View Full Version : And Then There Were Zombies IC

Alth Falath
2011-03-21, 12:11 PM
In march 1969, a large volcano went off, covering Eastern Europe and Russia in a cloud of ash. And then the world changed.
At first there were celebrations. The Soviet Union had stopped broadcasting their propaganda, and seemed to have stood down everywhere.
And then Europe went quiet.
A few news reports that made it back to the United States mentioned something odd. The people of Europe had gone mad, biting each other. There were even rarer reports of things in America, but the government quickly disproved those, and there was little credible visual evidence.
Finally came the day of black tide. People on the beach reported that corpses were washing up, and then they started attacking.
Eventually, most of America had falled, with a few pockets of humanity remaining. You travelled to New Orleans because you heard that there was a strong defense there, but it wasn't true, and you barely escaped and found a small pocket of humanity hiding in a grocery store.
Good luck surviving.

2011-03-21, 02:35 PM
"...I'm just sayin', if there's a brake in these bloody walkin' carcasses, me an' mine are blazin' a trail to the nearest shore, hoppin' a boat and settin' nose back Home." Jason stated flatly from his seat atop the hood of his car, which was now parked inside the loading bay of the grocery store, fervently polishing his claymore, brow furrowed in thought.

2011-03-21, 04:41 PM
A dark red Chevrolet Camaro, all of its windows cracked and caked with blood, rounded the corner in a screech of tires and came to an abrupt stop about six inches from the rear of Jason's car. Michelle Baxter viciously kicked the door open (the stupid thing was always stuck due to all the bumps the car had taken) and emerged from the driver seat with a string of curses. Her hands dove into her black leather jacket with practiced ease and came out with two pistols, that she pointed straight at Jason's head. From four yards away, there was no way she could miss.

"Hey, sword guy, you alive?" she drawled in a tone that suggested she cared little either way.

OOC: Marcel is in the passenger seat.

2011-03-21, 05:25 PM
Hannul wanders through the swinging doors, walking around with large amount of bags full of supplies and stuffing his face with a twinkie.
"Oh Jason, rook I found dericious cakes!"
Looking at the guns pointed at Jason, Hannul pulled back his arm back full of the supplies, ready to beam Michelle in the face with the unknow supplies.
"Why herro der..."

2011-03-21, 05:38 PM
Marcel has a foot out of the car door (his opens easily enough) before the car even stops. Even as Michelle draws, his baseball bat appears from within the car, as well, and he calmly strides forward towards the man on the car. After a glance at him, and the newcomer, he smiles and lowers the bat, "Relax, cher'. They livin'."

2011-03-21, 05:49 PM
"Do what now?" Jason asked as he snapped out of his thoughts, suddenly noticing the gun-wielding psycho before him, but more immediately his colleague Hannul with a ready-to-throw bag of who-knows-what-evils, sending his eyes wide, "Ey, now, boyo, the lass is jus' bein' cautious..." He stated fervently but in a placating tone, nonchalantly placing his mass between the chemist and the leather-clad woman, chuckling nearvously, "There's no need ta be burnin' down the building 'round our ears..." He commented before turning to the girl, looking down at the pistols from his considerable height of nearly seven feet, a mildly disconcerted look on his face, "Beggin' yer pardon, Miss, but if yer gonna be barkin' with these peashooters, might I suggest the fine necrotic gentlemen with the canniballistic tendancies ou'side as targets?" He suggested before suddenly looking around, mildly confused, "Ey, Boyo, didja happen ta see Gregor wanderin' 'round the mart?" He inquired.

2011-03-21, 07:08 PM
Michelle relaxed... slightly... and slid her guns back inside her jacket. There was one thing the invasion had not changed about the world: the living were far more dangerous than the dead. Just last week, a bunch of Marine deserters had caused her and Marcel more trouble than all the zombies they had ever met.

"Can't be too cautious," she apologized with a shrug. "Name's Michelle Baxter. You might have seen me in the newspapers." She took out a joint and lit it with her lighter. "Ya want some?" she offered. "Found a whole stash of them in a basement in Baton Rouge."

OMG, drug use! Think of the children! :smalleek:

2011-03-21, 07:29 PM
Marcel doesn't hesitate to take a hit off of the joint, despite having a few in his own jacket. He nods to the irish gent and his friend, "An' I'm Marcel. How you boys enjoyin' my town?" He finishes with a sly grin.

2011-03-21, 07:30 PM
Hannul lowers his arm with all of the supplies very carfully.
"Weer okay then...wants some of des cakes? Regor is bringing the rest of des cakes."
Hannul walks over to the car and loads the supplies into the back seat. Walking over by Jason, Hannul bows slightly and greets Michelle and Marcel.
"Herro my name is Hannul, nice to meet you Micherr and Marcer"

2011-03-21, 07:43 PM
Jason blinked at the woman with open bewilderment, "Nay, lass, can't say as I have..." Then gazed down with mild disdain at the joint, always having found it beneath his lineage to escape life through such things instead of facing it head on in situations like this. "Yer town, eh?" He chuckled, "Not impressed, really. Kinda smelly, neighbors be tryin' ta eat a fellah jus a'soon as look at 'em..." He commented with a wry grin, hefting his newly shined claymore over his shoulder with practiced ease, jabbing a thumb at his chest, "Name's Jason O'Niallaigh...don' worry 'bout tryin' to spell it er nothin'" He jested with a deep chuckle.

2011-03-21, 09:03 PM
Michelle accepted a cake from Hannul. She might as well enjoy them before they all went stale: it would then be years before society got organized enough to produce such things again.

"Who's that Gregor guy?"

2011-03-22, 09:34 AM
Jason, too, picked up one of Hannul's 'dericious cakes', more colloquially reffered to as a Twinkie, and took a bite, "Oh, Gregor? Well, I've never been good with me budget, so the Family sent ol' Gregor to look af'er the finances so as I don't accidently bankrupt the whole Clann." He jested with a twinkie-filled chuckle.

2011-03-24, 01:44 AM
Sgt Leo

Strolling out from having completed an interior patrol of the mall. Leo looks over the situation with a scowl that could curdle milk. "And just what do we have here? Another Hippy sit in. Whats that? Work needs doing? Oh well, that explains why I'm looking at the laziest bunch of survivors to ever color gods green earth! Let me guess, ya'all plan to hug them zombies to death next? Hmm? Want to go outside and hold some peace signs, claim the zombies are just like us? That they deserve equal rights?"

Sgt Leo's uniform was torn and broken, but still warn proudly. US Marnie Corp. His rifle held easy in his hands did not allow you to think he was anything but a trained and experienced killer.

"Why don't you all stop stuffing your noise holes and secure this entrance. That is of course assuming I'm not interrupting some 'new age' attempt at communicating with the enemy. In which case, I'll enjoy myself later eating your shares of the rations while watching you look far more lively in death then you ever did in life, you lazy layabouts!"

2011-03-24, 02:02 AM
Marcel looks at the newcomer with a face filled with amusement. He glances back and forth between him and Michelle, wondering just how long it will take her to say something stupid, or for him to recognize her. Either way, this was gonna be fun.

He sighs, shaking his head, "Now 'ere's anodda one da' jus' don' geddi', cher'..."

2011-03-24, 06:14 AM
Great, sighed Michelle inwardly, even in a zombie invasion, there's just no way to escape overbearing authority figures.

"Listen, pal. We're no more f*cking hippies than you. D'ya know who we are?"

2011-03-24, 08:40 AM
Marcel grins. 15 seconds, not bad...

2011-03-24, 10:38 AM
Hannel stares blankly at the dirty creature and nudges Jason.
"Why he yerring rike dat? Is he be zombied!?"
Hannul quickly steps behind Jason, Marcel, and Michelle and starts to rummage through the items in the bags he collected.

