View Full Version : Ranking Pixar Movies

2011-03-29, 04:55 PM
Alright, let's try this out,

I would like to attempt to organize Pixar's movies from best to worst slightly less awesome. I don't know whether to do this by general discussion or votes or just not do it at all, but let's talk about it anyway, how about that?

My personal opinion is that the best Pixar movie is Wall-E.
My personal opinion is that the worst Pixar movie is either A Bug's Life or Cars.

BTW, we're discussing full-length feature films, not the short ones. For those who don't know, these are:

Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
A Bug's Life
Monster's Inc.
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles

EDIT: Please remember to keep it civil, people. :smalleek:

EDIT2: Kumori Ekisu is kindly compiling a list for us (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10663604&postcount=35). He's awesome like that.

2011-03-29, 05:00 PM
Here's my ranking. It's worth noting that anything below Nemo I pretty much consider a waste of time and space. Also, I'm safely willing to rank Cars 2 down there too. I love Pixar, but they do make some bad stuff. Everyone does, after all.

Monster's Inc.
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3

2011-03-29, 05:00 PM
I'd say

1. Monsters Inc.
2. The Incredibles
3. Toy Story
4. Toy Story 3
5. Finding Nemo
6. Ratatouille
7. Toy Story 2
8. Wall-E
9. Up
10. A Bug's Life
11. Cars

Trickier than I thought it'd be. . .

2011-03-29, 05:43 PM
Toy Story, Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3, Finding Nemo, Up
The Incredibles
Ratatouille, Wall-E
Monsters, Inc.
A Bug's Life

As you can see, there are some ties.

2011-03-29, 05:46 PM
1) The Incredibles
2) Toy Story 3
3) Up
4) Toy Story 2
5) Finding Nemo
6) Toy Story 1
7) Monster's Inc
8) Wall-E
9) A Bug's Life

I haven't seen Cars or Ratatouille

2011-03-29, 05:49 PM
Here's my ranking. It's worth noting that anything below Nemo I pretty much consider a waste of time and space. Also, I'm safely willing to rank Cars 2 down there too. I love Pixar, but they do make some bad stuff. Everyone does, after all.

Monster's Inc.
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3


2011-03-29, 05:51 PM
1)toystory 1
2)toystory 3
6-10) everything else.

none of pizar's stuff is bad, though.

toystory 2 was largely unnecessary.

Mauve Shirt
2011-03-29, 05:52 PM
Toy Story 3
The Incredibles
Monster's Inc
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life

The Rose Dragon
2011-03-29, 05:56 PM
1) Wall-E.
2) The Incredibles.
3) Finding Nemo.
4) Everything else I've watched.
5) The rest.

Mando Knight
2011-03-29, 05:56 PM
Monster's Inc.
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3

Someone must have been watching a different TS3...

2011-03-29, 06:03 PM
I'm often surprised at how much people like some Pixar movies, and it's a pretty random distribution to my estimation which are liked and which are disliked, so it'll be interesting to see how people stack them up. I actually don't particularly like a pretty wide variety of them.

For me, it's:

1.) The Incredibles
2.) Finding Nemo
3.) Wall-E
4.) Monters Inc
5.) Toy Story 1
6.) Toy Story 2
7.) A Bug's Life
8.) Ratatouillle

(Have not seen Cars, Toy Story 3 or Up)

And I'd consider everything below Wall-E to be... not a waste of time, but "merely good" ranging down as far as "merely acceptable" around Toy Story 2 and I actually thought Ratatouille was an outright awful movie.

2011-03-29, 06:20 PM
Well, I was in the prime demographic for Cars, so I enjoyed it. (the) Only Pixar movie I haven't liked was Wall-E. So a 10 way tie for #1.

2011-03-29, 06:26 PM
Oookay, let's try this.

* Wall-E
* Up
* Toy Story 3
* The Incredibles
* Finding Nemo
* Toy Story 2
* Monster's Inc.
* Toy Story 1
* Cars
* A Bug's Life

Not seen:

* Ratatouille

I'd say anything above TS1 is good to excellent, and in fact everything from The Incredibles to TS1 is pretty much at the same level. Cars was rather boring (I loved the concept, but the execution fell flat somehow) and A Bug's Life was very boring, and remains the only Pixar movie I've only seen once.

I should probably watch Ratatouille some day, if only to complete the set. I honestly don't know why I ever skipped it...

2011-03-29, 07:17 PM
1. Wall-E
2. The Incredibles
3. Finding Nemo
4. Ratatouille
5. Toy Story 1
6. Toy Story 3
7. Up
8. Monster's Inc.
9. Toy Story 2

Not seen
* Cars
* A Bug's Life

I rate Wall-E not just as Pixar's best, but the best animated movie of the decade and one of the best works of art of the decade.

2011-03-29, 07:19 PM
Well, I was in the prime demographic for Cars, so I enjoyed it. (the) Only Pixar movie I haven't liked was Wall-E. So a 10 way tie for #1.

Huh, I'm not alone, about Wall-E. Not that I didn't like it really, it was fairly enjoyable. But I thought it was too anvilicious and the supposed "cuteness" of the main character did nothing for me.

2011-03-29, 07:23 PM
I'm going to try out my new movie rating system, which I just made up on the spot.

Expletive Tier: Toy Story 3, The Incredibles, Ratatouille
(I will probably watch these multiple times in my life, under my own motivation to do so. Under the motivations of others, I would not be against seeing them about once per year. Will probably buy the DVD.)

Awesome Tier: Toy Story 1, Finding Nemo, Wall-E
(I might seek these out once every several years. If someone else wants to watch one before I've come around on my own, I won't complain. Y'know, vocally.)

Meh Tier: Toy Story 2, Cars, A Bug's Life, A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc
(I will never willingly see these more than once. They weren't bad, I guess. I'm just done; once was enough.)

Hobo Tier: -
(I want my money back. I probably stopped watching partway through. I wouldn't take a free DVD of it. It is worth less than 0 dollars to me.)


Haven't seen "Up", unfortunately. But I want to, and likely will soon.

