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View Full Version : 20 New Warlock Utility Invocations [3.5]

2011-03-23, 07:55 AM
Rather than trying to homebrew a class, which would lead to a disagreement on power level and optimization that I don't want to have, I thought it might be more productive to homebrew some new invocations. The reason being that if someone wants to plug these into either the original Warlock or some new "fixed" Warlock or some other homebrew invocation class, they can. And since most fixes I've seen call for more invocations known, it helps for there to actually BE more invocations to know.

My only theme here is to maintain the original demonic flavor of the Warlock. If you want to change that flavor when you use them, go right ahead.

Sorted by grade:
Bar-Lgura's Grace
Bleeding Blast
Dark Siren
Fealty Evermore
Hezrou's Endurance
Incubus' Splendor
Marilith's Cunning
Nalfeshnee's Wisdom
Vital Theft
Vrock's Strength

Anchoring Blast
Dangerous Beauty
Enslave the Planes
Servant of the Damned

Grave Anticipation
Pull the Strings
Steed of the Damned

The Bell Tolls For Thee

Anchoring Blast
Lesser; 4th
This eldritch essence invocation allows you to change your eldritch blast into an anchoring blast. Any creature struck by an anchoring blast takes normal damage and is completely blocked from extradimensional travel, as if struck by a dimensional anchor spell. The effect lasts for 1 round for every 1d6 points of damage your eldritch blast normally deals.

Bar-Lgura's Grace
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. In addition, you gain a Climb speed equal to one-half your base land speed; this increases by 10 ft. for every 10 caster levels you possess.

The Bell Tolls For Thee
Dark; 8th
When you learn this invocation, you enter into a dark pact with your patrons. Should you die at any point, this invocation activates and your body explodes with eldritch energy, dealing damage equal to twice your eldritch blast damage to all creatures within 60 feet (Reflex save for half) and destroying your body. The following round, you are immediately brought back to life as if a true resurrection spell had been cast on you. You gain a profane bonus equal to your Charisma bonus to your attack rolls, eldritch blast damage rolls, saving throws, and caster level checks for 1 minute. Each time this invocation is used, you lose 2 points of Constitution permanently, plus an additional 2 points for every time it was activated within the last 24 hours (i.e. 2 points for the first time, 4 points for the second time in the same day, 6 points for the third time). A wish or miracle spell can restore 2 lost points of Constitution. This invocation fails to activate if you do not have a Constitution score.

Bleeding Blast
Least; 3rd
This eldritch essence invocation allows you to change your eldritch blast into a bleeding blast. Any living creature struck by a bleeding blast bleeds for an additional 1 point of damage per round thereafter. Multiple wounds from such attacks result in cumulative bleeding lost. The bleeding can be stopped by a Heal skill check as a standard action (with a DC equal to 20 + your Charisma bonus), the application of any form of magical healing, or by spending a full-round action to make a Fortitude save. Once any of these methods is successful, all bleeding from your bleeding blasts is halted.

Dark Siren
Least, 2nd
You may invoke this ability to cause one creature to be overwhelmed with the desire to be near you, as the spell beckoning call (see Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, pg. 91). You may only affect one creature at a time with this invocation; if you should invoke it again, the first subject is released from the compulsion. You do not need to concentrate to sustain the effect; it lasts until either the subject succeeds at a saving throw or you take an obviously hostile action against it.

Dangerous Beauty
Lesser; 4th
When you invoke this ability, you gain a deflection bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus. You lose this benefit if you wear armor or otherwise gain an armor bonus to your Armor Class.

Enslave the Planes
Lesser; 3rd
This invocation grants you the effects of an avoid planar effects and resist planar alignment spells for 24 hours (see Spell Compendium, pp 19, 174). You also gain a +6 profane bonus on saving throws against any effect that would send you to another plane of existence against your will (such as a plane shift or the violet ray of a prismatic spray). Finally, you may concentrate to detect and learn the activation methods of any portals in the area, as if you had cast an analyze portal spell.

