View Full Version : DnD 3.5 Tournament of Ages Preliminary IC

2011-03-28, 10:25 AM
Even though the next part will be written towards one person all of you have been subject to this same method. You don't know each other, nor do you know what will happen now. Remember, the more you show your characters strength and everything the better it is in this prelim. Please don't check what your opponents get for items. Some items I would like to keep secret. This again is because I want a bit of surprise to stay in the game.

After the dazeof the teleport fades you see you are in a big room. An old man is waiting and nodding towards you. He moves towards you.
Welcome brave warrior, welcome in the preliminary tournament. My name is August, I am your chamberlain. You have been chosen to try and enter the tournament. He presents you with a dagger.
This is the prelim dagger, as soon as you move into the real tournament this dagger will be changed. Every round you rise your dagger will be different.
The dagger has a beautifully engraved haft off a gnome and a giant fighting each other. The giant lifts the blade while it looks like the gnome strikes at his feet.

I will bring you to the room granted to you for your preparation. Please don everything in the room, there is help and some food and water to get yourself ready for a bit. When the door opens it is time for you to move through it, since than there will be checked if you are good enough for this combat. I wish you the best. Good luck.

In the room, which is heavily decorated with lush carpets and tableaus of battles in which seem to be arena's though all of them are different, is a simple table. On it are some items, not all things you have requested, though somethings will certainly be usefull.

Two persons are standing in the room, willing to do whatever you ask, within righteous limits.

Now you are here alone in this room waiting for the door to open so that you can prove you are the one that should join the battle.

On the tables are:

Mysterious_A: Kot of Burning Rock the Neraph Warblade

+1 Breastplate (Instead of the sectioned, since you are not proficient with heavy armor).
3 masterwork Annulats
+1 Greataxe
4 potions of enlarge person
1 potion of bulls strenght

Ragged Angel: Deriac, Dwarf Crusader.

+1 Dwarven Waraxe
+1 Fullplate
Mwk Heavy Steel Shield

Deathslayer7: Adam Pinor Human Warlock

+1 Chainshirt
+1 Light Wooden Shield
Wand of Magic Missile (3rd level) 9 charges
Wand of Cat's Grace 20 charges
Wand of Magic Missile (1st level) 25 charges

Demons_Eye: Donner Wolke the Human Sorceror

Mwk Morningstar
Wand of Mage armor (7 charges)
Wand of shield (10 charges)
Cloak of Charisma +2
Spell Component Pouch
2 potions of Faith +2
2 scrolls of Feather Fall
2 scrolls of enlarge person
1 scroll of acid arrow.

Kurai: Baghira the Human Capoeirista

Ring of Protection +1
Crown of white raven (per request)
4x Potion of Cure Light Wounds
2 potions of magic fang
2 potions of enlarge person

chrisrawr: Garrik the Human Monk

3 +1 returning shurikens
Ring of protection +1
2 potions of enlarge person
2 potion of magic fang

2011-03-28, 04:00 PM
Garrik thanks the man, wishing him good luck in return. He enters the room, grateful to put down his traveling gear. He nibbles a bit at the food presented, and drinks a cupful of water. Then he begins to stretch, moving about the room in languid kata.

2011-03-28, 05:46 PM
Deriac bows in respect to the man, though he feels a bit woozy. Any travel that does not take place on solid ground is unsetteling to Deriac, but his dwarven fortitude quickly adjusts.

Entering the arming room Deriac allows himself a small smile. After all, he remembered well the words of his father; Gimme an axe an' a place to stand, and I couldn't be moved by the world. He dons his armor and hefts his blade, and then tucks his ornate knife in his belt. It may be delicately inscribed, but it would do to end a life.

That thought gave Deriac Stonebrow pause. He had taken lives before, many, but they had all been on the field of battle. A militant competition rang true with his heritage and with his training, but this would be a first for him. He hefted his shield carefully, testing its weight and balance. It was of dwarven make, a fact which pleased Deriac greatly. The waraxe and armor, likewise, were crafted of true steel and iron from the heart of the earth. They would serve him proudly, just as he served his people.

Deriac breathed deeply, feeling his connection with Moradin strengthen. His god was one of stone and steel, of iron wills and stoney hearts. The broad blade in his hand was mighty, but it paled in comparision with his god.

Deriac's small smile broadened. His god was with him. He was ready to fight.

2011-03-28, 09:15 PM
Kot takes a deep breath the moment he sees himself alone, followed by an even deeper sigh.

Mere moments from the fight, he finds himself stalling. Stalling for time he does not have, to fix things he cannot...

Kot of Burning Rock spends several minutes engaged in a such mental preparation. He moves not an inch from the center of the room.

He is just about considering never moving again, to remain forever enthralled in eventless contemplation. He is about to surrender, to give up... but... no.

From his table of equipment comes, shiny as a sunlit lake, a glint of metal. Preciously sharpened glory, Kot moves. And he throws everything else aside, backpack and armor, to reach for that glint, to grasp...the axe.

Kot raises the blade in the air. It is not just an axe, he thinks. He swings it down in a vicious forward slash. It is being a warrior..., he says...

It is... the fight!, he roars...

Kot dons his armor and his backpack. He distributes the three annulats across his belt, and puts two of the potions (one of each type) in a place where he can easily access them, the others thrown in the backpack. And, with that, he is ready. Ready for the Tournament of Ages...

2011-03-29, 01:03 AM
Adam thanks the chamberlain for his hospitality. He dons his armor quietly, and then tests his shield for balance, finding it to his liking. He then notices the small wands lying on the table and tests each of them before nodding and finding them to his satisfaction. He tucks the three wands where one would sheath a sword and then nibbles a bit of fruit and bread. Something light to keep his stomach from being nauseated while waiting but not enough that he would puke in the arena.

During that time, Adam remains silent, staring at the the two men, wondering how this battle would be fought and how well he would do.

2011-03-29, 07:56 AM
Thanking the man with a bow Donner starts to get ready for whatever fight they send at him. He throws the Morningstar and scrolls into their normal spots on his belt and his pack. He places his new wands on his belt holster also but inspects them carefully. The design was excellent as the dagger and just as usful to him. He carefully places the potions inside his pack also but keeps the component pouch in his hand. Last he dons a stylish cloak for extra flare with a matching boots.

Thunder clings to his shoulder the entire time only leaving it once for when he puts the cloak on. The raven caws slightly as they begin to wait a fly around the room in boredom. Thunder lands on one of servers until Donner pulls out some feed to lure him back. Donner sets down and begins to meditate to pass the time.

He was going to win because he was a dragon. Beneath his skin beat the heart of a dragon. He was going to win. But he was going to have to bleed for it, work for it, pay for it. He was going to have to play smart. He was going to have to play the dragon, as swift as one, as strong as one, and with equal might as one. “I will win” Donner whispers but looks at Thunder and rephrases “We will win”

2011-03-29, 03:34 PM
Baghira's eyes swept over the items layed out on the table. Grasping the beautiful dagger in one hand, he felt a bit faint at the amount of money these things presented. But it's just the beginning. If I win...
He shook his head, wild hair flying slightly from side to side. Maybe a hairband would be a good idea?... No. No, they should all see him the way he was. Unkempt and rough, lined with the years of slavery, but with a core of steal.

Placing everything away in his linen pockets, the added backpack or attaching them to his belt, the last and most discerning object was the ivory crown he placed on his head. It clashed terribly with his dark looks and used, simple clothes, but it fit quite snugly and amused him a bit. If the guys could see me like this.. This certainly wasn't anything like the fistfights in bawdy tavern rooms and shady alleyways, was it?

Glancing uncomfortably at the other people in the room, Baghira walked to a free spot and started warming up, stretching his limbs in uncomfortable directions and dancing on the spot.
This is a great chance. Winning or not winning didn't matter. He would go in there and give nothing but his best. Either it was enough or it wasn't, and if not, then others deserved to earn the price more than him. He would give them no leeway, but he was no bad loser, understanding when someone else won faire and square. And fairness was a trait he appreciated and respected.

Rubbing his knuckles absentmindedly, the ex-slave stared at the door that might decide his fate. His own and the one of many other, less fortunate people.
For us, he told himself and remembered those that hadn't made it and the ones who still fought in their own manacles, the iron that gave them the same light, uneven scars around their wrists. His former slave lords would be surprised that these scars now gave him the strength to stand tall.
For us, brothers and sisters. You will stand behind me when I fight.

2011-03-30, 09:49 AM
The doors you have entered the room with open, but strangely, though that the door closed normally the first time this time the door goes up, moving into the ceiling. A white light peaks through the doorway. Nothing is visibile behind it.

Slowly when you move through the door you are in an arena. You feel like a day has passed, you don't feel tired or hungry though, you are mostly filled with the feeling of greatness, of fighting and more of those feelings. Around you in the outside of the arena you see people sitting waiting and watching untill it starts. They are a diverse group, no single person looks of the same race. Looking around you see the arena is a big 200'x 200' field. One man is standing on air above the arena. When you look around you see that 5 others are also standing in the arena, your guess is that they are about 100' from each other. The ground is sandy and looks fresh, while your eyes adjust to the light coming from above the man in the sky starts talking.
Welcome brave warriors, you all will try to honor your own styles of fighting and become the ones destined to be in the real tournament. Since this is the preliminary we have adjusted the weapons with an enchantment that makes it impossible to kill your opponent. Your weapon will tear, cut and break, but it will never stop a persons heart. All, even them without visible weapons have that restriction. This is the only part that's different from the normal tournament. You will bleed, you will become victims for everyone's eyes, but now will your worthiness be tested. Prepare yourself for this fight is started.

The man waves down with his hand, in the middle of the arena a giant sandshower starts and when the sand comes down the fight starts.

If one of you has experience with maps/tablemaking on this forum please tell me and help me.


Please state your actions.

Adam: 17+8=25
Deriac: 17+1=18
Kot: 15+2=17
Baghira: 14+2 =16
Garric : 6 +3=9
Donner: 6+2=8

Go and defeat some players, show me what you have

2011-03-30, 09:02 PM

Adam closes his eyes and his hand reaches for a wand. He then hesitates. It wasn't worth it to use these yet. he thinks. They are limited. He puts the wand away slowly and looks at his nearest opponent. He closes his eyes and takes a deep visible breath, keeping his eyes closed. And to everyones amazement, he just stands there with his eyes closed, seemingly at peace with himself.

ooc: next person can go.

DM only:

ready to cast baleful utterance on the first person to come within range.

2011-03-30, 09:40 PM
Deriac Stonebrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284341)
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None
Readied Maneuvers:
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise
Granted: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
In case of duplicates: [roll3] [roll4]

Deriac kneels and touches the earth, his finely crafted arms and armor moving smoothly with him. He is drawn to the power beneath him, and he feels the surging strength of Moradin flowing through him, and the clean steel around him seems to sing in the sunlight. He feels invigorated, and despite his lack of alacrity he surges forward before any of the others gets a steady footing.

Deriac is rapidly ready but does not move quickly, moving twenty feet into the center of the arena before stopping to find a strong footing. He readies his blade and his shield, and once in place he breathes deeply, shifting his weight into a low, powerful stance. He feels his connection to the earth strengthen, and he prepares himself for any advances.

He calls out to the other combatants. "Come, warriors. Come and test yourselves. Be not cowards nor scoundrels in the eyes of your gods; come and break yourselves upon my steel and fall broken to the earth. I was born in Moradin's forge, and I will not die until my steel has been tempered in the blood of his foes. Come, and let us clash like true champions of battle."
DM only:
Stonefoot Stance. I ready a Mountain Hammer for anyone who gets in reach.

1. Charging Minotaur
2. Stone Vise
This turn's granted maneuver, of the two left: [roll5]

2011-03-30, 10:02 PM
Garrik wastes no time moving towards the right - favoring his weaker side in what he hopes will prove to be a small misdirection. He darts towards ((E1,7)), reading a shuriken to throw at anyone who gets within 30 feet.