2011-03-29, 07:24 PM
You are asking me to do the impossible. However, I...I guess I can tell my four favorites. Please don't ask me to narrow them down further. My four favorites are Toy Story 2, Toy Story 3, Wall-E, and Ratatouille. (Ratatouille may seem a bit incongruous, but it so perfectly captures the sheer joy you get from creating something.)

2011-03-29, 07:28 PM
Whoa... I'd actually neverheard people refer to Wall-E as the worst one before. :smallconfused:

I didn't add mine in the first post, mostly because I wanted to keep the first post uncluttered, but...

Toy Story 3
Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Monsters Inc.
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 1
A Bug's Life

2011-03-29, 07:32 PM
And I've never heard of anyone saying the same for A Bug's Life. The more you know. Then again, it lack some of the things that make the other Pixar movies enjoyable for adults.



OK, I like this.

Expletive Tier: The Incredibles (I must watch this a few times a year when I'm channel flipping), Toy Story

Inbetween: Toy Story 3

Awesome Tier: Monster's Inc., Finding Nemo, Cars, Toy Story 2, Up, Ratatouille

Inbetween: A Bug's Life (I guess I don't like it as much as I thought.)

Meh Tier: Wall-E

2011-03-29, 07:59 PM

1. The Incredibles. Remains one of my favorite animated movies of all time.
2. Finding Nemo. Likewise.
3. Monsters Inc. Also likewise.
4. Wall-E. Sensing a pattern here?
5. Toy Story 1 and/or 2. Honestly, I don't remember which one I liked more, I haven't seen them in ages. I did love them, though.
6. Ratatouille. Saw a couple of times, thought it was pretty good.
7. Up. Liked it; would watch again.
8. A Bug's Life/Cars. I watched both once; I only vaguely remember A Bug's Life, and I thought Cars was sort of meh.

I never saw Toy Story 3. Probably should do that at one point. Also, I keep thinking that Toy Story 2 was the better one, but I may be confusing it with Shrek and Shrek 2.

2011-03-29, 08:05 PM
I keep thinking that Toy Story 2 was the better one, but I may be confusing it with Shrek and Shrek 2.

Your mileage may vary.

2011-03-29, 08:08 PM
5) The rest.

Mary Ann and the Professor?

If you get that reference you are awesome.

2011-03-29, 08:19 PM
1.Toy Story 3
4.Monster's Inc.
5.Toy Story 1
7.Finding Nemo
8.The Incredibles
9.A Bug's Life

I can't make a judgment call on Toy story 2 since I only saw it once and it was at least 8 years ago. I kind of remember not being amazed by it but enjoying it nonetheless.

2011-03-29, 08:21 PM
I can't make a judgment call on Toy story 2 since I only saw it once and it was at least 8 years ago. I kind of remember not being amazed by it but enjoying it nonetheless.

It was a little bit better than the first in my opinion.

2011-03-29, 08:28 PM
Mary Ann and the Professor?

If you get that reference you are awesome.

Gulligan's Island of course.

Blue Ghost
2011-03-29, 08:30 PM
I haven't seen all of them, but of the ones I've seen:

Toy Story 3
Finding Nemo
Toy Story
Monsters Inc
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life

2011-03-29, 08:39 PM
Gulligan's Island of course.

Of course? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8u7px_GzWQ)

Soras Teva Gee
2011-03-29, 09:34 PM
My Ranking

The Incredibles
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life

*Monster's Inc. (excluded I've never seen a frame of it)

I'm sorry but while I don't dislike it I've never really seen the appeal of Toy Story. I ranked 3 higher then the others merely because of cameo character from a better movie. Am I wrong to see no particular magic in the story of a toys' lives? Its almost boring really.

(Oh and I was unimpressed by the CGI when Toy Story came out. Actually I'm still unimpressed in general, though Up and the Incredibles do impress me. I like Pixar because they have the Ghibli bug of being incapable of making bad movies)

2011-03-29, 09:37 PM
Oh and I was unimpressed by the CGI when Toy Story came out.

1990. 1990. For the time, it's amazing. The magic of Toy Story is remembering what it's like to be a kid when you created your own worlds that you played in. Much like DMing.

2011-03-29, 09:54 PM
1990. 1990. For the time, it's amazing. The magic of Toy Story is remembering what it's like to be a kid when you created your own worlds that you played in. Much like DMing.

Don't you mean 1995?

None the less gotta give it some slack being the very first full-length CGI film and all.

2011-03-29, 09:56 PM
I'll give some of this a shot, but as most others can say, it's hard. I'm actually pleased to look back and say that Pixar has tended to get better with each production, both in terms of the quality of the animation and the storytelling. Most of the time when a movie is lower on the list, it just didn't strike my particular fancy, though I can see how others enjoyed them:

1) Up (I maintain that failure to be moved by the first 5 minutes is proof that you have no soul)
2) Toy Story 3
3) Ratatouille
4) Wall-E (would be higher, but it touched a pet peeve with a hamhanded message)
5) Toy Story (probably one of the most important movies of the 90s, if not the 20th century, because of its impact and influence)
6) The Incredibles
7) Toy Story 2
8) Bug's Life
9) Monster's Inc. (I can't even describe what about this film puts me off)
10) Cars (I didn't seem to be the target demographic for this film)
11) Finding Nemo (the burning hatred I have for the Dory character could fry every creature in this film)

2011-03-29, 10:07 PM
(Oh and I was unimpressed by the CGI when Toy Story came out. Actually I'm still unimpressed in general, though Up and the Incredibles do impress me...


But... you do know that the guys at Pixar invented pretty much everything? Including texture mapping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping) and the Alpha Channel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Channel)?

Texture Mapping was invented by Edwin Catmul, co-founder and current president of Pixar. The Alpha Channel was first introduced by Alvy Ray Smith, the other co-founder.

2011-03-29, 10:30 PM
I'm curious what Soras would be impressed by, considering - as far as I'm aware - Pixar are generally considered the pioneers and very best of the best in their field.

