible to say with facial expression as rigid as this of his maw. And then the angelic lady's words reached his ears. And smoke rose from his nostrils as well as his irises glowed menacingly with nearly unrestrained wrath.

"Tch !"

He raised his head upon hearing the winged one insulting him. And stared at her, with a snort of disgust upon seeing her proudly displayed caste-mark. For a moment he looked as if to unleash his irritation upon her ... and then his gaze fell upon the Lera, and his sifu Saera ... and he remembered the small girl and the Red Lotus standing very nearby. Were he to unleash his displeasure as the arrogant words of the ... zenith, deserved he would only create unnecessary disharmony and take the backslash. And thus he contemplated his own feelings upon the hearing of the hurtful words for a moment, before ostenously ignoring the angelic one and turning back his attention towards the Red Lotus and her Master. They could easily hear that all joy evaporated from his cold and siblian tone, when he adressed them again, with forced neutrality in his voice. Wich sounded like approaching blizzard.

"But ... I would like to indulge myself. Are You willing to trade thought for thought, Golden Spider ?"

2011-03-28, 08:10 PM
Novina sighed unhappily drenched as she was and shot a glare at the dragon. A pain, as usual, she remarked dryly to herself. Shaking the water from her hair she turned to the others, remarking with a half smile at the various reactions. The machine being was quite protective, a good sign, the dragon blooded had a playful streak it appeared somewhat worrisome but certainly was better than her former masters.

"Ser Crimson Fury... I... almost was surprised by your extravagant entrance," her tone was flat with a hint of her annoyance.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-28, 11:42 PM
"My invitation stands, Miss Novina. Wishing to renegotiate our pacts again You are ?"

Dragon's tone of speech became almost playful again upon seeing Novina's annoyance. For a moment he contemplated her form, when she was entertaining him with the spectacle of drying her hair of the heavy moisture his prankster entrance gave the assembled.

2011-03-29, 12:27 AM
Red Lotus observed the dragon and smiled while glancing back at Golden Spider. The sorcerer looked into the dragon eyes and adjusted his cloak. Like usual Golden spider spoke with a pleasant voice. He was subtle in his approach just like a spider building his web.

"Well, a peaceful coexistence to say the least but my main objective is not to conquer territories. I'd rather focus on becoming the greatest sorcerer that had ever lived. With the possible upcoming destruction of creation, there isn't much time."

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-29, 12:54 AM
"Och. I see, my ... Your honesty now is almost suprising. Spells are Your treasures then ? Good, I treasure three things: Me, Myself and Mine. I might share my sorcerous repertoaire with You for a apporiate compensation."

Dragon spoke proudly, rising to the challenge presented by Golden Spider's honesty. Strong trade fairly, after all. Because they can.

"As for the incoming Creation's destruction. I couldn't care less, as preparations for survival of what's mine were made in advance. If You want to trade, I can tell You how is the surest way of saving the rest of Creation."

When dragon adressed the master sorcerer, his thundering tone was almost flat and informative. But ... two master sorcerers couldn't thrive without little competition, could they ?

2011-03-29, 01:27 AM
"Survival isn't exactly my main concern at the moment. Such a wave of destruction is bound to destroy many rare pieces of knowledge and some spells would be lost forever. Which would be regrettable, creation would adapt to the aftermath. A trade of spell repertoire now that sounds intriguing and we will discuss more of it after the meeting."

Golden Spider was always interested in adding new spells to his scrolls and books. Red Lotus was looking around and stood calm and quiet.

2011-03-29, 11:01 PM
Serena approaches the table, but keeps herself a respectable distance from their hostess. One learns to be careful around obviously hungry lunars, lest in their ravenous frenzy they mistake oneself for a morsel.

"If all your guests have arrived, Miss Lera, perhaps now would be the time to discuss why exactly we've been summoned? It would appear we all agree that something needs to be done...but I assume you have a more specific agenda in mind?" She gestures to the map adoring the table, and raises a quizzical brow.

2011-03-30, 12:01 AM
Archon nods his head at Ayna and she pouts and turns to everyone else. Archie says that I shouldn't be in the meeting, cos' I'm too young, not that I'm that young, I'll be all grown-up soon! Archon rumbles again, and she breaks into a smile again, as she does so often. Okay, I'm going to keep watch and protect all of you! With that, she scampers out of the glade, back up to the Manse.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-03-30, 12:50 AM
"Your concerns are reasonable, in my opinion. Perhaps we could visit the remmants of the spell-library left by blood-crazy moon-monkey* ... and learn things of interest from each other, too.

