View Full Version : [3.5] Talenta vs RHoD, go!

2011-03-18, 09:43 AM
Yes, I am aware there are several journals for this campaign already. We're going through it, so I'm posting to see if anyone is interested in another.

Some background information here and meta discussion to set the stage:

The entire party is Strongheart Halflings, hailing from the Talenta Plains. As you might guess from the place names, the campaign is set in Eberron. However given its location in a rather isolated area of the world I don't think this will make too much of an impact. Even so, I like Eberron, the other players like Eberron, the DM likes Eberron, so that was that.

There are only 3 PCs. I do not think this is a problem at all.

The entire party is related to each other. All it took is one comment from me to ask if it would be cool if we were all family to get that idea train going. Naturally this resulted in shared backgrounds, and preexisting party relationships and synergy.

RHoD says that it starts at level 6 and goes to 12 in one place, and starts at 5 and goes to 10 in another. There's a lot more support for the former outcome than the latter, both in terms of what other people are doing with their campaigns, and in terms of what actually happens when you play through it. The DM went the former route for these and other reasons.

There are a number of house rules in effect for balance reasons. Due to what we are playing, they help the enemy a lot more than they help us. They will need it though. The only ones that have any real impact on our performance will be listed at the end.

Speaking of which... despite the smaller than usual party, I was very insistent that encounters not be scaled down at all, explaining that RHoD was a very easy module as is for a number of reasons, and that it does not need to be made even easier. As such, a party of 3 would have only some trouble with it. There was originally only going to be 2 of us, which might have actually been somewhat difficult, but a friend of mine expressed frustration at being unable to find a game he was interested in at about the same time we were discussing the game, so I asked if it could be 3 and everyone was fine with that, I invited him, and there was 3. Everyone was also fine with the no scaling down. Someone brought up scaling up. The universal response was something to the effect of "Bring it, that way they can put up an actual fight."

So the party looks like this:

Attec: Druid (me).
Cade: Savage Bard.
Leim: Spell to Power Erudite.
Atena: Artificer cohort of the Druid.

There are also three Fleshraker dinosaurs. One is the Druid's animal companion, and has a two seater saddle for Attec and Cade, who are brothers. The two cousins, Atena and Leim have their own mounts who are also Fleshrakers, but that do not benefit from being an animal companion of course. They're also all Warbeasts, because it's something that can be done with training and as such is exactly the sort of thing I'd expect a Talenta halfling to do to his dino mounts, and are also all Magebred because it's another obvious decision both fluff and crunch wise. And stealth errata makes this legal for animal companions.

Everyone's pure classed, and straightforward enough. Straightforward awesome, that is.

What I expect to happen here is for the first part of the campaign to be really easy, and it to start stepping up later. Particularly since two out of three of the dinos essentially can't scale, so they are liable to quickly become non presences despite being good now. Still the best 800 gold you could possibly spend though. Though I've implied it a few times, I might as well get it out of the way now. I'm somewhat familiar with the module, having played or ran it a few times before. Never all the way through, the campaign always died after the first or second part, but I do have at least a general idea of how things go. It is very hack and slash oriented, which is the most likely reason why interest waned over time. I am curious to see what our DM has in mind for this, to make things more in depth and interesting and less blatantly obvious.

This isn't a problem at all because:

1: I am not the metagaming type.
2: Even if I were the metagaming type, this campaign is impossible to metagame for a number of reasons.
3: The campaign is easy enough, due in some part to the same reasons it is unmetagamable that even if the previous points were not true, there isn't anything to trivialize.

Now you might see me mocking the campaign's difficulty so much and wonder why I'm playing in it. Well, I'm expecting things to be stepped up to make the RHoD into actual credible threats. The concept of the adventure isn't a bad one, it just suffers from the same problem all published modules do - terrible statblocks. The prevalence of a large number of low level humanoid NPC beatsticks does not help with the lack of difficulty - in fact, it is one of the biggest contributing factors to such. It's also why I expect things to get harder later, as there are more actual threats there in the form of casters, monsters, etc. Even the abundance of mooks is something potentially redeemable. But more on that later.

Here are those relevant house rules to our party. Any instance of everyone means everyone. That includes the enemy. There are many more houserules than this, but most of them only benefit the enemy as none of us are using the things they help. Again, we're all completely fine with this.

