View Full Version : The glory of the mind 1.2

2011-03-20, 04:57 AM
The OOC! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10591071#post10591071)

Your standing outside a fountain with a man in white robes with a holy symbol on it. He is about to speak.
His minor details in his appearance keep changing, one minute his ears are pointy, the next they are like a gnomes.

He is about to speak to you.

Theres a tavern up the road and an inn down the road. Next to the tavern is a shop run by a nice young sorcerer or bard.

Theres also a blacksmith and anything else you might want in this large bustling town.

2011-03-20, 05:42 AM

Having arrived in the town of Riverlaine only just recently, Cyrielle relaxes in the sun by the fountain a bit, sitting the stone exterior with her usual poise. She is currently wearing her blue, elaborately designed dress that is at the same time elegant and practical, with a lace jabot worked into the collar. The dress ends just above Cyrielle's knees in the front and extends a bit past them in the back, a compromise between what a proper lady and an adventurous young woman would wear. Frilly gloves, blue sapphire earrings, black stockings, comfortable shoes not restricting her footwork and her sheathed exotic elven rapier complete the striking image.

As Cyrielle sees the holy man approach, she looks at him with kind amber eyes, a confident smile appearing on her face. "Good day, Father." She patiently waits for his response.

Which god does the man serve, judging by the holy symbol?

2011-03-20, 01:18 PM
Dimble, dressed in a purple tunic and brown leather pants, taps his foot as the small goblin was wont to do when he was nervous. Ed, the teal colored psicrystal, crawls up his back from his backpack onto his shoulders with his ectoplasmic legs. The psicrystal pulls excitedly at the tunic Dimble wears.

Adventure! Adventure! I just know this man has got one in store for us! Ed practically shouts in Dimble's mind.
I know. That's precisely what I'm afraid of. Just when I was getting used to having my body all in one piece. Dimble retorts.

2011-03-21, 08:24 PM
Caelon, geared in his black robes and tunic, moves close to the fountain so he can be within earshot of the conversation, but keeps his distance and his silence. His early childhood has made him suspicious of clergy in general, but he trusts Cyrielle's judgment and leadership on this, focusing more on keeping an open eye for any possible dangers.

While scaning the area, his sight wanders at Dimble and Ed. With a smile, he once again muses about the stark contrast between his little goblin friend and his psicrystal.

I will not lose anybody else again Caelon thinks to himself while refraining the impulse to hold the hilt of his weapon, a habit that he has picked up when thinking of his past

Caelon will keep an eye to any possible threats that might appear while the rest of the party is talking to the cleric.

2011-03-25, 11:18 AM
I'm so glad you could make it. Earlier in the Inn we maid that agreement to go to one of the places where Elans are appearing. I have a theory that they are undead in the glory of Zelor.

He waves his hand about and you notice that as the clothe reaches his hand it gradually gets greyer.

2011-03-26, 03:43 PM
Cyrielle raises an eyebrow at the healer's words. "Undead in the glory of Zelor? Are you speaking of the Deathless, as opposed to undead creatures created from negative energy?"

2011-03-28, 02:52 PM
Yes that is what I meant, I just presumed that most people hadn't heard of them.
For all of you that don't know what a Deathless is they are like undead animated by positive energy. In other words they are undead that work from the energy that heals people.
If we no longer have anything to discuss we may stay in a room at the Inn I have reserved and we set out tomorrow.

If you have any more questions in the IC post them,
Also I didn't actually mean to put undead in the glory of Zelor, but it's a cool idea and I'm sticking with it.

2011-03-28, 02:57 PM
The sooner we find out what's going on, the better. Right Captain Blanchard?

2011-03-28, 03:08 PM
"Right you are, Caelon." Cyrielle stands up and smiles at the healer, raising a hand. "To avoid any uncomfortable moments and for modesty's sake, I should rent a room for myself." After a brief pause, she looks up to Caelon. "Well, unless you want to join me, that is."

She knows it's a little mean to tease her dearest friend like that, but since the moment her mother assumed they are a couple, she can't help herself, especially considering how innocent Caelon still is in these matters. Despite her intentions right now, she would have no problem with sharing a room with Caelon, as the two have saved each other's lives so often and they have been travelling together for so long.

Once the little scene is over, she walks to the inn with the others and rents a modest room to spend the night in.

2011-03-28, 03:50 PM
The offer takes Caelon by surprise and, despite his face being hidden, his puzzled expression is quite clear

You mean as in standing guard? he asks tentatively.

