View Full Version : The Forsaken Frontier, part 2

2011-03-29, 12:17 AM
Sixth day of the ninth month of the year 1128 (Aldurion Calendar)

The winds of the warm region of Bourtenuh grew colder and stronger as the Eternal Seeker, the vessel under captain Elthestral's command, left the Mirror Bay.

The ship departed from Tingerhann after countless hordes of hobgoblins, goblins and monstrous creatures raided the town. Some evacuees gathered in Feloin, the main island of the bay, but most of the ships decided to travel to another regions gathering help. The hordes' power was so overwhelming that even the pirates of Urgirat decided to escape.

Other towns of the bay were also invaded: Nulisharg was attacked wildly by gnolls and giant wolves. And even the fine city of Merkhun fell under the axes and spears of orcs and dark magicians. Merkhun's only hope was the guardian of the Ebony Woods, T'aella Ne'cota, and the warrior Silverthorn, but both fell before the invasion, defending their loved forest.

You've proven to be the strongest adventurers in Bourtenuh. You even fought against the hordes to buy some time while the refugees escaped. Hence, you were the last one in abandon Tingerhann.

In a few days you will reach the continent of Martuk. Captain Elthestral told you that there's something that could help in retaking the region (he did not tell you what is it yet), so you're heading there as fast as possible.

Captain Elthestral is a young red haired and red-eyed human wizard. He already adventured with Kaen, Nanay and Keribar. After he found Wulfrine, the lost monk, Captain Zalmer helped Elthestral in retaking his ship from the hands of monsters. Now Wulfrine (a human monk) travels with him as his first mate.

"According to the captain's scroll," Wulfrine says, "by tomorrow we'll be reaching the land of Martuk. We will find numerous dangers, but the captain trusts your strength. Even so, even if I know some faces, I don't know the names of others. So it'd be really helpful if you introduce yourselves and tell me about your abilities."

2011-03-29, 01:35 PM
San glances at the others around her for a moment before swallowing and stepping forwards. I-I am San. She stutters nervously. I don't really, well, have any abilities to solve problems-but...well. For a moment she shifts self-consciously, before she becomes very still and reaches into her pack, retrieving a single white bowler hat, placing it on her head. I specialize in melee combat, utilizing a weapon known colloquially as the "spiked chain". I have a powerful instantaneous healing ability as well as a more long-term method of healing. I am resilient to most forms of magic and can enter a state of focus during combat that makes me stronger and more capable of taking damage. Magical healing is far more powerful than normal when used on me. I am also both literate and fluent in Infernal, move more quickly than an average human, am capable of dodging attacks before normally possible and am slightly more capable of dodging when being attacked by things defined as traps.

That is all. San finishes, stepping back into the crowd(or line, whichever).

2011-03-29, 10:33 PM
A rather tall dwarf in shimmering full plate, bristling with spikes, hands tightly gripped around a polearm that hummed with energy. He is seated on a barrel and seemed not to hear the monk, his eyes still cast in the direction from whence they fled.

Scenes of fire and screams and dying replayed in his mind.

Only days ago, he was fighting for his life, and the lives of his clan as they evacuated their ancestral home of Tingerhann. Cousins, uncles, even some nephews, fell beside him in their desperate fight to ensure most of the clan survived. Even after his family were safely away, there was no relief as he joined up with the other forces and adventurers covering the retreat of the townsfolk.

His body still ached from wounds and damaged bones not fully healed. The increasing cold did not help matters.

He was lucky enough to get on the Eternal Seeker, one of the last ships to leave. He watched as the last defenders made a resolute final stand on the docks to make sure the vessels all got away safely. Your sacrifices will not be in vain ... the hordes will pay! he thought fiercely as he thumped his polearm on the ground.

He stands and turns to Wulfrine with a slight bow and addresses the rest,"I am Fulcrum, son of the Anvilheart clan. I lost many friends and family to the horde and am eager to repay their debt of slaughter with interest. I specialise in knocking damned goblins down and slicing them with this," indicating his polearm "...and making sure they stay sliced. You can depend on me to hold the front line and protect the more fragile allies, as I had been doing for most of last week." He sits back down on the barrel.

2011-03-29, 11:58 PM
The hood man would look to rest as he stares in the direction of the horde that he had been as he never thought see day that a member of the reclaimers would have to tactically retreat like this. He was rather tall maybe the tallest on the ship and stood out like a sore thumb. He would look to the others that had spoken and carefully chose his words.

He would first look down as they were a lot shorter then he was then to the captain "I am Raam an adventure of sorts and mercenary my specialty is archery but I am trained in melee also" he had spoken whole time with his face covered.

He would look to the drawf and then shrug and look to the captain the astral arrow visible to him and others, as he never tried to hide it. He would speak "They well pay for this I can assure you of it” he would state and moved out way so others could speak to the captain and looked to the mission and smirked the horde was a gift it make it easier to find his target then he had hoped.

note to dm if any player wishes role to find out what astral arrow means the lore on them for this purpose it is in complete psionics

2011-03-31, 11:50 AM
A pale elf with black hair and gray eyes opens his mouth. He is unarmored and dressed in traveling clothes still dusty from the road. At his back is a longbow, and a rapier rests on his hip.

"My name is Keribrar. It would be easiest to say that I am classified under support. I don't have a taste for melee, and so I won't be in it. I have a good range of abilities. If one of you falls in battle, and I can reach you quickly enough, I can bring you back to life. The rest you all will see soon enough."

2011-03-31, 05:15 PM
A tall muscular humanoid with slate-gray hairless skin colored by elaborate dark gray markings that are either racial birthmarks or tattoos stands next to Keribrar, holding an enormous polearm tipped with a lance extending from a double crescent axe. The length of the weapon is nearly twice that of the towering goliath, seeming more suitable for the nearby half-ogre.

He is dressed in leather and furs under which can be seen a sheen of mithril links. Around his shoulders and shod upon his feet are a cloak and boots of elvish make, rare to be found sized for such a creature.

"I am Kaen, the Cloudstrider, Chieftain and last surviving member of the Okonbu Clan. Brother to Dwarves, friend of Elves, slayer of Giants, and student of the mind. Swift of speed, strong in battle, sharp of sight and keen of ear."

2011-03-31, 05:56 PM
Calenestel and Kumori could jump-in in any given moment if they wish. :smallwink:

"You're a strong bunch, I can see," says Wulfrine. "It's good you managed to survive, since the oncoming mission is dangerous. As I said, the land of Martuk will be reached by tomorrow; but for today we'll be making another stop. The captain's orders."

Without telling more, Wulfrine the monk leaves the deck to go to his own room. You're now in the deck with a few kobold sailors that act according to captain Elthestral orders.

The captain, however, is inmersed in his own thoughts and never leaves his own room unless it's an emergency. Hence, he sent Wulfrine to act as his voice.

Spot 17:
You see a small island far away, at the horizon. You're not sure if that's Martuk, but that's where the Eternal Seeker is going.

2011-03-31, 09:13 PM
"Well met to the rest of you. Kaen, you mentioned Brother to Dwarves? How so?"

((Switching to DarkOrange since Green seems taken already))

2011-04-06, 11:38 PM
"The Okonbu Clan are mountain people. Our little brothers worked the stone beneath the mountains as we dwelled in the high forests. As Cloudstrider, Captain of the Scouts, I first brokered treaty with Elves, and so was sent to live with dwarves as ambassador. When giants wiped out the Okonbu, stone-born shed giant-blood beside me in vengeance."

2011-04-07, 10:36 AM
The hours pass, and night falls. You guys get to meet each other, specially Fulcrum and Kaen who talk for a while about the dwarves of the Sandurg Mountains.

The ship is pretty dark, lit by the stars only. However, the most perceptive of you could see a silhouette of land. Could it be Martuk?

As the Eternal Seeker gradually slows down, Wulfrine appears once again, and dismisses the rest of the crew, except for you. The ship is no longer moving and the land mass is very close.

"I see you're prepared," he says looking at your gear. "Good. The captain ordered me to make you some tests before our arrival, so please, come with me."

He masterfully jumps overboard to the land mass, and starts walking slowly.

2011-04-07, 12:47 PM
San expressionlessly follows, lifting herself over the side of the ship and half-sliding down, not seeming to care about the water or sand.

2011-04-07, 08:37 PM
Fulcrum follows closely, eager to get off the boat. Sailing .... not his preferred mode of transportation.

2011-04-07, 09:03 PM
Raam would watch the man arrive and watched him jump overboard and waited for others and followed them watching their backs just in case there was an ambush that they did not know of.

2011-04-07, 11:09 PM
Striking the butt end of his halberd into the deck, the goliath Kaen makes a tremendous vaulting leap from a dead stand-still, soaring over the heads of the others and landing in the sand about 20 feet from the water line.

2011-04-08, 12:56 PM
As you've all descended from the Eternal Seeker into the island, Wulfrine then stops walking.

A small, guthural sound comes from the coast.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you an important thing," says Wulfrine abruptly. "We're in Kuo-Toan territory now. This is a sacred place for them, and you're now defiling it. Welcome to your first mission: Survive the incoming attack. Good luck!"

And with those words, the monk disappears.

Spellcraft 22:
The effect Wulfrine used was teleportation, but it was not magical.

Psicraft 20:
He teleported away psionically.

You can see some silhouettes coming from the sea. Medium sized humanoids wielding a variety of harpoons and other strange weapons. They look like fish-men with large amphibian eyes. One of those creatures shouts something and points at you, with anger in his eyes: "Gleebdloob!!"

Translation (Aquan):
I make these language tags only for people who speaks a given language. In this case, people who speak Aquan can understand that the creature said. "Exterminate them!"

Knowledge (nature) 12

Kuo-toas are amphibious, fishlike humanoids that have a complex society that exists underground and in the lightless depths of the sea. They are sinister, but they know much about the hidden truths and places in the world. Kuo-toa skin secretes a substance that makes the creatures difficult to grab. They distill this substance into a gluelike material that they apply to their shields, allowing them to trap opponents' weapons.

If you rolled higher, I could give you more information, depending on the result. :smallwink:

DM's note:
As you may know, a combat is starting. Please, roll initiative in the OOC thread while I prepare the full-map. :smallamused:

2011-04-08, 01:41 PM
San stands still for a moment, blinking a few times before reaching into her pack. Once the red hat she retrieves from it is on her head, she changes completely. Alright, let's do this! San shouts, suddenly grinning. She readies her spiked chain, turning to shout ымогщз иряйю ьтъэр шецч 4000!* at the Kuo-Toans.

*These are random Cyrillic characters, which I'll be using for Infernal.
You pathetic slime, you'll need 4,000 to kill me!

2011-04-08, 09:55 PM
I think those characters fit pretty well in the Infernal language. :smallwink:

The kuo-toas approach slowly from the sea. You can see more than a dozen of them determined to anihilate you.



The large R is Raam
The blue K is Kaen
The green K is Keribrar
The violet S is San
The orange F is Fulcrum

·The water is shallow, but you can move at half-speed if you walk through it.
·The scrubs are dificcult terrain. You move at 3/4 your speed.
·The tree-shaped figures are scarce trees. You get a +1 AC and Reflex if you're in the same square as one.

Now roll initiative in the OOC thread! :smalltongue:

2011-04-10, 10:51 PM
"Damn Wulfrine! I had a feeling there was something off about him. Keribrar! Teleport the rest of this rabble back to the ship, I'll jump back and have a few choice words with our "Captain...""

2011-04-11, 01:07 AM
"May as well, unless the rest of you are up for a little fun. Say whether you want to leave, but do it quickly; they look angry. Looks like San wants a fight and Kaen wants to go.

2011-04-11, 03:38 AM
Kaen gauges the distance to the boat...a good 16 meters or so to land on the deck. The ground trembles slightly as he leaps, rocketing from the beach like a comet. To the sailors on the ship, the Meteoric goliath was a fearsome sight, a cannonball coming right towards them. At the very last instant however, the Chief's momentum abruptly stopped and he alighted gently on the deck amidst the startled crew.

On Kaen's initiative, he takes 10 on a Jump check and lands in an unoccupied square of the ship's deck.

2011-04-11, 12:17 PM
After Kaen's presentation, and before Wulfrine changes the subject, the short, silverhaired elfmaid clears her throat softly. Her tender, golden-brown eyes sweeps old comrades and new allies alike, making sure to have their attention before speaking up. "My name is Nanay Manaq'anra. I am servent to Eilistraee." Her soft voice is melodic, like all elves, but with a strange accent and a slight flaw to her Common. "I dabble in both matters arcane and divine for Her service and I am fluent in elven, draconic, abyssal and celestial. Also She has blessed me with several gifts most of Her priestesses never recieve." There is some slight pride in her voice at that, but no bragging. She glories in her Godess' favour but doesn't seem to take it for granted. She is a beautiful one, even by elven standards, with pleasing curves, a perfectly heartshaped, symetrical face, clear skin, all augmented by that silvergleaming hair, falling well below her shoulders.

Landing on the Kuo-toan island
As they draw close to the island the silver haired maid closes her eyes and seems to concentrate for a little while and suddenly great, white feathered wings sprot from her back. After flexing the new limbs a bit she unfolds them fully and steps of the ship. With a smile happier than anything she has shown since their escape she flies off towards dry land. She lands only a few seconds after Kaen, touching down softly, making no sound beyond the ruffling of feathers as she folds her wings about her.

Fight or Flight?
The sudden, seeming, betrayal by Wulfrine seems to both surprise and knock the sorceress-priestess out of balance. She hesitates, looking to her companions. If Wulfrine betrayed them like this, if that was what he did, was that by Elthestral's orders? She though him a friend. A friend! Shaking her head the elf pulls herself together. "If this is a test or something, then we should stand our ground. Maybe. I don't know. I'll follow your lead!" While she waits for a decision to be made, and if she has the time she starts working through a spell, her right hand weaving a complex pattern in the air, even tracing it with a red and purple light that fades slowly as she continues with her casting. When she reaches the climax, however, the spell fizzles with a flash of light, leaving the elf maid unaltered and rather frustrated.

Unless something else makes it impossible Nanay casts Mirror Image on herself.
[roll0] (Arcane Spell Failure on a 1) (Edit: Naturally)

2011-04-12, 12:23 AM
San abruptly lowers her chain, looking to Keribrar. Actually, I'd be fine with going back-I want to give that цаония my opinion on this action. She says. It's fairly clear that цаония is some sort of swear in Infernal.

Knowing that teleportation spells often involve some sort of physical contact with the caster, San half-extends a hand, waiting for input.

Ready an action to hold hands(or whatever) with Keribrar is he says it's necessary.

2011-04-12, 02:19 AM
"Then the majority has spoken." Keribrar says then steps forward and puts San's hand on his arm then touches Fulcrum, Nanay, and Raam, and they disappear.

Step to N 17 then manifest Psionic Dimension Door to go back to the boat.
7pp used 85pp remaining.

2011-04-12, 09:01 AM
While the elf Keribrar manifests his psionic group teleportation, the goliath Kaen advances to the shore and makes a huge jump towards the boat. As he lands on the deck, the rest of you appear nearby.

However, the Eternal Seeker is oddly silent. As if the whole crew suddenly disappeared.

2011-04-12, 10:09 AM
"Oh, this can't be good..." Concerned, even fearful, for El and his crew the elf looks around. "Should we search the ship? Or should we try and set sails ourselves? I don't think the Kuo-toans will leave us alone here..."

2011-04-12, 03:15 PM
"If nothing else, this boat is more defensible than the beach."

2011-04-12, 10:28 PM
"Agreed, that beach was a death trap. Perhaps by leaving, the Kuo Toas may not attack .... then again I am the optimistic sort." He says with a grin as he moves to the bow, guirsame at the ready and looking out for the Kuo-Toa.

2011-04-13, 12:07 AM
Raam would look to them and look out that was close as they could been easily surrounded on the beach. He would look to the one that had spoken " this is the best choice that could have been made. The Kuo Toa had the advantage at least on the boat we have equal ground, through you might want keep eye out on water. if need me I well be in the crows nest to have higher ground so I pick them off from the distance"

2011-04-13, 12:28 AM
Quickly switching out her red hat for a green one, San takes out her bow and notches an arrow, listening for sounds that might indicate a K-T boarding attempt.

2011-04-13, 07:10 AM
"And I'll see if I can find any hint of Elthestral and his crew," the elfmaid says quickly. A moment's concentration later and her wings starts to shrink back and disappear. Rid of the beautiful, but on a ship impractical, wings Nanay then hurries below deck. First heading for El's cabin and then to make a quick check of the rest of the ship. "Yell if the fish-men attack!"

Not sure if there's time for it but it would make sense for at least someone check for the crew.


And for good measure:
[roll2] (DM, tell me if I should roll more search checks later, OK? :smallwink:)

2011-04-13, 10:58 PM

You cross a long, dark hallway leading to the many rooms or the crew. You hear nothing or see nothing, creeping you a little.

Elthestral's cabin is crossing the hallway, which, as you can see turns darker and darker with every step you get.

Along the way, you see every room is empty, except for abandoned, dusty objects. It's like the people vanished...

But something moves in front of you!

A quick shadow crosses the hallway silently from left to right. You couldn't see it very well, but the idea of something stalking an apparently empty ship chills your spine, althought you don't know the reason.

You all see the elf-maid Nanay to go to the crew-chambers.

You hear the Kuo-Toas' shouts from the shore you abandoned, but you can't see them. You hear, however, some aquan curses, or something like that.

People with darkvision:
After some seconds, you notice some figures swimming fast from the shore to the ship. They're probably some of the Kuo-Toas that you left behind.

Spot 20 (only people standing watch outside)
You notice the waters on the opposite side of the ship are moving oddly. It's like if the ship is above something...

2011-04-13, 11:29 PM
"We have incoming!" Fulcrum shouts. He draws a javelin and aims it at one of the approaching fish monsters.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-04-14, 12:40 AM
San shifts her weight nervously. We're above something...maybe that's where Wulfrine and the rest of the crew went? To some sort of underwater storage thing? She considers. Of course, it could be a Kuo-Toan monster they're sending in to attack us. Then again, it could also be a fast-growing reef. Of course, the possibility of цишщзж ошниив бюжйф нроощш рйёть южгва...бюжйф нроощш... San continues to whisper in Infernal, nervously glancing around.

2011-04-14, 12:53 AM
Just as she sees the movement in the corner of her eye Nanay hears Fulcrum's shout and she stops, hesitating. Joining battle above or investigating below? Well, it wouldn't be good to have enemies suddenly emerge from below decks in the middle of a fight, now would it? Quickly she falls into her spellcasting again, trying one more time to veil herself in illusions before moving after the shadow. When five identical copies of herself spring into existens she smiles, pleased to see her spell work, and move of after the intruder.