WBL has been increased by 50%. For everyone.
Everyone has maximum HP.
Blasting spells are slightly improved. Because they need it.
Spells that grant an AC bonus grant an improved effect. There are also Mass versions of all of them, 3 levels higher than the original spell. There is also a Mass GMW, also 3 levels higher.
Mundane defensive items, aka AC boosting items have their cost reduced by half. This also applies to special properties, so for example a +1 Animated shield is 4,500 + base cost, not 9,000 + base cost. They can also go up to +8, so enemies might actually miss once in a while and vice versa.
The +4 enhancement to stat line of spells last 10 minutes per level.
Everyone has all skills as class skills, and a minimum skill points per level of 4 + Int. In other words, 2 + Int skill classes don't exist anymore.
A number of similar skills have been combined together.
Non magical crafting can actually be completed in a reasonable time frame.
Weapon Focus, and Dragonmark feats automatically scale with HD. Additionally, WF applies to a damage category, not a single weapon and dragonmark spells use HD = CL like other SLAs.
Craft feats no longer give you items for half cost. Since the only point of them was to get items for half cost, they are now given out for free.
The Bane weapon enchantment ignores all DR... all of it. Provided the target is affected by the bane type.
When using a finessable weapon, you can choose to use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage. There is no feat tax for doing this.
Action Points can also be used to reroll 1s on attacks and saves.
Full attacks are a Standard action.

The following feats are automatically granted with BAB, instead of being a feat tax:

1: Power Attack, with any weapon you are proficient in. Any weapon. Yes that includes ranged.
1: Point Blank Shot, with any ranged weapon you are proficient in.
4: Precise Shot, with any ranged weapon you are proficient in.

Speaking of proficiencies, gaining new proficiencies has been changed in such a way so as to better reflect their value. Which means it's a lot easier to do, because proficiencies are near worthless 99% of the time, and only mildly useful the rest. And they only get that far because of Spiked Chains.

Lastly, everyone gets one weak feat for free. What qualifies as such is hard to quantify in advance, but is one of those things you know when you see it.

For what it's worth, both my character and cohort took the Mark of Hospitality, the Bard took Quick Draw, and the Erudite took Wild Talent.

Everyone does mean everyone though. So all three of the war dinos took Track with it.

So who's in?

2011-03-18, 09:57 AM
With a party like that, I am very interested to see just what kind of opposition your DM will be throwing at you.

2011-03-18, 10:17 AM
With a party like that, I am very interested to see just what kind of opposition your DM will be throwing at you.

If I had to guess, I'd say there'd be a lot more casters than there otherwise would be. Not sure though. I'm not the DM. I know how I'd do it if I were, but since I'm not it's liable to go far differently.

Good to see people expressing interest so quickly though!

Keld Denar
2011-03-18, 03:09 PM
Go go gadget Boomerang Daze! 4 halflings + 4 boomerangs + Dragonfire Inspiration = STUNLOCK!

2011-03-18, 03:52 PM
Go go gadget Boomerang Daze! 4 halflings + 4 boomerangs + Dragonfire Inspiration = STUNLOCK!

Only one, possibly two of us will have room, and only one is really inclined to take it. It's certainly good though.

We're not going to bother with Dragonfire Inspiration though. Power Attack works better and gets resisted less. Well, unless we find a way for the Bard to sing two songs at once. Then it might happen, but isn't really thematically appropriate. Not for us, at least. Besides. If the other fights aren't a lot harder than the first, stuff is going to die at the proper pace anyways.

Keld Denar
2011-03-18, 04:59 PM
You can always overlap IC. It lingers for 5 rounds (10 with a feat, or when holding a Harmonizing weapon). Thus, you could spend your first round starting a DFI, then swap it over to a normal IC.

But yea, regular IC is probably strong enough for what you are doing. I always wanted to run a Boomerang Daze Halfling Bard. My current Halfling Bard is more of a caster, having levels in Lyric Thamateurge, and soon to be Sublime Chord. His primary mode of attack is Cloud of Knives, cause free action attacks every round are FUN!

