View Full Version : Return to Orre (IC)

2011-03-28, 09:14 AM
Aboard the Glorious Battle, the latest in the line of high speed ships used by trainers to visit Battle Frontiers and other competitive leagues, you wait in your cabins.

The ship had left from the port of Castelia City several days ago, and has been making good time, with Gateon Port visible from the deck/

Take this time for intros and so on. After everyone is done with their talking, I'll move the plot along.

2011-03-28, 09:29 AM
The sun was shinning, the ocean sounded wonderful, and at the moment Cassie Crest was well and truly enjoying herself. Basking out on the deck in a rather nice two piece bathing suit, Noir stretched out beside her while Ferrus was curled around a pillow be her head. The trip had been rather enjoyable so far, she had to admit. The food had been nice, the weather had been great, and while she hadn't really spoken to many people she didn't mind a little peace and quiet.

She was on her back, one of those cheesy paperback romance novels in one hand, and a mango smoothie in the other, while beside her was the latest issue of National Pokegraphic, and PokeNews, she had just finished. She made it a point to pick up the a few of the more scientific magazine whenever she was in town. Made good light reading.

Orre was likely to be a busy place, so she was determined to take what pleasure she could while she could, and no pestering sister was going to convince her otherwise. Poor girl needed to learn to go with the flow.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-28, 10:37 AM
Caelan looked back in the direction of the Unova region. Whether it was with fondness or pain could not be told- most likely, it was both. He shook his head to himself. The past is the past, and it should be kept that way. For his own good. He clutches the pokeball containing his Zoroark fondly, and clenches his other hand tightly, before sighing and relaxing again. He was safe here. He then wanders away across the deck- probably in search of a battle to take his mind off things.

2011-03-28, 10:46 AM
The Ranger lay on the bed in his cabin, smiling as he watched Oilpool play with a few splinters that fell off of the leg of the bed - flipping them around, pretending they were claws, melting into a puddle and floating them on her back. He decided to go and meet some of the other passengers, and as he got up to go to the door, Oilpool climbed up his back and perched on his shoulder *.

(sees Cassie)

Hey, nice to meet you! I'm not sure what my name is, but this is Oilpool. I've never seen a Pokemon like that dark one before, or a Larvitar that was so calm. What's your name?

*I know it's 20 pounds, but if a 60-lb Beautifly can perch on someone's head in the anime, a 20-lb Sableye can sit on my shoulder.

2011-03-28, 10:59 AM
"Wow, slow down dude." Cassie uses her book to shade her eyes as she looked up. No pokeballs, which meant he was probably a ranger, and that Sable looked rather interesting as well. She briefly pulled everything about the creature to mind almost automatically as she gave him a lazy grin. "Names Cassie Crest, and Ferrus just finished chowing down, he's always pretty mellow after a good meal. As for my little friend over here..." Noir glanced at the Ranger while Ferrus remained curled up, examining him curiously while Cassie continued to talk. "Its a Gothita, a little critter from back home. Call her Noir. And what do you mean you don't know your name? Someone has to call you something." She added with a laugh.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-28, 11:47 AM
Kari is sitting around somewhere, glaring at the water impatiently as if it's responsible for everything wrong with her life. She absent-mindedly strokes the spine of her Lunatone as he hovers about her, occasionally muttering something.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-28, 12:13 PM
Caelan strolls into Kari's view, hands in pockets and looking forward mechanically, as if trying to focus on something- or nothing. Whether she decides to battle or anything is up to her.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-28, 01:34 PM
She looks up at him, studying his features briefly, and then returns to her seagazing. She doesn't feel very social.

2011-03-28, 04:54 PM
Yeah, when I met Oilpool here, she was pretending to be a puddle, and I fell in her, facefirst. She panicked, and... I'm not sure what happened before that anymore.
You say Noir's from "back home"? Where is that, particularly?
<Oilpool climbs down, is looking around curiously, and examining Cassie>
No, Oilpool! You know what I said about going in people's ears!
<Oilpool hops back>
Sorry about her. She's always so curious...

2011-03-28, 05:13 PM
"Oh! Sorry. We're from Unova. Me and my sister are on are we here from Johto. Wanted to hit Kanto too, but hey, can't have it all." No memory, no name, just a blank slate. How deliciously mysterious. Noir glared at Oilpool when it approached her mistress jumping up quickly and shooting it a harsh glare. Cassie rubbed the pokemons head as it tried to puff itself up smiling at her newfound friends, "Ha! Yes, staying out of my ears would be nice. And don't mind Noir, she's all bark and no bite." Ferrus was the other way around. Sometimes that little guy scared her. "Anywho. I suppose you have to be called something. I suppose Anon will do for now." She said grinning at the mysterious ranger, "So Anon, what brings you to Orre."

2011-03-28, 05:21 PM
Well, like I said, I don't remember much, so one place is as good as any, you know? I figured that since I didn't know anyone anymore, I might as well go somewhere that nobody knew me either - gets rid of awkward moments. You?

2011-03-28, 05:48 PM
"I'm here with my sister. She's one of those 'Bluh bluh I'm gonna be a pokemon master bluh bluh.' types and decided to try out some of the new Gyms down here. I'm mostly here to make sure she doesn't end up eaten by an wild Nidoking or something." Cassie explained while Noir continued to shoot Anon harsh looks, though she did back off somewhat.

2011-03-28, 06:23 PM
Hey, have you talked to those two? <Indicates Caelan and Kari> The one who's just wandering(Caelan) seems kind of bored to me. Let's go see if he's interested in a little chat, shall we? To pass the time?

2011-03-28, 06:33 PM
"The second one, her name is Kari. Thats the sister I mentioned earlier." Cassie explained but made no move to get up, only to yawn and spread herself out further in the sun. "And I'd be happy to talk to the other guy. As long as it doesn't involve me getting up. This is the best spot on the boat!" Cassie like talking to people but it was just so warm here. No doubt Anon could take care of it himself.

2011-03-28, 07:14 PM
<Addressing Caelan>
Excuse me? You seem bored, want to have a little chat? I'll start. What's your name? Not sure what mine is, but Cassie <indicates her> has taken to calling me Anon, and that's a good enough name, I suppose. Oh, this is my Sableye, Oilpool.

(By the way, DrakeRaids, you seem to have accidentally switched from RoyalBlue to Blue)

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 04:19 AM
Kari glares at her sister.
"At least I HAVE a dream." she snaps.

2011-03-29, 09:17 AM
Cassie gave her sister an innocent smile, getting Kari's goat was to easy sometimes. "I do to sis. I'm gonna be a pony when I grow up. Friendship is magic!" She said with a straight face, unblinking as Noir climbed into her lap.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 09:29 AM
"You'd be the only person indecisive enough to have no cutie mark by thirty." she snapped.

2011-03-29, 09:33 AM
"Don't be silly. I'd have aaaallll the cutie marks. All of them." She said settling back onto her spot as Noir began dozing in her lap like the adorable little pocket monster she was.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 09:43 AM
"Ugh." she scowls, ignoring her.

2011-03-29, 09:48 AM
Cassie cocked an eye at her sister, slightly concerned, she was not one to give up so easily after just a few barbs. "You worried about something Sis?" She asked, a little softer this time, her voice showing some some of her worry. For all their fun at each others expense, Cassie really did care about Kari. She didn't like seeing her to upset.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 10:16 AM
"...just sick of waiting. I want to get there already." sighs Kari in annoyance.

2011-03-29, 10:47 AM
"Ahhh. To be young and restless." Cassie said, her eyes fluttering shut. "Sit down and enjoy the ocean. The sun. The sky. Its beautiful Sis. Stop thinking about where you're going and enjoy where you are." That always had been Kari's problem. But she was young, she would learn eventually, Cassie had faith in her.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 11:20 AM
"Enjoying where you are is well and good." says Kari for the hundredth time. "But you need to plan ahead too!"

That was Cassie's problem, you see. Hopefully she'd get over it eventually...

2011-03-29, 11:26 AM
"Patience young Grasshopper. Planning is very important, but the long term ones are often the most rewarding." Cassie said with a slight smile, her sister was getting exasperated again, poor thing. Sometimes the best thing you could do was to hurry up and wait.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-29, 11:42 AM
<Addressing Caelan>
Excuse me? You seem bored, want to have a little chat? I'll start. What's your name? Not sure what mine is, but Cassie <indicates her> has taken to calling me Anon, and that's a good enough name, I suppose. Oh, this is my Sableye, Oilpool.

Caelan looks down at the small, black humanoid. Sableye were rare in Unova, and this seems to be evident as he studies the creature with what could be mistaken for curiousity. He then looks back to the ranger in front of him.

Caelan. I understand your concern, but I'm not really the social type.

He looks over to the girl he passed moments ago. Family trouble. The thought seemed to make him stare away at something, lost in thought. He then shakes his head and comes back to reality.

I'm the "out to win" type.

He approaches the two sisters, holding a Pokéball beside his leg in full view.

(I presume there is some sort of Pokémon center-equivalent somewhere on the ship?)

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 11:47 AM
"And do you have ANY?" asks Kari, not yet noticing the approaching challenger.

2011-03-29, 11:55 AM
Cassie only grinned widely at her sisters question, eye slightly. "Grasshopper! That would ruin the surprise." She said before glancing the stranger approaching from behind them. "Oh hello," she said cheerily as Ferrus finally awoke from its nap, stretching and pushing itself up with a loud yawn, "Just who may you be?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-29, 01:07 PM
Caelan looks intently at the pair, surprisingly keeping his eyes off Cassie's *ahem* "assets". Clearly this guy takes himself seriously.

Name's Caelan. From Unova, like you two. Anyone here up for a quick battle, before the boat docks?

(Tomorrow. About to go to the shower, and I don't have the books on the PC I use after it.)

2011-03-29, 02:43 PM
I'm a Ranger, not a Trainer. Not sure if it's legal for me to battle, theres some vague restrictions on it. Let me look it up.

(The_Mage_King, I know that it's fraud to use a Companion in an "official battle". Does that apply to any sort of battle, or only to League ones? I need a ruling.)

2011-03-29, 02:47 PM
"Fine then. You wanna see me work Kari? Fine. Ferrus, you first." Cassie said, gesturing over at Caelan without moving from her seat. The Larvitar jumped down from the beach chair and stepped in between them, growling slightly as it began moving with a nervous energy while Noir remained in her lap, watching with interest. Cassie was not a great battle, she would never pretend she was, but that didn't mean she didn't have a trick up her sleeve.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-29, 05:10 PM
Kari scowls, having been halfway to opening her own pokeball.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-30, 12:06 PM
Caelan shifts his posture, legs apart, pokeball in one hand and the other arm extended. One could say it was a martial arts stance.

Great. Weavile, you're up.

Caelan tosses the pokeball forward in an underhand sweep, releasing a black humanoid-feline several inches shorter than Cassie, with a yellow gem in its forehead, three-clawed hands and a crown of red feathers on top of its head, with two more on its ears and another two forming a tail.

You have the first move.

Caelan flexes his fingers in preperation, a focused look on his face. His Weavile sharpens his claws on each other nonchalantly, looking distinctly bored about the whole thing.

2011-03-30, 12:22 PM
"Ferrus," Cassie had leaned back into her chair and was reading her book once more, not even watching the battle, though Noir was looking carefully, glaring at everyone while she puffed herself up in a vague attempt to look superior to everyone currently present. Sadly the Gothita only succeed in looking somewhat ill.

"Engage murder mode."

Ferrus roared suddenly, its eyes flashing as brief flashes of green flame followed it as it charged at the other pokemon, attack in a frenzy of claws, bites, headbutts, kicks, everyway that it could hurt the Weaville it was.

This is absolutely terrifying.

Ferrus uses outrage

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + 16 attack so 65 damage total

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-30, 01:14 PM
Weavile snaps out of its uninterested trance just as the first blow lands. It dodges as many swipes and thrusts as it can, but ultimately, the blind flurry of violence deals quite a bit of damage.

Weavile, put that thing on ice.

The Weavile wipes an imaginary trickle of blood from its fanged mouth, before opening it and blowing an icy blast at the dinosaur-like creature in front of it, each crystal suspended in the cloud catching the Orre sunlight and dotting the ship's deck in tiny points of light.

Icy Wind
Accuracy Check:

(Gotta roll for damage later, can't find the effects of a type advantage.)

2011-03-30, 01:27 PM
In a surprising display of finesse Ferrus nimbly darted to the side just as the ice type sent the wave of ice blasting toward it as it continued its brutal assault, bringing its jaws around the back of its neck as the green light continued to illuminate it, before taking the Weavilles head and smashing it against the ground several times.

Second round out outrage, hit, 61 damage
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 10:29 AM
The weasel-like pokemon falls unconcious against the raging maelstrom of bites and limbs. Apparently, Weavile do not respond well to having their heads bashed against ship decks.

Caelan twitches slightly. Someone could interperet this as anger at such a swift defeat- or perhaps he is slightly worried about sending out the next pokemon. Regardless, he tosses another pokeball into the fray.

Zoroark. Stop that thing.

In midair the ball pops open, releasing a gray and black wolf-like creature around Cassie's height, with a large red and black hair-like mane on the back of its head, and three red claws on the end of each limb. In a fluid motion, the canid gathers a purplish energy in front of its hand and thrusts it at the dazed Larvitar, all before hitting the ground.

Shadow Ball
Accuracy check:

Damage check:

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 10:31 AM
(Rolls again.)
Shadow Ball
Accuracy check:


Damage check:


2011-03-31, 10:38 AM
But Ferrus did not intend to be stopped. Facing its new enemy with a bellow of challenge it charged wildly toward its next target, though if one watched closely you would see it stagger slightly, its eyes unconfused, its claws not held quiet so high. Its mind was befuddled, but it kept on attacking regardless. It leaped into the air suddenly as it approached, eyes blazing as it aimed to come crashing down directly on the dark types back.

Meanwhile, Cassie was still reading. Noir was watching with rapt attention though.

Still confused, barely hits with a rock slide

Confused!: [roll0]
Accuracy: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] +1 33 total

Lix Lorn
2011-03-31, 10:38 AM
Kari watches from the sidelines, nodding at her sister's decision, and wincing at her opponent's horrible luck.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 10:51 AM
The viciously enthusiastic Larvitar launches its attack at Zoroark in a flurry as it did with Caelan's previous pokemon. However, the difference here is that this one was prepared. As the maddened Rock-type swung every rock and pebble it could find-or make, the canine pokemon exploited its offence, slipping through undefended gaps in its oncoming torrent, making it overbalance for a free attack and redirecting its own projectiles.

Zoroark did not intend to be stopped either.

Foul Play
Accuracy Check:


Damage Check:



2011-03-31, 10:59 AM
As Ferrus passed by the Zoroark it didn't even seem to realize it had been hit until to late, still moving forward on uneasy legs as it raised its claws for a moment, as if to strike one more time, before crumbling onto the ground. Noir immediately began squealing and pulling Cassie's arm, who glanced over in surprise.

"Huh. Well, good job Ferrus. Rest now." She drew it back into its ball and gestured for Noir to get out there. Noir shook its head and clung to her. Cassie sighed, and picked up the little pokemon and gave it a kiss on the cheek. "You can do it Noir, don't worry. I'll get you a treat when you finish." The Gothita sniffled slightly and nodded, before waddling out the the battlefield, the air already crackling around it with static electricity.

Then, there was a suddenly blast of light and electrical power as a bolt of energy blasted towards the fox pokemon.

"Bet he didn't expect that." She murmured.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 11:09 AM
Caelan returns his second pokemon, not even flinching at the sight of a lightning bolt-shooting goth baby. Because we're all used to that sort of thing.

Not bad.

Of course, Caelan doesn't look impressed. Mainly just looking at the Gothita. Not out of "How did it do that?"-ness, but more of a pensive, immersed-in-memory look. It looked painful.

Well, I'm going to find the Pokemon Center. Come if you feel like it.

2011-03-31, 11:14 AM
"I suppose I better. Kari, protect my spot and keep Anon company while I'm gone." Cassie said, stretching and letting out a loud yawn as she picked up Noir into her arms and moved to follow the strangely quiet trainer. "So, what town you from?" Cassie asked him as they made their way down to the center on the ship. The Gothita was looking rather proud at the moment, perhaps a even little arrogant.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 11:17 AM
Caelan visibly winces, even for just a split second. It appears to be a touchy subject. He quickly composes himself again, however, and replies.

Doesn't really matter. Small place up in the north-east. Probably not even on the map. You?

He's doing his best to seem emotionless. He really is.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-31, 11:28 AM
"Fine..." murmurs Kari, deep in thought.

2011-03-31, 11:31 AM
"Mistralton City, me and my sister both hail from there." Cassie said, doing him the favor of pretending not to notice his slight wince. We all have ours skeletons in the closet, and she knew when it was best not to pry. "Interesting line up. Potent too. What drew you to Dark types?" It was a rare type of pokemon to be sure, though unique and interesting. Ferrus would end up being one eventually... Cassie smiled slightly, she couldn't wait for that day.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 11:50 AM
Caelan does better to control himself this time, though he still looks ahead thoughtfully, completely zoned out. He clutches Zoroark's pokeball inside his pocket fondly. He then shakes his head and responds.

It was a family thing at the start. And besides that, there's a bit of personal respect. Fighting-types, Fire-types and the like just plough ahead with sheer strength. Dark-types are more adaptive- they make an advantage and they press it- hard.

2011-03-31, 12:02 PM
"True." Cassie agreed thoughtfully, "Dark types are clever, they have to learn to go around, underneath, above. They take the unconventional route to victory, and its hard not to admire them for it. I've always thought they had a certain pleasing look to them to." She added. Of course while being clever was good there was something to be said for simple brute strength sometimes. Thats why she had Ferrus, and Gothita after all.

2011-03-31, 12:17 PM
As Cassie and Caelan approach the center on the boat, the PA system blares.

"Attention. We are currently docking at Gateon Port. Please prepare to disembark."

At your best guess, it'll be another five minutes before you can leave the boat.

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 12:24 PM
Better hurry then. I've got to pick something up in the port.

Caelan ups his pace to a brisk walk, once again back to his stoic norm.

2011-03-31, 12:39 PM
Cassie quickly made her way to the center, and after healing her pokemon double timed it back to the deck. "Aw hells bells. I better go grab my sister before she does something inane. You interested in traveling with us? No sense going out there alone."

Cyborg Mage
2011-03-31, 01:36 PM
Caelan likewise heals his and follows Cassie back. Upon her request, he stares blankly for a few moments, lost in thought, then shrugs his shoulders and replies.

I don't see why not. Let's get moving.

Caelan runs in the general direction of the bench Kari was sitting at when they left. Because even she couldn't have gone far, right?

Lix Lorn
2011-03-31, 01:54 PM
As much as I'd love to follow that sentence with her not being there, she is. :smalltongue:

2011-03-31, 02:16 PM
"Kari!" Noir waved at Cassie's sister cheerfully, "Time to go. You all set? You gonna come with Anon? The more the merrier!" It was true, the more people she had watching her back the better.

Lix Lorn
2011-03-31, 03:17 PM
She rolls her eyes.
"Sure. Maybe he'll persuade you to actually move faster than a Slugma."

2011-03-31, 03:20 PM
Yeah, I guess I'll go with you.