2011-03-31, 11:46 AM
It is the sun in his face and the surprise when his crown turns into a vest around his upper body that keeps Baghira from acting immediately. But the scope of the area makes him feel save for the moment, as he can't imagine a living being moving so fast across the hard packed dirt to strike him dead in barely a second without him being able to react properly.

His bare feet on the ground give him a sense of security, the scorching sun on his tanned skin a feeling of freedom. Dragging in a deep breath, tasting the very air on his tongue, he sprints forward and past the walls to his left, gazing across the vast space in search for an opponent. After a moment the ex-slave can see the light glinting off the armored body of what seems to be a... dwarf?
Shouted words reach his ears and the raven-haired man slows down, wondering if that might be the right opponent to stand against first.
Do not hesitate. Do not fear. But don't run in head-first without judging the situation.
With his back to the arena wall, his muscles warm and his blood starting to sing to an unheard music, Baghira contemplates his next action in silence, but with an almost respectful nod to himself to the dwarf's honest words.

Using two move actions to reach P1/39.

2011-03-31, 11:51 AM
Kot gazes across the arena, inspecting his opponents.

His first instinct is to charge the man with the bird, who looked a wizard of some kind. The little time he'd spent outside his home plane had already taught him never to underestimate their kind...

The Neraph grips his axe in both hands. He raises the blade in an over-head grip, as was the way of his house. He stares at his target and grinds his teeth...

From his belt, though, comes an unfamiliar weight. Kot of Burning Rock looks down to see the two potions he had placed there. Two vials he didn't know the effects of.

For a moment Kot forgets his charge.

Might as well give it a shot...

Swift Action to assume Punishing Stance.

Move action to draw Potion of Bull's Strength.

Standard Action to Drink it.

Free Action to drop the vial.

2011-03-31, 12:31 PM
Donner sizes up his foes with quick glances. He did not like the fact it was a royal rumble, anyone could get anyone. The aggressors would start to fight soon while the defenders would react. Which would he be, offensive or defensive? The foe to his left went farther and the one to his right drank something. Donner was like a lighting bolt, one quick strike and that's all it took but here he would need a storm, and a storm he was not. His lighting would be unleashed but for whatever fool attacked him first. Thunder takes flight and starts to circle Donner's head looking as menacingly as the bird could.

Donner starts to slowly walk to the corner as he draws a wand twirling it with a flare.

Moving 10 feet down to N2-22 drawing wand of mage armor.

Standard to cast Mage Armor on myself and familiar within five feet.

2011-03-31, 12:59 PM
All the fighters are sizing each other up. The armored dwarf seems to be making a stand, while the unarmed and unarmored others wait or run for the opponent.
The froglike competitor, a strange creature in a complete humanoid group seems to be drinking something, what precise is not known for the others, but all know what they are given and know that everything granted to them will help them, one way or another.

They all hear a rumble and the see the walls closing a little bit. It pushes everyone close to the wall 5' further.

Updated map:
{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
1| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X|
2| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ko | | | | | | | | | X| |
3| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
4| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
5| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
6| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X|
7| X||||Ga|||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
8| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
9| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
10| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
11| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
12| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
13| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
14| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
15| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
16| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
17| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
18| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
19| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
20| X|Ad| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || X| X|
21| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
22| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Do | X||
23| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
24| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
25| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
26| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
27| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
28| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
29| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
30| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X|
31| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X|
32| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
33| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X |
34| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X |
35| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X|
36| X | | | | | | | | | De| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
37| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
38| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
39| X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Ba | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|
40| X | X | X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X|

2011-03-31, 02:35 PM
Deriac Stonebrow
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None
Granted Maneuvers:
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer

Deriac watches Baghira come closer, and he shifts his weight, breaking his connection to the earth for a moment. With a split second of prayer his mind clears, imbueing him with the sharp, clear power of his god. "By Moradin's will, for his sake, may this be swift," he mutters, and then he aligns his thoughts with the earth beneath him. The stone beneath his feet seems to build up tension, and then he finally explodes outwards, seemly with the strength and speed of a minotaur. Small stones spray outwards as he hurtles forward with shocking speed.

He reaches Baghira, and there is a moment of stillness as every eye in the arena is drawn to this first attack, this first moment of aggression.

Then the moment is broken, and he slams into Baghira with the force of a bull, his shield and axe crossed to form an unassailable tide of iron.

Use Charging Minotaur to move to Baghira's square, begin Bull Rush.
Bullrush attempt (no attacks of opportunity) strength check: [roll0]
If I succeed, damage: [roll1]
If I win the check he also flies back 5 feet, plus another 5 for each 5 I win the check by. Deriac does not have to follow.

Stone Vise is now granted.

2011-03-31, 03:06 PM
Baghira had been in a lot of fistfights. A lot. And there had been quite a few iron fists hitting his stomach and making him dizzy, but it didn't prepare him for the amount of pain a charging dwarf in full armor could create in his body by slamming into the dark-haired man.
He had never met a giant in his life, but this is how it had to feel if one hit you with a small boulder.
Feeling his feet loose contact with the ground, Baghira could only brace himself for a short second before he went airborne with a gasped curse pressed out of his hurting lungs.

Opposing strength check: [roll0]

2011-03-31, 03:07 PM
Kot proceeds to downing the other vial, this second one having a much more apparent effect.

As he drinks to the last drop of the potion, Kot feels a...tug, in his stomach. He doesn't have much time to wonder, though, because soon he realizes the arena to be getting much smaller...

What everyone else realizes, though, is that the Outsider is now twice the size he was, and that that axe suddenly seems a whole lot more threatening...

Move action to draw Potion of Enlarge Person.

Standard action to drink it.

Free action to drop vial.

2011-03-31, 04:54 PM

Adam looks around again and sees his situation is precarious at best. 4 people surronded him with two engaged on his right and one obviously heading towards him on his left. His mind raced with the choices and only two remained. Fight the man on his terms, or fight the man on Adam's terms. Acting quickly, he moves towards the center of the arena (H1,20). He faces the man to be his opponent (Garrick) catching his eyes. He nods as if to indicate that they would be fighting.

DM only:

Move to H1,20 and readied action to cast Eldritch Blast shped by Frightful Blast at Garrick if within 60'
DC 14 Will Save or be Shaken
Attack (RTA):[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-03-31, 05:41 PM
Donner watches the brawl start as someone is slammed into a wall, people move, and another vial is drunk. Then a man curses, and another grows huge. This was not good. At this point the six competitors have paired off into three smaller fights. He was going to have to end his fast if that happened. He pulls out the other wand with another twirl and skips back another few feet to the corner.

If needed: DM only

Moving to M2-25, drawing the wand of shield. Would like to know the caster level on the wands if that's ok.

Readying an action to cast Blindness on Kot if he moves towards Donner. DC 17 will fort save.

Edit: Sorry fort save, was mixing up spells.

2011-04-01, 12:30 AM
Garrik initiates against Adam, moving to ((C1, 14)) and whipping a shuriken at the man with each hand.

Two attacks at +1 from PBS, -2 from TWF, and -6 from 3 range increments.
Attacks [roll0], [roll1]
Damage [roll2], [roll3]

2011-04-01, 01:54 AM
The push has delivered him a good, few feet to the side, bouncing off the wall and back into the open field. Baghira can feel the bruises blooming all over his body, but he shakes the injuries away with a huff of breath once his stumble comes to a halt.
That's not what I'd call a good start, he muses with a note of frustration, but the battle has his full concentration and he forgets the touch of anger. It was his own fault for being taken by surprise.
Within a second he pushes himself away, taking leaping steps toward his target and then, having almost reached his opponent, drops into a lower stance and starts... dancing on the spot.

It feels good to slip into the movements his muscles almost remember better than his mind, wavering and dipping like a foreign snake before the armored dwarf. Not taking a chance to use his finesse, he lets his fist dart forward, hoping to catch a gap in what seems to be a small, compact wall of armor before him.

Move Action: If I did everything correctly, Baghira should be standing in R1/38.
Free Action: Having moved to not even half his speed, he's entering Ginga Stance.
Attack: [roll0]
Probably unlikely damage: [roll1]

2011-04-01, 09:14 AM
Adam looks like he is waiting for his opponents to come to him, peace is written on his face. This is at least untill Garrick moves towards Adam, who challenged him, with a swift movement a ray of pure blackness gets shot at Garrick, who can barely deflict it with one of his fists. After that Garrick whips his hands towards Adam and two small shurikens start flying toward Adam, which does not even bother deflecting them, for they hit each other in the air and crash into the arena floor.

At the same time Baghira meets the shoulders of his dwarven assailant and starts to fly, before he leaves the Dwarf looks with a small smile to him. He lands with a slight thud, but he recovers quickly.
Baghira starts moving with the fluidity of a dancer and tries to hit Deriac with a snakelike movement of the hand, sadly his hand makes a gonglike sound where he hits the fine shield of Deriac.

Donner looks around and knows he is losing the advantage he has. He has his second wand out and prepares himself.


It's a standard lvl 1 wand

Kot on the other hand seems to be swigging down another potion, but this one has seemingly more effect. He grows untill he is twice his size, and twize as fearfull.

Updated map:
{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
1| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X|
2| X| X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |
3| X|X || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ko|Ko | | | | | | |X | X| X |
4| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ko| Ko| | | | | | |X | X| X|
5| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
6| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X|
7| X|X|||Ga|||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
8| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
9| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
10| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
11| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
12| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
13| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X |
14| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X |
15| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X |
16| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
17| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
18| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X |
19| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X |
20| X|X|Ad | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X| X| X|
21| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X |
22| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Do|X | X||
23| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
24| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
25| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
26| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x| X | X |
27| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X|
28| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X|
29| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X|
30| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X|
31| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X|
32| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
33| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X |
34| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X | X |
35| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X | X|
36| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X|
37| X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X|
38| X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | |De | Ba| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X|
39| X |X |X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X|X |X |X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |X |X |X |X |x |X | X| X| X|
40| X | X | X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X|

2011-04-01, 10:50 AM
Deriac Stonebrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284341)
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise

After knocking aside the blow with his shield Deriac takes a moment to size up his opponent. He watches the movements of his body, noting the grace and skill with which the man moves. "You move well, boy. Let's see how you take a hit."

He draws upon his connection to the stone beneath him, and the mental image of a looming mountain consumes his mind. He feels the rugged peak and icy stones, the blistering winds and the crunch of the earth beneath his boots. He can feel the veins of iron running through the mountain's core, and the shards of adamantine that are scattered around those veins. Far, far below the fires of the world churn hot and slow.

In his mind, the axe of Moradin comes down upon that great mountain, shattering it and crushing the earth and stone like a piece of glass beneath a workman's hammer. The connection between the earth, Deriac's blade, and Moradin is held in perfect balance for a moment, and then the dwarf shatters that precarious position with a crushing blow that bypasses all defenses.

Using Mountain Hammer; if it hits it ignores DR and hardness.

Attack Roll:
Damage Roll: + [roll2]

This round I have no maneuvers withheld, so I lose my prepared ones and a new set is granted. I'm going to roll 5 times in case of duplicates, but I only prepare the first 3 unique numbers.

1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise

[roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] 1d5

2011-04-01, 12:09 PM
The isolated fights proceed all around the arena as Kot looks to his own foe.

"Mage...", he utters furiously under his breath. Kot focuses all of his anger into speed, as he sprints forth, murder in his eyes...

The Neraph knows his armor encumbers him. He knows he could not reach the wizard simply by running. The human would simply retreat again and again, casting his spells on him as he went.

That was precisely the point, though. The wizard was a human. He was a Neraph. And so, he did what Neraphs did best, something that the human could not have anticipated.