First off, I made it seem like the flitting shadow had passed by when Nanay wasn't looking, since she has Darkvision it would make better sense, I think.

Also, she is still using Darkvision.

Alsoalso, she again tries to cast Mirror Image.
Spell failure check (anything but a 1 is a success): [roll0]

2011-04-15, 10:10 AM
Fulcrum shoots projectile to one of the incoming figures that swim fast... The kuo-toas have followed you.

You guys can make ranged attacks or cast spells, since they kuo-toas are too far to hit you with a melee.

After that, I'll keep the same initiative counts as before, but you can hold your action during this turn to modify your initiative result.

2011-04-15, 10:56 PM
Belthesar, I think Nanay was heading to investigate the lower decks after the shadow...or did she follow it out onto the deck, in which case do any of the rest of us notice anything?

"Damn that human!" Kaen growled with ferocity. "We had no quarrel with these fish men."

Flexing once more, Kaen takes a mighty leap and lands lightly in the crow's nest. Sheathing his halberd on his back, he removes a massive and mighty bow, quickly strings it, and fires a few extra large arrows into the churning water below.

Full Attack: 2 shots, same target (nearest Kuo-Toa)

Potential Crit Confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

W00t! If that roll is enough to confirm the crit that's x3 damage. Rolled max damage twice too! Edit: Just checked and that crit should confirm on an 18 exactly :crosses fingers: Edit 2: The AC listed for them includes a shield so not sure if they'd have that while swimming. In any case the second shot below missed. We can say if the first shot takes it out that the second biffed when the first one hit.

Potential Crit Confirmation: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2011-04-16, 01:42 PM
Fulcrum's weapon pierces one Kuo-Toa, but apparently it's not enough for killing it right away. Kaen shoots two arrows that immediately kill another kuo-toa. The bleeding corpse of the fish-man appears on the surface, while the rest of the kuo-toas approach closer and closer...



Kaen: 84/84
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 126/126
Fulcrum: 73/73
Raam: 101/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT 1 -
KT 2 -
KT 4 -
KT 5 - 11 damage
KT 6 -
KT 7 -

People at the upper decks, with darkvision:
The kuo-toas shown in the map are not the only ones. You can see another 10 or so figures swimming fast towards you. One of them is the body of a kuo-toa killed by arrows.


After casting your spell, you follow the shadow to the third chamber of the right wall.

You take a look at the chamber and you notice it's darker than the hallway. The room is a small one, made out of rotting wood. You can see some thorns covering the wooden walls, a mirror in a corner, and a pool of some liquid in the other side of the room (you can't distinguish the color). Between the entrance of the room and the pool, there's a large hole that was probably made by something heavy falling on the floor.

You can't see the shadow anywhere.

2011-04-17, 02:07 AM
"I have a bad feeling about this," the sorceress-priestess muttered under her breath, looking into the room. None of this made sense. Why would El let his ship, even parts of it, rot like this? What were those thorns, the pool of liquid? And what had made the hole? Quickly she chants another spell, a prayer to the Dark Maiden, with gestures much simpler than the ones used earlier, for a short moment the air around her shimmers with silver light, not enough to light up the room, before fading away. After that she moves into the room, drawing Moonbeam as she slowly creeps towards the pool.

Nanay casts Shield of Faith before moving into the room. +2 AC. No spell failure. :smalltongue:


2011-04-17, 03:54 AM
Additional forces of kuo-toa are approaching, not visible in the normal spectrum. San says, indicating the swimming creatures with a wave of her arm. It could be that they are planning to attack in two waves, or that they will simply attack all once to overwhelm us with sheer numbers.

2011-04-17, 10:52 AM
"Indeed. It seems that they will not rest until we are vanquished. Let us then visit steel and sharp objects into their bellies! Let the gilled ones rue the day they decided to attack us." So saying, Fulcrum hurls another javelin at the kuo-toa he had injured earlier.


Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-04-18, 08:43 AM
Having felled one of the foul fishmen, Kaen knocks two more arrows in sequence, this time aiming for separate targets.

Since the other two are holding actions to attack the boarding party, Kaen will help thin the ranks further.

potential crit confirmation: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
potential crit confirmation: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Wow. Those rolls suck!

2011-04-18, 10:49 PM
he would look to the one that had spoken and looked to the others and nodded to the guy that had spoken "they might be but they might already be on the boat. it be best if attack in waves so we can pick them off if they use any strategy we might be in trouble". He would fire a mind arrow towards the kuo-toa thats slightly in front off him in hopes to take one out in hopes to cut their numbers down.

please see occ post for attack roll and damage

2011-04-19, 12:12 AM
Harpoon vs Kaen: [roll0], dmg [roll1]
Harpoon vs Fulcrum: [roll2], dmg [roll3]
Harpoon vs Fulcrum: [roll4], dmg [roll5]

Lightning Bolt vs Kaen: [roll6] (Reflex 15 half)

2011-04-19, 12:17 AM

You have to surround the hole in the floor to get to the pool.

As you enter the chamber, you notice you can't hear the sounds of of battle above you anymore. Instead, the place is so silent that you can hear your own breathing. You can even hear your Shield of Faith flowing.

As your steps move closer to the pool, surrounding the hole, the illumination of the place gradually changes to a subtle, green hue. When you get closer to the mirror, you notice your reflection is slightly different: It shows the form of a Fey'ri, with almost red skin, a long, pointed tail and great, batlike wings and even a pair of small, slender horns growing from her forehead contradicting the humble kindness of her eyes.

"So, this is what you really look like," says a taunting female voice from the pool's direction. When you turn to see, you notice a woman in robes, with piercings all over her face, and an aggressive look in her eyes.

An albino woman is behind her. She wears somewhat exotic robes and her glance looks as it was almost lost in insanity. She just giggles.

Perhaps you've seen those two women before...

Fulcrum's javelin falls in the water next to a kuo-toa, missing awfully, as does Kaen's arrows. However, Raam's mind arrow hits, leaving stain of blood and a floating kuo-toa corpse in the ocean.

Then as many kuo-toas dive fastly through the ocean floor, some of them fire some harpoon devices towards both Kaen and Fulcrum (one and two respectively), the three attacks being dodged masterfully.

At the same time, a lightning bols seems to emerge from the water and strike Kaen.

Kaen received 7 lightning damage (Reflex 15 half).

Pre-emptive round ended! Now starts round one, with San's turn first (since Keribrar delayed).


Note: The Kuo-Toas are 20-feet below the deck. People that have a 20-ft reach can hit them. :smallwink:


Kaen: 77/84
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 126/126
Fulcrum: 73/73
Raam: 101/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT 1 -
KT 2 -
KT 5 - 11 damage
KT 6 -
KT 7 -
KT-Cr 1 -
KT-Cr 2 -
KT-Cr 3 -
KT-Cr 4 -
KT-Cr 5 -
KT-Cr 6 -
KT-H 1 -
KT-H 2 -
KT-H 3 -
KT-EW 1 -
KT-EW 2 -

Initiative count:

Round 1
Keribrar (Delaying)
San ----> Current Turn!

2011-04-19, 01:05 AM
Cursing harshly in her mind, in both elven and abyssal, Nanay turns slowly towards the voices. "Baldomenb and Wisomenb," she says soft, friendly. "I'm glad to see you well." She pauses, hesitating a moment before continuing. "Yes, this is how I look, how all my people look. But enough of that. Our earlier fight was wasteful and unneccessary. There were noone to avenge then and I hope we do not need to try a rematch?"
Not only because she would probably loose such a fight, alone against two powerful spellcasters, but because she actually BELIEVED the first fight to be completely unneccessary, since the boyfriend (she couldn't recall which one's it had been) hadn't been killed by El, but only disappeared. They had found him themselves actually. Trying to reason with the pair seemed doomed to her, but she wouldn't start a fight without at least trying at diplomacy.

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]
If this doesn't work hopefully a Charm spell might. :smalleek:

2011-04-19, 07:01 AM
San drops her spiked chain and takes out her longbow, firing at one of the Kuo-Toa, speaking softly about possible flanking maneuvers.

Firing at the Kuo-Toan Whip at D 11.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-04-20, 04:58 AM
Reflex Save: [roll0] Oh Snap! Nat. 20 Reflex save! Too bad that doesn't save for no damage!

Kaen swats the lightning bolt away with his bow, an impressive display that nonetheless transfers some of the damaging electricity to his hand via the metal shoddings of the composite weapon.

Notching another arrow he fires, draws, and fires again, switching targets if his first arrow fells one.

2011-04-21, 07:51 PM

Harpoon vs Raam: [roll0], damage: [roll1] (miss)
Harpoon vs Kaen: [roll2], damage: [roll3] (hit)
Harpoon vs Fulcrum: [roll4], damage: [roll5] (hit)

Greatclub vs Keribrar: [roll6], damage: [roll7] (miss)
Greatclub vs Fulcrum: [roll8], damage: [roll9] (miss)

2011-04-21, 08:10 PM

"Oh, you remembered our names," Baldomenb replies with a pleased smile. "I'm flattered."

Wisomenb doesn't say a word. Instead, she only looks fiercely to your eyes and smiles coldly.

"Good to see you're calm, er, Nanay?" Baldomenb continues. "That's good. See, we're not here to fight... Ah, but before we continue, wouldn't you tell us what are you...? That mirror's image doesn't match your current appearence..."

You notice that also, the illusions created by your Mirror Image spell are not reflected in the weird mirror of the green-hued room.