Fealty Evermore
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, one touched willing creature gains a +2 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities for 24 hours. Further, the invocation prevents them from being magically compelled to harm you. Any attempt to make the target do so counts as a suicidal order, triggering appropriate responses and possibly ending the controlling spell. If the subjects willingly attempt to harm you, this invocation is broken. You may have a number of creatures under the effect of this invocation at the same time equal to your Charisma bonus.

Grave Anticipation
Greater; 6th
When activated, this invocation functions as a greater anticipate teleportation spell targeting yourself for 24 hours (see Spell Compendium, pg 13). Further, if you detect creatures teleporting within range, you can choose to make their re-entry particularly difficult, forcing them to make a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds after they appear. You may also sense creatures using teleportation powers to leave your area, as if you had manifested the detect teleportation psionic power.

Hezrou's Endurance
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. In addition, if you become nauseated or sickened by an effect that lasts a given number of rounds, the duration of the effect is halved (rounding down, with a minimum of 1 round). For example, if you were in a stinking cloud spell, the nauseated condition would last until you left the cloud, and then half of the normal 1d4+1 rounds.

Incubus' Splendor
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. You also may apply your Charisma bonus instead of your Wisdom bonus to Sense Motive skill checks.

Marilith's Cunning
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. You also may apply your Intelligence bonus instead of your Wisdom bonus to Spot skill checks.

Nalfeshnee's Wisdom
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. In addition, if you become dazed, dazzled, or stunned by an effect that lasts a given number of rounds, the duration of the effect is halved (rounding down, with a minimum of 1 round). For example, if you were the subject of a power word stun spell, the stunned condition would last half of the normal 2d4 rounds, but if you were the target of a monk's stunning attack, it would last the normal 1 round.

Dark; 9th
Through this invocation, you draw the soul from a newly dead body and imprison it within yourself permanently. The subject must have been dead no more than 1 round per caster level and can make a Will saving throw to negate the effect (with a +2 circumstance bonus for every soul you already hold trapped in this manner). If a creature saves against this invocation, you may not target that creature again with it unless they have been raised from the dead and then subsequently died again. If successful, this invocation deals 1 point of damage for every Hit Die that the subject possesses; this damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way. The soul, once trapped within your body, cannot be returned through clone, raise dead, reincarnation, resurrection, true resurrection, or even a miracle or wish. All souls so trapped are released should you die. At any time, you can voluntarily release one of the souls that you are holding as a full-round action, though doing so deals you another 1 point of damage for every Hit Die that the subject possesses that cannot be avoided or prevented.

When you trap a soul in this manner, you may pick one skill in which the subject had trained. You gain a profane bonus to that skill equal to 1/3 the creature's Hit Dice for as long as you hold that soul within yourself.

Greater; 5th
You may invoke this ability to possess a touched living creature that is asleep or otherwise unconscious. This functions as demonic possession except that you do not become incorporeal at any point; your spirit simply passes from your body to your victim's unless they succeed at a Will saving throw. If the subject succeeds, you cannot attempt to possess them again for 24 hours. You are treated as a fiend with Hit Dice equal to your caster level for all purposes, and can take the role of Ally, Controller, Enemy, or Rider (see Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss, pg. 24, for rules on demonic possesion). There is no limit to the duration of your possession, though it ends if you are successfully exorcised or your true body takes any damage.

Pull the Strings
Greater; 5th
You may invoke this ability as an immediate action whenever another creature targets you with a spell, spell-like ability, or psionic power with either the Charm or Compulsion subschools and you make your initial saving throw (or the caster fails to penetrate your spell resistance or other immunity, if you possess such abilities). This invocation reflects the spell or power back on the caster as if you had cast it yourself, using your own caster level and saving throw DC.

Servant of the Damned
Lesser; 4th
You summon a quasit from the Abyss to serve you. You may only have one quasit summoned at a time, primarily because you always summon the same quasit when you invoke this ability. The quasit serves as it is instructed, but it is not magically compelled to do so; it simply serves the same dark powers you do. If the quasit is killed, you cannot summon it again for 24 hours while it reforms on its home plane. You may also dismiss it by invoking this power again.

