View Full Version : Gods of Mortals 2 IC

2011-03-20, 11:06 PM
The birth of a new universe is a nearly indescribable force. But for those with the power to create, it is in their power to do just that; describe that which does not exist. The youngest of these beings are pulled to the birth of a new universe, where they can grow their strengths and learn their capabilities. It is here, within a new universe, that you find yourself.

Before you is a lump of matter within a void. Aside from you and the few other orbs of light, there is nothing else. An echo fills your thoughts. "Mold this, for this will be your creation, your visage, your influence. From this mold, many will be formed and they will proclaim you as their god. They will obey and worship, hoping to claim the world for you."

A great surge of energy fills you! Power beyond your comprehension magnifies within you as your mind races to keep up the multitude of possibilities. Your urge to change the mold in front of you grows stronger and can no longer be contained...

Please read this BEFORE posting
(These first few turns will go by quickly, maybe a day or two long (or faster if everyone is able to get an action in). Don't feel bad if you miss a turn, there will still be plenty to do. You all start out with a massive power boost to help create the world and the heavens and all things in the universe.

Assume the things you do at this point are very ham-fisted and unimaginably powerful. You are, perhaps, too powerful and you definitely do not know how to control it. So your actions in the beginning should have no attention to detail. Create and change on a massive scale is the only thing you can do on the first couple turns.

As the turns go by, however, your power will wane until world creation is finished where you will return to a normal state. And as it wanes, the actions you take will be more detailed and less grandiose.

Remember, you only get one action a turn! That means you cannot use Godly Wills (but you will still gain them). Also, you cannot make a new race until after the first mortal turn. At the end of each turn I will give a quick synopsis of the things that changed and then a new turn will start.)

2011-03-20, 11:22 PM
Archonas decided that he would enjoy staying with Michael. He hadn't discussed if he could live with Michael during Creation, although he did enjoy his brother's company well enough to be attached. For a moment, Archonas pondered whether or not Michael would accept. In order to make staying with Archonas a good idea, and perhaps to earn Michael as an ally, Archonas decided he would build a great dwelling place for both of them. Archonas cut a piece of his fingernail and flicked it towards the mold. He then bled a small drop of blood from his finger into it. Thus began the construction Of the Bone World.

The Bone World, a vast plane contained around the center of what would be the world, and a mixture of the mortal world, and the world of the Hereafter, and a land of magic in it's own right, would be a place where the dead, and the living walked. There, in the World of Bone, the dead would congregate. IN this way, Archonas hoped to please Michael. Archonas'es power would give the people there flesh, form, and life force, as if they were alive. In some segments of the Bone World, there would be a great Paradise, in other sections, there would be lesser worlds, and in still others, places of even lesser, but still considerable compartments of happiness for the dead.
1 Act to create the Bone World

2011-03-21, 12:26 AM
Keltharis sees the lump of matter and tears a piece at random away from the rest. He molds it into a tumultuous evershifting orb of elemental energy, fire and water crashing against each other forming and destroying land constantly. He throws the orb out at random and prepares for his next act. It lands near the bone world and begins to orbit it like a moon.

2011-03-21, 12:54 AM
Zaltirus sees the world, the great lump that will someday be great. His energy pours out, uncontained, surging across the landscape. It is a great green glow that follows the ground. Behind the glow the ground trembles and shakes and small things rise up. Green, and growing, the first plants reach towards the lights of the sky, fronds unfurling upwards. Preparations to spread the way for what is to come.

1 Act: Create plants

2011-03-21, 11:45 AM
Althar sees the green world, the boneland and the orbiting chaos, and suddenly decides it needs a heavens. Althar starts spreading the color blue -a deep, strong, blue- above the world. Being the clever bugger he is, he grabs some of the orbiting chaos and starts forming it into stars, far away from the world, bright enough to be seen from the ground and ordered in such a way that he may always find his way through Creation.
(1 action, create the heavens and the stars)

2011-03-21, 01:01 PM
Micheal sees the world it is started to be filled with great potental to be a world of goodness and righteousness. Micheal being the good person he is wants to give his future followers a place to stay when they all die, due to there mortality and he focused his energy and created Heaven on Bone World

One Action point, Creating Heaven for all Good creatures, this will be on the Bone World

2011-03-21, 09:02 PM

Orikail watches with pleasure as the other gods lay out their world. She contemplates the lump of useless rock, now sprouting green life like a parasite. She smiles wickedly and spreads her hands, weaving pure shadow into a substantial plane and laying it over the world. This creates the Veil, the realm of shadow. This Veil, with care, is placed just outside the material world, like a dark, insubstantial copy.

Single Action, Crafting the Veil of Shadows and placing it. I assume this is an ok sort of thing to do?

2011-03-21, 09:42 PM
Such... Such power...
The small Orb of flashing spinning blacks and whites pulsed with glee at this newfound power that welled up inside of it.
My name. Cal-Fe-Earn.
In a burst of creative energy, the little orb spun off toward the rapidly growing Domain of the Boneworld, surrounding a smaller patch of land that would become the material realm, where creatures would grow and live someday.
If she could smile she would have. Plants were growing at an alarming rate across this little dusted Earth world, and she wanted to be a part of that wondrous creation.
Noticing the growing Shadow building itself around the Small world that sat at the center of the Boneworld, a sudden mischievous idea worked itself into Her head.
Placing herself where the world would soon, be, she decides to insure that not only shadow works its way across this world. She had to insure that there would be light as well. There must be both. And, After all, plants need light to grow!
She burst with light energy, which wove itself parallel to the sheet of darkness that was engulfing the world. Not the same and yet encased in the same space. This would be the source from whence the Burning light of the skies would draw it's power from, thus sustaining the good planet below. Of course, darkness would still work it's way across the planet with the great lights rotation.
The explosion causes the sheets to branch out toward the surrounding plane of bone, bits and pieces of the fabrics intertwining as passageways of light and shadow between the material and the immaterial, between the living and the dead.
Another smile and a little giggle. This was going to be a good time.
Godly Act: Create Plane of Light/Positive Energy
Godly Acts Available this turn: 0
Godly wills (Unusable as of yet): 1

2011-03-21, 10:02 PM

I stood watching the other gods, their power being thrown around.
I gathered my power and sent it out in one careful burst.

The Orb that was Lethislet pulsed with energy and around him formed a workshop. A Plane covered in tools of all shapes and sizes, a place for everything to be created, a world of Inventing

Create Plane: the Endless Workshop
it is a place covered in plans, in tools and in half-finished proto-types. Before something is invented it is usually found somewhere in this Plane.
It looks like a simple workshop from the outside, it sits on the world, the only building on there at the moment. On it's door is a combination lock, if that is opened a key must be placed in the keyhole then a riddle passed to gain access, a God can just walk past these protections though. It is simply to keep the mortal populace from discovering things beyond it's ken

2011-03-22, 11:22 AM

Wh- what is this? Hin'ia wonders, as he watches the other gods create for themselves different things; wondrous things indeed. Letting all caution go away, Hin'ia wills into being a realm of words and letters; sigils and runes. A realm of language and magic; a realm of Runes. A realm inside of all things; in every shape it is there; in every place you can find it. It is a realm intrinsically tied to everything that is, and yet at the same time, it has no power. It merely is. Though, with something to give it power, it might just become something... more.

Godly Act: Create the Runic Plane ( Terrible name? I know, but it's so not my fault! )

2011-03-22, 04:41 PM

I sense another burst of power, the origin is another being. his creation aided my own, his laguage and writing filled in plans in my Workshop, ready to be completed.
I decided to approach him.
"Hello. I'm Lethislet. Who are you?"

2011-03-22, 07:22 PM
And thus, the gods began to build and create.

The material world became green with vegetation as a sky and the ever present stars of the universe where created. A dark shadow crept across the world, veiling it in shadow before a powerful force of light appeared and cast light where once there was only shadow. Night and day had been born on the green world.

Deep beneath its surface, another world was created of nail and blood, a land to which all mortal life would pass. It would be known as Bone World. A satellite of great chaos was created from the material world and was cast without care to orbit around Bone World. Its form changed without warning as it shifted from one element to another. A warmth and peace found its way into this land; it would become dedicated to those with purest intent: Heaven. And as day passed over the material world, a connection was made to Bone World.

A large and immense plane of invention and creation was formed, distant from the material world and Bone World. It would be known as the Endless Workshop.

And lastly, an infinitesimally small plane came into existence. It was a plane of language and markings. It could be found in all things living and still. And even reached into all other planes. Such was the creation of the Runic Plane.

The gods had done much, but their power was still hardly diminished and their desire to create had only increased.

New Turn

2011-03-22, 08:09 PM

Seeing the world change and grow, chaotically rearing around her like a beast, Orikail acts quickly, and descends into the glorious earth, dark and cozy. Here she shapes the dark soil and cold stone of the underground, snaking caverns through the lands, her fingers eagerly digging out as the crawling, worming motion of her hands is mirrored across the land. Here she warps the earth, twisting the rocky barrens around, spearing the hard stone into vicious teeth and cramped, tight chimneys. She expands huge caves, covers fertile soil with black, craggy domes, and then erupts the giant spanning network of sprawling caverns through to the surface. Holes bust open under the open sky, or collapse in the sides of hills and mountains.

Satsified, Orikail soars through these tubes, many of them connected, enjoying the dark, cool air, away from the light above. Here away from the light, the Veil bleeds over, coating the darkness with a thick, velvety richness. Here is where she will dwell, for now. She stretches out her senses, feeling the rudimentary thoughts and founding emotions of powerful other beings, like herself. She watches them in bemusement, contemplating to herself how she can use their own creations for her purpose. Interesting. She thinks to herself, as the world continues to unfold around her.

Second Single Action for Turn 2. Orikail creates subterranean realms below the surface world.

2011-03-22, 08:23 PM
Althar pondered. Althar chose.
Althar decided to create ten different planes, all identical to the original and magically programmed to replicate any change it undergoes. Just for fun, he also decided that every object in every reality should share the exact same rune and runeverse, making this new language the infinitely small anchor that tied them together.

2011-03-22, 08:31 PM

Archonas watched over the Great Making from the Void. He had thought that there was much that had been done, but that this was still no where near complete. Archonas watched with glowing red eyes as he was contemplating what he would do next. As he did so, he walked, slowly on nothing, as the Void was swirling around him, he touched an illusionary image of the world, now full of bone and rock and a massive bolt of magical energy hit the still uninhabited world. Within it a massive tower, holding a magical heart at it's summit through mystical energy, began generating immense eldritch power with each beat.

As the beating of the heart grew louder, it's magical enchantments began to radiate with echoes. The blood would be fed to the World of Bone through marrow connected to the heart, flowing underneath an enormously resilient and tough a bone surface, which would act as spell reagents throughout the entire world. Through the Subterranean World, through even the Material World above and it's Sky, Arcane energy would be native to the World of Bone.

Divine Act Meant to Create The Source Of Magic. A Heart, which is held in a great Tower. The Arcane energy from the Bone World is called Magus Sangria which means "Magical Blood".

2011-03-22, 08:58 PM

I sensed the Heart of Magic.
"So the most powerful things, short of the Gods, will be ruled by their Hearts? And what of their Minds? I shall fix that."
Beside the Heart, a Stone Brain emerged, lightning crackled over it, down the rock and into the Material World, from there it spread, jumping from rock to rock until it covered the world. Anything touched by the zaps started to stir, slowly.

Create the Lightning of The Mind. Anything it touches gets a little bit smarter. If enough sparks hit a non-living being it can drag itself into consciousness. Any living things hit by it get just a little but smarter.
My next act will be probably be to create a Rock Race thing infused with this energy.

2011-03-22, 09:38 PM

Hihihihihihi Keltharis cackles to himself as he decides on his next creation. He wills into being a plane of pure throbbing energy, pulses of sonic energy and great rumbling sounds. Without a name for it yet he doesn't know is that what he has created is a plane filled with primal music all all sorts. The noise of every intrument to come in the following years will have its heart and soul on this plane. Sounds of music fly through the air concertos and vocals clashing together. The whole plane is filling with evershifting color, changing to the pulse and beat of the music that premeates it. He once again flings his creation away, bored an instant after making it. It smashes into the material plane, and becomes stucks to it, becoming like a second layer coating it. He speeds away again, that he might create more chaos.

2011-03-22, 10:06 PM

Zaltirus observes the light and heat of the day, and the cold chill of the night. He raises a swirling tendril of energy and causes water to burst from the ground flowing across the world to form seas and some float higher on towards heaven to form clouds in the sky to shield his plants from the heat of the sun, and to retain some of the day's heat during the chill of night. This act done Zaltirus stops to observe the growth of his creations for a time, and as water in the sky fall back to the ground before rising up once more.

Godly Act: Create water and the water cycle.

2011-03-23, 09:18 AM

Now then, since I've created a realm, what shall come next? Hin'ia wondered, as he floated around in the now, not-so empty void. Sculpting that power which was intricately tied to the foundation of the Universe, Hin'ia formed a power source for the Runic Plane, molding a great tower in the plane, and within this tower were located many portals, and each of these portals led to a different time, or a different place; and each of these drew power from that time or place, sending them into a Great Ball in the very center of the plane. And this Great Ball sent energy out into the plane, providing for it the nourishment that it needed for what would come next. Only one last part...

Godly Act: Create the Tower of Runes, energy source of the Runic Plane

2011-03-23, 06:00 PM

Micheal looks at his plane, his place for all good and he then raises his non existant hands and then summons up the palace of good. This will be the strong hold for all the greatest good in the world and his future palace.

Making Palace of Good

2011-03-25, 12:15 PM
The gods continued to mold the universe to fit their whims and their creations and interactions continued to intertwine.

Upon the material, great caverns and tunnels were formed; an underground lair for darkness, even in daylight. Then came the crash of water, collapsing some tunnels to form rivers and collapsing caverns into lakes and oceans. In warmth, the water would rise into the sky and form clouds. In cold, the water would return to the ground. Then music, a cacophony at first, filled the world. Sound, of the musical realm, created harmonies intertwined with the natural motion of the world.

On Bone World, a great heart and brain came to be. The Source of Magic pumped Magus Sangria throughout all planes, imbuing them all with magic. The Lightning of Mind struck out at the very stones imbuing the planes with inherent knowledge. In the center of Heaven, a great building of pure white was created and was called Palace of Good.

The Tower of Runes was erected to provide a source of energy for the Runic Plane.

And ten planes where created identically the same as the material plane. These would become planes of differing possibilities.

New Turn
I also added a title to each character post and an action list.

2011-03-25, 01:25 PM

Zaltirus watches as the other gods busy themselves on other realms, and other worlds. Gazing over the world he decides it is time to create a home seat of his own. His energy form winks out of existence for a moment as he releases a surge of energy. Mountains burst from the ground encircling a verdant valley about one hundred kilometers in diameter. Waterfalls pour from the mountain sides, forming nine rivers that mix and merge into a lake at the center. This lake surrounds a single island, a perfect circle a kilometer in diameter, upon which a great tree bursts from the ground towering taller than any other on the primitive world. On its boughs a great fruit grows, overflowing with life. Its roots cover the island dipping into the surrounding lake, and its canopy stretches . Where its leaves and fruit fall into the lake animals begin to develop.