2011-03-18, 05:23 PM
You can always overlap IC. It lingers for 5 rounds (10 with a feat, or when holding a Harmonizing weapon). Thus, you could spend your first round starting a DFI, then swap it over to a normal IC.

But yea, regular IC is probably strong enough for what you are doing. I always wanted to run a Boomerang Daze Halfling Bard. My current Halfling Bard is more of a caster, having levels in Lyric Thamateurge, and soon to be Sublime Chord. His primary mode of attack is Cloud of Knives, cause free action attacks every round are FUN!

You know what? None of us thought of that. It's still not thematically appropriate. Not to mention round 2 in D&D means the battle is at least half over. But that's still a very useful trick. I'll have to keep that in mind. The DM might catch onto it too. After all, Inspire Courage is much weaker for non good aligned Bards. They'd need something to close the gap.

As for the campaign itself, progress is slow as it is a PbP campaign. We've actually started already, and are in the first fight. We technically haven't finished it... but honestly, the last action means it's over. You'll see what I mean when the write up goes up. Not today though.

2011-03-20, 05:40 PM
So I have enough to make a post now.

The campaign starts with our character's father, or uncle depending on which character's point of view you're looking at it from giving us a SEKRIT TREASURE map. Slight problem. It's on the other side of the Khorvaire continent, being around eastern Breland. Slight other problem. There is no assurance it does not lead to FREAKIN' GUARDIAN ACORNS!

Well we all have fast mounts, so it's simple enough to just cover it cross country, which we did without incident pre game. Because I was curious, I worked out our travel rate. 55 miles a day without hustling.

We get to just a few miles away from Drellin's Ferry. I know what's coming, but don't say anything to the other players, and there were no clues anything is wrong.

Despite wearing what is effectively mithril full plate, except not metal and only slightly worse (elven darkleaf fullplate) my Druid is perhaps the most comfortable of the lot thanks to having the foresight to cast Endure Elements. The Erudite didn't have any physical armor, because he had Inertial Armor. The other two had metal armor. Now none of this really means anything except in helping to set the scene.

Turns out Cade is a womanizer. I didn't know that, and I don't think he did, but once Leim's player started with the improv we all kind of played along. Rule of Funny. I won't go into detail about the discussion, but suffice it to say it involved halflings and big folk.

Atena refrained from commentary, other than to mumble about the typicality of men.

Then the ninja hobgoblins strike. These guys must have had invisibility pots or something, because they managed to get the jump on us and our passive Perception checks of 26 while wearing chain mail. Granted, they probably heard us bragging a few hundred feet away. Oh well.

Anyways, no one acts on the surprise round but them. So a volley of a half dozen arrows all get launched... at different targets. My "stupid enemy" alert starts blaring. Despite not even having a modicum of tactical sense, as evidenced by the lack of focus fire it didn't actually matter, because only one arrow hit anyways. The one aimed at my animal companion, because it got a 20. And since the 20 wasn't confirmed with another 20 (any lower number would have assuredly failed), and it was mooks shooting, and said animal companion has over double the HP of the next highest party member... it didn't matter how sneaky of a ninja they were. They were on the wrong side of Conversation of Ninjitsu. And they were going to get it broken down for them, in painful detail.

Oh, and there's also a hellhound. If it sounds like an afterthought, that's because it is.

Init looks like this: Atena/Walking Corpse 1/Attec/Cade/Walking Corpse 2/Hellhound/Walking Corpse 3/Leim/Walking Corpse 4-6.

Also, for simplicity the DM decided on the spot to make mounts just go on their rider's init (for this purpose, Attec is Ciao's rider, even though Cade is also there). No one objected.

Atena leads her mount off to the right side of the path, taking a position between two of the hobgoblins, who were adjacent to each other. One attack command later, and there were two corpses cluttering up the forest despite some bad rolls. I immediately deduced from this they weren't scaled up, and that they needed to be. She then activated her Amulet of Tears, 1 charge which boosted her dead in 1-2 level appropriate hits 32 HP up to 44 for a bit. Being a cohort does mean losing out on HP, after all. She then draws her boomerang, and takes a readied action to throw it after the Bard starts singing. She finishes off by calling out that a third of them were already dead, trying to convince them to stand down. Not happening.

One of the mooks tries to shoot at Leim, but misses.

