View Full Version : Exalted Campaign setting.

2011-03-27, 02:01 AM
This setting originates from a supposed high essence game I was going to run here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187077). The game never got off the ground, but that's no reason for the setting to die. So, here my aim is to record what information I have on the setting, as well as to flesh it out more, so that it becomes fully formed.

Right now there isn't a real title, and I'm horrible with names. So, any suggestion?

The world:Earth 3000 AD in the old calendar, year 700 AA in the new.

In the early half of the 2nd millennium the world changed. Great beasts, and hordes of lesser followers, flooded the world. The were held back, but a great cost. The world was in ruins, and the fey, as they were called, would return. But humanity is nothing if not inventive. First they created the so called spirits, being almost the same as the fey. But they were few in number, and the great majority were much, much weaker.

But a great, truly magnificent breakthrough, by one German Scientist von Chon. The Exalted. This truly turned the tide. Their power was small to start, but in the end they surpassed all but the mightiest spirits.

The Dragon-blooded brotherhoods, backed by spirit courts fought the endless hordes of fey, while Lunars took the war to their alien dimension. And in the shadows, whispers of the stars-chosen. But only whispers. It was no easy, but the Exalts slowly reclaimed earth. But not for Man. Not any more.

Yu Shan was lord, and dissent was crushed. For years this continued.

But things have changed. The Game has changed.

For those interested, here is a map:

And a Timeline.

2011 CE- Present Day Earth
2300 CE- Convergence Begins, hostile Fey encountered.
2330 CE- First Behemoth's presence known. Creation of Manhattan Isle Blight Zone.
2331 CE, January- Second Behemoth encounter. Creation of Tokyo Blight Zone.
2331 CE, November- Third Behemoth encounter. Creation of New Delphi Blight Zone.
2332 CE- First images from Fey home Dimension obtained in Operation Postcard. Renamed Operation Brown Pants thereafter.
2335 CE-SPECTRUM research, funded by the Yu Shan Organization, Inc. and headed by top researcher Dr. Otto Von Chon acheives breakthrough in study of Fey. First field tests of so called 'spirits'.
2340 CE-Spirits utilized en-mass. Their lack of total effectiveness leads to increased SPECTRUM research, projects Exalt and Loom.
2345 CE-Project Exalt yields Alchemicals. Deemed non-viable for theater wide usage due to poor cost/benefit ratio, but promising nature leads to further development. Project Loom manages breakthrough. Early warning system deployment begins now.
2350 CE-Project Exalt scraps idea for Solar, due to incredible expense of operation. Changes focus to Terrestrial exaltation.
2356 CE-North American Continent rendered uninhabitable due to extensive fighting. First Wyld Zone. Yu Shuan Organization's Spectrum Labs moved into high orbit for protection.
2370 CE-First Terrestrial Exalts deployed in large scale conflicts. Less powerful than the most powerful Spirits, they make up for this with numbers and a higher average power level. Project Exalts turns full focus on so called Lunar and Sidereal Exalts.
2380 CE-First Sidereal and Lunar Exalted rushed into production over Dr Otto's strong objections.
2385 CE-First Lunar Chimera. Lunar units recalled until cause and solution discovered.
2390 CE-Lunar Stabilizer developed by Dr Otto. Lunar's redeployed.
Time Jump
2500 CE-Majority of North American continent reclaimed. Fey continued to be pushed back. Victory declared nigh.
2550 CE-Almost all Fey driven from Earth. Creation of new Exalts stopped. Beginning of step down from war footing.
2600 CE-High Convergence. Simultaneous shift over of 20 behemoths, plus attendant hordes. Casualties Heavy and Infrastructure shattered. YSO begins assumption of leadership.
3000 CE-End of Convergence. Process of rebuilding begun. Fraying of tensions between YSO and Dr Otto.
3005 CE-Dr Otto disappears.
3010 CE-YSO declares Mandate of Heaven.
3050 CE-Signs of resistance to YSO rule. Evidence of Alchemicals.
3100 CE-Sidereals manage to capture an Alchemical alive, revealing the continued existence of Dr Otto.
3200 CE-Creation of Immaculate Faith by one Chejop Kejak.
3990 CE-First Solar Exaltation.
4000 CE-Beginning of Convergence. Present Day in Setting.

2011-03-27, 02:03 AM
Definition of terms.

What is an Exalted: In this world, an Exalt is someone who has undergone gene therapy and extensive cybernetic upgrades to allow them to access a mysterious power source known as 'essence'. Using essence, they can alter the world around them to an amazing degree, doing things that the average person would call superhuman.