Godly act: Create a valley surrounding a tree of life.

2011-03-25, 03:58 PM
Althar knew what was lacking: movement. A force as primal as it was eternal. And ethereal, as all good things. Wind, was the rune that suited, and so did Althar set in motion the still empty airs of the world (of popullating it with gases, and other things, he was to worry later). Althar decided it was best if cold wind was sharp and fast, while hot wind was slow, smothering. Having given life to the wind, he made it temperamental, blind and stupid, too stupid to be tamed. He then went to the highermost mountain and started to make the air colder there, so as to make it efficiently fall to the ground, for wind also carried in it a primal force of life, that was yet to be classified into different elements. Althar then decided that the Northern wind and the Eastern wind be rivals, and that their courses would be a preparation for thunderous battles in the open sea. And so it was

2011-03-25, 03:59 PM
Archonas noticed the Material World was beginning to grow beautiful. Water flowed, the plants were being fed with life giving nurture through the water. It rained on the world, and Archonas could drink the water and enjoy it's refreshment. But something else was missing. Archonas had already create Arcane power through Magus Sangria. . . the energy that comes from an inexhaustible supply of blood, but, he thought for a moment, that might become boring. Nothing but the constant flow of energy from the World Of Bone as a magical source of energy might cause problems in the future. As god of magic, it was Archonas'es duty to provide another source of Energy. This source of energy would come from the power of Archonas'es life force.

Archonas breathed into the sky, a portion of his own spirit and physical energy, and now the world would be filled with powerful magic that would come from Archonas directly. This energy would later become known as Wizard magic.

Divine Act to create Wizardry, a magical power differing from Sorcery, (Magic from Magus Sangria) in that Wizard magic doesn't have to be restricted to Archonas'es domains.

2011-03-25, 07:54 PM

Orikail lurked in the darkness below the surface, content. Here, the water dripped from above constantly, or pooled in beautiful underground lakes and flowed through the loose limestone in easy rivers. The cool air flowed like the breath of the land. Still, she felt the light on the surface. It was all around, unstoppable. She fled to the green fields and the lush forests, the beautiful crystal clear water, the frozen snowy mountaintops, and the large, spacious valleys of earth and stone.

The land was, she decided, too beautiful for just surface dwellers. She watched passivley as the burning sun disappeared over the far side of the world. Darkness enveloped the land, a black, pitiful landscape. Orikail's eyes easily saw through to the world, but still, the color, the joy, was stolen. She already felt the urge to create beings to populate her world. And so, she decided that the beauty of the place would remain intact, for all to see. Even at night. She dipped into the Bone World below and around her, feeling around the unfamiliar place as if she were a child probing an empty socket, feeling the keen loss of the familiar tooth. Nonetheless, Orikail felt the place, it's border to the Veil, and enjoyed it.

She reached into the Bone World with her mind and stole a part of it's essence, just a tiny fragment of the pale, cold place. She crushed it with her hands, breifly appearing as slender arms hovering off of her unseen energy. This ball she let drift carefully, then watched as it locked into place over the world. The night lit up, bright, shocking Orikail, but as the pale moon balanced opposite the sun, she felt the light go out of it. The brillaint orb hung in place high overhead, scarred and pitted from her hands. She tapped it gently, setting into motion and smiled as her handiwork slowly trudged across the sky, illuminating the dusky landscape below.

Third Single Action for Turn 3, Created the moon and it's phases, which is now something of a sacred object for Orikail.

2011-03-26, 11:15 AM

Giggling madly Keltharis continues on creating a plane made of iron with evershifting elevator like platforms dotting the land. He laced it with every tool of killing he could imagine and tossed it aside as he flew on. It landed near the material plane, though it missed by a margin.

2011-03-27, 09:45 PM

The rocks stirred. Gradually each boulder, as it absorbed the knowledge imparted by the Lightning, came to life, the weight of their knowledge too much to hold back the banks of life.
As one they lifted, forming Humanoid shapes by sheer instinct. And thus the Earth Elementals were born.

Create the Earth Elementals. They are similar to animals, they need to sleep 8 hours a day but that's it. They seek out the Lightning by instinct, trying to gain more knowledge.

2011-03-29, 12:31 PM
The burst of energy that filled these young gods continued to be harnessed with greater skill.

Wind met with water to set in motion a weather system. The two rival winds, The Northern Wind and the Eastern Wind, created great chaos and destruction when they clashed. A moon, gathered from the energies of Bone World, was cast upon the sky, to help provide light during the darkness of night. Though, its waxing and waning would make this light less reliable. Mountains where thrust up from the ground, creating a valley for the newly created Tree of Life. Magic, once simply known as Sorcery, was opened to all domains. And the first sentient creatures came to be known as Earth Elementals, creatures formed by the Lightning of the Mind’s power.

And another plane was created, mode of iron and for destruction and war. It would be the place from which all weapons would be born.

The gods could feel that their ability to use this bountiful energy was nearing it end. So, with great earnest, they continued to create.

New Turn

Updated action list and (some) titles.

2011-03-29, 12:41 PM

Looking at the animals that formed near the Pool of the Tree where its fruits fell, Zaltirus decided it was time. With a great surge of energy he sendst these fledgeling fish throughout the waters of the world, and to match them on land he willed the creation of animals that walked on land, and birds to fly in the air. He looks at the creatures made thus, animals of all kind. Animals of the day and the night, those which sentients would love, those they'd hate, and those they'd fear. Insects, reptiles, birds, and creatures like onto mammals. Animals to eat the plants, animals to polinate them, and animals to eat the animals that eat the plants, but he finds something lacking. Taking a single fruit from the Tree of Life he infuses it with energy making it spread and grow. Zaltirus watches as it falls from his nimbus of energy into the Pool of the Tree and as the water bubbles with the building energy. Suddenly a great scaled head rises out, a single mighty frill running down its back, and two forward curved horns jutting like thos of a bull. Its mouth, filled with razor sharp teeth, like those of a tyrannosaurus hangs slightly agape, as the creature rises out of the Pool. It walks on four great, ponderous legs, and its wings stretch almost a hundred meters, as its long, heavy tail twitches angrily. Its eyes are a bright blue, like pure sapphire, and its breath hangs heavy in the air tainted with miasma. It is the first of its kind, the first dragon and king of animals, and greatest of all unthinking beasts. It takes to the sky, roosting in the top of the Tree of Life, eating of the fruits to gain immortality, and serving as the gatekeeper of the Tree preventing any mortal from nearing it and tasting of it.

Creates animals, and creates non-intelligent dragons as the kings of animals with scales, teeth, claws, and poisonous breath. The first dragon takes lair in the Tree of Life preventing mortals from interfering with it.

2011-03-29, 01:02 PM

Archonas, sensing his power reserve was about to begin dwindling, hastily brought about the merging of Worlds, as he had intended. He stretched forth his hands, magically charging the energies of both worlds, of the Material, and the World of Bone, causing them to intertwine. Mystically, the entire World of Bone began to eerily phase through the planet without harmful incident. Inside the Material world, was the World of Bone, a massive under world, as it would become known by the races. There was a slight alteration of the Material World, in that some areas contained ways to venture to and from from the World of Bone through passages. Other places in the Material World had portals that would make it possible as well.

Divine Act: Merging of Worlds

2011-03-29, 08:13 PM

Lethislet sat tinkering with yet another of his half-finished inventions, it utilized water dripping onto a wheel to power a small magical device. He had created the water-drip but hadn't finished the conversion process from the spinning wheel to Magic when he felt a tug on his mind.
Instantly he was above the stone mind, looking down at the roving rocks, seeking the sparks running through the field.
"Well that's odd. Hmm I wonder"
He disappears back into his Workshop. He toils long and hard, looking for the template he wanted (Endless is a big space). Eventually he finds it, the Gene Code. A type of bio-engineering that gives the applicant the ability to breed.
He reappears on the mountain and tosses the Code into the air, it spreads out into many bits before hitting every Elemental directly.

