View Full Version : Good (relatively speaking of course) Sorceror build w/ searing spell (help)

2011-03-18, 05:38 PM
Anyone got one? I dont want something completely and totally broken.

I just want to make things burn. And by things, I mean everything :smallamused:

Keld Denar
2011-03-18, 05:47 PM
One thing to remember is to NOT spend all of your spell slots on fire spells. Scorching Ray is a good low level fire spell that has pretty decent base damage, especially at the level breaks when you get a new ray. It also metamagics well, with Empower Spell being a good choice, and Split Ray being...less good. Fireball at 3rd has a LONG range, which is good, because at some point, someone thought "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." Orb of Fire at 4th level (CArc or SpC) replaces Scorching Ray, and has a nice rider effect of save vs daze. Daze is about the worst, most difficult to prevent debuff ever, so its really good.

Really, you shouldn't need more burnination at most levels other than Scorching Ray and Fireball, with Orb of Fire replacing Scorching Ray at about 10th level.

Focus on other Metamagic to make your fire spells better. Empower Spell is a better investment than Maximize Spell. Sure, it results in slightly lower average damage, but its also a whole spell level lower. This is important to remember. Twin Spell is a complete doubling of your bang/buck, but is quite steep at a +4 equiv. That would serve you better than Energy Admixture, if you don't want to mix any acid in with your fire...

I'd also consider some sort of metamagic reducer so you aren't paying full price on Searing Spell. If you are Dragonblooded (Dragon Magic), you can take Practical Metamagic(Searing Spell), which should reduce the MM cost of your favorite MM down to +0. I think. Don't remember if Practical Metamagic has the +1 minimum clause that things like Incantatrix have...

2011-03-18, 05:58 PM
One thing to remember is to NOT spend all of your spell slots on fire spells. Scorching Ray is a good low level fire spell that has pretty decent base damage, especially at the level breaks when you get a new ray. It also metamagics well, with Empower Spell being a good choice, and Split Ray being...less good. Fireball at 3rd has a LONG range, which is good, because at some point, someone thought "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done." Orb of Fire at 4th level (CArc or SpC) replaces Scorching Ray, and has a nice rider effect of save vs daze. Daze is about the worst, most difficult to prevent debuff ever, so its really good.

Really, you shouldn't need more burnination at most levels other than Scorching Ray and Fireball, with Orb of Fire replacing Scorching Ray at about 10th level.

Focus on other Metamagic to make your fire spells better. Empower Spell is a better investment than Maximize Spell. Sure, it results in slightly lower average damage, but its also a whole spell level lower. This is important to remember. Twin Spell is a complete doubling of your bang/buck, but is quite steep at a +4 equiv. That would serve you better than Energy Admixture, if you don't want to mix any acid in with your fire...

I'd also consider some sort of metamagic reducer so you aren't paying full price on Searing Spell. If you are Dragonblooded (Dragon Magic), you can take Practical Metamagic(Searing Spell), which should reduce the MM cost of your favorite MM down to +0. I think. Don't remember if Practical Metamagic has the +1 minimum clause that things like Incantatrix have...

Hm great advice, thank you. I do want to stay away from incantatrix gouda though, doubt the DM will allow it. Any other good prcs?

2011-03-18, 09:34 PM
With a bit of skill investment, you could get 4 levels of Fatespinner to get yourself a couple of rerolls and the occasional save boost for when you really need it and doesn't require a feat tax. Mage of the Arcane Order is also a fine choice though it requires a few feats for a Sorc to qualify and, because of it's fluff, may or may not be an option.

Have you taken any ACFs? Might want to consider Metamagic Specialist to prevent casting time increases.

For spells, you might want to consider some of the Wings of Cover and Wings of FLurry in RotD, Arcane Spellsurge in Dragon Magic as well as the Arcane Fusion line in CM if you haven't considered them already.

Keld Denar
2011-03-18, 09:36 PM
I like Fatespinner on a Sorc chassis. The skill prereqs are a bit intense, but fun. Who DOESN'T want ranks in Profession: Gambler? People will write songs about how awesome you are, as long as you know when to hold them, and when to fold them.

Its only good for 4 levels though, unless you have a generous DM who'll remove the stupid "HD less than your level" on the 5th level ability. Otherwise, the things you'll need to use it on, you can't, and the things you can use it on, you won't need to.

A lot of people like Mage of the Arcane Order, but I find its a lot too oppressive feat prereq-wise. I'd rather spend my feats on cool crap like Metamagic, Metamagic School Focus, and Residual Metamagic, rather than have to burn feats on Arcane Preperation and Cooperative Spell. My own opinion though, formulate your own.

2011-03-18, 10:54 PM
Love fatespinner but one major problem: the fluff doesnt fit the story im going for. Hard to be a bible beater when u are a gambler too. character flaws though... hmmm

2011-03-19, 12:28 AM
...because at some point, someone thought "You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."...

I caught your George Carlin reference. I miss him.

2011-03-19, 01:03 AM
Love fatespinner but one major problem: the fluff doesnt fit the story im going for. Hard to be a bible beater when u are a gambler too. character flaws though... hmmm

How about a reformed gambler? Someone who found the Word to be more powerful than chance and now believes in destiny and fate?

The Giant
2011-03-19, 01:19 AM
Threads concerning 3.5 mechanical issues belong in the new D&D 3e/3.5e/d20 forum, not in Roleplaying General.

2011-03-21, 05:29 PM
Oh snap. When i get moderated, i get moderated HARD

2011-03-21, 06:15 PM
May I suggest using a hellfire warlock instead? with a 1 level dip of binder you can take the vestige Naberius, (Naverius? I don't know) that will heal the 1 point of constitution every round, meaning you can hellfire blast every round for massive ridiculously hot fire that doesn't do fire damage.

Plus with the whole bible thumper thing you could get some kind cool dark twisted past stuff going with your character. OOO, OOO, you could say your a sorcerer using fire spells to fit in better but really be using hell fire. Man, I wanna play the character I just thought up now.

2011-03-27, 05:51 PM
Haha I love the idea but it wont work for the campaign. May i steal it for later use :smallbiggrin: