View Full Version : How do I redeem a Fallen Angel?

2011-03-30, 02:29 AM
Hey guys, last session my group had traveled to Dis my character acquired the services of an Erinyes (monster manual pg54) and when we left, she came with us. It was mostly by accident that she ended up with us, but at any rate we now we have the devil held captive in a mostly good non-evil party (two good, three neutral, and one evil).

My character is a level nine cleric/radiant servant of pelor, and wants to redeem the Erinyes, while she is being held captive, my character has been treating her well, (i.e. making sure she's fed, speaking to her kindly while trying to build a rapport, and making sure none of the other party members mistreat her). My character had done this for two weeks in game time when I ask the DM if I had been making any progress in bonding with the devil. He laughs, and tells me no, he had ruled that I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by boring it with talk of religion, and by specifically not having carnal relations with it. It was even ruled as an evil act against my character.

I was pretty shaken up over this realization, but I'd still like to redeem the devil (if for no other reason than my guy has leadership and a vacant cohort position). So any of you playgrounders have any idea how I can help this devil back to the side of angels? I've tried the Book of Exalted deeds way to redeem her, it should work out, if only i can find someway to skew the check in my favor, hopefully through some kind of action or something.

2011-03-30, 02:44 AM
The first thing, perhaps the essential thing, is to discover at least a vague idea of the reason the Erinyes fell in the first place, and how long ago.

Was it love? A lust for power? Was this Erinyes one of the originals who fell with Asmodeus (unlikely) or a more recently fallen angel?

These are things you need to discover.

2011-03-30, 02:50 AM
Hey guys, last session my group had traveled to Dis my character acquired the services of an Erinyes (monster manual pg54) and when we left, she came with us. It was mostly by accident that she ended up with us, but at any rate we now we have the devil held captive in a mostly good non-evil party (two good, three neutral, and one evil).

My character is a level nine cleric/radiant servant of pelor, and wants to redeem the Erinyes, while she is being held captive, my character has been treating her well, (i.e. making sure she's fed, speaking to her kindly while trying to build a rapport, and making sure none of the other party members mistreat her). My character had done this for two weeks in game time when I ask the DM if I had been making any progress in bonding with the devil. He laughs, and tells me no, he had ruled that I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by boring it with talk of religion, and by specifically not having carnal relations with it. It was even ruled as an evil act against my character.

I was pretty shaken up over this realization, but I'd still like to redeem the devil (if for no other reason than my guy has leadership and a vacant cohort position). So any of you playgrounders have any idea how I can help this devil back to the side of angels? I've tried the Book of Exalted deeds way to redeem her, it should work out, if only i can find someway to skew the check in my favor, hopefully through some kind of action or something.

Hmm did you mean the diplomacy check to control their brains. Unfortunately it seems that this particular diplomindcontrol does not work on outsiders of the evil subtype and you would then need another way to force alignment to determine actions.

I would personally go with acquiring a helm of opposite alignment and forcibly taking over their brain in that way. It is reasonably inexpensive only 4000 gp market price as I recall and sensible.

2011-03-30, 02:53 AM
Or take the approach that roleplaying it is the way- a bit like with the famous redeemed succubus- instead of "forcing alignment change".

But that generally requires a cooperative DM.

2011-03-30, 02:54 AM
My character had done this for two weeks in game time when I ask the DM if I had been making any progress in bonding with the devil. He laughs, and tells me no, he had ruled that I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by boring it with talk of religion, and by specifically not having carnal relations with it. It was even ruled as an evil act against my character.
This... No. Just... No. There is absolutely no reason for treating a creature with respect and ensuring it's properly cared for should be an evil act.

Other than that...
As Sarco_Phage said, find out why it fell.
Also, a cleric has access to atonement (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/atonement.htm), which specifically mentions redemption.

2011-03-30, 02:55 AM
The first thing, perhaps the essential thing, is to discover at least a vague idea of the reason the Erinyes fell in the first place, and how long ago.

Was it love? A lust for power? Was this Erinyes one of the originals who fell with Asmodeus (unlikely) or a more recently fallen angel?

These are things you need to discover.

Sarco_Phage is on the right track, I think. If it was a recent falling, then do as he suggests, find out the reasons (preferably by her AND some Divinations, as her version will be skewed). This may also work if it was one of the orginals that fell with Asmodeus, but then she's likely to be an Ends Justify The Means kind of gal.

And hope that it's not the final potential case: That she was simply born an Erinyes. FCII says that young Erinyes are the only creatures born normally in Hell, and if it's that kind? She may never have known Good to begin with, so the entire concept could be alien to her.

Are you Lawful? If so, then at least there's a couple of things the two of you could agree on, and then use those for wiggle room, but be wary; any Devil worth their soul energy will try and corrupt you right back.

Edit: I find it strange that your respecting a captive was considered evil, but whatever. I would like to note that you're a cleric devoted to a deity. Draw parallels with her that you both serve something greater than yourself in order to achieve a greater goal. Yours is... whatever yours is with Pelor, and hers is destroying Chaos and the Demons for the Good Of All.

2011-03-30, 02:59 AM
He laughs, and tells me no, he had ruled that I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by boring it with talk of religion, and by specifically not having carnal relations with it. It was even ruled as an evil act against my character.

Sometime around this point I'd have taken a PHB to the DM's head. Trying to convert someone back to the side of Good by being friendly and nice to them is an Evil act? What?

I get that rules in this area are kind of lax and it's probably up to each DM, but that's just asinine. Seriously. :smallannoyed:

2011-03-30, 03:50 AM
Have a friendly talk with your GM, tell him that you would like to try to redeem this creature. Ask him if this is, at all, possible, maybe mention the various methods from this thread.
If he just says "LOL NO WAY!", forget about it and do something else.

It does sound a bit like he ether has a plan for the devil, or that it is too evil to ever redeem.

2011-03-30, 03:54 AM
It does sound a bit like he ether has a plan for the devil, or that it is too evil to ever redeem.

If an angel, which is literally made out of good, can fall in the first place, then it can probably also ascend. It works both ways, after all.

2011-03-30, 04:40 AM
If an angel, which is literally made out of good, can fall in the first place, then it can probably also ascend. It works both ways, after all.

Well, this is the world of "Being nice = Torture = Evil act",
so all bets are off :smallamused:

2011-03-30, 10:47 AM
Thanks guys, I'm pretty sure my DM knows some way that I can redeem her, he's the one who put the idea in my head. When we first teleported away with the Erinyes in tow, he had asked me if my plan was to convert/redeem her. I didn't realize that that was even a viable option but he said it was. The problem is, I don't really know how to go about doing that other than the way the BoED says to, which apparently wasn't the way he had in mind.

Next session if there's a break in the action I talk to the Erinyes, and try to find the nature of her fall, or if she was just born that way try to understand her view on Good/Evil. I'd prefer to do this through roleplay rather than "controlling her brains", or a helm of opposite alignment (awesome though that idea may be), but preparing attonement seems like a good idea regardless.

And to GreyMane I'm NG, not lawful. So common ground will be hard to find, but I'm sure i'll be able to find something. I'll make sure to watch out for corrupting influences as well.

Thanks for the advice guys, please post again if you have any other ideas.

2011-03-30, 11:46 AM
by specifically not having carnal relations with it

Sounds like your DM is confusing it with a Succubus. Erinyes aren't about the sexy, they're about the retribution. Even the name comes from the old-school Greek Furies. They happen to look really nice, but typically you do not want to proposition one.

That said, if your DM wants it to be a "Succubus, except it's a Devil," it's his prerogative.

2011-03-30, 12:13 PM
Well, according to the Fiendish Codex 2, Erinyes do have 1 "upgrade path", which is a Pleasure Devil.

2011-03-30, 12:36 PM
Well i was reading the posts, and i was a bit taken aback. Your Being NG will prolly put you in a better position to change her views on the Good Evil axsis...
I would think that two lawful beings would argue about laws, and how they are used.... i.e for the good of all, or to get ahead of the pack. So the "Common" ground of Laws and Lawful behavior will be a wedge.. or a wall..
wherea someone who isn't concerened with Law or chaos would help the Devil veiw the consequences of her actions,.. and depending on how she fell from grace, help her see the errors of her ways?

I would suggest you ask your DM straight up if its even possible. The fact, you where treating the Eyrine with respect and all that,..and him saying it was an evil act.. doesn't lead me to believe its possible.

Yuki Akuma
2011-03-30, 12:42 PM
You sound like you have a horrible DM.

Treating a Devil kindly is an evil act? What? That's retarded. Even Devils can react favorably to kindness.

Hell, Devils are capable of being kind, and not just to further their own goals.

classy one
2011-03-30, 01:38 PM
I think you are going about this wrong way. Your DM said you are not through to her with words. He also stated she wants some action, if you know what I mean <wink>.

The procedure for this is to DMM persist Bear's endurance, find some way to enlarge your own member.

You will need a magic circle against evil around the bed before you get down to business. I forgot what save sactifiy uses but eventually you should boost that save in your devil.

Now jump into bed with her and make holy holy love. These temptresses are masters at this which is way you need the endurance. you will need to repeat this a few times as it will take more than once to break her.

Eventually you when you get access to sanctify you can cast it on her during the ummm.... Apex Of your conversation. Hopefully you boosted her save and she will survive and be converted.

I know having repeated sex with an ernyie is just horrible, I would hate to bein your PC's shoes but do it for Pelor!!!! Do it good!!!

2011-03-30, 02:28 PM
I remember an issue of Dragon Magazine that had material on redeemed Evil subtype outsiders. I don't remember the issue number, though. :smallfrown:

2011-03-30, 02:36 PM
I think you are going about this wrong way. Your DM said you are not through to her with words. He also stated she wants some action, if you know what I mean <wink>.

The procedure for this is to DMM persist Bear's endurance, find some way to enlarge your own member.

You will need a magic circle against evil around the bed before you get down to business. I forgot what save sactifiy uses but eventually you should boost that save in your devil.

Now jump into bed with her and make holy holy love. These temptresses are masters at this which is way you need the endurance. you will need to repeat this a few times as it will take more than once to break her.

Eventually you when you get access to sanctify you can cast it on her during the ummm.... Apex Of your conversation. Hopefully you boosted her save and she will survive and be converted.

I know having repeated sex with an ernyie is just horrible, I would hate to bein your PC's shoes but do it for Pelor!!!! Do it good!!!

You live up to your name.

Stay classy.

2011-03-30, 02:39 PM
I think you are going about this wrong way. Your DM said you are not through to her with words. He also stated she wants some action, if you know what I mean <wink>.

The procedure for this is to DMM persist Bear's endurance, find some way to enlarge your own member.

You will need a magic circle against evil around the bed before you get down to business. I forgot what save sactifiy uses but eventually you should boost that save in your devil.

Now jump into bed with her and make holy holy love. These temptresses are masters at this which is way you need the endurance. you will need to repeat this a few times as it will take more than once to break her.

Eventually you when you get access to sanctify you can cast it on her during the ummm.... Apex Of your conversation. Hopefully you boosted her save and she will survive and be converted.

I know having repeated sex with an ernyie is just horrible, I would hate to bein your PC's shoes but do it for Pelor!!!! Do it good!!!

Sad thing is, BBoN and BoEF probably have spells for this, though I think they're arcane.

2011-03-30, 02:46 PM
Sad thing is, BBoN and BoEF probably have spells for this, though I think they're arcane.

I'm pretty sure it's a feat. Tantric something-or-other. (I'm at work, so no chance in any of the nine hells that I'm checking that).

2011-03-30, 02:47 PM
I'm pretty sure it's a feat. Tantric something-or-other. (I'm at work, so no chance in any of the nine hells that I'm checking that).

The fact that you know off the top of your head is disturbing.

2011-03-30, 02:53 PM
I recognize the BoEf, but what is BBoN?

2011-03-30, 02:59 PM
The fact that you know off the top of your head is disturbing.

I remember most of what I read. The fact that I don't know it exactly off the top of my head shows the efforts I've taken to brain-bleach the thing out of existence. :smallyuk:

2011-03-30, 03:03 PM
I recommend you give up; it sounds like your DM's going to slam you on this one.

Your DM kind of seems weaksauce; he doesn't realise that intent is nine tenths. Still, he's in charge and your options are to suck it up and play by his rules, talk to him out of the game or charge on through and probably get nailed (There's a pretty big section of DMs that take infinite glee in dropping Paladins like flies).

In addition, "not having carnal relations is cruel" sounds like your DM wants to take things down a kinky road that honestly I doubt they can properly... express. Proceed with caution!

If you must redeem it, I don't recommend you do so yourself; a group effort or some sort of good warlock you've chanced upon is your best bet; if there's anything your DM has thrown at you that suits this sort of purpose, re-calling it is likely to be seen in a favourable light because you're positively re-enforcing their setting.

Good freakin' luck!

classy one
2011-03-30, 03:07 PM
Agh some key things I forgot, you must cuddle with her afterwards. Very key point. She's used to one night stands so you need to show her the power of love, most people are more susceptible to suggestion after a roll in the hay (or statin bed).

Casting a spell while sexing will require massive concentration so boost that up too. Lord forbid you mess it up while you have your O-face on and have to have sex her AGAIN (oh the horror).

2011-03-30, 03:09 PM
I recognize the BoEf, but what is BBoN?

Blue Book of Nymphology. I have no idea if it's official, I found it randomly in a pile of old manuals. It's fairly immature, of questionable balance (and use), but funny at times. BoEF is a little more on the "if your group is above giggling when someone says 'boobs', you can probably use this for a few things" level. BBoN is on the "your group would have to be able to play FATAL seriously to use this without the game spiraling out of control" level, as in, not fit for tabletop consumption. But it's a funny read nonetheless. And it does have spells for that... particular use.

classy one
2011-03-30, 03:11 PM
You live up to your name.

Stay classy.


I'm putting this in my signif you don't mind.

2011-03-30, 03:12 PM

I'm putting this in my signif you don't mind.

I don't care lol. Feel free.

2011-03-30, 03:18 PM
Blue Book of Nymphology. I have no idea if it's official, I found it randomly in a pile of old manuals. It's fairly immature, of questionable balance (and use), but funny at times. BoEF is a little more on the "if your group is above giggling when someone says 'boobs', you can probably use this for a few things" level. BBoN is on the "your group would have to be able to play FATAL seriously to use this without the game spiraling out of control" level, as in, not fit for tabletop consumption. But it's a funny read nonetheless. And it does have spells for that... particular use.

Trying to find it out of curiosity.

This it?


2011-03-30, 03:43 PM
Yea. Guess it's not official (I never checked, figured it wouldn't ever come up anyways).

2011-03-30, 03:46 PM
Yeah it isn't considering how long it took to find. I'm laughing my ass off with the stupidity that is in this book...

I don't think the writers have any clue and just based it off a porno.

classy one
2011-03-30, 03:55 PM
I don't think the writers have any clue and just based it off a porno.

a porno world....... Sounds awesome.

2011-03-30, 04:03 PM
Redemption requires purification. Purification requires fire!


Oh wait... Pelor.