2011-03-24, 10:54 AM
Jason blinked at the crazed old man, slowly taking another bite from his Twinkie while mulling over what was yelled. Slowly he began nodding, which increased in speed just as he started to gesture with the remnants of yellow cake, "Funny you should mention lazy people, boyo..." He began, "Me granddad's granddad, Alexander Niallaigh, once slept through an entire Scottish invasion force, back in tha day. The siege lasted two days, an' he was slumberin' so sound that ev'ryone thought he was dead." He chuckled, "They found 'im the next day after he wandered downstairs fer breakfast, cursing to 'imself bout 'the kids makin' a mess 'o the place'...he thought he had took a fifteen minute nap!" He ended, laughing raucously before finishing his Twinkie, wiping his mouth on his sleeve and reaching behind himself to tap Hannul on the shoulder, "Stop rummagin' 'round in yer supply, lad, and come introduce yerself to..." He gestured for a moment, realizing he didn't have the man's name and continued, "This fine former American Soldier."

2011-03-24, 08:38 PM
Sgt Leo

Leo was just getting ready to point out that he didn't know who Michelle in the politest possible way, when Jason begins his tirade.

Staring at the strange man as he tells his strange story, Leo's mouth opens in confused wonderment.

"Boy, that has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

Leo shakes his head in confused disgust. "And no lady, I don't know who you are, and frankly I couldn't care less. All I know is you aint dead yet, and it would be mighty nice if it stayed that way."

Leo turns to address the group. "My name is Sgt Leo Connelly, and there is NOTHING former about this Marine. I don't know what bottled up daddy issues you might have. Maybe daddy didn't love you, maybe daddy loved you too much, either way all you are to me at this point in time is a bag of meat that can conveniently hold a weapon. Now I'm not going to get all high and mighty on you bunch of misfits, nor do I want to have any responsibility, over your many many mistakes."

Looking over the group Leo shakes his head with disgust. "The most important thing we can do at this stage of the invasion is to PLAN. We must have OBJECTIVES, we must have a GOAL. I know I have my plans and my objectives, and my own goals. The real question is what your plans, objectives and goals are."

Turning to stare straight at Michelle "As much as it may sicken me, our best hope of reaching these goals is through working together and that means putting a certain level of personal bias aside. You may not like me, and I sure as hell don't like you, but I can keep you alive longer. And you can run slower than me, in the unfortunate case that I run out of ammo."

2011-03-24, 08:49 PM
Michelle threw Leo a sullen glare, as unimpressed with the sergeant's bossy attitude as the sergeant was with her notoriety (or lack thereof) as a bank robber.

"Jesus Christ. Are ya storing your M16 up yer ass, or what? Believe it or not, I've survived pretty well up to now."

2011-03-24, 10:24 PM
A wide grin crossed Jason's face as the Sergeant gave them his name, "Connelly, eh?" He inquired before striding over to the man and clapped him on the shoulder with a hearty laugh, "Nice ta 'ave an O'Connell 'ere in this dismal place of undeath!" He proclaimed, "An' 'ere we'll stand, Clannsmen standin' shoulder ta shoulder, Niallaigh and Connell fightin' off the very denizens of Hell Itself!" He stated valiantly, proudly puffing out his chest in honour of the Isle, claymore clasped to his chest.

Alth Falath
2011-03-27, 07:35 PM
As Jason finishes talking, there is a loud crash from the side of the store. As everyone turns to look, a group of 32 zombies shambles out and starts heading for the group slowly.

The group is 60 feet away from the zombies, which are moving around 10 feet a round.

2011-03-27, 07:43 PM
Michelle drew her guns more quickly than the eye could follow, but did not fire just yet: she knew she would run out of ammo long before half of the zombies were down. Her eyes cautiously flicked to the others.

"So. Ya up for a fight, or would you rather get the f*ck away from here?"

