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2011-03-28, 10:17 PM
So going through some of my old characters... I came across Firax Dulol. Who due to the worlds requirements is probably the most fleshed out and semi- believable character I have ever produced...

And the game never started. The DM vanished into the expanses of the internet...:smallfrown:

So anyone else have a similar story?

EDIT: the character in question...
Application_______________________________________ ____________________________________________

Name:Firax Dulol
Race/Parents: Human,Stefanie Briarni Dulol/Deorsa Phekara Dulol
Age/Birthdate: December, 12. 2445 AC, he is fourteen.
Siblings (PC): Lisa Dulol
Personality Firax gets along with his family extremely well, as for the rest of the community, they think he has taken after his grandmother Given how cold and, sometimes, downright scary he can be. Though he does have a reputation for being sensible and not very impulsive, this is mainly due to nothing on the island interesting him, he is extremely bored.
Background Reason for going: He is Sick and tired of the same old things day after day, his boredom has grown almost to the point of depression,
Reason for his people to follow: Because despite his Young age he is still one of the best arcane magic users among the humans Regarded as a "natural" or in his grandmothers words "An explosive little prodigy", this has lead to a small debate on a few occasions as to whether or not he should be forbidden from using his magic. in an attempt to placate the community he only practices at his sisters house, and in similarly remote places.
Effect his family has had on him: His family, in particular the maternal side has had arcane magic since it first showed up eighteen years ago ,before he was even born, (I am assuming a little here) He considers himself an heir to that, Both his mother and his grandmother humored his desire to borrow their spell-books when he was little and would answer his questions, Fully expecting him to forget all this and follow a mundane profession like the other males in the family.
It was to their immense surprise however when, using what he learned from them as a base, began to develop his own style of magic by doodling arcane formula in the sand behind the house, and even more when he began actually casting spells by the age of seven, two years after his fathers death. After that he began to spend more and more time away from home and at his older sisters house. he would practice his magic there and talk with his, slightly wild, sister.
Further background:Firax has had a decent life with his family all things considered, he wasn't driven away like Tiger was, but he always felt constrained by what his mother and grandmother knew, for a while it was enough but he had to know more, much more, eventually he learned everything he could of his sort of magic that his family knew. He began making it up himself, much to the annoyance of Abigail who appreciated his interest in the arcane but as far as Firax could tell seemed to think he should become a fisherman like father... Bah, a fishermen? and put his mind to such interesting tasks as where the perch are or what sort of bait to use? better to leave that sort of thing to those who enjoy that sort of thing. Though life at home had its share of annoyances, those two irritating twins, Jaylon and georgia, hard working and all that, no less determined in their own way but... so crude, catching fish and farming.. both could be done better with magic.

Anyway The visits to Tigers house out on the Savannah are fun, If irritatingly long walks. she has an odd magic all her own now, though hers seems to require less discipline, and more simply being out their in the wilderness with nothing but lions for company most days. She could have warned him before turning into a lion and pretending to try and eat him, he almost wet himself and set her on fire.
At least he had one friend back in the village proper, Belgin Ame was okay, For an older kid. though the way they met was painful, She punched him for moping around. Sometime after Deorsa died, she told him he needed to cheer up and do something positive, encouraged him to go back to his studies (after a couple of questions about what he normally did) still is perfectly willing to hit him to get him to stop moping about, never as hard as that first time though which knocked him flat. He liked listening to her music but didn't much get the same enthusiasm she had for it, mostly he only listened as he was thinking of something else, playing some sort of complex arcane mind game he made up himself, or trying to figure out what he was going to do to make himself useful to the group.
Emil... Emil is hilarious, always standing just out of range as if Firax was going to set him on fire, Understandable given the hilltop this is vague on purpose. But Firax wouldn't shoot his brother, well unless he was a zombie or something but then he would try to leave enough to be healed, hopefully. He doesn't see much of Emil though, besides breakfast due to Firax's tendency to go out onto the Savannah.

Future Plans multiclassing/No, prestige classes/Sand-shaper, inter-racial breeding/ no., psionics/No,
More roleplay-ish response: It is Firax's greatest dream establish a Mageocracy in the desert somewhere, He is fascinated with the idea of the desert and could even be seen playing with sand on the island trying to imagine the vast expanse of sand It is one of the few things that breaks him out of his bored trance these days, that and the plans for the ship.

Yes I realize this is a slightly pathetic character... but still better than the usual bundle of class features with a sociopathic attitude.

2011-03-28, 10:37 PM
Erdene Brightblade, gestalt human dervish// hole bunch of other stuff. Sort of a deconstructed version of the 'wandering hobo adventurer'. She was brilliant, agile, hardy, hardworking, but never very charismatic or perceptive. She had the chance for safe wealth as the heir to a merchant empire, but ran away from it all and became a dervish instead. She was never particularly moral, always short-tempered, and the guy who trained her to be a ranger was a flat-out sociopath. She learned to kill, and found that it was kinda interesting. And hey, people paid her to do it.

Fast forward a few years, through a year in a berserker lodge up north, two really crazy schemes, and a stint as a dancer in a troupe, to an adventuring party in need of a fourth member. The current members were Mikael, a half-elf bard, Clara, a human sorceress, and Tarrick, a half-ogre warblade (one of the PCs). This is all in her past.

They go adventuring, and Mikael teaches Erdene the basics of being a dervish. She takes to it like a fish to water, and fights like that for literally the next 8 years [from learning about dervish dancing to the beginning of the campaign]. Clara grows distant as the rest of them become close friends. When Erdene and Mikael fall in love, Clara has had it, and she kills Mikael. Erdene is about to rip Clara's 'traitorous little spine' out of her back and shove it up 'somewhere the sun won't shine' (there are multiple places), but Tarrick stops her, and they decide to humiliate Clara instead. She is disgraced in front of a duke, arrested, and sent to prison for life.

Tarrick and Erdene adventure from then till the beginning of the campaign, getting in scrapes (Erdene) and digging both of them out (Tarrick), meeting a third PC (Tempest, a Valkyrie) along the way. Tarrick and Tempest, to Erdene's annoyance, never learn to dance. Erdene decides the day she sets down her blades and stops adventuring is the day she starts following Tarrick's code of honor (being CN, this is not a pleasant idea for her), and Erdene creates a disaster that has Tarrick swearing that if she ever manages to save his arse for a change, he'll wear a dress and dance in the streets.

There is a Large-sized dress in her portable hole for just such an occasion.

The game died very quickly, sadly.

Akal Saris
2011-03-28, 10:42 PM
A kender bard with ~2 pages of backstory and description :smallfrown:

2011-03-28, 10:48 PM
Sort of.
Ringwe Kekuel was a Steel Elf (homebrew steampunk cyborg) artificer in a game on this very board. His goal was to build a device that would keep the dying world alive. The game ended after one encounter.

2011-03-28, 10:50 PM
...poor poor Morpheus Mournwynd (yes, his name is intended to sound ridiculous and Mary Sue-ish). Five page short story for his backstory, and the campaign folded like so many other PbPs.

2011-03-29, 01:58 AM
Sean Phoenix, the faith healer/con artist in World of Darkness.
Ooh, or my half orc sorceress who had been raised by a halfling circus, my first 3.5 charachter.

2011-03-29, 10:28 AM
Rod the Warforged Juggernaut and his Docent, Stave.

"Though I walk through the valley of the Quori I shall fear no evil for his Rod and his Stave they defend me."

On the plus side it looks like I might get to use them if my current summoner character in my weekly game kicks the bucket.

2011-03-29, 10:37 AM
I had a TWF ranger with a major demonic bloodline who came from a heritage of demon slayers.

She was badass. I want to play her again >_>

2011-03-29, 10:42 AM
Sir William the Tainted, Hunter of the dead who gave up life as a royal knight to cleanse the land of corruption. had pretty deep back story, but another player threw a fit cause she wanted to be the cleric and didn't want me to "step on her toes". So, she has a DMM Persist cleric and never looked up from her blackberry unless it was combat.

The Rose Dragon
2011-03-29, 11:19 AM
It would be Magnificent Crimson Wolf, Dawn Caste Extraordinaire. He had a family at Thorns, which he had a falling out with, but then after learning about the fall of Thorns, he decided to return to aid them in reclaiming the city. He did not like his father much, because he was always expected to be a more proper noble rather than a trouble maker. His wife and child were killed by demons, and that was when he Exalted. Later, he found a young girl and saved her from trouble, and they had been traveling together since. There was going to be some sexual tension between the two after the game started, but it never did.

2011-03-29, 11:25 AM
Oleander "Grim" Windriver, Cleric of Olidammara, enemy to the oppressive regime in the Western kingdom which his mother was the King's consort and chief religious advisor. He abandoned the very strict interpretation of Wee Jas' rules that he was raised by and ended up finding Grim "Longarrow" Windriver, who trained him and renamed Oleander Rubythane to Oleander "Grim" Windriver, teaching him that when he knows his act is over, to find another young adventurer and pass on the name Oleander Windriver to them, as Grim had passed his name to Oleander.

He was a social character, through and through. He wasn't even the main priest. I made a 3rd level character, we were told to all make 3rd level characters.

And the DM, misunderstanding the CR system, thought 8 3rd level characters would be easily able to handle a 12th level dungeon, even though only four of us showed up and he made his little sister play a paladin.

I hope to reuse Oleander one day...

2011-03-29, 01:18 PM
It's a tie between the Gestalt Knight/Cleric I made for a RHoD 3.5 campaign who had a family, motives and personality. He saw 15 minutes of RP session while we waited for a player who never showed up. The DM refused to go forward with 3 characters insisting we'd die horrible deaths.

Or my 'Doctor' (Artificer) I made for a 4th edition campaign who made it through one battle before the game fatally stalled.

2011-03-29, 01:27 PM
Tamis Ryisan, elven scout. 16+ page backstory, two short stories, and enough personality and lore to fill at least a novel. Never played, at least the way she was intended to be played.

Temen DuRell, half-elf Artificer. So immense a character and personality that the DM told me he couldn't accept her in the game, since he couldn't make an adventure or a world that could match her properly. :smallbiggrin:

Bob and Roy Gunther, space mechanics. Two brothers on a backwater planet. The stories of fictional hijinks could, again, make a solid novel.

Jacquelyn Eva Pierce-Roswell, Dorian Rike, and Charles Henry Anstron. To complex to describe in a few words.

Travis d'Amerila. Played only briefly, but he's a reporter in Sharn, Eberron.

All of the above are characters I could write novels about, complete entire interviews as, or take personality tests as (and I have). I know them backwards and forwards, and can answer literally any question someone poses at them in a manner completely consistent with the character.

There are more. I have a list of 50+ characters, and most of them have this level of detail. Few have ever been played...apparently my backstories tend to intimidate DMs. :smallfrown:

2011-03-29, 01:59 PM
Tamis Ryisan, elven scout. 16+ page backstory, two short stories, and enough personality and lore to fill at least a novel. Never played, at least the way she was intended to be played.

Temen DuRell, half-elf Artificer. So immense a character and personality that the DM told me he couldn't accept her in the game, since he couldn't make an adventure or a world that could match her properly. :smallbiggrin:

Bob and Roy Gunther, space mechanics. Two brothers on a backwater planet. The stories of fictional hijinks could, again, make a solid novel.

Jacquelyn Eva Pierce-Roswell, Dorian Rike, and Charles Henry Anstron. To complex to describe in a few words.

Travis d'Amerila. Played only briefly, but he's a reporter in Sharn, Eberron.

All of the above are characters I could write novels about, complete entire interviews as, or take personality tests as (and I have). I know them backwards and forwards, and can answer literally any question someone poses at them in a manner completely consistent with the character.

There are more. I have a list of 50+ characters, and most of them have this level of detail. Few have ever been played...apparently my backstories tend to intimidate DMs. :smallfrown:

Just because it seems like fun:smallbiggrin:... Travis d'Amerila, what would you do to get the story from a druid who single handedly rescued a lightning rail from mad cultists led by none other than an evil crusader?

2011-03-29, 02:05 PM
so many of these that I'd still be here days later...

I make them when I'm bored ;)

2011-03-29, 02:11 PM
Hmmm I have made a lot of characters. Some had thought put into them..others not so much. Still my main characteris my necromancer. I have yet to really play her in any game long term. *le Sigh* I will play her I swear.

2011-03-29, 02:28 PM
Just because it seems like fun:smallbiggrin:... Travis d'Amerila, what would you do to get the story from a druid who single handedly rescued a lightning rail from mad cultists led by none other than an evil crusader?

Because it seems like fun for me as well...

Travis d'Amerila sets down his quill and glances across the desk and the man across from him. A single eyebrow raises in mild confusion.

"I'd assume I would just ask him. Unless you were assuming some sort of mitigating circumstances? Either way, interviewing a man is a rather straightforward job."

He rummages through the papers on his desk, finally tossing a thick stack of parchment across the aged and ink-stained oak. It makes a very satisfactory *thunk* as it hits the wood.

"That one, however...remember the Black Rose expedition two years back? That's the report of the Xen'drik leg of the journey. If you want to know what difficult journalism is, try finding a chance to question a tribal elf during their sacrificial "Blood Moon" ceremony without ending up as part of it yourself."

He pauses, treating himself to a little smile before burying himself in his work once more. As he does so, a hand gestures briefly to the sheaf of paper still sitting at the edge of the next.

"You'll find a full account of it in there."

2011-03-29, 02:30 PM
Yeah, my most fleshed out character who's named Sven Thorsven, has an absurd strength, wields three clubs merged together with a crowbar, and his backstory is based on a film reviewed by the Cinema Snob (that's about as much as I can get into his backstory without receiving and infraction).

2011-03-29, 03:34 PM
The hellborne sisters, Carmilla and Raquel hellborne.

Twin Tiefling scoundrels (Carmilla is a beguiler, Raquel is a rogue), from the city of Sigil, they're thieves, smugglers, gamblers, grifters, adventures and all around scoundrels.

they make a living off of other people. which typically has a tendency to back fire on them. So when things heat up, they tend to flee to the material plane until things cool off. I made them for two separate Planescape games that never got off the ground.