FOR PELOR!!! BURN THE HERETIC! KILL THE XENO Removed due to Xeno worship of pelor. PURGE THE UNCLEAN!!!:smalltongue:

Yuki Akuma
2011-03-30, 04:05 PM
All Glory to Pelor, the Burning Hate!

2011-03-31, 12:40 AM
yaknow, i gotta admit, considering the topic I'm amazed that this thread didn't devolve into puns, and "redemption by sex" until the sixteenth post.

2011-03-31, 01:24 AM
I guess the best course is to take your time with her, ensure she's well cared-for and show her the light of Pelor.

2011-03-31, 07:10 AM
You seem to have a major stumbling point in your DM... but all the same, you might be able to get somewhere by:

1) Coming up with awesome roleplay to make achieving what you're setting out to do seem reasonable. Figuring out who your captive is beyond "an Erinyes" would indeed seem to be a key first step.
2) Involving the DM. Commune with deity etc. to look for divine guidance on this if you want to do it ingame, or chat to him over some beers out of game.
3) Impressing him with facts. RP your cleric doing some research on Erinyes, then give your DM a well-researched plan of action that should put him right on any misapprehensions he may have.

2011-03-31, 07:56 AM
Sounds like your DM has a plan with her... or with you. Despite the ridiculous ruling on your treatment of her, he might not want you to redeem her :/

You might be dealing with an exceptionally sneaky DM here, planting the idea of redemption in your head (you did say after all that you didn't even think of it before he asked you), letting you fail for whatever reason, and then have her turn you darkside.

...it's what I would have done :smallcool:

2011-03-31, 08:04 AM
I'd discuss it with your GM and offer to roll Knowledge Religion skill for hints...

2011-03-31, 08:39 AM
Aside from plan burning hate, You could go with a slightly less... likely to embarrass everyone version of Classy ones plan.

Instead of giving her... action, take her out to dinner and such, punch people who threaten her and so on.

Depending on your cleric, this might need a bluff check to feign emotions.

Use that bit of your lucre that you would spend on drinks to get her cheap mundane presents. Give her a bit more freedom. (Not enough to pull anything mind you, in fact it would be best if the freedom was imagined.)

For example what is the erinyes wearing? Could she perhaps need some nice new clothes?

Combine this minor care of it with talk. But don't just drone on about the light and goodness. You are just slamming your head into a brick wall there.

Perhaps discuss the weather, what she thinks of the farming village you happen to be in, What she thinks of part A of a plan.

Start a Debate. Reward her if a plan she suggests works well, I mean she has been in the blood war for how long? She probably knows a few battle plans.

Treat her like a person, not a fallen angel. Not a prize to be won through redemption.

2011-05-20, 11:13 AM
Aside from plan burning hate, You could go with a slightly less... likely to embarrass everyone version of Classy ones plan.

Instead of giving her... action, take her out to dinner and such, punch people who threaten her and so on.

Depending on your cleric, this might need a bluff check to feign emotions.

Use that bit of your lucre that you would spend on drinks to get her cheap mundane presents. Give her a bit more freedom. (Not enough to pull anything mind you, in fact it would be best if the freedom was imagined.)

For example what is the erinyes wearing? Could she perhaps need some nice new clothes?

Combine this minor care of it with talk. But don't just drone on about the light and goodness. You are just slamming your head into a brick wall there.

Perhaps discuss the weather, what she thinks of the farming village you happen to be in, What she thinks of part A of a plan.

Start a Debate. Reward her if a plan she suggests works well, I mean she has been in the blood war for how long? She probably knows a few battle plans.

Treat her like a person, not a fallen angel. Not a prize to be won through redemption.

Because this isn't shallow, transparent, and immature at all. No, really, I especially like your "Show the devil the way to do good by resorting to violence at the slightest provocation" part.

Grim Reader
2011-05-20, 02:00 PM
Yeah it isn't considering how long it took to find. I'm laughing my ass off with the stupidity that is in this book...