Starting at 11th level, you summon either your regular quasit or a half-fiend; you must choose either a satyr or an ogre as the base creature, and once chosen the decision is permanent. You may still only have one demon summoned at a time, but if one is killed, you may summon the other immediately, without waiting until the slain servant reforms 24 hours later.

Starting at 17th level, you may summon a vrock instead, under the same limits.

Steed of the Damned
Greater; 7th
You summon a nightmare from the Lower Planes to serve as your mount. You may only have one nightmare summoned at a time, primarily because you always summon the same nightmare when you invoke this ability. The mount serves as it is instructed, but it is not magically compelled to obey your every command; it simply serves the same dark powers you do. If the nightmare is killed, you cannot summon it again for 24 hours while it reforms on its home plane. You may also dismiss it by invoking this power again. You gain a +6 profane bonus to your Ride skill checks when riding the nightmare.

Starting at 19th level, you summon either your regular nightmare or a cauchemar nightmare instead. You may still only have one steed summoned at a time, but if one is killed, you may summon the other immediately, without waiting until the slain mount reforms 24 hours later.

Vital Theft
Least; 2nd
Upon invoking this ability, you touch a living creature that has -1 or fewer hit points. If the subject fails its saving throw, it dies, and you gain 1d8 temporary hit points and a +2 profane bonus to Charisma. Additionally, your eldritch blast damage is increased by +1d6 points. The damage increase does not stack with other uses of the same invocation, though the temporary hit points do. These effects last for 10 minutes per HD of the subject creature.

Vrock's Strength
Least; 2nd
When you invoke this ability, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength for 24 hours. This bonus increases by +2 for every 6 caster levels you possess. If you have a Fly speed, your fly speed gains an enhancement bonus of +10 ft. per round, plus an additional +10 ft. per 10 caster levels.

2011-03-23, 09:21 AM
Giving my own opinions, not necessarily the best.

Anchoring Blast
Lesser; 4th
Does it still do damage? If yes its good, if not its not really worth it.
Enlightened spirit (Warlock PrC) has a greater essence that gives much better effects in the latter case. If the damage is still there, its a good if situational blast

Bar-Lgura's Grace
Least; 2nd
The scaling is my biggest problem here. You basically get an epic item effect at level 14. On the other hand you lose an invocation slot for a stat increase that is less important than others (warlocks have little trouble to hit and shouldn't get hit that often anyway). I'd probably still take it if I was a melee warlock.

The Bell Tolls For Thee
Dark; 8th
I am honestly unsure about this one. It helps kill enemies while keeping yourself kind of healthy. It could be fun if you want to play a desperate suicide bomber who can't comprehend why he just won't die. Also you should use the old specification that you need a conscore for this otherwise this is entirely too abusable for undead warlocks (they would be basically immortal)

Bleeding Blast
Least; 3rd
Sensible and very useful in the beginning. The enemy is dead, they just don't know it yet. Though the original summon swarm invocation can do somewhat the same to more people in the beginning.

Dark Siren
Least, 2nd
Absolutely appropriate. A very nice choice for a spell-based invocation that fits the warlock.

Dangerous Beauty
Lesser; 4th
So you get a deflection bonus that disappears if you get an armor bonus. Only really useful if you really pump Charisma I think, though if you do this is a very good defensive option. I assume it lasts the usual 24h?

Enslave the Planes
Least; 3rd
Good if your campaign centers around planar travel but otherwise not that great.

Fealty Evermore
Least; 2nd
Very nice. Helpful to others but at the same time giving you a switch that ensures you can still affect them if they willingly turn on you.

Grave Anticipation
Greater; 6th
Probably appropriate. I have little experience with the line of spells. I also get the feeling you do a lot of suprises and traveling across planes in your games based on these invocations.

Hezrou's Endurance
Least; 2nd
Same problem as with the dexterity one. Good for Melee Warlocks I guess.

Incubus' Splendor
Least; 2nd
Ouch, this one is in itself great for DC upping. Same problem though as invocation slots are rare.