2011-03-27, 10:11 PM
Jason chuckled and climbed onto the hood of his car, claymore resting easily on his shoulder still, one foot on the roof, "O'Niallaighs ain't inna habit o' leavin' the castle to th' enemy." He stated, looking out over the crowd of zombies, and grinning wickedly, "Come an' get some Ole Irish Steel, ya dead, smelly bastards!!" He taunted loudly as he readied himself to hew through the oncoming horde.

2011-03-28, 06:16 AM
"That's the spirit," said Michelle with a toothy grin.

She raised her pistols and aimed at the oncoming zombies.

Not firing until they're in medium range (40 yards or less). I spend this turn only to aim (+1 die to my pool).

2011-03-28, 09:45 PM
Marcel begins cackling manically, "Awrigh'! Time fuh some fun!"

He holds his bat out next to him, level with the ground, ready to strike. His eyes burn with a strange intensity, and his laugh comes in an almost unnerving stream...

2011-03-28, 09:59 PM
Hannul quicky grabs a premade IED and shifts down behind the car.

"How you say... Big Bang?"

As Hannul jesters at the object held in his hand.

IED 3L 10yd area

Alth Falath
2011-03-28, 11:53 PM
The zombies continue to come closer, shambling slowly towards you. The closest ones are now 40 yards away.

2011-03-29, 06:23 AM
"Awright, let's get this party started."

Her grin growing somewhat maniacal, Michelle chose her target and pulled the triggers.

Using the Gunslinger merit.

Dex 4 + Firearms 3 + Pistol specialty 1 + Damage 2 - Medium range 2 = 8 dice

First shot: [roll0]
Second shot at -3: [roll1]

10-agains: [roll2]

Edit: 9 successes! :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-29, 07:51 PM
Sgt Leo

Spending a few quick moments doing the math, Leo comes to an unhappy conclusion.

"Fall back, you useless sacks of meat, that is of course unless you want to be throwing your lives away to defend whatever trash you have on the floor of that sorry excuse for a motor vehicle. Move it people."

Leo then opens the door he came from, leading back into the center and starts waving the others through.

2011-03-29, 10:43 PM
Marcel turns his attention to the sergeant for a brief moment, "We ain' defendin, we havin' some fu'."

Having said this, the teenager throws himself into the line, laughing like an idiot. He trusts Michelle not to hit him...intentionally. The chance that a stray bullet might end him only made this all the more fun...

Attack: [roll0]

OOC: If I messed something up, lemme know. Still not used to the nWoD system...

2011-03-29, 10:44 PM
And ten again: [roll0]

Edit: Bugger. 1 success.

Alth Falath
2011-03-30, 12:01 AM
Michelle lines up her shots and fires carefully, hitting the zombie twice. It jerks twice, and then falls, a clean shot through the temple. Marcel, on the other hand, has a bit of trouble. He manages to bash into the zombies head, killing it, but the bat sticks for a bit. As he wrestles with it and finallly jerks it out, the zombies start to close. The horde presses in around him, biting at any exposed skin they can find. One almost makes it, but at the last second he jerks back, blocking it as he pulls the bat back. However, the rest of the horde has started to press in against him.

@Marcel You got really lucky with my rolls.
Tips for next round
I'm benevolent (reasonably), so 1s only subtract on chance die.
It's a -3 penalty to shoot at the head, -4 for hands, -2 for legs. Given Michelle's double tap, moot point, just for future reference. You do kind of have to destroy the brain.

2011-03-30, 08:20 AM

Watching what will soon become a slaughter, Leo quickly ducks inside the store and begins to search for anything he could use to re-enforce the door once the others come in. Stuff like movable shelves that could be pushed against the door.

2011-03-30, 09:54 AM
As the horde slowly moved in, Jason hopped down from the car and positioned himself behind the gap between his and Michelle's cars, which now formed a conveinient zombie-funnel. He sneered and adjusted his grip on his claymore, which still rested on his shoulder, "C'mon, ye dirty, dead bastards," He continued to chide, "Come and taste Niallaigh steel..."

2011-03-30, 03:47 PM
Hannul pulls his arm back then pitches the IED at the horde of zombies.

Alth Falath
2011-04-01, 01:20 AM
The blast clears a number of the zombies, though it almost knocks Marcel over and he has to struggle to recover. As he manages to struggle back to stability, the remainder of the horde closes in, though weaker, with none of them able to get past his clothing.

About 20 zombies left, some are in pretty bad shape. Heh, 9d10 and nothing, that's some impressive luck. Balances out my 17+ successes on 15d10 (yay 8 again).

2011-04-06, 07:59 PM
"Might be better to get back inside and shoot 'em from there," said Michelle with extreme reluctance, deliberately refusing to acknowledge that Leo had already suggested this. "Marcel!" she called. "Need any help?"

She kept her gun pointed at the zombies, itching to pull the trigger but wise enough not to waste her ammo.

OOC: Before I do anything, I need to know where we're at. Are we waiting on someone?

Alth Falath
2011-04-06, 08:06 PM
OOC: Basically, I want some more people to post in between zombie turns.

2011-04-06, 11:18 PM
Marcel grunts and twists back, bringing a backwing around, "If ya got a momen', I wouldn' min' a han'! Maybe swor' guy there coul' jump in?"


2011-04-06, 11:22 PM
And 10 again: [roll0]

Edit: Balls.

2011-04-07, 04:25 PM
Michelle's teeth gleamed wolfishly. "Glad to make myself useful."

She fired her guns again.

I assume they're still at medium range. There's an additional -2 penalty since I must avoid hitting Marcel.


10-again if applicable: [roll2]

2011-04-07, 04:26 PM
What the... o_O

Another 10-again: [roll0]

Six successes. Not bad, eh?

Alth Falath
2011-04-17, 04:08 PM
Michelle's shots pick off zombies right before they manage to bite into Marcel's back. With Marcel's swing, the zombies are pushed off a bit. Leo manages to get the door open, and everyone has a clear path into the store. The door seems solid enough to hold them off.

2011-04-17, 04:33 PM
"Okay, guys, I know this is fun, but we're safer inside."

Michelle slowly drew back towards the door, her guns still pointed at the zombies, but did not enter just yet. A fierce glitter lit up her eyes, and it was obvious by now that her grasp on her sanity was slipping dangerously.

"Get in. I'll cover ya."

For emphasis (and, perhaps, for fun), she fired two more shots.

How far are they now? Are they still at medium range?

In a remote part of her mind, it occurred to her that her enjoyment might be a bit unhealthy... and that, maybe, a dark side of her viewed the zombie invasion as the best thing that ever happened in her life. No more rules, no more responsibilities, only mindless violence and excitement. Like a riot that never ended, and in which she could kill, maim and destroy without having to worry about morality and consequences.

If she stopped to think, she would no doubt be worried about herself and what she was becoming. But she never stopped to think. Ever since Saint Louis, she simply no longer cared, if she ever had.

2011-04-17, 04:34 PM
Two 10-agains.


Another roll if needed: [roll1]

Nope. That's 4 successes.

2011-04-18, 10:27 AM
Seeing the way behind him open and Marcell in a losing battle, Jason quickly ran in and brought his great blade crashing down on the zombie latched onto the boy's back before grabbing him by the back of the collar, "C'mon, lad, we dinnay 'ave the support to keeps this ground..." He grumbled as he easily hefted Marcell and charged towards the door.


Edit: 10 again


2011-04-18, 11:04 AM
OOC: You can't roll in an edit. Has to be the original post.

Marcel's eyes fly open as he's lifted off the ground, " 'ey! Wha's sa big idea! Pu' me down!"