Once he realizes that Cyrielle is just having fun at his expense, he mumbles to himself something along the lines of "the Brothers might have been right to seclude themselves after all"

Caelon will insist that his captain's rooms are next to the rest of the party and he will inspect them before she settles in them. He'll take the bed in the room shared by the party that grants quickest access to Cyrielle's room, and asks Dimble to have the bunk/bed close to him in order to provide the little one with protection if the need arises

2011-03-28, 04:20 PM
Cyrielle gives Caelon a beautiful, if a little mischievous smile, winking at him. "If you don't like sleeping in a bed, sure." Since she has had her little bit of fun, she just chats amiably with the group on the way to the inn.

The young lady appreciates Caelon's sense of duty and protectiveness as he makes sure there are no dangers in her room adn gives him a kiss on his cheek before he leaves her room to go to bed. "Good night, Caelon." And soon after, Cyrielle is on her way into the dreamscape.

2011-03-28, 08:06 PM
"By gods. Undead! I hate undead." mutters Dimble. He heads to bed and gladly takes the bed closer to Caelon before lying awake staring at the ceiling for an hour or two, and then drifts into a fitful sleep.

2011-03-29, 02:57 PM
Early the next morning, Caelon will wake up and see that Cyrielle's room has not been disturbed (He does this by checking on a thread that was cleverly hidden in front of the door and that would be tripped by someone not in the party). Then Caelon will go outside of the inn to do his morning training (but not before he has carefully woken up Dimble to let him know where to find him and offering the little goblin to keep him company if he so desires).

@ Ridai: Please let me know if this would be acceptable to Cyrielle
@Hazzardevil: If Ridai is OK with this, this will be a standard procedure in any inns/houses/keeps that we will be staying. Let me know if it ever detects something
@Goken: Let me know if Dimble would have preferred to be left alone in the morning

Anybody watching the giant warrior would get the impression that he is performing an elaborate dance in very slow motion, moving fluidly from one pose to the next despite the weight of his armor and the size of his weapon

After his training (30-40 minutes) Caelon will proceed to wait for the rest of the party in the common area of the Inn, attentive to the patrons and any possible threat

2011-03-29, 04:47 PM
Dimble is happy to be awakened by Caelon... until he remembers their plans for the day. He heads downstairs, with Ed in tow, and watches Caelon's martial practice while trying to calm his own mind.

2011-03-30, 12:53 AM
As she awakes, Cyrielle allows herself to not get up for a few more minutes, enjoying the comfort of sleeping in a bed again. After washing and putting on clothes, she heads downstairs with her belongings to find her companions, removing the thread in front of her door Caelon had placed there, dutiful as always.

She seats herself next to Dimble as they watch Caelon practice, gently placing a hand the blue's shoulder. "Don't worry, even though their bodies are unliving, the Deathless are noble creatures who are neither preying on the living nor in the service of vile necromancers." Cyrielle doesn't have to mention that Caelon and she will be there to protect him, as it is a certainty.

The half-giant's practice is attentively observed by his captain, her own martial skill and knowledge of a large amount of fighting styles allowing her to see all the little nuances and the purpose of every move, executed with trained aptitude and precision. Cyrielle nods her approval, pleased with her guardian's performance, and makes mental notes of where his style could be improved upon even more, still seeing untapped potential and room for further refinement, which is in itself quite impressive.

Once they finish breakfast, Cyrielle is ready to depart.

2011-03-31, 03:06 PM
You can see your client also eating his breakfast

I trust you all slept fine. I intend to start heading east today and we shall set up camp by nightfall. I do not currently belive they are evil, but would like to recruit them as emmisionarys of Zelor.

He then waits for everyone else to finish their breakfast and see if they have anything to say.

2011-03-31, 03:26 PM
"They're undead... but not evil?" Dimble sighs. "This world is so strange!" While eating his breakfast, Dimble takes this time to manifest Conceal Thoughts and will continue to do so throughout the day as it wears off.

Ed flies around the table from Dimble's backpack, a blur of movement. "We're going on an adventure! Hooray! Did you hear that Caelon? It's ADVENTURETIME!" Speaks the little psicrystal into the minds of everyone seated at the breakfast table.

2011-03-31, 04:20 PM
"You haven't been on the road much in the past, have you?" Cyrielle comments after she hears about the outline of the healer's travelling schedule, the overpreparation practically shining through (or the need to dictate others' actions). She flashes a disarming smile as the healer reacts and leans back.

"To be honest, I am not certain if recruiting Deathless as emissaries is a prudent idea. Most people only know stories of the undead and the difference is hard to tell as far as their appearances go, so I doubt the Deathless would agree to do such a thing, as it would cause a lot of unnecessary chaos and harm." Cyrielle spreads her hands. "Unfortunately, merely telling the common people that what looks like an undead creature means no harm won't make them put their fears aside."

