View Full Version : Enor v. Gannji: Place Your Bets!

2011-03-21, 08:34 AM
I've got 10 sp on the allosaurus!

Zerg Cookie
2011-03-21, 09:18 AM
If anyone is killing anything, it's the Allo for sure.

I really hope we won't see the fight though, because I don't really give a **** at all... I just wanna go back to plot already.
Maybe waste 1 strip on it. Just ONE. Please?

2011-03-21, 09:30 AM
100 zorkmids on Gannji. He's far more intelligent than Enor.


Brian P.

2011-03-21, 09:32 AM
i highly doubt they will fight, these guys are friends, and them killing each other is a bit too dark for this comic imho, so 20gp on the 3rd option! whatever that might be

2011-03-21, 09:41 AM
10 gp that more than 3 guards wind up dead.

2011-03-21, 09:47 AM
My money is on alive, but with negative hitpoints a third option: barely alive and fleeing together.

Other possibilty is that Gannji kills Enor, pretending to give him a "only we two, to the end" - speech, like Belkar did with Mr Scruffy. Enor dies in his arms (somehow) and Gannji apologizes weepingly that there was no other way.

They are still evil, Gannji is smarter, and if he doesn't see a way for both of them to get out alive, he may opt for this.

Knowing Rich he will surely find a way do defy expectations though. :)

Zerg Cookie
2011-03-21, 09:53 AM
What makes them evil? :smallconfused:
They're bounty hunters who bring criminals to justice.
I'll place my bet on neutral for their alignment.

2011-03-21, 09:55 AM
I've got 10 sp on the allosaurus!

Ah, my witty joke has already been taken, meaning I have no use in this thread at all!


I'll just....see myself out, shall I?

2011-03-21, 10:05 AM
What makes them evil? :smallconfused:
They're bounty hunters who bring criminals to justice.
I'll place my bet on neutral for their alignment.

Now that you mention it...

Somehow opposing the OotS they defaulted to evil for me.

And now I noticed, that I could have made a way better quote for my bet:
"Escape and live happily ever after"

Lessee if that's too naive...

2011-03-21, 10:07 AM
Blue guy is a chromatic dragonoid. That means evil.

:elan: Dragons: Color coded for your convenience

Zerg Cookie
2011-03-21, 10:12 AM
That applies to half-dragons as well?

2011-03-21, 10:13 AM
also, even after learning they had abducted the wrong guy, and after then blasting the wrong guy's friend when he asked about it, they still seem to want to kill roy for the crime of not being in a worse situation then they are.

well, Enor, arguably, is just going with it.

thats pretty evil, or at least kind of dickish

2011-03-21, 10:16 AM
Put my 10 silver on "The fight is cancelled due to the Empress of Blood falling in love with one of the combatants".

2011-03-21, 10:16 AM
i highly doubt they will fight, these guys are friends, and them killing each other is a bit too dark for this comic imho

Somebody hasn't read Start of Darkness it seems. Yes, OOTS can get that dark - darker even. Something tells me that at some point the tone of the webcomic will hit some of the notes that SoD has hit.

Fox Box Socks
2011-03-21, 10:36 AM
What makes them evil? :smallconfused:
They're bounty hunters who bring criminals to justice.
I'll place my bet on neutral for their alignment.
You're forgetting the part where they work for an Lawful Evil empire, tracking down fugitives so that they can be brought back and presumably tortured.

And the part where Gannji threatened to kill the entire Tarquin, Elan, V, and everyone else in the room if he didn't get paid.

And the part where Enor suggested kidnapping random people off the street and handing them over to said Lawful Evil empire as a prospective business model.

Alignment issues aside, either they both kill each other, or Gannji puts Enor out of his misery via "I'm not going to fight you buddy" before slitting his throat while his back is turned.

2011-03-21, 10:39 AM
They are still evil, Gannji is smarter, and if he doesn't see a way for both of them to get out alive, he may opt for this.

Being evil doesn't keep people from loving others in this webcomic. I don't know about D&D, but in reality, it surely doesn't.

Since Gannji is smart, he knows that, without a third option, he will die in the arena sooner or later, and the only choice he has to make is whether to kill his friend beforehand and live some more weeks in prison.