Marilith's Cunning
Least; 2nd
see above

Nalfeshnee's Wisdom
Least; 2nd
see above

Dark; 9th
This one is creepy and sick. I whole-heartedly approve. Though at this point the payoff is a bit weak for a Dark invocation. I'd go with a bonus equal to 1/3rd the amount of HD you harbor in souls (or character level if it applies)

Greater; 5th
Creepy. Could be fun though.

Pull the Strings
Greater; 5th
Oh, ouch. Bela Lugosi makes everyone his bitch.
Depending on what you play this can be entirely too strong. Though it has a great feel to it.

Servant of the Damned
Lesser; 4th
So a quasit now as a mediocre investment and according to the malconvoker guide the best combat summon monster VIII at level 17. This is one of those invocations that you probably at least train into later. Though it becomes useless once you hit epic epic possibly get Shadowmaster. Maybe add something inbetween at level 12 to keep people interested in it over time.

Steed of the Damned
Greater; 7th
Not sure if it is worth a greater invocation. The 19th level kicker is great but I'm not sure wether it makes much difference at that level.

Vital Theft
Least; 2nd
Does it stack (temp HP and damage). If not its a nice starter for delivering damage at lower levels. which is probably what it is meant to do.

Vrock's Strength
Least; 2nd
see my comments on the others.[/QUOTE]

2011-03-23, 09:48 AM
I appreciate the feedback. My response are below.

Anchoring Blast
Lesser; 4th
Does it still do damage? If yes its good, if not its not really worth it.
Enlightened spirit (Warlock PrC) has a greater essence that gives much better effects in the latter case. If the damage is still there, its a good if situational blast

Yes, the damage would still be there. I've never played in a game where the villain didn't have a way to escape extradimensionally after about 10th level, so this would be extremely useful in those situations. Plus, it doesn't really cost you anything except one round of not using another essence.

Bar-Lgura's Grace
Least; 2nd
The scaling is my biggest problem here. You basically get an epic item effect at level 14. On the other hand you lose an invocation slot for a stat increase that is less important than others (warlocks have little trouble to hit and shouldn't get hit that often anyway). I'd probably still take it if I was a melee warlock.

Well, don't judge it based on what stat is being pumped; there are 6 equal ones, it's assumed that people will take whatever one helps their build the most. It is intended to be better than buying an item that does the same thing because invocation slots are rarer than money.

The Bell Tolls For Thee
Dark; 8th
I am honestly unsure about this one. It helps kill enemies while keeping yourself kind of healthy. It could be fun if you want to play a desperate suicide bomber who can't comprehend why he just won't die. Also you should use the old specification that you need a conscore for this otherwise this is entirely too abusable for undead warlocks (they would be basically immortal)

True resurrection would destroy an undead, raising them back as their original mortal form. However, I may add a "once every 24 hours" sort of clause.

Bleeding Blast
Least; 3rd
Sensible and very useful in the beginning. The enemy is dead, they just don't know it yet. Though the original summon swarm invocation can do somewhat the same to more people in the beginning.

You need to concentrate to use summon swarm. This is fire-and-forget.

Dark Siren
Least, 2nd
Absolutely appropriate. A very nice choice for a spell-based invocation that fits the warlock.

Thanks. I thought it would be helpful for melee-locks who draw their foes in rather than going to them.

Dangerous Beauty
Lesser; 4th
So you get a deflection bonus that disappears if you get an armor bonus. Only really useful if you really pump Charisma I think, though if you do this is a very good defensive option. I assume it lasts the usual 24h?

Yes, 24 hours. And yeah, it's assumed that if you take this, you're planning on pumping Cha (which half of all warlocks are doing anyway).

Enslave the Planes
Least; 3rd
Good if your campaign centers around planar travel but otherwise not that great.

Yeah, I was hoping to think of some sort of extra effect that would be helpful even if not on another plane, I just couldn't come up with one. I'll keep thinking.

Grave Anticipation
Greater; 6th
Probably appropriate. I have little experience with the line of spells. I also get the feeling you do a lot of suprises and traveling across planes in your games based on these invocations.

