View Full Version : Champion: Allosaurus Role Model

2011-03-31, 03:18 PM
This is like the MitD thread, except it's a lot shorter (because we have little time before the champion is introduced) and it's for a minor character (presumably.)


1) Has hands.
2) Is a "he", but this is debatable because Vaarsuvius is referred to as a "he" AND a "her", along with an "it".
3) Is able to kill a stone giant and 36 others (37 including the giant), some of which are presumed to have class levels.
4) Is kept in solitary confinement.

What can you add, or what can you speculate what species/who the champion is?

MitD being sent on a mission.
Xykon. Though why he's stuck in a place that is guarded by human guards and a dinosaur is beyond me.
Someone we've never met before that Rich has made, but not released.
Add more!
NOTE: I checked the forums and didn't see anything about the champion that was a serious prediction thread since when #782 was released. Lock/delete this thread if in fact, there was one.

Zerg Cookie
2011-03-31, 03:24 PM
It's a Tarrasque. For the lulz.

The best Theory me and my friends came up with is Girard using illusions to fake all that stuff.
We never got to what would keep Girard there, though.

So probably just a monk guy.

Lord Bingo
2011-03-31, 03:54 PM
I want to speculate that the champion is a Rancor (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rancor) but honestly, if I had to guess I would go with Human, Male, Full BAB class, high level, Evil aligned.

2011-03-31, 05:44 PM
The elf that dislikes Vaarsuvius.

Dire Moose
2011-03-31, 05:59 PM
I think it's Girard, using illusions to make people think he did stuff that he didn't. He's there by choice for whatever reason, and upon meeting Roy he'll try to discuss something in private with Roy confused about what's going on.

Just a wild guess, but I doubt the mysterious allusions to an unrevealed champoin were included because the Giant just wanted to mess with us.

2011-03-31, 06:36 PM
Maybe it's a bunny. The killer rabbit of Carbanneog, even though it has no hands.

Nimrod's Son
2011-03-31, 07:05 PM

MitD being sent on a mission.
Xykon. Though why he's stuck in a place that is guarded by human guards and a dinosaur is beyond me.
Those aren't possibilities. We know for a fact that Xykon and the MitD haven't been kept in solitary confinement for the last thirty-seven weeks; it's not been much more than a fortnight since we last saw them.

2011-03-31, 07:21 PM
It's probably a humanoid. Telling rest is impossible for that moment.


Mr. Snuggles
2011-03-31, 09:51 PM
It is NOT Girard, people. An epic illusionist is not going to sit around in solitary confinement for ages. A chaotic good character is not going to kill opponents of a lawful evil regime. A magic-user is not going to have superior unarmed combat skills.

Girard will appear after the current EoB arc is over. His scrying eye saw OOTS in the desert, and V cast sending informing him of the situation.

Who is the champ? No idea. Half-orc maybe? I like someone's suggestion of monk.

2011-03-31, 09:57 PM
It's proboably just some random person with class levels that got captured and got enough exp to kill most things in the arena.Now if I were Girand, i'd be living like Tarquin. A master illusionist should easily be able to pull off what Tarquin did. He's probably controlling a figurehead somewhere in another kingdom or very rich living in a mansion.

2011-03-31, 10:31 PM
I think we should brainstorm about the best class to do such things. My guess is that the champion is either a really powerful character or a munchkin (like that cheesy half-ogre from so long ago). Couldn't be a Pun-Pun because staying in the arena (even to kill for fun) would be way to easy for him

2011-04-01, 04:37 AM
Maybe is another hobbit halfling like Belkar.

Zerg Cookie
2011-04-01, 04:48 AM
Maybe it's a spaghetti monster

Can you please suppply anything to support your ideas? Please?

2011-04-01, 06:25 AM
Maybe it's a ogre lycantrope-allosaurus. The allosaurus are in solitary confinment and the hybrid form has huge Str (36, 40 with elite array) and hands.

King of Nowhere
2011-04-01, 09:20 AM
I'd put my chips on hunman(oid), male, full bab class (or monk), evil.
Just the impression I got from the guards talking

2011-04-01, 10:24 AM
Is there any possibility that the allosaurus (is) the champion?

King of Nowhere
2011-04-01, 11:22 AM
By the way, there is alreay a similar thread (titled "the champion is..."), so the two shoukld be merged

Zerg Cookie
2011-04-01, 11:23 AM
That would be a bummer, so unlikely

2011-04-01, 09:50 PM
Maybe it's an epic level commoner, it would be strong enough to handle a stone giant probably, and would fit the class levels of a lot of other gladiators.