There are several types of Exalt known to the world:

Alchemicals:Dr. Auto Von Chons first creations. Effective, in their own way, but the line was officially discontinued. The Sidereal and Lunar designs were more effective, and the Dragonblooded were even cheaper, not not much less effective. Still, there are rumors of oddly mechanical humans, often in opposition to Yun Suan.

Dragon-Blooded: The Dragon-Blooded (referred to as DB for ease of typing) are recruited, trained, and employed primarily by the Scarlet Company, which in itself is owned by the enigmatic Yu Shan Company. DB are trained to be leaders, soldiers, and thinkers. Their abilities far outstrip those of a normal human, though they are most effective when working together. Generally, they work in teams of 5, dubbed 'brotherhoods', and are assigned a certain district of work.

Solars: The original model for actual human Exalted, they were never actually put into full use. The cost for the extensive gene therapy and cybernetic enhancement that was needed to produce even a single one greatly surpassed that to make even a dozen DB. The project was mothballed, but Dr von Chon had other plans. He began a long term Eugenics project sometime before the beginning of High Convergence, though knowledge of this program was lost during that tumultuous time. Recently, it seems to have finally paid off.

Lunars: Everyone knows the best way to combat something is to subvert it. Lunars are essentially Humans merged with Fae to some extent. This gives them some resistance to the ravages of the Fae's home dimension, which suits their purpose as an invasion and early warning system. Also, the mixing of multiple genetic sequences with the Fae's own abilities has made their form mutable. Most can only take the form of animals, but experiences Lunars can even take on the alien forms of the Fae themselves. This ability comes at a cost, however. Their extremely unstable wavelengths can interact with the energies of the Fae's home dimension necessary to shape-shift. Unprotected shape-shifting can be extremely dangerous, eventually changing the being into some form of Fae themselves. These so called 'chimera' are more dangerous than most fae, as they keep the gifts of Exaltation, in addition to new, alien powers. They are labeled as targets of utmost priority.

Sidereals: True masters of the world, they run it from behind the scenes. And they are watching.

There are the occasional Ronin Sidereal, but by forsaking their organization they loose much of their power, and their former compatriots are all too eager to attack them.

More information:
Solar-Lunar Bond: Prototypes are unstable, and the high-powered wavelengths needed for the Solar Exaltation causes more problems than most. A solution was found in the very enemies that the Solars were being designed to defeat; the Fae. Fae, especially the smaller forms, behave erratically when alone, similarly to how the solars(and to a lesser extent, all exalts). After research, it was found that they utilize something similar to the exalts own wavelengths, and that they can share the wavelengths over short distances. Incorporating this theory into the Exalts was difficult, but worthwhile. All current generation exalts can share the stress of the wavelength on the human mind. In addition, and perhaps even more important than dumping the stress of the exaltations on this group-mind, they can also shuffle other, outside mental influences onto the system. Any mind can only do this so much at a time, but considering the Fae's like of this tactic on can easily see why this was given to all exalts.

The standard use is more effective the greater the number of linked minds, so that it's no wonder the terrestials are most stable, though with their more stable bands the Sidereals aren't that poorly off either. Solars, with their extremely powerful band, extensive modifications, and small numbers were not so lucky. They needed a second safety valve, and one was found in the cocurrent Lunar Program. By their very nature they are close to the Fae, and a second gestalt was formed. This time, however, they focused it so that each Lunar wavelength associated itself with a separate Solar wavelength. This secondary gestalt encompassed all Solars and Lunars(even chimera, though that is not known by the developers), but by focusing it between two individuals they strengthen it's siphoning ability, greatly reducing the stress on the Solar's mind. Additionally, at the time it was worried that the Solar might well become inhuman after long enough with such power, or the Lunars with so much interaction with the Fae, so the individual link was a failsafe, hoping to curb this tendency with a more human connection for each. The seeming stability of the Terrestrials accepted, their seems to be less need for this, but the design has never been altered.

Convergence:This is the term used to describe the time period that seemed to allow the Fey greater access to Earth. The time period that this occurred in is called the Convergence War, and the time period itself is divided into High and Low Convergence.

Mandate of Heaven:Essentially, the YSO declared themselves gods, responsible for ridding the world of the Fey. They've put limits on human development, to prevent them from ever being unseated. Those compatible with the Sidereal or Lunar Exaltation are taken at a young age and indoctrinated.