San's arrow pierces the kuo-toa's skin, but it receives no damage at all.

The kuo-toa you targeted has damage reduction.

Next, Kaen from the top of the mast fires two more arrows; one of which kills a wounded kuo-toa and the other only hurts the other one a little.

Kaen killed the one at G11 and damaged the one at G14.

The priestly kuo-toas at the center of the formation cast two synchronized spells against Fulcrum. The dwarf feels his body slowly going stiff...

You need to make two will saves (DC 17) or be paralyzed. This is a spell, so you get the dwarven bonus on your save.

The three kuo-toan snipers spread over the water and each one of them fires a harpoon against different targets: One vs Raam, which is blocked; but the ones targetting Kaen and Fulcrum couldn't be avoided.

Kaen and Fulcrum:
Kaen took 12 damage, and needs to make a Reflex save (DC 22).

Fulcrum took 9 damage, and needs to make a Reflex save (DC 19).

Next, the rest of the kuo-toan assault squad moves in, and manage to climb to the main deck and draw weapons, some with greatclubs and others with shortpears. One of them attacks Keribrar, but the hit is deflected by the psionic armor. Other attacks Fulcrum, but it only hits the tough armor of the dwarf.



Kaen: 69/84
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 126/126
Fulcrum: 64/73
Raam: 101/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT 1 -
KT 2 -
KT 6 -
KT 7 -
KT-Cr 1 -
KT-Cr 2 -
KT-Cr 3 -
KT-Cr 4 -
KT-Cr 5 - 14 damage
KT-Cr 6 -
KT-H 1 -
KT-H 2 -
KT-H 3 -
KT-EW 1 -
KT-EW 2 -

Initiative count:

Round 1
Keribrar (Delaying)
Nanay (below)
Fulcrum ----> Current Turn!

2011-04-22, 08:44 PM
Keribrar steps forward and shoots a mildly underwhelming bolt of sound across some of the Kuo-Toans.

I rethought my plan immediately after posting. I will step forward to H 11 and shoot a Energy Bolt towards H 3. Rolls in OOC thread.

2011-04-22, 09:02 PM
*Edit: And I also thought this was the OOC thread when I posted this. Today is not my day apparently.*

Forgot to put in my concentration roll for manifesting defensively. Here is my roll if you want to let me do so. If not feel free to give me a good whack in the head.


2011-04-23, 02:51 PM
Hesitating Nanay eyes the sisters. There could be grave consequences with lying and with telling the truth both. If she let them know they could easily use that against her, even more than what they already knew. If she lied and they found out... Quickly she settled for an answer, one that would allow her to stay as close to the truth as she could while still obfuscating the worst parts. Eilistraee would not disapprove, she didn't worry about that, She was a chaotic, capricious but benign deity, one that understands not telling possible enemies everything. I AM an elf. My clan was cursed long ago. And I'm sent to find a cure, a way to redemption." All true. In her heart she was an elf, and the fey'ri all cursed by the sins of their forefathers. She wasn't looking for a cure of her physical state, but a figurativ remedy of the soul, a LITERAL salvation from the abyssal blood tainting her people. "Now a question for you: 'Why are you here?' and were you the shadowy figure I saw slipping in here?" All right, that was two questions, but she held her ground, meeting the other two spellcasters' gazes without flinching.

Bluff time! Good thing I put a lot of ranks that stat. Yay for class skills! :smalltongue:


Aaand I rolled a nine. Oh, well. Hopefully neither of them have a lot in Sense Motive. It SHOULD be cross class to them. :smallamused:

2011-04-26, 12:37 PM

"Shadowy figure?" Baldomenb says. "I have no idea what you're talking about... And I see, you're just a strange elf breed. Interesting..."

You sense a disturbance in the area, like an eerie feeling.

"Why are we here you ask?" she says with a cold smile. "That's a good question I'd love to answer, but I think you should do it by yourself, Nanay. Think for a moment, why should we be here?"

While Baldomenb speaks, Wisomenb keeps glancing at you, walking slowly towards the mirror.

You have the feeling something is not right. It's like all these events are out of place.

Kaen and Fulcrum's reflexes are fast enough to avoid a nasty maneuver from the harpoons. Then Fulcrum attempts to get free of the magical holding, but his efforts are in vain.

Fulcrum is held. He can repeat the will save in his turn.

Meanwhile Keribrar steps by his side and launches a blast of shockwaves affecting many kuo-toas at a time. Two of them die by that effect.



Kaen: 69/84
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 126/126
Fulcrum: 64/73 - Held
Raam: 101/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT 6 -
KT 7 -
KT-Cr 1 - 13 damage
KT-Cr 2 - 13 damage
KT-Cr 3 -
KT-Cr 4 - 13 damage
KT-Cr 5 - 14 damage
KT-Cr 6 -
KT-H 1 -
KT-H 2 -
KT-H 3 -
KT-EW 1 -
KT-EW 2 -

Initiative count:

Round 2
San ----> Current Turn!
Nanay (below)
Raam (Delaying)

2011-04-26, 01:38 PM
Raam look and prepare and seeing fellow adventure struggle he would prepare his mind and fire a mind bolt at kuo-toa (h1) to protect his fellow party member.

I will post my rolls in occ forgot to add them my bad I am sorry

2011-04-26, 01:41 PM
San tilts her head back sharply, the red hat falling from her head and seemingly instantly replaced by the blue one. Her eyes flash momentarily and a blue glow covers her for a moment before she steps forwards, her spiked chain whipping through the air to cut at one of the Kuo-Toa, spraying copious amounts of blood onto the deck with each hit.

Free: Rage(+4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Morale Will saves)
Changes stats:
HP: 144
Fort: +15
Will: +6
Attack/damage: +2

Spiked Chain Attacks:
1: [roll0]/ [roll1] +1 Con damage
2: [roll2]/ [roll3] +1 Con damage

If the K-T goes down San 5' steps one forwards.

2011-04-26, 06:57 PM
Yanking the harpoon out of his beefy quadricep, Kaen decides he's had enough of being harried by the harpoon wielding snipers in the water. His arrow supply was dwindling so better to use them against those in the water who would be harder to reach later...

Attack 1: [roll0]
Critical Confirmation:[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Critical Confirmation:[roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Utter garbarge!

...Unfortunately the ship swayed some in the water forcing Kaen to adjust his balance at the critical moment and his shots went wide.

Cloudstrider cursed in Goliath but was comforted by the fact that none of his teammates had been appreciatively injured and they were rapidly dwindling the numbers of their foe.

2011-04-26, 09:29 PM
Posting Will Save ahead of time, its a full round action anyway.

[roll0] Roll in OOC

If it succeeds, I will use my swift action to initiate White Raven Tactics on San so he gets another turn.

2011-04-27, 03:49 AM
She does NOT like the look of Baldomenb's smile. And the whole situation is starting to feel... surreal. Hiding a wince, or is it a shudder?, the priestess sends a quick prayer to Eilistraee for protection and guidance as she ponders the question.
However she still manages to keep up a friendly smile, despite it all, and her tone is somewhere between thoughtful and carefree when she shrugs. "I can think of several reasons, aside from revenge, which we've already rejected. Let's see... you could be here for Wulfrine, where he went I have no idea, sadly. You could be looking for El for some reason, can't say I know his whereabouts either, strangely enough. Or maybe... just maybe you're not here at all, actually?"
She doesn't sound convinced of it, only suspicious. It wouldn't surprise her if the pair really WERE there, maybe even had something to do with the disappearance of the whole crew. But something just didn't feel right, glancing again towards the mirror she moves a bit closer to it to get a better look, a better angle. If it revealed her true nature, despite all her illusions then maybe she could see if they were reflected true as well. Whoever they were.

I never saw them in the mirror, after all. It's worth a shot.
Unless it provokes them to attack. :smalleek:

2011-04-28, 10:46 AM
You can't see their reflections in the mirror. You can see everything else and yourself as the winged form described above.

"Looks like we're getting somewhere," says Baldomenb, apparently pleased. "The truth is that Elthestral wants to protect you. He also sent a message for you: Don't be afraid, everything will end soon."

Wisomenb, who was silent all this time, suddenly breaks silence with a sly smile: "Do you want to see Elthestral now?"

Make another Will save! :smallamused:

Raam's psychic bolt hits the Kuo-Toa fighting Keribrar. Then San has a drastic, brief change on her eyes color as she violently swings a chain. The dire weapon passes next to Fulcrum, but the Kuo-Toa next to the dwarf is now dead, and San steps forward to be next to Keribrar and Fulcrum.

Two arrows rain from above, landing on the deck's wood with loud thunk sounds. Apparently Kaen shoots them from above the mast.

The Kuo-Toas move in. The two priests beyond mumble some weird prayings and all the kuo-toas feel invigorated. The other priest doesn't do the same; instead, he mumbles another aquan words, cursing Keribrar with terrifying divine power.

Keribrar needs to make a DC 16 Will save or be shaken during some minutes.

Other kuo-toas climb up to the ship. Keribrar's opponent is particularly wounded and bloodied, but that only makes it stronger with rage.

The snipers close in and two of them are already aboard. Two fire their vicious harpoons towards Kaen above, and the remaining one against Raam.

Harpoon vs Kaen: [roll10], [roll11] dmg
Harpoon vs Kaen: [roll12], [roll13] dmg (Critical confirmed, 14 dmg instead)
Harpoon vs Raam: [roll14], [roll15] dmg

Raam received 14 damage and needs to make a Reflex save (DC 24).
Kaen received 26 damage and needs to make two Reflex saves (DCs 22 and 24 respectively).