My rankings... Keep in mind that, although I've seen all of them, many I haven't seen for years and some only once. If my memory of their quality isn't fresh, I'll probably be at least in part rating them on forgetability. Also keep in mind that the very lowest I'd rate any of these is probably 2.5 stars out of 5, and the rest are about 3.5 or higher, up to and including 5/5.

Up (it's a work of art, pure and simple)
Toy Story 3 (as above. And that One Scene is just... intense)
Wall-E (the people were disappointing and the message perhaps a tad heavy-handed, but everything else was brilliant)
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1
Monster's Inc.
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life
Ratatouille (this one is just a bit off for me, and a bit forgetable in that, well, I can't really remember much that happened... But that monologue at the end was pretty amazing. My Boy postulates that it's a message to Pixar's film critics/audience, particularly those who disparage Pixar for just making "kids' cartoons". Thoughts?)
Cars (raised all sorts of uncomfortable questions, and just meh, but still a nice enough time-waster)

2011-03-30, 01:24 AM
My list, with blank space to show the difference in how much I like them!

The Incredibles

Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
Monster's Inc.
Toy Story 2


Toy Story 3 I haven't seen yet. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see it soon.

EDIT: I know we aren't ranking the shorts, but I have to say that my favorite is the chess one. Mainly because the two characters the guy plays are hilarious.

2011-03-30, 01:50 AM
Okay, so I've decided to make a scorecard for this, because I'm like that. It's a simple system.
The top 3 picks from each person's list get 1 point each. If there is a tie this extends to all that would be tied.
The number one pick gets an additional point. If there is a tie, this point is not awarded.

Updated through the first page: Updated to Ravens_cry's post.

2|The Incredibles|32
4|Toy Story 3|25
5|Finding Nemo|15
6|Toy Story 1|11
T-7|Monster's Inc.|9
9|Toy Story 2|7
11|A Bug's Life|1[/table]

And my list:
Toy Story 3
The Incredibles
Toy Story 1
Finding Nemo
Monster's Inc.
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life

2011-03-30, 01:53 AM
Okay, so I've decided to make a scorecard for this, because I'm like that. It's a simple system.
The top 3 picks from each person's list get 1 point each. If there is a tie this extends to all that would be tied.
The number one pick gets an additional point. If there is a tie, this point is not awarded.

Updated through the first page:

2|The Incredibles|16
3|Toy Story 3|14
5|Finding Nemo|7
6|Toy Story 1|6
7|Monster's Inc.|5
9|Toy Story 2|3
T-10|A Bug's Life|1

Oh, that's a great idea! I'll add a link on the first post! :smallbiggrin:

I was just wondering how I could actually make a ranked list.

2011-03-30, 01:59 AM
Oh, that's a great idea! I'll add a link on the first post! :smallbiggrin:

I was just wondering how I could actually make a ranked list.

I'm glad you like it!

2011-03-30, 02:11 AM
1. Up
2. Monsters Inc
3. Wall-E
4. Toy Story 3
5. Finding Nemo
6. Toy Story 1
7. The Incredibles
(note those are all pretty close together in awesomeness)
8. Ratatouille
9. Bugs Life
10. Cars (which is still awesome)

2011-03-30, 02:24 AM
Just a side note:

I recently watched this anniversary compilation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBH1dcHoL6Y) and thought I'd share it with all of you as to how touching every animation by this awesome company really is.

Here goes.

1) Finding Nemo. Watched it on Father's Day with my old man. You simply cannot beat that feeling.

2) Up. When you can't take your eyes off of the screen as well as remain mesmerized by the story along with its beauty, you've got a winner. If I hadn't watched FN on Father's Day, this would be number one. Easily.

3) Toy Story 3. The furnace scene was a welling up of all the emotion contained in YEARS of watching the series. I'll never forget it and really love the time and work Pixar put into this movie.

4) Wall-E. WHY CAN'T I PUT THIS HIGHER... I really wish I could. Every time I walk through my apartment complex or see people in today's post-modern culture, I have eerie recollections of this film. Astounding story that sticks in my mind, I'll never forget this embodiment of Pixar's walking a tad on the wild side/comment on modern society.

5) Monster's Inc. Aside from most of the annoying "Kitty!" banter and bits of cliches, I rather enjoyed this movie. Imagination is a powerful tool, and this film doesn't disappoint in that category. Deserving of the middle spot in this here ranking.

6) Toy Story. A classic that set the standard for animated films everywhere. The music is unforgetabbly classy/classic, and the transitions from cute (triclops claw-game aliens) to rather grim (baby head on a metal arachnid contraption) provide for a true classic with images and quotes that have lasted through the years. Only reason I see it so far down on this list is because the quality is obviously lacking.

7) The Incredibles. Superheroes. Movies containing them either nail it for me or slightly miss my mark of absolute favorite. The character styles are brilliant and there are plenty of superhero movie regularities that give this a respectable place in my countdown (or count-up, maybe we're all thinking this the wrong way.) :smalleek:

8) Ratatouille. Verrrrry unique story/characters showcasing a little international flair presented by Pixar. There just aren't enough memorable aspects from this movie for it to deserve a higher spot on my list.

9) Cars. Such a brilliant idea and display of animation and thought. The voice actors are great and the movie is without a doubt enjoyable. I love it, I really do. However, the story is rather weak. I may sometimes be impressed with the flashy-sparklies or the burning rubber and roaring crowds, but if the story is underwhelming or partly recycled, I simply cannot rank this any higher than 9 on my list.

(From the previews, I hope Summer 2011's Cars 2 isn't a disappointment, even though it doesn't look entirely promising.)

10) A Bug's Life. Most likely because it's been a very long time since I watched this film, but from what I am remembering and sticking with my trend of lower ranking based on lack of memorable aspects, I have problems ranking this any higher. The movie does not suck and the characters/story is great, but if my imagination isn't sent reeling for months/years after I finish watching, then it doesn't deserve to be any higher than 10.