2011-03-29, 04:03 PM
Vampire: The Masquerade - Alan O'Donovan

The gamemaster absolutely and inevitably required to have a detailed background of each character, and because I wanted to be good sports, I went on and created one (the thing was lost when my old computer broke down). In short, Alan O'Donovan was a pinstripe suit wearing, tommygun wielding gangster from the late 1920s who began his criminal career as the offspring of Irish immigrants, got involved with several gangs and crime bosses, and finally somehow got vampirised and conservated until the present day - I don't know much about the Vampire fluff and rules, but I figured this kind of guy might fit quite nicely into the clan system. I spent two days researching the history of organised crime in the United States and writing down a biography for that guy. And, back then, this kind of job was much harder for me than it is today.

That damn campaign ended after one session (rounded up)! :smallfurious:

That day I have sworn never again to waste any time on such nonsense as a character background story that's longer than 1/2 page max. Besides, I've never experienced that a background story had any meaningful impact on a campaign, save for some unimportant relatives of a character who get killed off.

When I run a game, I tell my players they may give me a bunch of headwords and short descriptions of their characters' personalities, if they like to, but I definitely do not compel anyone to spend valuable time on something I likely won't use anyways. If someone wants that a character's past still affects her/him, we can work this out with a chat.

2011-03-29, 04:56 PM
Neveahisstra Dar'Shannan : Female Artifice Creature (prestige race, basically an aspect of War) Drow follower of Eilistraee

CR 23 Gestalted / Permanent Fusion (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fusion.htm)ed Mystic Ranger / Swiftblade // Scout / Fighter / Dervish / Tempest amalgamation /-/ Fused with a gestalt Psion / Slayer // Silver Dragon Disciple I'm not going to go into what spells, feats, and other stuff she had, mostly because it would take close to forever.

No, really. I am not kidding. We had the option of taking 2 gestalted characters into a dungeon that was trying to kill us and swallow our souls unless we killed the dungeon first. DM let everything in; it was basically us against him. I literally had written a book on this character; I had to in order to get all the stuff I wanted. I was able to get EVERYTHING.

DM flaked out and decided not to play the game. :smallfurious: :smallfurious: :smallfurious: :smallfurious: :smallfurious:

2011-03-29, 05:43 PM
I've been trying to think of a character I haven't played since I saw this thread, but can't come up with anything. I've played (at least once) every character I ever made. For once, I'm out of stories. :smalleek:

Fax Celestis
2011-03-29, 06:46 PM
Chalseen Ayn'shal, aduja monk/paladin/sun soul monk:
Awakened long ago by a druid in need of an ally, Chalseen was once a treant. Over the course of the ages, and partially due to the druid's wild magical inclinations, Chalseen slowly shifted from the form of a tree to that of a near-humanoid shape and stature.

As she shrunk in size, as did her physical capabilities. Terrified that she would one day no longer possess any strength, she left the druid's care and wandered the world. She discovered quickly that she possessed a canny insight, much greater than most members of this earth. She found herself able to predict the actions (and to a lesser extent, the motions) of others.

This continued without issue for a long time--in fact, she realized that the druid was probably dead of old age at this point, but having left him so long she had no idea--until she found herself mired in a cavern, unable to escape and unable to feel the life-giving rays of the sun.

She thought she would die here, but she was rescued by an itinerant follower of a fire deity, who showed her the means to both rescue herself and rescue others. She left him soon after, ready to show her newfound faith and majesty to the world.

Chalseen possesses a poor memory for names and faces, though she does remember her own. Instead, she is rather adroit with her physical capabilities. Her once-treant form has slowly altered to her current status, though she doesn't understand how or why. She suspects that some of the druid's magic lingers yet upon her, adapting her to the world and evolving to her changing needs.

Illumina Mitternacht, human ghost/hexblade/ephemeral exemplar:
Illumina was once a sailor. She was once a mother and a wife. But all of that was taken from her by...by fate? Chance? She's not certain anymore. All she knows is that her family was slain and the ship she sailed on burnt at the hands of a crew of a ghost ship. Raiding skeletons, zombies, and ghosts, led by a seafaring lich, raided her ship and tore all that was living on the ship into pieces, including her own daughter.

Illumina, infuriated by this occurrence, vowed her revenge with her dying breath. Sal-Teneb, seeing her conviction and her plight, took pity upon her and blessed her with the very gift he had also given to the raiders: undeath.

When Illumina awoke, underwater in the midst of a burnt-out shell of a ship and incorporeal, she panicked momentarily before calming herself. She realized that her current state would not only allow her the lifespan with which to fulfill her vow, but also grant her the ability to defeat the ghostly pirates that had beset her ship.

She took time at the bottom of the ocean perfecting her abilities, quickly learning that not only did she possess a ghost's incorporeality, but she also possessed the ability to hex her foes--and, unlike most ghosts, she found she could manipulate material objects. She took what she could from the ship's grave, blessed her fallen husband and daughter, and ventured outwards in search of those who had destroyed her life.

Nephele Nyx Ilithiya, half-fey human spellthief:
"Nephele Nyx Ilithiya" translates from Greek to "Cloudy Night the Ready-comer".

Nephele seems slightly out of place from her arid surroundings in Termina, but most of the inhabitants don't seem to mind. Well, all but certain shopkeepers she likes to "keep honest" by lifting small amounts of merchandise from their wares. But the men love her, and she frequently uses this to her advantage.

She possesses a large number of wands she keeps hidden under a long cloak, most of which hang from a belt around her waist. Some sit in what she calls a "wand bracer", which allows her to pull out a wand she she needs it with a minimum of effort.

Nephele keeps her wings tucked up against her body most of the time and only will fly when she desperately needs to.

The daughter of a human man and a joystealer* woman, Nephele has always had a natural predilection towards theft, arcane magics, and the manipulation of others. Raised almost entirely by her mother--as her father was something of a deadbeat--Nephele lived within a loosely knit fey society for most of her life. Her mother taught her the basics of arcane magic, but Nephele would not actually learn how to control her own magic until much later in life. Nephele's mother, frustrated at this, gave up on magical training for her. Nephele instead apprenticed herself to a hunter in the community. Though she never learned tracking, nor much about nature itself, she did acquire a fundamental understanding about moving quietly and remaining hidden.

Before she could gain more from the hunter, she left his apprenticeship and used her learnings to become something of a thief and rogue. Her small heists were tolerated within the community for some time before a theft from a local merchant exploded in scandal. When that happened, Nephele left home for good, traveling across the world with a thieving company.

She left the group in in Termina, shortly after a failed job resulted in the deaths of two of her companions and nearly in her own. Using a sum of money that she acquired as a result of a particularly fruitful art heist just before the failed mission, Nephele purchased a large home in Termina and settled down. She enjoyed a short stint with the local police as a theft investigator, but when she was unable to apprehend a small group of criminals she broke orders and ferreted them out herself. This resulted in her being decommissioned, and she is currently in the market for a new job.

Rutaus, vilespawn lizardfolk totemist:
Rutaus (pron. ROO-toss) is an imposing figure: standing six-four, over three hundred pounds--nearly all of which is muscle--and possessing two forward-curving horns like that of a black dragon, his glare is usually enough to stop people in their tracks. His finely-honed claws and the sizzle his saliva makes when it drips out of his mouth certainly don't help.

In combat, Rutaus is a vicious machine, throwing his weight around like no other. He has learned that his bite carries an acid that is damaging to most people, and uses it greatly to his advantage.

Rutaus' demeanor is "look out for number one--and knock down number two." In simpler terms, he is a self-serving mercenary with little regard for others. Should a job require him to kill someone, no problem. Break something? Also no problem. Save someone? Could be problematic, if they're stupid.

Fundamentally, Rutaus is egotistical. No one is better than he is in his specialties (that is, breaking things, being imposing, and generally seximifying the ladies). He has a disdain for traditional magic, finding it both outside his grasp and generally an act of cowardice: why throw fire at your enemies when you can kill them with your bare hands? This is largely why Rutaus enjoys shaping the spirit-energies of animals and beasts: it's a MAN's magic, not some pansy magic like he's seen before.

Rutaus (born Rutauvarisarx; pron. ROO-tah-varris-ARCS) is the son of a black dragon father and a lizardfolk mother. This particular black dragon--the great beast Terrixialphax--kept a tribe of lizardfolk as slaves (including a small harem) and took a particular liking to Rutaus' mother, one of his courtesans.

Seven months later, Rutaus was born. He matured quickly, showing a strong aptitude for the animist magics his tribe's warriors performed--but his father's blood ran strong, and he displayed his father's propensity for destruction.

Rutaus' acts of destruction were quite frequently taken out on his father's hoard, which quickly brought about Terrixialphax's wrath without mercy. Rutaus grew to hate his father, and his thoughts soon twisted to consume his desire to strike his father down.

At eight years of age, fully grown, Rutaus decided to slip away from his "family"--as it was in name only--and plot for revenge against the abuse that had been performed on him over the years.

He was stopped by his father's guards: some half-dragon like he, others merely powerfully built lizardfolk. With little regard for their lives, he tore through them like a whirlwind of claws and fangs and acid. He left eight dead, six more bleeding and broken, and still three more fled in terror. He marched into the night, confident in his ability to fend for himself.

...until he was set upon by worgs. He fought valiantly, but was brought down and brought to within inches of his life before he was "rescued" by gnoll slavers. They cured his wounds and then sold him to a human gladiatorial ring, where he was forced to fight so that others may gamble upon his power.

He never lost, and "Rutauvarisarx" being too hard to say by the common tongue, was shortened to "Rutaus". He bode his time for a long year and a half before brutally slaughtering the gladiator pen guards and sneaking out under cover of night.