(Switching to Green since CyborgMage and I were both using Dark Red)

2011-03-31, 03:47 PM
Cassie gave a distinctly unladylike snort at her sisters comment, but made no real response. "We should be ready to unload any second no-" She paused, she was still in her bathing suit. "Gorram it. "I gotta change, I'll be right back." she grumbled running to a nearby bathroom and pulling on her more reasonable and typical clothes. After a few minutes she popped her head out, looking much more prepared to enter Orre. "Anywho, I suppose we better make our way to the exit. I think you wanted to hit a few gyms first right sis? Lets see where the closest one is."

Lix Lorn
2011-03-31, 06:13 PM
Kari gives a forceful nod. "That's right!"

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-01, 12:10 PM
Caelan nods gently in agreement, not looking to nearly snap his own neck off like Kari.

I'm with her.

2011-04-03, 07:11 PM
As you disembark, you see a crowd of people gathered around something, the sounds of a pokemon battle exchoing from the middle of it. A strange music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp3FtEaV7tQ) is also playing from near the same area.

2011-04-03, 07:28 PM
"Huh, wonder whats going over there, come'on guys, lets see our first Orre pokebattle, might be informative." Curious but careful, Cassie investigates the commotion, curious of what made this battle interesting enough to draw such a crowd.

2011-04-03, 08:08 PM
I may not remember much, but I'm pretty sure that music without a real source isn't normal. Let's go watch, but carefully.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-04, 05:39 AM
Kari will also be going in that direction!

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-04, 11:16 AM
Caelan holds Weavile's pokeball in preperation-not yet holding it out openly- and approaches the battle with the others. Whatever this was, it was serious. Non-official battles didn't oftern attract crowds like this. Or have disembodied techno-rock.

2011-04-04, 06:25 PM
Pushing through the crowd, you see a dozen people battling in the middle, three wearing an odd clothing that should be familiar to those from Unova- the uniform of Team Plasma! The other combatants appear to be normal citizens, battling their hardest against the criminal grunts.

"Just give up! We of Neo-Plasma will release your Pokemon and build a new world!" A fourth Plasma grunt shouts, standing with one foot on the stereo blasting the music.

"Yeah, right! We remember what you did in Unova! You aren't getting away with that here!" One of the battling trainers yells back as his Mightyena attacks the Bibarell being used by the Plasma Gruntn that he's fighting.

You can see at least three more Plasma Grunts lurking around, Pokeballs in hand and readied for battle.

2011-04-05, 07:29 AM
Cassie sighed, petting Noir lightly as she looked over at the Team Plasma grunts with a resigned sigh. This could not possibly end poorly, she thought with a small, dry grin. Maybe the would be able to get out of this without fighting, you never know. Sure didn't seem likely at the moment though.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-05, 08:10 AM
Kari narrowed her eyes in fury. She did NOT like Plasma.

"Ciel." she says quietly to her Lunatone. "Get their attention."

The moon pokemon does a lopop-the-loop, and opens it's mouth, energy gathering-and then blasts forth a bolt of sublime cold for the stereo.
Accuracy roll needs a two.
Damage if necessary.
[roll1] Edit: Forgot Improved Attacks Z. +5 more.

"What makes you Neo-Plasma!" she shouts. "You are spouting the same superior, hypocritical crap you always did. Your own master left you because he saw your stupidity." she mocks. "Yet you're still trying it, spreading your pathetic words to yet another region. Well. Give up, before someone makes you give up. Again."

...yes, she knows people are halfway through a battle. She's hoping that her dramatic entrance and show of power will help.
...okay, she's just arrogant and self-centred.

2011-04-05, 09:14 AM
With timing so good a many would have sworn it was choreographed Cassie and Noir looked up at Kari, looked back at each other, then looked back at Kari again. Then, in one smooth motion, and in the same second, brought both their hands to their faces as the facepalmed quietly.

"Kari...." She murmured, not quite sure what to say after that. Rather she simply sighed and pulled out her other pokeball, sending Ferrus out beside her, who quickly began scanning his surroundings.

Things where about to get interesting.

2011-04-05, 10:25 AM
To Cassie: I'd ask who these Neo-Plasma guys are, but I think it can wait till after.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-05, 11:29 AM
Caelan looks on in anger, agreeing with every word Kari says. He clenches his free hand.

Get out of here. You're nothing but hypocrites that don't understand humans and pokemon working together. You go around thinking you're some sort of saviours while you shatter the lives of people and pokemon alike. You don't understand anything you claim to do!

Caelan really doesn't seem like Plasma. That seems to extend to this new group. Clenching his free hand, almost visibly seething, he tosses Weavile's pokeball- hard- at the head of the nearest grunt, Weavile promptly leaping out, paying attention to the proceedings around him for once.

Get out of here! Weavile! Faint Attack!

Weavile sprints at the nearest Grunt's Bibarel, getting its attention just in time to rake it across the face with his claws in it's period of cataconic surprise.

This is probably all Kari's fault.

Faint Attack:


2011-04-05, 09:29 PM
"Oh, we understand, alright! We know that these monsters are dangerous! We're trying to save humanity from them! We're Neo-Plasma because we share the original Plasma's goal, but not their motive!" The Gruntn previously standing with a foot on the stereo yells back, pointing towards the party.

"The XD incident here should prove that!" He continues, taking a Pokeball off of his belt and aiming it towards you as the last of the Orre trainers' pokemon fell.

"Neo Plasma Grunts! Attack!"

With that, two the three other grunts turn their attention towards you and spray a hyper Potion on each of their Bibarel, while the third barks and order to attack the Weavile that harmed his.

Map (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnL09uHZcJwhdDZtaGFmakdaWTIwN1dQekMwUzI2d 2c&hl=en&authkey=CNrLtpoC) The defeated trainers fled back into the crowd.

Bibarel 3 is at 48 hp and uses Hyper Fang on Weavile;

Acc: 1d20[/URL] versus a check of 7...

Damage: [roll]5d10+1d10

Pick one of the darker grey squares to be in. Other than Cyborg.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-06, 04:24 AM
I'll be in J9, with Ciel floating over my head. Am going to send Mia out now into I9, unless that's a problem.
"Wow." says Kari loudly, condescendingly, caustically. "I didn't think you could possibly get any stupider, but... well, here we are."

(Will make an attack when I am not afb. Also, are there rules for new attacks around? ._.)

2011-04-06, 01:12 PM
"Alright Noir, its time for you to do you thing."