The Gene Code is a futuristic organic nano-bot that messes with the subjects Genes. This specific Code gives the Elementals the ability to reproduce and a Geovoric diet.
Geovore = rock-eater

2011-03-29, 08:36 PM

Orikail revels in the night as she maniuplates the phases of the moon, ignoring the lawful play of time as she bounces around the stream, watching animals evolve and merge. She feels a being wrench the Bone World across space and merged with the mortal plane, thus yet empty of it's mortals. The land underneath opens up to the Bone World. She feels a sadness, for a moment, as she realizes how much power she has expended with the others to create this place. Ignoring it, she retreats back into her dark sanctum, the winding cavernous passages below the surface. Down here, it's an entirely new world; Life has sprung up, though it is few and far between. The dark, ugly, secret monsters of the world find their homes here, and Orikail loves them for it.

Moving lower, and lower still, she spreads out a single, long and serpentine passage around the planet, leading it down farther than it should go, past the edges of the Bone World, into an area of unusual properties, on neither plane. Here she pokes a hole through and into the parallel Veil, spreading shadow planar influence through the area. The large pit is where she will make her home, outside of every plane, in the areas where they overlap. Already she can feel the shadow energy running up the cave behind her like a tide, washing over some of the dark minions of the world below, and changing them in unpredictable ways.

Godly act, creating a shadow host where the material, Bone, and Shadow planes meet.

Also, XD @ nanotech

2011-03-30, 02:59 PM

This was fun and all, watching everyone create and build the universe around her, but now it was time to actual do something again. Her power was soon to end, she could tell, and there was little chance it would return.
Flying off some ways from the planet which was taking great strides toward life and all the components thereof, Cal-Fe-Earn decides that creatures will gain sentience soon enough after the endless toil. Why not create a place that could both act as the reservoir of the souls components, and at the same time a place to call her own, as some of the other gods seemed to have?
Great energy burst from her body and, combining with bits of matter fragments from the planet, Created the stuff from which those granted worthiness by Fate would call Prana.
The building block plane worked its way through the Planes of Light and Shadow, each one brought closer together and infusing the Prana with aspects of each. All the way out into the void it stretched until it encompassed the entire globe, a flat circular disk that faintly pulsed with potential.
Godly Act: Creates the Plane of Souls, Cal-Fe-Earn's Domain. This, besides creating potential sentience a little more possible, also creates soul energy. The basic building blocks shall be called Prana.

2011-03-31, 10:02 AM

As he sees the growing world created by the other gods Keltharis is disgusted, to idyllic, not enough chaos! He flys down and strikes the planet, raising jagged peaks across its surface in a great swath. He fills these with fire making volcanoes. Finally he scatters many heavy ore deposits throughout the earth, making iron, and ther wepaon materials, abundantly available for all to come.

2011-03-31, 07:02 PM
The gods' could feel that their ability to control the entire universe was waning. But that did not give them pause.

The first life was born upon the world. It teemed of every kind imaginable; from the small to the large, to those that swam to those that flew. And from them a king was made: the first dragon and it would make the Tree of Life its home as a guardian. The earth elementals, also came to know life as they began to eat and reproduce, altered by a Gene Code. And then the mountains came. Violently, they shot out from the ground with shaking and destruction. Some even became volcanoes, producing great fire and destruction from their peaks.

The Bone World once sat in a plane separate from the material, but in one grand gesture, the two became one. Beneath the material world, existed the Bone World as much in its own plane as it was in that of the material plane. Now tunnels, along with portals, could lead to this world of the dead. And in the sky, another object appeared alongside the previously created satellite. The ever-changing moon of Bone World was now another moon of the material world.

The planes began to intertwine, further, as a Shadow Host was made deep within the material where Bone, material, and Shadow met. The power of the Shadow Plane could reach out from this place and alter the creatures that lived closest to it. And a Plane of Souls was created that would be the source of Prana, spiritual energy. It was connected to the Shadow, Bone, Light, and material planes but was not close to any of these planes.

Now the gods new that this would be their final opportunity to expend the great energies they had been given...

New Turn

Plan: This turn ends on Sunday morning.
You get one cosmic, phenomenal act followed by one nearly cosmic, semi-phenomenal act. Consider this extra act a little more powerful than a Godly Act. This is for roleplay purposes only, so don't feel forced to use this act. Also, I ask that you try to let other people post their empowered actions before you post your not-nearly-as-empowered actions.

Enjoy your last turn as an empowered deity :)

2011-03-31, 07:15 PM

Archonas, Magi of the Underworld, finally begun to visit his final act of cosmic power upon the world. Before he had focused his powers mostly on his strongest domains. Now, it was time for him to focus his energies on his last emphasis of sex and passion. Archonas sang a love song to all future generations of living beings that had male and female identities. As a result power was torn from his body, and a mystical moon, the Third Moon was formed from all of Archonas'es sexual energy. Masculine and Feminine energies were stored in an extreme concentration of power inside the Third Moon. The Third Moon changed colors, and sometimes did not even appear in the sky. Thus, the Love Moon, the Third Moon, was created.

2011-03-31, 07:37 PM

Lethislet decided to lay back on his roof, as he did so he saw the ocean near him struck with a series of bolts, these were obviously not the first. As the waves continued to crash and recede, shapes formed. Each wave that hit made them more and more detailed, arms formed, and upon them were fingers adept at making, shoulders and muscles strong enough to carry heavy tools and machinery.
A final bolt struck the waves and the shapes began to move, they slipped through the waves as if they weren't there and began to emerge, the first Water Elementals stumbled onto the beach.
In a flash Lethislet was there, courtesy of the teleporter he had recently invented.
"Greetings Elementals of Water. I am your creator, Lethislet."
The Elementals looked puzzledly at their creator, obviously not intelligent enough to respond.

Muscle-bound beings of salt-water. They can go solid or liquid at-will, either bouncing people off them or letting their fists pass through.

2011-03-31, 10:29 PM

Orikail was spent and satisfied deep below the earth, the Veil entangling the nearby world, spreading like a spider and altering all that it touched. She had one thing left to do, perhaps the most important one of all. The reason she created the Veil, in fact. She willed herself through the solid earth, watching as the layers of rock swooped past her, their material forms much more interesting from within, the spiral lattices, sheer edges, and startic arrangement a thing of beauty. She finally reached the surface after a few moments, and appeared into the world. She found herself where she had wanted to be the whole time; By the tree of life. It was impressive, and beautiful, but perhaps not something that intelligent beings should know.

She gazed around her, extending her sight to cover the surface world. The Veil was already below, at least enough for her purposes, so she grabbed just a small amount, a pinch of it, and spread it over the divine. With this hint of the Veil, she covered the Tree of Life, the Heart of Magic and the Mind of Stone, all of these things and more, every divine imprint on the material plane, was subtly cloaked. The Veil would be pierced, easily enough; Orikail could sense her power waning even then; And yet, she felt that it would suffice. At the very least, the centers of divine power would remain hidden from view, objects of mystery and lore. For a time. Finally, weak and weary from the exertion of even this simple act, Orikail descends once more into Her Host, a divine place of feeling, a holy chamber where she can rest and keep a close on on the underworld of the planet the gods had wrought.

Last powerful effect; A shadow cloak over the divine planar works on material; To keep mortals away, at least those unworthy, until they are ready for what they find.