She smiles at hearing Ed's words and stands up after they finished their breakfast. "Well, no time like the present, dear gentlemen. Caelon?" Cyrielle looks to her confidant to take point with her, as usual.

2011-03-31, 09:30 PM
"We're going on an adventure! Hooray! Did you hear that Caelon? It's ADVENTURETIME!"

That's right Ed, adventure is calling
Caelon picks up the little construct from the table, throwing him into the air a couple inches and catching him back (Caelon would much prefer to have this type of playful interactions with Dimble, but he knows better. Ed seems to appreciate the adventure of the little game and that's enough for the half giant). Once the little construct is back in his hand, Caelon brings him near and whispers to him
Don't worry, I'll keep you both safe
He knows full well that his dear little friend will hear his promise

"Well, no time like the present, dear gentlemen. Caelon?"

Caelon stands to attention.
Everything has been prepared, Captain. We can leave immediately
With no other words, he dons his helmet and straps his weapon behind his back while heading for the Inn's door. He will hold the door open until the party has gone through, bowing slightly as Cyrielle passes.

Caelon will then proceed to go to the front of the marching formation, scouting ahead for any possible threads to his companions (making a point to keep an eye on any direction Dimble might be particularily worried about, scouting those first to keep his friend as much at ease as he can). He will keep doing this unless any specific orders are given by Cyrielle, in which case those will supersede other actions.

2011-04-01, 10:59 AM
Then let us go, For the honour of Zelor!

You then quickly depart the tavern and you start heading East.
AFey then appear 30 front of you.

We are the Joystealers of the forest of Sorrow.
Just bow down before us and you may live.


Heres how combat will work.
I will give you 24 hours to post your turn, then I shall have the NPC's do their turn. Just so you know the Healer is a pacifist and won't take part.
Also everyone make a spot check.

2011-04-01, 12:30 PM
Cyrielle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=279913) - HP 74/74, AC 25 (T 17, FF 18)
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8 (all with aura effects)
Auras (60 ft.) uncanny dodge, +3 attack/damage vs. flanked enemies, +5 dodge bonus to AC, +1 morale bonus to AC/saves
Stance enemies adjacent to Cyrielle and ally are flanked
Effects +2 attack/damage vs. fey (until end of encounter), +1 AC/-1 attack (until next turn)
Immune fear

Cyrielle chuckles softly at the display. "I beg your pardon, sirs and madams, but I'll have to decline the offer." With a graceful motion, Cyrielle's thinblade almost seems to appear in her hand out of thin air before she makes a quick flourish with impeccable precision. "A Blanchard only shows true respect to those who deserve it."

Fixing the enemies with her eyes, she adresses her trusted guardian, feeling the anticipation in her body. "Come, my dear, let us dance." With that, Cyrielle moves to engage the enemy in unison with Caelon, taking the lead and guiding her companions. With swift motions, she aims to outmaneuver her adversaries' defenses and slip her thinblade precisely into the most important organ of one of them, aided by her extensive anatomical and martial knowledge, and opens up more possibilities for Caelon.

If you allow, I'd like to act before Caelon so he receives the benefits of Cyrielle providing flanking.

Perception check [roll0]
Knowledge (nature) check for Knowledge Devotion: [roll1] (+2 to attack and damage for the entire encounter)

Active Auras: Master of Tactics, Motivate Care, Resilient Troops
Active Stance: Island of Blades (allows Cyrielle and allies to flank enemies as long as she and one of them is simply adjacent to an enemy)

Every ally within 60 feet of Cyrielle receives the following:
- Uncanny Dodge
- +3 to attack and damage with melee attacks vs. flanked enemies in addition to the +2 to attack from flanking
- a +5 dodge bonus to AC
- a +1 morale bonus to AC and saving throws

Move Action to move next to several enemies, leaving space for Caelon to stand beside her.

Standard Action to attack one of the enemies (she also marks that enemy as her Dodge target, receiving +1 AC against him/her). She takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls for the round to raise her AC to 25 with Combat Expertise
Attack: [roll2] + 2 from Knowledge Devotion, for a total of attack result of 20
Damage: [roll3] (+ 2 from Knowledge Devotion for a total of 12)

Drothmal, don't forget the total of +5 to attack and +3 to damage against enemies adjacent to Cyrielle and Caelon at the same time. :smallwink:

2011-04-01, 03:17 PM
Sensing a threat to those important to him and seeing his Captain spring into action, everything slows down for a second from Caelon’s perspective. With a detached mind, he feels the change in his brain and the shift in his personality as the warrior instincts and training shift into gear. He is no longer the gentle Caelon, shy and naïve to the ways of the world: He is now a Blade, an instrument of war that will sow destruction upon his enemies
While instinctively following Cyrielle’s movements towards their enemies, Caelon the Blade reaches deep within himself, reaching to the very core of his existence. And there, as always, he finds it: The well of power within him that allows him to defy reality, that makes him a deadly force to be reckoned with
He taps into this power and feels a sensation equivalent to fire running through his blood. Caelon harnesses this power, willing his body to assimilate it and use it to enhance his physical faculties. In a swift motion, Caelon’s muscles start to expand and his bones begin to grow. He also redirects some of his power to make his armor and his weapons increase in size accordingly. By the time he reaches the enemy, he has gone from an intimidating seven feet of height to a terrifying eleven.
Wielding his huge Crystal greatsword with all his might, Caelon takes advantage of the opening that Captain Cyrielle has provided, and he strikes with dedly precision, trying to kill his enemy in a single attack

Caelon Rahandel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=280220)
Male CG Half-Giant Psion4/Soldier1/Ephemeral Blade2, Level 7
Init +0, HP 50/50, PP 44/51, Speed 30ft.
AC 25 (19+6), Touch 15 (9+6), Flat-footed 19,
Fort 4 (+3+1), Ref 2 (1+1), Will 8 (+7+1),
Base Attack Bonus 5
Huge Deep Crystal Falcata +1 +10 (4d6+10, 19-20x3)
Full Plate (+9 Armor, +1 Dex)


Swift: Expansion, augmented to be a swift action. Costs 7pp
Stance: Battle Mantra (If Caelon hits, he recovers 1pp)
Movement: Moves adjacent to Cyrielle. If there are any other enemies, Caelon will try to take the side that would expose him and not Cyrielle to enemy attacks
Standard: Emerald Razor Strike (attack becomes a touch attack), activates greater psionic weapon (+4d6 damage), uses power attack (-2 to attack, +6 to damage)

[roll0]+10 (Standard) +5 (flanking) - 2 (PA) vs. Touch
Damage = [roll1] + [roll2] + 8 (Str+magic) + 6 (PA) + 3 (Flanking)

EDIT: Attack = 21 vs touch, damage=44

2011-04-01, 05:19 PM
Rolling Perception

2011-04-01, 05:24 PM
Sorry, should have rolled 3d6 instead. This post might be erased


2011-04-02, 10:21 AM
"Bah!" Dimble shouts when the fey begins to speak. "GET OUT OF HERE!" he yells as a hum rises in the ears of those around him and a small field of rainbow colored energy emanates from him, and his eyes glow silver.

Manifesting Time Hop with the Fey as the target. Will DC 19 or it hops forward in time 7 rounds (effectively disappearing). It can make a Wisdom check (DC 15) to return each round.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-04-02, 12:22 PM
Rolling the fey's will save:
These fey have 50% incorperal miss chance and DR 5/coldiron.

2011-04-03, 03:53 AM
Rolling vs miss chance

[roll0] Anything ABOVE 50 hits

2011-04-04, 11:28 AM
The Fey in front giggles, then freezes mid laugh due to time stop.
Two fey them move behind Cyrielle and make melee touch attacks to drain charisma from Cyrilla.

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Another 3 glide in from the sides and surround Dimble. They then try to touch him.


The d4's are charisma damage.

2011-04-05, 01:22 PM
They aforementioned attacks.
Just so you all know, you have another 24 hours to make your moves.

2011-04-05, 01:35 PM
Taking advantage of his larger size, Caelon tries to intercept one of the feys that is attempting to attack Cyrielle

Caelon Rahandel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=280220)
Male CG Half-Giant Psion4/Soldier1/Ephemeral Blade2, Level 7
Init +0, HP 50/50, PP 44/51, Speed 30ft.
AC 25 (19+6), Touch 15 (9+6), Flat-footed 19,
Fort 4 (+3+1), Ref 2 (1+1), Will 8 (+7+1),
Base Attack Bonus 5
Huge Deep Crystal Falcata +1 +10 (4d6+10, 19-20x3)
Full Plate (+9 Armor, +1 Dex)


Attack of opportunity: Still using Power Attack for 2

3d6 attack roll: [roll0]+10 + 5(Flanking) - 2 PA
1d20 attack roll: [roll1]+10 + 5(Flanking) - 2 PA

Damage = [roll2]+ 8 (Str+magic) + 6 (PA) + 3 (Flanking)

