View Full Version : Pokemon the Movie XX: Three Wishes For Destruction. (IC)

2011-03-19, 03:48 AM
Deep in the desert near the Relic Castle, a group of men well prepared for the sandstorms in the area seem to be excavating., taking shovels and picks to the rather easily yielding ground. One of the men rose his hand to stop the others as he reached down, retrieving three stones and holding them in his palms, each one emitting a singular glow of green, blue, and red.

The sky was clear that night in Castellia City and even in the dark of the night, the lights still beamed from it brightly. People leaving work to go home or to the nearest restaurant began to grab at their jackets and hats as a stiff wind began blowing.. What had been the clear skies not but moments ago began filling quickly with ominous black clouds. Flashes emanated from the clouds, signaling for those who could see to get indoors as a torrent of rain began to flood the city. People rushed indoors quickly as a lightning strike darkened the city, cutting all power from it.

Sitting there in the dark, everyone wondered what was happening..... and that's when the rumbling began. It started out as a small shake but increased in magnitude easily. The sounds of supports breaking,, not just from the oncoming quake but also from the fierce winds, began to deliver their toll on the city, striking down many of the high rising buildings. The nightmare continued on until the morning..

A week has passed since that day. A call went out to everyone in the Unova region. Trainers, tourists, even the odd Gym leader here or there arrived to provide support and help rebuild. There was even a rumor that somewhere in the crowd was the champion Adler.

You've all just arrived to offer your support as well. Hopefully there will be something you can do.

2011-03-19, 04:11 AM
Yuri Fujiki

Yuri had but arrived at Castellia City not more than several days ago. She had been going there because she had heard it to be one of the biggest and most well-known cities in all of Unova and the knowledge had greatly intrigued her, especially as she wasn't from Unova but Sinnoh. The sight that caught her white eyes was anything but what the fourteen year old girl had expected. From what Yuri had heard, the city was supposed to have many large skyscrapers and towers, even a rather impressive Gym apparently.

And yet, almost of all of that was completely ruined. Her eyes continued gazing around in nothing short of pure disbelief. What had caused all of this? "This is... so horrible..." She felt herself murmur, covering her mouth with her hand. Still feeling the disbelief remain within her, she blinked her white eyes once again. Still, all the debris, dust, and everything else that was there remained.

Her head bowed down as her eyes slowly shut. What exactly could she, a mere teenager, do to help out? As her eyes reopened, she looked around for whom would probably be... some equivalent of the Mayor which, she figured, was probably the Gym Leader. It took a bit of mind reading as she figured whoever was the Gym Leader was definitely fretting for sure about the fallen Gym so once she had managed to lock onto those thoughts, she began following them, stopping in front of the figure it had led her to. She usually hated reading minds... but she knew this would have been the quickest way to find whom she'd been looking for. She cleared her throat to signal she was there before making direct eye contact with the man, giving him a small smile as she began to speak, "Um... excuse me...."

Reaching down to her side, she pulled out half of what she was carrying with her, put it in a separate bag,, and offered it to the man. "For the city, including your Gym. I have a lot more and don't need all of this. Would you please accept this?" Her hand remained outstretched, her eyes into his as she awaited his answer.

2011-03-19, 05:06 AM
Dana Katic

Dana approached the city cautiously, careful not to disturb any of the working crews. Helping people wasn't really her standard modus operandi, but this place was pretty devastated.

As she got closer to the city proper she reached out with her mind, collecting thoughts here and there about where the most help was needed and who might be in charge. Slowly but surely she made her way further in until she came upon what appeared to be a timid girl offering a bag of money to a man that could quite possibly be in charge.

Hey there, I'm Dana. I dunno how much help I'll be really, but I've got a few tricks that might make rescue operations a little easier. She says as she approaches, causing a few rocks to lift off the ground and orbit the man as she does so.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-19, 03:26 PM
Lyra Hikari

Lyra steps off the harbor and takes her first steps into the grand city of Unova. She had not known what to expect when she received the news of the destruction of Castellia on the very day her ship was scheduled to depart from Olivine. Her eyes take in the sight of the devastation of the great city, but her thoughts are with the people here. Rebuilding will take time, but there is something else that must be done. Something that is often neglected in times of disaster.

Morning, I choose you!

Lyra produces a Love Ball and summons her childhood companion, a Togekiss. The Pokemon hovers by her side as she begins strumming her lute, searching for the words for a song.

