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2011-03-31, 08:41 PM
This is the official IC thread for the Gavisoria Games.

OCC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10610164)

Current Player/Character list:

Player Characters:
Serpentine - Alwynn - Sheet (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=6347)
Ragged Angel - Maekrix - Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=302531)
Demonhunter2012 - Darmok - Sheet
Jarian - Arafel - Sheet

chrisrawr - Vinto - Sheet (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=14586)

Retired Characters:
LordOfTheDucks - Sanfeng - Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=283908)
Jarian - Janen - Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=284126)


Over the course of the last five days, each character has made their way across the land towards the imposing High Citadel of Corvantia located in the center of Gavisoria. The Citadel itself is situated on the apex of a towering hill which, by magic or the convenient forces of nature, is surrounded by a vast plain of grasslands and swelling rises of ground bisected by a small, but lively river. Around the base of the hill is located the majestic city of Kolding which was founded only recently, but carries about it an air of dignity, as if it had been there for years untold.

The Breygan River flowed past the outskirts of the town, with the multitudes of jetties and wharfs giving it the look of a mouth full of broken teeth. The city walls are short but thick, and seem well-guarded even during this time of relative peace. As you make your way through the city, the inhabitants bustle about their daily work and seem lively and free. The fears and toils of a life in the outside world is unknown to them and most of them gaze at you with respect and even a bit of awe. It is clear that figures of your stature and power are not frequently seen within the city walls. The shops are simple and rustic, but crowded and filled with brisk trade. Regardless of your location in the city the Citadel constantly towers overhead, a blunt reminder of the power that keeps the citizens safe. Despite your unfamiliarity with the area, you can make your way towards the great hill with relative ease. Once you reach the bottom of the hill, however, you meet your first obstacle.

Four narrow roads, each paved with massive marble stones lead up the hill towards the structure at the top. A small detachment of guards waits at the bottom, and keeps you under close attention as your approach. At first glance, the guards seem almost innocuous, but your experienced eyes note the unwavering attention they give to you, and the way they casually, but skillfully keep their hands besides their weapons. A tall stocky man briefly holds up his hand, motioning you to stop when you reach a comfortable talking distance. He looks you up and down, and asks you to state your name and business. You answer his questions to his satisfaction and he allows you to pass. He instructs you to take a specific road which soon turns out of sight of the other three.

You slowly trudge up the steep winding road. There is no one else in sight, and as you pace out the distance to the peak, a warm winds makes itself more noticeable. At first it is only a gentle whisper but it gradually turns into a brisk breeze, scented with saffron and evergreen. As you reach the top of the hill, you are suddenly reminded of the air from your dream . . . you feel the same rush of alertness and energy and your muscles, worn from the climb, are refreshed and renewed. You draw in a deep breath and take stock of your surroundings. The bright sun not yet reached the noon hour, but it still illuminates the walls of the great Citadel with a brilliant glow. You are standing on a small platform of worked stone. Behind you is the path on which you arrived, and before you is a tall golden door. Carefully crafted scripts in a language unknown to you scrolls around the outside of the entrance. Delicate filigree work details scenes of ancient importance though the events depicted are no doubt lost in the annals of history. The doors are shut without even the smallest crack to reveal a keyhole or separation between the halves. The tower itself is crafted from living stone, each nook and cranny filled with an ancient sense of mystery and imposing strength. The very stone exhales a friendly warmth and feels almost alive to the touch.

You stand before the door engrossed in the ancient displays of valor and victory, and time seems to lose its meaning. Suddenly you are jolted to consciousness as the door before you gives a small shudder and a faint crack appears down the middle. You notice that the sun is now almost directly overhead and you anxiously peer though the widening fissure as the doors slowly glide open. Inside you see a large, dimly lit room with a towering ceiling and several simple benches placed along the walls. You enter, and perceive, not without a faint stirring of unease, that the doors behind you have shut. Three other doors in opposite quadrants of the chamber also swing shut with a muffled thump. In front of each door stands a figure, looking around just as you are. A flame-like light from high above brightens the room and you can see each other clearly now.

2011-03-31, 11:10 PM
Grandly impressed by the enchantments layered so strongly on this place, Vinto nearly forgets his manners. Hospitality, first he thinks. Casting Mass Lesser Vigor on the strangers, he sweeps into the room, his travel aches and weariness fading as the spell restores his spirits. Smiling, he greets the other travelers,"Hullo, strangers and friends. Robin's Blessings are truly wondrous abouts, are they not?"

2011-03-31, 11:37 PM
A tall, thin man, bent with age under a plain grey cloak shuffles along the road leaning heavily on his staff. A neatly trimmed, pure white beard sprouts from the hood, and ice-blue eyes glitter in the shadow, but little else of his appearance can be seen.
He looks you up and down, and asks you to state your name and business.The man eyes the guard from under the hood of his cloak. "Alwynn, my boy. A traveller in search of family", he answers in a cracked, wavering voice. "Thanking you kindly, son", he says as he walks on.

You enter, and perceive, not without a faint stirring of unease, that the doors behind you have shut. Three other doors in opposite quadrants of the chamber also swing shut with a muffled thump. In front of each door stands a figure, looking around just as you are. A flame-like light from high above brightens the room and you can see each other clearly now.The bent and crooked figure, hood low over his wrinkled face, leans on his staff, sucking in rasping breaths. He smiles at the others, and gives the rambunctious whippersnapper an appreciative nod. "Now there's some good magic for tired old bones."
You could swear that he spent a moment to give the chatty fellow an appreciative sweep of the eyes, but that doesn't seem a very venerable gentlemanly thing to do.

OOC: Could we get some descriptions?

Numerical stuff:DC for Age Self if interacted with: 15, unless I get an item that boosts my Charisma.
Trickery check: Take 10 for 21 if I can Take 10, or [roll0] if I can't.
edit: Heh. 21 it is, then.

2011-04-01, 03:54 AM
A billow of hurried and stumbling pedestrians passes before the hulking orc and his entourage of highwaymen. One of the orc-kin, an obese ruffian clad in hide & soiled leather, carries a steel greataxe after the feral leader. The gang comes to a stop before the roadblock, giving cause to the guards' alertness. A fast-talking goblin steps forth to answer the captain's questions. They were simple mountain porters. Half of whom didn't speak the Common tongue. In town for the night, with coin for lodging.

Once the brief detour is dealt with the gang lumbers forward. Round the bend and out of the guards' sight, the common bandits dissolve into the streets. Unburdened by the refuse, Sanfeng permits himself entrance to the foreign temple.

Sanfeng steps through the inviting door. The gargantuan orc snorts and his shoulders deflate in disappointment.

"Tidings," he grunts low. Sanfeng leers at the assembled adventurers, plainly doubting their parity to himself.

2011-04-02, 11:55 AM
Janen fans herself lightly with outspread wings as she walks, delighting in the wonderful feel of the crisp, invigorating air rushing across her skin, which has the ever-so-subtle appearance of glistening white scales when viewed from the right angle. As she enters the citadel proper, the fanning slows, then stops, as her wings fold themselves across the rear of her armor, so as not to accidentally batter one of the others present with a careless flap.

"Robin's blessings indeed, friend," Janen replies, inclining her head in a brief nod and grinning cheerfully, revealing a set of teeth more akin to fangs than not.

"I am called Janen. It seems we all have common cause in this place, so I find there is little reason to be unsociable here and now." This last is directed toward Sanfeng with a quick wink of a scaled eyelid and another smile.

2011-04-02, 08:09 PM
In the midst of your conversation, you are interrupted by a deep rumbling voice layered with benevolence and wisdom, full of earnestness but tempered by patience learned over the course of many years.

"My friends, I am glad to make your acquaintance at last. Long have I laboured in anticipation of this day and I trust our future relationship will be one of trust and love. I feel that each of you is unknown to the rest of our gathering, so allow me to proffer forth my humble introductions. As Janen so wisely stated, there is little reason to be unsociable. My name is Novartis, ruler of these lands."

As he finishes speaking, the magnificent gold dragon that appeared to you in your dream, soars gently down to the edge of the room. A faint rush of air around his wings echoes around the room, and he seems to glow with an internal fire. The looks at each of you in turn, and then faces the white-winged figure in front of him and continues his introductions. He looks towards each of you in turn.

"The draconic figure of most recent oration is the noted Janen and to her right, is the aged servant of all that is good and lovely, Alwynn. Next we have Vinto, blessed by Robin and seeking to end the conflict of this land. And last, but far from least, is the brave warrior Sanfeng. I trust that you will become close friends and allies in the fight against the evil, still prevalent in this land."

"I have followed your deeds with interest, and your actions have not gone unnoticed. Since years long past I have traced your paths to greatness and have considered your strengths and weaknesses. I have called you here for great purposes and vast rewards and I will assure you that your trust in me will not be forgotten."

As he speaks, a tender passion rises in his voice. His voice grows deeper and softer, and his carefully chosen phrases flow off his tongue in a kind of rhythmic poetry.

"For indeed, a great trial is upon this land, a trial that has been foreseen and been prepared for. Forces of some evil are gathering power and soon will make their move. It is with this in mind that I have chosen you as agents for the right, to defend the will of this land and prove the triumph of the righteous. However, I can not with force or strength of will commit your minds to join as one. The fellowship that I require must flow from each and all of you. I ask for your allegiance and your service and I trust that in each one of you my hopes will be fulfilled."

"For through all of my considerations, one thing has been made clear to me. Against the darkest vilest foes, sheer force of arms and strength of numbers is not the key to victory. The power of friendship and strength of unity all grounded in our Robin’s service are quite sufficient to rend the will of those who would in strife resist against us. The future of our land is now a venture, but no matter length or difficulty should the path of freedom prove, I am convinced that this, this band of brothers through our wisdom and our grace, will in our righteous might win through to victory absolute."

Novartis pauses for a long few seconds and looks carefully at each of you. His great eyes blink momentarily then he continues with a whisper.

"So, what say you? Have I your trust?
There is no obligation or demand.
I only beg you ask your heart
And if it’s nay, in peace depart."

Silence fills the room and the air is heavy with expectation.

2011-04-02, 08:22 PM
Alwynn starts to deliver a swirling bow to the young lady but is interrupted by the dragon. He gapes in awe at it, and then sinks down on one knee. In a voice without any trace of the cracked frailness of before, but smooth, silken and earnest. he gushes "how could I refuse such a noble task requested of a being as glorious and good as yourself? I gladly give myself to your cause."

2011-04-02, 08:51 PM
Sanfeng bares his teeth at Janen in a mock tiger's smile. The wyrm's interruption commands his attention, until the scaleykind begins to address the strength Sanfeng coveted so greatly.

"You speak to an exile of a just cause and foreign gods. I need these things like a hawk needs a shepherd's rod. I trust a wyrm may judge the strength of mortals and set before them sporting trials. Is that trust enough?"

2011-04-02, 11:27 PM
Janen drops to her knees, eyes shining with admiration. She extends her hands outwards, palms up. A brief shimmering fills the air above her hands. A moment later, a spear of steel and swirled with a white metal of some sort appears in her hands, wisps of frost rising from the head, which has the appearance of a dragon's maw open wide in a ferocious roar, its stylized tongue thrust forth to form the tip of the spear.

Janen adjusts her grip on the spear, bringing its tip to her lips, which she kisses lightly. She proffers the weapon toward Novartis, once more held horizontally across both palms. "My weapon and trust are yours, Great One. What is your will?"

2011-04-03, 11:08 AM
Vinto digests the dragon's words, agreeing wholeheartedly with their sentiment, though the delivery was a bit ostentatious for his taste. He couldn't help but be awed by the spectacle, but he would much rather have received directions to the people in need than a lecture on friendship. "If Robin's Will guides, so I will go." He was not one for posturing when there was work to be done.

"What say you then? Where's this trouble brewing? No sense in lingering when there's people in danger!" No one had ever accused Vinto of being subtle.

2011-04-03, 03:25 PM
Novartis allows the sliver of a smile grace his face and suddenly his air of formality is vanished.

"I thank you all. I knew my hope in you was not in vain. But the endeavour I set before you is perhaps a bit complicated and while I appreciate your eagerness Vinto, a bit of foreknowledge may make your task a bit easier."

"My mission is perhaps a bit less rigid then you might expect. You have, over the years proven yourselves worthy of greatness. For some, the journey has been, and will continue to be difficult. You all have various goals in life, and I am not here to change them, instead, I am here to help you fulfil them. Yes, there are threats to our land but for now, the best way to combat them is to prepare you to meet them."

"So yes, Sanfeng, there will be sporting trials and tests of strength. I know I am a stranger now, but I hope that I can win you to the cause of justice. Alwynn, I'm glad to hear your voice sounds younger then your years. I am honoured by your service. My will, Janen, will be made clear shortly, but we are in this together and I will not ask of you anything I should not do myself. And now, here is my offer."

"As you know, magical items are quite limited and few are far between. I see that you have all located your share of them, but in the grand scheme of things, they are but trinkets. I, however, have over the years learned the whereabouts of ancient caches containing items of great potency. The acquisition of such artefacts will greatly aid you in your various duties and commitments. So what say you? Are you still interested?"

Norvartis makes a small motion with his right hand, and in a brief moment the dragon disappears and in his place is a rather average looking man. Nearly six feet tall he is clothed in a flowing white tunic cinched around the waist with a wide metallic sash. His eyes remain a piercing gold and his face is firm with a mystic blend of youth and wisdom. He motions with a nod of his head and a simple wooden table appears circled round with five plain chairs. He takes a seat and motions you to all join him.

"Come, let us discuss exactly what I have in mind for you."

2011-04-03, 09:13 PM
Sanfeng presses his right fist into the flat of his left palm. He salutes the human Novartis and follows.

"Great Dragon, accept my apologies and devotion. They smack of ill faith presently. Distrust and confidence, they are two faces of the same wall."

2011-04-03, 10:10 PM
Vinto mutters, "Trinkets that have saved the lives of many," but follows obediently - if his mere trinkets have saved scores, some real magic would be welcome indeed.

2011-04-03, 10:26 PM
Alwynn ***** an eyebrow at the dragon. "I would not expect to fool you. Surely you flatter me..." He sighs, "I was hoping for a more dramatic revelation, but it feels rude to sit down to conversation under a lie."
He tosses his hood and cloak back, and as he does so the wrinkles and frailness fade away. His hair and beard remain purest while, but his face is the relatively young visage of a hale and healthy - and extremely handsome - man somewhere around his 40s, what wrinkles he does still sport all smile-lines clustered about his eyes and mouth and mostly serving to make him look friendly and approachable rather than aged. He is straight and tall, but not toweringly so, with clear ice-blue eyes and lithely muscled limbs. Previously hidden beneath his drab cloak he is dressed in something like a Keikogi (http://fearlessmma.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/apparel-japanese-uniforms-kendo-gear-a-keikogi.jpg) of very fine silk the colour of the roof of the sky in late afternoon, delicately embroidered in intricate floral patterns the colour of forget-me-nots.
He strides with an easy liquid grace to the table. He pauses to pull out a chair invitingly for Janen before taking one for himself. He leans his staff carefully at his side, always within inches of his hand.

2011-04-03, 10:35 PM
Janen allows her weapon to disappear in a second puff of frosty air as she gets to her feet, it being common courtesy not to bear a weapon in the presence of friends unless it be sheathed or peacebound after all.

"An interesting trick, that," she says with a pearly smile, inclining her head toward Alwynn as she takes the offered chair. "One would not think that disguising oneself as an elder would avoid attention... although I suppose that is the point. Perhaps we will speak of it later."

She leans forward in her chair, clawed wing joints fluttering slightly in anticipation as she waits on Novartis's words.

2011-04-03, 10:56 PM
Alwynn twinkles an eye at Janen.
"Who said avoidance is my goal?"

2011-04-04, 09:23 AM
"Well, it may be a bit early yet, but Sanfeng, would you mind brewing us some tea?" He gestures towards a small table near the wall laden with five cups and a pot of steaming water and quips with a small grin: "The water is quite warm, I can assure you of that."