11) Toy Story 2. It sucks to put this at number 11, but the film was created in the infant days of the animation industry and is again obviously lacking in the visual department. The story represents everything sequel tends to represent and is honestly hilarious at times. But every other movie made by this company is truly better, plain and simple. This is at 11, but it DOES NOT MEAN that it is the worst movie made by Pixar. Because it CERTAINLY isn't. :D

If I may add to the discussion concerning the scorecard, perhaps taking the top 4 movies instead of just 3 could create an entirely more dynamic list. Just a thought. I've done too much discussion as is and don't feel like any more right now.

Take care all, and cool thread by the way. ;)

2011-03-30, 04:37 AM
1) Up
3) The Incredibles
4) Ratatouille
5) Toy Story
6) Toy Story 2
7) A Bug's Life
8) Toy Story 3
9) Finding Nemo
10) Monsters Inc.
11) Cars

Best animated feature of the decade goes to Up. Simply masterful. I'm surprised Incredibles didn't rank higher because it's honestly my favorite. It's just that the other two are superior movies, one far, far moreso. Four, five, six and seven occasionally change places over the years, but they're consistently the middling ones. Eight, nine and ten all suffer from the same problem: overhype. By the time I'd seen them, nearly everyone I talked to had said the same things over and over about them.

"Best movie ever!"
"Pixar's greatest!"
"If you don't cry, you're a monster!"

Nothing can live up to a constant stream of that kind of praise for months on end. It's probably Pixar's worst problem.

And of course, Cars was just a flub. Gorgeous artwork doesn't forgive the clumsiness that went into it on so many levels. Still, entertaining as long as you don't think too hard about it and it never crosses the same line of unwatchability that so many Dreamworks computer animated movies have. I probably watch it more than FN, TS3 or MInc, honestly. Weird how that works out.

2011-03-30, 04:47 AM
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 1
The Incredibles
Monster's Inc.
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life
Finding Nemo


The Unseen are in the order I imagine I would rank them at the moment. However the list is independent & would no necessarily be all below Nemo.

Dumbledore lives
2011-03-30, 04:56 AM
Ranking the pixar movies is difficult they are all great films, and ones that I will always catch if on TV. My top would definitely be Toy Story 3, probably because it was the most recent one I've seen, but also because it was the best movie I had seen in a very long time, definitely in my top 5 films, like ever.

After that it gets kind of fuzzy, because they are all so amazing, the toy story series is somewhere near the top around the same level as Up, nexst is the Incredibles, Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo are about the same, Ratatouille is right around there too, then come Wall-E and Bug's Life, as well as Cars. Even though I consider Cars the worst of Pixar, it is still probably better than 90% of whats put out, and having that as the worst film is really saying something.

2011-03-30, 04:58 AM
1) Ratatouille
2) Up
3) Wall-E
4) The Incredibles
5) Toy Story 1
6) Monster's Inc.
7) A Bug's Life
8) Finding Nemo
9) Toy Story 2
10) Cars

I haven't seen Toy Story 3, though I suspect its at least 8th. Everything above the current 8th was very liked, everything below hated, it manages to reach ambivalence.

Killer Angel
2011-03-30, 06:04 AM
Here's mine (vote only for the ones already seen)

1) Monster's inc.
2) The Incredibles
3) Up
4) Toy Story 1
5) Finding Nemo
lasts in no particular order) A Bug's life, Ratatouille, Cars

2011-03-30, 08:28 AM
1. Wall-E
2. Finding Nemo
3. Up
4. Ratatouille
5. Toy Story 3
6. The Incredibles
7. Toy Story
8. Monsters Inc.
9. Toy Story 2
10. A Bug's Life
11. Cars

With Cars the only movie I was 'meh' about. Still, Pixar is one of the most consistently high-quality animation studios I know.

2011-03-30, 08:54 AM
The Incredibles (Edna Mode FTW)
Finding Nemo; Ratatouille
Wall-E; A Bug's Life; Monster's Inc.
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 2

I haz ties..

2011-03-30, 09:05 AM
1. Toy Story 1/2/3.
2. Monsters Inc.
3. Wall-E.
4. The Incredibles.
5. Finding Nemo.
6. A Bug's Life.
7. Ratatouille.
8. Cars.

I haven't seen Up, but I really should at some point.
Finding Nemo, A Bug's Life and Ratatouille are all in my Meh pile.
Cars isn't bad, it's just that my 2 year old cousin watches it over and over and over...

2011-03-30, 09:14 AM
1. Up
2. The Incredibles
3. Toy Story 3
4. Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Ratatouille
5. Toy Story 2
6. A Bug's Life
7. Toy Story 1
8. The one I've not seen
9. Wall-E

2011-03-30, 09:54 AM
going off on a tangent here...

It sucks to put this at number 11, but the film was created in the infant days of the animation industry and is again obviously lacking in the visual department.

..made me pause for a second.
I thought "big" animation pretty much started with disney, snowhite, pinocchio, fantasia and so on, somewhere in the thirties of the last century... tentatively introducing computer animation with the little mermaid and so on..
20+ years ago..
even if we want to only consider the start of CGI being applied to cartoons, at the pace of evolution in CGI and computery-stuff in general, I'd have thought we've well and truly walzed past the puberty stage of animation..by the time Toy Story 2 came out

so..where am I going wrong?

2011-03-30, 10:26 AM
1. Up
2. The Incredibles
3. Wall-E
4. Finding Nemo
5. Monsters Inc.
6. Ratatouille
7. Toy Story 1
8. A Bug's Life
9. Toy Story 2
10. Cars

I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet.

2011-03-30, 10:49 AM
I thought "big" animation pretty much started with disney, snowhite, pinocchio, fantasia and so on, somewhere in the thirties of the last century... tentatively introducing computer animation with the little mermaid and so on..
20+ years ago..
even if we want to only consider the start of CGI being applied to cartoons, at the pace of evolution in CGI and computery-stuff in general, I'd have thought we've well and truly walzed past the puberty stage of animation..by the time Toy Story 2 came out

Big animation did start with Disney: Snow White was the first full-length cel-animated feature film ever made.