2011-04-02, 06:29 PM
Archonas had decided it was time to create something he hadn't made before. He created a palace with his magical reserves, in it he wrote the Records of everything that had happened before the powers of the gods began to wane. And in it, there were monuments to all the gods.

Create the god's monuments

2011-04-02, 06:41 PM

Seeing the spiritual worlds integrated with the main world, Zaltirus groews worried for the animals under his charge. To look after his creations he selects one being which flies, one which walks, and one that swims and imbues each with power to serve as guardian spirits for all animals that fall under their domain. The flying beast he makes into a great bird with wings a kilometer long, and eyes which can see for miles and through stone or metal to find its prey, trusting Orikail's cloak to ward it from mortal sight while it watches over all flying things.

The land walker becomes a great creature with armored scales thicker than metal plate and great feathers in bright hues. Upon its head a single horn stretches, edged and curved like the blade of a scimitar, and each of its sixty legs ends with a powerful six-fingered claw, and its long tail is covered in sharp spike which it can shoot out. He imbues it with the power to tunnel and dig through the earth, and a nose that can track scents even years old to pursue those who commit excessful crimes against its charges.

To defend the sea he creates a powerful serpent 900 feet long. From its sides hundreds of tiny heads stretch, and its body splits into four as it nears it true heads, each great and powerful. Each of these heads boasts a mouth rimmed with teeth, and the creature ensures that any who would fish a species to extinction will face a similar threat themselves.

Create 3 beasts to protect animals from hostile magical threats and irresponsible mortals who would hunt them to extinction.

2011-04-03, 02:35 AM

Feeling his power waning Keltharis decides to make a final grand gesture. On the material plane he begins to distort reality, causing the gravity of the planet to become one tenth that which it should be given the size of the planet.

2011-04-03, 09:01 AM

Seeing the strange elemental creatures that now existed as built by some of the other Gods, Cal-Fe-Earn feels they need somewhere to really call their homes. And, just as well, opposites with which to interact.

As part of her final powers, Cal-Fe-Earn creates planes Parallel to the material planes.

Bhumiya, the plane of Earth, where the earth Elementals would stay.
Connected, but not in the same place is Spira, the Plane of Air.

Agni, the Plane of Fire and Api, the Plane of Water would live connected but not in the same place as well.

Other Planes were to be created as well. A plane on the basis of good and evil came into play, with positive and negative energy elementals living on opposites sides of a giant spiraling coin. This would be Umdralig.

A plane of Everlasting life which coincided with a plane of never ending death is created. Plants grow and wither in seconds, while others never grow but live forever. This, would be known as Vita-Exire, the two planes twined in a spiral, with the ends meeting to form a circle.

Finally, a twin plane on the concepts of Law and Chaos was created. The primal force of law builds creates and upholds a series of buildings, while the opposite plane (Which you could see in the sky against the bottom plane) was a curling screaming plane of destruction. The two forces, on this plane called Sherihaos, were to constantly be in battle, one never winning but never losing.

With the finality of her power, Cal-Fe-Earn created the elemental creatures that would uphold these different Virtues. Fire and Air were finished as opposites to those already made. Good and evil Elementals as swirling lights and menacing darkness to inhabit the coin. Life elementals and Death Elementals, each taking a different form (The Life elementals appeared as large bipedal plants; Death Elementals appear as skeletal creatures). The Law and Chaos Elementals (Where Law elementals appear as gigantic walking buildings of different architectures, Chaos elementals never appear as the same thing twice, constantly shifting their form to their every whim.)

Cal-Fe-Earn then came to rest in her own small patch of the Prana Plane, and sat to catch her breath.

Greater Power + Godly Act: Creates planes of Opposites: Api and Agni, the fire and water planes. Bhumiya and Spira, the planes of Earth and Air. Umdralig, the plane of good and Evil. Vita-Exire, the plane of Life and Death. and Sherihaos, the Plane of Law and Chaos. Created the Elementals that would inhabit each plane or set of planes. moved some earth elementals to Bhumiya and some water elementals to Api.

2011-04-04, 12:07 AM
The gods rested. Drained of the empowerment, they could know look at their combined creation and take pause.

A moon was created: the Love Moon. It was filled with godly energies of love and passion.

Three great creatures, protectors of the beasts, were born unto the world. Each would take on the protection of a respective domain: air, land, and sea.

Elemental planes were created, with a balance between them all. And elemental creatures where made to live in these planes.

The power that held the creatures close to the world’s surface was weakened.

And as a monument to the works of the gods was made on Bone World, a veil was made upon all the works of the gods. Mortals eyes would be blind to the grand creations of the gods without the intervention of the gods themselves.

And finally, the creation of Peltara was complete. The gods smiled at all they had created but suddenly felt weak. They had little power to influence the world itself! But why? Where they not gods? Did they not create this world in their own vision?

But there was one aspect yet made, one that would be provided by the very powers and energies that had given them the power to create the universe. Mortals. Creatures of great potential, but infantile in their grasp of the world of Peltara and the gods that had made it. But within a blink of the god’s eyes, they saw these creatures rise from the energies of the world and grow. They learned, they moved, they too started to create. And before long, they started to question. And it was in this that the gods could feel their power return, but only slightly. It would be these mortals that would allow the gods to once again create.

They stood at about seven feet tall and were slender. Their skin glowed slightly and was very fair. They had two arms, each with a hand and five fingers, a bone spike protruding from the elbow, and a random set of runes. Their legs where built for jumping and speed, bending away from the direction they faced. They each had a long, flexible tail that came to a barbed spike at the end. And their head had two upturned horns, a mouth made for speech, and two veridian eyes that could detect ultra violet light.

These mortals called themselves Nirran.

The planet is called Peltara and the first mortal race is called Nirran.

New Turn

PLEASE READ THE RULES AGAIN!!! As it is important that you understand what you can do at this early stage and your limitations.

Some Basics for this turn:
Every god has a population of 1. That effectively means that you can only give 1 command.
You each have one Godly Act.
You all have 5 Godly Wills (please read the rules on how these are to be used!)
The maximum number of Acts any god can have is 1. The maximum number of Wills any god can have is 5. The maximum population any god can have is 100.
Turns will last about a week (maybe shorter with the first few).
Ask questions if you have any before posting! I will be checking the OOC everyday!

POSTING ORDER: There is an obvious advantage to posting last, so I will be implementing a “bonus” for people who post first except for this turn. I want you to keep this in mind and plan accordingly. As there are no rules to playing nicely, I do ask that you roleplay maturely.

One last note: Please make your posts interesting. Do not post “I command my people to multiply” otherwise I will ignore your post. The point of this game is not to win, it’s to have fun. And reading a list of commands and acts is not fun for me or anyone else who is playing.

2011-04-04, 01:15 AM

Zaltirus looks at his people as they leaped through the mountains ringing the his valley. He watched as they moved and they hunted, using what speed they had to leap into the trees, far taller than they could have gone were it not for the reduced gravity of the world, when ground dwelling predators chased after them. As they built their small settlement in the tree tops upon the outer face of the mountains he sent a command to the mind of several of his followers.

You are few, and the beasts are many. It would not do for your kind to die, you must instead multiply till someday you are numerous enough and I grant you leave to pass through the mountains to the more fertile lands therein.

Then he placed an invisible sigil upon the head of each of his worshippers blessing them with the fertility of the spring of the world, so that they will bear healthy and strong children in abundance.