At the end of his run, Kot leaped.

Run to H2-17.

Use Sudden Leap Maneuver as swift action to jump to Donner (distance according to roll).

Jump: [roll0]

Edit: Not sure I got the math right, but in any way I should be able to end turn occupying K2-21, K2-22, J2-21 and J2-22, Donner between a wall and a sharp place. :smalltongue:

2011-04-01, 01:49 PM
Moving from ((C1,14)) to ((F1,20)), Garrik catches his expended shurikens as they move towards him, as if reeled in. Weapons back in hand for a mere moment, he releases but a single shuriken towards the man - much more impressed now than he'd been a few moments before.

Movement might be pending Adam's movement - he's higher in the initiative order than I am. Attack roll at -2 for every increment he's out.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1]

2011-04-01, 03:22 PM
Adam curls dark energy in his hand again, and hesitates. The dwarf was going to be a problem. He could easily take him out if he focused on him now, but then that left him open to the the man on his left. It was a chance that might be worth the risk, but in this case, it would be better to focus on his own guy. If the dwarf wanted to interecede, well then hopefully he would go for this shuriken man. Grinning at their long range combat, Adam pours his will into the dark energy and directs it towards Garrick again.
As he does, he slides gracefully back moving out of range again (O1,20) of the shuriken.

ooc: you might want to change where you move, I don't know.

damage: [roll1]
DC 14 will or be shaken

2011-04-01, 06:47 PM
Baghira twists out of the furious attack's way with a skilled turn of his upper body, watching with slight horror how the energy in the mighty blow cleaves the earth right before him. How much strength had to guide such a hand? If the blade had connected with his body, he guessed that the tournament might have been over for him, for the axe would have shattered his bones like fired clay.

But there was no use in wondering about 'What If's', so while hoping that the attack had sapped some energy from the sturdy dwarf, the capoeirista incorporated the acrobatic twist of his torso into the intricate dance. One hand on the dirty floor, pushing himself over once on the spot, Baghira's world switches upside down. He was used to it and his coal eyes never left the smaller man in front of him as everything around him tilts in a blur. But before he can land in a crouch, his foot races in an arc towards his opponents head, hoping to catch him unaware with these foreign, unusual movements.

Movement Action: Using Acrobatic Feint for a Feint action. (+4 intelligence, +2 for Ginga, +9 Tumble) [roll0]

Standard action, Attack: [roll1]
Normal Damage: [roll2]
If Feint works, added damage: [roll3]

2011-04-03, 10:15 AM
Donners spell leaves him quickly with only one word "VEDAGEL RUSTUS!" and he jumps into action. He moves to the giant while gathering dirt in his hand. Soon a rock snags into his hand and he unleashes and another word, "Enorsf Aust" and his entire hand starts to change rapidly. His knuckles become granite, his fingers stone, and his palm and backhand rock. He was ready to fight now, he had roared his thunder and was bringing the lighting.

Don't know where Kot is but I would like to get as close as I could to him with 30 feet move speed.

Casting Fist of stone.

2011-04-03, 11:40 AM
All over the Arena's floor battles are fought.

Adam fires off a ray which hits Garrick straight in the chest (10 damage). Garrick looks a bit shocked that something came thorugh his defenses and feels something invading his mind. He shakes his head and tries to fight it. While he does it the shuriken he releases flies almost straight to adam, sadly the only thing that gets cut is a single strand of hair, floating towards the floor.

@ chrisrawr

Sorry for rolling your save, but I forgot to ask you to do it)
Willsave: [roll0]

Deriac unleashes a strong strike towards Baghira which can barely dancevade it (dancing and evading in one :smallbiggrin:). The ground is spiced where the axe hit it, a crack in the ground is the only thing that they see, for the Dwarf is again ready and deflects the leg of Baghira with the flat of his blade. Leaving their position undecided.

Kot starts to run towards Donner, which unleashes the spell he readied for that precise occasion, Kot starts fo flail a bit and comes up short when he jumps.

@ Mysterious_A

You have been hit by a blindness/deafness spell, you are blind and therefore can:
The character cannot see. He takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blinded character. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

You have moved only half the distance you thought you did.

Donner rans towards Kot while grabbing some dirt from the floor close to Kot he starts to shout some words and his fists become of stone. This while he stands next to him.

You hear again the sound that is now familiair to you, the shifting of the walls.
Updated map:

{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
1| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X|
2| X| X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |
3| X|X |X|X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X|X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | x|x |X |X |X | X|X | X|X | X| X|X | X|X | X| X |
4| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X| X|
5| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X | X |
6| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X | X|
7| X|X|X|||||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X | X |
8| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X | X |
9| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X | X |
10| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X | X |
11| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X | X |
12| X| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X | X |
13| X| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X |
14| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X| X |
15| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X |
16| X| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ko|Ko | | | |X |X | X | X |
17| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ko| Ko| | | |X |X | X | X |
18| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Do| | | X| X| X| X |
19| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | x| X| X| X |
20| X|X|X | | |Ga | | | | | | | | Ad| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X| X| X|
21| X |X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X| X| X | X |
22| X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X||
23| X |X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |x |X | X | X |
24| X |X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X | X |
25| X | X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X | X |
26| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| x| X | X |
27| X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X| X|
28| X | X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X|
29| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X| X|
30| X |X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |x | X| X | X|
31| X |X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |x | X| X | X|
32| X | X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |x |X | X | X |
33| X | X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X| X |
34| X | X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X | X |
35| X |X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X | X|
36| X | X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X|
37| X | X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | De| Ba| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |x |X | X| X|
38| X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |X|X | X|X |X|X | X| X|X | X| X|X |X |X |X |X | X|X |X | X| X| X|X | X|X | X| X|X | X| X|
39| X |X |X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X|X |X |X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |X |X |X |X |x |X | X| X| X|
40| X | X | X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X| X| X | X | X | X | X| X|

2011-04-03, 12:34 PM
Going a little outside initiative, because for one it won't matter to the posters above, and for two I really wanted to respond to being blinded. :smallbiggrin:

Kot roars as he realizes he's blind, flying into a mad rage at Donner Wolke.

That... mageling could not beat him by force. And so he resorted to petty little tricks to weaken him instead!

But that was not the end of that fight. He was still only a mage, and Kot of Burning Rock was a warrior!

Kot grips his axe as if it were Donner's neck, brutally stepping forward towards where he imagined he would be. The Outsider throws all caution to the wind: he wants the mage dead, andnow.

Swinging with all of his force, right to left, he makes a savage blow to where he pictured Donner's head to be.

"MAGE!!!!!!!!!!!", he roars once again, a sheer primal anger taking hold of him...

Five foot step to H2-18.

Power Attack feat for -4 on attack roll, but +8 on damage roll.

Activate Rabid Wolf Strike maneuver (standard action)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Miss chance (concealment, 1-50 is hit, 51-100 is miss): [roll2]

2011-04-03, 03:53 PM
Deriac Stonebrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284341)
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Granted Maneuvers
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer

Deriac watches his dancing opponent with a bit of amusement; he fights like an elf would, attempting to avoid and evade Deriac's blows instead of simply blunting them with armor like a dwarf would. However, after Deriac's powerful Mountain Hammer did nothing but rip into the earth he decided that the man's style, while certainly different from Deriac's own, was not without merit. He takes a moment to speak to the dancefighter before attacking again, allowing Moradin a moment to grant him inspiration. "Keep that up, boy, it seems to do you well. I'm still waiting for you to manage to hit me, though; will your dancing help with that?"

As he speaks he feels the powerful pull of his Mountain Hammer technique resurge in his mind, and he smiles. Moradin's will has been made clear. "You can't keep it up forever, boy. I promise to make this swift."

Mountain Hammer Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] ,ignores DR.

New maneuver:
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Vise


2011-04-04, 11:39 AM
"Dancing is what protected my sanity. What protected my life. Maybe it will even grant me strength against my opponents. We should do the best we can with what the gods gave us, shouldn't we?" Baghira replies as they circle each other on the dusty field.

He knows he is fighting a hopeless fight, but what if he retreats? Others would engage the dwarf, maybe even hurt him enough to lose the tournament or to ease Baghira's next encounter with him in the arena, but was that worth it? The ex-slave had been the one to exert the dirty work for others for almost as long as he can remember and had promised to himself to change his fate with his own hands... running away now would be the same as paying someone to drive a dagger in your opponent's back.

Baghira respected the dwarf's upfront fighting style and belief. No, he would not run away just like that. He wanted to win fair and receive clean money, money he had earned with his own hands, his own blood. For a second he closed his eyes and exhaled, staying firm with the decision.

When he opened them again, the other man had readied another powerful blow while speaking his words. Clenching his teeth, Baghira tried to rush to the side and evade, but he had taken the wrong one, going left where he should have taken right, and the blade followed him mercilessly. Pain exploded all along his ribs and shoulder and he felt himself hitting the dirt, tasting dust and copper and frustration on his tongue. Stand up! his mind screamed at him and he complied, seeing no other chance.
"I'm not finished yet," the dark man rasped.
Once again he swallowed the hurt, used to it after years of enduring whips and batons, twisting once more in a complicated way to attack his enemy with everything he had.

Down to 4 HP.

Move Action: Acrobatic Feint [roll0]
Standard Action: Attack [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If Feint works and he manages to hit the dwarf-in-a-can: Extra Damage [roll3]

2011-04-04, 11:47 AM

Even though Adam's turn comes first I would like to just RP some stuff. And only if Adam crits and kills Deriac this will not happen so it does not matter much.

The crowd in the Arena cringes at the sound of the axe hitting Baghira. Still he is not cut in two just like the judge said. The reason is that the axe suddenly turned itself from hitting with the blade to hitting with the flat of the blade. Baghira gets the flat precisely against his ribs and hears a sickening crunching sound from it. The judge looks at the scene, sees Baghira goes down and and seems to think about what he should do.

Still the dark man stands up, crinching in pain as he does and he tries to hit the Dwarf again. He looks like he tried the attack with the last of his strength, all Baghira poured in the attack, but still not enough.

2011-04-04, 05:22 PM

Seeing his previous attack hit and deal considerable damage; Adam grins despite himself. It was kind of exhilarating in its weird own way. He knew this wasn't going so well for the man and if Adam was lucky, it was about to get much worse. Using the same but effective tactic, albeit boring now, he launches a ball of black energy. He then backs up to (R1,15) moving out of range again, although he now sees that the man was catching up to him.

attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Dc 14 will or be shaken

2011-04-04, 07:22 PM
Quickly wearying under the dark assault, Garrik simply charges the man. Sprinting forward, he crashes into another blast of baleful energy. Diverting most of its power across his chest helps weaken the blow, as he ends his charge in a final, dashing strike - "KIAI!".

Charging to (Q1,16), stunning fist.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Roller why you no roll me 2 20's?

2011-04-05, 11:29 AM
Adam smiles and is totally concentrated on his opponent missing the rest around him. He again fires another beam of black goo which hits Garrick straight in the breast (4 damage). Garrick looks slightly fearfull to Adam and tries to hit him back after running towards him, sadly he tripped, but could keep his feet on the ground. His fist hits nothing but air, by Adams quick estimation and evasive actions.

All the while the people are looking at this fight, Kot swings his giant axe towards the place he thinks Donner will be, not seeing that Donner is allready on the ground. The air makes the sand on the ground move and a small sandstorm comes over him. Kot moves his head sideways, trying to find out what has happened.


Sorry for this post, but I felt the need to go on. As soon as Demons_eye posts he will be worked in to this post.

2011-04-05, 01:21 PM
Donner curses as the sandstorm kicks up watering his eyes. Thunder rises higher cawing more and more circling the giants head before returning in a fell swoop clearing the air for an attack. Donner starts his spell like before with swift movements and loud "VEDAGEL RUSTUS!" but this time aimed at the air, which starts to go dark. Suddenly there is a flash of lighting striking Donner and seconds later a roar but not of thunder but if a dragon. The lighting pools into his hands forming two floating balls of pure electricity. He smiles chucking the first one with his right hand spinning as he does so. The second comes a little faster because of the spin but harder to control.