Then the rest of the kuo-toas approach you with weapons in hand. Two of the ones with greatclubs give one step towards the large Raam and attack with their blunt weapons. Raam manages to avoid only one hit, while Keribrar's force armor deflects the blow of his opponent.

Greatclub vs Raam: [roll0], [roll1] dmg
Greatclub vs Raam: [roll2], [roll3] dmg
Greatclub vs Keribrar: [roll4], [roll5] dmg

Raam received another 11 damage.

Other two kuo-toas attack with shorspears, attempting to pierce the immobilized Fulcrum, but apparently the dwarven armor is enough to withstand the attacks.

Shortspear vs Fulcrum: [roll6], [roll7] dmg
Shortspear vs Fulcrum: [roll8], [roll9] dmg



Kaen: 43/84
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126)
Fulcrum: 64/73 - Held
Raam: 76/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 2 - 13 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 4 - 13 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 -
KT-EW 2 -

Initiative count:

Round 2
Nanay (below)
Fulcrum ----> Current Turn!

2011-04-28, 12:21 PM
Fulcrum shakes off the effect of the spell. "Accursed spell casters..."

He shouts at San, "San! I think these frogs have a nutritional defiency! I encourage you to introduce more IRON in their diet! Direct infusion into their entrails if you please!"

((As posted above, White Raven Tactics on San))

2011-04-28, 01:29 PM
San, empowered by the tacics of the white raven, lashes out at one of the Kuo-Toa next to her. As before, each attack causes a burst of blood to seemingly tear itself from the wound, splattering across the deck.


Attacking White-Ring KT 7
[roll2] +1 Con
[roll3] +1 Con

2011-04-28, 01:58 PM
Nothing there but apparently the pair didn't care that she noticed. Hm... So was this some kind of spell for communication, a blend of divination and illusion? Or something more sinister? Wast it them, even speaking from a distance, or was it something masquerading as them. "Everything will end soon." Yeah, that didn't sound ominous at all. Suppressing a shudder Nanay meets Wisonembs sly smile with a smile that is both doubting and indulging at the same time, and mirrored by her tone. She is still friendly, but there's a hint that she's only indulging their flare for dramatics than actually believing them any more. Maybe it will help. "You have the good captain there? All right, let's see him then."

"El's there? OK, put him on!" :smallamused:

First off: [roll0]

Second I'd like to try some rolls to see if I can figure out what the boop's going on:

Edit: Crud, hm and meh. Respectively. The dice are not favouring me right now. :smallannoyed:

2011-04-28, 06:41 PM
Brushing away the effects of the spell that was cast upon him, Keribrar decides to start picking off the spellcasters. Taking a moment to steady himself, he points at the spellcasters in the water and a small shard of crystal shoots from his hand and splits into two, streaking towards them.

Move action to regain psionic focus
Manifesting a Chaotic Surged Talented Overchanneled Split Ray Crystal Shard at two of the spellcasters in the water.

Concentration check to manifest defensively

Chaotic Surge
This roll does not change the power's effect in any way.

Attack 1
[roll2] vs ranged touch

Attack 2
[roll4] vs ranged touch

Both my and my crystal's psionic focus are expended.
11pp used 63 remaining.

2011-04-28, 07:35 PM
Kaen howled with pain and rage as more harpoons struck him, one of them piercing right through his leg. It was a grievous wound, and surely crippling without magical means of healing.

2011-04-28, 08:01 PM
He would wince in pain and smirk at the poor fish creature as it had made the biggest mistake by getting within the big man’s melee attack range. He would try shake off the effect and would manifest his bastard sword mind blade and attack the frog enemy that is in front of him.

ref save

attack roll


damage roll


2011-04-29, 11:06 AM

You still sense something odd, perhaps magical in nature. You can suppose this is all some kind of illusion, but you don't feel it that way: Even if the things around you look delusional, everything is far too realistic and elaborated to be an illusion. Besides, back in your homeland, everything gave you a similar sensation.

If it's a spell, you can't identify it properly. However, you can guess that something's going on out there.

"No no no," replies Baldomenb shaking her head. "Not yet, since Elthestral has different matters to attend. Instead, I'll have to introduce you to someone you probably remember as well..."

From the pool in front of you, you can see a small, golden paw that attempts to climb up to the surface. When the figure is out, you see it's a small brass dragon who looks at your eyes, admiring you.

"Hey Nanay!" the dragon says with a kind and excited smile. "Sorry about the mess, but I'll explain all this to you! Do you remember me?"

Kaen feels how two harpoons are now pierced into his flesh. It's painful, but not unbearable. The snipers below show a delightful grin as they fix the rope of the harpoon to their sticky shields.

Kaen is now harpooned twice. It means he moves at half-speed and cannot charge or run. If he wants to move more than 30-ft from either harpooner, he must make an opposed Strength check.

Removing each harpoon is a full-round action and every time you attempt to, you receive 1d10 damage. A successful Heal check (DC 15) negates the damage.

Fulcrum snaps out from the paralysis and gives the chance to San to strike one kuo-toa down. San kills it quickly, but the kuo-toa reacts fast, and attempts to stab the wasteland survivor, but she dodges the attack easily.

AoO Shortspear vs San: [roll0], [roll1] dmg

Following that, Keribrar manifests his split crystal shard power, which pierces through both aquan priests skin, but doesn't kill them.

Keribrar's power deals piercing damage, and the priests have damage reduction 5. :smallwink:

Raam then attacks with his mighty weapon, killing instantly one of the raging kuo-toas, but right before dying, the kuo-toa counterattacks with a fast greatclub slam that the half-giant can't dodge.

AoO Greatclub vs Raam: [roll2], [roll3] dmg

Raam received 9 blunting damage.



Kaen: 43/84 - Harpooned (x2)
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126)
Fulcrum: 64/73
Raam: 67/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 2 - 13 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 4 - DEAD
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 - 33 damage
KT-EW 2 - 23 damage

Initiative count:

Round 3
Kaen ----> Current Turn!
Nanay (below)

2011-04-29, 11:36 AM
Nanay nods quickly. Indeed she does remember the little dragonling. If it was her. "I do. El called you Kestrel. Some explanation would be appreciated, but could you maybe hurry it a little? I really should return up on deck." It was the matter of the possible attack. She guessed she would have heard the sound of battle, not to mention shouts about her returning. But you never knew. The place felt otherworldly enough that she couldn't rule out the possibility that she wouldn't hear a thing outside the cabin.

2011-04-30, 06:32 AM
The two Kuo-Toa's had made a grievous error indeed. They had made Kaen angry.

He'd already been irritable from the long sea voyage and had been looking forward to setting foot on dry land for some time now. With Wulfrine's treachery and mysterious disappearance adding to his frustration, the searing pain in his legs is what finally made Kaen, Cloudstrider of the Okonbu, snap. Little did the two fishmen realize that they had sealed their own doom. Harpooning Kaen to keep him from running away??? If they were so eager to stay close to Kaen he would oblige them.

Not bothering to mess with the harpoons, Kaen left them were they were, his hot blood trickling down his legs and from his shoulder. Using the pain to fuel his rage, Kaen bellowed and everyone within earshot knew it was the battlecry of a king. Kaen, who had slain the giant-king with that monster's own weapon. Kaen, brother of dwarve, friend to elves, last of the Okonbu...these whelps were beneath his contempt.

The goliath shucked his bow aside in defiance, the oversized weapon clattering to the deck below as his eyes burned with the euphoria of a madman. It was only as Kaen fell towards them that the evil smirking grins of the fishmen faded with the dawning realization of their tactical blunder...

Tumbling forward into a somersault, heels over head, Kaen drew the mighty halberd of the Giant-King in mid flip and, almost impossibly, grew even larger as his hulking muscles expanded with rage. Time slowed down for the fishmen as Kaen's shadow engulfed them. In one smooth motion he came out of the front flip to land on the deck, the heavy razor sharp blade of his polearm cleaving through the first one and splintering the deck before flashing like lightning as Kaen flipped the weapon in a wide arc, splitting the second in twain as he had the first.

Harpooning Kaen to keep him from running away???

Seriously??? B--tch please...don't you know who I am??? :smalltongue:

Fortunately...I don't need to charge in order to charge:

Free Action: Drop Bow
Free Action: Mountain Rage: 9 Rounds
Stat changes:Size Large, Str 24, Con 22, HP 61, AC 13 (18 vs. ranged) Will Saves: +7 -1 Attacks

Move action: drop into square J15 (filling squares J15 and 16 and K15 and 16).
Draw Halberd as part of move action.
Drop triggers Battle Jump charge.
Drop triggers skirmish damage, AC 14 (19 vs. ranged) for 1 round.
Pouncing at the end of the charge:
Attack first Harpooner, KT at square H14:
[roll0] Damage: ([roll1])x3+[roll2]= 81 Damage
Attack second Harpooner, KT at square H17:
[roll3] Damage: ([roll4])x3+[roll5]= 67 Damage

Dodge bonus applies to KT at square H15 (AC 16) and if I trigger any AoO from KT's wielding reach weapons my AC until my next turn will be AC 18 (20 for KT H15) vs. any AoOs.

