View Full Version : Linear guilding it!

lord pringle
2011-03-24, 10:48 PM
So my friends are all OotS fans and I thought it would be funny to spring evil opposites on them. I however am not sure what to make each one. So I ask you, the playground, to help. (note: all level 7 and this isn't ebberon)

We have a:
warforged substitution fighter 6/ Warforged juggernaut 1- thinking Reforged?

Shifter scout 1/ ranger 5/ highland stalker 1

Half-orc Ranger 4/ bloodhound 3

Human invisible blade (don't remember details...)

Human wizard 5/ rogue 1/ spellwarp sniper 1

Human spell thief 7

2011-03-24, 11:37 PM
warforged substitution fighter 6/ Warforged juggernaut 1- thinking Reforged?
Perhaps a nimblewright (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de/details.php?id=611&backlink=%2Fallmonsters.php)?

Shifter scout 1/ ranger 5/ highland stalker 1
Lycanthrope something, or a Varag (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de/details.php?id=741&backlink=%2Fallmonsters.php) scout.

Half-orc Ranger 4/ bloodhound 3
Half-elf Champion of Corellon who doesn't care that this half-orc is a nice guy?

Human invisible blade (don't remember details...)
The minotaur in the picture that accompanies that prestige class? I don't really have a good idea for this one.

Human wizard 5/ rogue 1/ spellwarp sniper 1
Someone with spell reflection ACF, and a handful of abjuration spells that deflect rays. Perhaps they fight with area of effect spells. Or, a beguiler.

Human spell thief 7
A class that imitates casting spells, like Chameleon or Factotum. Preferably, it has access to something that will let it avoid being sneak attacked. (such as concealment, etc.)

lord pringle
2011-03-25, 12:31 PM
warforged substitution fighter 6/ Warforged juggernaut 1- thinking Reforged?
Perhaps a nimblewright (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de/details.php?id=611&backlink=%2Fallmonsters.php)?

Shifter scout 1/ ranger 5/ highland stalker 1
Lycanthrope something, or a Varag (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de/details.php?id=741&backlink=%2Fallmonsters.php) scout.

Half-orc Ranger 4/ bloodhound 3
Half-elf Champion of Corellon who doesn't care that this half-orc is a nice guy?

Human invisible blade (don't remember details...)
The minotaur in the picture that accompanies that prestige class? I don't really have a good idea for this one.

Human wizard 5/ rogue 1/ spellwarp sniper 1
Someone with spell reflection ACF, and a handful of abjuration spells that deflect rays. Perhaps they fight with area of effect spells. Or, a beguiler.

Human spell thief 7
A class that imitates casting spells, like Chameleon or Factotum. Preferably, it has access to something that will let it avoid being sneak attacked. (such as concealment, etc.)

I like your Spelltheif idea and your sniper idea but everything else not so much.

2011-03-25, 03:05 PM
For the Spellthief, Ur-Priest would be the perfect Evil Opposite (stealing spells from the gods instead of from spellcasters, and it has similar abilities), but unfortunately it wouldn't be a very effective challenge at your group's level. Shame.

For the Spellwarp Sniper, Warlock with Eldritch Spear for a sniper's duel, maybe with a dip in Rogue for SA, or with Spellthief to counter his magic.

For the Invisible Blade: maybe a Whisper Gnome with Silencing Strike to get the play on "invisible" vs. "silent"? As far as class, probably a Rogue or ninja. And don't forget high Sense Motive.

For the Bloodhound, really anything that tracks or hunts things would work; the reversal of "the hunter becomes the hunted" is enough to make for an evil opposite. Ranger, Paladin, Church Inquisitor, etc.

For the Warforged: give the fight a technology vs. nature twist! Bear Warrior! You can't go wrong with bears.

For the Shifter, I agree that its nemesis should be a lycanthrope of some kind. But tease it out, don't show its transformation for a while, make the party think it's just a werewolf or something, and then reveal the alternate form to be something massive and terrifying that makes the party go, "Oh crap."

2011-03-25, 06:22 PM
For the Warforged: give the fight a technology vs. nature twist! Bear Warrior! You can't go wrong with bears.

better yet, a bear riding a bear summoning bears.

For the Shifter, I agree that its nemesis should be a lycanthrope of some kind. But tease it out, don't show its transformation for a while, make the party think it's just a werewolf or something, and then reveal the alternate form to be something massive and terrifying that makes the party go, "Oh crap."

and a wolf riding a wolf summoning wolves?