Toy Story 1 was the first animated film to be made entirely in computer. Disney (and other companies) were already using computers to help in the process, but the animation was still largely hand-made.

I do agree, though, that Toy Story 2 was not really to be qualified as infant stages. Only Toy Story 1 was.

2011-03-30, 10:57 AM
Toy Story 2
The Incredibles
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 1
--------------- separator between "friggin epic" and "just good" ------
Monsters Inc.
--------------- separator between "good" and "mediocre" ------
A Bug's Life

No opinion - TS3

2011-03-30, 11:01 AM
For me, it goes:

1. Wall-E
2. Cars
3. Toy Story
4. Toy Story 2
5. Toy Story 3
6. Finding Nemo
7. The Incredibles
8. A Bug's Life
9. Up
10. Ratatouille

Forum Explorer
2011-03-30, 12:17 PM
Mine would be

Wall-E (It was on at work when it came out. I must have watched it 30 times and I still love it.

Up (Just amazing)

Finding Nemo (Just a lot of fun)

The Incredibles (I like a good superhero movie. And this is a good superhero movie)

Toy Story (classic)

A Bugs Life (Didn't like it at first but it grew on me as I grew up. Regardless I haven't seen it for a long time)

Cars (decent and entertaining.)

Ratatoullie (Haven't actually seen all of it but seems to be decent)

Toy Story 2 (I hate obvious unplanned sequels and this falls in that category)

Haven't seen:
Toy Story 3 (See Toy Story 2 for why)

2011-03-30, 12:41 PM
Wall-E is among my favourites,if not the favourite Pixar movie.
I just love the non verbal communication. The shorts are some of my favourite things done by Pixar, and Wall-E was able to capture that in a full length movie for me.

2011-03-30, 01:53 PM
Scorecard has been updated. The top 4 seem to be consistently favourites among posters here.

2011-03-30, 03:56 PM
Won't go on a full blown list, but suffice it to say:

1) Ratatouille
1) Wall-E

Also, as a possible "BLASPHEMY!" moment, I don't care much about Toy Story.

Also also, if the rest of Up was as strong as its first act(?), we might have had the movie of the decade.

Soras Teva Gee
2011-03-30, 04:48 PM
1990. 1990. For the time, it's amazing. The magic of Toy Story is remembering what it's like to be a kid when you created your own worlds that you played in. Much like DMing.

As noted '95 not '90. I wouldn't remember it in the theaters if I'd been four instead of nine. And I kept thinking I liked Lion King better, both story wise and aesthetically.

I was (and still am though with less props now) creating my own worlds, which the idea of the props coming to life when I was away damages. Because as Buzz learns, he is a toy. That kinda mantra is like stabbing my imagination in the leg.

And on the CGI front, I've always disliked the aesthetic style Toy Story promulgated all over animation. The entire look just lacks something, a certain richness of coloring maybe. Its not intrinsic to CGI as an entire process, its often forgotten the Lion King rather seamlessly uses CGI and most "traditional" animation has been using a computer for a long time. However I think the faux-3D style is only recently getting over its limitations and becoming something I can like purely visually. Pixar got "it" with the Incredibles, though I think that more a happy accident of the art choice, and solidified it in Up.


But... you do know that the guys at Pixar invented pretty much everything? Including texture mapping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_mapping) and the Alpha Channel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Channel)?

Texture Mapping was invented by Edwin Catmul, co-founder and current president of Pixar. The Alpha Channel was first introduced by Alvy Ray Smith, the other co-founder.

I did not, but honestly do not care except at some loose intellectual level.

I care more about things like how they quietly have the same favorite studio I do.

2011-03-30, 06:36 PM
I fail to understand how the aesthetics of The Lion King would have been at all appropriate to Toy Story.

2011-03-30, 06:52 PM
The Incredibles
Monsters, Inc.
Toy Story 1
Toy Story 3
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 2
A Bug's Life

Oh, boy. The mid-range was messy for me. Those are some tough choices. Cars was by far my least favorite of the movies, though. I didn't dislike it, but I'd rather not see it ever again since I was forced to watch in band twice, as well as several times at home. I don't remember seeing all of Ratatouille, so go ahead and ignore the number it's been given. :smalltongue:

Toy Story 2 didn't really do it for me. I don't know why, though the Buzzes and Zerg scenes were awesome, as were basically everything with Jessie. I really like Jessie. :smalltongue:

A Bug's Life was enjoyable, though it doesn't get above where it's at simply because I like everything else better. :smallamused:

Up was a masterpiece. I'd say the same about The Incredibles. Monsters, Inc. was great, too.

...Geez. I love Pixar. :smalleek: :smallbiggrin:

2011-03-31, 12:52 AM
As someone else alluded to above, I think it's worth noting that there can be a disparity between the best movie, and one's favourite. So, for example, I think Wall-E and Up are Pixar's best movies, but I probably enjoy The Incredibles more. I think I did my ranking leaning towards "best", with "favourite" as a close second.

2011-03-31, 01:36 AM
List by favorite:
1. The Incredibles
2. Finding Nemo
3. Toy Story 3
4. Up
5. Wall-E
6. Toy Story
7. Ratatouille
8. Monsters Inc.
9. Toy Story 2
10. A Bug's Life
11. Cars

List by best:
1. Up
2. Wall-E
3. Toy Story 3
4. Toy Story
5. Finding Nemo
6. The Incredibles
7. Ratatouille
8. A Bug's Life
9. Monsters Inc.
10. Toy Story 2
11. Cars

Cars is the only movie that I actually don't enjoy watching. As you may be able to tell Finding Nemo and the Incredibles hit me at just the right age and thus will always have a special place in my heart. Up Wall-E and TS3 are far and away the most impressive cinematically as well as being very moving which only gives me more hope for the future. Ratatouille, A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc, and TS2 have only ever been meh for me. Keep in mind a meh for Pixar would be a job well done from almost any other studio.

Why on earth they chose to give Cars a sequel though... at least they seem to be going a different direction.