Edit: I didn't take any ranks in intimidate (I actually have a penalty from low charisma), but damn...Kaen should be getting free demoralizing effects when attacking like this. And that was without using any power attacking or leap attack (that's next round...). :smallcool:

2011-05-02, 06:07 PM

"I'll try to be brief," says the wyrmling. "Elthestral was hired by the government of Feloin to eradicate the invading forces. This mission is a dangerous one that involves a lot of precision, and the slight mistake cannot be allowed. This is all planned by El, you know. He never meant to hurt you all; he's just testing your power and ability to work as a team. Right now, you were the only one that was allowed to approach El, since you are the one that knows him most (beside me, of course), but he's busy. He's manipulating the test of your companions above, if you know what it means."

Kestrel looks upwards, and then closes her eyes. "It will be over soon, I can feel it. Your friends are doing a good job, but I'm afraid they will all be mad at poor El. I assure you that he did what he thought it would be better and faster before reaching the dangerous land of Martuk... I can't speak anymore, for Elthestral will want to explain those things himself... When he does, ask him about the Twelve Virtues."

Large creatures have a bonus on their Intimidate checks, I think.

The halberd of the (now large) Kaen splatters one of the harpooners, but the other crouches in time. The two kuo-toan priests cast a protective divine spell each and swim westwards.

Rightafter the harpooners attack, one of them shoots Raam, piercing the hard skin of the half-giant, and the other one draws another harpoon, and approaches Kaen with one single step, and stabs him with the harpoon.

Harpoon vs Raam: [roll0], [roll1] damage
Harpoon (melee) vs Kaen: [roll2], [roll3] damage

Raam received 7 damage, and Kaen received 10 damage. Kaen is not harpooned this time.

Raam must make a DC 17 Reflex save or be harpooned too: It means he moves at half-speed and cannot charge or run. If he wants to move more than 30-ft from the harpooner, he must make an opposed Strength check. Removing the harpoon is a full-round action and every time he attempts to do so, he receives 1d10 damage. A successful Heal check (DC 15) negates the damage. Also, every time he manifests a psionic power or casts a spell, he must make a DC 15 Concentration check.

Two of the greatclub-wielding kuo-toas regroup, and two of them attack Raam, but the half-giant blocks the attacks, and the other one attacks Keribrar, but the blow is deflected by the force armor of the elf.

Kaen is not so lucky, however, and one blow of an approaching kuo-toa hits him in the knee.

Greatclub vs Raam: [roll4], [roll5] damage
Greatclub vs Raam: [roll6], [roll7] damage
Greatclub vs Keribrar: [roll8], [roll9] damage
Greatclub vs Kaen: [roll10], [roll11] damage

Kaen received another 9 damage.

And finally, the remaining kuo-toa with a shortspear keeps attacking Fulcrum, but the dwarven armor keeps deflecting the hits.

Shortspear vs Fulcrum: [roll12], [roll13] damage



Kaen: 24/84 - Harpooned (x2)
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126)
Fulcrum: 64/73
Raam: 60/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED, ENRAGED
KT-Cr 2 - 13 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 4 - DEAD
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 - 30 damage
KT-EW 2 - 19 damage

Initiative count:

Round 3
Nanay (below)
Fulcrum ----> Current Turn!

2011-05-02, 10:13 PM
Fulcrum, free of the enchantment and eager to spill some blood, moves into a better position to unleash a devastating attack on an unhurt Kuo-Toa.

5 ft step to I11

Std: Initiate Divine Surge on KT 6
Power Attack 5
Attack: [roll0]
Crit if applicable [roll1]
Damage [roll2] + Shock [roll3] + Divine Surge [roll4]

Swift: Enter Iron Guard's Glare stance
Any opponent that I threaten takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls against My allies. This penalty does not apply to attacks made against me. Enemies I threaten become aware of the consequences of the stance.

2011-05-02, 11:20 PM
Fulcrum steps into the middle of the battle, besides San and Keribrar, and swings his guisarme from distance with a devastating blow...

...Which is parried by the sticky wooden shield of his opponent.

Fulcrum needs to make a DC 14 Reflex save or his weapon will be stuck to the kuo-toan shield and yanked out of his grasp!

Initiative count:

Round 3
Nanay (below)
San ----> Current Turn!

2011-05-02, 11:33 PM
Reflex [roll0]

Barely recovering his weapon from the wily defence of the Kuo-Toa, Fulcrum curses, "Cowardly things depending on tricks!"

2011-05-03, 12:28 AM
San, utilizing the odd movements of her exotic weapon, lashes out at one of the harpooners attacking her now-enlarged ally.

Rage: 7 rounds left
Full Attacking Red-Ring KT 2
Attacks: [roll0]
[roll2] + 1 Con
[roll3] + 1 Con

2011-05-03, 12:41 AM
San's spiked chain is parried by the sricky kuo-toan shield of the harpooner. Twice.

San needs to make two DC 14 Reflex saves or have her chain stuck to the shield. :smalltongue:

Initiative count:

Round 3
Nanay (below)
Keribrar ----> Current Turn!

2011-05-03, 05:33 AM
Seeing the two spellcasters regrouping, Keribrar takes a moment to center himself then shoots a blue ray that splits into two at them.

Move action: Regain psionic focus

Standard action: Manifest Split Ray Cold Ray at the two spellcasters.

Concentration check to manifest defensively

Attack roll 1

Attack roll 2

My psionic focus is expended by the manifestation.
9pp used 54 remaining.

*Just realized that my first attack roll with the crystal shard was a crit threat. Oh well.

2011-05-03, 09:36 AM
Raam would turn after he felt the attack hit him so he can face his attacker. He knew it will hurt when he removes them later on. he would shake of effects of the attack and smirk to the frog person before swing his mind blade bastard sword at frog enemy that is right next to him.

reflex save

attack roll


possible critical please see occ for roll to confirm critical roll

damage roll


it is double the damage if crit is confirmed

2011-05-03, 01:02 PM
Kestrel's assurance that the battle was going well above didn't calm Nanay down any. They were fighting for their lives and she wasn't contributing! If they were winning it was still no thanks to her! And the explanation that Elthestrel was pulling the strings didn't help her calm down either, even if it WAS the kind of test that she had suspected from the beginning. "I see... Should I wait for him here or up on deck, Kestrel? It pains me to have others bleed for me while I twiddle my thumbs."
There's no reproach to Nanays voice. only a certain impatience. She knows that if she has to she'll wait below. But she'd rather head up and help out now. Still there's another question begging to be asked... "Kestrel... Why all the secrecy? Why not just explain the test and have us fight it anyways? These are honourable people and they would understand, and prefer, that. As it is it feels like... like El's not trusting someone."

2011-05-04, 09:20 PM

The wyrmling looks dubitous. "I... I don't know why he did such thing... It may be because he was betrayed in the past, but..."

Kestrel looks tense, but then she relaxes. "I'm sure El will apologize when the time's right, but I doubt the humanoids up there will trust him again after all this... Specially the goliath and the giant (they both scare me). I'm sure El will need your help to defend him in case that something happens, but he's too proud and stubborn to ask help from someone."

She pauses.

"I don't think if it's a bad thing you go up there to help your friends. The monsters look real, but they're not. El is now able to create powerful illusions, but he needs to concentrate a lot. That's why he cannot see you now."

She looks afraid. "Please, if you go out, don't tell your friends you've met with me."

Keribrar's cold bolt splits in two affecting both priests, and heavily damaging them. Meanwhile Raam swing his sword and splatters the kuo-toa next to him.



Kaen: 24/84 - Harpooned (x2)
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126)
Fulcrum: 64/73 - Iron Guard Glare
Raam: 60/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED, ENRAGED
KT-Cr 2 - DEAD
KT-Cr 4 - DEAD
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 - 62 damage
KT-EW 2 - 47 damage

Initiative count:

Round 4
Kaen ----> Current Turn!
Nanay (below)

2011-05-05, 01:58 PM
"I understand, Kestrel," Nanay says and turns to leave. But her voice and the look she gives the little dragon is much more eloquent than those few curt words. She understands, but she doesn't like it, doesn't approve. She will do as the dragon says but she doesn't like that either. The sour twist of her mouth gives a fairly good approximation of her feelings on the matter. But she will do what is needed. Brandishing Moonbeam, her shining silver sword she hurries back up on deck. To the battle.

From the doors leading below deck bursts not one silverhaired elf maid but SIX of her. All identical. It's a simple enough illusion, and a well known one. But it still looks rather impressive.

I don't think I can do more than that right now. But if the DM decides to be extra nice I'll cast Magic Missile at... let's say any Kuo-toan being too near Kaen. If some are still holding him harpooned (not sure here, I haven't paid enough attention to above I guess, but it felt wrong since Nanay wasn't there) they are prioritized.

2011-05-08, 05:40 AM
Oh man! I've been waiting to do this for so long... :belkar:

Still raging, the impossibly large Kaen (now nearly the size of Raam) cartwheeled away from the Kuo-toas stabbing him and continued cartwheeling up the mast in a display of psionic power.

First his hands connected with the mast and his body arced end over end splayed out like a starfish. When his feet came around and connected with the mast Kaen bent his knees and shoved off. It was an exhilarating feeling, psionic tumbling, like flying and Kaen smiled through his battle fury as his perception of the world tumbled in synch.

Sailing through the air in a full laid-out position, the mighty giant -slaying halberd of Cloudstrider cleaved once more into his enemies. As before, in the split second after the strike, when the massive giant would undoubtedly have careened into the deck with cannonball force, he paused in mid air before lightly touching down.