2011-03-21, 10:43 AM
The two of them put on a show for a while, Ganji removes the things on Enor's wings (possibly with a well aimed attack to make it look unintentional) that prevent him from flying. They attempt an escape (possibly being shot down and killed in the process)

2011-03-21, 10:51 AM
And the part where Gannji threatened to kill the entire Tarquin, Elan, V, and everyone else in the room if he didn't get paid.
...with a can of tomato soup. I don't think that counts.

They're definitely not good, and the bounty-hunting strikes me as leaning evil, but then again their approach to it isn't particularly malevolent. At this point I don't think we have enough evidence to show evil vs. neutral.

Forum Explorer
2011-03-21, 11:17 AM
well that didn't take long for this thread to turn into an alignment debate. In my opinion the two of them are some kind of neutral. I suspect that the next comic will put this debate to an end one way or another though.

2011-03-21, 11:40 AM
May be unlikely but betting on Enor killing Gannji quickly. There's nothing that suggests Enor views Gannji as more than "smart guy who gets Enor yummies." Chaotic evil Enor kills Lawful neutral Gannji.

2011-03-21, 11:58 AM
Imo Gannji will get Enor angry and sacrifice himself.

Or the No.1 will come out. and kill them both as it goes on to long.

2011-03-21, 12:02 PM
20g on the third option. Hopefully they escape.

They fall into that grey area between being too developed as characters to waste, but not developed enough for one to kill the other getting any kind of emotional response form one killing the other.

Giggling Ghast
2011-03-21, 12:02 PM
What makes them evil? :smallconfused:
They're bounty hunters who bring criminals to justice.
I'll place my bet on neutral for their alignment.

They aren't evil, but they are jerks.

Anyway, I predict that Enor initially refuses to fight Gannji, but when it becomes clear that they're going to die if they don't battle, Gannji turns on Enor and wounds him badly. Then Gannji stomps Enor into the ground.

2011-03-21, 12:06 PM
My bet is they kill the allosaurus to continue the star wars theme.

2011-03-21, 12:15 PM
If anyone is killing anything, it's the Allo for sure.

I really hope we won't see the fight though, because I don't really give a **** at all... I just wanna go back to plot already.
Maybe waste 1 strip on it. Just ONE. Please?

We are in the plot. This is called a subplot, involving Tarquin, Elan, etc. Ganjii and Enor are part of a subplot to this subplot.

I don't understand why everyone wants to rush around to the main plot. I for one see a lot of potential in this arena stuff and don't want to just get it over with. I want to see what Rich does with this.

I'm not really in a hurry though to find out what happens with the gates. I'm just enjoying the ride that is OOTS. Maybe I'm too laid back.

2011-03-21, 12:31 PM
There will be no winners in this fight, except maybe the audience.

Tarquin will see to it that Gannji dies.

If Tarquin thinks he can use Enor, he'll let him live.

2011-03-21, 12:32 PM
My bet is they both escape. Gannji is wily enough to think of something. Possibly by pretending to grapple Enor on his back whilst breaking the iron bars preventing flight.

2011-03-21, 12:38 PM
i highly doubt they will fight, these guys are friends, and them killing each other is a bit too dark for this comic imho
I'm sorry, are we reading the same comic? You know, the one in which Therkla got poisoned and died? The one in which 25% of the world's black dragon population was eliminated in one spell? The one in which Belkar killed an innocent harmless gnome to steal his cart? I honestly don't think having one of them die is "too dark" given the bar that was already set.

Having said that, I'd like to see option 3: they escape somehow. Or option 4: something unexpected happens and the fight is cancelled amid general confusion.

2011-03-21, 01:04 PM
I'm betting that gannji's affection for Enor rates slightly below his desire to stay alive. "Sorry old chum, it's me or you" seems to feel like how it will work.

But Rich is creative and it could be so, so much more than simply those two getting their comeuppance.

2011-03-21, 01:09 PM
I'm not really in a hurry though to find out what happens with the gates. I'm just enjoying the ride that is OOTS. Maybe I'm too laid back.

The sooner we get to the plot with the gates, the sooner the webcomic ends. Since I don't want that to happen, I love the idea of continued subplots.