Attec's move looked a lot like Atena's, except he didn't have or need a HP buffer, his mount was a lot stronger, he was going after the left side, and he was directing his mount to subdue rather than kill. See, he's not sure why they're choosing to suddenly attack a powerful, well prepared group like this. So he's going for the knockout to try and find out. Despite all this, and the much better rolls only one of the two gets knocked out. Apparently the DM thought they needed scaling up too. He then also readies to throw a boomerang.

Now, here's the thing about Bards. Normally, Inspire Courage is just +1 attacks, damage, and saves vs fear until level 8. Not only is it not anything to write home about, it's barely worth mentioning or remembering. Eberron offers the Song of the Heart feat, which raises all of these bonuses by 1. The Spell Compendium offers Inspirational Boost, which gives another +1 to all, provided you use your Swift action to cast it directly before singing. Making your instrument a Masterwork Horn gives another +1 attack and damage, at the cost of -2 to saves vs charm and fear. Lastly, Words of Creation proves all Bards are good aligned by doubling all this. Alone, it's quite weak. Together, that's +8 attack and +8 damage and +4 saves vs charm and fear, and the only drawback, aside from needing a round to turn on (quite substantial actually) is taking 3d4 nonlethal damage. He rolled all 1s, but even if it were all 4s it'd be worth it.

Attec and Atena launch their buffed up boomerangs. Another mook goes down, and the last one takes a non fatal hit (read: shakes it off). So just two left standing. And the hellhound.

Angry at being left out, it decides to charge Atena's mount, and roll damn high again. Seriously, this party has AC 22-24, to take advantage of the fact AC actually works at low levels and the mounts have AC 29 (normal) or 34 (animal companion). Enemies are still hitting around half the time. If any actual threats rolled like this, or we weren't properly prepared, it'd probably be us getting slaughtered here. Anyways, the hellhound doesn't do any real damage, only about 20%.

One of the mooks thought he was so clever, and shot at Ciao. Without moving out of his threat range. I remember this little detail about ranged weapons just as the DM confirms a 20 with another 20, and is going for the damage.

He says 24, just as I say Attack of Opportunity.

So I roll it and I have this image of the big dino slashing at it just as it launches its arrow, still not doing a whole lot despite the x3 crit. Actually, AoOs go before the action that provoked them. And the last command was nonlethal. Know what this means?

This means Ciao saw that hobgoblin about to shoot him, and pimpslapped him into unconsciousness for daring to try.


Leim demonstrates the diverse abilities of a StP Erudite by Hasting everyone but himself for 1 PP, making a total of 2 in this fight. The first was to Nerveskitter his init, so it sucked less. He then directs his mount to apologize to the hell hound for leaving it out of the slaughter. It gets WHARRGARBLed for 73 damage. Take that beatsticks. Said hellhound predictably explodes.

The last of the mooks shoots at Leim and hits him, but doesn't do any real damage.

A half dozen more mooks show up to the north, along with a second hellhound, a priest, and some kind of captain to the south. Both groups are bunched together. Big mistake. They taunt us and act cocky, as if they were the ones winning here. The fools.

Now all this time we've been making fun of them more and more.

Atena goes straight for the leader, his second, and his puppy. The boomerang makes quick work of the last of the first wave and it and her mount shred the hellhound. Unfortunately bad rolls again - the priest survives, thanks to Shield of Faith. He starts babbling in Draconic. Some of us understand Draconic. The dialogue goes like this:

Attec: *curious* Did anyone understand what he just said?
Atena: *deadpan* He said that the Red Hand would destroy us all.
Attec looks around, sees over half the enemy dead or otherwise down, and none of his companions seriously hurt.
Attec: How's that working out for you?
Hobgoblin: *thinking* He's distracted. LEEROY JENKINS!
Ciao: Rawr! (dinospeak for Do Not Want). *claw slash of opportunity*
Hobgoblin: Gah! *is neatly sliced in half without accomplishing a thing*
Hobgoblin captain: *thinking* I have a lightning sword, your argument is invalid. *slashes Atena, barely breaking the temporary HP barrier* Nuts.

Attec then directs Ciao over to backup Atena against their leaders, while casting a spell. Said leaders are promptly torn apart by a 122 damage full attack, because Fleshrakers are fun like that. The remaining five mooks - the only enemies left get an Entangle.