"Now regarding these items: they are indeed ancient tools of great power. The clerics of Robin have not destroyed them nor, I believe, even found of their existence. In part, I have chosen each of you for your ability to effectively wield their power. However, they are not exactly free for the taking. The weapons are scattered amid the plentiful ruins that dot the landscape of Arkios. Exactly what creatures may now inhabit those ruins I am not sure, but I am certain it will be no easy task to recover them. However, figures of your calibre should find yourselves sufficient for that task and whatever you find is yours to keep. I have no need of such items and in any case, my duties prevent me from seeking them myself."

Norvartis's face is darkened with a grave shadow as he continues.

"Unfortunately, I am not the only one with knowledge of these items. Several others with hostile intentions are also mounting forces to see them out. Time, therefore, is not our own to spend as we might wish, but lest we see our foes in triumph, we must forge out with due expediency."

"However, we will not start today so mad haste will not become us. Rejuvenate and refresh yourselves"

2011-04-04, 05:06 PM
Sanfeng excuses himself from the table at which Novartis sits. The towering orc shuffles toward the tea table, sweeps the front of his traveler's cloak away, and from a kneeling position, eases his weight back and onto his heels. From his formal seated position, Sanfeng rinses the dishware in water and lines the pot with leaves. He watches the steaming pot bubble quietly. Once the bubbles diminish, Sanfeng holds the water aloft, pouring it into the teapot from a height.

The monk busies himself in silence, yet the sizzle and patter of water and pleasing aroma of rinsed leaves announce his handicraft. The stream of water trickles out just before the teapot overflows in its catching bowl. Sanfeng scoops the debris off its surface gently and pours the first brew. He sets the cups aside and refills the pot, this time from a low pour. Sanfeng sits at the tea assemblage for several minutes. He stirs the surface again delicately, scooping away the bubbles and placing the lid back atop the pot. He decants the piping cups of weak brew over the teapot's outside and, waiting another half minute, pours the first cup.

Sanfeng rejoins the table with a platter, the leaf-bedded pot, and five cups of quality oolong. Without having to lean much over, the orc lays the refreshments in the center of the table and takes his seat.

2011-04-04, 08:11 PM
During the process, Norvartis leans back in his chair unmindful of the hard wooden back and closes his eyes in deep anticipation of the coming refreshment. His nostrils twitch as the gently scent of the oolong wafts in his direction. As Sanfeng sets the service on the table, Norvartis cradles a cup in his hands and inhales a deep breath of vapours. He takes a delicate sip and sighs in pleasure.

"My word. I have not had tea of this quality for more years then I can count."

2011-04-04, 10:52 PM
Alwynn watches Sanfeng's ritual with admiring interest. As he sets out the beverages, he says "it is always a little sad to have one's prejudice's revealed to oneself, but so nice to have them destroyed!"
He sniffs the tea appreciatively as he pours it - offering to fill Janen's cup as well - following it with an egg-sized dollop of honey.

2011-04-05, 01:48 AM
Janen accepts the steaming tea with a less than enthusiastic nod of thanks. She looks down at the tea for a long moment, then back to Alwynn, then back to the tea. Finally, she raises the tea to her lips, breathes in deeply, then exhales a short burst of ice and frosty wind. She sets the cup on the table and places a finger over it - a finger that promptly becomes a razor-sharp claw, with which she slices and lifts out a perfectly square section of the now frozen tea, which she pops into her mouth.

"Excuse my lack of manners. I simply cannot abide warm drinks of any variety. They upset my stomach most fiercely." She looks around the table for any sign of offense, then continues. "With regards to these objects of power, master Norvartis... is there any more that you can tell us of them, or of those who would oppose us? It is difficult to be overprepared in such situations, I have found."

2011-04-05, 06:07 PM
Vinto sips his tea with wonder to the sound of the others musings. He'd brewed herbal remedies, of course, and poultices a-plenty - but drinking infusions for pleasure? Well, he could think of less civil rituals he'd partaken of as a guest...

Cluing back into the conversation as Janen's question hangs in the air, he interjects, "And would it not better our interests to seek them out in preemptive haste - to deny the wound infliction, rather than trying to cure it afterward, if you'll excuse my crude analogy?" Of course, he immediately feels shame for speaking so rashly and out of turn, but the question of speed, especially in light of opposing forces, burned heavily on his mind.

2011-04-05, 07:47 PM
Norvartis takes another small sip of tea and then places the cup down on the table. As he leans forward he face takes on a sterner look as he folds his hands in front of him.

"As far as the magic items are concerned, I do not know all the specifics. After all, they have been hidden for hundreds of years. What I do know is that they will be of particular use to each of you: complementing your skills and bolstering your weaknesses."

"Your concern is well noted Janen, and I shall tell you what I know. These various ruins are located in the land of Arkios and as such will prove difficult to reach. You are all aware of the dangers of travel the region, so I trust you will take all due care to protect yourself when necessary. As I mentioned earlier, our foes have also become cognizant of these items and seek them to further their own power. I do not know the exact nature or number of these other seekers, but they must not be taken lightly. You will undoubtedly meet friends as well as enemies but exercise caution and diligence. Things will not always be as them seem."

"With that said though, it is vital that you reach these items first. You are quite correct Vinto, pre-emptive haste is indeed my plan and your analogy is well taken. However, before you start, I have a gift for you. My duties as ruler of this land require my retention here, but I will spare what power I can to assist you in your task. If I can not be with you in person, at least I can be with you in spirit. If any of you have any remaining doubts, speak now for after the ritual is completed, we will all be explicitly linked. You all come from different backgrounds you do not know each other well, but I trust you will become close over the coming days. Are you ready to complete our allegiance?"

2011-04-05, 10:15 PM
Vinto searches within himself for resolve. On one hand, he knew how easily magic such as he possessed could kill as well as heal. Some might argue it could kill easier, for life is fragile and delicate to maintain. Magic to dwarf this, then, might destroy towns instead of individuals, in the wrong hands. He visibly shuddered at this thought, bile rising in his throat. He'd always assumed that to be an exaggeration, in stories - he'd never experienced it firsthand. It was as unpleasant as it sounded.

On the other hand, could even he really be trusted with such power? How easy it would be to forget the limitations of mortals - with the apparently mere spark he had now, he could remove sickness, regrow limbs, and perform other miracles unheard of in nature. How much further removed from humanity is it possible to move, given the best intentions?

Boldness won out - His conviction comes from helping others, and he would be living a lie to himself if he did not lend his aid to this cause, in this moment.

He closes his eyes, and nods. "You can count on me."

2011-04-05, 11:41 PM
Alwynn strokes his chin thoughtfully.
"Linked... how? And for how long? I am rather fond of my... independence."

2011-04-06, 02:44 AM
Sanfeng holds his thimble of a tea cup in both hands, sipping leisurely over the processions. Reserved towards the condiments and manners of the bewildering gweilo, he chooses to address the pressing enchantment.

"Linked? My body is a temple, Novartis. What respite can I hope for when my void is pierced by the senses of others?"

2011-04-06, 08:48 AM
"Heh heh. "Pierced void.""

2011-04-06, 05:06 PM
"I would be honored to share a bond, of course, master Norvartis... but I would not force it upon those who are reluctant. Even if their reasons are as incomprehensible to me as the birds are to the fish."

2011-04-06, 07:43 PM
"Ah my friends, there is no need to worry. You need not give up anything; I merely offer you the opportunity to draw upon my power when needed. It will only last as long as you desire and there will be no encroachment on your freedom. I shall bear the burden; you will share the honour."

"You may refuse if you so desire, but I remind you that the Dragon's Favour is not a gift lightly to be tossed aside and it will make your enemies think twice before attempting to cross the path of the chosen ones of Norvartis. Have no fears Sanfeng, I will not tolerate any imposition of our trust. If there be no objections, then let us start for our quest will brook no delay."

Norvartis reaches a hand into his voluminous robes and draws out a flattened globe of some polished stone or crystal. Its surface is a glossy pearly colour with specks of some kind of golden thread running through it. It seems to emanate a sense of timelessness and almost suggests that the dragon himself must seem young indeed to an item of such age. As you look at it, there seems to be an energetic swirling of colour beneath the surface almost as if it were alive. He places it in the centre of the table, and looks around at each of you.

"This, my friends, is the great Orb of Xeinophyx and it will be the focus for the ritual. There is nothing to fear and nothing required of you but to place your hands upon while I grant you my Favour."

2011-04-06, 10:40 PM
"Well, so long as your "burden" doesn't include the occasional... peek, then it sounds just charming to me!"
Alwynn studies the Orb with interest, before alighting his hand delicately on its surface.

2011-04-06, 11:13 PM
Norvartis takes a final sip of tea and smiles as he turns to Alwynn.

"Even if I possessed the power to read your mind, I would not do so. Your volition and privacy will remain unconditionally your own."

2011-04-06, 11:18 PM
"Oh, it's not necessarily my privacy I'm worried about", he sparkles.

2011-04-07, 02:13 PM
With a slantwise glance at Alwynn, Vinto places his hand on the stone as well. If a dragon wanted to help him out from time to time, well, so be it.

2011-04-08, 04:35 AM
Sanfeng presses a finger against the flattened globe, scowling.

"It has taken many years of gung fu to sculpt this vessel. I do not trust fleeting, arcane means to power lightly."

The orc bows his head and grumbles, "Neither am I so rude as to refuse a gift..."

2011-04-08, 12:36 PM
Taking one last glance around the table, Janen presses her hand to the globe.

2011-04-08, 07:16 PM
After you all place your hands upon the Orb, Norvartis covers them with his own hand. The ritual itself is rather anti-climatic. You each feel a faint ripple of energy from from the Orb pass up your hand and through your body and then a moment of pure silence. Norvartis withdraws his hand and sits back.

"Well, it is completed. I will consider you as my Avatars and I have bestowed upon each of you five favours with which you may call upon my assistance when needed. Use them wisely for my power is not unlimited and performing the ritual is more draining then it might appear."

"Now, unless any of you have any business that you need to complete, I will direct you to your first goal."

OOC: Ritual Details
Avatar of Norvartis

Languages: You can communicate telepathically with Norvartis at a range of 100 miles.

Favour of Norvartis (Su): At the conclusion of the ritual, you are granted five favours. You can spend any number of favours as an immediate action to gain one of the following benefits.

- Energy immunity: You can spend a favour to gain immunity to fire with a duration of 10 minutes.

- Frightful Presence: You may spend a favour to gain frightful presence with a range of 150 feet. Whenever you charge or attack, creatures that have fewer Hit Die then you must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha modifier) or become shaken for as long as they remain within range. A creature that successfully saves can not be affected by the same frightful presence for 24 hours.

- Draconic Flight: If you clasp hands with at least one other Avatar and each spends one favour, you all gain fly speed 200 ft. (poor) for as long as you continue holding hands.

- Insight of Norvartis: An Avatar may spend a favour to tap into the draconic wisdom that flows through the mind of Norvartis. Doing so provides a glimpse of the possible future - enough to grant a +4 bonus on the Avatar's next saving throw or next attack roll.

- Sanctum's Return: You may spend two favours to use word of recall. Your sanctuary is the entrance chamber of the High Citadel of Corvantia.

- Sanctum's Rebirth: If you take damage that would reduce you to -10 hit points, you can instead spend all your remaining favours (at least one) to instantly return to the entrance chamber of the High Citadel of Corvantia, unconscious and with 0 hit points.

2011-04-09, 11:39 PM
Alwynn rubs his hand.
"Oooh, tingly!"

2011-04-09, 11:53 PM
"...The power to subvert death... I know you asked me not to take this lightly, but YOU HAVE THE POWER TO SUBVERT DEATH! " An extremely flustered Vinto paces furiously back and forth, throwing his arms in the air to punctuate his ill-advised rant. "The children I can't reach in time - their lives are on your hands! The victims of theft gone wrong, of plague and famine and war - THEY COULD BE HERE IF YOU'D DONE SOMETHING! ANYTHING! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THEY DIED?!"

Writing this is extremely awkward, because Vinto and I are on opposite scales of the naivete ladder when it comes to games of power (at least in theory - I can't actually challenge the gods. <.<;;) Right now he's going through all the questions and ethical doubts I first had when worrying over just what exactly a powerful Wizard or Politician should do, given so much leeway over the powers of life and death. It's like seeing myself as an angsty tween huffing and puffing about at the injustices of the world.

2011-04-10, 12:03 AM
Arwynn leans back in awkward surprise, and watches Vinto pace with eyebrow cocked.
"Considering - as far as I'm aware - he is not omnipresent, I imagine he was busy being not in their immediate viscinity. And then there is the matter of his "not unlimited" power..."
He stands up and goes to give Vinto a comradery slap on the shoulder.
"Come, lad. You have been given an opportunity to help this poor, unomnipotent creature do good! Will you look a gift-horse so deep in the mouth you'll come out the other end?"

2011-04-10, 01:28 AM
Sanfeng stifles a bark of laughter. When it becomes clear the gweilo is not talking out of jest, the orc stands tall.

"This favour, its good pales before the salvation of death!"

The mountainous monk interposes himself between Vinto's pacing. Sanfeng demonstrates his savage grasp of authority by grabbing the man's flailing arms together in the palm of one hand.

"A world of unending life is an unnatural dream. Power heeds only its increase! How many enslaved and broken wretches might be denied their own end? Their suffering and labor prolonged by dragon lords. The chronically ill and inconsolable, their only prescription can be death. All this world is fleeting, it is a mercy that pain ceases as well."

Mechanically, Sanfeng automatically makes the touch attack (except on a 1?). Vinto is unarmed and cannot make attacks of opportunity. Fluffwise, it's heavily implied Sanfeng euthanized his late master. He's also from a monastery heavily populated by orphans of the Gavisorian mines.

2011-04-10, 02:27 AM
Janen sits in quiet contemplation for a time, considering this new power. At last she speaks, her voice reverent. "Show me the path, master Norvartis, and I will gladly walk it in your name."

2011-04-10, 03:13 PM
Norvartis looks with patience at Vinto, but a concerned looks glances across his face. He stands silent for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and then in a soft deep voice, addresses him.

"Peace, Vinto. I fear you mistake my gift for something it is not. I am not a deity and strong as I may seem, my power is woefully limited. I have nearly drained myself to grant this small favour to just the four of you. If I could assist all those who needed my help, I would gladly do so, but I possess neither omnipotence nor omnipresence. I dare not take the place of Robin nor attempt to circumvent his rule. Not all who die, die in vain and it is not for the likes of us to judge the workings of Robin's intentions. Besides, it is not my place to decide if you should live or die. Through my gift, I offer you the option, I do not require it. Not all death is unwelcome and for many, it is even wished for. Who am I to meddle in such affairs?"

He looks down at the floor and with obvious sorrow on his face, he again addressed Vinto.

"However, I feel your pain, more then you can know. You are not the only person in this room to have lost dear friends. However disturbing it may seem at present, and how unsatisfactory might seem my response, please understand that I do indeed have the greatest good for the land in mind. The force for good that you will become will prevent the needless deaths of many more then I could avert with my own weak strength. But I do not ask you to forget the deaths of those you know. From our perspective all death is a tragedy, but let them not die in vain. Those you have been unable to save are a memory now and while it may not mean much to some of us, to others, it encompasses all that they have ever known. Yes, they are a memory now, but it is a memory that must live forever in the hearts and minds of those gathered here today. It is a memory that will give us the resolve to bring retribution to those responsible. It is a memory that brings to mind everything that we stand for, and what we stand against!"

Norvartis remains silent for a few seconds and then sits back down.

"I hold no displeasure with you and you can always speak your mind with me. I seek only to give you the tools to further yourselves and your missions. I will give you what assistance I can, but it is to Robin that we ultimately trust."

