View Full Version : Easy way to kill Demogorgon? (Ever fought him at low levels?)

2011-03-26, 11:47 AM
He's a pretty powerful demon, has anyone beaten him at lower levels?

If not, would Holy Word obliterate him?

2011-03-26, 11:48 AM
Demogorgon is powerful in his fluff, this is true. However, he's actually not all that impressive; I'm certain you can take a level 17 party to kill him, level 22 max.

2011-03-26, 12:17 PM
For starters, which one are we talking about? The semi 3.0 BoVD one, or the later, FCI one?

For the one in FCI:
I don't see any easy way, seeing how he has Astral Projection at will. That alone makes him pretty powerful, if we add Genesis-cheese (obtained via scroll), he has the same baseline defense-combo as a 17th level wizard.

Depending on how Summoning(sp) works, he also be a lot more powerful than his stat-block indicates:
I didn't find a reference anywhere saying that these abilities are equivalent to the Summon Monster line of spells, so creatures summoned via this ability can use spell-likes that normally cost xp if that is correct. He can summon 1d4 glabrezu a day, meaning 1d4 free wishes per day. That would basically mean that his entire stat-block can be disregarded, because he will have +4 inherent on each stat, every spell that can be permanencie'd permanent, and a magic item in every item slot.

(I would be glad if somebody could prove me wrong on that account, but I didn't find anything)

2011-03-26, 12:48 PM
It really depends on the version we're using. BoVD, FC1, FC1's suggested advancement, Dragon magazine, or dice freaks.

2011-03-26, 12:57 PM
Dice Freak's version is over CR 90, correct?

2011-03-26, 12:57 PM
Dice Freak's version is over CR 90, correct?

To be honest I'm not sure which version of Demogorgon this is, but I think his challenge rating was 78.

2011-03-26, 12:58 PM
You are right, it is 78. I was thinking of HD.

2011-03-26, 12:58 PM
For starters, which one are we talking about? The semi 3.0 BoVD one, or the later, FCI one?

For the one in FCI:
I don't see any easy way, seeing how he has Astral Projection at will. That alone makes him pretty powerful, if we add Genesis-cheese (obtained via scroll), he has the same baseline defense-combo as a 17th level wizard.

Depending on how Summoning(sp) works, he also be a lot more powerful than his stat-block indicates:
I didn't find a reference anywhere saying that these abilities are equivalent to the Summon Monster line of spells, so creatures summoned via this ability can use spell-likes that normally cost xp if that is correct. He can summon 1d4 glabrezu a day, meaning 1d4 free wishes per day. That would basically mean that his entire stat-block can be disregarded, because he will have +4 inherent on each stat, every spell that can be permanencie'd permanent, and a magic item in every item slot.

(I would be glad if somebody could prove me wrong on that account, but I didn't find anything)

As for the wish cheese, remember this guy has multiple infinite planes of resources at his disposal. He could have simply bought those wishes.

2011-03-26, 01:22 PM
That would basically mean that his entire stat-block can be disregarded, because he will have +4 inherent on each stat, every spell that can be permanencie'd permanent, and a magic item in every item slot.

And a partridge in a pear tree. But can he pass the true test of power? Can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?

Seriously though, here's how I beat him.

When you get to the bottom of Watchers Keep you have your thief just absolutely load down the area he appears with Spike traps. The other traps are a bad choice, but spike traps are high single target damage and you can throw down a LOT of them right there in that one spot. When you start the encounter he basically comes out of the containment circle and immediately trips all the traps at the same time. He actually dies before he can do anything, but you still have to get through the annoyingly long text intro he has...

As for the pen and paper game... nope. We rarely go past 12-13, so it's not an encounter I've ever got to try out.

2011-03-26, 09:23 PM
At first glance, his stats don't really seem impressive for a cr23, but maybe I am overlooking something. :smalltongue:

2011-03-26, 09:51 PM
So does the Astral Projection Spell Pretty much make it so you cant die?

2011-03-26, 09:56 PM
Considering it's more than likely Demogorgon plus an endless horde of demons, I'm sure you'd lose.

2011-03-26, 10:30 PM
So does the Astral Projection Spell Pretty much make it so you cant die?
You can call up an Astral Dreadnought, Astral Dragon or something similar. Then go for his silver cord.

That's if you get him onto the Astral Plane, of course.

2011-03-26, 11:58 PM
Max your Bluff; either via legal means or through an incredibly dodgy interpretation of the rules.

Get the two heads of Demogorgon to agree with each other.
Get them to tap-dance to Black Friday.
Profit Sob uncontrollably as your sanity leaves you.

2011-03-27, 12:12 AM
Considering it's more than likely Demogorgon plus an endless horde of demons, I'm sure you'd lose.

Not if I have Sir Pwnage and Sir Smash-a-lot with me! XD

But on a serious note, I did forget about him commanding lots of demons. So I'm probably gonna have more problems than I thought.

Wouldn't Holy Word destroy them with ease?

2011-03-27, 12:18 AM
When you get to the bottom of Watchers Keep you have your thief just absolutely load down the area he appears with Spike traps. The other traps are a bad choice, but spike traps are high single target damage and you can throw down a LOT of them right there in that one spot. When you start the encounter he basically comes out of the containment circle and immediately trips all the traps at the same time. He actually dies before he can do anything, but you still have to get through the annoyingly long text intro he has...

Ugh, cheesiest way ever. Not that I haven't used it, mind you, but I reloaded right after that and killed him the fair way.

Most fun killing him was still with a paladin going solo :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-27, 12:29 AM
Ugh, cheesiest way ever. Not that I haven't used it, mind you, but I reloaded right after that and killed him the fair way.

Most fun killing him was still with a paladin going solo :smallbiggrin:
I wouldn't try that against the Ascension module version of Demogorgon.

2011-03-27, 12:36 AM
IIRC, the biggest change to Ascension version is Big D spamming you with summons like there's no tommorow. Which should still make it passable, provided you have some cannon fodder yourself. A paladin might not be able to do it, but a wizard... and I'm positive even a pally could do it, with some thinking. But it's being too long since I played, so I won't say for sure.

I am, however, sure there is more than one person out there who did and wrote in details about it.

2011-03-27, 12:39 AM
I wouldn't try that against the Ascension module version of Demogorgon.

By Ascension module version, do you mean Immortals Handbook Ascension? Or is something else entirely?

2011-03-27, 12:46 AM
By Ascension module version, do you mean Immortals Handbook Ascension? Or is something else entirely?
No, I'm talking about BGII and David Gaider's version of Demogorgon, which is closer to the original version of Demogorgon they had (plus Immune to Time Stop, Immune to any 5th level spell and below, high Magic Res that can't be lowered, each hit drains your stats, each hit level drains you, each hit Holds you and so on). He was toned down for the final release because of how difficult it was to beat him.