View Full Version : Way to get these feats from an item?

2011-03-28, 02:08 AM
Are there any items that grant the following feats:
Weapon finesse, blind fight, dodge, mobility, spring attack


2011-03-28, 02:20 AM
Weapon Finesse can be gained from using a light Feycraft weapon. The feycraft part is a special materials cost of 1500gp. It decreases the damage of the weapon by one size, but is better than spending a feat. Feycraft Weapon information can be found in the back of the DMG 2.

Mobility can be gained as a +1 enchantment on armor. It can only be put on light armor. You can find the info in the MiC.

The Corsair's Eyepath grants the benefit of Blind-Fight for 1 minute (or See Invisibility for 1 round) up to 3 times per day depending on which eye you wear it over. I guess this is the eyepatch that Jarlaxle is known to wear. It can also be found in the MiC.

2011-03-28, 03:26 AM
Technically Feycraft doesn't give you Weapon Finesse, it just lets you use the weapon as though you had the feat (light only). It won't help you qualify for anything.


2011-03-28, 03:27 AM
Make sure your GM allows you to qualify for things using items instead of actual feats before you do this... not all GMs allow this.

2011-03-28, 08:24 PM
Not items, but a 3 or 4 level dip in Binder to bind Paimon will get a lot of what you ask for without spending feat slots...not sure if that helps at all...

2011-03-29, 05:46 AM
A wand or scroll of Alter Self to assume the form of a Varag (Monster Manual IV) will give you Spring Attack as a racial bonus feat, for as long as the spell lasts.

A Domain Draught (Magic Item Compendium) will give you the granted power of a Clerical domain for 24 hours. Darkness and Shadow domains both grant Blind-Fight.