Mountain Rage: 9 8 Rounds
Stat changes:Size Large, Str 24, Con 22, HP 61, AC 13 (18 vs. ranged) Will Saves: +7 -1 Attacks

Tumble Checks to move out of threatened squares (only fail on a 1).

Move action: Run straight up the mast 15 feet, then kick off, landing in squares K and L 14 and 15.
Drop triggers Battle Jump charge.
Drop triggers skirmish damage, AC 14 (19 vs. ranged) for 1 round.
Pouncing at the end of the charge:
Attack first Harpooner, KT at square I14:
[roll2] Damage: ([roll3])x3+[roll4] = Damage
Attack second Harpooner, KT at square I15:
[roll5] Damage: ([roll6])x3+[roll7] = Damage

Dodge bonus applies to KT at square I15 (AC 16) and if I trigger any AoO from KT's wielding reach weapons my AC until my next turn will be AC 18 (20 for KT I15) vs. any AoOs.

2011-05-10, 11:50 AM

Harpoon vs Nanay: [roll0], [roll1] damage
Mirror Image roll (on a 1 is the true Nanay): [roll2]

Greatclub vs Fulcrum: [roll3], [roll4] damage
Greatclub vs Fulcrum: [roll5], [roll6] damage

Shortspear vs Fulcrum: [roll7], [roll8] damage

Kaen makes his acrobatic maneuver which for a moment seems to unbalance the ship, and dispatches the two kuo-toas in front of him with his polearm.

Then six Nanays arrive from belowdecks and one of them casts a force missiles at one of the kuo-toas she can see.

Sorry Nanay, Kaen has already eliminated his two opponents, so I redirected your attack at the closest one to your position.

The kuo-toas counterattack. The two priests behind seem to do nothing except casting a spell on themselves each, and three approach Fulcrum (responding to the dwarf's provocation) and attack him, but the blows only clang at the armor, except for one.

Fulcrum receives 11 damage.

The harpooner sees the Nanays arriving and attempts to fire a harpoon to one of them, but the illusion of it vanishes with a poof, and there's only five Nanays remaining.



Kaen: 42/102(24/84) - Harpooned (x2), Rage 8
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126)
Fulcrum: 53/73 - Iron Guard Glare
Raam: 60/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED, ENRAGED
KT-Cr 2 - DEAD
KT-Cr 3 - 10 damage, BLESSED
KT-Cr 4 - DEAD
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 - 59 damage
KT-EW 2 - 44 damage

Initiative count:

Round 4
Fulcrum ----> Current Turn!

2011-05-10, 09:35 PM
Fulcrum moves into a better position before unleashing another strong attack against the Kuo Toa warrior. He then shouts tactical encouragement to Kaen. "Mighty Kaen, unleash your fury once more against those who remain onboard!" ((White Raven Tactices on Kaen))

5ft to J12
Std: Initiate Mountain Hammer on H10
Power Attack 5
Attack roll [roll0]
Crit if needed [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]+[roll3] Mountain Hammer+ [roll4] Electricity

2011-05-11, 01:09 AM
San swings her chain two more times, moving with a combination of emotion and unfeeling efficiency, aiming for the head of one of the remaining fish-beasts.

Rage: 6 rounds left
Full Attacking White-Ring KT 6; If it's dead via White-Raven-Tactis'd Kaen, I'll go for Gold-Ring KT 1
Attacks: [roll0]
[roll2] + 1 Con
[roll3] + 1 Con

2011-05-11, 02:46 AM
Looking to the fishman who had attacked her Nanay realizes that she had at least managed to attract the attention of one of the Kuo-toas. Smiling grimly she repeats the same arcane words of power and gesture she had uses moments before. Two more bolts of purple energies flies out to strike without hesitation at the Kuo-toan.

Nanay casts Magic Missile on the KT who attacked her.
[roll0] (Anything but a one is good)

2011-05-12, 07:05 PM
Keribrar will take a move action to regain his psionic focus, then ready an action to manifest energy ray if the spellcasters begin to say anything.

2011-05-14, 04:55 AM
Emboldened by his comrade in arm's fervor, Kaen moves into position and then takes another of his epic leaps, landing softly on the deck in front of the Nanays and cleaving his polearm into two different Kuo-toans.

Mountain Rage: 9 8 Rounds
Stat changes:Size Large, Str 24, Con 22, HP 61, AC 13 (18 vs. ranged) Will Saves: +7 -1 Attacks

Move action: Move diagonally 1 square to the Sountwest, then jump to squares J,K,7,8. Jump check: 1d20+55 oops. See OOC
Drop triggers Battle Jump charge.
Drop triggers skirmish damage, AC 14 (19 vs. ranged) for 1 round.
Pouncing at the end of the charge:
Attack first KT at square I10:
([roll0]) Damage: ([roll1])x3+[roll2] = 68 Damage
Attack second KT at square H7:
([roll3]) Damage: ([roll4])x3+[roll5] = 79 Damage

Dodge bonus applies to KT at square H10 (AC 16) and if I trigger any AoO from KT's wielding reach weapons my AC until my next turn will be AC 18 (20 for KT H10) vs. any AoOs.

2011-05-16, 08:12 PM
After a leap, Kaen swings his halberd which is dodged by the harpooner, but reaches the other kuo-toa, killing it. Unfortunately, it makes a last attack vs Raam with its greatclub a fraction of a second before exploding.

San kills the kuo-toa she targetted, but her opponent reacts and attempts to stab her with its shortspear before dying, a blow which is parried by the wastelander.

Opportunity rolls:

Greatclub vs Raam: [roll0], [roll1] damage
Shortspear vs San: [roll2], [roll3] damage

Keribrar focuses his attention on the priests at the sea, ready to manifest a psionic power if they both act.



Kaen: 42/102(24/84) - Harpooned (x2), Rage 8
Keribrar: 40/40
San: 144/144(126/126) - Rage 6
Fulcrum: 53/73 - Iron Guard Glare
Raam: 44/101
Nanay: 25/25


KT-Cr 1 - 28 damage, BLESSED, ENRAGED
KT-Cr 2 - DEAD
KT-Cr 3 - DEAD
KT-Cr 4 - DEAD
KT-Cr 5 - DEAD
KT-EW 1 - 59 damage
KT-EW 2 - 44 damage

Initiative count:

Round 4
Keribrar (ready)
Raam ----> Current Turn!

It's Raam's turn. If niw18 doesn't post his action in a few hours, I'll consider him delaying and I'll resolve Nanay's turn and the KT's actions. :smallwink:

2011-05-17, 04:04 PM
he would wince in pain as he is hit by the club as the fish creature attack him out desperation and splatters afterwards. He then notice the fish creature ahead of him (H 10) and would fire his mind arrow at it in hopes to kill it and end this battle for good.

concentration roll in case it is need

attack roll


2011-05-19, 08:41 PM
Opportunity greatclub vs Keribrar: [roll0] (doesn't include the penalty caused by Fulcrum's stance), [roll1] damage

Raam's psychic ray is dodged by the Kuo-toa, but the spell cast by the Nanays hits its head accurately, killing it. Before dying, the kuo-toa attacks with its greatclub aiming at Keribrar's head, but the elf's force armor deflects the hit.

Following that, one of the priests behind gives an order in Aquan and the remaining Kuo-toa harpooner takes a dive into the sea, and the priests use the water surface to instantly disappear.

Since you readied an action against the priests, you can make your attack roll before they teleport away.

Soon enough, you're alone in the darker version of the Eternal Seeker, and you can't see the crew anywhere.

XP per player
1200 XP each

Nothing! Sorry. Soon you'll see why... :smalltongue:

2011-05-19, 09:32 PM
Fulcrum finally lowers his guirsame and wipes the sticky combination of kuo-toa blood and his sweat off his face. "Well that's that. I hope the stupid crew of this ship is satisfied." He pokes at the dead bodies of the kuo-toa, probing for equipment.

2011-05-20, 12:19 AM
San takes a final glance around the battlefield, her bulging muscles slipping back into their former state and her hat slipping off into her pack. She doesn't say anything, merely beginning the long process of cleaning her weapon, starting with one end and slowly working her way to the other.

2011-05-20, 12:30 AM
"I think it's a test," Nanay says as she sheaths Moonbeam and walk up to the rest. She had at least contributed a bit before the fighting died down and while she still felt bad for not taking part in the heavy fighting at least she could contribute more now.

Going around among the more heavily injured Nanay starts casting the spells of healing that The Dark Lady had been kind enough to give her. While there is a great love for the arcane magic that is the Art reflected in her eyes even in the hardest of battles the reverence reflected in her face as she moves through the simpler gestures and chants her prayers to Eilistraee far outstrips that earthly joy.

Starts casting Cure Light Wounds on the fighters. Not much but that's the problem of not quite being a mystical theurge just yet. :smallwink:

In order (might be interrupted at any time, of course):

And the last for whoever Kaen, Raam or Fulcrum (not likely) who seem most injured after that:

2011-05-20, 01:30 AM
Still huge, and heaving with anger, Kaen rips the harpoons from his impaled legs, pulling the shaft all the way through the muscle rather than shredding his flesh further with the viciously barbed blades. He scowls, but allows the elf-maiden to apply her healing touch to the gushing gore spilling from his many wounds.

"Test? The only thing tested here today was my patience. I will teach that Monk a lesson he will not soon forget..."