This invocation basically makes a warlock immune to scry-and-die tactics, giving them warning and then delaying the transport 3 rounds. And yeah, all of the high level games I've played in use a lot of instant travel spells, both offensively and defensively.

Dark; 9th
This one is creepy and sick. I whole-heartedly approve. Though at this point the payoff is a bit weak for a Dark invocation. I'd go with a bonus equal to 1/3rd the amount of HD you harbor in souls (or character level if it applies)

Well, the payoff was really just holding on to the soul of someone you hate. It's not intended to be a boost, just a way of preventing the BBEG from being resurrected. It's also a great plot power for an NPC warlock, because it forces the PCs to have to kill him to free the soul of King So-and-So.

Greater; 5th
Creepy. Could be fun though.

My goal was to add something that could open up a lot of roleplaying/infiltration options, like possessing a minion and riding him into the villain's lair.

Pull the Strings
Greater; 5th
Oh, ouch. Bela Lugosi makes everyone his bitch.
Depending on what you play this can be entirely too strong. Though it has a great feel to it.

Thanks. My gut tells me that the situational nature of it keeps it balanced; the player never gets to decide to use this really, the DM does. Also, another great NPC warlock power.

Servant of the Damned
Lesser; 4th
So a quasit now as a mediocre investment and according to the malconvoker guide the best combat summon monster VIII at level 17. This is one of those invocations that you probably at least train into later. Though it becomes useless once you hit epic epic possibly get Shadowmaster. Maybe add something inbetween at level 12 to keep people interested in it over time.

That's a good idea. I'll have to look around for an appropriate demon without too many SLAs.

Steed of the Damned
Greater; 7th
Not sure if it is worth a greater invocation. The 19th level kicker is great but I'm not sure wether it makes much difference at that level.

Keep in mind that a nightmare grants the warlock the ability to travel the astral and ethereal planes at will, and thus any outer or inner plane, too. It's not just a steed, it's planar transport.

Vital Theft
Least; 2nd
Does it stack (temp HP and damage). If not its a nice starter for delivering damage at lower levels. which is probably what it is meant to do.

No, they don't stack. It's intended as a low-level boost to help the warlock stay strong during a long encounter day at 1st-3rd levels. I may make it scale a little more, though, because it's not as good after that.

2011-03-23, 10:19 AM
OK, I made some changes. I'm still thinking about what demon I could add to the quasit/vrock one, and what effect I could add to the planar travel one. I also added the word "Utility" to the thread title, to reflect the fact that none of these are MORE POWER invocations.

2011-03-23, 10:46 AM
One way you could do it that I find intriguing:

- Give two options for base creatures one for good warlocks and one for evil ones.
- Apply the Maurid (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/maurid.shtml) template to it, homebrewed to make the Warlock the id-core.
- The creature is an echo of the warlocks self. It wears the same equipment as the warlock but all effects are only half as strong (+2 chainmail, becomes a +1 chainmail with a base 2 armor bonus).
- The creature advances in hitdie based on the warlocks caster-level.
- Every time it reforms it gains access to one invocation of the each level of invocation the warlock can cast except the highest. It can use these invocation 1/minute each.
- At level 12 it gains the fiendish/celestial creature template free of charge.
- At level 17 the warlocks power has reached a level that allows his echo to reach greater power converting it into a Vrock/???

If taken, this invocation always occupies one slot of the highest level of invocation the warlock can use.
The reason I am powering up the invocation is because the 24hour downtime for reformation can very much cripple its utility function.

Yes, this makes it more of a power invocation(though I haven't done calculations how the template works in tandem with innate abilities).
Originally I just wanted to suggest giving the quasit a template at level 12 but then I kept writing.

2011-03-23, 10:49 AM
Bar-Lgura's Grace and the other stat buffs are overpowered. The issue there is that it isn't really a buff - it's a stat increase. There's not really any reason to even give it a duration, an at-will bonus that lasts 24 hours is effectively a permanent increase. You'll notice that invocations that provide similar bonuses, like the one that gives you a bonus to bluff and diplomacy (Forget the name of it) don't have durations.