Noir look a little worried, but Cassie simply hugged the young pokemon and gave it a smile, "We won't let them separate us. Don't be afraid, go ahead and show them our power." Noir was more powerful then it thought, but it was always afraid. She had gotten better, gotten braver as time went on, and Cassie was proud of the little Gothita. Much more then her Berserker Ferrus, when everything was on the line, she trusted Noir to come through.

The little pokemon jumped out of her arms while Cassie bent down and whispered to Ferrus, gesturing for him to get out of sight and move around behind once the battle started in earnest. She had plans for him.

"Alright Noir, they called the thunder, now lets make them reap the whirlwind. Thunderbolt."

The Gothita growled, as it began pulling the energy from around it again, gathering in an aura of energy that discharged with a wave of blinding light, spilling over like a wave to engulf two of the enemy pokemon.

Cassie is in square H9 and Noir is in H8. Ferrus, while not in the battle field proper is moving around the outside in an attempt to get behind the team plasma members for reasons that will become clear.

Thunderbolt is a spray, so I'm hitting bibarel one and two

Accu: [roll]1d20[rollv]
Damage: [roll0]

2011-04-08, 08:09 PM
Oilpool, get the Bibarel on the left! Fury Swipes!

Oilpool moves to G6 and attacks Bibarel 1.
Accuracy Checks:
Damage Checks:

EDIT: OK, first 3 hit, dealing 9 damage total.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-09, 08:02 AM
"Mia, Psyshock." commands Kari, as her Solosis forms a blasts of psyshic energy, bombarding her target.

Accuracy Check
[roll0] Needs a 2+
[roll1] + STAB, [roll2] damage. Physical damage.

2011-04-09, 01:29 PM
Round 2

After the round of attacks at their pokemon, the three grunts give off their commands.


"Water Gun!"

"Take Down!"

Attack results!

All three Bibarel have a Speed of 13. Anyone slower goes after them, anyone faster goes before.

Bibarel 1 used Rollout on Oilpool!
Acc:[roll0] 7 or more hits!
Damage: [roll1]+24

Oilpool took 11 damage!

Bibarel 2 used Water gun on Mia!
Acc: [roll2] 5 or more hits!
Damage: [roll3]+7

Mia took 12 damage!

Bibarel 3 used Take Down on Weavile! (assuming Weavile doesn't KO it.
Acc: [roll4] 8 or more hits!
Damage: [roll5]+24

Weavile took 43 damage!

Bibarel was hit with recoil!

HP totals for GM memory
Bibarel 1: 79

Bibarel 2: 26

Bibarel 3: 48 (less 22 points, should it not be KO'd this round)

2011-04-09, 09:34 PM
Olipool's HP is now 60.
When Oilpool's turn comes up again:
Now bash it from the side to avoid the other one's spray! Knock Off!

Oilpool slips to J5 and uses Knock Off
Accuracy: [roll0] Need a 6 + the Bibarel's Physical Evasion, which I cannot seem to find.
Damage: [roll1] + STAB [roll2] + 20

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-10, 06:53 AM
Weavile! Tear it down!

Weavile jumps onto the back of the opposing Bibarel while it prepares its charge, furiously clawing and punching away at its back. After a few strikes there, it slides down its back, dragging one claw along as it goes, slashes through its tail and jumps off, blowing on its claws in a clichéd manner and ending up behind the beaver.

Fury Swipes, then shift to L6

Accuracy 1:

Damage Roll 1:


Accuracy 2:


Damage Roll 2:


Accuracy 3:


Damage Roll 3:


Accuracy 4:


Damage Roll 4:


Accuracy 5:


Damage Roll 5:


Cyborg Mage
2011-04-10, 06:55 AM
(Re-rolling Dmg 1. Not that it matters.)


2011-04-10, 03:39 PM
"You can do this Noir! Give'em something to remember us by. Psyshock!" Cassie said, pointing over at closest enemy pokemon. Noir began building up energy again, before she held out her hands and sent a blast of psychic power blazing toward her target.

Psyshock on Bibarel 1

Acc: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Resists with defense.

2011-04-10, 05:56 PM
" 'Something to remember us by'? That's kinda morbid!" Anon quips to Cassie.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-11, 07:04 AM
Kari scowls.
"Hit them again! Hidden Power!"
Mia draws on the strength within, and launches a searing burst of power to just next to the target.

Uhm. She'll aim and target so that only the Bibarel is hit by it, if possible.
Accuracy Check, needs 2. (+Evasion maybe? Not sure, as it doesn't target the Bibarel.)
[roll1]. It's not very effective, so halved damage, and defended with Sp. Defence.

2011-04-11, 08:39 AM
Round 2 results*


The claws strike the Bibarel, knocking it's health down to where it can barely stand, but it attacks anyway, slammming it's body into the dark/ice type.

Bibarel used Take Down.

Weavile took 43 damage!

Bibarel took 21 damage from recoil!

Bibarel fainted!

Plasma Gruntn Helen was defeated!

"This can't be! They said that we would win!"

Bibarel 1 & 2

The first Bibarel's attack hits, putting it on the other side of Oilpool, and the water attack of the second strikes Mia, throwing her concentration off enough to make her miss with her attack.


The Sableye follows his partners unwise command, sliding past the Bibarel and striking it quickly

Round 3

"Hey, watch out!" A person in the crowd yells, trying to catch Anon's attention. "They did that to me, too! He's going to target you!"

"Shut up! Bibarel, Rollout!" The grunt that Anon had been facing shouts, pointing at the ranger.

Acc: [roll]1d20[roll] v 4+Anon's Dex modifier

Damage: [roll0]

"Bibarel, Rollout!" The other undefeated gruntn shouts, pointing to the Sableye.

Acc: [roll]1d20[roll] v 4+Oilpools physical evasion modifier

Damage: [roll1]

Bibarel 1: 50
Bibarel 2: 14

*After sorting through the moves, of course.

2011-04-11, 10:03 AM
For a brief moment when the pokemon attacked Anon, Cassie seemed to freeze. She didn't make any noise, and her expression barely changed, but something flickered behind those eyes of hers. Something unpleasant to say the least. Perhaps even something a little terrifying.

"Mistake. Albiet one I was expecting." The trainer said, her voice betraying nothing of the malestorm within. She pushed the hair in front of her eye away, looking over them with a cold regality.

"Ferrus, arise." The grunts barely would have any time to react as the Larvitar rose out from behind them, snarling, claws drawn, eyes red and angry. She had expected them to try something, which was why she had sent the pokemon behind them in the first place.

Well, thats not entirely true. She had planned on threatening them to end the battle early like she was doing now. Only real difference? Now she was ready to follow through on the threat.