Though the sky is darkened and the winds blow strong,
Though the light has faded and the night is long,
We will keep on fighting, yes we will not fall,
They can't crush our spirits, we'll stand proud and tall.

She makes her way through the crowds, singing and playing her lute, her Togekiss hovering by her side.

Saint Nil
2011-03-19, 08:43 PM
Xavier Redwood

Kangaskhan! Metang!

The two pokemon appear beside Xavier, and the three go to work. Between Metang's telekinesis and Kangaskahn's strength, they work at renovating the remains of Central Plaza. Xavier stands back and looks at the work they accomplished, the smell of salt-water in the air. Despite his travels big cities still left Xavier will a sense of amazement, his own village not even half the size of this metropolis. Also, psychics and minstrels weren't very common in his village either. Perhaps he would introduce himself later, and see if they know about anything that happened.

Working was also a great way for Xavier to gather more information about what people thought happened. Just today Xavier had heard rumors from it was a freak electrical storm to a mad scientists experiment gone wrong. No matter what it was, this was the perfect place for Xavier to find out.

(Xavier will use his trainer feature "I've Heard About This Place Before" for any other interesting facts he can recall about Castelia City. What do I recall?)

Roll (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10589436&postcount=2671)

2011-03-21, 10:40 AM
Dana & Yuri:
"Any help would be appreciated." says the man, agreeing as he accepts Yuri's money. "My name is Burgh and I'm the Gym Leader here for Castelia City. We don't know what happened. It was if the very sky and earth itself were enraged at us. We've had the odd storm blow in from either sea or from the desert resort to the north but never this bad." As he speaks, a small caterpillar Pokemon with a green leaf hood can be seen wandering the debris behind him, using it's String Shot to lift and toss rubble into a pile.


Interesting Facts: Castelia City is the business hub of the Unova region, being the largest city and dealing with the most trade due to it's multiple harbors. To the north of it lies Route 4 which is in the process of being constructed. Construction halted due to the discovery of the Relic Castle in desert resort. Multiple sandstorms are known to whip up from time to time.

A worker walks up to you. "Damnedest thing... all the lightning strikes seem targeted, as if they knew where to hit. The first one is the one that took out all the power by frying the main power grid. Sometimes lightning's lucky... but not that lucky."

Your playing along with your Togekiss's antics do cause the people who see you to smile. A few of the younger children begin to follow you in a bit of a train, attempting to sing along before rushing back to their parent's sides. You hear two elderly gentlemen who seem to be squabbling as you pass by. "I'm telling ya, it's like a damned curse! Ever since they found that castle in the desert and dug it up, all types of strange things have been happening! They should just bury the thing back up and get back to working on the road!"

Blue Ghost
2011-03-21, 05:56 PM

Hearing the conversation, Lyra stops by to inquire. She smiles politely at the two elderly gentlemen. Sorry to intrude, sirs, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. Can you tell me what's going on? I'm new to Unova, you see.

Saint Nil
2011-03-21, 08:39 PM
"An astute observation. I've heard of pokemon causing problems, but no normal creature could have caused this."

A legendary could perhaps. This isn't the native habitat of Raikou, and they feed on thunderstorms, not cause them. A Zapdos could have caused the storm, but not the earthquake. Not to mention this is far out of character for them.

"Pardon me sir, but has anyone investigated this? Is there someone I could ask about it? Its my job to investigate these things, perhaps I could help?"

As they work, Xavier makes a point to praise his Kangaskhan and Metang as they all work. "I hear they have could ice cream here. Perhaps we can go for a treat later.":smallamused:

2011-03-24, 04:30 PM
Dana Katic

Well I guess we should get started then. Dana says as she pulls a pokeball from her belt and releases an Alakazam. <Help out where you can, but stay close.> She instructs it before turning to see where she can be of assistance. The Alakazam immediately begins to help the caterpillar and Dana begins looking for search parties that might benefit from her ability to walk through walls.

2011-04-06, 04:25 PM
The men regard you as they begin to explain,
"Lets see... it was about 3 years ago-"
"You Idgit, you'ld forget your own name weren't it not for me it was 5 years!"
"Bah! you don't know what your talking about it was definitely 3 I remember cause it rained that day!"
"No! it was sunny that's why they started the construction!"
As interesting as this debate is they finally end it and continue the story~
"The workers found the top of tower buried in the earth, imagine a whole castle sunken under the sand! Now-a-days folks use it as a tourist trap and some sort of scientific hoo hah and I figure it's angered whatever was living in that there ruin. It's probably something ld but maybe Burgh the towns gymleader would know of it." They point the way to where the gym used to be before going back to bickering.