2011-05-20, 01:58 AM
"I don't know really, Kaen," Nanay admits before casting the spells of healing on the giant. "But that's the only thing that makes sense. If they just wanted us dead they could just have poisioned our food, killed us in the sleep or shoved us overboard. But this? It's way too complicated. And I really think I know Elthestral. It wouldn't be in his nature to do this for... "sport" either. I don't know why they didn't tell us about it before hand. But I still think it makes the most sense. A test."
Her tone is maybe a bit more confident than she really feels, but she is sure about her reasoning. She had known even before.
"The crew hadn't just hid away below decks either, and I found magic at work. I'm telling you, this is some kind of test. And I think we passed it."

And with that the silverhaired elf hurries of to heal Raam a bit.

2011-05-20, 02:12 AM
"And yet, we have desecrated sacred ground and I have been forced to defend my life, taking many in return that I had no desire to take. Foul-Fish men they may be, but they have a right to their territory and to be unmolested by interlopers. I do not attack those with whom I have no quarrel. If this is a test, then let Elthestral and his lackey show themselves..."

2011-05-20, 02:16 AM
"Hmmm ... " Fulcrum continues to wipe off his blade and armor. "How do you know thus? Also, where were you during the fight? I didn't notice your prescence right till the end." Fulcrum looks flatly at Nanay, his voice laced with a slight undertone of menace "Do you know something about this? Care to share?"

2011-05-20, 04:11 AM
"I understand that, Kaen, Nanay replies with a friendly calm. "But there is more at work here than that meets the eye. I said it was a test from the beginning. Please trust me. And please keep an open mind about the whole thing. As for the Kuo-toans. The place might be sacred, but goodly people welcome others to their sacred places, welcome strangers to a place where they can be taught about that which is Holy. The creatures chose to attack without other provocation than our presence and by Eilistraee I would never mourn anyone so fallen to wicked ways that they give no other option than fight." There is an almost uncharacteristic zeal to the slight elf's way of speaking. But then she is a priestess herself, and clearly her Faith is at odds with the unholy faith of the fishmen.

Looking to Fulcrum, and calming down a fair bit, Nanay notes mentally that he is a sharp one. He astutely went right to the core of the issue. Troubling. But she refuses to let her worry touch her voice as she answers. "I'm telling you, I know Elthestral. I met him well before meeting any of you and he is a good man. A good man." Pausing to cast her first spell of healing on Raam the priestess then continues, moving into more dangerous territories but speaking confidently despite it. "As for my wereabouts during the fight... I went below deck to search for the crew. There were none that I could find but there is magic at work there. It trapped me and it took me a while to handle that. I'll fill you in more on it later, should I get the chance."
All of it true. Not the whole truth, but the rest could be explained after they had the attack itself explained.

Aaaand that probably means a bluff check. She isn't lying. But she IS keeping things from you. Which should be obvious even for those who DIDN'T sneak peeks in the spoilers between me and the DM :smallbiggrin:

Edit: A fricking THREE? Lovely. :smallannoyed::smallamused::smallbiggrin:

2011-05-20, 09:35 AM
San pauses in her cleaning for a moment, turning to the others.

Wulfrine said that our mission was to survive the attack before he disappeared...is this being a test not the right conclusion to make? You're talking about poisoning and throwing and I don't understand... The girl says, shifting a bit as she speaks, obviously nervous. He said the captain ordered him to give us tests...Maybe that mean there's more than one? She considers, turning her attention back to her weapon and humming what sounds like a song in Infernal.

I find it a bit ironic that, having built definite tank-y character, I'm completely uninjured...

2011-05-20, 10:29 AM
He stood their as magic takes out the last fish man as his mind arrow missed which was shocking to him. he would look to the others and noticed that they had one more then they had in the battle. He would look to them and then bodies and shrugged as it was a nice little fight but not a very good way to start the adventure off.

He watched as the women healed him "thanks for the healing and a test more like entertainment for us" and looked at the others were their was only a few where unharmed. He would think "their is a very good chance this attack was nothing more then to get a feel on what we can do before the real real test happens" he would state as he wiped fish people blood off of him.

2011-05-20, 12:37 PM
Slightly confused Nanay looks at the other female in the group but then a small smile plays upon her lips and the sorceress-priestess shakes her head slightly. "Nono... you misunderstand me. I were just saying there were ample opportunity for simpler and more efficient ways to betray us if there would have been a wish for it, which I don't think there were, than a convoluted ambush by a third party and that it's much more plausible that this is a test of some sort."

I'm so used to using Dark Orchid] and Red being off limits that I accidentally use my usual colour all the time. Sorry 'bout that. :smallredface:

2011-05-22, 02:39 PM
Keribrar looks at Nanay and says "It is good to know that you have thought of efficient ways to betray us should the need arise."

2011-05-23, 02:45 AM
"Nine hells!" roared Fulcrum as he got angrily to his feet and thumped his weapon against the decks. "I did not leave protecting my clan to join a fun 'n' games boat ride. If he needs a referral, go ask the ghosts of the hundred or so monsters I've slain along the way here! I had it with all this mystery talk and what not. Ridiculous!" He swings his guirsame at a nearby barrel, smashing it to pieces.

"Wulfrine! Show yerself ya damned monk!"

2011-05-23, 07:02 PM
You all recognize the voice that can appears to come from everywhere.

"I'm sorry, good Fulcrum, but Wulfrine will not be coming this time," says captain Elthestral's voice. "I've just sent him on a scout mission. However, I must suppose that it's me who you want to talk to?"

Following that, you see a young, red haired, red eyed human male wearing excentric but well-suited robed. It's Elthestral, the captain of the Eternal Seeker. A wyrmling brass dragon is behind him.

With his sudden apparition, you see the corpses of the kuo-toas are gone, and not even their blood remains, nor their broken weapons, nor the'r sticky shields or the rest of their equipment.

"I take all the responsibility for what happened, and I want to apologize for the way I did what I meant to. And please, don't blame Wulfrine or Nanay, since it was all part of my plan, which I will explain next, if you allow me..."

He advances slowly towards you, sitting himself where everyone can listen clearly. "Nanay is right; this was a test, and she knows it because Kestrel here explained it to her," he says introducing his dragon companion. "You didn't defile any sacred place, nor killed any living beings, because everything in that battle was created by me to test you."

Sense Motive 21
Kestrel, the wyrmling dragon is subtly shaken. Probably afraid of something.

"And I will reply your question, Fulcrum," he continues. "I know your prowess in the battlefield, so why test you like that anyway? Two reasons: The first is to see how well you were at teamwork and to observe you so I could pinpoint your main weaknesses. And the second reason..."

He pauses, and takes a small, subtly glowing gem of violet color, almost like a magic amethyst of the size of a gnome's fist.

"This helped me materialize the illusions in a more powerful way," he says showing the gem and then putting it back inside his robes. "It's even hard for the divination spells to see past it. I know in Xolib there's more of these items that can do the same, or more. And illusions have a greater influence in that place, so I needed to prepare you for that..."

"Speaking of these items, this mission has to do with it," he continues. "But before I explain it to you, I'd like to hear if you have more questions or complaints."

I need to make a small correction to myself: The region you'll be traveling first will be Xolib, not Martuk. :smalltongue:

If I mentioned Martuk in the previous posts, it's a mistake, so I apologize for that.

2011-05-24, 05:38 AM
Keeping to the back Nanay bides her time for now. That she'd trust and follow Elthestral was something he probably could, and would, know well enough without her vocalling her support immediately like some kind of toady or bootlicker. The question was... what would the rest of the group do now that the cat was out of the bag.


2011-05-24, 07:20 AM
San wordlessly finishes cleaning her weapon, wrapping it around her arms so that it's easily accessible. She either ignores or simply doesn't feel the spikes that are pushed into her skin, keeping the chain in place.

N-N-I...I don't have questions. San says, obviously nervous.

Sense Motive:
Natural [1 or 20] go!

2011-05-24, 03:29 PM
"Could you bring another illusion into being for a moment?" Keribrar asks

Sense Motive

If he agrees to cast an illusion I will attempt to see through it with true seeing.

2011-05-24, 11:45 PM
Surprised at his sudden appearance, he narrows his eyes at the wizard. "So! You finally decided to show yourself." After hearing his explanation, he looks down, hand tightening around his polearm ... he forces himself to relax and quash his anger for the moment.

"Your reasoning is thin and has an undertone of mercenary. Seems to me you desire more of those ... magic enhancing gems. If they exist for illusions, by inference, they would exist for other types of magic as well?"

He moves closer. "No matter. I'll hear you out first, before questioning and commenting further."

2011-05-28, 06:11 PM
Cloudstrider ponders this revelation for several moments. As it turned out, his honor had not been besmirched after all, though the pain inflicted upon him by the illusory wounds had been as painful as the real thing. As the seconds pass, his engorged frame diminishes back to his nonetheless still imposing normal proportions.

"I do not like the sound of this manling. If we are unable to discern between what is real and what is not and what is not is just as deadly, what hope have we of protecting ourselves from this sorcery?"

2011-05-30, 01:43 AM
He would look to the man and growl in excitement before walking where the rest where and looked to the man and looked to the others then the man he was going to shoot a mind arrow only to stop when he heard word illusion and stopped and thought for a moment before looking to the others as they spoke of the predicament they found themselves in. He would speak to cloudstrider "this well be very difficult but there has to be a way to figure out. Is there not a way to turn the tables on the caster of the illusion?” he would ask hoping cloudstrider could answer or someone else can answer it as magic not an ability he had.

2011-05-30, 07:14 AM
San doesn't seem to react to the news, simply listening, slowly moving so that she stands half-behind one of the other members of the group.