2011-04-10, 05:20 PM
Vinto struggles quite uselessly in Sanfeng's grip, the impassioned fire in his eyes slowly softening into regret, then bitter shame. He averts his gaze, unable to look the others' faces. Robin's a bitch...

2011-04-10, 06:23 PM
Sanfeng releases Vinto. His heavy hand rests on the cleric's shoulder. The massive orc pats his fiery companion on the square of his back and sighs.

"You'll do right by myself and many others. It is as Master Zhongyan admonished me, 'All we do merely tarries nature.' I do not believe he had met a man of your conviction. That is my fortune."

2011-04-10, 09:11 PM
Alwynn nods at Norvatis as he says his peace, and waits for Sanfeng to say his. Then he swoops up Vinto in a big spinning bearhug with a broad grin on his face.
"Oh, the idealistic naivette of youth! Isn't it glorious!" he crows. "Hold onto it, my boy. It's beautiful!"

2011-04-10, 10:09 PM
"Well then, I suppose you are ready to begin."

He reaches inside his tunic and pulls out a tattered faded parchment that had been folded into a tight square. He moves aside a few tea cups and then unfurls the paper revealing a map of the region. Reaching a finger down, he points to a small dot in the upper right side of the map.

"This marks the location of this Citadel. And this," he says as he drags his finger southwest "is your first goal. It will take you about six days travel if you make good time. Of course the storms and rains will take their toll and who knows what manner of foul beasts will stumble across your path. I am not sure what trials will await you inside the ruin, but I trust that warriors of your calibre will win through. Now, there are several hours of daylight remaining if you wish to leave immediately. Otherwise, if you have tasks remaining, I would urge you to start at first light tomorrow."

2011-04-10, 10:31 PM
Unsure how to respond to the bursts of affection greeting his embarrassing performance, Vinto shuffles his feet as he listens to Norvartis. A tiny bit of his earlier flame at the mention of making haste. Still not trusting himself to speak, he glances furtively from face to face, trying to show his wish for haste with each small gesture.

2011-04-11, 04:19 AM
Janen regards the others with a critical eye.

"Storms do not bother me, master Norvartis. I would simply fly above the clouds, should they begin to pose a problem. If we are meant to travel together, however..." She looks over the others again, noting a distinct lack of flying appendages. "Well. Not everyone can be touched by the Ancients. It is no fault of their own. Still, do you, perhaps, know of a local man of Robin's faith? With some divine assistance, we may be able to shorten the journey considerably, and bypass the inconvenience of the storms altogether."

Clerics of Robin can grab one of the domains that grant Teleport, right?

I mean, it is supposedly an important task... I would hope Norvartis could spare 450 gp or so. :smallwink:

2011-04-11, 04:47 AM
Alwynn sparkles a mysterious grin at Janen as she appraises everyone.
(just how careful is that appraisal, by the way?)
"Personally, I prefer the ground - much more interesting - but I don't mind."
He ponders for a moment.
"I don't mind leaving right away, but... Norvartis, could I ask a favour while we're gone? Could you keep an eye out for... well, for a woman, unknown age, pure white hair, perfect blue eyes... unearthly beauty, sweetest temperament beyond compare, blah blah blah, that sort of thing." He trails off a little embarrassedly.

2011-04-11, 03:06 PM
"I think you find yourself in good company Vinto. I think the others share your desire for haste."

"Unfortunately, I fear that we will find no clerics with the skill that you seek. If I possessed the power, I would not be content to let you wander the path on foot, but I must confess I am wholly unable to contrive a plan to ease the journey. Unless your ingenuity is greater than my own, I fear you must indeed toil along under your own power."

He grins as he looks at Alwynn.

"I shall indeed keep my eyes open for such a person as you seek though I must urge you not to return with too many expectations. But should such a person come into my notice, you shall be the first to know."

2011-04-12, 03:52 AM
Sanfeng shakes his head. The orc takes a step towards the door. He produces a waterskin from his coat and sloshes its tepid contents around.

"The wastes are not so harsh. A waterhole and spot of rations will do. If you'll leave me to my errands, I will meet you at the south gate this evening."

Don't mean to get RP intensive. Sanfeng will just fill his waterskin, buy 20 days of trail rations and retrieve his greataxe.

2011-04-12, 05:49 PM
"Very well, if that is how the task must be performed, it will be so, master Norvartis. With your leave, I will begin my preparations immediately."

I don't have much that needs doing, but I suppose I'll pick up a backpack and 20 days of cheap hobo food trail rations.

2011-04-12, 08:25 PM
"Excellent! Much obliged, my good drake! I suppose I shall also fetch a few things, say a few goodbyes, and then be off..."

Shall get rations and sweets (and I guess I'd better actually finalise my equipment <.<), and kiss some girls.

2011-04-12, 09:06 PM
"I'll see to the others' needs, then," Vinto sighs. He didn't need much himself - He'd long ago managed to grab hold of some 'trinkets' that had allowed him to sustain small villages through troubled times, and to keep himself alive in places where food and water are scarce. They were some of his most jealously guarded possessions, and he'd worked hard to keep them safe all these years.

He begins an awkward shuffle after the others, trying to catch up while appearing casual, not wanting to seem put-off by the day's events. Needless to say, he fails miserably in his attempts, but manages to query the needs of his new companions, and offer his services. "Aches? Pains? Old breaks set improperly? There's very wrong with a body that I can't fix," he intones, perhaps a bit proud - though he'd never admit to it. "If you need money for supplies, I've saved up quite a bit - my needs are few on the road, but good horses can be a burden to upkeep." From someone else, such attentions might soon become wearisome, or irritating - "No, I'm fine, no thanks, I've got money, yes I know the weather can be harsh, would you please stop bothering me" - but Vinto's youthful, awkward smile, his pleading eyes, and the genuine interest and compassion in his voice somehow combined to make you feel at ease; someone cared, and they were there if you needed anything.

2011-04-13, 06:42 AM
Alwynn grins broadly at Vinto and drapes a friendly arm over his shoulders.
"Then I shall depend on you, love, to keep me pretty! Care to keep me company whilst I tie up a few loose ends? I'll get you a present" he winks.

2011-04-14, 10:19 PM
You go about your various activities and finish purchasing your supplies for the trip ahead. Loaded up with miscellaneous rations, you meet at the south gate a few hours after departing the company of Norvartis. It remains a clear beautiful day and the setting sun gives a cheery glow to the city as if trying to give you a good omen for the coming adventure. The moon and a few of the brightest stars are visible on the opposite horizon and while a faint chill is settling on the ground following the dimming of the sun, it promises to be a comfortable night with enough light to easily follow the path. Perfect for a walk into what could potentially be enemy territory.

With Norvartis's directions in your mind, you take the main south road for a mile or so, and then turn onto a smaller dirt path which, as it meanders around hills and brooks, heads generally eastwards. By the time you reach this road, referred to by the locals as Aukamp Lane, night has well and truly fallen but the moon has risen high enough that you are able to find your way along the trail without artificial light. The path is obviously travelled but infrequently: while plain and smooth, it is often obscured by tall grasses and small shrubberies. Occasional branches and fallen trees create minor obstructions, but nothing that delays you for more then a few minutes.

A faint breeze rustles through the forests surrounding you. A few crickets chirp their farewell to the departing summer and as you pass, you startle the occasional rabbit, mouse, fox, and other small animals. Far away from any source of illumination, the stars seem close and heavy, almost seeming to hover within jumping distance. The air is heavy with the calm of late summer and laced with just the first crisp hint of coming autumn. Once in a while, while passing through a particularly low valley, the cooling air causes your breath to condense as you exhale, but your steady pace generates enough warmth to keep you from feeling the evening chill.

It is the perfect time to be alone in your thoughts and the dim, shadowy figures of your friends seem almost a phantom of child-like make-believe. The cool air swallows up your footsteps giving the impression that you are walking through a dream. The darkness allows your mind to relax and sink into a type of subconscious while at the same time, remaining alert and thoughtful. The night passes almost outside of time as you pace your measured steps with the practised stride of a seasoned adventurer. Largely occupied by your own thoughts, you are almost surprised when you see the first dim spark of the new day kindling a glow of eager anticipation over the horizon before you. A single wren beings a glorious song and is quickly joined by another and then you hear the chirping of a robin as it adds its voice to the chorus. Morning is about to break and the potential of a fresh new days lies before you.

2011-04-15, 12:40 AM
Alwynn spends the night alternating between enjoying the fine surroundings in silence, and trying to get to know his companions.
Questions he'll put to pretty much everyone (and answer himself, regardless of whether anyone seems interested) include: Where are you from? ("A smallish town on a plateau from which you could see the whole sunrise and sunset.") What was it like there? ("Mostly grew flowers for honeybees. My father was a bookmerchant, you know. It was a pleasant place...") Did you have a sweetheart back there? ("Isobella was my first and sweetest love. I gave her my prettiest rattle... She hit me over the head with it. She was a little immature...") What brought you to the city? ("Family is important, don't you think?") What did you think of the dragon? ("I thought he was beautiful. You know they live for thousands and thousands of years? The things they must see! The music they must hear!") What did you like most about the city? ("I liked everything") Wasn't it beautiful? ("I think it was beautiful.") Weren't the people beautiful? ("Oh, their silks and the spring in their steps...") Anyone there especially catch your eye? ("Oh, but how could I choose between them? Such glorious butterflies... Not least among them being yourself, my dear scale-winged angel :smallwink:") Wasn't the food nice? ("Perhaps a touch on the bland side for the most part...") What's your favourite food? ("I prefer mine with a bit of... bite.")
...and so on and so forth.
When he notices light hit the sky Alwynn pauses and scratches his head.
"...huh. Dawn already? Oh dear. Shall we push on all day regardless, or should we get some rest and try to improve our timing subsequently?"

2011-04-15, 04:00 PM
Vinto is torn between running himself to the ground with exhaustion, and finding a nice rut in the ground to collapse in. Alwynn's questions and banter help keep his spirits up, as the man's store of optimism seems boundless.

"I'm from a port village, our only real export was quarry rock, so we only got barges and stay-overs. It was... bleak. Free, though. My family was large by the time I came into it, and couldn't spare much time away from the stone-pit to keep an eye on me.

My mother always managed to keep the girls away from me, I suppose. I never saw the point of it, myself. Romance, I mean. Yes, yes, I'll take your word for it, Alwynn. I'm sure it's amazing, it's just... not for me, I suppose. The dragon was... presence-ful. Like there's more of him than can fit just in the present, so a little slips between the cracks. No, I don't know what I mean by that, it's just how it felt. The city itself? I suppose it was alright.

There weren't many in need, that I could find - and I've grown a bit accustomed to how a city's uncared-for tend to cluster, out of sight. I agree, butterflies are an excellent example of the city's patrons! Splashed colour against the marble and stone. Favourite food? Is that... can you do that? I could never choose between them all."

After a while, though, the sun's rays register the length of their journey - Vinto calls out to the others, "Perhaps we should make camp now, get some rest. We'll carry on at mid-morning, and then get a proper sleep on morrow's nigh'?"

2011-04-17, 01:11 AM
"I am the last of the last, a remnant of a remnant..." Janen says wistfully, in response to the question of her origins. "Once, not so long ago in the histories of men, people such as I were almost commonplace, but the Awakening... it takes fewer and fewer, and no more have manifested the signs since my birth. My village was once renowned for its devotion to the Ancients; now I doubt it is even mentioned on a map."

After a while, she continues answering Alwynn's questions. "The duties of a Chosen in their youth do not lend themselves to finding love. I thought for a time that perhaps there would be one who could share my affections, but in the end, he understood my duties and needs as little as the rest.

"I have traveled much of the world, master Alwynn. Coming to this city was but one step in a journey of many thousands. I could not say what drew me here any more than I could say why I so readily agreed to make you three my companions for this task. There are simply things I know to be right, things that must be done. I do not question the insight of the Ancients.

"Norvartis was... how to explain to one not like myself?" She considers for a moment, then continues. "Have you ever dreamed of something in such detail that you knew it was real, something so wonderful it seems to complete you? And upon waking, have you felt the sadness that comes with realizing that it was all just a figment of your imagination? My entire life has been thus, until I met master Norvartis. Words cannot express the joy I now know, to have finally met with one of the Ancients, to know that they are as noble and wise as the histories say."

Janen passes over the mention of the city with the merest of shrugs, uninterested in architecture or the local populace, no matter how refined. She regards Alwynn with a curious glance at the mention of "scale-winged angel", but otherwise seems to pay the comment no heed.

At the mention of the new day, Janen turns to regard the sunrise, staring unblinkingly at the horizon for a long minute. "If you are weary, then you should rest, friends," she says at last, turning back to the group. "But remember well the importance of our task, and that we are not alone in our journey to complete it."

2011-04-17, 11:21 AM
Alwynn waits to see what the last member of our little troupe thinks.

(retroactive conversation)
The duties of a Chosen in their youth do not lend themselves to finding love. I thought for a time that perhaps there would be one who could share my affections, but in the end, he understood my duties and needs as little as the rest.Ah, love of duty! Not my personal choice, but beautiful and tragic nonetheless!"

2011-04-17, 07:42 PM
"Jianghu. On the border of Gavisoria and the heavens. The tallest clouds sift at the feet of our common halls."

Sanfeng strolls along the march without much exertion. He appears not so large outside, no longer framed by roof and alley. The burly monk steps lightly, his only belongings wrapped in a bundle at his side. Sanfeng carries his naked greataxe in the crutch of his shoulder.

"I was the gardener's apprentice. My peers were instructed in the Way that is Written. I learned the Way that cannot be Spoken. Fan Zhongyan granted me leave of the temple. It was the wyrm Novartis that drew me to the city."

Sanfeng listens to his compatriots impressions of Novartis. The orc beams in a cheeky confidence.

"Yes, the Great Dragon. I could not have fathomed. A gold dragon that drinks of the black dragon's tea and marshals the mortal races. The earth groans under his presence. Where that One walks, geometers must redraw their circles."

Talk of the city and personal taste off put the hermit.

"I prefer the quiet. The city is so busy, it's... foolish, strange."

2011-04-18, 08:47 AM
The rising sun greets your faces with a ray of warming brilliance. It pierces through the late summer foliage in shimmering strands and speckled drops and dancing eddies of light dapple the ground about you. In morning's light you notice that the terrain has been changing in subtle ways throughout the night. The rich loam and hearty vegetation has given way to a sandy, clay-like soil and the trees and bushes appear almost stunted and possess a distinctly wind-blown appearance. According to your directions, you must be nearly at the edge of the border with Arkios.

There are few signs of any settlers in this region, though a singularly few barren fields give evidence that at least a trial attempt was made to tame the soil. To the north, almost out of sight, there is a sparse collection of structures wearing a surprisingly uniform aspect of age, squalor, and dilapidation.

As you crest a rise in the road you catch a glimpse of distant wastelands and the first tugs of uneasiness well up within you. The hills ahead are too rounded and symmetrical to give a sense of comfort and naturalness, and something about the sky silhouettes with extraordinary clearness the strange circles of tall stone pillars with which most of them are crowned.

The road ahead appears considerably more difficult then what you have already traversed. Deep gorges and ravines of unknown depth cross the road with a dismaying frequency and the swaying of the wooden bridges speaks of long neglect and dubious safety. Despite the sandiness of the soil, where the road dips you can spot stretches of oily marshland that for some reason appear fearful and unclean. In the distance you hear a whippoorwill chatter its mournful song joined by the raucous and creepily insistent rhythms of the piping bull-frogs.

The only structures are the apparently abandoned farmstand to the north, but there are several areas nearby flat enough to lay out camp if desired.

2011-04-19, 10:40 AM
Alwynn peers at the farmstead up ahead.
"Perhaps we should keep going to there, and then have that rest before carrying on bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Onward!"
He strides on ahead.