Then he goes to the Tree of Life he made. His presence stretches out to grasp one of its fruits and the baleful eye of the dragon falls upon him. Knowing that the creature is one of simple instinct Zaltirus sends it a mental command to leave him be and plucks a fruit. Returning to the Nirran village he cuts the fruit into many slices dropping them. From each slice a new being arises. They are larger and more muscled than nirrans, they have keen noses with which to track prey, strong hands to grasp and wield tools, but also to crush and rend with mighty sinews, and powerful legs to run. They bear the runes and tails of the nirrans, and the voice that speaks, but their eyes see into the infrared forsaking the ultraviolet and their mouths bear long and sharp fangs that drip with poison. Their flesh is scaled with feathers of plant-like greens to hide their presence. Zaltirus gives them the same command that had been given to the nirrans and places a taboo upon them that forbids them to hunt the nirran people except under his direct command. Then he returns to his nirran worshippers as they dream and instructs them as to their new allies together with whom they'll hunt. This new race will be the mighty runners that will chase their prey, for days if need be, into the traps of the nirrans. They will be the spear-brothers of the nirrans fighting together. These bodily advantages come at a toll and they are shorter lived than their nirran spear-brothers, reaching adulthood younger, having children younger, and living a quick and brutal life. Zaltirus does not name his creation, not yet, he instead waits upon them or their nirran spear-brothers to choose a name for themselves.

Godly Act: Create new race (not named as of yet as Zaltirus is leaving it to his mortal followers to name themselves) granting +1 to the combat specialization.

Godly Will: Spend 1 godly will to perform the Heavenly Health godly act.

Command: Increase population.

Godly will backfire roll: [roll0]

Calamity Roll: [roll1]

If a calamity does occur and the roll is a 1 or 2 will spend the godly wills necessary to bring it up to a 3.

Edit: Forgot to note the new race's shorter lifespan.

2011-04-04, 09:35 PM

Lethislet was sunning himself on his roof once more when he was distracted by a Nirran.
"Please, let me and my people access to your knowledge, we can learn much from the tools inside your Workshop!" Called the Nirran.
"What is knowledge if not earned? Your race has done nothing to earn the Workshop and it's bounty. Simply being is not an achievement, the Rock Elementals at least have done stuff, and they can't even talk yet!"
"Is it not your duty as God of Inventing to teach?"
"No, it is my duty to guide, not to nurture, to help, not achieve for you. But fine, I will grant you and any who wish it 1 boon from my shop. The Wheel." With that a stone block appeared in front of the man, it was in a perfect circle.
"Thank you master."
"Oh please, I'm not your master. I'm a God who gave you a rock! Granted it was my only rock in the Workshop, that I know of. I really must clean it up one eon... How do you clean an infinite space? I probably have a plan for that somewhere." Great, now Lethislet is completely out of it. Oh well moving on.

The man returned to his people with the rock, teaching them about how it could be used to make things easier.
As time went on, the Nirran near the Workshop became prosperous, their early inventions far surpassing those of their neighbours.
Eventually the man's grandson returned to Lethislet, asking for another boon to further his tribe.
"Hail Lethislet, would thou grant my and my tribe a boon?" he called out.
"-Or maybe I could use the Hi^HIptjd*gf Race I have stored in Quadrant *^5H# to clean the *G*TIF from Quadrant *H*T^&%. Oh hello, back again?"
*to be continued*

Spend Godly Act to teach Stone-Age Tech to the Nirran around the Workshop

2011-04-06, 07:15 PM

Archonas'es power over the Love Moon manifested it'self through the passionate love making of the Nirran. Although most couplings produced Nirran, a small, discriminated remnant of the Nirran community, ostracized from the rest, began to congregate among themselves. These unusual people enchanted by the Third Moon were called "Humans"

Divine Act: Create Humans; Godly Will: Command them to frequently "increase" and multiply.

2011-04-08, 01:21 PM

Delighting in the existence of life and the chaos it brings he decides that more life is necessary, he makes it known to his followers, then on a whim reveals to them a glimpse of the plane of music teaching them music.

Heavenly Health Godly Act, godly will granting music to followers of Keltharis.

2011-04-11, 07:40 PM
Life. It had been so mundane in the eons since the beginning. But now it filled the gods with a power they had never been familiar with. The people revered their deities, speaking of their greatness. The gods could feel the power of worship.

World Changes:
New Races: Humans, Unnamed Race

{table]Diety|Population|Combat|Crafting|Learning|Resource Points|Technology Points

Armin - I need to know which stat the Human race increased.
Levyathyn - If you post last turn's actions and commands within a couple days, I will apply the changes retroactively.

There will be a very small bonus to the first poster this turn.

2011-04-11, 07:46 PM
((I increased Healt this turn))

2011-04-11, 08:41 PM
The Fithin around the Workshop advance at an incredible pace, their pace attributed to their Scientists. The Church of Lethislet was booming, sometimes literally :smalltongue: as they had discovered how to light fires but not what burns well.
Their High Scientist was the descendant of the man who received the first blessing. Their religion based on the edict passed down to them, that the world did not owe them, they owed the world. That they must earn their technology rather than have it handed to them.

Command: Learn and Advance
Godly Act: Great Minds

2011-04-11, 09:22 PM

Zaltirus watched the nirrans and their new spear-brothers. The new race came to be known as the fjirri, or hunters, and the foremost of them was Akran the First. Brave of spirit, and strong of body, Zaltirus watched as the warrior set forth moving through the mountains to the valley within. Invisible to mortal eye, Zaltirus observed as the fjirri warrior fought through the ferocious beasts and animals that had evolved within the valley. Great serpents, saber-fanged boars, and winged creatures resembling bears assailed the warrior on his journey, and Zaltirus watched as the hunter, armed with nothing more than simple tools and his own power made his way through searching for something told of only in legends.

Akran approached the lake surrounding the Tree of Life, his searching spirit struggling against the Veil. He dove into the water, cutting through it with the skill of an expert swimmer. Tentacles covered in barbed suction cups wrapped about his leg, as a long creature resembling an unholy hybrid between shark and cephalopod pulled him towards its open mouth. Akran twisted, letting deadly teeth cut his chest as his claw gouged an eye. The creature, in pain, released the fjirri and the warrior made his way to the island, pulling himself up out of the water on a massive root of the Tree of Life. Zaltirus watched as the warrior noted the lack of animals on this island, despite the ever increasing frequency as he had neared it, the lack of life other than the one great Tree. Instantly the warrior struck a fighting position, keen nose sniffing for its enemy. Akran's face snarled, the miasma of poison hanging heavy, and lifting a large, sharp rock from the shore he moved forward. His ears were keen, and his muscles tensed like a spring when the dragon rushed from the branches over head. Akran threw the rock at the dragon's head, leaping back as the dragon's claws tore the air where he had stood. It was then that Zaltirus chose to act, causing for a moment a nimbus of deific light to illuminate the warrior. Thus rebuked, the dragon fled back into the boughs of the tree and Akran moved forward plucking a single fruit from it. He took a bite of the fruit and felt the power and surging life force of the tree flow into and through him, and Zaltirus prompted his subconscious mind with an order to preserve each and every seed of the plant. Obeying, Akran returned to his homeland, the very beasts bowing before him as he approached the village. The nirrans and fjirri seeing the subservience of beasts bowed as well, recognizing the sign of favor from their god. Thus Akran became first high priest of Zaltirus, and having tasted the fruit of Life gained immortality.

Zaltirus's commands for his people were the same as before, prosper and multiply, and thus he blessed them ensuring prosperity and fertility, paying especial interest to the line of Akran to ensure that his skill in battle would be passed on to all of his descendants and through them the nirrans and fjirri.

Godly Will: Help Akran claim the fruit of life and through it immortality and the position of high priest.
Command: Increase population.
Godly Act: Heavenly Health.
Godly Will to perform Godly Act: Bless One (combat skill).
Calamity %: [roll0]
Calamity: [roll1]. If a calamity occurs on a 1 or 2 spend enough godly wills to make it a 3, on a 3 or 4 spend enough to make it a 5.