King of Nowhere
2011-03-21, 01:13 PM
I don't think gannji ccan free enor of his iron bands, or he would have already done so.

I also don't think they'll figth each other. I think they'd rather be killed both by the guards, trying to kill as many as poissible before the end.

It could be that Tarquin forces them to figth somehow, but I don't think it will happen since tarquin already got his "rape the dog" moment when he set to fire the slaves.

So, I would bet they will try to wiggle out of their situation. Maybe fake a long entertaining figth so that maybe both will be spared. Or try to escape, possibly asking for the help of roy before being dragged to the arena. Would make a nice reversal moment, since Gannji denied Roy help when he asked for it.
Anyway, I'm waiting for the Giant to surprise me. Can't wait to see next comic.

John Cribati
2011-03-21, 01:25 PM
I don't think gannji ccan free enor of his iron bands, or he would have already done so.

They've been watched by NPC guards the whole time. There was no chance to try and break the bands.

2011-03-21, 01:31 PM
Being evil doesn't keep people from loving others in this webcomic. I don't know about D&D, but in reality, it surely doesn't.

I think this is why so many people have trouble believing some characters to be evil. "He can't be evil, he did something nice once for his mom!"

Of course, I don't think we've seen enough evidence to say that they're 100% evil, but they're definitely leaning in that direction.

Since Gannji is smart, he knows that, without a third option, he will die in the arena sooner or later, and the only choice he has to make is whether to kill his friend beforehand and live some more weeks in prison.

Unless something unexpected happens or they think of something clever, one of them has to die in the arena. Whoever lives, though, has a chance to find an opportunity to escape during the next week before the next games. Not to mention he's locked up with PC's, who will most definitely be making a break for it before too long.

2011-03-21, 01:37 PM
Uh, I can't really decide. Either Gannji is wily enough to trick and kill Enor, or Enor curbstomps his for whatever reason =p

I'm sorry, are we reading the same comic? You know, the one in which Therkla got poisoned and died? The one in which 25% of the world's black dragon population was eliminated in one spell? The one in which Belkar killed an innocent harmless gnome to steal his cart? I honestly don't think having one of them die is "too dark" given the bar that was already set.

No you are not, some people like to forget any parts they don't like and act likes this is a trip through a field of flowers. This isn't some comic for kids, people die here.

2011-03-21, 01:57 PM
I feel like both of them will attempt to escape, but will be cut down and die together.

2011-03-21, 03:01 PM
I predict Tarquin has to step in personally to deal with it.

2011-03-21, 03:12 PM
I don't understand why everyone wants to rush around to the main plot.perhaps an objection to faffing about with a subplot that they're not interested in?

Scarlet Knight
2011-03-21, 03:16 PM
Gannji frees Enor's wings , in order to help him escape, but is cut down by the guards. Dies in Enor's arms. Enor, in sorrow & rage, goes berserk. Mass slave revolt ensues during the chaos.

2011-03-21, 03:17 PM
50 gp says Gannji breaks the bands on Enor's wings and they fly away.

2011-03-21, 03:25 PM
I'm sorry, are we reading the same comic? You know, the one in which Therkla got poisoned and died? The one in which 25% of the world's black dragon population was eliminated in one spell? The one in which Belkar killed an innocent harmless gnome to steal his cart? I honestly don't think having one of them die is "too dark" given the bar that was already set.

Having said that, I'd like to see option 3: they escape somehow. Or option 4: something unexpected happens and the fight is cancelled amid general confusion.

therkla "choose" to stay dead, meaning she didnt mind death so much, making it a bittersweet death.
25% of the world population of black dragons..... that we are pretty much certain are evil, AND we never saw, so basically, not many cared.
the gnome? honestly? if you honestly cared about him, you got issues, no really... hes part of a throwaway gag... next thing your gonna say those movie theatre snacks fighting is a "dark" comic. so really, no-one should give a damn about the gnomes death.

i have indeed not read start of darkness, but as far as i understand it, all the dark parts are needed to show redcloaks development into the person he is now, and i dont really see any parts of this fight have a substantial influence on any main character, we already know the empire is evil, and tarquin is a bastard (a cool one, but still) and the order really doesnt give a damn about these 2. so this "dark touch" of friends being force to kill each other, doesnt really have any meaning. the only way that it would have a use is to set a tone, as in rich wants to show us the next comics are all going to be darker then before.

