View Full Version : [3.5] class suggestions needed

2011-03-19, 07:24 PM
Ok, this is my 1st post, so be nice. :smallwink:

Here's the thing; I've been playing a battle sorcerer (the sorcerer variant from Unearthed Arcana) for some time now in a group of 6 players, but I really consider making a new character now.
I think it's pretty important that everyone really can add something to the group, not out of pragmatism, but for the sake of everyone enjoying the sessions.

Right now the group consists of (each being at about 5th level):
1 drow rogue,
1 catfolk ranger,
1 moon elf duskblade,
1 moon elf cleric,
1 wild elf druid &
1 wild elf battle sorcerer (i.e. me)

(I know, I know, unlikely group)

Now, I'm tired of being a mage, but as you surely have noticed, I'm the only 'real arcanist' in the group. As if that weren't all, the druid (my character's brother) is probably going to be replaced by a barbarian, rendering the group even more melee-oriented.

I might consider some sort of arcane spellcaster, if it's an interesting variant, possibly some prestige class - but most of all I want a character with very clear strengths and weaknesses.
I've been considering some sort of scout build with much focus on speed (I could take the Trait "quick" and so forth) and skills (scouts have as many SP/lvl as the rogue after all). The problem with this is that I wouldn't really fill any gap in the group; we already have a ranger and a rogue.

I love complex characters, but unfortunately, in this group, there is not much focus on actual ROLE-playing, so character depth easily goes unnoticed - meaning it's likely a waste of time (like the ranks I put in perform: flute :smallbiggrin:). At this point, I'm so tired of trying to come up with something interesting that I consider making a halfling gardener or something similarly pointless (but fun), ugh...
Any suggestions?

2011-03-19, 07:27 PM
Kender wizard.

No wonder you're bored, you're playing a battle sorcerer. They suck at fighting and are sub-par spellcasters.

2011-03-19, 07:30 PM
I suggest Bard. Good face, bit of Arcane casting and lovely songs to help make your melee-centric party even more stabby stabby slashy slashy.

2011-03-19, 07:31 PM
Where can I read about the kinder?
Maybe I should have added that we play in Faerūn...

"No wonder you're bored, you're playing a battle sorcerer. They suck at fighting and are sub-par spellcasters."

Yes, you're right. Honestly though, I don't really like the magic system in d&d, but I guess some sort of wizard makes the most sense atm, considering what the rest of the group are playing.

2011-03-19, 07:37 PM
Amnestic, I thought about this too, since I like bards (and possibly because I play the guitar and oud IRL), but the problem is that they don't have any stark specialization (crudely viewed). I mean, they are support characters rather than essential. Worth considering though...

2011-03-19, 08:01 PM
The bard's specialization is in making his party AWESOME. Plain and simple. And bard is a pretty rock-solid choice, although there's A LOT of difference in effectiveness between a bard that's built haphazardly and a bard that's well-constructed.

If you like role-playing and creativity, and you're looking for something versatile that gives you a lot of options, I might also suggest a beguiler from PH2. You get charm spells, which you can use to convert bad guys into good guys, and then roleplay with them. You get illusions, which you can use creatively to accomplish a variety of goals. You get many useful battlefield control spells and a couple of direct damage spells, which you can use to contribute effectively in combat. And you get a fair number of the utility spells that everyone expects an arcane caster to have and use. You also get lots of skill points, which you can use along with your spells to be sneaky and indirect. Beguiler also has the advantage of being much harder to screw up than bard. Even better, the style of play encouraged by a beguiler is REALLY different from that encouraged by a battle sorcerer, so it will feel fresh and different for you.

2011-03-19, 08:15 PM
Jiriku, I know; I just happen to have a few pretentions that screw up my mood if I have to play too much of a support character, heh. And, like I said, there isn't much focus on playing the actual roles, which is where I would shine otherwise.

At any rate, I appreciate your suggestions and will at least contemplate possible bard builds (I guess there might be some interesting prestige classes based on the bard).
I did, in fact, consider the beguiler at first, before settling on the crappy battle-sorc.
Is beguilers' spellcasting based on INT or CHA?

Edit: Ah, it's INT. I found some of my old notes on this class. This could be an interesting choice.

2011-03-20, 05:35 AM
Yes, you're right. Honestly though, I don't really like the magic system in d&d, but I guess some sort of wizard makes the most sense atm, considering what the rest of the group are playing.

Maybe you should try a Psion. It can fill all the same roles as a Wizard and, personally, I find the psionics system more enjoyable than the magic system.

2011-03-20, 06:12 AM
The party seems to lack a clear buffer/debuffer/battlefield controller. Wizard is probably the most valuable here, but if you don't want to play a spellcaster, the next alternative may be to play a warblade with a focus on white raven maneuvers. You can still attack, while augmenting your party's effectiveness in combat (seeing how melee heavy they are).

Beguiler is also a solid choice, you get useful spells like glitterdust, slow and haste, as well as illusions. Take bard only if you cannot choose beguiler for whatever reason.

2011-03-20, 10:21 AM
With the melee heavy group you have Bard (Inspire Courage) would help quite a bit.

Dip Marshal (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906b) or Dragon Shaman to pick up some Auras. (Dragon Shaman is better, but everything you need for Marshal is in the link).

If Tome of Battle is allowed, an occasional dip in either Warblade (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2) or Crusader to pick up White Raven maneuvers would be awesome.

Other than that, just do a search on "Inspire Courage Optimization" and you'll find a LOT of options.

2011-03-20, 10:29 AM
Maybe you should try a Psion. It can fill all the same roles as a Wizard and, personally, I find the psionics system more enjoyable than the magic system.

I second this. Psionics is really a great choice for those tired of magic but who still need to act like an arcanist. All the problem-solving with a more fluid and exotic system.