View Full Version : [3.5]Looking for Bard PrCs

2011-03-21, 06:05 PM
working on the bard build for my current character (Ebberon campaign), and was looking at PrCs to give my bard after the two levels of Sublime chord. the bard will mainly rely on his Enchantment spells, and I was wondering if there was maybe a PrC with full caster progression out there, that supported precisely these. thanks for any and all help!

2011-03-21, 06:07 PM
A common choice is Virtuoso, if you take its lost caster level before Sublime Chord rather than after. It won't do much for your enchantments, but it will keep your bardic music useful.

2011-03-21, 06:10 PM
if you want to be a powerful enchanter/party face i suggest the beguiler (PHB2)
if you want a bard with stronger magic I suggest the prestige bard (UA)

2011-03-21, 06:18 PM
if you want to be a powerful enchanter/party face i suggest the beguiler (PHB2)
if you want a bard with stronger magic I suggest the prestige bard (UA)

UA is off limits by decree of the DM. the Bard 1 already exists in play, and I'm set on having him going up to lvl 20

2011-03-21, 06:58 PM
Sublime Chord is always a strong choice if you want expanded spell casting. while not powerful I've had tons of fun playing a Seeker of the Song uses bardic music to power blaster magics.

2011-03-21, 07:06 PM
A common choice is Virtuoso, if you take its lost caster level before Sublime Chord rather than after. It won't do much for your enchantments, but it will keep your bardic music useful.

I'd like to second this. Bard 9/Virtuoso 1/Sublime Chord 2/Virtuoso 8. It'll work wonders.

2011-03-21, 07:17 PM
I'd like to second this. Bard 9/Virtuoso 1/Sublime Chord 2/Virtuoso 8. It'll work wonders.

I'd take a level in mindbender and then take mindsight

Keld Denar
2011-03-21, 07:23 PM
Probably the most typical build is Bard8/Virt2/SC2/Virt+8. The 10th level Virtuoso song is kinda nifty, even if you wouldn't get it till 20. Loses Inspire Greatness though, if that's something you were looking for.


Bard5/Mindbender1/Bard+2/Virt2/SC2/Virt+8 gets you the 100' telepathy which enables Mindsight.

2011-03-22, 04:24 AM
I personally really like the Stormsinger PRC from Frostburn. It's full casting, lets you do skill based damage, and is all in all a good time.

2011-03-22, 06:41 AM
working on the bard build for my current character (Ebberon campaign), and was looking at PrCs to give my bard after the two levels of Sublime chord. the bard will mainly rely on his Enchantment spells, and I was wondering if there was maybe a PrC with full caster progression out there, that supported precisely these. thanks for any and all help!

I think Spellsinger (Races of Faerun) is the only full-caster PrC that has anything to do with enchantment, which might be worth a 1-level dip if you're ok with blowing two feat slots on Improved Counterspell and Skill Focus (Perform). The rest of the Spellsinger levels buff bardic music.

The only other enchantment-friendly PrC that springs to mind is the Nightmare Spinner adaptation in Complete Mage, which may have the single most important ability for any high-level enchanter: you can use mind-affecting spells on creatures normally immune to mind-effects. Since you're going into Sublime Chord, you can front-load the non-spellcasting level of Nightmare Spinner before you take Sublime Chord. However, the mechanics of the enchantment adaptation isn't officially defined so much as it's tossed out as an off-the-cuff "wishful thinking" or "optimizer's wet dream".

Forged Fury
2011-03-22, 06:58 AM
Lyric Thaumaturge from Complete Mage might not be too bad. Entry requirements are pretty easy, the only one out of the ordinary is a feat in CM that is pretty good for a bard (allows Perform to replace Concentration checks and lets you cast spells while maintaining bardic music). The PrC expands spells/day and spells known, provides additional daily uses of bardic music, and gives a free feat applicable to enchantments.

2011-03-22, 02:08 PM
Lyric Thaumaturge is pretty good, but it can't be used to advance Sublime Chord.

2011-03-22, 05:22 PM
To note, of Lyric Thaumaturge, Mindbender, or Virtuoso, none have Listen as a class skill. Sublime Chord requires 13 ranks in Listen, which means you'll need to delay progression by another level. Why LT and Virt don't have, couldn't say, and likely both should what with being musically inclined.

Keld Denar
2011-03-22, 05:36 PM
How do you figure? Bard has Listen for a class skill, which means that the cap is forevermore set to level+3 rather than (level+3)/2. Its just gonna cost you a couple more skill points at each level to get the ranks you need.

Class skills only care about 2 things.

1) For maximums, once a class skill, always a class skill.

2) For advancing at each level, class skill = 1 point, cross-class skill = 2 points per rank

Nothing in skill prereqs would prevent the character from getting into Sublime Chord at 10, assuming they had at least 1 Bard level (which you pretty much need, due to SC requiring the Bardic Music class feature) and you don't have a huge negative Int modifier.

2011-03-22, 06:50 PM
Hrmm, reading back over the entry, I am indeed wrong. Had never read the "Regardless of whether..." portion, and the rest seemed rather explicitly against.