2011-04-13, 03:32 PM
This is my retconned post for last turn.



In her darkness beneath the earth of the land, Orikail stirs. She feels instinctively the ebb and flow of the Divine Tide as godly powers are wrought on the material world once more. Unknown amounts of time have passed, and she feels suddenly worried, invigorated by the fear that she has been left behind.

She roams to the surface, watching as intricate patterns are woven below, constantly shifting. The flux of mortal life, the waves of belief rolling back and forth, were scintillating lines of power to her eyes. She eyed them hungrily and found, to her belief, an intricate web of a cult in her name. Her followers were out in the simple world, the few of them desperately clinging onto the shadows of caves and the fear of night. They were a dying breed, she found; They had no chance against the other mortal religions, and as she watched these useless, pathetic mortals, she took pity on them.

Orikail felt inside of the minds of her followers, saw blank potential. She saw the seeds she could use to help them grow, to guide them to mortal power. Happily, she made herself known, though yet she was too weak to manifest herself to them. Instead, she worked with their emotions. The fear they felt at the sight of the cave mouth, the worry at the sound of a piercing night beast's cry, the vain hope that allying themselves with the night would protect them. These she used to make herself known.

My Chosen, you must survive. You must seek out and understand the rules of this world, and the players, so you can then learn how to win. Seek out knowledge in all of it's dark corners, so that you may use it to your own advantage, and prosper.

With this, she willed her followers, few though they numbered, to seek out other individuals, weaklings left out of the pack, outsiders, alone and afraid. She bid her minions, as she thought of them now, to find and sway these mortals to her cause with promises of power. Then she saw to it that these Chosen would be able to manage their own lives, and maybe those of others. She wanted them to learn, to open up new paths of development, to find out all of the world's little details and use them. She taught them how to observe and deduce, to practice, to extrapolate. Even to communicate. Though they didn't even know these words, they took to the learning instinctively.

Command: Orikail commands her followers to spread the word to nonbelievers. Convert Heathens, from unclaimed population only.

Godly Act: Orikail bestows a limited science of learning on her followers. Enhance Followers, used to add +1 point of Learning.


2011-04-16, 04:37 PM

Orikail was there, her presence felt keenly only by a few choice members of her minions. They were everpresent on this level of the underground, their bodies and minds adapting to the dark way of life, though they still fought it at every turn. They battled with the unsightly monstrosities of the deep every step of the way, the little nirrans clustered together for safety, using their numbers to stave off death and insanity. Orikail was impressed. They were more than her tools; She felt keenly the loss of every one, their minds winking off, too briefly touched by her own. She decided to aid them. First, she would need help. She reached through space and planted fingerlike tendrils of thought into the minds of her chief leaders. They were still tribal, and there would need to be convincing of their rule, but for now, she commanded them to build her a temple underground, a place where she could manifest her will more easily.

This done, she decided to mark her chosen, her leaders. She picked three, for now. They were wise, and had great faith in her. She rewarded them by striking from them their vision. She came to them in their sleep and eased her consciousness through their eyes, into the depths of their souls. There, she wrought upon them a truer sight. They awoke, startled, their eyes burned white from her divine presence, yet able to see into the hearts and minds of their followers. They became more, her own mindtouched. It was all she could do. And thus her many followers had, for now, a direction. As the tribunal commanded, her minions acted. They began to work on a temple immediately, and Orikail watched it's construction over time, favorably.

She also scoured the surface world herself, invisible to all but the keenest eyes of the gods themselves, her presence unknown among the surface nirran. Almost unknown, that is. Again, she played subtly on the minds that knew of her, minds that spread rumors and tales. She planted ideas, feelings, and even knowledge; Knowledge of her flock, and her evergrowing temple. So doing, she plucked followers from the vestige of surface life and drove them gently towards her own purposes.

Command: Worship - Commanded followers to build and pray at a temple to her in the dark of the underground.

Godly Will: Orikail marks some of her most faithful with the sight of truth, an almost psychic ability to see in utter darkness, whether it's in the world or the hearts of the nirran. This also manifests her marked to other divine, who can see the physical manifestation of her meddling on the bodies of these followers only.

Godly Act: Heavenly Health - Orikail seeks new followers herself, devoting the acquisition of new followers as if her entire population was on the task.

I shouldn't need to roll calamity, right? I will if necessary, but it didn't seem that way.

2011-04-18, 06:12 PM
Time was hardly perceptible to the gods, but could be counted in the lifetimes of the mortals. And as time moved on, some gods grew silent. The universe could feel their will no longer enacting upon the world and thus new gods were pulled into this fledgling universe.

And there they floated, three new gods unknown to any mortal high above the world looking down upon it with wonder. Instictively they knew what was needed to be done, but how? They had no power in this universe, there were none that worshipped them.

And so the universe granted a small bonus to help the three new arrivals along. Firstmost, a few of the faithless nirran came to the wonderous conclusion of these new gods. And secondly, these gods were given a small, but temporary, power boost.

Lethislet's bonus is an extra resource to allow a fully productive Learn and Advance.

{table]Diety|Population|Combat|Crafting|Learning|Resource Points|Technology Points|Worship|Notes
Zaltirus|16|1(+1)|0|0|0|0|0|Calamity with Blessing
Keltharis|5|0|0|0|0|0|0|No actions this round
Pantheos|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|New god
Thruldamir|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|New god
Ct'el|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|New god

I have added another stat called worship. This stat lasts for one turn and goes down to zero at the beginning of the next turn. Read Command: Worship to understand this stat.

Also, please welcome Pantheos (101jir), Thruldamir (Mixster), and Ct'el (Technokami) to the game!
The new guys will get an extra Godly Act and will gain 2 Godly Wills for this round only. Unused Godly Acts will be lost, but remember, you can hold up to 5 Godly Wills. Do not hesitate to ask any questions if you have any.

2011-04-18, 08:08 PM

Though he struggled to ensure that his favorite’s legacy was passed down to the species, it would seem that Akran’s children have not inherited their sire’s true power. They are strong, fierce warriors, but nothing compared to the founder of the line, and Zaltirus realizes he must admit that Akran is but one of a kind. Even then what effects it had were only short lived.

Zaltirus pauses in contemplation for a moment. His people are still not quite numerous enough for his plans. They have spread, far and become many, but it’s not, quite, enough. Whispering in the dreams of his high priest, he unveils a portion of his plan, of the glories that his chosen must ascend to and of the reality that they are still, as of yet, too few. He guarantees his clergy that he will bless his people with fertility once more in this Spring of the world but that they must make the best of it.

Command: Increase Population
Godly Act: Divine Health.
Godly Will: None for this turn.
Unless somebody smites me/steals my population I probably won’t increase it again except maybe with Create New Race.

2011-04-19, 08:17 AM

Pantheos knew that he had to keep his people on good terms with the other gods if he intended their success. As of this time, however, he had nothing to trade. He needed to spread the knowledge of his existance to other lands, converting unclaimed heathens, so as not to offend the existing gods. He knew that the psion god was wise about matters of technology, so he decided to apply Great minds to Gather Resources.
EDIT: How Pantheos came into existance: Pantheos came about in the same way as the other gods, at the same time. The problem is, his consciousness was highly distorted. He looked to the other gods to see how they organized their consciousness, and through mimicry, managed to organize his consciousness well enough to make actions. The issue was, now he was behind. He managed to develop a bonus, however, that helped counter these effects.

1. Convert heathens from unclaimed population only
2. Apply great minds to gather resources
3. Gather resources
4. I know something was mentioned about bonus actions, I would like to apply the first to another action of convert heathens (again, unclaimed only), and if I have a second, I would like to apply that to gather resources.[OOC: I hope I am doing this right. Also, Do I have any unused actions?]