Fun fact: My parents took me and my little brother to see TS2 and it scared us so much we cried through half of it. :smallcool:

2011-03-31, 01:45 AM
So looking at people's lists, apparently I was right in my pre-judgement of Cars.

2011-03-31, 03:52 AM
Cars is getting a sequel because the merchandise sold like crazy. Yay, Hollywood.

2011-03-31, 10:22 AM
I havent seen the first toy story or a bugs life.

Finding Nemo
The Incredibles
Toy Story 3
Monster's Inc. and Ratatouille (tied)
Toy Story 2

I actually enjoyed Cars quite alot but it felt more like a good Dreamworks film than a Pixar film. I do find it kinda odd that it was the film selected for a sequel especially since a couple of their other films that got more acclaim look as if they would make better and easier sequels.

2011-03-31, 12:11 PM
Cars is getting a sequel because the merchandise sold like crazy. Yay, Hollywood.
when cars came out i had to visit a preschool every week with my mom because she had a job there and i had to do school work there
the preschoolers LOVED Cars

the problem for a lot of us is that we werent in the right demographic

2011-03-31, 12:18 PM
the problem for a lot of us is that we werent in the right demographic
It didn't hurt that some of us had already seen the movie, when it was Doc Hollywood.

Not that the reuse of a plot is always bad, but it does take away from the final product.

2011-03-31, 12:19 PM
Table has been updated again. It is a bit of a hassle, so I'll be giving it up now. If anyone wants to take over, feel free to.

2|The Incredibles|32
4|Toy Story 3|25
5|Finding Nemo|15
6|Toy Story 1|11
T-7|Monster's Inc.|9
9|Toy Story 2|7
11|A Bug's Life|1[/table]

Human Paragon 3
2011-03-31, 12:26 PM
Hobo Tier: -
(I want my money back. I probably stopped watching partway through. I wouldn't take a free DVD of it. It is worth less than 0 dollars to me.)

Fine... I wall also fix the hobo suit.

2011-03-31, 02:44 PM
when cars came out i had to visit a preschool every week with my mom because she had a job there and i had to do school work there
the preschoolers LOVED Cars

the problem for a lot of us is that we werent in the right demographic

The thing is... Pixar usually excels at "entertainment for the whole family". For the whole family should mean "The whole family can enjoy it", as Pixar's movies usually do. In many other cases, thought "for the whole family" means "pop the DVD in so that the kids will have something to watch for an hour and a half." Cars is a bit closer to the second one, it feels too much like a children's movie and too little like entertainment for the whole family.

2011-03-31, 06:17 PM
Toy Story 3. If only on the merit of Toy Story 1 and 2. I was 5 when #1 came out, and to see Andy moving away to college, and at a time I'm looking at moving away from home myself, looking at these toys that I played with as a kid (not so much Woody and Buzz, but Mr. Potato Head and I had a little cadre of LGMs), it was hard to watch.
Up. God, how I wish I could give Ratatouille or Wall-E this spot. I love both of those films. But Up was a piece of art, it was beautiful, and it was everything I remember wanting to do as a kid: go on an adventure, go through the jungle, everything. It was perfect.
Ratatouille. The thrill of creation, the fighting what people say. Anyone can cook! It's true! Not that everyone SHOULD, but never doubt that you can! I love food, I love cooking, and I love this film! Everything they say is true of any art, and perhaps my favorite bit was the critic eating the ratatouille prepared by Remy and the pure emotion...
Wall-E. I tear up whenever I hear his name being said. It was heavy-handed, but it's obvious that it was an unintentional message. The real message of Wall-E was love was unbeatable, and that made the film perfect to me.
The Incredibles. Dash, you can blame Russel for you being this far down, I'm sorry. This was a great superhero movie. It wasn't dark, it wasn't edgy, and if anything, it proved that the dark and edgy heroes like Syndrome are nothing more than villains. I love this film. Love it love it love it.
Toy Story 1. Without this film, Pixar would be no where. Still one of the better films out there.
Monsters Inc. This movie was wonderful, and if any film had an intentional environmental message, it was Monsters Inc. Showing that the kids aren't to be feared, and that there is a better way to power Monstropolis, I loved it.
Toy Story 2. A strong movie, but the weakest of the three. It's the Hourman to the Citizen Steel and Superman of the other two, strengthwise. Still, beautiful.
Finding Nemo. I am very attached to this movie despite my fear of aquatic creatures. It was beautiful, and the devotion of Marlin to Nemo is something that I know my dad has for me and I will one day have for my own progency.
Cars. Still emotionally stirring, but no tears here. Nothing brought me over the edge.
A Bug's Life. It was fun when I was a little kid. Now... eh. Still good. I'll watch it if it's on TV.

There you go. You asked what I thought was best, and there it is.

2011-03-31, 09:12 PM
1. The Incredibles. I love this movie. So much. Everything about it I like, the story, the characters, the references, the animation, everything.
I'm to lazy to give reasons for the other ones.
2: Up.
3. Monster's Inc.
4. Ratatouille
5. Wall-E
6. Finding Nemo
7. Toy Story
8. Toy Story 2
9. Cars
10. A Bug's Life

I enjoyed all of them a ton except for the last two, which were okay movies.
Oh, and I haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet, so I can't say anything about it. I heard it's amazing though, so I'll try to get it soon.

The Glyphstone
2011-03-31, 09:17 PM
1. Incredibles.
2. Toy Story 3
3. Up
4. Monsters Inc.
5. Up
6. Toy Story 2
7. Ratatouille
8. Toy Story 1
9.Finding Nemo
10. A Bug's Life
Less: Cars

2011-04-01, 06:35 AM
I think this thread is coming to the point where we are all just posting without responding.
I would respond (and probably will later) but I need to get to class.

2011-04-09, 08:57 AM
1. Incredibles.
2. Toy Story 3
3. Up
4. Monsters Inc.
5. Up
6. Toy Story 2
7. Ratatouille
8. Toy Story 1
9.Finding Nemo
10. A Bug's Life
Less: Cars

Just trying to help: you forgot Wall-E and mentioned Up twice.

