View Full Version : Boosting Bardic Knowledge

2011-03-17, 04:17 PM
My DM has permitted bonuses to Bardic Knowledge (which Bardic Knack replaces) to give bonuses to Bardic Knack at the same 1/2 rate, and I'll be playing a heavily versatile Bard (Improvisation spam!) Currently, I have the Bardic Sage variant, have max ranks in Knowledge: History, and have taken the Obscure Lore feat, giving me +4 (+2 Sage, +2 History synergy, +4 Lore, all halved).

What other ways are there to boost Bardic Knowledge?

Don't care if those boosts are from feats, PrCs, other synergies, spells, etc.. We are starting at level 1, I am a Strongheart Halfling, have 16 int, have access to flaws and taint (taint as necessary), and am building towards Lyric Thaumaturge but is not required. Any help is appreciated, and I'll freely spite some musical or spellcasting ability to gain further Bardic Knack or similar absurdly broad skill gains.

Andion Isurand
2011-03-17, 04:53 PM
Binding an item to your crown Chakra will give you a +2 insight bonus to your Bardic Knowledge/Lore checks. (Magic of Incarnum 110)

The Library of Hidden Knowledge magical location grants a +2 bonus to Bardic Knowledge/Lore checks for 1 month each time you use it. (Dragons of Eberron 88)

2011-03-17, 07:47 PM
Definitely doing the first idea. From all appearances I need to be level 6 to get the open least chakra feat, and simply have a magic item on my head which I bind at the start of the day?

Would do the second, but not sure if we can use such magic locations in his campaign world, especially not setting specific ones.

2011-03-17, 08:18 PM
Damn, if you were Gnome, you could take Trivial Knowledge, which gives you two rolls (keep the best result) for all Bardic Knowledge and Knowledge skill rolls. Three levels of Stoneblessed would allow you to qualify, but would be a massive waste of levels.

Andion Isurand
2011-03-17, 10:49 PM
Oops... the Obscure Lore feat already grants you an insight bonus... so binding an item to your crown chakra for an insight bonus to Bardic Knowledge/Lore won't stack.

2011-03-17, 10:49 PM
Hrmm, interesting. I knew of Trivial Knowledge, but reviewing my character again this makes more sense. Was forgetting how Bardic Knack of course gave me every Knowledge Skill, meaning Trivial Knowledge actually boosts Bardic Knack. Plus, Gnome bonuses, especially Desert Gnome, especially factoring in Gnome Racial Bard Substitution, are better in some ways considering the amount of additional feats available to me.

I believe I have cemented my first few feats with melodic casting, jack of all trades, obscure lore, knowledge devotion, and trivial knowledge for first; song of the heart (will find a harmonic weapon rather than lingering spell) for third; and open least chakra for sixth.

Just takes a changing of the gold dragon patron to be a brass dragon, and gives him the title "Brassjack" which is better than "Goldjack" I think. Thanks!


Right you are! Well, will stay with Obscure Lore. Frees me a feat for sixth level.