Attec: Not well, I take it.

Mostly, this served to tick them off (which was what I was intending). It didn't serve to make them consider giving up already, which I was also intending. Oh well. They continue being lucky by only 2 out of 5 failing the DC 16 Reflex save, and the other three shooting at Attec, two actually hitting. Just 16 though, no big deal. And him and Atena were up next, too.

Atena directs her mount to just outside the Entangle effect, and throws her boomerang at the one most distant from the others.

Attec, meanwhile dismisses the Entangle, even as he directs Ciao over to run, jumping straight over their heads into the middle of them before clawing, biting, and tail smacking them apart. What do you know, the Jump skill is good for something after all. Though +47 modifiers (thanks 90 foot move) are hardly typical.

I think we killed them all. I'm just saying.

Lessons learned:

Low level humanoid non casters don't put up good fights, especially not against skilled characters ran by skilled players. But even without those things, they tend to die without accomplishing a lot. The main reason why they've even done as well as they have is a penchant for rolling very high.

No idea what the priest would have done. I'd rather not find out. Allowing casters to live long enough to get one or more turns is very bad for your health no matter how strong you are.

I'm guessing the lightning sword is a +1 sword with one of those MIC crystals in it. Alternately it could just be some random bastard sword with a weapon capsule retainer and quickshock capsules. Either way it will probably make fine vendor trash. As will most of the loot really, given that everyone is either Small size and a caster, or would need barding and most of the enemies are Medium sized beatsticks with the odd monster thrown in. Oh well.

This was a total steamroll. I don't expect that to last once more of the enemies start becoming actual threats. For now, the interest will have to come from the amusing ways we defeat and humiliate these clowns. They are learning though, mostly because we made fun of them IC and OOC until they stepped it up.

If said actual threats roll like these damn mooks did, we'll probably all die. D20s do not roll 20s over half the time. Not unless I'm rolling them as a DM at least.

We still need to actually finish that fight, assuming that didn't do the trick, then look around and such to see what it was about before moving on.

The Glyphstone
2011-03-20, 08:38 PM
Y'know, if Atena and Leim take the Wild Cohort feat (and choose their existing Fleshrakers), the dinos will scale with their character level too. Not as fast as a druid, but still scaling.:smallbiggrin:

2011-03-20, 10:52 PM
it is a PbP campaign.

Tell me where this is being hosted, I must watch these halfling fleshraker riders kick more arse. :smallcool:

2011-03-21, 05:48 AM
Y'know, if Atena and Leim take the Wild Cohort feat (and choose their existing Fleshrakers), the dinos will scale with their character level too. Not as fast as a druid, but still scaling.:smallbiggrin:

I see what you did there. And I like it. :smallamused:

On a more related note: That was an entertaining read, and I, too, must request to know where this is being hosted. Dino-riding Halflings vs. The Red Hand? Azarr Kul is doomed, and it'll be humiliating.

2011-03-21, 07:05 AM
Y'know, if Atena and Leim take the Wild Cohort feat (and choose their existing Fleshrakers), the dinos will scale with their character level too. Not as fast as a druid, but still scaling.:smallbiggrin:

...That is a very good point. I was thinking Attec would Awaken them once he hits level 9 and has the XP to do so to help them scale but was wondering how to make them scale further, as even the mighty Fleshraker won't do a whole lot later on 7 HD. I knew about Wild Cohort, I even used it before to make a random cheap attack animal better than most beatsticks, just to make a point. But I forgot about it here. I'm not sure if they will have room though, but it is definitely something to consider.

As for the location of the game, I'd rather not link it. You're already getting all the good parts, and the posting rate right now is annoyingly low.

How badly the Red Hand gets beaten depends entirely on how much they step it up. There is a big difference between say... the poor statblocks and builds the adventure assumes by default, and what I would do with them for instance. Not to mention, casters threaten even optimized parties just fine.

The Glyphstone
2011-03-21, 10:48 AM
I see what you did there. And I like it. :smallamused:

On a more related note: That was an entertaining read, and I, too, must request to know where this is being hosted. Dino-riding Halflings vs. The Red Hand? Azarr Kul is doomed, and it'll be humiliating.

