View Full Version : Building an Information Gathering Character

2011-03-17, 05:44 PM
I'm currently looking over the SRD as well, but I only have a limited experience with 'crunch' and no access to books.
So, Playground, what's the best way to build a character who gathers information?

It seems that i have two options:
- Mundane: Use a skill-based character and pump skills points into anything social. Gather Info, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Knowledge (Local?), etc.
- Magical: Go Cleric or Wizard and just divne the heck out of everything.

I prefer the fluff to mundane, but could i reasonably choose the magic option and refluff?

I'm looking for a character who can gather information on just about anything, so they can really plan ahead.
With a little time they could get hold of an enemy's weaknesses, usual tactics, friends, minions, home address, telephone number.

A high level of detail is worth the trade off of time.

What exists which might help me? Is magic hands-down better than mundane in this case (would it be more/less subject to DM influence)?
What level of deatil is feasable at levels, say, six through ten?

Otherworld Odd
2011-03-17, 06:25 PM
You could do both. Rogue/Wizard going into Unseen Seer (Complete Mage, iirc) gives you the best of both worlds. You lose one casting level from Rogue, but you can pick it up with practiced spellcaster.