Sac'ing a 2nd level slot to use blue dragon linage feat. Gives me two lighting orb ranged touch attack.



2011-04-05, 02:58 PM
Deriac Stonebrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284341)
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer

Deriac's blow, though blunted by the magic of the arena, had clearly almost finished the man in front of him. The man's style was skillful and graceful, but his adept flourishes were simply unable to pierce the pure dwarven steel and martial prowess that surrounded Deriac. Unharmed, Deriac shifted his weight into his steady Stonefoot Stance; he felt his powerful connection to the earth form and lock into place. A moment of contemplation brought his martial maneuvers into the forefront of his mind, and Deriac saw what the wisdom of Moradin had brought him.

He set his face sternly, and then he compressed himself like a spring, and his unshakeble foundations are filled with increadible force and tension. There is a brief moment, in his mind, when the earth and his strength and the will of his god are perfectly aligned.

The he explodes outwards into Baghira, more like a powder keg than a Charging Minotaur.

Bull Rush attempt. He moves 5 feet into Baghira's square; enough to activate Charging Minotaur but not enough to lose his Stonefoot Stance.

Strength Check: [roll0]

Damage if Deriac wins: [roll1]

Stone Vise is granted.

2011-04-05, 03:17 PM
Kot grunts in pain as lightning arcs through his body. The sorcerer's second attack misses, but only by a fit of chance, buzzing past him mere inches away.

The Neraph breathes for a moment. If he lost focus, he would lose. And it was simple as that.

So instead of another angry attack, Kot prepares a more contained one. He steps in the direction of the lightning ball, and he recalls the forms of the Neraph warrior. Forms those that brought him back to his home, and to his house...

Ygorl. God of war and destruction. God of the fight, my people's god...

...my god...

I know I am flawed... and I know that I often waver in my path... But I plead you now, Ygorl, if I've ever done anything to deserve being called a warrior of yours... lend me STRENGTH.

5-foot step to get into range of Donner, but only if he's not already in range.

Swift action to regain spent maneuvers (must be followed by attack).

Melee attack with Power Attack feat at -2:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Miss chance (1 is miss, 2 is hit): [roll2]

Edit: Aghhh, I'm never gonna hit the guy. :smalltongue:

2011-04-06, 01:35 AM

Adam smiles slightly. Changing tactics on him. Smart, but a bit late in his honest opinion. He glances at the man before, before talking. Whoever you are, I have a question for you. Why are we attacking each other? Surely he is the greater threat to us than we are to each other? he says, his eyes glancing at the dwarf who has already felled his opponent. We are merely trading attacks with little success. How about we bring down the dwarf together than decide who continues to fight on?

((Not sure how far the dwarf is to me or anyone else besides Garrick for that matter, so I'll hold out on posting an actual action till I can see a updated map.))

2011-04-06, 03:26 PM
Baghira's eyes went wide and he could only react by digging his heels deeply into the soil and brace himself for the glittering cannon ball catapulting itself towards him with a speed he didn't think could possibly stem from the small man.
But due to some incredible fool's luck, his foot hit a snag and helped him to get a better stance on the ground, so when the dwarf hit his front, Baghira managed to bounce him back by using his opponent's own force against him.

Strength check:

2011-04-06, 03:44 PM
"Your going to hurt me with that." with another mighty swing from the giant and starts to worry more, this man shrugged off an attack that would hurt Donner himself badly. Even blinded it was only a matter of time before the axe hit him square in the head and that could not do. Donner reaches into his little pouch pulling out a bit of pork spits on it and starts to rubs his hands. Soon a slick clear liquid form and he throws it at the giant's weapon. "Tuchr"

Casting Grease on the weapon Reflex save DC 15.

2011-04-06, 04:09 PM
Couldn't edit the other post all too well, so..

"Told you... I'm... not yet... done..." he presses out between clenched teeth, then pushes the dwarf back with a mighty roar that burns his shattered ribs.
Clench your teeth, don't think about the pain, focus forward, try a different stance... his mind quickly rattles off and he follows, pushing the pain to the back of his mind.
It feels as if his whole muscles clench together, heavy like lead, as he slaps both hands on the ground and swings his feet at the armored one from one side. The attack eases the pressure on his wounds and he prays that the energy from the movement is enough to finally make a dent.

4 HP left

Move action: Acrobatic Feint [roll0]
Standard action: Attack [roll1]

Extra damage if Feint works: [roll3]

2011-04-07, 09:44 AM
At the mans continued silence, Adam sighs and gives up stepping back (5 foot step) and channels the black ball of energy in his hand. Let's see you dodge this then if you really wish to press this useless attack against me. He heaves the dark energy, manipulating it from 10 feet away, and attacks the man with it, much like he would wield a sword.

RTA: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
DC 14 Will again. Note the effects of shaken don't stack but it does reset the timer. A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

2011-04-07, 11:00 AM
Garrik steps aside, the attack much more familiar than the previous ones. Whipping out three shurikens as the baleful energy slides past him, he takes a similarly large step to follow-up on the man. "If I can stay out of the armoured man's reach, he hopefully won't be able to get at me. Not so for this one." he thinks.

Attacks 9+1PBS(-2 from shaken, -2 from flurry, -2 from rapid)
[roll0] Damage [roll1]
[roll2] Damage [roll3]
[roll4] Damage [roll5]

5 foot step to close with Adam afterwards.
edit: mmmyeah those critical misses.

2011-04-07, 12:06 PM
The crowd looks almost completely silent how the fighters battle it out. Again Deriac tries to overrun and smash Baghira away, buyt fails this time, as Baghira finds some sure footing for himself. Immediately Baghira tries to kick back, but now his sure footing works against him, he misses, because his foot snags behind something. His foot is easily pushed aside by the shield of Deriac.

Kot catches some lightning balls, which annoy him so greatly that he starts slashing around hoping to hit the one that gave him the pain, and failing miserably by hitting the wrong side. Also the mages gets another strike for him when he casts a spell and the heavy axe glides out of the Neraph's hands. It lands with a silenced clap on the ground, Kot screams in rage but does not see his attacker.

Adam tries to act as the smartest attacker and tries to make a deal with Garrick, which does not react. Adam does not wait anymore and tries to attack Garrick with a beam of the same black stuff. Garrick pushes it aside with a wellplaced backhand and tries to strike out with his shurikens, which show that he still has not completely defeated the sensation of before since the shurikens whoosh harmlessly away from Adam.

The wall opens up in R1 and shows a dark shape, it looks like at least 1 other person is going to join in the fight. While the rest of the wall increases in narrrowing the Arena.

{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
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15| X|X |X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|X | X| X| X |
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2011-04-07, 03:13 PM
Kot feels his hold on his axe slipping as the heavy weapon falls to the ground. With a heavy thud, the Neraph feels himself getting angry again.

Kot tries to pick up his weapon, despite the sorcerer's spell...

Pick up greataxe

Reflex save (rest of the post depending on it, DC 15): [roll0]

Edit: Scratched a part about drawing an annulat, can't do that apparently.

2011-04-07, 03:26 PM
Deriac Stonebrow (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284341)
Male Lawful Neutral Dwarf Crusader, Level 4, Init +1, HP 49/49, Speed 20ft.
AC 22, Touch 11, Flat-footed 21, Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 4
+1 Dwarven Waraxe +8 (1d10+4, x3)
Masterwork Dagger +8 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
+1 Full Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Condition None
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise

Deriac takes another breath; his last blow failed him, and he realized that he had become very hasty and aggressive. Combat always sent fire through the blood of any true dwarven warrior, but Moradin was not a chaotic flame; no, he was the flame of the forge, an endless, unwavering fire that burned and blazed at an even keel with consistant power.

Deriac felt the weight of the earth beneath him leave a bit as he breaks his Stonefoot Stance, shifting into his Crusader's Stance, deepening his connection with his god. He feels the dwarven steel ringing in his hands, and he strikes down at Baghira with the crushing weight of a mountain, seeking to utterly ruin the man's agility and grace.

As Deriac swings, he feels a moment of connection with his god, and he realizes Moradin's will. This strike will not ruin the dancer's speed; it will simply ruin the dancer. The axe collides with the force of a boulder and with a razor edge.

Stone Vise attack: [roll0]
Stone Vise damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

DC 15 Fort save or Baghira's movement speed drops to 0 next round.

New Granted Maneuvers:
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise

[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

And just in case of doubles: [roll6] [roll7]

2011-04-07, 03:31 PM
Just as Kot grabs his weapon, it slips out of his hands again. As you could expect, the Neraph is raging.

Kot grinds his teeth and he screams, charging forth towards Donner. He had enough, apparently, and would now attempt to handle this the good, old fashioned way. With his bare hands against the wizard's throat...

Initiating grapple (this provokes an attack of opportunity from Donner, if damage is dealt initiation fails).

Melee touch attack: [roll0]
Miss chance: [roll1]

Grapple check: [roll2]

If all succeeds, move into Donner's space as free action.

2011-04-07, 04:52 PM
This was insane, Donner came to fight men not monsters. The giant was enraged and rightly so but this lead to to resort to barbarian tactics even if the tactics where good. He was going to grab him by the arm pin him and choke him out, giving a sudden fear in Donner, were their fist enchantment as well or could they kill? This fear gave him strength but made him reckless. Dodging the inertial grab he holds the giants arm to aim and throws a wild fist, a fist made a stone and behind that stone was the blood of a dragon. That same bloodline flew in a raven just above him too. "Thunder, NOW!"


If failed Strength check


Thunder using his once an hour breath attack. Cone grazing the one of the 3 squares I am not on IE: hitting Kot but not Donner. Reflex 12 for half



2011-04-07, 05:39 PM
Lighting had worked for him so far and Donner felt the stone begin to crack. This was getting annoying an average man would have fallen long ago and even the strongest beast he had faced would be limping at this point. This giant was still standing, this dragon was starting to falter, one or two blows would win this but what of the other fighters? Donner's fathers words come to him now "Any dragon can get old by setting in a cave, the great ones are the ones that take the risk and amass a horde. Live penniless or die rich? Live weak or die strong?"

Donner was thinking still when his hands went up, the thought left him as he said the words, and he made his choice as the lighting struck. "VEDAGEL RUSTUS"

Sacing another blindness for two lighting orbs. Ranged touch attacks.

[roll0] Orb #1

[roll2] Orb #2

2011-04-08, 07:00 AM
Baghira didn't even have the time to feel the pain. One second there was a raised axe, the next there was darkness. Maybe he even felt his body connect with the earth at the edge of consciousness, but it could've been his imagination.
The only thing that mattered were the smiles of his friends, fallen or not, he caught a glimpse at.
Thank you, guys, he thought relieved, as his inner eyes grew heavy, for not being disappointed.
All that would gaze at the sprawled figure of the unconscious fighter would see a peaceful expression on his face.

2011-04-08, 09:13 AM
Adam continues his silent duel with the man. He knew his other abilities wouldn't work as well on him so he just continued with the same tactic. He found it boring himself but what could he do.

Damage: [roll1]
5ft step straight down to (T1, 17)

2011-04-08, 11:20 AM
Garrik, on the other hand, took pleasure in their simple dance. Now that he was no longer contending with the man's agility and armour from a distance his training hadn't prepared him for, he could fully employ himself.

Garrik launches another flurry of shurikens, and then sidesteps to ((S1,16))

1 [roll0] [roll1]
2 [roll2] [roll3]
3 [roll4] [roll5]

2011-04-11, 01:16 PM
The next round starts.