2011-04-19, 12:09 PM
"Agreed," agrees Vinto. "As well, there's usually one or two sick or in need of help in such a place. At the least, we can share our meal with them, should they need it." He seems relieved by the prospect of being helpful so early-on in their travels, as if he'd feared he'd be useless until he'd made use of whatever powerful artefacts lay hidden at journey's end. Sometimes, it's the little fears that creep up behind your sleep.

2011-04-19, 01:46 PM
Janen follows along, forsaking the air for the time being to walk alongside her new companions.

I'll be very busy for a short while. If a situation like this pops up again, assume Janen follows automatically to avoid delay if necessary.

2011-04-19, 03:26 PM
You leave your path and head off through the thin band of trees that separates you from the farmstead. As you push through the brush and arrive at the edge of a cleared area that was once a field you notice that the colours seem dim and washed out despite the increasing illumination of the sun. The tall grasses appear to be a dim greyish brown and the soil possess a dirty, ashen hue giving the area a distinctly unwholesome feel. Although it is harvest time, none of the plants appear to have borne any fruit and the leaves are brittle and sharp.

An sense of desolation lies over the area, sharpened by the absence of any of the noises commonly found near human habitation. The weather-worn buildings appear to consist of a small house, two sheds, and a barn. The farm house is tilted at a slight angle as if it struggled to stay upright against the constant eddies of the wind. The building appears to be sturdy enough though, and despite its splintered grey planks it seems to be capable of keeping out the worst of the winds and rain. A wooden chair rocks gently back and forth on the porch, the breeze giving it a macabre motion. The faintest stream of smoke rises from the chimney giving a clue as to its state of occupation.

2011-04-20, 12:10 PM
Sanfeng steps off the withered trail and onto the vacant porch. He knocks on the door with an open palm and thunderous clap.

"Hello, sir. My fellow travelers and I were passing through your stead. If you'll grant us lodging for the night, we'll feed your household."

2011-04-20, 01:18 PM
After a second, there is a faint shuffling noise from within, and the door opens a crack. A wizened face creased with wrinkles and punctuated with suspicious black eyes peers at you.

"Eh, what's that? Here for shelter? Ah, that's right! Come right in."

He steps aside and swings the door fully open. Behind him is revealed a humbly finished room furnished with only a plain wooden table, several hewn chairs, and a small fireplace with the dim embers struggling to emit even the faintest aura of warmth. You see two doors on the other side of the room, but they are both shut. As you see the inside of the building, you are struck by how haphazardly it all seems to have been build. The walls all meet the ceiling with slight obtuse angles and the walls themselves don't seem to line up properly. It is almost enough to make one dizzy and off balance.

He motions you impatiently with his hand.

"Come on in and take a seat. No sense standing outside."

2011-04-21, 11:04 PM
Alwynn steps in confidently and draws his eyes over the room.
"What a charming home you have!"

2011-04-21, 11:52 PM
Sanfeng steps in.

The orc makes no signs of admiring the decoration or resilient character of the house. He takes a seat in one of the available chairs and is at ease. The monk sits with rested, closely slitted eyes and breathes deeply.

2011-04-22, 01:26 AM
((OOC: Post reserved for tomorrow - I'm about to pass out. If anyone needs to know what Vinto's up to, he'll probably cast detect magic, pull out a bunch of food and water (or ale, at request), slap some healthful rest down and maybe sanctuary everyone if it's needed.))((OOC: Sorry for the wait!))

It would be nice to put up his feet after a long day, and soothe away the wearies of travel. Vinto thinks of home, briefly, and wonders what his parents would think of all this senselessness. Running around the country-side with foreigners and dragons, chasing fairy-tales! He grimaced, and returned to reality, and their host for the night. "My thanks, sir, your hospitality is much appreciated. Have you lived long in these parts?" Vinto studies the man, and his strange house, as he talks. Entering the abode with his new companions, Vinto breathes a spell to aid his natural senses.

((OOC: Casting: Detect magic.))

2011-04-22, 01:48 PM
Janen steps inside, nodding her head in thanks to the owner. Once everyone is settled, she voices her thoughts.

"As fortunate as we are to be able to sleep beneath a roof, we should not tarry overlong with pleasantries. You have my thanks for your hospitality, goodman. If you would be so kind as to direct us to where we might sleep, we will see that you receive ample recompense for the lodging."

I assumed this was just a place to sleep. If there's actually something going to happen, feel free to ignore the attempt at hastening things along and explore all you like.

2011-04-22, 10:54 PM
"Please sit" the old man said as he ushered you in. Turning for a moment, he shuts the door behind you. "Don't want to let in any more of that chilly air."

He is fairly short, barely topping five feet and even that is being generous. A fizzle of light grey hair was vainly struggling to cover his scalp and a rough looking patch of stubble around his chin spoke poorly of either his shaving schedule or the quality of his razor. Dressed in roughly fitted homespun linen, he gave the appearance of a lowly farmer but even the shapeless sleeves of his tunic couldn't hide the fact that he possessed rather potent strength in his arms and chest. His voice was brittle as if dry from lack of use. While he spoke in the accent of a western commoner, he did have a streak of intelligence and elocution that spoke of a long distant education of some sort.

"My name is Wilbur Whateley and I'll give you what service I can, my Lords."

Quickly one of the doors next to him opens and a tiny wizened woman steps out. In nearly every aspect, she worked to make Wilbur look young and handsome and tall. About the only physical advantage she had over him was a full head of hair, though it was just as grey as his.

"This is Lavinia" he said as an introduction. "Did you gentleman wish to eat, or rest first? If it is food that you're after, then stay seated and Lavina will bring out what we have. Otherwise, the door behind you will suffice. I can't offer you the finery I'm sure you're used to, but at least it's clean and dry."

OOC @ chrisrawr
Are you going to cast detect magic?

2011-04-23, 11:38 AM
((OOC: Yes, detect magic because the place is wonky, and also because Vinto's a teensie bit curious as to how much magic his companions are packing :P)) "Robin's Blessings, I've plenty of food, myself, good sir - I'd intended to share mine, should it be needed; the land around here seems less than fit for habitation, and it never hurts to offer succor to those in need." Vinto brings out his decanter showing the man how it worked by filling and draining the cup with a word and a couple large gulps. He offered Wilbur and his wife their choice of cheese, fruit, and dried meat from his ration sack, taking out and setting aside some fruit and cheese for himself. There was an entire day's worth of food inside, and he'd hardly eaten. It would also serve them for breakfast in the morning well enough, at any rate.

Vinto waited while small talk ensued and as they introduced themselves to each other. "I assure you, I'm no lord, good sir," and "Are there others about?" Simple questions, inquiring always a little deeper into how he could be of service to the area before they left. He was, perhaps, a smidgen overeager to show off his talents, wishing he could be as mysterious or awe-inspiring as his companions.

2011-04-24, 06:09 PM
Sanfeng nods in assent to Vinto's blessing. Though his gaze is turned inward, the monk's perception and intuition sweep the room with a blindsight.

Ain't no rule says y'can't make a Sense Motive check without yer eyes.

Perception: [roll0]

2011-04-24, 07:35 PM
As Vinto displays his food and drink, Wilbur eyes it with interest. He takes a piece of cheese and tentatively chews it for a bit longer then really necessary before swallowing.

"Not bad, not bad at all. I thank you for your generosity. Me and Lavinia are sure happy for your gift, but we'd both feel better if we shared some of our pantry with you as well."

As he speaks, Lavinia brings out a warm meat pie, still steaming from the oven. It is fairly small and simple fare, but carries with it the scent of rustic home cooking. She sets it on the table, then stands a bit behind Wilbur, motionless and silent. Wilbur speaks up.

"Well, if you're not lords, then what, pray tell, brings you to these parts? I haven't seen folk like you 'round here for years. Heading off into the wilderness, are ye? I see you've marched all night, so don't let me talk your head off. If you be ready for a rest, you've but to say the word."

2011-04-26, 03:03 PM
The mountainous orc stirs. Brute Sanfeng's eyes snap open with a furious intent. He stands up, moving to block Lavinia from serving her dish.

"Pray tell, hostess. How has the summer treated you? It must be the last of your livestock in that pie."

Roll to disbelieve: [roll0]
Like an OG

2011-04-27, 01:18 AM
The scent of the freshly-baked pie tugging at his nostrils draws Alwynn away from the windowsill he was examining.

OOCWhat Alwynn does next depends on whether he thinks Sanfeng is acting oddly.
Perception check [roll0] to work out whether he's just being rude, or if something's up.

If, as I expect, that's not enough:
Alwynn drapes himself over Sanfeng's shoulders and gently rebukes him.
"It is bad manners to refuse freely offered hospitality. We shall, of course, contribute!" and with that he draws out a pouch of sweets with a flourish.

If it is enough to suspect that something's iffy:Alwynn loiters casually by the window, but shifts his staff into a better position almost accidentally.
Enters Stonefoot Stance, and gets ready to cast Bless.

2011-04-27, 10:27 AM
Lavinia stands in surprise as Sanfeng makes his unexpected move. She almost drops the pie, but manages to place it on the table. Before she can make a response, Wilbur speaks up and raises his hand to stop Sanfeng's further advance.

"SIR! I will not tolerate such action against Lavinia. We are but your humble servants, but my house is still my own and I will not stand here and be threatened. You are right, the summer has not been kind, but we've had a bit of coin saved up and have bought some meat at the local market. What is your meaning here?"

Vinto begins rising to intercede, but Alwynn reaches Sanfeng first.

Wilbur glances over as Alwynn tried to make up for Sanfeng's outburst, but the look of worried outrage remains in his eyes. Lavinia steps back as if to leave the room.

Vinto's face gives a sudden and subtle sign of worry. "I think there's just been a small misunderstanding. I'm sure my friend Sanfeng is merely concerned for your future well-being and doesn't wish to impose on you. Perhaps we would all be better off with a bit of rest." He finishes his statement with a pointed nod to his companions in the direction of the other room.

OOC @ Serpentine
You don't see any reason for Sanfeng's actions. As far as you can tell, he is being rude without reason
OOC @ LordOfTheDucks
What exactly is your roll for? Any illusions that might be in effect?
OOC @ chrisrawr
I rolled Knowledge (arcana) checks for you to identify the schools of the two auras on Wilbur and Lavinia and you recognize them both as Transmutation. Your actions above are based on having this knowledge. You think that the old couple are not what they seem, and want to get everyone in the other room so you can quietly discuss your options.

2011-04-27, 10:36 AM
Alwynn raises an eyebrow, and yawns theatrically.
"Quite right, quite right." He bows deeply at our hosts. "My deepest thanks for allowing us to avail ourselves of your services. We shall retire, and bother you as little as we're able. But..." He sashays up to the pie. "Might I take a slice of this delightful treat for consummation in the meanwhilst?"

All the cool kids are doing it and things are seeming a touch iffy, so there was a Detect Magic activated in the middle of that yawn.
A note, he's not going to eat his slice now, but take it with him into the other room.

2011-04-27, 11:55 AM
Wilbur looks at Alwynn and he lowers his hand stiffly.

"I will overlook your friend's actions as the result of a long night. Please avail yourselves of the room. And of course, help yourself to some of the pie. However, it won't be the first bit of consummation that has taken place in that room."

He walks over to the door and opens it revealing a moderate sized room with a comfortable looking rug spread in the centre of the floor. A small bed stands against the outside wall and the only other furniture is a small night-stand and several small shelves along the wall. There is no window.

"I'm afraid I can't offer you each a bed, but I'm sure you'll make do as best you can."

OOC @ Serpentine
I'm going to assume that you give a very theatrical yawn, the type of yawn that might conceivably last 18 seconds or so . . .

I'm assuming you are using all three rounds of detect magic. I'll still need a Knowledge (arcana) check if you want to know the school of each aura.

Anyway, you detect a total of about 22 auras (not including any from your own items). You are certain of 2 strong auras emanating from the second room (not the one Wilbur offered to let you sleep in), Three moderate auras (one from the same room as the strong aura and one each on Wilbur and Lavinia). Due to some haziness and distortions, you aren't quite as sure about the weaker auras, but you sense about 3 weak items on Janen, 7 or 8 on Sanfeng, and 6 or 7 on Vinto.

And once again, if you're interested in the schools of any of them, I'll need some Knowledge (arcana) checks.

2011-04-27, 02:31 PM
Yes, double-checking for illusions.

Sanfeng's eyes linger on the pie. He looks about at the room and its alerted occupants.

"I'll sleep outside then, I'm rather used to it."

The orc monk steps outside. He walks the circumference of the dwelling, leering over the all-too-innocent cabin in the wastes.

Search/Spot? Perception check on the outside of the house: [roll0]

2011-04-27, 03:13 PM
OOC @ LordOfTheDucks
You don't detect any illusions

You step outside and the rising wind slams the door shut behind you with a hollow thud. The breeze whistles and moans through the eaves and the grasses around you rustle and chatter as the dried stems and leaves twist and sway a violent dance. You don't remember being inside very long, but already the sky is darkening over with sheets of menacing grey clouds stretching over the horizon. The sun is blotted out from view and a shadowy lifelessness lays heavily over the house.

As you pace around the house, you pay careful attention to everything about it but nothing really catches your eye as out of the ordinary. Once again, the angles of construction are strange and unusual, but other than that, it seems mundane.

2011-04-28, 04:42 AM
Vinto waits until Sanfeng closes the door behind him, before addressing Alwynn and Janen in hushed tones. "I don't see any reason why these two are out here. There's some strange magic afoot; I don't know much about the Arcane, but there's something altering our hosts. Stay on your toes, friends, things are not as they seem here-abouts." He takes a conspiratorial glance around the room, as if looking for ears or peep holes, but soon relaxes, and in a moment more, feels rather silly. "The pie did smell good, though. I hope they didn't put too much trouble into it."

2011-04-28, 04:57 AM
Alwynn listens thoughtfully. He then considers his slice of pie, examines it carefully and then, if he sees nothing wrong with it, takes a tentative but savouring bite.

2011-04-28, 09:47 AM
The pie seems perfectly ordinary and you decide to taste it. It turns out to be quite delicious, simply seasoned but hearty and filled with a rich vegetable gravy and tender meat of some variety.

As you look around the room a bit more closely, you see that, like the rest of the house, it was of an odd irregular shape; the north wall slanting perceptibly inward from the outer to the inner end, while the ceiling slanted gently downward in the same direction. There was no access, or appearance of form means of access, to the space which must exist between the slanted inner wall and the straight outer wall. The loft above the ceiling, which must have had a tilted floor also showed no means of entrance, although upon closer examination, the ceiling appeared slightly damp, as if a pool of some kind of liquid was sitting above you. A faint rustling and scraping noise came with some regularity from above.

2011-04-29, 10:20 PM
Sanfeng stood in view of the house. He grew impatient hurriedly. The orc monk retreated a field's length from the home, looking up and down the rows casually. Once he reaches the length of the field, Brut turns back to the house and takes off in a sprint.

Sanfeng leaps from a distance four plows from house. His legs kick in a scissor fashion as the monk pulls himself up by the force of his acceleration and iron diaphragm, his foot clearing the house's roof by a near inch. The orc monk touches down with stunning silence, having bled his momentum by the apex of his flight.

{Activate Absolute Steel Stance
Athletics(Jump): [roll0]
"Treat a fall as if it were 10 feet shorter than it really is when determining damage." Sound would be very damaging at the moment.
Acrobatics(Tumble):[roll1] + 2}

2011-04-29, 11:41 PM
With a graceful leap, you jump astonishingly high into the air, and with the skill of long training, you land on the roof top with only the very faintest shuffle to give your position away. The moaning of the wind is louder then your landing, and you can't imagine that anyone inside could have heard you.

2011-04-30, 12:24 AM
In the meanwhilst, Alwynn scoffs his slice of pie.
"Well, whatever they are" he slurs as he licks his fingers, "they're good cooks."

2011-04-30, 03:51 PM
Sanfeng sweeps the front of traveling cloak to the side and walks lightly across the roof. He walks down the slope of the house, looking for a sunroof, window, or chimney. Sanfeng takes a seat in full lotus on the roof, taking in the view of the farmstead from the single-story vantage.