I don't think the writers have any clue and just based it off a porno.

I saw a spellbook once. A real one. It was a reproduction of one confiscated during the witchburning period.

Surprisingly, no Fireball or polymorph. Real Witches seemed to have had quite poor spell lists. Probably why Commoners with torches were such a threat. Or they may all have been badly optimized.

It was about 2/3rds stuff like the Blue Book. How to make X fall in love/lust, viagra spells, contraception and fertility of kin and kine. Peronally I am a simulationist when worldbuilding. So while I don't really see the point of these kinds of spells in-game, I figure that whan your average non-adventurer Wizard ends his apprenticeship and gets out from under his master -and faces the fact that he spent his youth dressed in robes hanging out with an old man in a dusty room with no alcohol- he is probably going to be working on spells like this. And the women are no better.

So they are probably out there. At some point, there should be a thread for non-adventuring spells and magic items.

2011-05-20, 03:11 PM
Ask your DM what he wants you to do. If he waffles, repeat the question. Treat the conversation exactly as you would treat someone who asks you where you want to go for lunch, then shoots down every suggestion you make but refuses to say where he wants to go.

This is assuming the answer isn't "bone the evil out of her." Actually I think Classy One is right, you already know what the DM wants you to do.

The Glyphstone
2011-05-20, 05:27 PM
I support Plan Beat The DM With His Own DMG, solely for the 'kindness=torture' shenanigans.

2011-05-20, 07:01 PM
You are a cleric, asking the big guy is probably the best option.
If you have access to it, a larger temple should have some information available, even if it only in the form of a legend. Just make sure that there is no room for misunderstandings. If it sounds like you are too friendly with the Erinyes (or are influenced by her) there will be some awkward questions.

2011-05-20, 07:05 PM
The first thing, perhaps the essential thing, is to discover at least a vague idea of the reason the Erinyes fell in the first place, and how long ago.

Sorry to take the opposite side of the argument from all this "your DM is the worst in the history of time and space" love-in y'all have going here.

The problem is, that according to the monster description ONLY the very first Erinyes were fallen angels.

"RUMOR in the underworld tells that the first erinyes were angels who fell..." (emphasis added)

"...Now the skies of the Nine Hells are littered with their DESCENDANTS."

Now she may even have told the players that she was a fallen angel, because in the monster description it says that they do that:

"They're not above TAKING ADVANTAGE of being MISTAKEN for the celestials that LEGEND says they once were."


Perhaps the DM is trying to send you a subtle message that you are wasting everyone's time on this 'pet' project of yours?

2011-05-20, 07:11 PM
[...] I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by [...] not having carnal relations with it [...]

How is that torture? In any case, you're a good man.

2011-05-20, 07:11 PM
Hey guys, last session my group had traveled to Dis my character acquired the services of an Erinyes (monster manual pg54) and when we left, she came with us. It was mostly by accident that she ended up with us, but at any rate we now we have the devil held captive in a mostly good non-evil party (two good, three neutral, and one evil).

My character is a level nine cleric/radiant servant of pelor, and wants to redeem the Erinyes, while she is being held captive, my character has been treating her well, (i.e. making sure she's fed, speaking to her kindly while trying to build a rapport, and making sure none of the other party members mistreat her). My character had done this for two weeks in game time when I ask the DM if I had been making any progress in bonding with the devil. He laughs, and tells me no, he had ruled that I had actually been torturing the Erinyes by boring it with talk of religion, and by specifically not having carnal relations with it. It was even ruled as an evil act against my character.

I was pretty shaken up over this realization, but I'd still like to redeem the devil (if for no other reason than my guy has leadership and a vacant cohort position). So any of you playgrounders have any idea how I can help this devil back to the side of angels? I've tried the Book of Exalted deeds way to redeem her, it should work out, if only i can find someway to skew the check in my favor, hopefully through some kind of action or something.