2011-04-09, 09:21 AM
Just trying to help: you forgot Wall-E and mentioned Up twice.

Up, Up and away.

The Glyphstone
2011-04-09, 10:05 AM
Just trying to help: you forgot Wall-E and mentioned Up twice.

Whoops. Wall-E was supposed to be #3 there.

2011-04-10, 04:02 AM
did you not like Up Glyphstone?

2011-04-10, 04:52 AM
Hey, just because it's lower on the list, doesn't mean he didn't like it. All it means is he liked it less.

The Glyphstone
2011-04-10, 02:55 PM
Yeah, it's like giving a box of gourmet chocolates and asking to rank them. Sure, the coconut creme and caramel are the first gone, but after that it gets really hard to decide which is 'best'.

2011-04-10, 04:46 PM
Toy Story 3
Toy Story
The Incredibles
Finding Nemo
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc.
A Bug's Life

I have not seen Wall-E.

2011-04-16, 08:49 PM
2. Monsters, Inc.
3. UP
4. The Incredibles
5. Toy Story
6. Toy Story 3
7. Toy Story 2
8. A Bug's Life
9. Finding Nemo

Have not seen: Cars, Ratatouille

2011-04-16, 09:14 PM
I know they aren't feature films, but someone should stop to mention Pixar's short films.

Tin Toy (1988) was basically the first real CGI short film, and clearly the progenitor of Toy Story. It was also made in 1988, and looked amazing for the time. (Even if the baby looked and acted like some sort of eldritch abomination.)

2011-04-17, 12:08 AM
Every movie Pixar has ever made has been bloody brilliant. They are incapable of failure at this point. That said, some have been better than others. Here's my personal ranking:

#1 •The Incredibles - My favorite by a long shot. Brad Bird's subtle Ayn Rand sub-theme clinches it, but the 60's feel combined with the superhero theme and the mid-life crisis...absolutely brilliant story. 5/5

#2 •Up - This move was thematically absurd, but had me crying in the opening sequence. Wonderful all around. Pixar has definitely learned to tug at the heart-strings of late. 5/5

#3 •Toy Story 3 - A spectacular ending to a spectacular franchise. Also somewhat emotional (See #2). 5/5

#4 •Monster's Inc. - Who came up with this concept? It was brilliant from the start. Laughs all around. 5/5

#5 •Wall-E - I found it amazing that they managed to put more emotion into this guy than in every character they'd ever made previously...and he's just a mute Black & Decker appliance. 5/5

#6 •Toy Story 1 - This movie was Pixar's first. It still holds up today. 4.5/5

#7 •Toy Story 2. - Great sequel to a great movie. 4.5/5

#8 •Finding Nemo - I was sad. I laughed. I laughed more. Ellen Degeneres really owns this movie, but it was all around quite good, and spectacular for young children. (Also, every movie I've ever seen that sported Geoffrey Rush in any role has ben a pile of fun.) 4.5/5

#9 •Ratatouille - Good, but not really up to Brad Bird's previous offerings (The Iron Giant, The Incredibles.) Still fun, I wasn't expecting much when I saw the subject matter, and it was a pleasant surprise. 4/5

#10 •Cars - Wow. Real life NASCAR is so incredibly boring, but this movie still kept me on the edge of my seat, anyway. RIP George Carlin, Paul Newman. 4/5

#11 •A Bug's Life - Last and least, but still a quality movie. Seriously, if this is the worst Pixar can do, it's still better than all but three or four animated offerings by other studios. Fun but forgettable. I am a beautiful butterfly! 3.5/5

Mind Fillet
2011-04-26, 07:02 PM
Honestly I find myself ranking Pixar movies from watchable to heinous. Many people get angry at me when I reveal the fact that I honestly don't like pixar

2011-04-27, 08:54 AM
Here is my ranking and my grade for each picture;

1. The Incredibles, A+
2. Finding Nemo, A
3. Up, A
4. Toy Story 3, A
5. Toy Story 2, A-
6. Ratatouille, B+
7. Wall-E, B
8. Cars, B-
9. Monsters Inc., B-
10. Toy Story, C
11. A Bug's Life, C-

2011-04-27, 10:23 AM
The best films Pixar has made, in this order, are Up, The Incredibles, and Finding Nemo. Everything else seems to reside in a tier underneath but they're all quality in some way or another.

Up did things to me. Obviously the opening scene was very touching but I was sent over the edge once Carl found the Adventure Book and saw what his wife did with it.

2011-05-06, 01:27 PM
By the way, I think all except the last two were really good quality films.

1) A Bug's Life
Yeah. I love this film, and will not hear of people saying it is anything other than a classic.
2) The Incredibles
I agree with every one who says this is a truly great film of our time.
3) Toy Story 2
Thought this was better than the other Toy Storys, but only by a little.
4) Toy Story 3
It might just be because I saw it recently and it's fresh in my mind, but I remember this being amazing.
5) Toy Story
It's often considered the best Toy Story film, and out of all the Pixars I think this is the one I've seen referenced to as the 'best of' most. I'm still not entirely certain I don't consider it higher up the list, but I don't think the storyline was of as good a quality as my higher choices. Still really, really good.
6) Up
I don't feel as if I've done this film justice. This was probably my favourite film of 2010 (or was it 2009?) and yet I still feel it wasn't quite at the standard of Bug's Life, Incredibles or the Toy Story's. (Although this gets my vote for the best opening montage sequence of all time :smalltongue:)
7) Monster's Inc.
Another film I remember as fantastic, yet still couldn't bring it higher up the list. Ah, well.
8) Finding Nemo
I still really like Finding Nemo, but I don't know, it just doesn't seem as 'classic' as the others to me, although I must like because I've seen it several times and would happily watch it again.
9) Wall-E
I thought this was good, but weak compared to the standard of the other Pixar films. Well come on, no one even speaks for the first half hour of the movie.
10) Ratatouille
It's... just not that good. Sorry to disappoint.
11) Cars
Ah. See, this was Pixar's mistake. Cars was an awful film, and should have been made by (blech) Dreamworks to keep Pixar's superb record in tact.