Adam tried again to slash his opponent with the strange weapon. But his weapon lands on the ground by the evasive action of Garrick.
Garrick gets because of that step precisely the right angle to launch three of his deadly shurikens. Two hit Adam, but the third is deflected by an upward movement of his black weapon.

The battle turns grimmer when Deriac almost cuts off Baghira's legs. Without help is he not coming up. Both legbones in both bodies look like they took the biggest beatings ever. Before he really hits the ground he is out. Thus making Deriac the first victor in the arena.

The wizard though seems ot have his large opponent completely under control, knowing that he can't see, nor be seen. His fists of stone, as the now turned to stoe paws of his raven transformed the giant into one that looks like he was clubbed to death. Especially since the try to grab the wizard failed.

The unknown opponent comes now into the ring, he looks like a feral hobgoblin on his back is a scimitar, and in his hands is a shortbow. On it's head two horns are sprouted, but they seem to be very unnaturally pointed. He moves about 30' and fires an arrow, which he seemed to had notched before he moved at Garrick.

OOC: Knowledge check(Know: Nature)

Attack: 27 for [roll0]
If 20: confirm 22 for adding [roll1]


The judge waves a hand and Baghira starts to float, untill he is at the same height the judge is at.
We have our first knocked out competee, applaud him, for he took the hardest route imaginable. Fighting a mountain can't be done with only a small pebble and ones wits. Well done. The judge moves his hand over Baghira's body and his body seems to be mending itself. Than Baghira disappears.


{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
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2011-04-11, 01:36 PM
Kot takes more heavy hits, the blinded Outsider injured profusely. In his face remains none of his previous anger, however. Attempting to ignore the pain, physical and psychological, Kot lets out one last semi-animalistic growl before his expression changes completely, before it changes to one overtaken by sadness.

At this point he actually communicates with his opponent.

"I will be defeated today, it seems.", he says to Donner's general direction, "...very well...", he pauses, "Let it not be said, however, that I ran, or that I surrendered... any true warrior knows that to be a fate worse than death."

Serenely and with surprising dignity, Kot attempts to pick up his axe, the symbol of his honor...

Reflex Save (DC 15): [roll0]

2011-04-11, 01:42 PM
He succeeds, now that he is calmer.

Good... at the very least I die with a weapon in my hands.

Kot knows he has already lost. But he wishes to lose in fighting. And so, as his last action before defeat... he strikes.

I know I only really need the concealment dice, but I'll type them all up anyway. :smalltongue:

Attack using Rabid Wolf Strike maneuver and Power Attack -4.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

And, of course, the roll that gives me my ultimate defeat...concealment miss chance (1 is miss, 2 is hit...): [roll2]

2011-04-11, 02:19 PM
Adam doesn't cry out in pain, but he can feel that the shurikens punctured deep within his armor and most likely to the bone. Feeling stiff he watches as the attacker brings an arrow into the mans side. This wasn't good. He glances at the man and simply says Truce?

2011-04-11, 03:02 PM
Garrik shoves down the pain from the arrow, but not before a cry of surprise and shock escapes his throat. Nearly delirious from blood-loss and still suffering from whatever foul magic he'd been subject to, he struggles against his pride. Ceding that he might, in this case, be better served by removing the new threat with an ally. The other combatants would be weary from their endeavours - whereas this monstrosity seemed fresh and full of vile vitality.

Nodding towards his former opponent, he says, "If what you hit me with works just as well on him, we should be able to take him down."

2011-04-11, 05:22 PM
All right.says and nods to the man. He backs up to (12,X1) provoking the AoO.

If Garrick takes the AoO:

He will have an Eldritch Blast coming at him.

If he doesn't:

Adam sends an Eldritch Blast towards the new unknown enemy.

Either way, Adam dances back throws his dark energy at whomever it happens to be.

DC 14 Will or be shaken.

2011-04-11, 05:42 PM
((allies don't provoke AoO's :smallbiggrin:))

Garrik moves cautiously towards the abomination ((to R1,13)), and flings a sounding shuriken towards the beast.

attack [roll0] dmg [roll1]

2011-04-11, 06:45 PM
The giant regains his axe without slipping and time seems to slow down. Thunder soars above his head blocking out the sun momentarily giving the man a deathly look. The shadows danced on his wounds making them seem less hazardess. With the entrance of the new combatant and the arrow flying with mysterious accuracy he has no time to warn the giant about the new threat nor did Donner think he would believe him. The axe starts its journey to Donner slowly but its speed picks up.

Donner meets the axe with his hands using its slow start up to push up out of the way. Hanging in the air he starts to gather the electricity needed to finish off the brute when the axe came back in a whirlwind. Unable to dodge in the air Donner took the full blow of the blade to his midsection. The blow would have killed him normally but the enchanted blade and the grease sent him sailing into the wall instead of slicing him in twain. His lighting lost dissipating in the air, Donner goes quietly into the darkness of his own mind which he is greeted by a roaring voice.

"Trash. Ruined treasure. Tarnished Silver. That's what your worth right now. You lost to a blind brute. He hit you once and your out. Your all thunder and no lighting. When you wake up either prove me wrong or have the decency to die next time, the family doesn't need weaklings like you."

2011-04-11, 07:19 PM
Kot swings his axe in the direction of the foe he had so recently come to...well, hate less, at the very least. Maybe, just maybe, even start to respect a bit. After all the mage was was a mage, and thus naturally cowardly. This particular mage, though... it was not only by trickery that he had defeated him. Trickery had a part in it, surely, but at any moment in the fight, once he saw Kot was weakened, he could have withdrawn from melee and just pelted him with lightning until he was done for...

Which he didn't...

Kot thinks on that as the axe begins it's slash across the air.. He might be a mage, and he might be a human, but the way he fought... there was something else, he thought. Something honorable...

And such are the thoughts on Kot's mind in the mili-seconds that comprise his attack. Kot of Burning Rock accepts his defeat, and awaits the sound of metal ripping through air, air only, that would signal it. He awaits eagerly, almost looking forward to a warrior's death, even a fake one as it would be...

And how surprising it was that it would not be that way.

Kot hears something quite different from what he expected. No, not defeat, but the opposite: an axe ripping through flesh, and the warm splatter of blood.

Kot of Burning Rock cannot believe it. He thinks it perhaps a play of his remaining senses on him, or maybe even a cruel illusion, to make him believe in victory before crushing his newfound hope.

Kot awaits an attack that does not come. He stands and he listens for lightning...

But all he hears: Thunder...

The Neraph comes closer to the body of Donner Wolke, kneeling by it and touching the ground. He feels the heat of the sun above, the heat of spilled blood bellow, and inside, of course, the heat of the fight.

"Tö upro'tá kevios...", he says, touching the man's chest with two fingers...

...it was done...

.. Well. It was partly done. Kot thanks Ygorl just before he remembers the fighting still going on all around him, and that he was, in fact, still blinded and thus much more fragile than before. Perhaps he had taken out the best the humans could offer, though? He could only hope...

2011-04-11, 09:27 PM
Deriac watches his opponent rise into the air, and he taps his shield over his heart, a traditional dwarven salute. "You fought well, boy, and with great honor. May we soon meet again." He takes a single moment of wasted time, a few seconds of leisure in the hectic battle.

Then he turns, and faces the new foe that had emerged from the opening in the wall. Deriac's face grows dark when he looks upon the creature's visage. "Coward! Who are you to enter this fight after the battle has begun? What sloth and treatchery is this? Have you no shame, to lash out at already engaged foes? Have you no pride, that you do not announce yourself?" The ground beneath Deriac seems to tremble, and the dwarf crouches for a moment. Then he unleashes a burst of speed; not an attack, but a full sprint towards the other end of the arena and the new challanger. He calls out to the others as he runs; "Warriors! I ask only that you do not hamper me as I teach this wretch the meaning of honor. Our battle will bring honor to ourselves and our peoples, but first this beast must fall."

Run action to move to P24; it should be 60 feet, which is his 20ft speed x3 for being in heavy armor.

New Granted Maneuver:
1. Crusader's Strike
2. Mountain Hammer

2011-04-13, 12:52 PM
OOC: Please post from this moment in in Initiative order, for now it comes to fighting the beast (apparantly)

Adam asks immediatly after he looks into the hole in the wall if they could make a truce. Before Garrick could answer he moved and fired a black beam towards the creature. He missed, but saw the visage of the attacker.
Deriac complimented his opponent, which had floated away and ran towards the opponent, which he counted as honorless.

The creature moved though and shot 1 arrow whoch hitted Garrick painfully in the side, blood coming out of his wound.

Kot on the other hand had a good round. Oblivious to everything around him he finally hitted his opponent. The loud breaking of Donners bones was hearable for everyone that was not too focused on the battle. With a bloodied face Donner lost consciousness. Kot prepared the rites and made sure that this battle was over. Now it was time for the rest.

Donner floated also up towards the judge. The judge looked at the body and smiled a painfull smile.
As a mountain can't be defeated by a pebble, so can a wyrmling not defeat a Ancient one. You fought with bravery and skill, but the axe was his weapon, his style. You are worthy though. Rest and get whole. With another wave of his hand, the judge sends Donner away from the field.

OOC (yes again): Sorry no map update, bit bizzy at the moment, sorry for that.

2011-04-13, 11:57 PM
Adam's bolt went way off target, and those paying close attention to him can see him clutching his right hand in pain. He knew exactly what happened. The backlash in power had caused magical ripples through his hand, the main outlet of his magic. He could still feel the lingering damage in it, but ignored the pain. Drawing out the energy again, this time with anger added into it, he throws it at unknown enemy.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Will DC 14 or shaken.

2011-04-14, 08:36 PM
Deriac continues to run, and as he does he feels his divine connection reach its peak. He feels all of his martial maneuvers brimming in his mind, ready for use against the new, honorless foe before him. He runs heavily, and his pounding footsteps are loud and steady. He raises his axe and lets out a cry as he rushes towards the new opponent.

Move to P15. All maneuvers are now prepared.

2011-04-14, 09:00 PM
Kot is completely lost. From the northwest he hears projectiles flying and pained shrieks of agony. Charging past him he hears something akin to a boulder in probable collision route to the others constestants...

Somehow, though, what really gets his attention is his axe's size. It grew with him when the potion worked it's magic. Since he dropped it, though, it shrunk, becoming unworthy of a warrior of his (temporarilly increased) stature.

The Neraph takes another of the potions to remedy that. It sounded like there was some good fighting going on, so he hurries. Wouldn't want to miss out on that.

Draw, drink and drop Potion of Enlarge Person (axe grows to Large).

2011-04-16, 06:28 AM
The creature lets out a yelp where the ray from Adam hit him. Immediatly he looks pretty angry at Adam. He moves, drops his bow, grabs his scimitar and attacks Adam (25'movement).

Willsave: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1] for [roll2] (-2 if willsave fails)
If 18-20: [roll3] for [roll4] extra (-2 if willsave fails)

His scimitar strikes fast, but before the creature knows if he hit or not he moves on again towards A2,17.

Than he turns and smiles a wolvish grin.
Black sended me. He wants to see if you are worthy to even enter this competition. There is too much losing power in here so I will be your executioner for I deem you unworhty. The words are clear, and the intention is even clearer though Black does not ring a bell to any of you except as a colour.

Updated Map:

{table]|A1|B1|C1|D1|E1|F1|G1|H1|J1|K1|L1|M1|N1|O1|P1|Q1|R 1|S1|T1|U1|V1|W1| X1|Y1|Z1|A2|B2|C2|D2|E2|F2|G2|H2|I2|J2|K2|L2|M2|N2
1| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X|X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X | X| X|
2| X| X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X|X |
3| X|X |X|X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X|X | X| X| X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X | x|x |X |X |X | X|X | X|X | X| X|X | X|X | X| X |
4| X|X | X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X|X|X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X |X | X| X|
5| X|X |X | X|X |X |X |X | X| X|X | X| X| X| X| X|X|X |X |X | X| X| X| X| X| X| X| X|X |X | X| X| X| X|X | X|X | X| X | X |
6| X|X |X | X| X|X | X|X |X | X|X |X |X |X |X | X| X|X |X |X |X |X | X|X |X |X |X | X|X | X|X |X | X|X |X | X|X |X | X | X|
7| X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X |X |X | X| X| X|X |X | X|X |X | X|X | X| X| X| X|X |X |X | X|X |X | X|X | X| X | X |
8| X|X |X | X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X|X | X|X | X| X | X |
9| X|X |X | X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X| X| X| X | X |
10| X|X |X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X| X| X| X| X | X |
11| X|X | X| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X| X|X |X | X | X |
12| X| X| X| X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ad| | | | | | | | | |X |X |X | X|X |X | X | X |
13| X| X| X| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | Ga| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X |X | X|X | X| X| X |
14| X|X |X | X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X |X | X| X|X | X| X |
15| X|X |X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | De| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X| X| X|X | X| X| X |
16| X| X| X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | Ko| Ko|X |X | X| X|X |X | X | X |
17| X|X |X | X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Un | | | | | Ko| Ko|X |X | X| X|X |X | X | X |
18| X|X | X| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X |X | X| X| X| X| X |
19| X|X |X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X|X |X | X| X| X| X| X |
20| X|X|X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X |X | X|X |X| X| X|
21| X |X |X | X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X| X|X| X| X | X |
22| X| X|X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X |X | X|X |X | X||
23| X |X |X | X| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| x| X|x |X | X | X |
24| X |X |X | X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|X | X|X |X | X | X |
25| X | X| X| X| X| X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X| X| X|X | X | X |
26| X|X |X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X | X|X | X| X| x| X | X |
27| X| X|X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X |X | X| X|X | X| X|
28| X | X|X | X| X|X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X |X | X|X | X| X| X|
29| X|X |X | X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | x| X|X |X | X| X|
30| X |X | X| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X| X| X|x | X| X | X|
31| X |X | X| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X|X | X| X|x | X| X | X|
32| X | X| X| X|X | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | X| X|X | X|x |X | X | X |
33| X | X|X | X|X |X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |X |X | X| X| X|X | X| X |
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Adam: 17+8=25
Deriac: 17+1=18
Kot: 15+2=17
UN =16
Baghira: 14+2 =16
Garric : 6 +3=9
Donner: 6+2=8

Go and defeat some players, show me what you have

2011-04-16, 07:00 PM
post reserved for action, I'm sick right now so I'll review things in a bit.

2011-04-17, 02:53 PM

Adam throws another ball of black energy at the newcomer who tried attacking him. Tell Black that next time, he ought to send a man to do a man's job. Adam says, hurling the ball of energy at him.

DC 14 Will

Moving then, he moves to X1,18. At X1,17 he yells, Blind man! Come and get me!

2011-04-18, 02:06 PM
Deriac's cycle of inspiration begins anew as he pursues his foe, and the chase begins to irritate him. He runs, and finally gets within range of his opponent. He stops a mere ten feet from the man and grounds himself, drawing from the endless power of the stone beneath him. Bolstered by that strength he calls out to the creature, his voice clarion and proud.

"If you deem me unworthy, slime, then I request that you meet my steel in battle. If you do not face me Moradin shall name you a coward, just as your master 'Black' is a coward for sending another to fight his battles. I will crush you, slime, and mark my words; you shall not leave a single mark on me when you lie bleeding in the dust."

Run action to Y1/16.

New maneuvers: I'm going to try a new rolling style. I roll a d5, then a d4, and so on, with the manuever's "sliding up" to fill in space. I think it works better than what I was previously trying. Here:

1. Crusader's Strike
2. Stone Bones
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Mountain Hammer
5. Stone Vise

[roll0] then [roll1] and finally [roll2]
That will give me Stone Vise, then Charging Minotaur, then Mountain Hammer. Does that system work for you guys?

2011-04-18, 03:06 PM
Fortunately for Kot spending most of your life in Limbo comes with the added benefit of being able to catch your bearings even in situations as confusing as this...

All opponents seemed to be to his left. The first one he heard speak, though, was closest, and the presumption of that voice left him enraged. Unfortunately he would not be able to do much without knowing his opponent's location, and he is thinking of that as the second voice reaches him.

Equally enraging this one, of course. Did the human think he was deaf in addition to blind, or stupid as well? Two people spoke to his side and any movement he made in that direction would likely be followed with blades. No, he would not humor some squishling who thought himself clever...

Not many other options though... or so he thinks until he hears the third voice. This voice was different, surely. It was not so much enraging as it was...well, respectable. Kot is compelled to not interfere in the fight that will surely follow: a challenge to an honorable fight was something to be taken seriously for a warrior. He could not realistically expect humans to understand such, but he hoped they would.

"Human!", he calls out to the steel-clad dwarf, "If this is a challenge I hear then I will stand by while you fight. If this creature has any matter of courage he will not decline, and if these others any sense of honor, they will also not interfere."

That said Kot backs away from the first voice a bit, and stays alert for anyone approaching him.

Move to F2-14.

Standard to ready action to:

Attack anyone that comes into 5-feet of him.

2011-04-19, 11:45 AM
Garrik rushes the blinded dwarf, heeding his addendum to the challenge issued. His truce with the man who wielded the dark, crackling energy was to hold until the odd newcomer was dealt with - which mean that his best interests lay in removing the flailing giant.

Moving to X1,9 and then E2,11 - 2 move silently checks at -5 for moving full speed. [roll0], [roll1]

2011-04-22, 04:38 AM
Suddenly all you hear a loud roar coming from the audience. When you look up you see a big Armorplated Dinosaur rushing towards the Arena.
The Dinosaur jumps from the places in the audience into the Arena, landing with a crashing sound and the sound of metal to metal where his armorplates scratch each other. With a single bite he decapitates the unknown attacker and swallows his body whole. After doing that he roars menacingly towards you all.

At that moment you see the judge looking at the audience in anger, where a single in leather armor clothed man stands. He also jumps into the ring and shakes his head towards the dinosaur.

Aster be ashamed of yourselve. This was an Arena Battle, you are not supposed to butt in. Shame on you. The leather armored man says, while shaking his head again.
Well since I'm here anyway, come down Endion, this battle has been closed for now I guess, no need to fight when it's spoiled by a bad Aster.
You see the dino cringing at the words of the man in leather armor. The judge comes down and also shakes his head.

Ibex, you know Aster is not even allowed to enter the arena. You know she has an temper and will try to defeat his lackeys. You know she doesn't like Black and is certainly protective of you. Besides that even though Aster is very smart, she is not a human being, and certainly isn't allowed in the audience.

Knowledge History and Knowledge Local, for those that have it

I know Endion, but now it has happened, we just came here to check up on the match, since ours was done. Your match started quite late, did not expect that from you. Ibex says.

It was not my fault, August sended the warriors here a bit too late. And Black still has the power to disrupt this even though he should not be allowed to. It seems he became a bit more powerfull in the last years. Anyway, my apologies to you all fighters, for this fight will not be resumed today. But let me introduce myself, Endion, judge and healer. This guy here is Ibex, natures wrath, and his pet, Aster, Natures answer to discipline and order, in short chaos. The judge looks at you all and than gives Aster an angry look. The dino does not cringe but answers Endions look with a quite intelligent and mischievous dinosaur grin.

Well, no harm done to you fighters I hope. And please forgive Aster. There is some history between us and Black, which maybe you will hear about sometimes. For now, I would like to know your names, and know that we will ponly postpone this battle for now, you will be able to fight each other again, but not today.


Well sorry for taking so long, hopefully you will like this post.

Knowledge is recommended from those that have it, to see if you know anything about the names called out here. I will also give you the story and made a decision over who will be in the party. Which I will post in the OOC.

2011-04-22, 11:21 AM
Deriac moves heavily over to the babbling men, his face dark with anger. "You besmirch your own competition with this foolishness and random interference. I know not of your petty squabbles with the Black, but it has turned this from a fair and good fight into a circus. I am Deriac Stonebrow, Crusader of Moradin and Paragon of Order and Law. I was hewn from the bones of the earth and I will not stand for the flighty fancies I see in you."

He turns and addressed the dinosaur. "You should be ashamed, leaping into a righteous competition like that. You deprived me of honor and of the satifaction of defeating a coward in combat. You should hope that we are not pitted against each other, for I will show you the true meaning of strength."

He looks back at the judge. "Now then, where did that dancer go? He fought valiently, and I would like to know if he is healed. Furthermore, when will we be fighting again? I know you softer folk like to rest between your fights, but I have no such limitation."

Sorry about Deriac; it's how he would react.

Knowledge(History): 1d20+
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-04-22, 12:22 PM
Kot of Burning Rock does not see a dinosaur leaping into the arena, but he hears one and that does not put him at ease. Kot starts to reasses the situation, to try determine the best way to defend himself against a creature he cannot see, as the man called "Ibex" and the other named "Endion" descend to arena grounds.

He hears them with a frown but approaches after Deriac speaks. "I would also hear of the next combat. But before I fight, the effects of the mageling's treacherous magics still weigh on me. If you are a healer then perhaps I could ask of you to heal?"

2011-04-25, 06:02 AM
@ Ragged_Angel

You recognize the two names called out, you remember reading from them in a book which had a lot of history in it. These are the names of heroes of yore, since the book talked about the history of 5 magicians:
Ibex: Hero of Nature, magician of the forest
Endion: Hero of Judgement, magician of the healing
Tandariel: Hero of the Blade, magician of the steel
Cumac: Hero of Defiance, magician of the dark
Morana: Hero of Control, magician of the fire

Those five were the ones, that saved all planes when they were attacked, they succesfully did the epic task of defending life and destroying the attacker and destructive forces. The book did not say anything else though, it was clear that this played centuries ago. So, who knows if they have taken up the names of them.

I do apologize for Aster, but besmirching the competition, no. A judge may only come in action when some player plays unfair, sadly Black found a small caveat in the rules. Which will be changed. Someone that enters the combat later will now be disqualified and removed. But know, this has never happened before, we have never heard about anything like this. We will bring you to the dancer though, what I heared from Endion he was a worthy fighter. Which is also why we would like to make a proposition, but that will need to wait for after you have rested. For the healing though, you should ask Endion, for I am not as skilled in that field. Ibex says, unfazed by the Deriacs, unspoken threats.

Endion nods towards the guys and waves his arm, a bit before he touches Kot. He shrinks to normal size, feels some of his strenght leaving him, but also sees light again, which dazes him for a short time, untill his eyes get used to the light.
You can see again, but what you call treacherous magic, is actually a smart trick. Especially if you focus on sight. You have seen, that when he would use that trick on an opponent that you would have an easier time to defeat him. That mage used his skill to his best intentions, but you have defeated him rightly so, for you were stronger, and had the luck of the blade. Endion says to Kot, than turns towards Deriac.
Your opponent is not ready to fight, but a good rest will take care of that. He will be out for at least 1 night. I propose you all will take a good rest and tomorrow we will speak to you again. Endion waves his hand and a door appears to his side, than he, Ibex and Aster seem to just disappear.

2011-04-25, 07:10 PM
Kot grunts at Endion's commentary, but ends up nodding.

After the door appears he slings his greataxe back over his shoulder and walks towards it, saying nothing to the other contestants.

Well, that was a good start... Wonder if I'll be seeing these others again. Might even get to fight some of them if I it goes my way...

Kot rests for the rest of the day and trains some more with his weapon. He makes it a point to be fully there for the next fight, mind, body and spirit...

2011-04-26, 12:50 AM
Adam checks his shoulder wound where the two shurikens hit. He grimaces at how deep they got. He nods to the two judges and sees to his own wounds or see if he can find someone who can do it for him.