I came here only because kitten is an old acquintance of mine, and last time we played together I had gained a lot. As far as I see, Creation might not survive the war of attrition it's currently undergoing between all the forces clashing. Unfortunately for me, all those fools trying to invade my turf died or learned better. It might sound ironic, but I'm quite bored right now ... that's why I came here."

Dragon continued his civil behavior, but it was apparent that he started growing impatient ... waiting for the Lera to stop being so mysterious and tell him what is on the table, so to speak. Golden Spider could easily discern that whatever the Crimson Fury was talking to him it were more than just an idle chit-chat, and left a lot of things unspoken as if testing him and his female attendant.

OOC: * by that Crimson Fury refers to Raksi, Queen of Fangs and the Solar grand library she inhabited with her monkeys. Lera slaughtered her, of course.^^

2011-03-30, 04:43 AM
Novina simply stands near the table looking at the map, her own intelligence agents had only gone so far in the South and East, but the West, North, and Center were where all mystery to her. Since the Reclaimation raced to catch up to the Ebon Dragon she expected to see the more than just a few places the Reclaimation would be.

With a raised eyebrow she looked to Lera as she moved to gather food. Novina had eaten aboard her sky ship, but she decide it would be rude to leave the efforts of Lera and her male counterpart to waste. She too moved to gather a few simple food items, and a glass of wine before returning to the table.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-03, 06:15 AM
"Lera ! Thanks for the meal. And see You at the battle."

Shouted the dragon, after several minutes of everybody just standing there and looking at each other. Moved towards the pinned Roc, and with a short concentration healed the injured animal, his essence flooding in a invisible wave and mending all broken bones and torn flesh of the mighty bird. When the bird stood, stupified at what is happening, Crimson Fury roared at it with such force that the bird fell over and with frightened shierk gathered itself up and fled to the sky. Leaving a smoking pile of offal behind as a testament for it's fright.

Great beast of the dragon grinned and sent a wink towards his sifu, saying his goodbye to Saera with the slightest of nods. And grinned towards clearly dissatisfied Novina.

"And if You want to, visit my lair, Sandy."

After inviting her with a knowing smirk, clearly pleased that he knows something that she doesn't, Crimson Fury jumped upwards and with strong strikes of his wings started to gain altiude and fly south.

OOC: Sorry guys, but nobody does anything for almost a week. Time to start war on someone, thus I broke up Lera's party. Apologies. :smallfrown:

2011-04-03, 07:00 AM
Archon looks up at the leaving dragon slightly confused, speaking for the first time in a mechanical voice that seems to emanate from no specific point: Who are we to fight? And where are they? I will lend you my strength, but I will not go into battle blindly.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-03, 07:59 AM
Dragon circled around and shouted back at the giant, conviced that if it liked to keep pets, it might not be so bad ...

"Solars. Slaughter-hungry morons infesting the Creation like a plague in their varied incarnations. Lera have something in mind, but I'm in a hurry and decided to not wait for her proposals anymore. So far I managed to pacify one of those justice champions with stalemate and am deciding if eradicating semi-stable one is worth the effort. There are followers of the ... uncle of mine, who I won't show anything but oblivion. And I have to preserve my girls's homeland, too. Make statements to the gods, so they know their place. And prepare another precaution in case the screamers from the Underworld are right. A crafted being and a dragon could work together for as long as our goals aren't mutually exclusive, is that sounding logical ?"

... Crimson Fury circled again above the Archon and his little girl.

2011-04-03, 09:40 AM
That does appear logical. However, I must collect more data to identify if these battles will prove worth it. I need more information on our plans. Archon moves his stony head around to look at the other guests, so they may contribute.

2011-04-04, 02:30 AM
Serena composes herself to wait patiently while their hosts eat and gather themselves, but turns sharply at the dragon's words.

"Solars? With Creation infested with undead, demons, and the fae, you believe we are here to fight our fellow Solars? As powerful and dangerous as the occasional mad Solar may be, the threat they pose seem rather insignificant when compared to the other dangers we currently face. I can't speak for everyone here, but I for one am more concerned with the forces that seek to destroy, subvert, or undo the very fabric of our world. Let us worry about these 'slaughter-hungry morons' after Creation is cleansed and its borders secured."

She takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves, then moves to the center of the gathered Champions. She carries herself as a queen among equals, her poise belying the passion in her words.

"I think that perhaps with your domains nestled so close together here in the south and east, you may have lost some perspective on just how dire the situation has become. The west is almost entirely under the Underworld's shadow, and the little territory that isn't is instead the playground of wicked raksha and their goblin courts. My kingdom in the north is surrounded on all fronts by enemies of Creation, and we have not been as fortunate as you all in having the threat of neighboring Champions with which to deter them. Every day is a fight for survival, but unless we all come together and go on the offensive, I fear it's a fight we will inevitably lose...that Creation will lose"

She glances around, judging what, if any, impact her words have had on the gathered Exalted.

"My people are ready to fight and die for this cause, but for now remain trapped defending our homeland. It is my hope that from this meeting will spring an alliance able and willing to return with me to the North, and from there begin this crusade against the darkness!"

Serena stands there, fist held high in punctuation to her declaration. All at once she realizes how inappropriate that all was given her current status as both outsider and guest. She offers a quick, apologetic bow to their hosts, then strides over to a nearby chair and seats herself, doing her best to hide the blush of embarrassment tinging her cheeks.

2011-04-04, 02:46 AM
Novina raises an eyebrow, the Dragon was of no concern of hers. He was loud, and threatening, impatient to the core. It was a wonder he mastered the things she taught him. And yes she was quite dissatisfied with him, it showed so well on her face.

Still the winged Solar was most apt in her view of the situation, an appropriate one to wield the power she owned. More confidence would have to be instilled in her, Novina determined. "Oh yes, the there is more than just maddened golden beings. And worry not, I am quite keen to those threats, with the charming Mask of Winters and my former allies on two sides of me. I too came here hoping an alliance might be struck. A power forged from the might of many like minded." She turns to Lera. "I have hoped that is what you have invited us for." She tips her glass of wine at the Lunar and smiles before taking a drink.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-04, 01:36 PM
"Demons ? Undead ? These are not the root of the trouble. Solars serving The Fallen and Solars serving The Broken, are. Or they are not ... Solars ?"

Dragon circled above the winged priestess, his voice brimming with mixed feelings of contempt and calculated curiosity. It seems that her passionate speech piqued his curiosity even if he didn't hide his distaste at some of her words. It looks like the words she used and intentions behind them offended him somehow, but the burning passion and Serena's charisma delayed his departure.

"Alliance ? I don't and won't trust You, Serena. Once I naively trusted similiar words, and regret it every time I am forced to remember. Thus, in my infinite generosity, I offer You with temporary non-agression pact. I will not act against You and Yours first by action of me or mine. I'm willing to bet as to how long it will take for You to find justification to betray me."

Crimson Fury spoke to Serena quietly, at first, for a thundering tone he have ... but the last part of his speech was more passionate and ended in bitterness oozing from his last words. He stared at Lera and hissed in a sibliant, matter of factly, tone.

"You know, kitten, that You could count on me. Just give me a call. If able, I'll come to do battle, those You dislike ... I'm willing to attack without reason. Because I like You."

He openly laughed, clearly amused by Novina's dissatisfied expression. He smiled to her with his eyes and circled around her in a slow and lazy flight before speaking again to her, his tone suddenly softer and almost gentle. For a thundering roar of a dragon, that is.

"Alliance You seek ? If with me, You got it. My terms are such:
I'll listen to Your plea ... requests, when openly spoken, and might consider them. I'll act as I see fit. Why didn't You contacted me earlier if You are so imperiled ? Compensations for my time aren't that exorbitant. Many of my allies doesn't complain."

And dragon graciously waited for his replies or lack of these, circling around the gathered Exalts lazily.

2011-04-04, 02:04 PM
It matters not what the root of the problem is. The purge must be systematic, and if we come to the Lawgivers along the way, then the purge will apply to them. But it is more efficient to begin with threats we know of.

2011-04-04, 02:07 PM
The Golden Spider observed the people talking while and apparently they were ready to go into battle against what was threatening creation. Red Lotus like usual didn't say a word and waited for the reaction of the Spider.

