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View Full Version : Vermin Lord and Mind Seed [DnD 3.5]

2011-03-22, 04:50 AM
I was wondering. If I have a Gestalt Character who has level 10 Verminlord on one side and Psion - Telepath to high levels on the other right.
I then make a hivemind with myself (and my vermin companion) at the centre of it controlling it.

If I successfully Mind Seed someone and turn them into me (but 8 levels lower) are they part of the hivemind now also?
Even if they only have a few levels of VerminLord?
If they are do they count as me for controlling the hive mind (I'm thinking not)?

2011-03-22, 06:55 PM
Can no one give me a RAW rules answer or any help on this?

2011-03-22, 09:48 PM
The Mind Seeded you shouldn't be a part of the hivemind unless you have the vermin or animal type. The reason a Verminlord can be a part of the hivemind is because the ability specifically says so.

I can't really tell for the control portion. Sorry :/

2011-03-22, 10:33 PM
No but with the mindseed they become me as I was 8 levels lower.

But would they count as being part of the hivemind?
In particular if they have the level 10 Verminlord trait and all of my memories etc. from the time when I initially created the Hivemind?

If this doesnt work, could there be a way to make it work?