It should at least be a lesser invocation. Having a 1st level elf with 24 dexterity is just absurd.

2011-03-23, 10:59 AM
One way you could do it that I find intriguing:

- Give two options for base creatures one for good warlocks and one for evil ones.
- Apply the Maurid (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/maurid.shtml) template to it, homebrewed to make the Warlock the id-core.
- The creature is an echo of the warlocks self. It wears the same equipment as the warlock but all effects are only half as strong (+2 chainmail, becomes a +1 chainmail with a base 2 armor bonus).
- The creature advances in hitdie based on the warlocks caster-level.
- Every time it reforms it gains access to one invocation of the each level of invocation the warlock can cast except the highest. It can use these invocation 1/minute each.
- At level 12 it gains the fiendish/celestial creature template free of charge.
- At level 17 the warlocks power has reached a level that allows his echo to reach greater power converting it into a Vrock/???

If taken, this invocation always occupies one slot of the highest level of invocation the warlock can use.
The reason I am powering up the invocation is because the 24hour downtime for reformation can very much cripple its utility function.

Yes, this makes it more of a power invocation(though I haven't done calculations how the template works in tandem with innate abilities).
Originally I just wanted to suggest giving the quasit a template at level 12 but then I kept writing.

That seems more like an entirely separate idea, though a pretty cool one.

I was leaning more towards something like a half-fiend satyr or ogre, possibly even a choice between the two depending if you want a sneaky ally or a bruiser, at 10th level.

2011-03-23, 11:08 AM
Bar-Lgura's Grace and the other stat buffs are overpowered. The issue there is that it isn't really a buff - it's a stat increase. There's not really any reason to even give it a duration, an at-will bonus that lasts 24 hours is effectively a permanent increase. You'll notice that invocations that provide similar bonuses, like the one that gives you a bonus to bluff and diplomacy (Forget the name of it) don't have durations.

It should at least be a lesser invocation. Having a 1st level elf with 24 dexterity is just absurd.

Except that, as a SPA, it can be dispelled.

And, considering the fact that it is an enhancement bonus, it is not truly that strong.

2011-03-23, 11:15 AM
Bleeding Blast
Least; 3rd
This eldritch essence invocation allows you to change your eldritch blast into a bleeding blast. Any living creature struck by a bleeding blast bleeds for an additional 1 point of damage per round thereafter. Multiple wounds from such attacks result in cumulative bleeding lost. The bleeding can be stopped by a Heal skill check, with a DC equal to 20 + your Charisma bonus, or the application of any form of magical healing.
This has the same Hit-and-run problem as Power Word:Pain, ie. snipe at someone from distance, flee, return to loot the body an hour later (assuming reasonable charisma, very few foes can make a, let's say, DC 23 Heal check, not even by taking 20).

You can argue whether this is efficient, broken, powerful, or balanced, but the point is, it's just not very interesting.

Dangerous Beauty
Lesser; 4th
When you invoke this ability, you gain a deflection bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma bonus. You lose this benefit if you wear armor or otherwise gain an armor bonus to your Armor Class.
If you want the kind of bonus that doesn't stack with armor, I suggest just call it an armor bonus. The wording of a "deflection bonus that ends if you gain an armor bonus" is very awkward.

Hezrou's Endurance and its ilk are too strong with the "additional +2 for every 7 levels" clause. If you remove this clause, they will be balanced and on par with existing invocations. Let's compare it to other invocations that are known to be good and useful:
- Spiderwalk puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently
- Baleful Utterance allows you to cast a 2nd level spell at will
- See the Unseen puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently
- Hezrou's Endurance (without the additional clause) puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently

2011-03-23, 11:24 AM
There's not really any reason to even give it a duration, an at-will bonus that lasts 24 hours is effectively a permanent increase. You'll notice that invocations that provide similar bonuses, like the one that gives you a bonus to bluff and diplomacy (Forget the name of it) don't have durations.