"So the mask of winters, a bunch of infernals, Abyssals,a fairfolks invasion. This might be a rare occasion to obtain some long forgotten and lost spellbooks from them. I'll join this venture as long as I can acquire new spells. If we need to gather more information about our enemies, it might be better off to start spying on them and then take down the most important targets. Are there any immediate pressing matters at the moment? If not the case, I'll go make the appropriate preparation."

2011-04-04, 09:27 PM
Novina chuckles at the dragon for a moment amused. "They are not Solars. Their powers are derived from the greater powers that forged the world."

Still his questioning her of her timing of the request for alliances stung. He had much to learn of her it seemed. With eyes narrowed she spoke. "A single alliance with one power, is not the same as acquiring an Alliance from Several powerful nations. If all that came here this day were to equally agree to protect all members involved while also striking at our enemies then that is far more desirable." Novina glances to the others. "I was not mistaken no? Was Lera's little party and war map merely a ploy at a social gathering?" She grant's Lera and Rovell a questioning raised eyebrow.

2011-04-04, 11:05 PM
Soooorrrrrry. I dropped the ball. Here now.

Lera nodded cheerfully, "Yes in fact, my childrwen have been holding back the fae herwe," She made a gesture at the map as she paced back and forth, eating quickly as she talked, obviously excited. "But it isn't enough, I've been doing much thinking, and have come to the conclusion that the two most dangerwous factions to crweations well being are the forwces of the Fae, and Oblivion. While the others may wish to strwip crweation or subverwt it, these two wish to destrwoy it entirwely." She said with a quiet growl.

She hated the Yozi, she truly did, but even if they won, life would go on. They may subject and do unimaginable harm to creation, but at least it would still live. And while there was life, there was hope.

"That was why I called you all. To for a coalition of Exalts that can stand against these forwces. Starwting by sweeping the blight of oblivion, the fae, and then the Yozi. The Alchemicals, I believe can be rweasoned with, they want rwesources, and such things are not difficult for Exalts of our power to merwely crweate upon whims. We might even be able to enlist therwe help at a later point...."

That was a large part of the reason why the collosi was here, she had hoped he could give her insight on that angle.

"I wish to test our forces here, at the mass of Fae in the south. Once we have them surrounded I'll be able to frwee up my trwoops and the silver pacts attention and take them to the north to help your people Serwena, taking out the Fae and shadowless pockets that thrweaten you. I would also hope to bwroker contact with the other Alchemicals there as well....

Lera sighed, pulling herself together as she looked along all the Exalts gathered her voice quiet, "No matter what we choose to do though, we must do something. Crweation is in pain, and we cannot stop its suffewing alone. I have spent my entirwe life defending it and I for the first time I find myself utterly inadequate for the task. I'm asking, no, I'm begging for your help. The worwld needs us. All of us. We will fight together or fall alone, there are no other choices left."

2011-04-05, 02:44 AM
In the blink of an eye Serena vanishes from her chair and appears by Lera's side, looking over her shoulder at the southern Fae stronghold 's position on the map.

"That territory is completely surrounded by your domains on three sides. If an accord can be reached here, you should have little trouble driving them away, though you will have to do something about cutting off their retreat to the Wyld if you seek to eliminate the threat entirely. With the understanding that afterwards you will help me liberate my kingdom, I would be happy to offer what aid I can."

Her lavender eyes drift to the top of that map, concern creasing her brow as she gazes upon her beleaguered home.

"My army is currently tied up in defending Sezakan, as are my martial resources, but I am not unskilled in combat and I have experience leading troops into battle. Once my lands are secure I will be able to offer much more to the war effort."

2011-04-05, 04:39 AM
The golden spider walked toward Lera and observed the map. The fae in the south, it shouldn't be much of problem. Serena's army was apparently stuck fighting in the North.

"Well, forcing the fae to retreat would always be a big step toward our goal. I'll welcome this alliance but preparations for the assault are necessary before rushing into anything. The fae have a virtually unlimited resource of soldiers so coming with strong and prepared forces would tip the assault in our favor. How are your armies fairing in the north Serena? Do they just need a little push to gain terrain?"

Lix Lorn
2011-04-05, 04:54 AM
"I have a little experience with Fae. Mostly with killing them." drawls Saera, her smirk never leaving. "I'm sure I can offer a little help, yes."