He left the other gladiators behind: if they could not free themselves, then who was he to help them?

He walked three days to a large city, where he found the Church of Moraei and took a bodyguarding job with them, following a priest and keeping him safe from attackers. Once that assignment was over, he took another as a member of a raiding force. And then another as a bodyguard. In fact, in the short year and a half that Rutaus has been there, he has lost track of the number of jobs he's taken. Initially the jobs were about building up strength and power to be able to go back and defeat his father, but more recently they have been less about revenge and more about personal might. He is between tasks at the moment, waiting for another opportunity to present itself so his claws can taste blood once more.

2011-03-30, 12:54 AM
That would be my 1,000 year old Sun Elf Olin GisirLEoF Tal Rasha. He was lawful good, and had a Lantern Archon familiar. He'd spent centuries traveling Faerûn, keeping the ancient magical sites and items of the world safe; safe, and unknown.

Unfortunately, I created him towards the end of a very long campaign. Well, just over a year, but goddamn it felt long. And, really, it has been the longest one I've been in since I started playing 2 years ago. Most others died out after a few months. Anyway, his entrance into the party was to be waiting for them in the central chamber of a ruin they'd been venturing into. This room contained the Heart of Pelor, a powerful artifact that they were going to use to cleanse the scourge of undead that was beginning to spread in a nearby country.

And then one of the guys couldn't make it to DnD anymore, and the campaign stopped happening. So we made a new campaign.

However, small redemption: Tal Rasha became the backbone of one of the new character's backstories (although that character is now just a DMPC)

2011-03-30, 01:03 AM
While Lior certainly isn't the most well-fleshed character out there, he was rather fun to write.

Lior, Uplighter From Tragedy, the Hope From On High

"The world has no room for cowards. We must all be ready somehow to toil, to suffer, to die. And yours is not the less noble because no drum beats before you when you go out into your daily battlefields, and no crowds shout about your coming when you return from your daily victory or defeat."
"There is always hope."
The figure before you is clothed in rags befitting a beggar. Though the material is fine, the clothes themselves are tattered and torn, as if worn for entirely too long. The face bespeaks celestial ancestry though the bat wings folded at shoulder height suggest otherwise. Surprisingly he unfurls his other pair of wings, celestial wings the coloration of a tarnised silver, creating small eddies of dust and wind. Fine, handsome features radiate a calmness and sense of conviction seldom encountered in most lowly mortals. A longsword is belted across his left hip, while a sheathed dagger is worn across his right. He inclines his head respestively towards you and smiles

Poverty. Anonymity. Hopelessness. Such are the bywords for those living the beggar's life. For those born into an eternity of destitute poverty. Of having nothing, and no one. No one to support them, nothing to eat, nothing beyond the rags on their thin and undernourished frames. Their stomaches bloated as their bodies fuel themselves by consuming itself, these beggars oft wind up in the gutter, itself overflowing with refuse and disease. Food for another generation of the hopeless, the nothing.

Lior was born into such circumstances. His mother, whose name has become forgotten (only that she was golden haired and blue eyed), was seduced by an erinyes posing as male with promises of riches beyond imagination. Riches that she could use to elevate herself above this hell-hole. Though she was particularly hardworking as a seamstress and mender of clothes (one had to be in these circumstances), her pride often dreamed of luxury, of soft pillows and warm meals. Such was her own undoing.

The erinyes came to her in the day, posing as a travelling vagrant and wearing items that sparkled and danced in the light, that captured and enflamed the imagination. These were the myriad gold, platinum and gems that were always carried on "his" person. He wooed her with heartfelt songs and poetry and gestures of love and kindness, and most importantly gave her the gold. And she found herself falling. Their love was consummated one fateful night.

She was with child and her gestation period was supernaturally quick. She died in childbirth, giving birth to her healthy scion even as her soul was visited by the same erinyes and dragged screaming into Perdition. This child was named Lior in memory of his mother. A word for fool. The erinyes promised to visit her son again.

Lior developed supernaturally fast, though his outward appearance still belied youth. So gangs of thugs who came to visit and demand a toll found out. He crushed their windpipes and broke their wrists. And battered their bodies until the life fled from them. He often felt guilty afterwards and wouldn't touch food for days on end. He hiimself grew undernourished. Such was survival in poverty. Ferocity ensured one did not end up dead in an alleyway or a gutter somewhere, forgotten and unremembered. Lior hated wearing rags.

Lior did not climb out of this, indeed he reveled in his ability to do harm to others and reap the profits. In time he formed his own gang, who roamed these barren surroundings in demand of sustenance. Having grown bored, he set his sights on the nobles of this city, the self-same nobles who did nothing to help people like him. The bullies who were every bit as vile as the thieves and assassins who also roamed unmolested in his neighbourhood.