Loom of Fate: Part early warning system against the fey, part Orwellian tracking system, this defense grid is a key aspect of the YSO's power. With it, they were able to mitigate many of the fey's attacks, gaining them good will. Now it serves a more sinister purpose as well. It only take a slight change to track essence users as well, allowing them to target beings most capable of dethroning them. It's has few real failings. First is the sheer amount of information it reveals. Not all can be acted on. Secondly is it's limited range. It has trouble tracking those in Blight zones, and cannot pierce Wyld zones at all. Additionally, it has little ground penetration. Still, a mighty tool.

Yu Suan Organization: Often called simply Yu Suan, or the YSO, this is the power above all others. Nations come and go, but Heaven above watches over all, protecting them from the devious Fey beasts. Or so the YSO says. In fact, the YSO was founded long ago, to study the spectrum. When the fey invaded, they took a leading role in creating the weapons and super soldiers to fight the them. Slowly but surly they gained power, and the war decimated many nations. Surviving groups allied themselves with YSO, and in the end only they remained. So they stayed there, setting themselves as overall masters of the world. But not all agree with this new order.

Dr. Otto Von Chon: Scientist from the Germanic sector of the EU, a revolutionary in Spectrum Research. He devised the templates from which all current Exalted Lines run, as well as being fundamental in building the Loom of Fate. After the Convergence War, he broke off from the YSO, and created a rebellion. Around this time he revived the Alchemical design.

Weaponry and Warfare Post Convergence:
With the loss of infrastructure in the latter years of the Fey War, as it is called, much of humanities high technology has been lost as well. Almost all the remains is controlled by the YSO. But not all of it. A few have those strange energy weapons rumored to be ubiquitous in the early days of the Fey war. But in the main, arquebus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arquebus) are the weapon common in all of Earths armies. Something akin to Spencer's Repeating Carbine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_repeating_rifle) could be found in a powerful lords elite guard. But those are hardly common. Thus the main tactic in most armies involves the infantry square, comprised of arquebusiers and pikemen, with calvary present to finish shaken squares.

New Tag!
G=Gun- Gun weapons require 1 Miscellaneous action to reload one ammo. They can only fire as many times as they have ammo loaded, and their maximum ammo is indicated under the Ammo quality. They do not gain bonus damage due to str. They can be fired with less than full ammo. The Ammo type used may add additional qualities. Using Gun type weapons inflicts a -2 on attempts to reestablish surprise if the attempt is made within 2 actions of firing the guns.
Guns with the "2" tag may be be wielded as Clubs, or as shortspears if a Bayonet is added. Those without may be wielded as Daggers, simply dealing Bludgeoning damage and with Rate 1. One handed guns can increase rate by dual-wielding. In that case, the maximum rate is the rate of both guns added together.

{table=Head]Name|Speed|Accuracy|Damage|Rate|Range|Ammo|Cost|Ta gs
Arquebus|5|+1|12L|1|50|1|●●|2, G
Flintlock Pistol|5|+0|8L|1|5|1|●●|G
Sharps Rifle|4|+4|8L|1|350|1|●●●|2, G
Spencer's Carbine|4|+3|8L|Varies*|200|Varies*|●●●●|2, G
Colt Revolver|4|+2|6L|Varies*|15|Varies*|●●●|G
Sniper|6|3|12L/4L|1|600|1|●●●●|G, O, 2
Shotgun|4|1|12/3L|1|20|●●●|G, 2[/table]

Note, Sniper rifles used with Hollowpoint bullets gain +2 to their overwhelm rating.

Shotguns have restricted ammo usage. They may use solid shot or buckshot, detailed below.

Ammo types:
Solid Shot-Solid metal balls, typically made out of lead or another soft metal. Gains the Piercing tag against Non-heavy/superheavy mundane armors if within it's first range increment. Resource ● for 50 shots.

Hardpoint bullets-Bullets covered with a hard metal, and shaped to a point. Gains Piercing tag against all armors besides artifact articulated and Superheavy plate. Cost Resource ●●● for 50 shots.

Hollowpoint bullets-Like hardpoint bullets, but the point has been hollowed out a bit. These bullets tend to expand when they hit resistance, like a human body. Gains the Piercing tag against Non-heavy/superheavy mundane armors if within it's first range increment. Also, gains Overwhelming 3 and deals +3L damage. Cost Resource ●●● for 50 shots.

Buckshot-gain +3 damage, but take a -1 internal penalty to hit. Only Piercing vs light, mundane armor. Cost ●

Artifact Guns:
-A bit rarer than other artifacts. They can use normal ammo, but such mundane and base methods soon foul the guns, giving them a repair rating(AFB, I'll give one that makes sense later). It's better to use specially constructed ammo, but such special orders vastly increase the cost. In major metropolises, such bullets can be purchased as Resource 4 purchases, or 5 for every 10 bullets. One could also purchase them as an artifact, with 1 dot equating to 50 bullets. No matter what kind of ammunition used, the guns have a maintenance rating(AFB, I'll give one that makes sense later).
{table=Head]Name|Speed|Accuracy|Damage|Rate|Range|Ammo|Cost|Ta gs
Rifle|4|5|12L|Varies|600|Varies|●●●|G, 2
Sniper|6|5|15/6L|1|1000|1|●●●|G, O, 2[/table]
Pistols and Rifles have a set ammo for each individual model, but different models have different ammo ratings. Generally, anywhere from 1 to 8.

2011-03-27, 02:32 PM
Something I wondered, about the exalts in that setting, are they literally grown into labs and special environment or they select babies who are potentially a match for the gene therapy?

2011-03-27, 04:59 PM
Makeup of the World

Languages: The convergence war destroyed much, but the devastation was not equally spread. Perhaps hardest hit was the natively English speaking western world. The North American Continent itself was rendered entirely uninhabitable with several overlapping Wyld and Blight zones. As such, English has almost completely died as a spoken language. The YSO still uses it as it's day to day language, but otherwise it has taken much the same place as Latin holds in the modern world. Currently, the main languages are as follows.

Spanglish is the common tongue in Central and South America, and current population movements make it likely to dominate north america as well. This language is primarily a mix of English, Portuguese, and Spanish(mostly the two latter), though it has taken Englishes tendency to rob other languages when it wants something.
Hibic is the common tongue of Northern Africa, most of Europe, the middle east, and India. It's primarily a fusion of Arabic and Hindi, with a smattering of other languages in as well. Closest analogue would be Rivertonge. Note that most speakers also speak a second, native tongue. This second one is more along the lines of a tribal language, though.
Afrikaans has become common throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
Mandarin is the current Language shared throughout most of Asia, including Russia west of the Urals. This language has been severely changed over the past 2000 years, being a true fusion of several Asiatic languages. Among linguists of the YSO, it is called Neo-ManAsia, to indicate its divergence from Mandarin of the 20th/21st century.

In addition to this list are many tribal languages, but knowing one of the above in it's region will probably suffice.

]Supernatural Features[/U]

Wyld Zones: The Wyld is a place of constant change and chaos, and sometimes the borders between the Wyld and normal earth can be very thin. This creates those places known as Wyld zones. The Fey can cross between their reality and our own freely here, as can anyone else who wishes to do so. There are several ways to create them. First off, certain rituals and spells can breach the borders, but these are very expensive and difficult to do, and those willing to do so are viewed as rabid animals, who must be put down. Secondly, any fey who exists on Earth brings a bit of the wyld with him. But, nature and the Wyld are inimical to each other. To create a lasting zone the Fey would have to kill all life within a decent radius, so normally this only happens with large groups of fey. Thirdly, there are Behemoths. Gargantuan creatures, scholars are still unsure if they truly are a third method, or are so large that they're Wyld Spark is similarly overpowering. Easily a match for an Elder exalt on his own, and bringing an army of fey along with them, these beings account for most of the Wyld zones still in existence.

Blight Zones: Sometimes things just feel...off. The feeling you get when you walk over a grave, perhaps. This feeling is constant within Blight zones, and is even more deeply felt by those who are capable of using Spectrum. Their only saving grace is that the Fey seem even more disturbed by them, and few ever venture near them. Created by using terrible weapons of pre-convergence man to hold back Behemoths, so of the awesome power lives on, as the number of undead of all kinds is greatly increased in these places.

Heaven's Gate: Several locations around the world boast these awesome artifacts. Guarded by powerful magics and technology, these allow access to the YSO's orbital sites.

Demanse and Manses: Spectrum is not an artificial force. It pervades everything, though most beings can barely touch it or even notice it's touch. Sometimes, though, it pools, becoming much stronger in an area. This is called a demanse, a place of supernatural wonder. But this power is raw, un-channeled. Spectrum users can, with effort and time, build structures that allow them to channel this energy, creating what are known as manses. These channel the raw energy into massive works and potent artifacts.

2011-03-29, 07:41 PM
Something I wondered, about the exalts in that setting, are they literally grown into labs and special environment or they select babies who are potentially a match for the gene therapy?

Alchemicals are grown(partially, at least). Generally they select young teens with comparability, usually post puberty.