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View Full Version : d20 Wargamming

2011-03-24, 03:52 AM
So I just finished reading Erfworld, which was pretty awesome, and it got me thinking about a homebrew pet project of mine which has been on the back-burner for a while, which was to create a way to use existing d20 rules and stat-blocks to make customized armies that players could command at various intervals. The gist of it was to stack up large amounts of low-level monsters, add their hp together, then apply bonuses based on numbers to their attack and damage rolls. Players would then add bonuses to units they command plus their own combat prowess.

But imagine I can't be the first person to do this, and so rather then post my various half-baked rules here I was wondering if anyone had a good link to a system I can take a look at. I'm willing to check out pretty much anything, since what I really need is a good skeleton I can start hanging some proverbial meat on.

2011-03-24, 04:01 AM
Check out Green Ronin's Testament and Trojan Wars. That's more or less what you are looking for.

2011-03-24, 04:40 AM
Cry Havoc from Malhavoc Press