Lior brought the dreams of the nobles crashing down, he ordered his followers to target a single mansion and overwhelm and kill and steal everything in sight. He was quite successful at this. He didn't like being left out. So, one night, he alone crept into a mansion that had not being targeted and set about systemically slaughtering everyone.

Instead he found only a single figure, head bowed in prayer, a halo of light. She was beautiful and he fell for her instantly. He moved to get away, his face aflame with embarrassment at the rags he was wearing and his eyes dancing with lust, his guilt again reaching up to him. She heard him and turned his way and did a most unexpected thing. She smiled and he smiled back and fell into a deep slumber.

Lior was visited by the Virtue of Love that night, details which he wouldn't go into, not even to his love, Yves, this girl of gold-tressed hair and blue-eyed marvel; it is said in the depths of lost libraries that he undertook rites of passage and voluntary service to always give hope, to always aid, to inspire, to defend. He repented that night and sought ever to help his love in her works of charity. Their love grew and blossomed and as they, themselves, aged, the erinyes came and visited her son.

She didn't demand but took Lior's love into Hell. He sought to follow, but was turned away at every turn. Thus began his undying hatred of devils and their ilk. He has ever tried to find the means to find his love, always trailing one step behind.

Lior appears as a tall, slender and athletic humanoid with tanned skin and handsome features. His large eyes are a pale gray and warmth and friendship reside in them. His hair is worn long in a ponytail and is equal lengths black, purple, and dark blue. He wears cast offs, clothes that are well worn but still servicable. Two pairs of wings, one pair bat-like, the other feathered, open as if to embrace you.

2011-03-30, 09:05 AM
I spent a couple weeks working on my irish accent and digging up a band whos sound i envisioned fitting my celtic punk werewolf (owod). the game collapsed because the ST didnt have time to prep for it. I was quite disappointed, but after i moved away we continued gaming via skype, and he finally got the game together almost a year later. John McConnal finally got to rock out.

2011-03-30, 10:28 AM
Riclamin Silverkin - beginning of an Epic 3.0 campaign

10 Ranger / 10 Shadowdancer

Riclamin's family was murdered by a necromancer who had planned to dominate the world. He escaped, but vowed to learn all he could to defeat the necromancer. Misugided by his vengeance, he found that the best way to do it was to learn to be a shadowdancer, and kill the necromancer with shadows under Riclamin's control. AFter ridding the world of this evil, he had become the thing he had known to hate. A controller of undead.

The main reason to play the character was to dual wield sunblades. :-)

2011-03-30, 01:19 PM
Zealot Witchbane

It’s not his real name, but a name that was besowed upon him when he joined the order of the Rangers. The Rangers were an organization that hunted down and destroyed deamons and other monsters.

He appeared as a typical gunslinger, lever action rifle, six gun, duster and wide brimmed hat. His guns fired holy bullets and were his primary weapons but he also carried an assortment of other weapons, crosses, garlic and stakes for vampires, silver and wolvesbane for wearwolves etc.

He started out as just an ordinary guy, until a daemon attacked his hometown and stole the souls of his wife and daughter. Now he’s on a quest to recover them and destroy the daemon that took them from him. I had a full back-story fleshed out, starting from when he was a kid, on through his marriage and the event that caused him to seek out the Rangers.

This was for a BESM game I was going to play in, but the GM and other players flaked out on me.

2011-03-30, 01:42 PM
I don't really have any that I never got to play, but a few I only got to play once.

My first time playing Vampire I made Daniel Frost. He wrote cheap horror novels thinking they were instant classics, got some success because he had all the sex and violence people wanted. Decided to do some "hands on research" and wound up turned. Unfortunately, the game was run at a friend's house 2 hours away and I never got to get back when they had a game going. His research skills and auspex power were unique to the group, though, and they tried calling me once so I could play him over the phone to help them out with a problem.

I also had Ulf Stonehelm, a dwarven cleric of Moradin who drove a "mobile temple". He had casks of ale, a portable forge, and various other needful temple services in a covered wagon with Moradin's symbol on shingles on the sides. He was the grandfather (adopted) of my recently deceased human swashbuckler/kensai who had come to help the grandson out. Instead, he finds out his grandson was killed by trolls in a nearby cave and goes with the party to kill said trolls. They go, he sees trolls, he charges, and he dies in two rounds.

The last was pretty recent: Iago Zapata, a Zingaran thief-pirate in a Conan game. I had a perfect picture of him in my mind. He would introduce himself as "The hero of freebooters, the bane of fat merchants, and the hope of young maidens." Had an interesting backstory worked out with plot hooks and a possible nemesis. He was a blast to play during RP, arrogant, friendly, and direct. He was almost no help in investigation, and apparently very squishy in a fight. His first fight was a slogfest, and he got out-slogged (almost a party-wipe, actually).

2011-03-30, 05:59 PM
Hmm, there's one I got to play for a while, but the campaign died in its infancy. It was unfortunate, mostly because the rest of the party was smashing.

