View Full Version : Request: High Level Character Sheets

2011-03-17, 06:07 PM
I'm preparing to run some combat stress tests in order to put the monster creation rules in Legends & Labyrinths (http://www.thealexandrian.net/dreammachine/roleplaying/legends-and-labyrinths.html) through their final paces. In order to do that, I would like to get my hands on high level character sheets from actual play.

Let me explain what I mean by that: What I want are actual 3.0/3.5 characters who are 10th level or higher and reached that level by earning experience points at the gaming table and leveling up in an organic way. They don't necessarily need to have started at 1st level, but I'd prefer to see characters who have seen at least 4-5 levels of actual play.

What I don't want are pregens or characters that were freshly rolled up at higher levels. I'll be doing some testing with those, too, but they're easy to find or create.

(Why do I want 'em? In my experience, characters who are created at higher levels tend to look significantly different than characters who have leveled up to those levels. The organic process of gaining loot and shifting your intended character build in response to the campaign's events creates different characters than those who are given an equipment budget and allowed to build to a focused spec in a single sitting. And while I've got samples from my own games, I'm specifically interested in getting a wide sampling of what the organic processes at other tables created.)

If the sheets are online, you can drop me a link here or on my website (http://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/4200/roleplaying-games/request-high-level-character-sheets). Otherwise drop me an e-mail (http://thealexandrian.net/about) with "Character Sheet" in the subject line. I don't particularly care what format they're in, but I'm particularly interested in the equipment lists so don't leave those out.

Also: The more the merrier. And if you've got multiple versions of the same character at different levels, send 'em all.

If you send me a sheet, I'll be crediting you as a "Playtest Assistant" unless you tell me not to.