Feral Warpwolf
2011-03-21, 03:26 PM
Put my 10 silver on "The fight is cancelled due to the Empress of Blood falling in love with one of the combatants".

I'd second that and raise it to 30 Silver. 20 on top of that for Enor to be her favourite...!


2011-03-21, 03:54 PM
50 gp says Gannji breaks the bands on Enor's wings and they fly away.

I concur, except I think Haley or Elan or Vaarsuvius will do the band-breaking, because it allows them to do something in the scene action-wise and allows us to see how Good they are to help the people who captured them.

2011-03-21, 04:16 PM
I bet on Belkar intervention.
He is quite disappointed he had no real fight.

2011-03-21, 04:31 PM
Unless something unexpected happens or they think of something clever, one of them has to die in the arena. Whoever lives, though, has a chance to find an opportunity to escape during the next week before the next games. Not to mention he's locked up with PC's, who will most definitely be making a break for it before too long.

Well, yes, whoever survives has slightly better chances to survive for longer, but the don't know about the PC's escape plans, do they?

There are people who would kill for such a relatively bad survival chance, some maybe even a friend, and it's going to be interesting to find out whether Gannji is one of those.

This doesn't depend so much on whether he's good, alignment-wise, but whether he thinks he's one of the good guys. Someone who believes in honor and such stuff wouldn't kill a friend to survive the day.

Gannji has already stated there are things he wouldn't do because they're not right and therefore I don't think he's going to kill Enor.

Of course, this is a D&D world, so he might kill Enor and plan to get a cleric to raise him after escaping, but since all dead gladiators seem to be eaten by the Allosaurus...probably not.

2011-03-21, 05:45 PM
Well, yes, whoever survives has slightly better chances to survive for longer, but the don't know about the PC's escape plans, do they?

But they're PC'S!! Of course they have an escape plan! And if they don't, one will find them! :smalltongue:

Lord Bingo
2011-03-21, 06:03 PM
If they were to fight I think it could go either way. Gannji is smart and Enor is strong. My bet is that Enor refuses to fight initially. Then Tarquin makes a threat of some sort and has them both fight a bigger baddie. If they survive Enor will be seriously injured -at which point Gannji will stab him in the back.

The sooner we get to the plot with the gates, the sooner the webcomic ends. Since I don't want that to happen, I love the idea of continued subplots.

Admittedly I actually look forward to some closure and this story has gone on for a very long time. I am sure Rich can come up with a new equally fun comic when this is over. For now, however, I am still very much enjoying it though I would like to see some more plot advancement.

King of Nowhere
2011-03-21, 07:17 PM
But they're PC'S!! Of course they have an escape plan! And if they don't, one will find them! :smalltongue:

Just because it's tradition, you can't know when you'll find a master who is gonna say "sccrew that!".

In my campaign world I included some prisons that were not cardboard, and I was ready to throw the pcs into one of those if they seriously broke the law of a powerful nation.
After that, and affer explaining how all their attempt at escaping were pointless, I would just say someething like "and you got sentenced to three years. Ok, three years have passed...".
It wouldn't afflict much the campaign, but would really suck from the player's point of view. Basically, it is a wonderful deterrent for a master to keep the players in check.

So, you can't count on pcs escaping just because it's tradition.
Of course, oots plot is time sensitive and so the pcs need to escape, but there's no way Gannji can know that. Assuming he knows the oots are the pcs in the first place.

2011-03-21, 07:32 PM
If I had to guess, I'd say they refuse to fight, Tarquin brings in something big to kill them, Gannji's bands get broken in the melee that breaks out, the other gladiators get freed in the following scuffle, massive riot breaks out, Belkar gets killed in the ensuing chaos.

2011-03-21, 07:35 PM
Put my 10 silver on "The fight is cancelled due to the Empress of Blood falling in love with one of the combatants".

Oh geez "Catch the eye of a noblewoman."