Actually, they do. It's listed. They have a duration of 24 hours.

It should at least be a lesser invocation. Having a 1st level elf with 24 dexterity is just absurd.

I think if someone wants to put all of their eggs in that one basket, how does it really hurt anyone? A 1st level character would have no other invocations, so they would be just about shooting things with eldritch blast. They'd hit a lot and do a whopping 1d6 damage when they did. Their AC wouldn't even be that fantastic because the only armor with a Max Dex higher than 6 is padded, for +1 armor. So they'd have an AC of 18, a total attack bonus of +7, and doing 1d6 damage, and for that they will have spent their sole invocation, their (likely only) 18, and chosen their race. I don't know, I just don't see how that is going to break anyone's game for the 6 or 7 encounters it will take to get to 2nd level. Especially since a 1st level half-orc fighter will have a 20 Str and a +1 BAB, for +6 attack and 1d12+7 damage with a greataxe. A few levels later, everyone else will have stat-boosting magic items anyway, and every other stat-enhancing invocation is less useful for a 1st level warlock than the Dex one (even the Cha one, because if they use their invocation on that, they won't have any other invocations to need to boost save DCs for).

I guess if a lot of other people feel the same way, I might change it to +2 enhancement bonus, with another +2 every 5 levels.

2011-03-23, 11:37 AM
This has the same Hit-and-run problem as Power Word:Pain, ie. snipe at someone from distance, flee, return to loot the body an hour later (assuming reasonable charisma, very few foes can make a, let's say, DC 23 Heal check, not even by taking 20).

You can argue whether this is efficient, broken, powerful, or balanced, but the point is, it's just not very interesting.

I'll add in another means of stopping the bleeding, then.

If you want the kind of bonus that doesn't stack with armor, I suggest just call it an armor bonus. The wording of a "deflection bonus that ends if you gain an armor bonus" is very awkward.

Except I don't want it to be an armor bonus. I want it to be a deflection bonus, because that defends against touch and ray spells and doesn't stack with a ring of protection. it's also supposed to represent not wearing armor so that people can check out your body better and thus have trouble hitting you.

The wording was lifted directly from a demon prince entry, so if it's awkward, it was written awkwardly by WOTC first.

Hezrou's Endurance and its ilk are too strong with the "additional +2 for every 7 levels" clause. If you remove this clause, they will be balanced and on par with existing invocations. Let's compare it to other invocations that are known to be good and useful:
- Spiderwalk puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently
- Baleful Utterance allows you to cast a 2nd level spell at will
- See the Unseen puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently
- Hezrou's Endurance (without the additional clause) puts you under the effect of a 2nd level spell permanently

The problem with that is that they will never be selected in a game that begins above the level when such enhancement bonuses are easy to buy (i.e. 6th level or so). I created them because I wanted to make them appealing choices to warlocks that were being created at mid to high levels (which most of the Least invocations are not); lowering them to a fixed +4 eliminates the main reason I wrote them.

Also, all of those ones you mention have an additional effect beyond the second level spell they mimic. Spiderwalk makes you immune to webs, Baleful Utterance dazes and deafens a creature holding the object, and See the Unseen gives you darkvision. Making Hezrou's Endurance just a fixed bonus would actually make it worse than other Least invocations.

2011-03-23, 01:36 PM
If I might make a suggestion, for Servant of the Damned, why not have a Succubus appear at level 12? That's around the same level that any competent wizard can start planar binding similar things, and Succubi kinda fit the Warlock flavor quite a bit

2011-03-23, 04:25 PM
For the stat boosts, why not make it +4 with +2 per 7 caster levels over seven (or +2 with +2/7)? That way you get +6 at level 14 and then you don't hit epic until you are epic. It allows it to scale to some degree, but doesn't make it ridiculous.

