View Full Version : Mantle of Spells

Forged Fury
2011-03-22, 02:17 PM
Yes, Dweomerkeeper, but I'm trying to not go overboard with it.

I'm trying to figure out what spells would be a good choice for Mantle of Spells (Spontaneous Casting). As currently envisioned, I would only get Mantle of Spells 1 & 2 since I'm only taking 4 levels of Dweomerkeeper.

At Mantle of Spells 1: Capable of casting 1st-2nd level cleric & wizard spells.

At Mantle of Spells 2: Capable of casting 1st - 3rd level cleric spells and 1st -4th wizard spells.

What are some good options? Thanks!

-Forged Fury

2011-03-22, 06:53 PM
Polymorph is a good one.

IMO, almost anything that has many different possible uses would work well with the Mantle, since it increases your Batman powers.

2011-03-22, 07:13 PM
Mantle of spells works best with the "oh god, cast it now or we're doomed" kind of spells. Your first one... Close Wounds. Second one... Energy Aegis or Mass Resist Energy.

Shame you're not concentrating on one caster or the other. A dweomerkeeper who has all levels except a dip in the other class is quite powerful, even without using the supernatural spell conga line.

Forged Fury
2011-03-22, 07:41 PM
The original plan was a magic focused Runesmith. Instead of taking a level of a non-caster class that gets Heavy Armor Proficiency, I opted for Cleric. Once I did that, Dweomerkeeper and Mystic Theurge started calling.

As the build stands now, he would still get 9th level Wizard spells (albeit not until 20th level), which doesn't seem too bad. The cleric side is mostly gravy.

2011-03-22, 08:36 PM
The original plan was a magic focused Runesmith. Instead of taking a level of a non-caster class that gets Heavy Armor Proficiency, I opted for Cleric. Once I did that, Dweomerkeeper and Mystic Theurge started calling.

I felt that call as well. Cleric 1 / Wizard 4 / Runesmith 5 / Dweomerkeeper 10. All 19 levels went into wizard casting.

Pity he died so horribly. :smallsigh: