View Full Version : help me fulfill a prophecy

2011-03-28, 12:30 PM
Alright so in my campaign the characters have heard a prophecy but they haven't done any research into it yet, I am assuming they will do so.

I'm looking for you guys to help me come up with some ideas besides the initial one i have to basically give me more to work with and so i can use some ideas to throw them off track :)

here's the prophecy:

When threatened is the immortal's future
The heroes of the past shall awaken
to be reforged by the history of the present

my basic idea was involving dragons, weapons of legacy (DM created/changes to stock ones) as an added thing for the characters, each will have their own little prophetic blurb about themselves as well to help them find these weapons

but any ideas you guys have would be great

thanks :)

2011-03-28, 12:45 PM
Sounds a bit like you're trying to do this from the wrong direction.
If you want a meaningfull prophecy, you first should decide what's going to happen, and then make an appropriate prophecy. Starting with a prophecy and then comming up with a meaning makes everything a lot more difficult.

2011-03-28, 12:47 PM
well ive got my idea, i was just looking for some more help to get different/other/better ideas

then i can either use an idea on here i like as the actual thing...or i can use it as a false lead for the party

Epsilon Rose
2011-03-28, 01:06 PM
First, you could always turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy. That is let your players figure out what it means and through stuff at them that could be interpreted in that light.

Alternatively if you want something a bit more concrete have the threatened immortal be a god that's being targeted for assassination, have the pc's be the reincarnations of dead heros or gods (using a Divine rank or gestalt progression to show their awakening power), and have the reforged bit refer to there past lives having different outlooks and powers or possibly being unrepentant villains at the time of there deaths (with growing up again in a new era giving them a different outlook on life and new goals).

2011-03-28, 01:17 PM
Seems pretty plain from the prophecy that the PCs are actually the reincarnations of some ancient heroes. The trick there is going to be keeping the full prophecy away from the players long enough that it's not totally obvious to them, but give them enough hints that it's not a total deus ex machina.

How far do you intend this campaign to go? You might have the players discover their own heritage (powered up to Epic levels) when they fight the BBEG. (Unfortunately WOTC seems to have removed its "Epic Destinies in 3.5" page. But if you have access to 4.0, a bit of re-jiggering could give you an "Eternal Hero" epic progression in 3.5.)

2011-03-28, 01:21 PM
ideally we will be playing the campaign to 20+ however there is a good chance it will end well before that as campaigns often do

2011-03-28, 03:53 PM
Seems pretty plain from the prophecy that the PCs are actually the reincarnations of some ancient heroes.


here's the prophecy:

When threatened is the immortal's future
The heroes of the past shall awaken
to be reforged by the history of the present

create a "Heroes of the past" party (or have the players create it) a true heroic build- maybe 36 points point buy. The Heroes of the past will be the same races as the party but different class (reason will become apparant)

As the players adventure they will encounter locations where the heroes of the past had key battles and have "flashbacks" to those battles (hand out the Heroes character sheets and have them fight the battle).

Eventually the PC's will encounter the final boss but before they can fight they find the Heroes of the past trapped in a magical sleep, the past heroes can be re-awoken but only at the cost of the PC replacing them falling asleep.
Boss Battle 1: party fights (in whichever form they chose): boss will win (but weakened
Boss Battle 2: party fights (in opposite form): boss still wins (weakend further)

Party get transformed into their final form: a Gestalt between their normal selves and the Heroes of the past and go out to finally defeat the boss.

(Heroes of past party should be generated to be a good match for gestalt....)

2011-03-28, 09:54 PM
Here is a prophecy to go with yours:

Chickens eat dogs.
Cats run all night.
Mii is to be worshipped.
Moon looks pretty.