2011-04-05, 05:50 AM
Novina frowns softly, "So a strike to prove our worth against the Fae? I shall accept this as the Fae should be extradited from this end of Creation, but I will need to pull at least three of my ships from the boarders to be any worth here. As long as neither my distant former allies or my charming neighbor to the north take advantage of the smaller defense, things should be well."

She looks to Serena and crosses her arms slightly, "This may sound strange, but I have heard that the cities of the Air Folk flew. Is this true of yours? If so perhaps relocating you to these Eastern lands temporarily might be of benefit, assume we can dislodge you from those threats. I will do my utmost to at least aid your cause in the North in either case."

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-05, 04:35 PM
"Do they have a leader, kitten ? These Raksha. I'm bored to death with proper dealing with them."

Thundering voice of the dragon echoed around. He liked his sifu's reply so when she spoke of killing, he smirked by wrinkling his nostrils. Saera, this little drakelina was delightful ... if he were stupid enough to not remember she have dragon's spirit, and as he knew thanks to himself, dragons respond poorly to mockery and tend to be wrathful and petty. He stared again at the map provided by Lera and her mate, memorising where to fly after Raksha territories. Dragon listened with disinterest to army planning and Novina's concerns before speaking again.

"Perhaps ... You could preemptively discipline the unruly neighbourns of Yours, a little havoc to their resources ? Proper distraction or two could turn their attentions elsewhere."

2011-04-05, 11:42 PM
Serena smiles at Novina and The Spider, gesturing to the western coast of her territory outlined on the map.

"I'm afriad the First Age Solars who founded Sezakan did not see fit to make it fly. Our arsenal does include...significant aerial resources, but it is insufficient to house all my people, not to mention the danger it would put our children and elderly in."

"Unfortunately, Mr. Spider, it will take more than a little push. We are fighting a war on four fronts. By far our most aggressive 'neighbors' would be the Fae stronghold to the east, but eliminating just them would provide the Shadowland flanking them the opportunity to expand. To our west is another sizable Fae colony, seemingly stemming from The Nacre Whirlpool, and below us lies several Shadowlands and...demonic territories. And of course above my domain rests the Wyld, which holds the potential for nigh infinite dangers."

"Don't misunderstand me, my forces are strong, and we could potentially hold our territory indefinitely...but to actually move against any of these threats would force me to weaken our defenses elsewhere. Without potent allies to guard our flank, I dare not risk it."

She shifts her attention back to the Fae dominion Lera suggested they start with, giving the map a calculating look.

"As for the Fae down here, both Golden Spider and Fury have excellent points. The Rakshas' goblin minions are most numerous, but can be at least temporarily eradicated with the proper sorceries. If you desire a lasting victory, then we must locate the Rakshas themselves and deal with them before they can replenish their forces."

2011-04-06, 12:50 AM
The Golden Spider took a look at the map and listened carefully to Serena concerns at the moment. Her concern was obviously the protection of her people and having a minimum amount of casualties.

"The names of the Raksha is our number one priority then. I can send some spies and attempt to retrieve that information. Once their names are known, everything else will fall into place."

2011-04-08, 11:41 AM
Serena looks to Lera and Rovell, her expression serious, but her eyes clearly smiling.

"Well then, it seems we have ourselves an accord. While Master Spider secures the information we need, the rest of you should muster what forces can be spared for the assault. Once we know the location of the Raksha, I volunteer to fly ahead of the army and attempt to destroy, or at least soften up, their forces by invoking the Light of Solar Cleansing. As long as we act swiftly, that should leave the Raksha with minimum protection as your soldiers sweep in."

She locks eyes with Rovell, and all humor leaves her face. "If there are terms to this alliance that you wish to bind us to, please speak them now." Her eyes flicker to Novina, then back to Rovell and Lera, and she raises a questioning eyebrow.

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-08, 12:30 PM
"Do whatever You will, I offer non-agression pact for all assembled ... who hadn't done it with me before."

Dragon rumbled on, and spoke to Lera directly.

"First I'll try to talk to these Raksha. Maybe they'll leave if asked. If they know of my reputation among the Southern Raksha, they might consider listening to gentle suggestion. If You have anything to tell me, direct a prayer to me with the message.
See You later, kitten. Sifu. Sandy. Kitten's boy-toy. Golden Spider. Spider's girl. Little girl. Little girl's bot. And lastly ... Serena."

Dragon bolted out of the place and started flying while muttering prayer under his breath. Knowing well that Arch Priestess was keen and wore her ritual robes that let her hear prayers, in his name, when he was absent.