2011-04-19, 09:07 AM
As the gods created, their energies seeped away. However, such power does not simply disappear. As all their colours mixed a grayish hue started to form, pulsating weakly at first. With only minor sentience, it grew rapidly in power. Until it formed itself, and ever expanded it's power a thousandfold. A deity had created itself.

I am Thruldamir. Was the first thought that raised throughout it's dull gray body. As I created myself, so must I create the perfect servants.

It looked to the 10 material planes, and found them oddly similar. Compared to the planes of balances. At first it envied the endless workshop, were all inventions resided. However, it then started to resent it. It had already surpassed all knowledge in there by creating itself. It looked to the mortals walking the earth, the Nirrans, who were wild and many. The Fjirri, brutish and strong, almost like creatures of the wild. The humans, strong through unity, although still mindlessly savage.

These races are useful, yet they need guidance. Thruldamir thought.

It gathered resources from everywhere in a split second. Thruldamir took materials from all the planes, and he mixed it together. At last he had one hundred Creatures, these were his prototypes. Of different breed and stature, of different length and power. He let them lose on a Demi-Plane resembling the Material world, although less than 100 miles from end to end. Here he sped time, so one second outside would be a million years in this plane. When he waited for a few seconds in the material plane, he finally went back. And saw destruction and creation side by side, but one race was dominant. With bloodfilled bones from the boneworld. Fiery eyes from Agni, with tears from Api running from them. Dark skin gathered from Bhumiya, and air for their lungs from Spira. The wish to create, and the knowledge that for new things to come, old must pass was taken from Vita-Exire, and the love of warfare from Sherihaos. At last, Thruldamir had filled their skin-sacks with clay from the material world, that he had woven into flesh.

Slightly resembling humans, these creatures called themselves the Ke'Arn. They were around 6 feet tall, with dark skin and fiery red eyes. Their hair was braided backwards and their physique was powerful. Their hand sprouted 8 Fingers, of which two were used to grib. Their feet had 3 toes in front and one in the back, and their lifespan was incredibly long, but apart from that they were incredibly human in their physique.
Thruldamir was astonished, they had been made as a joke, they resembled the savage humans too much, and the clay he had put in them was almost a joke. However, there they were, the most successful of his test. He gathered 20 of the finest of their children, too small to remember the demi-plane they came from, and he placed them on the material plane before he collapsed the demi-plane.

He had them fostered by his worshippers among the Humans and the Nirrans, and he told them to breed and prosper. Giving his divine Guidance to their aid.

Command: Increase Population
Godly Act: Create Race (putting the +1 in learning, the Ke'Arn will soon proceed to guide their foster parents).
Godly Act: Divine health

2011-04-19, 09:38 PM
Lethislet goes to see Pantheos.

In front of Pantheos (wherever he is) a ball of purple appears.
"You must have just awakened. I sensed you during when I pulled myself into existence. How nice to meet you."
A vaguely hand-ish thing appears and tries to shake Pantheos' hand

2011-04-20, 08:06 AM
Lethislet goes to see Pantheos.

In front of Pantheos (wherever he is) a ball of purple appears.
"You must have just awakened. I sensed you during when I pulled myself into existence. How nice to meet you."
A vaguely hand-ish thing appears and tries to shake Pantheos' hand

Pantheos, with his slightly handish thing attempts to shake Lethislet's slightly handish thing.
"I wish for peace and prosperity between our people. Your people shall soon recieve a gift from mine.

2011-04-20, 08:31 AM
Pantheos looked at his people. He knew that he needed more followers to accomplish his goals. With his new found power, he gave his people heavenly health, and then commanded them to spread the word to heathens that were unaware of him, and had no god. They would need gifts to form positive relationships with other people, and to do this they would need to Gather Resources, and so he gave them a bountiful harvest. He then advised his people Do unto others such that results in the greatest benifit to the two of you, but never neglect your own interests in the process."

Godly act: Bountiful harvest
Godly Act: Heavenly health
Command: Convert heathens (unclaimed only)
Command: Gather resources
Godly will: Give trading advice

2011-04-22, 06:25 PM

Orikail felt the energy flow, the seductive lull of the worship as it empowered her. So, too, did she feel her worshippers growing in might. They believed, now. So, she felt it was time to lay plans. She retreated into her lair, her native Host on this plane, and whispered soothing, tranquil thoughts to her followers. She bent the darkness to their will, felt them adapting over time as they came to call her divine bosom, the cavernous network of shadowy tunnels she had crafted lovingly out of the earth, their home. She found a pristine mind among her chosen. This most lofty of her followers heard her call easily, and bent in prostration to her. She spoke subtly, touching his mind, caused fleeting visions of her wishes to pass through his head. Yes, it was easy. Soon, she would be able to walk among them, but for now, she restrained herself, focused on the task at hand.

You must build. She said to his mind, showing him her intentions. He shuddered at the honor of her revealing even a hint of her own plans to him, and in his own home dug by hand out of the rock walls beneath the world's surface, he touched the ground with his forehead. He understood, but she continued. It never hurt to cultivate trust. You will send your men and women out into the world, to use what they have learned and stockpile the necessary materials. I will teach you how to use them. She sent him images, designs, plans, and even schematics, those handy diagrams she culled from the divine workshop of Lethislet himself. He weeped.

Satisfied, she slithered in the dark of her Host, eager at the prospect of the future. Once more she combed the surface world, finding the weak, scared minds of the nirran, and again she brought them to fealty, haunting them with nightmares, coercing them with violence, wooing them with seduction, even reveling them with safety and courage. Orikail toyed with their minds, watched them squirm, and tucked them into her underground pocket when she was done.

Command: Gather Resources; Send all population to meet this goal.

Godly Act: Bountiful Harvest; Using divine will to build up more stockpiled goods for her followers.

Godly Will: Heavenly Light; Use one will to convert unclaimed heathens and heretics, as before.

Godly Will rolls:

- [roll0]
- [roll1]

Spend enough Wills to bring it up to a maximum of 3 used, if necessary.

2011-04-24, 09:20 PM

Orikail feels the dark prayers reaching her mind, the grey whispers like a tug, a pull on her mind. She feels powerful still, and decides to reward her followers. She reaches down, into their very bones, and wrenches their essence free. The few remaining worshippers flee, fearful for their lives. She reaches out to her moon, touches it's essence, and bleeds them together. By the time she has finished, her high priest has arrived in her forlorn temple below. "My Mistress, have we not done as you asked?" He cries, torn.

Orikail reaches down and revives her followers; They stand, alive, forever changed. They warp as they stand, their bones shifting and their strength multiplying. They corrupt; The men and women take the aspect of the wolf, and grow stronger. It is many days before these first and strongest of her wolves finds their original shape. Then, as they grow in skill, they are able to take the form whenever they please, though the call of the moon will always, for them, be a terrifyingly strong one. Her followers can go among others, disguised, like any mortal. To her eyes, and the eyes of her own, however, the true nature of these beastmen will be obvious.

They grow and spread, birthing their own young, living their own lives. Some of them soon flee her church, and chose other gods. Orikail allows this. These, her children, were made by her hand to inhabit a world she had helped build. To give them this world, but not their freedom, would be a crime against nature.

Another Godly Will as an Act; Used to creature werewolves and augment the population. The bonus will be to combat.


- [roll0]
- [roll1]

Spend as many points as is needed.

@Feirgon: This is right, correct?

2011-04-25, 02:45 AM
Pantheos, with his slightly handish thing attempts to shake Lethislet's slightly handish thing.
"I wish for peace and prosperity between our people. Your people shall soon recieve a gift from mine.

"A gift that will be returned with an equal one. May our peoples earn their way through the world, for that is the Way of Learning."