View Full Version : God of Hunters/trackers

2011-03-26, 10:12 PM
Anyone know of one in the standard D&D pantheon? Or should I make one up for ease of use?

2011-03-27, 12:05 AM
Obad-Hai would seem to be the most appropriate to me.

Edit: Dragon 342 even offers a 'Hunt' domain. Of the core deities, Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, and Llerg get it.

2011-03-27, 12:28 AM
If by "standard D&D pantheon," you also encompass the Faerunian pantheon, there's also Malar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malar_%28Forgotten_Realms%29), a CE deity "of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, bestial savagery and bloodlust" whose ambitions and schemes are only exceeded by his arrogance and dimwittedness.