EDIT: 3d6 attack = 22, 1d20 attack = 23, Damage = 33

2011-04-05, 01:38 PM
Roll vs miss chance: [roll0]. 51-100 Hits

2011-04-05, 03:47 PM
Cyrielle (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=279913) - HP 74/74, AC 26 (T 19, FF 20)
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8 (all with aura effects)
Auras (60 ft.) uncanny dodge, +3 attack/damage vs. flanked enemies, +5 dodge bonus to AC, +1 morale bonus to AC/saves
Stance enemies adjacent to Cyrielle and ally are flanked
Effects +2 attack/damage vs. fey (until end of encounter), +2 AC/-2 attack (until next turn)
Immune fear

Seeing Dimble being attacked, Cyrielle briefly disappears from reality only to reappear out of reach for the fey who assaulted her. "No one attacks our friend and escapes unpunished. Caelon, let's teach them a lesson!" Quickly closing the distance to the closest fey attacking Dimble, Cyrielle aims to slip her thinblade between his ribs, right into his heart.

Swift Action to use Cyrielle's anklets of translocation to teleport 10 ft. away from the attacking fey and towards Dimble.

Move Action to move to one of Dimble's attackers.

Standard Action to attack the fey. As every of the three fey is adjacent to Dimble, Cyrielle and Caelon (and Dimble) receive the bonuses from Master of Tactics against all of them. 2 points of Combat Expertise and Cyrielle marks the fey as her Dodge target.

Attack [roll0]
Miss Chance [roll1]
[roll2] damage

2011-04-05, 05:14 PM
Deep down Caelon’s mind, there is a part of him that is irritated at these cursed Fey and their illusions. But that part never reaches the Blade, for a blade feels no fear, no doubt, no frustration.

Caelon knows for his little blue friend is in danger, so as soon as he sees his Captain disappearing, he knows his role: Cyrielle will help Dimble, and Caelon will act as a shield between them and the group of Feys currently facing him.

The Blade shifts his stance and moves slightly so that he positions himself between the enemies and the spot where he knows that Cyrielle will appear. In doing so, Caelon glimpses at the enemies threatening those dear to him. Reaching once again deep into his power, he wills the seven swords that have been concealed in his dark armor to come to life. In a slow motion, seven blades lift into the air and, with a quick motion of Caelon’s hand, they are thrust with an incredible speed towards the attacking Fey, covering the valiant Captain’s approach. It would seem that some of his blades flew true, for a part of his mind feels them collide against one of the enemies, but he cannot spare time to look at his work, for more Fey stand before him

Waiting for the enemies to come at him, Caelon stills his mind, becoming one with his weapon. No matter what these Fey have in store for him, he will defend his companions and annihilate his enemies

Caelon Rahandel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=280220)
Male CG Half-Giant Psion4/Soldier1/Ephemeral Blade2, Level 7
Init +0, HP 50/50, PP 39/51, Speed 30ft.
AC 25 (19+6), Touch 15 (9+6), Flat-footed 19,
Fort 4 (+3+1), Ref 2 (1+1), Will 8 (+7+1),
Base Attack Bonus 5
Huge Deep Crystal Falcata +1 +10 (4d6+10, 19-20x3)
Full Plate (+9 Armor, +1 Dex)


5 foot step covering for Cyrielle’s retreat
Move: Recovers Psionic Focus (concentration DC15)
Standard Action: Manifests Telekinetic Force in Thrust mode to throw 7 short swords towards the Fey attacking Dimble. Attacks hit on 51-100
These rolls do not include any bonuses from Cyrielle’s abilities, since I do not know if I still get the benefits of flanking while not being in melee myself.
[roll1]+11, [roll2], [roll3]
[roll4]+11, [roll5], [roll6]
[roll7]+11, [roll8], [roll9]
[roll10]+11, [roll11], [roll12]
[roll13]+11, [roll14], [roll15]
[roll16]+11, [roll17], [roll18]
[roll19]+11, [roll20], [roll21]

2011-04-05, 05:17 PM
For ease of calculation, these are the attacks that hit

sword1 - 26, damage - (1d6)[1], vs miss chance - (1d100)[74]
sword2 - 16, damage - (1d6)[6], vs miss chance - (1d100)[77]
sword3 - 28, damage - (1d6)[1], vs miss chance - (1d100)[87]
sword6 - 21, damage - (1d6)[3], vs miss chance - (1d100)[80]

2011-04-06, 03:56 PM
"Eek! Help!" Dimble shouts and tries to back up (5' step). He then manifests Concealing Amorpha on himself (giving him a 20% miss chance).

I was unclear on how many attacks hit Dimble/how much damage he took. I believe my AC is 24 with Cyrielle's bonii.