2011-03-24, 03:53 AM
If I might make a suggestion, for Servant of the Damned, why not have a Succubus appear at level 12? That's around the same level that any competent wizard can start planar binding similar things, and Succubi kinda fit the Warlock flavor quite a bit

That's easy: because a succubus can cast Charm Monster at will, with no limit on how many creatures she can have charmed. That makes an invocation that summons a succubus categorically better than the lesser invocation Charm-- which allows you to cast Charm Monster on one creature at a time--before even taking into account the fact that the succubus can also use Suggestion at will, and some other SLAs, and can fight and energy drain, and it's rolled up in the same invocation that lets you have a quasit and a vrock. Including a succubus would not only make this a more powerful invocation, but it would kill an existing one, which is not acceptable.

No, whatever I use needs to have no SLAs that are at-will unless they only affect the demon, the way that a vrock having Mirror Image at will doesn't really help the warlock stay alive, at least not directly.

For the stat boosts, why not make it +4 with +2 per 7 caster levels over seven (or +2 with +2/7)? That way you get +6 at level 14 and then you don't hit epic until you are epic. It allows it to scale to some degree, but doesn't make it ridiculous.

I'd point out that just because a certain numerical bonus can't be purchased as an item until epic levels does not make a class ability that grants that bonus inherently epic. Protection from Spells grants a +8 resistance bonus to saving throws, but it's only an 8th level spell.

However, since everyone is more or less in agreement that SOMETHING has to change on the stat-boosting invocations, I'm going to try to come up with something that I feel will keep them better than what can be bought without being too powerful. I have some ideas that maybe I could give each one a bonus minor ability that would stay relevant even if the stat bonus was no better than what could be purchased.

2011-03-24, 04:37 AM
I think with the Hezrou's Endurance invocations you should do something like this:

"This invocation grants you a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution as well as Damage Reduction 2/magic. At 7th level the Damage Reduction granted increases to 5/magic and cold iron. At 13th level the enhancement bonus to Constitution increases to +6. At 19th level the Damage Reduction granted increases to 10/--."

Basically, grant a small unique benefit in addition to the +4 enhancement bonus. Then scale the unique benefit up as well as the enhancement, but cap the enhancement at +6.

At first, I was thinking, "omfg, +4 to an ability score permanently at 1st level is so stupid and broken," because I was thinking of the Warlock just grabbing +4 to Cha. But then I realized that even if he does that he's getting almost no benefit from the invocation until 2nd level, and he could have gotten the same benefit from the Ability Focus feat. Now, the +2 to save DCs that can stack with the Ability Focus feat IS nice, but it also takes up the Warlock's enhancement bonus slot meaning he's not going to be benefiting from any standard items.

All that said, you should probably make the ability enhancers that benefit the Warlock the most (Charisma obviously leading the pack, followed by Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution in no particular order) have weaker secondary benefits than the ones that benefit the Warlock the least (Intelligence and Wisdom).

2011-03-24, 05:08 AM
OK, I've made some changes.

The stat-enhancers now all start at +2, then gain +2 per 6 caster levels. That does mean that they're +8 at 18th level, but they're two levels away from epic anyway at that point and full casters are throwing around Time Stop and Gate, so I don't think it's going to break anyone's game. I also added a secondary minor benefit to each one that reflects the demon it's named after, both to make it a better choice at 1st level (when +2 to one stat is decidedly inferior to other Least invocations) and to give people a reason to take these when they could just buy a stat-boosting item. All of the benefits are defensive, utility, or mobility based, too, to avoid their abuse.

I added the half-fiend option to Servant of the Damned at 11th level.

I overhauled Enslave the Planes to be a one-stop planar survival invocation. While it is still highly situational, I figure people will know whether their campaign will have a lot of planar travel most of the time. Plus, at least it's now a lot stronger in that one situation.

2011-03-24, 05:18 AM
Like the bleeding essence. I'm probably going to try and steal it for a game.

Shark Uppercut
2011-03-24, 11:21 PM
Someone actually gave demonic powers to the warlock! WOO!
I approve of Servant of the Damned, as well as the demonically themed ability score boosters.
/blow my own horn: I actually made a class devoted entirely to summoning demons&devils. I'm curious what people think of it in terms of balance.
Link in ma signature.