"Recall your pokemon now and surrender or my Larvitar will tear each one of you a new orifice. This is non-negotiable. Do it now. " She said, her tone just as calm as collected as always, despite the message.

If they don't recall their pokemon before our turn is over Larvitar is going to tear into them.

Against any Plasma member with a pokemon still out
Accu [roll0] v2 + dex mod
Duration [roll1]
Make Them Pay (Outrage): [roll2]

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-13, 12:08 PM
Weavile! Again!

Weavile sprints towards the second Bibarel, catching it by surprise much like he did with the first. Caelan, meanwhile, rushes towards the newly-defeated Grunt, placing a sharp chop into her stomach. Also, he's angry. VEEERY angry.

Weavile shifts to I6 and Faint Attacks Bibarel 2. Caelan shifts to L5 and uses Karate Chop on Helen.

Damage (Faint):




Damage (Chop):


2011-04-13, 11:23 PM
"Withdraw them." The commander snaps at his group as the Larvitar appears behind him and the Weavile and trainer take down one of the Bibarels.

"My apologies." He continues, glaring at Ashor as Helen picks herself up. "Ashor has always been a bit of a pragmatist. More so than usually needed."

2011-04-14, 08:49 AM
Cassie shrugs, taking Noir back up into her arms and moving next to her Larvitar, petting it lightly. "Please don't waste hollow words on me." She said coolly, "This isn't the first time your grunts gotten overeager. If you really disapproved it wouldn't have happened again. I think you're a bit of a pragmatist too aren't you?" She said, cocking her head at him musingly, her hair once more covering one of her eyes. "Kari, please confirm any questions I ask them. Anon, could you please find the authorities here and notify them whats going on?"

"First, is there any other members of Team Plasma in this region? And where are they?"

2011-04-14, 09:15 AM
To Cassie:
"All right"

To someone the crowd:
"Anyone know where the authorities are? Police, mayor, some other kind of officials?"

"Oilpool, come over here. I'll fix you up."
I use a Super Potion on Oilpool, bringing health back up to max.

<Oilpool hops back to my shoulder>

Lix Lorn
2011-04-14, 09:22 AM
Kari nods, glaring at the plasma as Cassie speaks to him.

Telepathy yaaaaaay.

2011-04-14, 09:24 AM
Kari nods, glaring at the rocket as Cassie speaks to him.

Telepathy yaaaaaay.

Not rocket, Plasma.

2011-04-14, 12:24 PM

"Well, there is the gym leader. He's this way." One person says, gesturing for Anon to follow him as he heads towards a large building shaped like a Ludicolo.

Cassie and Kari

The commander keeps an even gaze.

"Other than us, there are four Plasma members in Orre." He says calmly, standing still as the Larvitar growls behind him. "We don't know where they are. When we split with them, they said that they'd be wandering in the desert, looking for some lab."


"Quiet. Since you're the one who escalated this mess, I'll be the one to get us out of it."


He's telling the truth, but there's something off. Like he's not telling everything.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-14, 02:39 PM
Kari purses her lips.
"And? What else do you know?"

2011-04-14, 03:04 PM
"Nothing else. There are only eight Team Plasma members in Orre." He returns with a smug grin.

He seems to feel you trying to read his mind and attempts to put up a barrier. It doesn't work, and see that he's focusing on the specific wording of the questions and trying to keep his mind on that.


Lix Lorn
2011-04-14, 03:09 PM
"Hmmm. And are they all looking for this 'lab'? Do you know where it is?"

2011-04-15, 09:26 PM
I go over to the Ludicolo-shaped building, and enter it. What do I see?

2011-04-15, 09:38 PM

The inside of the building is a bizzare as the outside. It seems to be something of a combination of a Gym and a Contest Hall, with four people- two men, one wearing a tank top and jeans, the other long sleeved shirt, orange vest, and jeans, both wearing sunglasses, and two women, wearing clothing that wouldn't look out of place on bikers.

A strange music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAHHFc-gIeI) is playing from the speakers above you.

"The gym leader should be near the back." The person who guided you here says, obviously wanting to get out as fast as possible.

2011-04-16, 05:47 AM
I ask: "Where's the Gym Leader?". If they say that I have to battle them to see the Leader, I show them my Styler and explain that I don't need the Badge, I need to tell some authority about a disturbance outside involving Team Plasma, and I was pointed here.

2011-04-17, 02:36 PM

"Plasma?" One of the gym trainers asks. "Those guys again? What have they done now?"

Rest of the party

"Yes, and it's somewhere in the desert." The commander returns, seeming a bit tired of being asked the same question time after time. "I don't know exactly where, but that's where the other members went."

Still trying to focus on keeping the wording in mind, but you catch a glimpse of a man in heavy looking, ornate robes giving the group orders.

Important Roll

Lix Lorn
2011-04-17, 02:50 PM
"...are there any team plasma LEADERS in Orre?" she says, wondering if he's trying to use that as a loophole.

2011-04-17, 04:19 PM
I arrived midway through it, but they were battling with a few people on the docks, switched to me and a few other people I met on the boat when we got off, and one of their Bibarel attacked me.
He winces and says Oh, and they were playing really odd music. Oh, wait, they said they were "Neo-Plasma", whatever that means.

2011-04-18, 06:13 PM

"Damn it. I'll get the boss." The gym trainer you're speaking to says, heading towards the back, towards a tackily dressed man with a giant pokeball afro, evidently the gym leader.

The rest of the party

Suddenly, the commander lets out a laugh.

"I'm not telling you anything else." He says, a smirk on his face. "And I'm the only one who actually had contact with them."

As you try to peer into his mind again, your telepathy is suddenly overwhelmed with an overly elaborate game of cards.

Specifically, Voltorb Flip.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-18, 06:56 PM
Kari swears loudly. She HATES Voltorb Flip.

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-19, 02:31 AM
Caelan looks angrily at the Plasma Commander. Helen is probably still trying to pick herself back up from his attack,, mabye even throw a punch or two of her own.

Oh. You're going to tell us.

Caelan strides over to the commander, teeth clenched, and throws one vicious hook at the leader's head.

You're going to tell us or this is going to be VERY unpleasent for you.

Caelan uses Pound on Roy.





2011-04-22, 10:31 PM

The punch knocks the commander down, sending him falling past Ferrus, and he seems to smirk at that moment, rolling with it and coming up in the crowd.

"Steelix! GO!" He cries, throwing a dark colored pokeball at the ground and releasing a large, metal snake with glowing red eyes and a malevolent look on it's face.

Basic opinion from the crowd seems to be "Oh, Carp."

