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2011-03-17, 08:36 PM
Well, remember that Infernal character in "Dating a Demon"?

He's a Defiler, and he's obsessed with the refinement of a human subspecies capable of thriving a Reclaimed world. Not the easiest task, but he's an Exalt. After the "Defeat of the True Gods", making a new race in their image is no great stretch of the imagination.

Now, after reading CoCD: Underworld, I got the idea of him using some of the ghosts of the Primordial races down there to help him in his quest. Of course, since he doesn't have access to the necromancy needed to return one to sanity (unless our Fiend walks that path), a plot hook for him is using their remnants to Genesis some of them back into existence (not the actual ghosts, just the race) and studying them "in the wild".

So, how would you go about bringing a long-dead race of Primordial sapients back from extinction using nothing but ghosts and expertise in Genesis?

And no, Lintha don't count-besides the fact that they are, y'know, still alive, he regards them as failures due to their screwed-up society and it's relation towards breeding-specifically, they've poisoned the gene pool. Besides, he hates slavers.

2011-03-21, 03:29 PM
If he gets access to sufficiently powerful Pre-Primordial-War reality manipulation tools, he could hack a new soul-circulation-cycle into Lethe, allowing the ghosts of one or more fallen Primordial races to begin circulating in Creation.

From there, not all races need to be born, per se - the Jadeborn just pop into nuggets of jade, as an example, so a biological race capable of self-incarnating (say, they step out of fully-grown lotus blossoms) would quickly spawn up to maximum population, per its' allotment of souls.

Another possibility is using the primordial cast-offs underneath Creation as a starting point and tweaking them into something more desirable. I suppose this better matches your available resources, even if I think it's less awesome.

Yuki Akuma
2011-03-23, 06:04 AM
Referring to Primordials as "True Gods" strikes me as a bit of an insult...

2011-03-23, 02:18 PM
Referring to Primordials as "True Gods" strikes me as a bit of an insult...


I'd imagine that's how they think of themselves.

The Rose Dragon
2011-03-23, 02:20 PM

I'd imagine that's how they think of themselves.

They are not gods. They are mostly better than gods. Why would they deign to call themselves gods?

Yuki Akuma
2011-03-23, 02:36 PM
Gods are lesser than Primordials. Primordials are ancient, transcendent beings that embody principles of reality and are so great that their selfhood is split into several bodies, and their souls each have their own separate bodies with their own personalities (and their own souls).

Gods are not.

Also to answer your question... I'd clone the ghosts! You can totally do that.

2011-03-23, 04:01 PM
Create a species of human with inherently high virtues (see Oedanol's Codex for demonstration that there are mutaitons that grant higher virtues).

Bind the souls of ancient (and undesired) beings to said mortals.

Find a powerful Fair Folk Diplomat (nobles are best).

Bribe said Diplomat with extra tasty souls (high virtue, lots of experiences in the bound ghost).

Get the Diplomat to create an Oath-child for the primordial ghosts you're interested in.

You now have a living being that belongs to the target species. Repeat.

Once you have a sufficient breeding population of non-Oath children, kill the Diplomat. Just because. Or get it to resurrect another species for you.

2011-03-23, 08:18 PM
They are not gods. They are mostly better than gods. Why would they deign to call themselves gods?

They also think they're more deserving of worship.

And that's actually a term he's applied to them to make their return seem more palatable to himself and his Cult.