View Full Version : Girard possibility?

2011-03-21, 12:07 PM
I just had an idea...

In the recent comic (782), the guards describe the champ. The champ has apparently enough strength to rip off someone's head, and the ability to beat a stone giant with PC class levels (At least CR 10).

Given that Girard is an epic illusionist / ranger, is it possible that he could use his illusions to create a grand spectacle such as these? Also, given his chaotic nature, could he be just doing something fun to appease the crowd?

If it is Girard, he could be using illusions to hide the fact that he's killing them... but there's a lot of plot holes here if that's the case...

Just all pure speculation.

2011-03-21, 12:12 PM
No. Just. . . no.

Also. . . please no.

2011-03-21, 12:20 PM
That's most horrible fate for Girard: Living as a gladiator for amuse a LE empire forever. :smalleek: And he can't escape from there! :smallfrown:

No, just no. :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-21, 12:27 PM
Maybe, if he is using his illusions to create a fake battle he could accually be freeing the top gladiators and recruting them to his side.

2011-03-21, 12:37 PM
This idea has already been suggested in the main comic thread, and I don't think it's any more likely now than it was then. For a start, assuming Girard was able to generate the illusion of him having bloodily killed his opponent--what then? How does he provide an actual horribly mutilated corpse for the guards to take away at the end of the bout? It doesn't make any sense, I'm afraid.

2011-03-21, 12:39 PM

That's kinda what I was thinking, but the one problem is

Would Tarquin worry himself with the day to day business of the gladiator arena to know this? Is it possible that he's one of the few to not make a will save against the illusions? (Along with Malack, who would have a decent to good will save at least)

2011-03-21, 12:50 PM
@ Factotum

I think your right, I think that the extremly chaotic Girard would have a lot of problems with killing a guard of a lawful evil government and using his corpse as the base for a second illusion and then paying off the people who dispose of the body. He would never do that.

@ Chuckles

They probably do have a high will save but don't forget Girard is an epic level illusionist so it will still be very hard to break.

2011-03-21, 03:02 PM
I love how you guys are hiding your posts.

Seriously? Are you so sure of your baseless theories that you believe them to require spoiler tags? As if they've already been confirmed, and would ruin the plot for anyone who so happened to see it?

Darn. Apologies, apparently I can't read.

2011-03-21, 03:10 PM
I love how you guys are hiding your posts.

Seriously? Are you so proud and sure of your baseless theories that you believe them to require spoiler tags? As if they've already been confirmed?

In the FAQs, (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6496) posters are encouraged to mark their predictions as spoilers.

2011-03-21, 03:57 PM
I regard this as a fairly probable theory. It must be remembered, however, that Tarquin knows Draketooth uses illusions. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0727.html)

Human? Red hair? Purple squiggly tattoo on his face? Uses illusions?
I'm sure the idea of illusions appeals to somebody like Tarquin; his whole empire is a shell game of hidden leaders. He'd know that the big battle at the end may (or may not) be real, but as long as it keeps the people docile, he wouldn't care.

I'm not saying it's a foregone conclusion, here. The biggest point in favor of the Champion being Girard is that Durkon thought this plotline would only take 30 strips (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0732.html), and that time lapsed 20 strips ago. If we aren't close to some kind of plot point, this little subplot is running unusually long.

2011-03-21, 05:17 PM
I agree that the 'champ' has GOT to be someone important, and Girard sounds like a perfect fit. I wouldn't subscribe to the notion that the whole specticle is a sham, but Girard coming out to fight once in a while sound more than reasonable. He'll probably put on a bit of a show too, but I wouldn't for a second think that he'd do it for anything but his own amusment.

On a sidenote, what do you think the odds of the "betting pool" consisting of Girard and Tarquin's gang?

2011-03-21, 05:34 PM
I s girard capable of doing this? Yes. WOULD Girard willingly do this? Hell no.