"My dear First Chosen, I invoke thee."

And waited for the returned prayer-sutra, it was certainly the best communication he knew of. He had to make preparations ... just in case.

2011-04-08, 01:07 PM
"Alright dragon, this pact of non-aggression is a good idea and accept your terms. Now I'll need to make a couple of preparations. I'll send one of my minion in each of your city so you can contact me more easily and avoid the long travels.Red Lotus, let's get going." As Golden Spider twilight anima flared and spiders made of gold could be seen manifesting in his anima, then suddenly, a yellow cloud covered him and Red Lotus. They blasted off from the ground at incredible speed toward his city.


Cloud Trapeze Spell 25m, 2 temp wp for shaping celestial sorcery and speed of 100 mph.
Yeah it's seriously goku's cloud...I mean seriously.

2011-04-08, 01:13 PM
I have no forces of my own Archon says However, you have my blade, and I do have a stronghold that contains much knowledge on all things. I may also be helpful in negotiating with the Champions of the Great Maker, if they'll listen to me.

2011-04-08, 03:15 PM
"I've never been one for worwds. I prefer action," Lera said with a grin, "So if you'rwe expecting any fancy pact from me I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I've never had any attention to take whats yours, Crewation itself is whats imporwtant, not these foolish land squabbles. Don't betrway each other. Help us defend crweation. Act like people instead of animals fighting over scrwaps. Thats all." She said, meeting the eyes of each one present carefully.

2011-04-10, 05:05 PM
Novina raises an eyebrow at the Lunar but she nodded, "A well said intention, Lera. Protection of Creation is our goal, our survival depends on it after all. The things of the dead and the things of the Wyld do not care for Creation. The forces of Hell are different but even they have ill intentions that will bode ill for all." She shrugs and turns to the assembled group. "So now we just have to act, the little Dragon is eager to do things." She gives a heavy sigh, "But then when is he not running about unfocused? Regardless we have our plans no? Information gathering, readying our forces for the coming argument. Seems to me that all is needed is to do it. But... its late... and some things can wait for the rise of the sun." She gracefully slides over to get her glass refilled. "Let us, those that wish it, enjoy the presented bounty."

Rikandur Azebol
2011-04-15, 01:58 AM
Dragon Sultan's Palace, Dragonlands.

A statsuque woman raised her eyes from the stained glass window she was busying herself with, her reptillian eyes narrowing into vertical slits when a soft smile encroached on her regal and sharp featured face.

*"Hear my prayer, my child. Here I wish for Your wellbeing as well as all what's mine, sincerely from the bottom of my heart. I also pray that Ye shall begin preparations of the Chosen and advise Convents to double the shipments of exploding bolts from the Conclave. War is coming."*

Her hands clenched, when she figured out what her Patron is doing right now ... probably charging heedlessly into the unknown danger, again. For a moment it looked as if she was surrounded by aura of hot air before she calmed down and went off from the crafting lodge of the Chosen's Quarters.

"I pray for Your return, my lord and master. May the Crimson Fury fall upon the unwise."

And she stormed out, to share the known but unhappy news with the other Chosen. Ge went into trouble, again without them. The Scarlet will be foaming again ... she sighed. She never could understand why He never corrected this foul temper of her's ... so much worse than His.

Somewhere between Lera's kingdom and Raksha territiories.

Dragon chuckled to himself, knowing fully well that his personal, hand picked guardians will have a fit right now. Especially Scarlet, who was meek only in his presence. Well, meek by his standards, that is. He roared in contment, enjoying the caress of the cold wind upon his wings and calculating how long it'll take him to reach the Rakshas ... and came to a conclusion that were he to push himself, he'll be there in a day, and decided that Lera's allies need at least two days for debating and comparing their egos. He again rethought his proposal and that Golden Spider learnt to not ignore his words. Perhaps he could have use for the sorcerer. Perhaps ... he should make preparations for this little project of his ? He caressed the Crystal Bird and invoked the Golden Spider.

*"I have a proposal You might find interesting. Have You ever transformed Raksha into ... something more real ?"*

2011-04-17, 01:21 PM
So Archon says, While the dragon deals with the Raksha hordes. I believe we must find their leaders and eliminate them. The head of the snake is what provides the danger, it is there we must strike while they're soldiers are distracted.