(So is it agreed that Adam will be staying out of combat?)

2011-04-26, 01:05 AM
Deriac remained quiet after his contemplation dredged up the names of the heroes of old from him memories; it had been a long time since he had read, even for a dwarf, and he needed to hear and see more before he was ready to press the men for more information. Deriac was a dwarf to the core, and as such he was niether hasty nor overeager. Moradin willing, the answers would come in time.

As he left the arena, Deriac's mind slowly went through his after-combat rituals. He breathed in slowly, savoring the smell of the air. He stepped heavily and steadily, thankful for the strong earth and stone beneath him. He blessed his heavy armor, and felt its weight as a comfort. He gripped the haft of his sturdy axe, and he thanked the dwarven smith who had labored to give the blade its perfect form, and the mage who granted it power.

Deriac was at peace, and prepared for the battles that were to come. Just as a boulder turns aside a river, he would stand against the raging chaos of the world until the day came for him to meet with his god, the Soul Forger.

2011-04-26, 11:36 AM
All of you come in a room which is very different than the room you were in to start with. Still the man that let you all in you starting room, August is still there. It's a big room, with a giant sign on the wall. None of you know what it means, but it seems to be moving slightly as if it is alive.

At the wall of the room are six beds, spread out in an equal distance, two of them are filled. On one lies Baghira and on the other Donner. In the middle of the room is a big table, with 8 chairs around it and in the middle of the table a meal fit for kings is stalled. August nods towards you and smiles.
When you are done eating I would suggest you go to sleep. The Tournament is now really started and tomorrow the entries will be selected. You are in luck. The ones in charge made a new rule in this years. Every team will exist out of six members. Four in combat, two as reserve. This to keep up with the relative high flow of combats. I hope you will have a good rest. We will see you tomorrow again. If you want to bathe yourselve, we have a communal pool outside of the room, in which you can bathe. It's close by, just follow the signs. Leave weapons and armor here please, you won't need them out of the Arena. August moves towards the door and gives you all a look over than he leaves the room, closing it. You hear the door falling in it's look.

2011-04-26, 12:17 PM
There is a faint sigh in the back of the room and a rustling of covers as Baghira turns in his sleep. Despite his wounds being healed, exhaustion and fatigue have him dreaming deeply.
Maybe a little vial from the healers has also something to do with his deep slumber.

2011-04-28, 05:55 AM
The next morning you all hear a soft knocking on the door and some voices. You can distinguish three persons from behind the door.


Anything to say about the ooc post?

2011-04-28, 05:07 PM
Deriac is just finishing laying out his armor when the knocks come. Dwarves rise whenever they need to, being accustomed to waking up without the help of the sun. He has remained as quiet as possible, but now that the knocks have come he raises his voice just a tad. "All of you lads that weren't nearly crippled by my axe, it's time to wake up. We have guests." He thinks for a moment. "Oh, and could I request some aid in donning my armor? It's a mightly protection, but I cannot put it on without help."

Read up on my fullplate rules. He needs help, or else it's considered Hasty.

As for the ooc: You're the DM, man. Do whatever you like. The party is well rounded, if melee focused, but we could use a little more healing. Deriac doesn't get Revitalizing Strike until next level.

2011-04-28, 05:35 PM
Adam gets up groggily as well and yawns. Hold you horses dwarf. He says as he tries to flatten his hair as it was really messy from sleep. He opens the door as he calls out who is it and what do you want?

2011-04-28, 05:50 PM
Hearing the dwarf speak Kot opens his eyes, standing up literally in a jump (he was either already awake or it was the years of chaos-beast hunting that taught him to be ever on the ready..).

The Neraph merely nods to everyone else as he begins to don his breastplate and items. He makes no move to help Deriac or to answer the door.

2011-04-28, 06:35 PM
Baghira, years of training as slave having given him a light, easily disturbed sleep, has been dozing the last two hours after awakening from a medically induced dream state. Now, he rolls out of his bed and starts stretching his body, keeping a weary eye on the other occupants of the room.

Though he smiles slightly as he glances at the dwarf. "While I can't deny the nearly crippled part, you have to admit I held my ground for a good while, despite my dancing."
He tilts his torso deep down, feeling his muscles first tighten with a tingle of unpleasantness, then loosening comfortably.
"I can't help you with your armor, though," he admits, looking to the side underneath his lion's mane of hair, hands clasping his ankles, "I have never come into contact with any."
Besides the one I scrapped my knuckles bloody on when I tried to escape once again.

2011-04-28, 08:29 PM
Deriac looks at his erstwhile opponent for a moment with a stern expression.

The the dwarf breaks out laughing. "Despite your dancing, boy? You faced me that long because of the damned dancing. My brothers in arms would have had my beard if they saw how hard it was for me to pin you down. I got lucky, boy, I have no illusions about that, and if you had gotten lucky first I have no doubt in my mind that it would have been a powerful blow."

The dwarf begins to slowly put on the pieces of his armor that he can reach by himself. "Besides, that match was in a very good arena for my style of combat. Nothing but earth and combatants; no rough terrain, or traps, or hallways to dart through. No, in the real world we're on very equal terms. You shouldn't beat yourself up, boy." His smile grows wider. "I think I've done enough of that for the both of us. Now, then, I'm going to teach you how to put on full plate. See that strap there? I just need you to hold it for a moment."

2011-04-29, 08:42 AM
It is us. We are here with information. You hear the answer, it is clear now that the one speaking is Endion and he is getting a little bit impatient, as he is waiting for a little while.

2011-04-29, 10:01 AM
Adam opens the door and motions the man. Come in. Come in. he says. Excuse my manners. I didn't expect anyone this early, none of us did.

2011-04-29, 10:06 AM
That's one of the reasons we came here. What we have to tell you is highly confidential and should stay a secret. Now as most of the other fighters are still asleep we can talk more freely. I hope you do not mind this. We have taken the liberty to bring you breakfast. Ibex says, while putting down a big basket with food. Behind him a guy looks at the room, shyly his eyes move from one side of the room to another.
Please sit down, so that we can talk. Ibex motions to you all to sit around the table. Endion closes the door.

Your room has now four extra people in it, Endion, Ibex, a female and the shy boy/girl.

2011-04-29, 10:27 AM
Adam looks in surprise at the man but says nothing. He picks the basket up and rifles through it, starting to hand out breakfast to the others. He looks back at Ibex. Have you four eaten? he asks, holding out a plate.

2011-04-29, 02:39 PM
There is a wry smile around Baghira's mouth as he raises himself back up. I can take a compliment when I see one. Stretching his arms over his head, tilting his body left and right, he loosens his fingers and heads over to the dwarf. Giving the buckles and belts and plates a wary look, the ex-slave does as the smaller man asked. "Then let's see what you can teach me. And, just for future reference, it's Baghira, not boy." He eases his words with another short, quirky smile.

While helping with the armor donning, Baghira sents Adam a thankful nod in return for the food. Then he points his chin in the direction of the new arrival, a hint of confusion on his young face.
"So who's the new guy? And what exactly is going on? Looks like I missed the note while I was forced to take my beauty sleep."

2011-04-30, 01:13 AM
Ibex and the others thank you for sharing your food, and the boy, shies away even more.

You missed a part of the fight yesterday, I think it's best to bring you up to speed. It became an unfair battle when someone butted in in the middle of the fight. Sadly Aster, which is my friend, destroyed him, and thereby also stopped the battle, we were afraid though, after examining that the battle would have meant the death, for we checked the weapons and they were protected against the magic we use to take care no one gets killed. As most of you have felt yesterday, the pain is still real, but the damage is lessened to a point of retrieval. The guy that tries to hide himself in my robes is called Tendor, he's a student of my, and will be because one of you wanted to leave, he did not feel this tournament was wat he thought it would be, your sixth teammember. I hope you can make him feel home. And she, Ibex says while pointing at the stunning elven female that stands behind him, but before he can say anything more the lady herself starts talking.

Call me Morana. I'm one of the high judges here. We are concerned enough to confide in you. Don't disappoint us. Endion, check the wounds of the ones that gotten them it makes talking easier if they feel well. Morana says. Endion gives a nod and moves to everyone. Though the wounds are healed, he still looks at Adam.
The shuriken did more damage than expected. I will expect you in the healers office two hours after this meeting to see if I can restore the musscles a bit there. Wouldn't want you to become handicapped.

2011-05-01, 02:04 PM
Deriac checks his armor, twisting and moving carefully. Finding everything to his liking, he thanks Baghira. He then turns to the newcomers. "Right, then. You're concerned that someone's messing up your tournament and such, correct? Then I propose we keep the tournament running on schedule. First of all, you don't want them to know that they're gettin' to you. Secondly, you may draw out more of the cowards like the one that butted in yesterday. So, when is the next fight?"

2011-05-01, 03:32 PM
Donner groans awake with people talking. Thunder was perched on the bedpost and noticed this, hopping down onto his masters head. This was bad enough for the man but then Thunder started to peak at him attempting to wake him up. The pain that shot through him with every tap reminded him of his first night drinking, well the morning after really. The pain in his body reminded him of the night he and Uncle Ogon went Ice Troll hunt on his mothers mountain.

"Talking, is that all you people do? The next fight will be to soon is what I can tell you! Could wake the dead with all the damn talking you're doing...."

Slowly Donner gets up and surveys the room to see whose left and notices everyone besides the that one man was left. Well him and that strange bow guy. This was going to be fun.....

2011-05-02, 11:28 AM
If that's what you want to know. This afternoon. The team you will fight against will be announced at noon precise. Than you will have 1 hour to find out who you battle. The battles, who and when is not ours to control but is randomly picked. Tendor will be out of this game, hopefully seeing some of you fight, and able to pick up some way to be of help. He will sleep with you in this room. Ibex says.

Endion checks Donner and smiles.
You can shout and nag as much as you want, but there is not a single wound I could heal. Except for your broken pride you are okay. Endion says while smiling at him.

We are not concerned someone is messing up the tournament we know someone is doing this. For now he follows the rules, but as soon as that's over who know what he does. Be carefull, for he is a powerfull force. But for that you need to know the history. If interested I could tell it to you. But for now heed my warning everyone you fight can be one of his lackeys, ordered to win. If he wins believe me he will destroy us all. Morana turns gracefully around and within a blink of an eye she's gone.

2011-05-02, 01:43 PM
Not having said a single world through all of this and keeping himself to just a bite of the food brought, Kot finishes his preparations and finally addresses the visitors.

"I will say I care very little for this so-called conspiracy of yours. I do not see how it alters my actions in any way. I will take your words into consideration, however. As I do not plan to lose I can assure you: these 'lackeys' will find no mercy on my blade."

That said Kot heads for the door. With a nod to Endion and Ibex he leaves and looks for somewhere where he can practice his forms. Unless interrupted he does so right up until the moment of the announcement...

2011-05-02, 10:23 PM
Deriac, likewise, lets out a huff. "These rule-breaking backstabbers can be as powerful as they like. In the end they'll face my axe and my shield, and my god will make me as immoble as the heart of the world." He turns to the others. "We've only just met, and I've clashed with a few of you, but I'd rather have you at my back then no one. My fighting style is solid and steady, but I cannot shift my position as well as you nimble types. I can, however, take more punishment than you can imagine before falling, and I will take the blades meant for you if you'll aid me in return."

2011-05-02, 10:56 PM
Adam speaks up. We came here to fight battles in the tournament, not fight spiders and assassins hiding in the shadows we cannot see. What makes you think we will succeed? Surely we can't be the best you have. Adam asks, his curiosity getting the better of him.

And to those of you who think fighting words with swords works, it only takes a drop of poison to kill. Remember that well.

2011-05-04, 09:30 AM
Biting into a juicy apple, Baghira listens quietly and chews in silence. After a few bites he plops down on a bed and lays his right ankle across his left knee.