MAP. (https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AnL09uHZcJwhdDZtaGFmakdaWTIwN1dQekMwUzI2d 2c&hl=en&authkey=CNrLtpoC)

Lix Lorn
2011-04-23, 08:18 AM
Kari reacts quickly, dashing sideways (followed by Ciel) as she yells to Mia.
"Hidden Power!"

Me and Ciel move over to M8, and Mia uses Hidden Power.
[roll0] Accuracy, needs 2.
[roll1] It's super effective!

2011-04-23, 02:31 PM
"Oh frick."

She had watched the conversation, her sister was doing fairly well, and she was willing to let her handle it. No point in working when you didn't have to. The fact of the matter was that this was a fight she didn't think she could win. Which of course was why she was going to cheat. As soon as the man ordered his Steelix out, Ferrus was already moving, darting towards the commander, obviously upset. Well, upset, was perhaps putting it nicely.

Meanwhile, Cassie was running hell, scoping up Noir as she dived into the crowd and out of sight.

Cassie takes advantage of game plan to shift Ferrus next to the commander, whom he proceeds to take a chunk out of

Accuracy: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Cyborg Mage
2011-04-26, 03:28 AM
Freeze it!

This was not good. Icy Wind was the only attack Weavile could normally damage this thing with. However, there is no time for such worries. Caelan was always one to apply himself. Bracing himself for a moment, he then raises his arm and brings it down hard on the nearest segment of the Steel-type. He winces for a moment, but it is nothing to actually hurt him.

Icy Wind:





Karate Chop:




Actual damage: 60

2011-04-26, 05:15 PM
Everyone but Anon

The attacks strike the snake, causing it to slam into the ground painfully.

Look's like it won't be getting back up.

As Cassie starts to give the order to attack to Ferrus, a high amount of KI is directed at her, forcing her to pause in her order.

As the commander calls back the Steelix, the sound of footsteps can be heard from the northern part of the square.

Looking towards there, the grunts and commander seem to get relieved looks, letting out sighs of relief.

"Well, it looks like it's about time for us to part ways." The commander says, looking back at the party.


The leader walks to meet you, his ridiculus afro clearly visible around the gym's decor.

"So, team Plasma is here? Alright, then! I'll head out to take them in until Sherles can get here." He says, heading out the gym door to the square.

Lix Lorn
2011-04-26, 06:04 PM
Kari scowls.
"You won't be leaving anywhere but to a jail cell."

2011-04-26, 06:47 PM
I follow him to the square.

2011-04-29, 09:23 AM
Cassie didn't popped her head out of the crowd carefully, looking at the downed Steelix. Wonderful! People where doing things for her, something she had no objection towards, on general principal. "Yeah! Get 'em sis!" She said encouragingly. While remaining where she was.

2011-05-01, 01:53 AM
Uh... Given that the fight took far less time than the trip to the gym would have, I'm going to handwave you arriving after this group of new arrivals resolves.

Everyone but Anon

Across the square, you see three... probably men, clad in black outfits, with face concealing masks. Each of them has white hair and oddly red eyes.

"..." One of them pauses, looking your group over.

"You appear to be of the same resolve as that person." He says, the other two moving towards the grunts.

"Then you will also understand that this is a fight that you cannot win." The second continues, helping a grunt up and motioning for him to head North.

"We shall take our allies and leave you. Do not attack us, else you will pay dearly for it." The last says, glaring at you all.

Lix Lorn
2011-05-01, 06:02 PM
"You seriously expect us to listen to that?" growls Kari.

Can I invoke talking is a free action? If they try to move in a non instantaneous way, Kari is using Confusion on them.

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-02, 01:42 PM

Caelan turns from the unconcious snake to face the newcomers, fury in his eyes. The kind of fury that guarantees nothing will be forgiven; the kind of fury that signifies that heads will roll.

What makes you think you can walk around all high and mighty like these fools?

2011-05-02, 08:53 PM
While her sister is attacking them Cassie decides to go about a more constructive route. Nameless pictures, quickly snapping a few on her PDA of the masked people, and the fleeing team plasma members, while Ferrus scurried back to her side.

2011-05-09, 12:41 AM
"The fact that we are the Shadow Triad." The apparent leader says, a dark-colored pokeball appearing in his hadn. "If you wish to fight us, you will find it much harder than teaming up to destroy one of Plasma's Commanders."

With that, he aims the pokeball towards the group.

"The fact that we are considerably more powerful than anyone in this town." The second says, a pokeball simlarly colored to the first appearing in his hand.

"And the fact that we can dissappear if we wish to." The last says as each places a hand on the shoulder of one of the grunts or the commander, and dissappears.

Shadow Triad used Teleport!

And reappear at the other end of the square, moving quickly enough that you probably couldn't catch up to them.

Looks like Team Plasma got away.

Lix Lorn
2011-05-09, 06:08 AM
Kari glares in silent, incandescant fury for a moment, and then launches a Confusion blast at a poor, innocent cloud, obliterating it with a roar of fury.

2011-05-12, 08:57 PM
After the cloud is destroyed, a few minutes pass before Anon and the gym leader show up.

"Oh my. Did those Plasma grunts get away?" The leader asks, looking around.

2011-05-13, 12:46 AM
"Yeah. I got pictures of 'em though." Cassie stepped out sheepishly from behind the crowd, offering him her PDA. "When those ninja freaks showed up I figured it was best to give up ont he sighting, so I just snapped some pictures of what they look like. you can get some wanted pictures up and warnings around town later." Team Plasma. Well, she was sure someone else would take care of it, that whole mess worked itself out last time right? No doubt the same thing would happen here.

2011-05-13, 10:21 AM
So, now what?

2011-05-13, 12:51 PM
"Well, did they say anything about how many of them there were, or where they were going?" The leader asks, looking at the three who were involved in the battle.

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-13, 03:11 PM
Eight of them. They said something about looking for a lab in the desert.

Caelan clenches his teeth. Plasma-based hate does not dissapate quickly.

This is where it all happened a few years ago, isn't it? Cipher? Typical Plasma hypocracy.

He turns to face the leader, gaudy outfit and all. This hardly looked like a man who should have that kind of authority.

What's with the hair?

2011-05-16, 12:22 AM
"Oh, this? This is my style! I've been keeping this 'fro for fifteen years now! Isn't it wonderful?" The leader replies, before turnign his attention back to the first two questions.

"As for the Cipher incidents, yes, it is. The first time, they were taken out by an ace trainer and a girl who could see the auras of Pokemon. The second time, it was by a lone boy with an Eevee." He continues, nodding sagely.

