View Full Version : 3.0 low charisma character

2011-03-21, 03:24 PM
Hello to all!
I have a small dilemma and would appreciate the help and experience of old gamers :smallsmile:

In Ravenloft 3.0 campaign my dwarven fighter was the sole survivor of gruesome bear-attack. The rest of the party got torn into peaces while i alone survived (thanks to stumbling on a trap, that locked me behind bars). As a result, i had a horror save which i rolled natural 1. Long story short, i have now CHA score of 3, i am withdrawn and haunted by the memory (all of it as part of failed save).

Since my dwarf has high STR, CON, moderate WIS, INT, i don't think he should be shy. After all, he is strong, has good mental stats. And he can't change into dead-ugly over-night (he had CHA 9 before the encounter). So how do you play someone who should be withdrawn and straight-forward (if not rude) at the same time?

I think CHA should affect his ability to persuade others (new characters) to join/assist him. Or what would you suggest?

2011-03-21, 04:16 PM
I hope these Ideas help.

your character might be startled (into near violence) by any unexpected noise, become withdrawn or shakey when the wrong topic comes up in conversation.

He may be unwilling to make new friends (after his last friends were torn apart) as he doesn't want to be hurt by their loss.

Realising that he needs allies to complete his mission he might still be gruff and unfriendly, even while asking for people to join him.

2011-03-22, 04:19 AM
your character might be startled (into near violence) by any unexpected noise, become withdrawn or shakey when the wrong topic comes up in conversation.

Thanks! These seem to complement the ideas i had.