Besiruilbu (Bess) Seyer was a human with a bit of infernal corruption (3.5e Tiefling), accidentally created by a wizard getting cocky and mishandling a wish granted to him from a Pit Fiend. He put in too much dramatic language about his 'legacy' and 'immortality,' the Pit Fiend had a sense of humor and one round later, poof, baby.

The wizard, though Evil with a capital E, has some sense of decency and flees his horrible magocratic society and settles down somewhere where he and his daughter are less likely to be assassinated in their sleep. It's still not a nice place though and as a kid she winds up killing a guy. She gets off scot-free because having a wizard to hide the evidence is awesome, but a paladin sees her trial and approaches her. He winds up teaching her to fight (and fight without killing) and becoming her mentor, and he and the wizard strike up a very odd friendship.

Naturally as the girl grows up, she's heard and seen nothing about her mother and can't quite explain why she can see in the dark as well as orcs or goblins or stick her hand in a fire and not get burned. But she's been able to glean some hints about her father's past infernal dealings and figures that her mother might be a demon of some sort, so she goes on a quest to find out if that's even possible.

And winds up getting mixed up with a sculptor elan from a lost age, the gypsy daughter of a deposed king, a hyperactive halfling scholar (who told the greatest stories) and a mysterious rogue who had some secret mission involving the tiefling herself. I left a fair amount of the backstory to the DM, like the nature of the wizard's bargain with the Pit Fiend, what interest the devil might have in his creation or what control he might still hold over her. But yeah, died.

I really wanted to find out what the other characters' deals really were, but alas, was not to be.

2011-03-30, 06:07 PM
I have a 16-page background for Emilija Katarziny Jadvyga Radvilas of Dubingiai-Birzhai. NWoD vampire who was a Lithuanian princess born in the 1400s, whose parents and ancestral home exists in the RL genealogies. Likewise at least one of her childer (Maria Gaetana Agnesi) existed in the real world as well. Got to play her for a short while, but have hopes of eventually doing it again if I can only find a game willing to accept characters that are ridiculously powerful but does not really do very much...

2011-03-31, 01:53 AM
I have a character that can be adapted to almost any fantasy setting. Lokar Pashaylan aka The Dove. He's a moose riding former paladin (profesion not class) turned mercenary. He has quite an extensive if general backstory allowing me to add details for when/if I get to play him.

I did get a chance to once in a pbp. However the guy running it killed off the moose in the first battle, and had Lokar lose his very unique, albiet mundane, sword. The was replaced with a magic sword with a fancy power. The game fell apart shortly after that. I know for a fact that had that game continued, Lokar would have made it his life's quest to recover his sword.

Luckily I'll likely be bringing Lokar in as a swordmage for my next d&d 4e campaign.

2011-03-31, 10:03 PM
I'm certain that most of the other characters posted here puts the character to shame, but Do'Raugh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=229114) (D&D4e) is probably the most words I've typed up for a single character. In... case you haven't... guessed, it was for a big tongue-in-cheek hang-a-lampshade-on-it campaign, that just kinda fizzled out a bit halfway into the first encounter. I was especially fond of the naming conventions I used. Here's the stuff from the private notes on that character, for those interested.

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED was that Ristbaund (Do'Raugh's dad) secretly made a pact with The Flamingo- the Godfather of the Salamander Mafia- to provide he and his lover the means to travel to and survive on the Elemental Plane of Fire. Being a miner, working in the fire mines was the only way he could repay his debt.

When Do'Raugh came along, the two needed the means to enable another person to live on that plane, and because fire isn't really high in demand on the elemental plane of fire, the family fell deeper in the red.

There was an explosion in the fire mines the day Ristbaund stopped coming home. Whether he is still alive and mining or even if it's going to be relevant, I'm leaving that loose end up to you. Regardless, (and you've probably guessed this by now,) Askaught believes that he did not survive, and has been putting up an unhealthy masquerade as her coping mechanism and protecting young Do'Raugh. Naturally, her "illness" is mostly powered by stress and the emotional damage of the situation.

Though Do'Raugh does not know about it, The Communal Community of the Commune of Enjoyable Happy Proud Diggers is the gnomish family which his father served. Do to a contractual loophole, Do'Raugh may be obligated to continue his father's abandoned duties and any interest has been assessed in Ristbaund's leave. They are notorious for being poor burrowers themselves, but are quite good at swindling others into their line of work.

Fangs the Slimmer was one of the younger Salamanders which Do'Raugh played with on the Elemental Plane of Fire. He introduced Do'Raugh to such games as fire-hopscotch, hot potato, fire-kick-the-fire, hide-and-go-fire, pin the fire on the fire, and freeze tag. His older brother, who wasn't into such games and is more of a social recluse, is Fangs the Thicker. Naturally, these two are the children of The Flamingo.

A pity, I don't think I've played a striker before or since that guy.