View Full Version : Exotic or Martial?

2011-03-21, 10:36 PM
I'm toying around with the idea of having a mechanical glaive with a lever built into the handle; when pulled, the blade rotates and the weapon turns into a scythe. This sounds somewhat like an exotic weapon to me, but exotic weapons generally require specialized training to use effectively; how much training is needed to pull a lever? Both the scythe and the glaive are martial, and the only real advantage this weapon confers over either of them is the ability to switch from a reach to a melee weapon fairly easily(which admittedly is fairly powerful, though not nearly on par with the spiked chain).

2011-03-21, 10:38 PM
I smell a double-thread. It happens some times when your internet feels wonky, or you refresh at a bad time or something. Consider asking to have it closed?

2011-03-21, 10:44 PM
I'm toying around with the idea of having a mechanical glaive with a lever built into the handle; when pulled, the blade rotates and the weapon turns into a scythe. This sounds somewhat like an exotic weapon to me, but exotic weapons generally require specialized training to use effectively; how much training is needed to pull a lever? Both the scythe and the glaive are martial, and the only real advantage this weapon confers over either of them is the ability to switch from a reach to a melee weapon fairly easily(which admittedly is fairly powerful, though not nearly on par with the spiked chain).

I'd call it ... probably martial. If you're going to have a full conversion one to the other, the pole will have to collapse a little, too, since Glaive has reach and Scythe does not. I'd give it a move action to rotate, as long as the time cannot be reduced by any means short of Time Stop. Just eyeballing it, I'd probably allow it, with +2000gp (no idea if that's balanced or not, but it sounds right) to the price of the weapon. Both heads have to be MW, and if they're magic they're enchanted separately.