Put mine with his.

I could also see Gannji breaking the straps on Enor's wings and convincing him to escape.

Gift Jeraff
2011-03-21, 11:31 PM

-Gannji and Enor refuse to fight
-Crowd boos
-Gannji attacks Enor from behind
-Crowd LOVES the sudden back stab
-It turns out Gannji is removing Enor's clips
-Gannji is smart enough to realize trying to break out here would be futile, so they team up against the allosaurus
-Tarquin decides to let them both live (in separate cells) due to the fantastic show
-Gannji realizes they would be best off taking up Roy's offer to work together

2011-03-21, 11:34 PM
I would vote for an Of Mice and Men type ending for these two. However, el Giant has been known to surprise, so who knows :)

I certainly hope they manage to make it somehow, and I suspect it would take some convincing before Gannji and Enor will actually decide to fight each other rather than try to fight the guards. Heck, maybe they'll accidentally break The Champ out of solitary confinement :P

2011-03-21, 11:38 PM
There's nothing that suggests Enor views Gannji as more than "smart guy who gets Enor yummies."

There's nothing that suggests the opposite either.

Also, the whole point of this comic is that alignments are not as useful as they are. Case in point: Lawful Good. O-Chul and Miko both have vastly different personalities, behavior, and outlooks on life, and yet they are still both LG.

Similarly, CE doesn't mean "DESTROY ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME LOLOLOLOL". It might mean different things for different people. For example, it appears that both Enor and Thog, despite being CE, are far too childlike to actually be conscious of the ramifications of most of their actions. Enor knows that he gets yummies; Thog's entire outlook is based on what his friends tell him to be or do.

Alignments: let go of them.

Mr. Snuggles
2011-03-21, 11:43 PM
Gannji's not getting out of the arena alive. Period. He's a personal enemy of General Tarquin, remember? Unless you're James Bond, you don't get out of this sort of situation.

2011-03-21, 11:45 PM
I would vote for an Of Mice and Men type ending for these two. However, el Giant has been known to surprise, so who knows :)

But Enor hasn't killed any puppies. Or ladies by mistake. So Gannji killing Enor would be for his own self interest, and not to protect Enor.

Alex Warlorn
2011-03-22, 12:54 AM
100 zorkmids on Gannji. He's far more intelligent than Enor.


Brian P.

I'll see your 100 zorkmids and raise you ninety-nine quatloos! Enor has idiot's luck, two killer bloodlines, and simple minded brutality on his side!

2011-03-22, 10:00 AM
They both fight the allosaurus. Beat it, then fight the Champion. Tarquin evens the odds and jumps in. Belkar loves the display and aids Tarquin. V takes this opportunity to get back at Belkar and joins the bountyhunters. Roy realises that T is important for plot and joins the T-Team. Hailey can't watch V being attacked and aids her. Elan runs frantically left and right to calm his friends down.

And Durkon? He is leading the slavery revolt of course!

2011-03-22, 10:04 AM
They both fight the allosaurus. Beat it, then fight the Champion. Tarquin evens the odds and jumps in. Belkar loves the display and aids Tarquin. V takes this opportunity to get back at Belkar and joins the bountyhunters. Roy realises that T is important for plot and joins the T-Team. Hailey can't watch V being attacked and aids her. Elan runs frantically left and right to calm his friends down.

And Durkon? He is leading the slavery revolt of course!

The only problem with this cavalcade of disaster is Tarquin jumping in. Self-preservation instincts, you know.

2011-03-22, 12:17 PM
I bet 20 gold pieces that Rock Falls - They All Die.


2011-03-22, 01:19 PM
My bet goes on the next strip will be team evil, IFCC etc. to add to the suspense.

2011-03-22, 01:29 PM
Empress falling in love in Enor would be very intersting, but its impossible. She isn't watching entire show for she is busy in her throneroom BEING AWESOME!

2011-03-22, 01:41 PM
Actually, it depends. How resistant are dinosaurs to lightning?