Would you believe that was an accident?

2011-04-01, 09:08 AM
So, there haven't been many developments lately because the DM has been busy.

Anyways, the leaping raptor charge of doom, and some boomerangs finishes clearing the field. First we secure the area, to make sure there is no more enemies. There aren't. Then we go around removing the weapons, magic items, and other items of interest from them. We get... a handful of cheap vendor trash items and... a +2 Shocking Burst Bastard Sword. Yeah... So expensive vendor trash. The only thing special about it is that if the one using it had gotten a critical hit it would have done double damage + 1d6 electric damage + 2d10 electric damage, as bursts are houseruled to have double effect. In any case it's still useless except for its sell value. We tie up the three hobgoblins that were merely KOed instead of killed, and then check the farmhouse. Apparently all it has inside it is 500 gold and a bag of gems. Maybe he just forgot the description of it?

Well after that we revive one of them and start questioning him. And by we I mean me. Even though the other players were there, they did not say anything the entire time. Sucks because I wasn't trying to crowd them out of playing, and their characters did have nice skills that'd help such as a better Diplomacy, and other Knowledges.

Attec: *stern stare* Let's start off simple. Why did you attack us, and what's this about a Red Hand?
Murdering Hobo (henceforth referred to as MH): *something about the Red Hand being a force beyond our comprehension that will destroy everything in the area*
Attec: Doesn't this all powerful Red Hand have better things to do than attempt to waylay travelers?
MH: *spits on Attec's boot* Zarr say you easy prey, weak halflings.
Attec: *chuckles quietly, resists urge to say something to the effect of what's that make you* Who is Zarr?
MH: *looks at the pile of gore formerly known as a priest*
Attec: *also looks at gore pile, and looks back at him* I think you're bluffing. If you had that kind of power you'd have better things to do than common thuggery.
MH: Zarr wanted magic to please Koth! *looks devastated, as he realizes he said too much*
Attec: I see...
Atena: Who is Koth?
MH: Mighty sorcerer! Destroy you with his mind!
Atena: This Koth isn't here though, is he? Where is he? I mean, he'll surely destroy us all, right?
MH: *can has glare*
Attec: *rolls Diplomacy... 12*
Atena: *rolls Diplomacy... 23, despite a 7 point lower mod*
Me, OOC: Ok, so maybe the cohort with the amazing Diplo of 4 should be leading here... Anyways 25 with the aid another.
MH: Koth one of Wyrmlords. They bring Day of Ruin.
Atena: Wyrmlord? That's a rather pretensious name. What makes him deserve such an honorific?
MH: Grr... Wyrmlord blessed by Queen of Dragons!
Atena: *rolls Knowledge: Arcana - 18*
DM, OOC: Religion would be more appropriate.
Attec: *rolls Knowledge: Religion - 12*
Atena: *rolls Knowledge: Religion - 16*
DM, OOC: The Queen of (Evil) Dragons is more commonly known as Tiamat. Being a follower, the hobgoblin tactfully left out the Evil bit.
Atena: Since when do dragons give a flying flip about anything that isn't a dragon?
MH: *frothing nerdrage, jaw drop*
Atena: Blasphemer! Red Hand destroy you! Day of Ruin is coming to you!
Atena: *looks at Attec*
Attec: *looks at Atena*
Atena: Big words. You and whose army?
MH: Red Hand! Koth will send bull-face fighter to kill you! He has strength of ogres!
Atena: Oh, you actually do have an army. So just where is this Koth, and his decidedly homely friend?
MH: Grok no tell! Koth destroy human river-town soon and get glory!
Atena: So if we don't go to him, he'll come to this river town? Oh good. We should tell him he needs better minions. His current ones are entirely too vulnerable to being flattened.
MH: *insert hobgoblin insult*

Seeing that we're about done here, I recommend surrounding the three prisoners with our three mounts and escorting them to town while tied up, the angry dinosaurs surrounding them acting as a deterrent to escaping. No one else says anything, so that's that. I figure if they do try and escape, they can get dino pimp slapped and dragged. And while no one said this to them, I'm sure they know it and they'll probably have the sense to walk like men and save what's left of their dignity.

Speaking of which, messing with these guys is hilarious. We should do it more often.