As for (blech) Dreamworks, I can only think of four of their animated films that I have watched can even be considered passable. They are:
1) Shrek
2) Ice Age
3) Shrek 2
4) Bolt

2011-05-06, 02:16 PM
Here is my ranking and my grade for each picture;

1. The Incredibles, A+
2. Finding Nemo, A
3. Up, A
4. Toy Story 3, A
5. Toy Story 2, A-
6. Ratatouille, B+
7. Wall-E, B
8. Cars, B-
9. Monsters Inc., B-
10. Toy Story, C
11. A Bug's Life, C-

why a b- to monsters inc? always thought that it was decent
otherwise i agree with you more or less

2011-05-06, 05:52 PM


2011-05-07, 03:00 AM


Clearly humanity as a whole has no taste.

2011-05-07, 06:04 AM
Madagascar 2's considered better than 1? That's interesting.
Well come on, no one even speaks for the first half hour of the movie.You say that like it's a mark against it :smallconfused:

Evil DM Mark3
2011-05-07, 06:10 AM
The Incredibles
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 1
Monster's Inc.
Finding Nemo
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2
Cars (Freaking hate Cars. Why is this getting a sequel?)

2011-05-07, 03:54 PM
List looks good to me. I don't agree with all of it but I can see where it is coming from. Of course if reviewers weren't all hipsters and considered the possibility that animated shows can be good. I'd expect a good 1.0 bump to most of Pixar but what can you do?

2011-05-07, 08:15 PM
why a b- to monsters inc? always thought that it was decent
I don't mean to insult you, but why do people assume that a B- is a bad grade? It is by definition better than average. It's not what people hope for, but it shows that the work indicated was better than just acceptable. I would say that the word that best describes something that is a B- would be "decent." /teacherrant

As for why Cars is getting a sequel? Merchandising, plain and simple. I've shopped for my nephew who (inexplicably to me) loves the movie, and the merchandising for that movie is insane, even a few years later now.

2011-05-07, 10:47 PM
I don't mean to insult you, but why do people assume that a B- is a bad grade? It is by definition better than average. It's not what people hope for, but it shows that the work indicated was better than just acceptable. I would say that the word that best describes something that is a B- would be "decent." /teacherrantYeah. In terms of uni marks, High Distinction would be A+, Distinction = A, Credit = B, Pass = C and Fail is anything lower. If anything, they might be dropped a little lower (to be A, B, C, and D respectively). Regardless, both a Credit and a Distinction are very desirable.

2011-05-08, 12:10 PM
1. Ratatoullie
2. Toy Story 2
3. Up
4. The Incredibles
5. Finding Nemo
6. Toy Story 3
7. Toy Story 1
8. Monster's inc.
9. Wall-E
10. Cars
11. Bug's Life.

Wall-E, Cars, and Bug's Life are, in my opinion, the worst Pixar movies. Which means that they're still really good. :smallbiggrin:

2011-05-08, 01:14 PM
The Incredibles
Toy Story 3
Toy Story
Finding Nemo
Monster's Inc.
A Bug's Life
Toy Story 2

Haven't seen Up. It should be noted that the first 4 are really all pretty interchangable. Wall-E was watched when I was tired and so I fell asleep through parts of it, but I remember it being very cute. I love Bug's Life, what is wrong with you people? Ratatouille and Toy Story 2 were good, but not spectacular. I did not like Cars.

2011-05-08, 01:26 PM
Haven't seen Up. It should be noted that the first 4 are really all pretty interchangable. Wall-E was watched when I was tired and so I fell asleep through parts of it, but I remember it being very cute. I love Bug's Life, what is wrong with you people? Ratatouille and Toy Story 2 were good, but not spectacular. I did not like Cars.

A Bug's Life was fine.

It just wasn't as fine as almost every other film pixar has done.


As for Dreamworks, since they've cropped up, I'll rank what I care to rank by them.

1. How to Train Your Dragon
2. Monsters Vs. Aliens
3. Shrek
4. Shrek 2 & Kung Fu Panda
Everything after that is either complete drivel or Antz, which was not horrible.

I'd say How to Train Your Dragon is good enough to hang with good Pixar movies and Monsters Vs. Aliens is just a delightful romp that goes well with the "mid-tier" (considering Pixar, mid-tier for them is rather good) Pixar stuff.

2011-05-08, 01:40 PM
Haven't seen Up. It should be noted that the first 4 are really all pretty interchangable. Wall-E was watched when I was tired and so I fell asleep through parts of it, but I remember it being very cute. I love Bug's Life, what is wrong with you people? Ratatouille and Toy Story 2 were good, but not spectacular. I did not like Cars.

Ehh, Bug's Life didn't do anything for me. I've seen the stage performers get mistaken for heroes, the absent minded but helpful inventor, and the not as mean as she appears princess all before. This one just had bugs.

It didn't really help that I found both the princess characters annoying for some reason.

It wasn't bad, I'd watch it again if it was on, but on the list of great movies Pixar has created Bug's Life is pretty forgettable.

2011-05-08, 02:40 PM
This is hard...I like all of Pixar's stuff. Don't think this ranking is set in stone, but here it is:

1. The Incredibles
2. Toy Story 3
3. Toy Story
4. Finding Nemo
5. Wall-E
6. Up
7. Monster's Inc
8. Toy Story 2
9. A Bug's Life
10. Ratatouille
11. Cars

2011-05-12, 02:32 AM
Ehh, Bug's Life didn't do anything for me. I've seen the stage performers get mistaken for heroes, the absent minded but helpful inventor, and the not as mean as she appears princess all before. This one just had bugs.

It didn't really help that I found both the princess characters annoying for some reason.

It wasn't bad, I'd watch it again if it was on, but on the list of great movies Pixar has created Bug's Life is pretty forgettable.

bugs life is good but compared to the rest of pixars stuff it is just meh