2011-04-18, 03:46 PM
OOC: Ooooohhh... [roll0]


Alth Falath
2011-04-18, 07:16 PM
Everyone makes it in, and they slam the door behind them. Judging by the increase in sounds from outside, it was a good thing, since all the noise and explosions had lured in a huge group. You are currently in the back area of the supermarket. There are flickering lights and a lot of boxes. Through the dairy glass, you can see the customer area seems empty.

2011-04-18, 07:46 PM
Michelle put her pistols back inside her leather jacket and gave Marcel a slap in the back.

"Hey, it took some balls to do what you did," she grinned. "Just don't get zombified, 'kay? It'd make me sad to put a bullet between your eyes."

She surveyed the room. As far as she knew, they were pretty much safe here. Food was not a problem... but without anyone working at the power plants, electricity would fail them any day now.

2011-04-19, 09:26 AM
Jason glared at the closed door behind them before taking a breath and turning his trademark grin back on, clapping the woman firmly on the shoulder, "'Tis'n't any kinda problem, lass. If'n the lights go out, I'll jus go up an poke some holes in the roof!" He jested with a hearty chuckle. He cut himself short with an idea. "Sounds like a plan, actually...Gerald!" He called to his retainer as he shoved his considerable mass through the back of the refridgerated dairy shelves and into the store to look for some stairs.

Alth Falath
2011-04-19, 12:21 PM
As Jason starts trying to muscle his way through the shelves, Gerald points out the door.

In the main area

There appear to be nobody in the main area. A good amount of the food has been taken from the non-perishable stock, as well as a little bit of the cleaning supplies. Some of the glass in the front windows has been shattered, but it looks like it will hold up for a little bit. Jason sees someone or something duck down behind the cash register, and there is a bit of jingling from behind the register.

2011-04-20, 09:51 AM
Hearing the jingling perked Jason's curiousity. He headed in that direction , his height giving him slow veiw over the counter a bit before actually arriving, when he leaned heavily against the counter on his elbow and peered over, putting on his best Limey accent, "'Ello, ello, what's all this?" He chuckled to himself

Alth Falath
2011-04-20, 10:19 AM
Behind the counter is scared teenage boy, who looks to be about 15. He's dressed in slacks and a polo shirt with Giant on it. He almost takes a swing at you with the drawer from the cash register, but hearing you speak, he stops. "Please tell me you're still alive. My name is George (nametag does support this), and I've been hiding here for a few days. There aren't any zombies in the store, but people keep breaking in and looting."

2011-04-20, 03:31 PM
"Well, duh," said Michelle without an ounce of sympathy. "It's every man for himself. You weren't expecting them to knock at the door and pay for the food, I hope?"

Alth Falath
2011-04-20, 03:46 PM
"Given as one of them shot my coworker for protesting, no. Help yourself, I won't stop you."

2011-04-20, 10:36 PM
Jason chuckled at Michelle's cold statement, "Dunnay worry bout yon, lass, laddy..." He commented, jerking his head toward the woman, "She's got somethin' s'far up 'er arse that not even some'at like an apocalypse can give 'er a smile." He jested with a wide grin and hearty laugh before hefting the boy up by his collar into a seated position on the counter to get a better look at the boy.

2011-04-21, 12:15 AM
Marcel grins at Michelle, "I' was fun, I'll say ta'."

Following the irishman into the store proper, he smirks at the "young" boy, but shakes his head at Michelle, "You gotta lighten up, 'cher. No' ebryone's been trough wha' we 'ave."

And to Jason, "Trus' me, garson, you don' wanna see 'er smile, mos' tha' time. I' only bo'es well on occasion..."

Alth Falath
2011-04-21, 11:38 AM
The boy relaxes a bit, though he was startled at being lifted bodily. Having somohow managed to comprehend what Marcel said, he shivers at the thought, though he has regained some of his nerve. "Glad to meet survivors who aren't desperate, that's sadly rare in these days, at least in the roaming packs. You can relax in the store, it's perfectly secure." It's around 2 in the afternoon, and some of the exhaustion from the battle outside is kicking in.