2011-03-22, 01:56 PM
Oh, Gannji tries to free the muzzled Enor (who can't talk) but Enor thinks he's trying to attack him from behind. He kills him, realizes he was wrong as he hears a *click* and his restraints fall off. Enor gives some dying words, and Gannji keeps the red string as a tragic keepsake

2011-03-22, 02:00 PM
I doubt it'll be a regular fight. I doubt any of the fights we'll see will be regular. It's my impression that they never had so highly skilled fighters with character levels as they have in Enor, Gannji, Roy and Belkar before! Don't forget that Roy and Belkar went there without putting up resistance. What I mean is: With the exception of the allosaurus maybe, what do they have to keep those four in check? Each of them can on almost any number of regular guards. I really think neither Tarquin nor the audience is really prepared for the ticking time bombs they are holding in prison there ...

That said, I think at least one of them will escape. Gannji and Enor had too much character development to be killed of both just like this.

2011-03-22, 02:58 PM
Enor's going to win. Ganjji made the mistake of giving him the Lizardfolk Victory String.

2011-03-22, 03:03 PM

Ganjji has to convince Enor he lied about the string.

2011-03-22, 04:20 PM
Enor's going to win. Ganjji made the mistake of giving him the Lizardfolk Victory String.

Yeah, 'cuz he really needs it :smalltongue:

2011-03-22, 07:07 PM
30 gp on Gannji. Then Tarquin kills him.

2011-03-22, 07:14 PM
The smart one uses what ever weapons he is given to free the dumb ones wings and they fly off. perhaps getting eaten by the queen on the way out.

2011-03-22, 07:15 PM
I doubt it'll be a regular fight. I doubt any of the fights we'll see will be regular. It's my impression that they never had so highly skilled fighters with character levels as they have in Enor, Gannji, Roy and Belkar before! Don't forget that Roy and Belkar went there without putting up resistance. What I mean is: With the exception of the allosaurus maybe, what do they have to keep those four in check? Each of them can on almost any number of regular guards. I really think neither Tarquin nor the audience is really prepared for the ticking time bombs they are holding in prison there ...

That said, I think at least one of them will escape. Gannji and Enor had too much character development to be killed of both just like this.

I dunno, Therkla and Kubota might disagree with that. Also, Samantha.

2011-03-22, 07:32 PM
I recon the fight will not be shown in the comic. And we will not even hear exactly what happened for dozens of strips.

2011-03-22, 07:42 PM
I dunno, Therkla and Kubota might disagree with that. Also, Samantha.

The difference is that Therkla and Kubota's fates were integral to the plot and the character development of Elan and Varsuvius. Samantha's death served to build up Miko's impending threat, not to mention stop speculation that we'd see Samantha again when Rich was clearly done with her.

If Gaanji and Enor were just summarily killed off, the Order would just shrug and go on with their business - it wouldn't effect them, just us.

Ender Wigin
2011-03-23, 03:17 PM
Well, this (http:/www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0783.html) has taken an interesting turn of events.

(makes bet that they will die by arrows)

You all loose. Pay up. :smalltongue:

Silver Swift
2011-03-23, 04:10 PM
They're not dead yet.

The Linker
2011-03-23, 06:34 PM
I really can't believe so many thought it was even plausible that we wouldn't see their fight. It would be directly observed by the entire main cast, who have all interacted with them (well, except Durkon). Their fight was always important and relevant to, at the very least, Roy.

This was never going to be glossed over, let alone not mentioned until several strips later. :smallconfused:

2011-03-23, 06:56 PM
What I can't believe is that people actually believed Gannji would turn on Enor to save his own rear.

Whether you think they're really evil or were just doing what they had to to earn money for food with Elan, Haley and V and have a personal grudge against Roy and Belkar for getting them locked up, they have shown plenty of times that they care about eachother.

2011-03-23, 07:28 PM
I'm betting that gannji's affection for Enor rates slightly below his desire to stay alive. "Sorry old chum, it's me or you" seems to feel like how it will work.

Wow. Complete opposite. Very good strip. I envy Tarquin for his ability to do such things to his enemies.

2011-03-23, 07:45 PM
For all we know Enor may toss Gannji into the stands as the arrows slam into his dragonish body. There are other lizardmen up there...he may blend in if he grabs a tunic and enough of the crowd flees.

Who knows...he may plan to come back as an assassin?