"Well, looks like we'll be having fun soon. Oh, and the name's Baghira, by the way. I'll be fighting at your side, whether you want me to or not." He grins cheekily. "If we are a team, we are a team. I think I'll be doing the same as the frog buddy and go train my stiff muscles into a shape. I hate being stuck in a room."

Nodding at everyone, also the new addition on the side, Tendor, and carries his lithe body and the apple out of the room.

2011-05-04, 09:57 PM
The dwarf raises his eyebrow, and smiles. "We are allies now. It will be the first time I fight beside anyone by my brethren, but I look forward to protecting the lot of you while serving my god. I am Deriac Stonebrow, as it is said in Common. I come from an ancient line of dwarven warriors, and I bear the might of Moradin as well as his glory. I concur that training seems a good way to pass the time." He, likewise, finds enough open space to practice the surprisingly flowing movements of his martial maneuvers.

2011-05-07, 01:14 AM
Everyone is doing what he wants to do untill noon, at that time a big group of very diverse creatures are assembled. You see some humand, but also some more dwarfs, elves and strange enough even the creatures like devils and angels or the strangest creatures which you would not know a name or. Everyone is waiting for what's happening untill and the stage Morana, Endion and Ibex appear.

Welcome and congratulations, you all are chosen to fight in this tournament. The rules are simply, try to win. You can use most means, but a couple of things are forbidden.
Rule 1: Never leave the Arena Ground of a battle.
Rule 2: Mercy must be given if asked for, but only if it's sincere and the first time.
Rule 3: Killing and death is an option, but no maiming of the bodies afterwards.
Those simple rules have a reason, we do not wish any of you to die, but certainly not to be completely destroyed. Death though I repeat is an viable option in this tournament. I wish you all luck and we will now draw the teams that will fight each other and the arena's they will battle in.

Morana picks up a bowl, makes a movement and you see the papers in the bowl moving, than she picks up another bowl and makes the same movement, to let the balls in that one move.

After a while she picks up two papers and one ball, from the bowl, all the while speaking the teams that will battle in the arena which is randomly chosen. There seem to be a lot of teams and finally they shout your team.

The team of room G will be fighting the team in room M in the swamp-arena. Prepare, for your battle will begin in about one hour. Good luck all.

2011-05-07, 05:16 AM
Deriac shifts in his armor a bit and his hand moves to the haft of his axe almost unconciously. He smiles a bit, but it barely shows past his beard. "I like these rules. They promote honor and upright competition, as opposed to backstabbing treason, treachery, or cowardice." When the announcement is made about the first fight, however, his smile vanishes. "I believe that is us, comrades. And I believe they intend to force me into a swamp." He grimices. "I am a dwarf, not some tree-hugging moss-munching elf. I have no place in a swamp."

2011-05-07, 02:21 PM
Ruffling a hand through his hair, Baghira looks thoughtful. "Yes, I like the rules. A stab in the back is just awfully gutless.. at least, if it happens in a fair tournament."

Then he frowns a bit, scratching his chin. "I don't believe I've been in a swamp yet. Heard stories about it, but that's it. But I guess having quick feet and light reflexes won't hurt much in a place where every step might be the wrong one." He grins a bit and claps Deriac's armored shoulder in a friendly jest. "'Cause one doesn't have to be a flimsy elf for that."

2011-05-07, 03:25 PM
Deriac lets out a grunt of acknowledgment. "The damn elves will love the swamp, I bet. And remember, Baghira, the elves and my people have our longrunning, er, competition because we respect each other. I may have some things to say about those tree-snogging pansies, but they can fight like a storm if they have to." He smiles and pats his shield. "However, even the most deadly storm will break when it reaches the mountains. We are an adamantine people, hewn from the bare rock by our god. Just as I have always done, I will find a firm place and plant myself. I can retain some mobility if I need to, but that is far better suited to a fighter such as yourself. If I can get close to someone, I can lock them down, which should be exactly what you need to strike them swiftly and then pull back."

2011-05-07, 03:40 PM
"I respect your people, Deriac. The dwarves are a strong-hearted and steadfast folk... they never flogged the slaves or put us in cages too tiny to move your bodies even an inch." A dark cloud settles over his face as he speaks on, showing deep creases a young man like him isn't supposed to have at his age. "But I doubt even a dwarf will make me love a mountain or the deep stones ever again."

Shaking his head free of dark thoughts, Baghira shifts his stance and rubs the scarred skin of his knuckles with a raised eyebrow. "But I agree with your battle plan. We fight as a group and we should use that to our advantage. While it would be even better if we were all familiar with each other's style of fighting, maybe we'll compensate for that by sticking in pairs of two or three to rain destruction our enemies."

Throwing a look over his shoulders, the dark-skinned man glances at the rest of their team. "What do you guys say to that?"

2011-05-10, 12:21 PM

Sorry for the late post, I am afraid Real Live is coming up. Still hoping to be able to post more than possible, but fearing it won't be that way.

Tendor looks around and nods.
I will be out of the combat, but checking up on you from the audience. The arena's will be a big place as far as I have heared, but they have putted markers where the boundaries are. The audience will check the battle with a lot of magic. Some kind of scrying devised by Morana. I do think that we could have pulled out a better arena, knowing a bit of the fighting style of you sir Dwarf. He speaks a bit shyly, but still trying to analyse the situation as he sees it.

2011-05-10, 08:11 PM
Deriac shrugs, resettling his armor as he does so. "It's true, the martial powers that Moradin inspires in me are far, far more effective when I'm planted on the ground. I can alter the maneuvers that I use a bit, but my power is still mostly drawn from the rock and stone. Mud works, as does sand, and even solid wood, I think, but leafy mush and water simply don't work."

2011-05-13, 09:43 PM
Kot stands slightly apart from the others, listening intently right until the moment the matches are called. A grunt is his only response. He as well had never been to a swamp, but in comparison to the ever-changing Limbo no battlefield on any one measly plane could be truly considered a challenge...

As Baghira speaks Kot is already anticipating the battle. His muscles crave action and his axe hungers for blood...

"I agree with the scrawny one.", he says without addressing anyone in particular, "Leave that one to guard the wizard.", he points at Adam, "And you two with that dwarf-fortress plan of yours.", he says to Deriac and Baghira.

Kot looks around for a moment gazing at the strange assembly. Somewhere out there the opponents he was about to face...

"As for me, I'll... move around.", he continues, "See where I'm needed. Maybe they have a wizard I can charge..."

2011-05-15, 10:14 AM
"I'm not a wizard. Those shriveled old men wish they had half the natural talent I have in my pointy hat." Donner says in reply, clearly offended. "I also don't need a body guard. Its not every day I fight a twelve foot monster that swings a bloody tree trunk with some sharp metal at the end."

2011-05-15, 10:16 AM
Tendor interrupts a bit more direct and less shyly.

Besides that it was allready discussed that I and Adam would be out of combat for the duration. I do suggest you prepare yourself at this moment and try to find out what kind of opponent you will be fighting.

2011-05-15, 04:32 PM
By this point Kot's attentions have already drifted off. To both Donner's indignant remarks and Tendor's reason-based ones he pays no mind, still looking around himself for the ones that would be his prey...

After a moment Kot just starts to walk away, "...yeah. You are all absolutely correct in what you just said. Good chat."

Kot of Burning Rock steels himself in the anticipation of the fight. And, of course, the associated hunt. Neraphim hold fighting and hunting as almost indistinguishable, and so it is that Kot makes to seek out the "team of room M", or whatever it is he can learn about them...

2011-05-15, 05:21 PM
"Huh," Baghira mumbles, looking after the retreating Neraph with raised eyebrows. "Now that's a strange one."

Turning back to the others, he folds his hands at the back of his neck and stands easily. "Then I'll guess you are either with me and the immovable wall over there, or on your own," he says to Donner, then adds with an insolent smile, "Mr. wizard."

He turns to Tendor with a question on his eyes. "So where can we get more juicy stuff about our opponents? You're such a fountain of information, surely you know where team G is at." Baghira looks confused for a second. "Or is it team M? Which team are we?"

2011-05-15, 11:12 PM
The room said we are Team M. It's at the top of everyones door. But further wish I could help you. I was never told anything off the workings. Maybe looking around will help the most. I am going to take care of my friend but I will be in time for the combat. If I find some info I will leave a letter or seek you out. Tendor says before moving away. His eyes still partially shying away from the other people around him.

2011-05-16, 12:30 AM
Deriac lets out a small laugh. "We would be team 'M', wouldn't we be? I don't know what gods you all venerate, but Moradin will have his hand over you so long as you stand at my side. My god is the lord and maker of the dwarves, but he will grant strength and courage to any who have steel in their hearts and stone in their will. Look after your friend, Tendor, and I look forward to seeing you and fighting beside you."

2011-05-16, 10:09 PM
Adam gets up and starts walking to the door. I'll see what I can dig up for you guys. I'll meet you in the on the tournament floor 5 minutes prior to your battle. With that, he walks out the door, not wasting a minute.

ooc: I'm not sure what rolls you would have me make, and if possible, if I am not fighting, would it be possible as we leveled up to retrain my chosen blasts?

Also back from finals and reno. :smallsmile:

2011-05-17, 12:25 PM
DM only:


Adam moves around through the hallways untill he sees some people grouped around talking about the coming matches. He does not catch much but he thinks that these people can maybe give him some information, especially since they seem to know a lot about the matches.

After some time speaking with them Adam's wits are victorious over the others and he learns that the opponents consist out of what his informers say are monsters. They fought the battle untill a stalemate was reached. Still they say that the arena is probably better than most others. If they would have pulled out the rock arena for example they think Team M would have been killed from a distance.

The team consists out of:
1 long range beamlike thing shooter,
one guy with four arms, a tail and beastlike features,
one guy that uses the shadows and darkness to attack unseen,
one guy in armor that seemed to absorb the damage and smile at almost all hits,
A magic slinger
And last a strange guy which did not seem to have any specialty, but still fought on par with the others.

The game was ended when after 4 hours there was no winner. Who would be fighting against Team M in the match they did not know, they did know though that it was better them than the team of the guys standing there.

2011-05-26, 04:38 PM
Adam goes to tell all of his teammates what he has found out.

ooc- is this still on? :smallconfused:

2011-05-26, 10:52 PM
We do have an OOC thread you all know. And for me yes, just waiting and did not want to double post in here.

Your opponents are ready to kill you as soon as I have rolled which of them will kill you, or try to at least.

2011-05-27, 12:58 PM
Baghira scratches the back of his head in thought, then shrugs. "Well, sounds like some harsh fighters. I guess I'll either eat dirt then or we'll manage to hit them til they drop. I say we just go in and do some damage." He smiles wide without showing teeth, obviously not as concerned as he should be. Whether he died in this tournament or not... he'd rather die in freedom, like this, fighting for what is right, than out in the streets like a rat. Some healthy care was appropriate, but if he got scared even before the fight began, what good would it do? What was he, a coward?
It's time to scrap my knuckles.

2011-05-30, 05:18 PM
Deriac grins, and hefts his axe above his head. He tests the weight carefully, and inspects the edge of the blade. He then looks at his armor carefully, inspecting the rivets and plateing in detail. He looks to the others with a light laugh.

"I'm standing here in dwarven plate, wearing a shield of dwarven make, masterfully crafted out of the finest steel my people could procure. The axe in my hand, though it is new to me, is a piece of artwork grander than any elven painting or gnomish song, and it has a truer edge than any I have ever seen.

I stand here, sent by my god, empowered by the very rock beneath my feet, to stand before any foes placed before me as the mountains stand before the winds. Just as the fiercest gale is shattered upon the cliffs, so shall they be shattered on my steel. Even if you fall, the power of my god will enable me to heal you as I fight. I believe that we can defeat them. We only need to try."