"Well, I suppose I should investigate what they wanted here... Wait, what was that about a lab? One in the desert?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-16, 12:18 PM
You know as much as I do-as much as they do, it seems. I just have a feeling it's got something to do with Cipher. I think this is going to turn out like it did in Unova. They will want to convince people that Pokemon are dangerous, that humans should have nothing to do with them.

Caelan turns in the direction of Citadark Isle, the volcano that dominates the island peaceful for now.

And what's more dangerous than a Shadow Pokemon?

2011-05-20, 10:52 AM
"Oh no..." The gym leader continues, ignoring the rant about Plasma and Cipher. "They must be heading to the Shadow Pokemon Lab."

"Tell me, would you be willing to check out the lab for me? I would go myself, but I have some calls to make immediately. The other Gym Leaders need to know about this."

Lix Lorn
2011-05-20, 12:43 PM
"Shadow pokemon?" asks Kari, confused.

2011-05-20, 01:26 PM
"Is that something to do with that seeing-auras stuff you mentioned before?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-20, 03:00 PM
Several years ago, an organization called Cipher began experimenting with Pokémon-their emotions, to be precise. They did horrible things. Imprisioned them. Tortured them. They beat them, whipped them, used psychics to tear at their minds from the inside. What was left was a creature cut off from life itself, a monster that knows only hate and destruction. A Shadow Pokemon.

Caelan shudders at the thought, then clenches his shaking hands and turns to the Gym Leader, hissing through his teeth in fury.

If you know where this lab is, tell us. I will destroy that place personally.

2011-05-22, 10:55 AM
"You pretty much hit the nail right on the head with that definition. I'm pretty sure the lab is around the middle of the desert. Other than that, there's not much else I can tell you about the location. Sorry." The gym leader says, looking at Caelan. "Anyway, I should go let the other Leaders know about this. That way they can be on the lookout for any suspiscious Pokemon or trainers in their towns."

With that, the Leader turned and started heading back to his gym.

2011-05-22, 11:19 AM
Anon waits a few minutes, then:
"So, we going to go looking for that lab?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-22, 03:16 PM
I've got something in mind, but it'll have to wait.

Caelan seems to calm down, pulling his head back and sighing. He then turns to Miror.

I'll come round for a challenge after a trip to the Pokemon Center, alright? Be ready for me!

That done, he then heads off into town, beckoning for the others to follow him.

Lix Lorn
2011-05-23, 02:49 PM
Kari scowls. She'd rather go deal with this immediately, but these companions seemed useful. She follows him.

2011-05-24, 11:28 PM
"Yeah. Center is smart..." Cassie agreed. She frowned, as she walked after them, it appeared that she was thinking about something rather hard. A musing expression had settled onto her face as she considered her next move....

2011-05-26, 11:43 PM
As you walk into the red roofed building, you notice the layout.

To the right of the door is a small store, probably selling basic supplies. On the second floor, near the back, is a trio of doors, each with a counter and an attendant watching them. Stairs go to both sides of the main desk, leading to the floor in front of those.

"Hello, and welcome to the Gateon Pokemon Center. How may I help you?" The nurse at the counter says, turning to you. "Are you here to have your Pokemon healed?"

Cyborg Mage
2011-05-27, 10:27 AM
Yes. Also, I'm here to pick up a PDA, it's in the name of Caelan Aleric.

Caelan pulls out his Pokéballs and places them nigh-automatically on the counter, sighing gently. Team Plasma- or Neo-Plasma or whatever pointless synonym they try to use- always annoyed him, no matter what the context. Hypocrites. Hypocrites and thieves.

2011-05-29, 08:47 PM
"This will just be a moment." The nurse says, moving the tray to the healing machine. "If you would like to pickup your P★DA, please head to the Pokemart counter."

2011-06-01, 10:59 PM
"I've got one, if you need to update it." Cassie said, before handing over her pokemon to be healed. Noir hated being recalled, some pokemon where just like that, but she would have to suffer through it, it was for her own good. "A PDA I mean."

2011-06-02, 09:23 AM
"Yes, same here. The update, I mean."

Lix Lorn
2011-06-02, 12:00 PM
"Mm. And me." says Kari, annoyed and really wanting to get on with it.

2011-06-04, 01:02 PM
As the nurse continues operating the healing machine, the person at the Pokemart counter hands Caelan his new P★DA and takes each of the other's in turn, plugging them into a charging station and starting the update.

"If you want to have a seat while these update and your pokemon are healed, there's a lounge behind you." The attendant says, nodding toward a collection of couches and chairs.

I'm doing this to give the group time to plan. If you want to just skip that, say so in the OoC.

Cyborg Mage
2011-06-05, 05:46 AM
Caelan strolls back from the counter to the lounge area, picking up his Pokemon mid-stride. You learn to do these things without even thinking. As he sits down, he places Weavile's ball on the table and sets it spinning.

Alright. If we're going to find this lab, we'll need three things- a mode of transport, funding and followers. And all three seem to fit nicely into place here. We defeat the Gym leader, we get money for our endeavour. That money goes towards the other two conditions, along with the badge itself. There's a hoverbike shop in this city- famous place, but far outside our budget. The guy in charge, however, might know where we can find them cheaper. After that, it's a matter of charisma and elbow grease. But we need to keep going with this. Keep the pressure on, keep the wheels turning. We stop for one moment, we give Neo-Plasma a chance-

As if on cue, Weavile's Pokéball wobbled to a halt, almost falling off the table before being caught with catlike reflexes by Caelan.

- Then we may as well give up entirely.

2011-06-30, 03:19 PM
Suitable music. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsBQ8ivytm4&feature=channel_video_title)
When you arrive at the Ludicolo shaped gym, a surprising sight awaits.

A sign, on the door, reading "Closed due to gym leader conference in Agate Town. Will be back in [1 week]"

Looks like you'll need to find another way of getting to the Lab. Like heading to Realgam Tower and renting hoverbikes.

Lix Lorn
2011-07-01, 11:22 AM
"Oh mew-dammit." scowls Kari. "Is there anywhere around we can get transport?"

This question is addressed to anyone nearby, including other party members. Kari skipped Geography.

2011-07-01, 11:50 AM
Not a clue. Maybe I knew once, but...

Cyborg Mage
2011-07-10, 02:27 PM
Realgam. There's a train station near here that does express runs to Realgam Tower, middle of the desert, we can use that as a base camp for the search. Let's get moving.

The plot Caelan starts moving again.

2011-07-10, 03:11 PM
Sounds good to me.