View Full Version : Blasty Conjuration Spells that Don't Allow SR

Elric VIII
2011-03-26, 12:38 AM
Just as the title says, I would like some help finding Conjuration spells that do not allow SR and deal damage. I know about the orbs, but my character is low-Dex with the shaky flaw, so I want to focus on things that aren't ranged touch attack.

Thank you.

2011-03-26, 06:37 AM
Just as the title says, I would like some help finding Conjuration spells that do not allow SR and deal damage. I know about the orbs, but my character is low-Dex with the shaky flaw, so I want to focus on things that aren't ranged touch attack.

Thank you.

Hail of Stone (SpC), Ice Knife (SpC), Incendiary Slime(SpC), Haboob (It's Hot Outside), Icelance (SpC), Vitriolic Sphere (SpC), Acid Breath (SpC), Blast of Flame (CA), Cloudkill, Vitriolic Sphere (SpC), Acid Fog, Choking Cobwebs (CM), Incendiary Cloud, Deadly Lahar (CM), and Obedient Avalanche (SpC).

Towering Thunderhead (CM) also auto-empowers sonic and lightning spells of 7th level or lower in its area of effect, which can be useful if your allies are also blasters... or if you are an Archmage with Mastery of Elements.

Creative use of Minor/Major/True Creation.

Invisible Servant/Servant Horde + Dropping items. (Bags of acid vials, for example.)

Wall of Iron if you can somehow make it fall on your target.

Wall of Stone + Summon Heavy Monster (it's now supported by the wall) + Kamikaze Divebomb

Gate to Plane of (Insert whatever energy your opponent is weakest to) + Bullrush. Doesn't cost XP for this use.

There's also Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (SpC) and Black Blade of Disaster (SpC), but those seem rather weak for 9th level spells.

2011-03-26, 09:08 AM
There's also Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (SpC) and Black Blade of Disaster (SpC), but those seem rather weak for 9th level spells.
The Sphere is more or less a disintegrate spell that lasts for at least seventeen rounds when you cast it (1 round/level). Plus it looks a bit like a Sphere of Annihilation (probably the idea).

Elric VIII
2011-03-26, 10:39 AM
Cool, thanks. That's probobly more than enough.

2011-03-26, 11:16 AM
It's psionic, so not really what you're looking for, but swarm of crystals bears mentioning as one of a very, very few auto-hit, no-save, no-SR effects in the game.

2011-03-26, 12:36 PM
@Swarm of Crystals
Yeah, but per the Complete Psionic rules change, it allows DR.

2011-03-26, 02:41 PM
@Swarm of Crystals
Yeah, but per the Complete Psionic rules change, it allows DR.

On a related note, does Hail of Stone (also auto-hit, no-save, no-SR) allow DR?

2011-03-26, 02:45 PM
No, damage is untyped. Thats what makes it a good spell, the damage ca pis low though (5d4 max)

2011-03-28, 07:38 AM
Hail of Stone (SpC), Ice Knife (SpC), Incendiary Slime(SpC), Haboob (It's Hot Outside), Icelance (SpC), Vitriolic Sphere (SpC), Acid Breath (SpC), Blast of Flame (CA), Cloudkill, Vitriolic Sphere (SpC), Acid Fog, Choking Cobwebs (CM), Incendiary Cloud, Deadly Lahar (CM), and Obedient Avalanche (SpC).

Frostburn also has the conjure ice beast line of spells. Not only does this give you access to both the Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally list (at least for the physical stats), you can add a special attack to each creature. This includes Engulf (i.e., swallow whole, and large/huge size is available fairly early via giant centipedes) and Cold Aura (Su), a 10' burst of 1d6 cold damage that the ice beast can do 1/round as a free action, no save and no SR. Conjure ice beast III can create 4 ice beast wolves = 4d6 cold damage via four 10' bursts, plus whatever damage they can do with their bite attacks. Or if your target has no ranged attacks, fly four hawks 10' above them. Edit: Ice beasts no flappity-flappity.


Lava missile, Serpent Kingdoms p. 156. Basically the same as magic missile (autohits), only with napalm.

Daltim's fiery tentacles, Shining South p. 45. Does all of the hentai jokes that Evard's black tentacles can do, only now they're *on fire*.

Lightning fog, Shining South p. 47. Fog cloud + electricity damage.

Elric VIII
2011-03-28, 06:07 PM
Frostburn also has the conjure ice beast line of spells. Not only does this give you access to both the Summon Monster and Summon Nature's Ally list (at least for the physical stats), you can add a special attack to each creature. This includes Engulf (i.e., swallow whole, and large/huge size is available fairly early via giant centipedes) and Cold Aura (Su), a 10' burst of 1d6 cold damage that the ice beast can do 1/round as a free action, no save and no SR. Conjure ice beast III can create 4 ice beast wolves = 4d6 cold damage via four 10' bursts, plus whatever damage they can do with their bite attacks. Or if your target has no ranged attacks, fly four hawks 10' above them.

That's a good point. That will definately give me the brute force that Summon Monster cannot quite match.

2011-03-28, 10:53 PM
Isn't the Conjure Ice Beast line of spells Cleric/Druid/Ranger only?

Ice beasts also lose bonus HP from Con ('though they gain back a bit of HP), skills, and most feats. They also lose any fly speed, have a net loss of NA in most cases, and lose all special attacks and special qualities of the base creature.

2011-03-28, 11:15 PM
Isn't the Conjure Ice Beast line of spells Cleric/Druid/Ranger only?

Ice beasts also lose bonus HP from Con ('though they gain back a bit of HP), skills, and most feats. They also lose any fly speed, have a net loss of NA in most cases, and lose all special attacks and special qualities of the base creature.
No... but using Conjure Ice Beast VIII to surround a target with 1d3 21-HD Ice Beast (Earth Elementals), and then having them all release their 1/round free action 1d6, and follow it up with a 10d6 breath weapon... well, you've got a 1/3 chance of dealing 33d6 (save half, resistance applies three times), a 1/3 chance of dealing 22d6 (save half, resistance applies twice), and a 1/3 chance of dealing 11d6 (save half). Quite blasty, really. I wonder what's the optimum critter for that particular track with each level of Conjure Ice Beast?