The man thinks for second, "Maybe Burgh the local gym leader can hlelp, he's down the road a bit helping with clearing this rubble."

Dana & Yuri
As you begin to assist a strange man in a lab coat comes this way, shuffling papers in her hands. as he tries to make his way through the rabble.

2011-04-06, 05:30 PM
Yuri Fujiki

Yuri had been trying to contemplate on Burgh's words. If this hadn't happened exactly as it had before then was it caused by something... not typical? Though off the top of her head, she couldn't really list many other possibilities, making her keep her gaze downward as she focused more on helping clear the rubble away. The sounds of new footsteps caught her attention and she felt herself whimper slightly to see someone in a lab coat walking over. Usually it meant someone was a doctor, scientist, or both.... and she wasn't overly fond of either. She'd heard one too many a time of both going corrupt, whether it meant doing some weird forms of malpractice, experiments, or both and she often tried to avoid people because of it. Still, she didn't say anything but merely just tried to focus on continuing to assist. Besides, they're probably here to say something to Burgh, not either of us.... She mused silently to herself, nodding after a bit, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Blue Ghost
2011-04-07, 05:05 PM

Thanks for the information. Now is there anyth-- But at this point the two men are clearly not paying attention to her.
She sighs and turns in the direction of Burgh. Seeing the Gym Leader engaged with a couple of young trainers, she decides that that path would probably be more productive. She begins walking toward them, her Togekiss trailing behind her.

2011-04-07, 06:52 PM

Noticing the scientist, Dana attempts to read her mind as she works her way through the destruction, masking her concentration by pretending to bend down and tie her shoes. What have we here? Hopefully the brain over there knows something useful.

Saint Nil
2011-04-07, 07:59 PM

"Thank you." Xavier motions for his pokemon to follow him as he searches for the gym leader, spotting him already attracting a crowd. Xavier goes over to introduce himself and find out any information about what might have caused this.

"Well, it seems this is where the parties at", he says with a laugh. "I'm Professor Redwood, and was hoping I could help beyond repairing the city. I specialize in unusual events like this, and thought I might be able to found out what caused this disaster, and more importantly prevent it from happening again. Its a pleasure to meet you all.":smallsmile:

2011-04-08, 08:48 PM
The scientist's mind is very easy to read as it's very frantic. They go something like this: What's with all these readings?! High pressure systems moving irregularly, large shock waves running through the whole of Unova. This doesn't make any sense!

Burgh smiles at the new trainers arriving.. "Well the more the merrier." His speech is interrupted by a young woman in a lab coat running this way. "Burgh-sama! I have some interesting data you need to---!" As she begins trying to finish her sentence, she trips, falling forward, the papers still clutched as she face plants onto the ground. "Ohhh...." She picks herself back up, continuing.. "We've been getting some really weird readings from weather stations all over Unova. They seem to be centered around Relic Castle." She looks over then, noticing all the trainers. "Oh... hi. I didn't know you had company." She bows lightly to everyone, catching her glasses as they almost fall once.

"Ah. It's nice to see you there, Amanda." Burgh turns to all the trainers. "Everyone, this is Miss Amanda Pine. She's been trying to help us find the cause of everything.."

Blue Ghost
2011-04-08, 10:12 PM
Lyra curtsies politely. Well met. I'm Lyra Hikari, from Johto. I can't really do much other than singing, but I'll do all I can to help.

Saint Nil
2011-04-08, 11:06 PM
Another scientist! Its a pleasure to meet you Miss Pine. Relic Castle, I heard there has been alot of construction going on there recently.

2011-04-09, 12:16 AM
Yuri Fujiki

Yuri looked up and down the woman in the lab coat, silently studying her while Burgh explained who she was and her true purpose. At least she hoped that was truly it. As he finished speaking,, she still made an effort to try to be friendly. No sense in assuming the worst until she gives reason to think otherwise... She had mentally decided before smiling as she looked to Amanda. "Nice to meet you. So... from what it sounds like, the cause seems to be changing the weather also?" She asked, her tone somewhat curious. The first immediate answer that came to her head was the moon... but usually it wasn't this fickle nor did it affect weather to these extents... so that was probably not the answer. So... what is causing this anyways? It does sound weird.... Her head bowed down a bit as she tried to think of something that did make sense... but, for the time being,, thought of nothing helpful.