Forget it. The DM won't let you redeem it by fiat. There is nothing whatsoever you can do because the DM absolutely refuses to let it happen and blames you for even trying.

2011-05-20, 07:12 PM
I support Plan Beat The DM With His Own DMG, solely for the 'kindness=torture' shenanigans.

what is the penalty for:

(1) the player gets entirely the wrong idea about the monster
(2) the player expects to reverse a lifetime (perhaps _many lifetimes_) of experience in two weeks
(3) the player ignores the subtle player hint that he is boring everyone and wasting their time
(4) the player leaps onto the internet to complain

#4 isn't exactly a sign of enormously well developed maturity.

For #3 I think the player has forgotten that spending time with a DM and other players is a privilege, and that their time is precious. How many hours of roleplaying time has he devoted to this project - at the expense of anyone else being able to do anything? Is he monopolising the DM's time? Is he slowing things down? These are all things to consider.

For #2 I think the player needs to be smacked not with a rulebook, but with a spadeful of common sense. Or a shovel of realism. Whichever is most handy.

2011-05-20, 07:37 PM
For #2 I think the player needs to be smacked not with a rulebook, but with a spadeful of common sense. Or a shovel of realism. Whichever is most handy.

I'll try to draw from my common sense and life experience. Let's see, what does one do in real life when one drags a mythological Greek torturer out of Dante's inferno and holds her prisoner by drawing a circle on the ground?

I'm drawing a blank.

2011-05-20, 07:49 PM
Because this isn't shallow, transparent, and immature at all. No, really, I especially like your "Show the devil the way to do good by resorting to violence at the slightest provocation" part.

That's the entire point!

No really, think about it. Your a bastion of good, she is only going to stop plotting to escape if she can see a reason to stay... such as corrupting you perhaps? Throw her a few hints that that might be possible.

And all the while.

Anyways isn't this thread pretty old?

EDIT: Also in my defence, I don't get people. Most RPG plans I have consist of making the general direction the enemy is in gone.

Mr. Zolrane
2011-05-20, 08:58 PM
This... No. Just... No. There is absolutely no reason for treating a creature with respect and ensuring it's properly cared for should be an evil act.

Sometime around this point I'd have taken a PHB to the DM's head. Trying to convert someone back to the side of Good by being friendly and nice to them is an Evil act? What?

I get that rules in this area are kind of lax and it's probably up to each DM, but that's just asinine. Seriously. :smallannoyed:

You sound like you have a horrible DM.

Treating a Devil kindly is an evil act? What? That's retarded. Even Devils can react favorably to kindness.

Hell, Devils are capable of being kind, and not just to further their own goals.

I support Plan Beat The DM With His Own DMG, solely for the 'kindness=torture' shenanigans.

How is that torture? In any case, you're a good man.

I agree with all these people. Especially Glyphstone. Because he is awesome.

Aside from plan burning hate, You could go with a slightly less... likely to embarrass everyone version of Classy ones plan.

Instead of giving her... action, take her out to dinner and such, punch people who threaten her and so on.

Depending on your cleric, this might need a bluff check to feign emotions.

Use that bit of your lucre that you would spend on drinks to get her cheap mundane presents. Give her a bit more freedom. (Not enough to pull anything mind you, in fact it would be best if the freedom was imagined.)

For example what is the erinyes wearing? Could she perhaps need some nice new clothes?

Combine this minor care of it with talk. But don't just drone on about the light and goodness. You are just slamming your head into a brick wall there.

Perhaps discuss the weather, what she thinks of the farming village you happen to be in, What she thinks of part A of a plan.

Start a Debate. Reward her if a plan she suggests works well, I mean she has been in the blood war for how long? She probably knows a few battle plans.

Treat her like a person, not a fallen angel. Not a prize to be won through redemption.

This whole list is good. The last part, however, is key. If she's got any brains at all, she'll start to feel patronized and tune out if it becomes clear you're just trying to earn Paragon points.