{Perception, if Sanfeng doesn't find a peephole/entrance on the roof he'll turn his attention to the barn & field (Spot):[roll0]}

2011-04-30, 10:53 PM
@ Sanfeng

You search the roof of the house thoroughly and manage to find two openings. One is the chimney, but the opening is only about eight inches across: far too small to climb down. A light smoke rises up and as you brave the wincing sensation of the smoke in your eyes for a few seconds, you can't see anything below except the faint glow of the fire below and even that is mostly obscured by smoke and heat.

You also notice, on the side of the roof opposite the chimney, the outline of a trapdoor of some kind. It is approximately three feet by 2 feet and is only evidenced by a thin crack along the edges. It is flush with the rest of the roof and you don't see any obvious latch, handle, or hinges. The crack is just wide enough that you could possibly fit a thin blade or other fine object into.

You spend some time looking over the rest of the farmstead, but despite your close attentions you don't really notice much unusual. The barn appears to be empty of any type of livestock, but then, given the state of the fields, it's not really any surprise. Likewise, the two sheds appear vacant and barren, but it's not like there is any harvest with which to fill them. The other structures are only really notable in the absence of any of the strange angles displayed in the main house.

2011-05-03, 12:47 AM
Vinto waits a moment, the smell of the pie filling his nostrils, before determining that nothing's going to happen to Alwynn. He's tempted to rush out of the room and ask for a slice himself, but the couple obviously needs the food more than he does. He removes the last of the food from his ration sack, little more than a dried apple and a chunk of cheese. With that out of the way, he begins getting ready for bed. sleeptiemnaosorryforlackofposts

2011-05-03, 02:34 AM
Alwynn notices Vinto's gaze too late to offer him anything. As a consolation, he gives him some jellybabies.

2011-05-03, 08:37 AM
As you settle down, you can hear no sounds from the couple in the other room. Only the faint creaking of the timbers and the rustle of the wind accompany you as you begin to slumber.

I'm going to assume that Janen is just joining you and not doing anything special. How long are you planing to sleep?

2011-05-03, 03:15 PM
{Sanfeng naps out on the roof. He's not breaking and entering without just cause.}

2011-05-03, 08:28 PM
About 5 or 6 hours, but I'll suggest we organise at least something of a watch. I'll go first.

2011-05-05, 07:41 PM
For those inside the house, the six hours pass peacefully. You take turns keeping watch, but everything is unnaturally quiet and nothing disturbs you. It is now a little past noon. You notice that the air inside the room has a clammy chill to it. Every few minutes, a single drop of liquid gathers at the middle of the ceiling and then plops to the floor with a monotonous regularity. Also, the door appears to be locked.

Sanfeng, napping on the roof, notices that the clouds are gathering in ever darkening masses, blocking out the light of the sun and lowering heavily over the land giving obvious signs that rain in not far off. There have been no noises or other instances of note from inside the house and the six hours pass uneventfully.

2011-05-05, 11:34 PM
Vinto wakes the others, groggily asking, "Who locked the door? Was there trouble in the night?"

2011-05-05, 11:55 PM
Alwynn strokes his chin as Vinto checks the door.
"No, melove, 'tweren't any of us. This mystery is starting to get a touch too sinister."
He sizes up the door, leans back on his staff, shifts his stance, and lashes out at it with his boot, aiming close to the lock.

Mountain Stance (+2 Strength Checks), Strength check to break down the door.
If this doesn't work, he will drink one of his Potions of Bull's Strength (+4 Str) and try again.
If that still doesn't work, he'll start attacking it with his staff, starting with Mountain Hammer strike (+2d6 damage, automatically overcomes Damage Reduction and Hardness).
If he's doing 2 or less points of damage each hit - or, basically, he appears to be doing nothing much at all to the door - he will step back and consult with the others, including pointing out his alchemist's fire.
edit: What a miserable excuse for a pair of rolls :smallannoyed:
edit mk. 2: I should've taken 20... Can I take 20?

2011-05-06, 11:55 AM
OOC: Posting as Janen

Janen groggily sits up as Vinto wakes her, but she is startled into full alertness as Alwynn first tries to kick open the door, and then smashes the lock out with her staff. "I don't know why they locked us in here, but I doubt they have our best interests in mind!"

She mutters a word and extends her hands as her white and silver spear appears in front of her. She grins, baring her teeth for a second and and then smiles in grim anticipation. "Perhaps this couple needs to be given a lesson in hospitality. Let's move cautiously though, they are obviously not what they seem and who knows what secrets they have hidden here."

2011-05-06, 12:19 PM
Alwynn give the door an ineffective kick, and then smashes it with his staff. The second hit shatters the lock and takes out a small section of the door. Instantly, a foetid stench seeps through the hole, an odour of ancient death, decay, and evil. The dripping from the ceiling steadily increases until it is almost a steady stream of fluid. It has a sickly green tint to it, and seems almost to possess a viscous quality as it pools in damp puddles on the floor. Inarticulate mutterings come from the other room in a language none of you can recognize and a series of deadened thumps startle you from overhead.

Sanfeng hears the noise as Alwynn tries to break down the door and then directly underneath you come a series of loud bangs and thumps. You too start to detect a faintly malodorous scent coming from inside the house.

2011-05-06, 01:30 PM
Vinto wastes no time - Mumbling a Recitation, he seeks to aid their egress from this foul place.
Knowledge: Religion [roll0] to see if I recognize anything, as well, Recitation adds +3 to us, because of Extension of Blessing (Su) - It still only hinders our opponents by -2. Spell Resistance caster check is [roll1], I believe. I'd prefer you rolled initiative, but just in case, [roll2]

2011-05-07, 02:07 AM
He. Alwynn's a he :smalltongue:

Stepping into the other room, Alwynn scans it for any sign of danger and breathes a moment before moving towards the other door. He raises his staff, about to smash this one open as well, and then pauses. He instead raps on the door politely.
If appropriate (i.e. they go quiet and listen, or call out, or whatever, or nothing changes, as opposed to say someone/thing bursting through the door):
He calls out in a sing-song voice, "I say, are you in? Our door got a bit stuck. Might've bent the lock a bit opening it, I'm afraid." He then takes a step to the side of the door, and listens.

Enter Step of the Wind stance if this counts as Difficult Terrain. Otherwise stays in Stonefoot stance.
Has readied: Burning Blade, Mighty Throw, Clever Positioning, Mountain Hammer and Stone Vise.
Of possible, will prepare to use Mighty Throw if something rushes out of the door to attack.
Perception [roll0] to look for danger in first room.

2011-05-07, 11:20 PM
OOC: I rolled initiative for everyone, current order is as follows:
1: Alwynn, 2: Old Couple, 3: Sanfeng, 4: Vinto, 5: Janen
Initiative order will being following this post. I will factor in the bonuses/penalties from Vinto's Recitation, so if you make any relevant rolls, just use your normal modifiers. Also, my apologies for confusing the gender of Alwynn :smallredface:

As Alwynn steps through the door, a loud creaking noise comes from the ceiling in the centre of the room the three of you were sleeping in. A sudden crack and crash startles you as the planks collapse in a sudden cascade of wood, plaster, and a putrid greenish-yellow ichor. Instantly, the small room is filled with a frightful stench and you become aware of the horrid creature that fell through the ceiling. Nothing has prepared you for the distasteful sight before you. Lying in a foetid pool of filth, a monstrous creature twitches his limbs and looks around with large white eyes. The eyes themselves remind you of a blind man, looking in all directions but giving no sign of being able to see, at least, not with any sense you are familiar with. The creature's skin is a mottled black and green and drips with the same fluid it lies in. It is vaguely humanoid, but twisted into bizarre deranged shapes and proportions and make it a very mockery of everything you know. What you take to be hands end only in multiple tentacle-like appendages and short tentacles covered with suckers circle the gaping hole that seems to be it's mouth. It makes an unearthly moaning sound and utters syllables that your mouths are unable to form.

As it falls, you are aware of a great piping of whippoorwills outside, joining their harsh songs in a form that seems almost like a conversation. Their strident pitches are alarming and seem to be increasing in number and volume every second. You hear another thump from upstairs, appearing to come from over the main room where you breakfasted. There is no sign of the elderly couple.

@ Sanfeng

You hear a loud crash from inside the house and a heavy, liquid thud as if a large squishy object had fallen some distance. A loud moaning in a strange otherworldly tongue calls out from inside the house. Suddenly a stiff wind springs up and from the grasses around you, hundreds upon hundreds of strident whippoorwills swarm up and fly in frantic circles around the house. They shriek at you in seeming anger and several of the larger birds thrust themselves against you as if to drive you off the roof. A few injure themselves in this fashion and lie limp and twitching around you as others gather overhead as if to continue the offensive in a more organized fashion.

OOC: Alwynn, Vinto, and Janen need to make Fort saves.

2011-05-07, 11:51 PM
Fort: [roll0]

Vinto tries to steel himself against the fetid mass, but nothing human could have prepared him for the horribleness of... this.

2011-05-08, 12:36 AM
Aw. That stuff I was gonna do was gonna be funny :smallfrown:
Not... not slime! :smalleek: (reminder (le sigh), I'm allergic to slime. You did this deliberately, didn't you :smalltongue:)
Fort: [roll0]

Startled (and, probably, ill) Alwynn spins around, leaps at the creature and brings his staff down hard somewhere in the viscinity of what I think is its head.

Did I take the potion of Bull's Strength? If I did, it's not taken into account.
Did I use Mountain Hammer, and if so did I have time to recover it?
Also, how big is it, and how are we all positioned around it?
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Will use Stone Vise: +[roll3] damage, Fort DC 15 (Str-based) or movement reduced to 0ft for 1 round.

2011-05-09, 01:41 AM
{Apologies for the delay in posts. I was attending a martial arts competition over the weekend and forgot to notify this game.}

Sanfeng stomps the wooden trap door with the crushing weight of his foot. He braces for the fall as he makes an orc-sized hole in the roof.

{Flurry of blows against the door, first two auto-hit: [roll0] for [roll1]}

2011-05-09, 10:33 AM
For all those inside the house:

The room you were sleeping in is 15 feet square and the creature fell into the centre square. The door that Alwynn smashed open is in the centre of the west wall and opens up into the main room, which is 20 feet square. Alwynn would be in the square directly west of the monster, and Vinto and Janen can position themselves as they wish. All the squares in the bedroom are difficult terrain (double movement cost, no running or charging)

The creature that fell from the ceiling is medium sized and seems to be unarmed and unarmoured.

And yes, Alwynn did use the potion of Bull's Strength, and I'll factor it into your most recent attack. You can add it in yourself from here on out though. You also used Mountain Hammer to break down the door, but you could have taken a few seconds to recover it (you weren't in initiative then anyway).

And no, I didn't plan out an entire encounter just to take advantage of your flaw :smalltongue: But . . . I'm sure you'll have fun in the Neverending Dungeon of Slime and the Slurm Queen, that will be coming up shortly! (j/k :smallwink: )

All of you inside almost choke as the foul stench enters your nose, but you manage to hold back your stomach and breath through your mouth as much as possible. The creature begins to writhe and stand up when Alwynn bursts back through the door and deals a precise shattering blow with his staff. The horror immediately collapses to the floor again and a dark green ichor begins to flow from its head. As Alwynn's staff hit the monster, it was almost like whacking a large spongy pudding. The end of the staff sunk into the flesh more then expected as if the creature lacked any significant bone structure. Part of the skin around the neck split open but the wound more resembles a spoon going through jello then anything else.

Alwynn had just landed his blow when he felt the faintest brush of wind against his neck and violently dodged out of the way with a rush of inspiration. In an instant, a figure appeared directly behind him with a finger outstretched as if to deliver a touch spell. It seems to be the old man Wilbur, but changed into a wretched tortured creature. Gaunt skin is stretched over his withered face and it seems to be almost translucent with age. His eyes have turned the same solid white as the terror and his mouth is full of evil fangs and a blood-red tongue. He chokes out coarse phrases, sounds that you didn't know a human throat could produce. His limbs strain in unnatural movements as if forces beyond his control are compelling him into action.

Vinto, it's your turn next.

For him who was not inside the house but now is, in a way:

You smash the door in with a righteous fury and the wood shatters before you. You plunge though the hole up to your chest. The attic or loft is only about four feet high and ducking down, you view a bloody scene of evil. The entire loft is about thirty feet square and to your right, there is a hole broken though the floor. You see a glimpse of Janen below with her spear readied for an attack. The horribleness of the loft is beyond anything you have yet seen and the floor is coated in several inches of a putrid black/green gel that is slowly dripping through the hole. (You'll need to make a Fort save). To your left, are the dessicated remains of nearly a dozen humans, ranging from small children to adults. Some have obviously been there for some time, but others appear more recent. Further in, several large maggot-like creatures are squirming in eager anticipation as they slowly writhe their way towards you. Sightless, they nevertheless sense you somehow and their mouths reveal tiny razor-sharp fangs and small multifarious tentacles.

2011-05-09, 10:48 AM
I'll have switched to Step of the Wind stance after I broke the door if it's bad ground.

Alwynn laughs cockily as he dodges the gross finger.
"What a jibe! You and your wife, eh? Dig in, fellows! She's easy on the hands, if not on the eyes!"

2011-05-09, 02:24 PM
Furiously looking at spells and wondering if I've got anything remotely useful here :I Knowledge checks to see if I know anything, Nature [roll0], Religion [roll1], The Planes [roll2]
Just looking up wall of good right now; if it's a standard action I'll cast that, if not, i'll wait on the results of the knowledge check.

2011-05-09, 05:10 PM
{Fort: [roll0]}

Sanfeng lunges through the attic, ducking into a drop stance and past the assailing maggots. He makes a backhanded swipe at the first maggot to get in his way and dives past the blind grubs for the hole in the floor.

"What madness is this!?" Sanfeng hollers. He takes position next to Janen, standing where her spear cannot strike, hoping to cover her.

{Spring Attack: [roll1] & [roll2] for [roll3] & [roll4]
Tumble (to avoid AoO): [roll5]
Sanfeng will stand within 5' of Janen, between her and the maggots}

2011-05-09, 05:17 PM
Crit confirmation: [roll0]
{Oh, and Sanfeng is still in Absolute Steel Stance: +10 ft. & +2 dodge AC. If he can spot the horror before the end of his turn, he'll declare Dodge against it.}

2011-05-09, 11:33 PM
Here is a map of the house and the loft. It's really basic, but it should get the job done. For reference, the monster is at G7, Wilbur is at G5, Alwynn is at G6, Janen is at H8, Sanfeng just dropped down into G8. Vinto, I'm not sure where you are, just pick a spot wherever you like. If I messed anyone up, let me know.

Vinto, your knowledge checks are indeed useful. Here is what you know:
Your studies of ancient cults and religions suddenly comes back to you and the awkward angles and shapes of the house you are in takes on a new and nefarious meaning. Thought to be extinct for hundreds of years, an obscure cult calling themselves The Mazurewicz was known for their numerous atrocities in the small village of Dunwich. Calling on other-planar beings for their power, they utilized non-Euclidean geometric structures as a means of enhancing and shaping their power as they toiled to create a new race of creature to re-inhabit the land as they deemed the current occupants "unworthy of existence". They strove to mould the world into a fit throne for their other-planar lords to rule the universe from. The leaders of the Church of Robin discovered their foul works and eradicated them, destroying all their writings and places of worship. As the years dimmed the memory of their actions, many tended to dismiss the cult as mere hogwash, or at best, an exaggeration of an otherwise peaceful splinter group of the Church of Robin. Occasional copycats tried to sally forth under the name of Mazurewicz, but were generally recognized as frauds just trying to earn some coin or cover up illicit activities.

And I'm not familiar with Wall of Good off the top of my head. What book is that from?