2011-04-21, 12:11 PM
"Yeah. It's the living we have to fear, not the dead," Michelle agreed quietly. "Name's Michelle."

She was not one for small talk, so she just paced around the place looking for the easiest spots to attack or defend.

2011-04-21, 03:06 PM
Jason shrugged, suddenly struck with boredom, "I'm tryina find the stairs to th'roof..." He said, looking around confusedly.

Alth Falath
2011-04-22, 12:25 PM
After searching a bit, Jason finds a locked door labelled stairs.

2011-04-25, 10:06 AM
"Ey, lad, ya got a key?" Jason inquired shortly after returning from the door,

Alth Falath
2011-04-25, 12:34 PM
"Think it's somewhere under here." George digs around for a bit, and pulls out a ring of keys. "Try this, not sure it works, but these are all the keys we got."

After trying a few keys, you find the one that works.

2011-04-25, 09:32 PM
Jason opens the door triumphantly and heads to the roof to assess the surrounding situation.

Alth Falath
2011-04-25, 11:31 PM
The surrounding situation is rather bad. After all of the explosions and gunfire, there are several hundred of them that have converged roughly on the back area, although none seem close to getting in. The front is relatively clear, as most zombies meandered around the building. You can see a few cars in the parking lot, and there is a Harmons, a hair cuttery, and a Joann Fabric along the same roof. Other then assorted air conditioning and power units, the roof is empty. Above the other stores, there are doors. If you check, they are locked.

2011-04-26, 09:43 PM
Marcel eventually gets bored and follows Jason onto the roof. He approaches the edge, behind the large irishman, and stares out over the zombie horde, "No' lookin' goo', eh? Shame 'bou' da cars, 'chelle's gon' be pisse'. Migh' be ableda geddem away long 'nough fer y'all t' 'scape, bu' I ain' too keen on gettin' lef' behin', y'know?"

2011-05-08, 08:22 PM
Michelle joined them on the roof a moment later and surveyed the situation.

"Jesus Christ," she breathed, her tone quietly resigned.

Leaning against an antenna, she pulled out one of her last four joints, lit it and took a puff. She had no idea how she could get her hands on any more once she ran out, but what the hell. She could die any day now. Might as well enjoy what little time was left.

"So what now? Long term, I mean? Never really been into that whole planning ahead thing."

2011-05-08, 08:54 PM
Marcel freezes, turning slowly to face his friend, the look on his face a mixture of shock, horror, confusion, and amusement, "Wha'?"

2011-05-10, 10:19 AM
Jason shrugged as he checked the other doors, "Well, we cannay jus go'bout like a pack 'o nomads. 'S jus not the O'Niallaigh way, y'see." He chuckled with his trademark grin. "I'm thinkin' we set up a stronghold righ here like me kin's Olde Days, aye?" He suggested.

2011-05-10, 03:43 PM
Michelle just stared at Jason. "Ever got the feeling you were born in the wrong century?"

She turned away and considered the endless hordes of zombies for a long time. The zombies outnumbered them, but they were stupid; a locked door was enough to stop them. In a place like this, she and the others could hold out for weeks, she supposed.

Unless they died of boredom.

And she was running out of sh*t to smoke. If she did not find some, and quickly, she would go crazy.

OOC: Either the GM brings us some plot, or I cause plot to happen. Any excuse is good. :smallwink:

Alth Falath
2011-05-10, 05:09 PM

I was planning on giving people a few out of game days to see what they were going to do with the grocery store before introducing more conflicts.

2011-05-10, 07:33 PM
Hey! I offered to parkour down there and draw the zombies away...

Marcel snaps out of his shock and stares down at the zombies, "Ya know, if we wanna stay 'ere, I migh' be ableda draw some of 'em off, geddem t' stop bangin' on t'at doo'."

He looks up and Michelle, then Jason, and mirrors the irishman's grin, "Migh' make stayin' 'ere easier..."