And just to double check with Sanfeng, is the spring attack against the maggots, or to attack the monster after you jump down the hole to the rest of the party?

Sanfeng smashes one of the maggot creatures leaving clumps of a sticky flesh-like substance clinging to his fingers. The maggot gasps and twitches as it flops around in its death throes. Diving past the rest of them, he drops through the hole to the room below, landing neatly beside Janen despite the debris from the ceiling scattered about the floor.

2011-05-10, 01:09 AM
My last name is Mazur T_T Wall of Good is in the Spell Compendium -

Abjuration [Good]
Level: Cleric 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: A straight wall whose area is
up to one 10-ft. square/level or a
sphere or hemisphere with a radius
of up to 5 ft./2 levels
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes

You create an immobile barrier
that inhibits evil creatures. An evil
summoned creature cannot pass
through the wall in either direction,
and any other evil creature must succeed on a Will save each time it attempts
to move through the wall. If the saving
throw is failed, the creature’s movement
is stopped, and it can take no other
action that round.
A wall of good must be continuous
and unbroken when formed. If it is cast
so that an object or creature breaks its
surface, the spell fails.
Arcane Material Component: Powdered
silver worth 25 gp.

I'll be using it to make a wall parallel to the roof, so that other things can't drop down upon us. Then I'll be moving back to back with Alwynn.

2011-05-10, 09:47 AM
Just as Sanfeng tumbles beside Jaene, a brilliant shimmery white sheet of energy snaps into place over the ceiling and the ooze that had been flowing through the hole is completely stopped. Janen's face grimaced as she choked back the rising contents of her stomach, but only called out "What in Robin's name are these things!" With a look of concentration, she mutters a few draconic syllables and as she makes a small motion with her right hand. Several transparent silvery disembodied jaws appear before her and dart out quickly, four each towards Wilbur and the terrible creature in front of her. As she casts, the monster flings a dripping tentacle at her, but it only flops around and Janen easily slips out of the way.

The chattering jaws clamp down on the monster's flesh and pull away dripping chunks of its shapeless flesh. The creatures moans, whether in pain or anger, you cannot tell. The other four conjured jaws find a hold on Wilbur but he seems to shake off most of their hold as he swats at them in annoyance.

2011-05-11, 11:33 AM
Keeping an eye on the thing that was Wilbur, Alwynn shifts his grip. He brings his staff down on the lumpy monster so fast that the air around it catches on fire.

If the creature is effected by the terrain, I get an extra +2 to my attack not counted here from Step of the Wind.
Bull's Strength counted.
+2 flanking counted.
Burning Blade does fire damage.
Also, forgot to mention: the feat Sanctify Martial Strike makes all my melee attacks Good for the purpose of overcoming DR, and deals an extra 1 damage to Evil creatures and +1d4 to Evil Outsiders. Not included here, as that would be metagaming :smallwink:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] bludgeoning + [roll2] fire.

Just a heads-up/reminder to myself: if Wilbur stays where he is, once the blob-thing's down I'll probably use Clever Positioning to put him between Sanfeng and myself.

2011-05-11, 11:54 AM
"They're cultists," Vinto growls, "Twisted by the evils they've done and the abominations they worship... Maybe I can-" Vinto barks an arcane syllable, hoping slash away some of the energies sustaining their foes.

Dispel Magic, area burst, use these rolls as you will against magic effects that aren't on the party :3 Note - I have no clue how much magic is going on, or how much of it I can affect, so I'm giving you a massive surplus. I in no way expect many of these rolls to be used.

Nevermind, I just realized that I can't affect what gets hit by it. I'll slap the dispel magic on Wilbur.

2011-05-11, 04:05 PM
Sanfeng circles the room, in short, sliding steps. His hands poised before him, the orc positions himself a half step from grasping the slime horror's tentacles. So close to the abomination, he throws his arm forward like a steel whip, tearing into its mottled black membrane. He plants his stance and redoubles on his attack, practically taunting the alien beast to retaliate

{Swift: dual stance to Iron Guard's Glare, the blob takes -4 attack on everyone it threatens except for Sanfeng. It is aware that Sanfeng is causing this.
Free: 5' step to F7
Flurry (claw, for slashing damage): [roll0] (+13/+13/+9; that's 25/32/27) for [roll1]}

2011-05-12, 08:41 PM
As Alwynn slams his flaming staff into the monster, a gruesome hissing sound rises from the wound and the flames are quenched as the flesh from the wound closes over the staff. A greenish wisp of steam rises from the end of the staff and it makes a squelching sound as Alwynn needs to exert most of his strength to pull it back up. The monster groans in what you guess to be pain and it turns its sightless eyes towards Alwynn. It opens its dripping maw and utters a series of dark syllables
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Murka'lwnn R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"

It shimmers in and out of visibility for a moment and then out of its mouth shoots an impossibly thin glimmering silver thread of some bizarre material. It heads straight for Alwynn's head and strikes him lightly in the middle of his forehead.

Alwynn, you feel the faintest tingle on your skin, as if a bit of thread had brushed up against you but the sensation continues as you see the bit of glowing silver hover just above your eyes. Nothing else happens . . . for a second or two. And then, you feel yourself being laid bare as if some demented being had bypassed your emotions and defences and opened a passageway into your inner psyche. You can feel the horrible creature trying to push the link between you and for a split second your mind is filled with dozens of unfamiliar and unwanted images: dank dim dungeons echoing with the screams of a vivisection, cruel grins of pleasure from the faces of ancient Lords of lore, blood slowly collecting on the keen edge of a matt black dagger as a single drip gently falls into oblivion, mystic runes gathering in darkness and spinning, with gathering violence and velocity until they are a grey blur of senselessness . . .

But only for a split second are you subject to these sights. The monster's hideous jaw widens in a macabre smile as if to say "That was only a taste, my dear. Oh, just think of how many more pleasures I have stored up for you!"

Too late, you remember the creature who was Wilbur behind you and out of the corner of your eye you notice him brush off the jabbering jaws and with a brief motion of his hand, they disappear. He stares ahead blankly and opens his mouth in a horrid grimace.
"Too late have I learned. . .everything is lost. Even when he dreams the shackles bind me. The shackles grow longer when he sleeps. . .no, not for my benefit, but for his. . .that I may ensnare others. Beware the words! The eyes spring the trap!. . .How do the corners add up to FIVE!"

Sanfeng shifts over a few feet and attacks the monster. With each slash you feel the sickening, almost ichthyic flesh quiver under you. You apparently sever several purulent veins as a flow of sticky yellow fluid runs out and coats your hands. You feel a slight burning sensation on your hands and your flesh starts to redden as a foul stench rises from the wound. The creature groans in obvious discomfort and winces away from your attacks, but is unable to avoid them.
If you could list the damage for each attack separately, that would be helpful just in case I should need to factor in DR or other such things :smallbiggrin:

Vinto, you cast your spell on Wilbur and with a strong urge of will, you feel an enchantment losing its hold on him. You concentrate for a second, and suddenly the glazed look fades from Wilbur's eyes and his hands begin to shake in a violent tremor.

Janen takes a firm stance and thrusts her weapon at the creature's body. One lunge ends with her weapon plunging far into the monster's flesh releasing a spew of glutinous pulp. The monster bellows in pain and twists out of the way of her second attack but the creature is wounded in nearly a dozen places now and it is quite evident that it is seriously hurt.
OOC: I'm going to need a Will save from Alwynn and a Fort save from Sanfeng. Also, it's Alwynn's turn.

2011-05-12, 09:59 PM
{Fort: [roll0]}

Sanfeng shakes the ichor from his hands with vibratory snap of his arms. The vexed monk backs into a crouching pose. He leaps to the side of the horror, over Alwynn, tackling the withered shell of Wilbur. He headbutts the cultist into the floor and springs for his axe at the doorway.

{Mmmm'k. I'll attempt roll-mode mach II.
Full: Charging Minotaur
Bullrush STR check: [roll1]
Bludgeoning damage: [roll2]}

2011-05-12, 10:59 PM
Shaken, Alwynn brushes the strand off in disgust. He mutters to himself, "should've done this before", and, holding out his staff defensively in one hand, he inscribes certain symbols on his chest, sprinkles a little silvery powder and mutters some phrase in Celestial.

Will save: [roll0]
Casting Protection from Evil: +2 deflection to AC and +2 to all saves vs. stuff done by Evil creatures; blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from evil effect; prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. (d20srd)
Concentration check to cast defensively: DC 16 (lvl 1 spell - a spell-like ability, if that makes any difference), [roll1]
edit: Frick. What a waste...

2011-05-14, 11:11 AM
As Alwynn begins to cast his spell, the creature lurches forward in an attempt to stop him, but his movements are slowed from the numerous wounds he has accumulated, and his attack is easily avoided. The instant the spell is cast, the monster shudders in repugnance and backs away from him.

Shuffling around, the abomination launches itself at Sanfeng. Moving much faster then anyone anticipated, the creature springs up, and with a gooey squelching sound, nearly leaves the ground completely. Once off the floor, its nearly shapeless body droops and sags in unearthly forms. The slimy body, excreting ichor in a succiferous fashion clings wetly to Sanfeng and its tentacled arms circle his chest with a surprising strength. You feel the creature's slimy coating dripping slowly over your arms as the burning sensation continues.

OOC @ Sanfeng
From last round, when your hands were covered in the slime, you take 3 points of acid damage. I'll need another Fort save for this round as well.

And I'm going to need a grapple check from you. (The creature has Improved Grapple, so it doesn't provoke). Unfortunately, you'll probably have to rethink your actions for this round.

On the other side of the doorway, Wilbur shudders and then collapses to the floor in a senseless heap of withered flesh and bone.

You all hear the crazed sound as hundred of whippoorwills dive into the walls of the house as if trying to batter their way inside. Their incessant shrieking becomes increasingly frenzied but it is almost suddenly drowned out as you hear the muffled pelting of a torrential downpour suddenly hit the house. The roar escalates by the second and almost drowns out the rustling and scratching sounds from the loft above you.

2011-05-14, 11:19 AM
Heads-up for my next turn, if it's still wrapped around Sanfeng I'll try to cast Protection from Evil on him. Which means you'll have to decide what "the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature" means when it's engaged in a grapple, if it's a summoned creature (if it isn't, well, I guess I'll just sorta waste a spell).

By the way, is there a window in this house?

2011-05-14, 11:35 AM
I'll keep that in mind. Even it it's not a summoned creature, the spell still provides some bonuses, so it wouldn't be totally wasted. However, keep in mind that the effect against summoned creatures ends if the warded creature attacks the summoned creature.

There is one window in the first room you entered (on the wall of H3), but there are no windows in the bedroom.

2011-05-14, 04:12 PM
{Fort: [roll0]}

Sanfeng groans under the sudden, unrelenting pressure. He winces mutely and presses the back of both palms before him in a ward-off against the advancing slimebeast.

{Grapple: [roll1]}

2011-05-14, 10:50 PM
Dang! Both of you rolled a 29 for the grapple checks, but unfortunately, the monster has a higher modifier :smallyuk:

Sanfeng tries to push off the monster, but he is unable to get a good purchase on the squamous skin and the creature's tentacled arms envelope him in a painful embrace. It looks up at you and it's multifarious tongue slides around the circumference of its mouth leaving a glistening ring nearly six inches across. It almost seems to be grinning, but who could say.

Sanfeng's turn, then Vinto

2011-05-14, 11:16 PM
{So Sanfeng may attack as unarmed with a -4 penalty? If the opponent you are grappling with is flanked do you receive a +2 to attack? Sanfeng's AC is 13 in a grapple.}

Brut does not let the hope of escape blemish his attack. He stands his ground in the beast's maw and throws a single clutching strike down its gullet.

{Attack: Activate Stone Bones. If Sanfeng makes his attack, he receives damage reduction 5/adamantine for the coming round of punishment.
[roll0] for [roll1]
Obligatory Fort: [roll2]}

2011-05-14, 11:49 PM
As some clinical part of Vinto hopes that the old man's alright, his focus is drawn to the quarrel between the sponge-beast and his stoic companion. Hoping to see if the grotesque will listen to some farm reason, he rolls up his sleeves as he walks over to the beast, grabs it by what he hopes is the head, and begins a slow throttle.

Inevitable Defeat, [roll0] [roll1], Spell description from PHBII

Inevitable Defeat
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-
Level: Beguiler 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None and Will negates;
see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You touch the creature with your hand, and
it teeters on the edge of unconsciousness.
You draw a cloud over the subject’s
mind, dealing 3d6 points of nonlethal
damage. No saving throw is allowed
against this effect. Each round on its
turn, the subject must succeed on a
Will save or take another 3d6 points of
nonlethal damage. If the saving throw
is successful, the damage for that round
is negated and the spell ends.

It doesn't technically require me to throttle the beast, or continue touching it at all, but why not :smalltongue:

2011-05-15, 12:07 AM
Yeah, if you're attacking you take the -4. However, the monster also loses his Dex modifier, and it has no armour, so I think you'll still stand a pretty good chance. I'll say that you get the +2 from flanking even if you're grappled.

2011-05-15, 12:51 AM
Alwynn gives a lopsided grin and he considers his next move.
"Well isn't this sweet. A cuddlepuddle."

"Can I?" question:Mighty Throw: As part of this maneuver, you must succeed on a melee touch attack against your foe. Resolve the throw as a trip attempt (PH 158), but you do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and your opponent cannot try to trip you if you lose the opposed check. You can use your Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is higher. You gain a +4
bonus on the ability check.
If you succeed in tripping your foe, you throw it up to 10 feet away from
you. The target falls prone in the destination space. You choose where it
lands. You must place the target in an empty space. If you lack the distance
to throw your target into a clear space, it falls prone in its current space.
An enemy you throw with this maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity for passing through enemies’ threatened areas as part of the
throw, and you can throw an enemy through occupied squares.

I'm guessing not, but could I use this to try to tear the creature off Sanfeng and throw it away? What if I succeeded on a grapple check first? It would be a cool image... "Take your tentacles off him, you dirty lump!", grab, fling.

2011-05-16, 10:21 PM
Sanfeng draws back his arm and with a lightening quick motion, lands a powerful blow down the creature's mouth. The monster lets out a stifled gurgle and you feel its body stiffen in pain. You feel its hold on you lessen just as Vinto comes beside you and circles his arms around its neck.

Vinto throttles the beast while muttering a few arcane phrases. The horror writhes for a few seconds, and with one last twitch, it collapses to the floor in a shapeless mass of slimy flesh.

Janen was mid step on her way to assist Sanfeng, but with a delicate turn of her body, she bypassed the creature and stepped over to the doorway and looked around. "That woman is still out here somewhere, and I'm sure she's not as innocent as she looked."

Perception check: [roll0] . Dang it, I fail at rolling. However, basic maths tells me the raw roll was a 10, so I'll just add the modifier this time for a result of 20.

OOC @ Vinto:
I'll need a fort save from you

OOC @ Alwynn:
I would let you do that, just for the sheer AWESOME® factor, but given that the monster is unconscious, I'm guessing you want to change your actions.

2011-05-16, 11:05 PM
Alwynn looked ready to throw himself at the creature when it slips off. Instead he walks up to it, pokes it gingerly with the end of his staff, and then rams it through the things "head".
Ah well. Next time, eh? :smallwink:
Do I need to roll for a coup-de-grace?
Perception check [roll0] to check that the thing isn't the wife in some other form (which was, uh, kinda what I/Alwynn was assuming <.<)

2011-05-16, 11:27 PM
{To the doorway? Where's Wilbur?}

Sanfeng looses a triumphant, bestial roar. He watches the slime beast dissolve before him, his dark pupils reflecting the scene in microcosm.

The orc steps toward the doorway, his hands gnarled with savage intentions.

{Move action towards the door; if he spies the woman or Wilbur he'll Spring attack & initiate a grapple
Touch: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]}

2011-05-17, 01:48 AM
fort [roll0], Concentration [roll1] if needed for Lesser Vigor on us people in the room. Three Heal Checks to see if I notice anything on my allies that requires immediate attention - [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]

Wilbur is unconscious on the floor. I zapped him and it pooped his magic a bit, I suppose.

Vinto shakes goop off of his hands, struggling through an awkward stiffness to force out a simple revitalization magicking. "How is everyone?" he asks, "Does anyone need seen to?" With particular emphasis toward Sanfeng, he adds, "Can I do anything? You were practically engulfed by the beast, after all."

2011-05-17, 10:03 PM
Alwynn finishes off the creature with a piercing blow to its head. Black ichor oozes out from the wounds and it lies motionless. Instantly, the shrilling of the whippoorwills ceased and you all hear the panic-struck whirring and fluttering of the birds as they raced from the house. A terrific bolt of lightening stuck near the house, with the sizzling FWIP, like the sound of a vast cut of fabric being ripped in half. The hair on the back of your neck and arms rises with static and the very air feels charged and electric. And then, quickly as it had come, the sensation vanished. You also notice that the rain, which had been like the sound of a waterfall, was now dying off into a peaceful patter almost as if the clouds themselves were anxious to wash the filth and evil from the place.
You are all out of initiative now.

@ Alwynn, there is no need to roll for a coup de grace.

Alwynn, you examine the creature carefully, but aren't really sure if it is the woman in another form or not. On one hand, you haven't seen the woman, but on the other hand, it did drop out of the ceiling. Janen appears to believe they are two different entities, but she could be wrong.

As the creature is finished off, Sanfeng steps towards the door and looks around. Wilbur is still lying in a collapsed heap outside the door and his haggard breathing indicates that perhaps he isn't in the best of health. You see no sign of anyone else or of any other threats.

Vinto shakes his hands violents as the creatures slime flies off in sticky drops. You glance over your companions carefully, but you don't see any serious wounds. Sanfeng has some redness on the skin of his hands and lower arms indicating some minor acid burns, but it doesn't appear too serious. You too feel a minor burning sensation on your hands and arms but it quickly disappears under the soothing touch of your healing spell.

Janen shudders at the dying sounds of the monster and takes a step beside Sanfeng. "I have the feeling that someone . . . or something is still around. I won't feel safe until we check the rest of the house. Did you see anything else upstairs?" Turning back towards Vinto, she assures him "I'm perfectly fine, just a bit shaken."

2011-05-18, 01:21 AM
The massive orc shudders visibly at Janen's question.

"The beast's lair and young."

Brut stands over the collapsed heap that was previously their host. He turns to answer Vinto, "Myself? Flesh wounds. Hardly. It appears as though this farm's proprietor is more in need of your talents."

2011-05-18, 01:43 AM
Nodding at Sanfeng, and motioning to Janen and Alwynn, Vinto begins proposing a course of action. "I say we split up - You and Sanfeng can scour the house," he says to Janen, "Tear the walls of this wretched place down if you have to, it's a blight against our God in any case, and I'll be happy to see it burned when we leave." Taking a breath, he turns to Alwynn. "I'm going to try and see if Wilbur is... Salvageable."

Vinto shakes his head, doubt clawing at him. "First thing is, I'll need your help carrying him out of here. Then I'll need you to watch him while I try to get some answers. There's a couple spells I can try that might keep him restrained, and hopefully, reasonable, but they require some time to prepare." He stares everyone in the eye for a second, before adding, "I'm not willing to just kill him, even after what he's done. It's not fair to him, or to his victims, that he goes free so easily."

2011-05-18, 01:48 AM
"Or we could just burn the place down," Brut echoes with a shrug.

He lets the silence hang for a moment before huffing in resigned moral obligation. He hefts Wilbur off the ground by the armpits, assuming he doesn't... dissolve in his touch or... something.

2011-05-18, 07:21 PM
Janen nods in agreement with Vinto's words. "I concur, let's get Wilbur out of here." She was about to stoop and assist with the task when Sanfeng picks the old man up by himself. She shrugs in resignation and then turns to follow him out. "I'll come with you anyway. Who knows what might be outside." Pausing for a second, she turns back towards Vinto. "We'll be back in a few seconds to finish searching the house. I'm good at burning." A faint grin appears on her face just before she turns back and hurries to catch up with Sanfeng.

You step outside and the world is glistening with the scattered prisms of a million drops of light, transforming the barren landscape into something almost resembling beauty. The lowering clouds of a few minute earlier are nearly dissolved and the sun shines ever stronger through the few wisps that remain. Outside the house, one of the sheds, apparently struck by the bolt of lightening, is obliterated and the shattered timbers and planks smoulder with a dim orange glow.

2011-05-18, 10:57 PM
Damn. I thought I had magic circle against evil, which was why I needed so much set-up time. I'll just cast remove curse, remove disease, and dispel magic on Wilbur, closing him off in a semicircle wall of good. Dispel magic roll [roll0]

Vinto follows Janen and the others out of the house, looking for somewhere flat and well-lighted to begin his checkup. ((If necessary, he'll light a torch)) Motioning Sanfeng, he asks, "Put him down here, and stand back. I shouldn't be long, I hope - I'd love to pitch in my share of burning this foul place down."

Concentrating again, he summons another shimmering forcefield, similar to the one he'd closed the roof inside with, but bowl-shaped, and covering the area around "Wilbur." Cleansing and sterilizing the area, Vinto's first actions directly involving the old man are to once again attempt to purge him of magics, followed by a routine health check-up ((taking 10, for 23)).

"Well, the good news is, he's breathing... for now."

2011-05-19, 09:32 PM
It is now quite bright outside, and early afternoon. Vinto makes all his preparations and then carefully examines the old man. You find no trace of any magic on him, and he seems free of any enchantment or other effect. He also appears quite undamaged and you can find no wounds or other ailments. If anything, it seems he is just physically and mentally drained and has fallen into a unusually deep sleep; though a perfectly mundane one.

As Vinto occupies himself with his duties, Janen watches for a few seconds, and then heads back inside. "We might as well take out anything of use before we burn the place down. If Wilbur is all right, it would be a shame to leave him without any possessions."

2011-05-20, 07:22 PM
"I would rather burn the house from the inside anyway."

Sanfeng walks to the barn and grabs a burning plank. He marches back, ducking the farmstead's inadequate doorway. Inside, he turns to the unexplored kitchen.


2011-05-22, 08:49 AM
Alwynn follows the people carrying Wilbur outside. When they put him down, he mutters some words and traces some symbol on the unconcious man's chest.
"Hopefully that will keep any lingering outside forces out of him until we can check out the place properly. Unless... Well, hopefully. Now, let us have a look at this place."
With that he turns to the house and starts inside to clear it out.\

Protection from Evil on Wilbur.

2011-05-24, 11:10 AM
You re-enter the house and look around for anything of interest. For the most part, it contains just the normal mundane items you would expect to find: tables, chairs, a bed, a few shelves, cooking and eating utensils and such. However, in the back room you also find a small box constructed of some dense dark wood apparently locked, but without any evident keyhole or hinges. Janen shakes it and you hear the shuffling of papers inside but nothing else to reveal its contents.

In the corner of the kitchen, hidden in a closet, there is a rickety flight of stairs leading up. A trapdoor at the top of the steps is locked, but it appears to open up into the loft.

2011-05-24, 11:25 AM
Alwynn stands at the base of the stair, leaning on his staff ponderingly.
"Sanfeng... What did you say you saw in the roof?"

2011-05-24, 09:16 PM
"Maggots. Husks. The vile beast's lair," Brut snorts disgustedly.

The mountainous orc sees no value in the scroll-containing chest. He holds the torch aloft, igniting the roof and loft above. Sanfeng does not move until he can hear the sizzle and crack of the burning nest. He throws the torch to the ground and smashes a dresser for extra kindling. Satisfied, Brut exits the shack.

"Let's go. This place is cursed. I'll not suffer it any longer."

2011-05-24, 10:13 PM
Janen rushes to dash the torch out of Sanfeng's hand, but she is too slow to stop the flames from catching on the dry wood of the ceiling.
"But . . . we can't leave Wilbur out here with NOTHING!" A faint spark of anger awakens in her eyes as she glares at Sanfeng. Stammering for a second, she rushes out in a torrent of words: "It wasn't his fault, he was forced into it and now he's going to be left here penniless and homeless and he's too old to start a new homestead!"

Even in the short time it takes her to speak, the flames multiply quickly across the roof and translucent rivulets of fire pulse in their consuming light. Smoke is rapidly billowing throughout the room and the stench of scorching filth and flesh fills your nostrils.

2011-05-24, 10:44 PM
Alwynn gives Sanfeng an annoyed glance.
"Too bad if there was anything of value up there..." :smallannoyed:
"You've got that box, Janen? Better get grabbing..."
He whisks around the rooms as quickly as he can, snatching up anything that might be of use.

Will use Step of the Wind and Wind Stride to go a bit faster.
Perception check to find as much useful stuff as quickly as possible (will also grab a blanket or two and stuff like that): [roll0]

2011-05-24, 11:04 PM
Sanfeng's porcine snout flutters shut at the stench and choking smoke. Brut stands in the midst of the inferno, arguing over the roar of the fire.

"You hear that!? This is no homestead, it's a festering hive!"

The sizzle of burning ichor and maggots is too much for the shaken orc. He is about to follow Alywnn upstairs, but allows the human discover the loft's putrid condition. Brut storms out of the blazing home, seeing Wilbur collapsed on the ground, he grumbles at the inclement progress of their travels.

"What do I owe this coerced murderer? His life is quarter enough."

2011-05-24, 11:22 PM
"The least you owe him is chance to explain himself," Vinto snaps, then mellows. "And now you've robbed me of my share in the burning of this abysmal abode," he says with a wry grin.

2011-05-25, 11:09 AM
Shaking her head, Janen rushes back into the kitchen and starts scooping utensils and other items into a rough wooden crate that was lying by the door. Quickly setting it outside along with the locked box, she gathers a large breath of fresh air, and helps Alwynn drag out a modest chest of drawers that seems to contain clothing and bedding materials.

Coughing from the smoke, you set it outside but by then the house is well and truly ablaze and it would be foolish to go back in. Hideous screams, almost too high pitched to hear, issue from the loft and as the fire consumes the roof, the whole structure collapses in a gigantic cloud of noxious green smoke. Scrambling desperately, you manage to pull Wilbur away from the burning debris and save the few belongings you've pulled from the house.

Wilbur hacks deep in his throat for a few minutes, but he recovers and lies weakly on the ground, too exhausted to do much more then tilt his head to see the remains of what was once his home.

2011-05-30, 12:04 AM
Alwynn plonks himself down next to the old man and admires the blaze.
"So, dear fellow," he begins. "Might I recommend that you start talking?"

2011-05-30, 11:13 AM
Wilbur coughs again, and then sits up. His face, while still rather ashen, looks almost normal. "I'm happy to talk, but I'm afraid I don't know much more then you do. I haven't been myself lately. I know my daughter has been getting . . . weird and perhaps I should have stepped in and put a stop to it, but she was just so convincing. She's dead now, isn't she, and I've got nothing. I thank you for leaving me alive, but I fear I have nowhere to turn. Perhaps it would be best if you left me in Dunwich. I can mayhap find work there and someone willing to take me in."

2011-05-31, 12:13 AM
[roll0] sense motive

"Perhaps you should, in time, but now you're going to need to try and tell us more. What were you doing getting involved with the Mazurewicks, of all things? Does Robin not provide?" Saddened by the man's story, but worldly enough to know that there's more to it than he's being told, Vinto kneels beside Wilbur. "We need to know what's going on here. We can't deal with more of these cults springing up." As an aside, he explains to Alwynn and the others about the Mazurewicks, and their travesties. "If there's anything you can tell us - we need to let the right people know, now."

2011-05-31, 11:30 AM
A shadow of fear crossed Wilbur's countenance when he heard the word "Mazurewicks", but only for the briefest of seconds and then his face fell back into the blank stare that he had previously shown. "Yes . . . Robin . . . of course he provides. It was all my daughter. She found this book, an ancient tome of some sort, but I only saw it once. And evil thing. She did all this, and she did something to me . . ."

Wilbur coughs violently and as he covers his mouth with his hand, he leans forward, almost falling over. He just manages to recover himself and sits back upright again. "There was something about a dragon though, or someone of dragon blood. Their eyes are strong, you know. Perhaps that would bring back my memory."

2011-05-31, 11:58 AM
Janen looks around at her companions. "Perhaps there is indeed some truth in what you say. I am afraid we have no dragons with us, but I have their blood in my veins, and that is the best you will get here. Time is not on our side, and while we cannot leave this matter unresolved, duty does call us elsewhere. I shall help you if I can, but I will expect your honesty and expediency."

She kneels beside Wilbur and stares into his vacant eyes with her bright silver ones. The breeze tosses her hair around but she remains perfectly still, as if trying to summon up all the power of the draconic heritage and the blood of her ancestors. Slowly, the normal colour of Wilbur's face returns and his eyes grow brighter and more aware. Wilbur brings his face a bit closer and then, his left hand moves in a flash of silver, and he leans back, relaxed.

Janen's look of concentration is frozen on her face for a second, and then is transformed into pure shock. Her eyes open wide and her mouth opens as she sways back and forth like a tumbler trying to balance a long pole in his hand. At first, you see only the thinnest hairline crease of red along her neck, but as she leans backwards, her head tilts and the crease widens into a gaping gash that seems to have been cut all the way to the spine. Blood gurgles out, frothy pink, and a single drop of crimson appears at the corner of Janen's mouth. She gives out a wheezing, bubbling gasp, and then collapses backwards, sprawled in a grotesque mockery of the magnificent draconic ascendant you had come to know; her snowy wings lying askew and now stained with blood. A final whisper of breath issues between her lips and you can make out the name: "Norvartis . . .".

The wind suddenly picks up and gently blows her hair around in beautiful serenity and all is still.

2011-05-31, 12:07 PM
Alwynn is crouching next to them, watching the man with narrowed, suspicious eyes. Despite his readiness, however, even he isn't quick enough to grab the knife.
Instead, quick as a flash, he raises his staff and smashes it into the old man's face, shattering his nose. Almost at the same time, he twitches his wrist and a slender twig slides into his grip. He points it at Janen and swishes its magic at her, his other arm cradling her body.
As he does this, he howls at the others, "Noone searched him? No one thought to check him for weapons?!"
Trying to Cure Light Wounds with the wand.

2011-05-31, 03:43 PM
Sanfeng catches the geezer's head and drops a hammer fist on his skull, putting an end to his cunning.

"The body is a weapon," Sanfeng grumbles. The stolid orc watches Janen bleed out. Brut's expression sours at the latest turn in their fiasco of a road stop. He doesn't utter his final verdict, though it dominates his thoughts.

And caution is a shield.

2011-05-31, 08:00 PM
Vinto curses himself, curses his fool trust in the man, and his lack of forethought. Though he'd only just met her, the unnecessary death of a friend and one who would stand against the dark was always something to mourn. If not for the suddenness, the shock of it, he might have saved her...

2011-06-01, 10:12 PM
As Wilbur falls back to the ground, a smug grin appears on his face, but it is soon smeared into a bloody streak as Alwynn's staff and Sanfeng's fist pummel his head. He collapses motionless save for a single twitch of his legs as a small pool of blood puddles around his head. The silence of the early afternoon is only broken by the snapping and cracking of the remaining embers and the soothing rustle of the grasses in the wind.

All is still for a moment, and then Janen's body slowly begins to fade away. At first it is only a faint translucence at the fingertips, but then her entire body begins to fade from view; even the blood-soaked earth beneath her turns back to its original form and after a few moments, there remains no sign of her previous existence.

You gaze in surprise, but then you somehow hear a faint but familiar voice speaking to you. "Cast aside your fears and sorrows, my friend. Your companion is safe with me now and she has passed into my presence with honour and valour. She has called upon the Favour of the Dragon and I have brought her home. Continue on your mission without sadness, and I shall endeavour to send a new companion to aid you. You will know him by the sign he shall bear: a pendant of gold, in the form of a dragon, with tooth and nail of adamant and eye of ruby. Take courage then, and stay the course. My faith in you is not lessened and I have full confidence that you will see your duty through until the end."

2011-06-01, 10:24 PM
Alwynn caresses Janen's hair as she fades away. He stays knelt, gazing at the spot for some time after she's gone. He mutters something, sighs, and then gets up to stare at the fire again, looking hard for any movement - just in case.

2011-06-04, 12:33 PM
You gaze in silence for a moment, and then get to your feet. Time is passing and you might as well make use of the daylight while you can. Turning you backs on the accursed homestead, you head back to the path and continue west. The way is rather rough going for a few miles, with damp swampy patches and deep ravines crossed by fragile swaying rope bridges, but you pass without incident. The road once again evens out and the soil turns ever sandier and drier. The towering trees that have accompanied you thus far become shrunken and surrounded by a sea of wiry shrub brush. By the time dusk arrives the trees are almost gone and with the last gleam of the sun, you can see before you the open stretch of desert. The sky is calm and clear now, but you all know of its reputation for sudden and violent storms.

2011-06-04, 05:06 PM
"The next time we stop at a place, I vote we burn it to the ground first," Vinto jokes, "That way we'll get a decent breakfast, at least..."

2011-06-04, 05:52 PM
"Hmmm," Sanfeng hums in agreement. The orc uses the shaft of his greataxe as a makeshift walking stick along the rough road.

2011-06-05, 02:07 AM
Alwynn protests, "but then we wouldn't get to try their delicious dinner!" He licks his lips at the memory.

2011-06-05, 12:09 PM
"Knowing the Mazurewicks, it was probably human flesh, turned and disguised," Vinto teases.

2011-06-05, 12:34 PM
That causes Alwynn to stop in his tracks, his features passing through a variety of expressions. After a minute he shakes his head and starts walking again. He gives Vinto a mock-stern glare.
"You just can't let me enjoy anything, can you."

2011-06-05, 02:56 PM
"Relax," he carries on, "If you begin turning into an unspeakable abomination, I'll make sure you're well fed and cared for. You have my word!" he holds his hand over his heart, and his face is even solemn for a second, before he bursts out into laughter, unable to sustain the jest.

2011-06-05, 11:31 PM
"You mean you don't think I'm already an unspeakable abomination? Aw, that's sweet. Nicest thing anyone's said to me all... minute."

2011-06-06, 10:59 AM
You crest a small rise and before you the ground falls away into a long narrow valley, running north to south, and stretching out of sight in the glowing purple shades of twilight. A thin stream meanders its way through the bottom and the sides of the valley slope up gently to meet the sandy wastes on the other side. A dry dusty odour is carried on the wind blowing into your faces but everything is silent and still.

2011-06-06, 12:01 PM
Sanfeng gazes over the lowland valley. The bright, distant wastes hurt his beady eyes.

"Let's not dally in the open. What is it you lowlanders use for shelter in sandstorms?"

2011-06-06, 02:07 PM
"Ususally I just hide under whoever's larger than I am, and hope for the best." Vinto's a bit forlorn; his jests don't take much edge off of his failure at the Mazurewicks'. As well, if there was a storm coming, there wasn't much place for them to take shelter. "In all seriousness, we should search for someplace to weather ourselves."

2011-06-07, 10:39 PM
You all stand at the edge of the shallow valley pondering your next move. The moon has begun its slow stately climb across the star-studded sky, shedding a faint white glow across the land. A cool evening breeze rustles the leaves of the shrubs around you and the air is full of the sultry, sensual peacefulness that only happens on those rare warm evenings of late summer. At first you think it is your imagination, but you almost hear the words of a song, the melody rising and falling with the gentle sweetness of a rich baritone. The words grow louder though, and the person singing them gradually approaches.

" . . . Oh, twilight comes and softly now,
The glowing wisps of cloud above
Fade out from view and now I vow
That you shall be my lasting love . . ."

You gaze in wonder as you can make out the dim figure of a man striding up the path you have so recently trod, heading towards you, apparently unaware of your presence. His soulful (and perhaps, overly sappy) lyrics are accompanied by the delicate plucking of a lute. He continues on his way, apparently oblivious to the three of you.

2011-06-07, 11:51 PM
Vinto leans toward Alwynn, a bit of humor creeping back into his voice. "Looks like I'm not the only one who likes you~"

2011-06-08, 04:14 AM
Alwynn harrumphs at Vinto, then calls out to the passing man, "Hey, fellow! Stay a moment. Do you know anything of this path?"

2011-06-08, 11:08 AM
His singing stops immediately, and he turns to look at you with an appraising eye. He is dressed in entirely in light blue cloth, with well worn brown boots and a wide brown belt around his waist. He has a thick thatch of brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard along with friendly green eyes. He straps his lute across his back with a casual motion and smiles.

"Oh, greetings fellow travellers. I had not known that Robin send an audience for me to grace with my song. Had I know so, I would have had a hat out for donations!" He give an easy laugh and sweeps down in a low bow. "My name, dear sirs, is Galwaith Harkenford the Fourth. If I can be of service, my time and talents are humbly yours."

2011-06-08, 11:38 AM
"Donations? Here, have a lolly." Alwynn holds out a bag of sweets.

2011-06-08, 10:23 PM
Galwaith drops to one knee and graps Alwynn's outstretched hand. He reaches delicately into the bag, as if it contained a treasure he had spend a lifetime searching for, and carefully plucked a single candy from the selection offered. He holds up his finger and solemnly glances at each of you in turn. He places it in his mouth, and savours the flavour with all the charismatic flamboyance of a lolly connoisseur.

"Outstanding, absolutely the best lolly I have ever tasted, and I sir, am forever indebted to you for the sublime enlightenment you have so freely granted upon me. I had thought that a lolly of this magnificence, no, this . . . splendiferous supremacy, could not exist upon this earth, but you sir, have taught me otherwise. You have my lasting friendship and undying gratitude. I hesitate to add to the kindness you have already shown me, but I say, old chaps, would you mind terribly if I was to join around your fire this fine evening? I fear I have but little to offer in the way of food, but I do have a bit of fine Icarian Brandy and tales enough to make the hours pass swiftly."

2011-06-08, 10:47 PM
Alwynn beams.
"At last! A true cognoscente on the subject of sweet dainties! Help us decide where we shall place aforementioned fire, and I will show you the really good stuff."
He drapes an arm over the man's shoulder and searches the landscape dramatically.

2011-06-08, 11:15 PM
Galwaith swaggers next to you as if the two of you had been friends for life. He keeps up an incessant chatter as he follows Alwynn. "Has anyone ever told you that you are a gem of civility and kindness out there in this forsaken wilderness? Indeed, I was expecting to go hungry tonight, soothed to sleep by nought but the sound of my own voice and a bit of brandy. Instead, I find a fire, food, friends, and the most delicious deposit of candied confections and luscious lollies. A fire though, if I recollect correctly, I was through these parts just a few months back and I believe I made camp just a hop, skip, and jump up the valley. A lovely spot, sheltered from the wind, level and convenient to the stream. A bit late for it now, but it was also a fragrant repository of the juiciest blackberries you have ever seen. I spent the entire evening lying on the soft grass listening to the robins and sparrows sing and smelling the fresh odour of budding honeysuckle. It's just up this way, you can almost see it from here, you'll love it, I promise you. You do have food right? I could eat a horse, although I'd much rather not. Perhaps a roast ox? With fresh wild mushrooms and onions and maybe some roast potatoes? I do believe there was some thyme growing and that makes for some fantastic roast potatoes, especially if you have a little salt, which I don't, but I trust that you do. Or we could just eat lollies all night and talk about your travels and how a lovely lad such as yourself finds himself on the edge of the desert instead of gallivanting around in some formal ball or lawn party."

2011-06-09, 03:54 PM
Vinto tries to suppress his mirth as the two clowns become fast friends, so he focuses on preparing for the night - cantrips and minor magics to ease their rest and expedite their travels come morning. "Tell me when you find a place to settle," he calls, "And I'll set us up what amenities I can." He's a bit embarrassed that he has no food to offer the newcomer - he'd eaten most of today's supply in the morning, and the rest on the road.

2011-06-09, 10:50 PM
Alwynn laughs and chats as we walk, but as we approach the promised camping spot, he pauses for a moment.
"Pardon my manners, but we had a bit of an... unpleasant encounter earlier today. It is nothing personal, I assure you, but I think perhaps it would be safest if we just, you know... checked you. Please excuse me while I stare at you for a while (and it's not all business, I assure you :smallwink:)."
He twiddles his finger, says a word and gazes at the man intently for several seconds.
Detect Magic.

2011-06-10, 01:26 AM
"We have rations," Sanfeng produces a piece of hardtack. He bites into the salty biscuit with a hard crunch.

"You talk funny."

2011-06-10, 11:34 PM
Your detect magic reveals no auras of any kind.

Galwaith stops and turns to look at Alwynn with a large grin plastered across his face. "Dear me, you may cast your orbs of vision upon my visage for as long as you desire. I know there is much to take in, my muscular physique (he is not muscular at all), towering height (he is actually rather short), imposing demeanour (he is lightly built and unarmed), and fearsome grimace (he tried to appear ferocious but only succeeds in looking silly). But by all means, if gazing at me makes you feel safer, then take your time." He pretends to look bashful.

He takes a step back and falls along Sanfeng. "Well now, you're an interesting fellow. The strong silent type, man of few words, dark and mysterious. How does a man of your . . . distinctive talents find himself allied with a shining beacon of light and gallantry such as our dear friend here?" He drapes his arm across Alwynn's shoulder as he speaks. He glances back at Alwynn. "Assuming of course, that you have found me safe and non-threatening. I mean, if that's what you're in to." Why looky here, I believe I've found the campsite." He points out a nicely sheltered hollow near the stream that appears perfect for setting up a small fire and spending the night.

2011-06-10, 11:56 PM
"I smash things. He," Sanfeng points to Vinto, "fixes the things I'm not supposed to smash. And Alwynn points out what needs to be smashed."

"Name's Brut."

Brut follows the effluent stranger into the hollow. He watches the bard sidle up to Alwynn. He watches Alwynn's pockets to be more precise.

2011-06-11, 12:18 AM
"Close enough, though I might object to calling people things," Vinto chuckles.

2011-06-11, 12:36 AM
Your detect magic reveals no auras of any kind.What... none?! :smalleek:
Alwynn smiles at Galwaith when he's completed his appraisal. "Well, at the very least, I don't think you're a godless abomination from beyond the Void." His smile falters for a moment. "...I hope I'm right."

"...And Alwynn points out what needs to be smashed.""Lies! Lies and slander! Rarely do I find a thing that needs to be smashed! ...unless it's the other type of "smashed", of course..." He starts eyeing off the mentioned brandy.

He watches the bard sidle up to Alwynn. He watches Alwynn's pockets to be more precise.Thanks, he's certainly not doing it :smalltongue:

2011-06-12, 06:19 PM
"Well, at the very least, I don't think you're a godless abomination from beyond the Void." His smile falters for a moment. "...I hope I'm right."

Galwaith feigns a look of shock. "I . . . had actually considered myself quite handsome and dashing. You have a strange way of complimenting your friends, I must say. But I suppose not being a godless abomination is better then the alternative. Ah, here we are."

He plops down in the middle of the clearing and sits cross-legged, lowering his pack to the ground. "Perhaps a song to help you as you set up camp? I know the perfect tune." He cradles his lute in his lap and strums a few chords before beginning in his soft baritone.

"I got my gear in my pack
I got my pack on my back
Today's the day I'm going camping

Just got the goahead sign the weather's gonna be fine
Today's the day I'm going camping

I'm gonna pitch me a tent
Won't have to pay any rent
It looks like ev'rything is "A O.K."
As far as I can see

I think it's gonna be a perfect camping day . . ."

Credit: Lyrics are from the song "Going Camping" by John Denver

2011-06-12, 06:26 PM
Vinto gets to making camp, taking a bit of time to cast restful repose and detect magic, detect evil, and lesser vigor on the company. Once the necessities are done, he sighs, and rolls up his sleeves. He didn't really like doing this on principle, but he really didn't want to run into their food supplies before they hit the desert, and this might be his last chance. Pulling water and sustenance from the surrounding plantlife, he visualizes a minor feast; feeding the stolen energy into this image, he brings it forth.

"Dinner, anyone?"

2011-06-13, 10:18 PM
Sanfeng helps himself to the conjured foodstuff. He sits in silence, leaving the talking to their party's more charismatic members. The orc enjoys himself. Not that he'd allow that to show.

2011-06-14, 03:58 AM
"Oooh, don't mind if I do!"
Alwynn tucks in, chewing as quietly as he can to listen to the song. Once finished, he fiddles with Prestidigitation, changing the colour of the fire (which he makes, if noone else does so first).

2011-06-14, 10:11 PM
At the words "Dinner anyone?", Galwaith immediately breaks off in the middle of a line, sets down his lute, and plops himself down in front of the feast. "I'd hate to see any of you get sick from too much food, so I'll do my part and make sure it's all fit to eat." He digs in with the enthusiastic gusto of a man who has been too long separated from any kind of food. He eats enough for two men before finally sitting back with a satisfied sigh.

"Well now, that was very nearly the best food I've ever had. There was the one wedding for the Duke's son, but as I wasn't technically invited, I found myself being escorted away before I'd had my fill. It must be handy to have the means to create such a spread on a whim. What I'd give for such a gift . . ."

"So, I don't mean to pry, but my occupation does demand a certain amount of curiosity. What exactly brings such a band of creatures such as yourselves to the edge of the great desert of Arkios? You seem too noble to be fleeing some evil deed, and too brave to be fleeing some evil doer. Whatever the cause, you do seem ill prepared for an expedition into the desert, if that's indeed where you're headed. So, take no offence, but I have been wandering these parts for many a year, and might be of some assistance."

2011-06-14, 11:10 PM
"...I gave the life of a friend, for knowledge of this working. It's a story I don't plan to share, and one I hope is never repeated." Vinto mumbles, "As to our quest, it's not exactly something we can go sharing either - for similar reasons." Vinto's a bit upset at Galwaith - his questions and manner were innocent enough, but they touched on sensitive subjects for him. Knowing the fault lies with himself rather than anything the man has done specifically, he sighs, and tries to be more personable. "We're working for someone. We've been hired for our talents, and that's about as much as I'm willing to say. How about yourself? A man of the courts, invited or not, certainly can't have much business with the desert, can he?"

2011-06-16, 02:28 PM
Galwaith pats Vinto's shoulder as if to reassure him. "Have no worries my friend, I meant no offence. Whatever your business is, it can stay your own. If the great dragon wants his quests kept secret, far be it from me to interfere."

"As to my own travels and travails, I must agree with you, I'm hardly the ideal candidate to go wandering through the deserts and wastelands. Give me a duke's court, or the wedding of the mayor's daughter, and I'm happy as can be. Perhaps it speaks poorly of my character, but I'm far too comfortable with abundant food and drink and dry roofs over my head to be out here by choice." His face grows sad and thoughtful and he finally speaks again. "But, when you're bound as to a noble, one is not always free to do as one wishes. I suppose it's the cost of patronage. Suffice to say, I'm on an errand and the sooner I'm finished, the sooner I'll be happy again."

2011-06-19, 03:09 PM
My grandmother died this morning (Sunday, June 19, 2011). I'm going halfway across the country to her funeral, and will be largely unable to post for the next week. Sorry for the inconvenience. If the need arises, DMPC me as Samwise Gamgee mixed with Gandalf.

2011-06-19, 03:43 PM
Sanfeng listens to the conversation, entirely lacking in context.

"Duke's. Court. Who is 'Duke'? Has he sent you on this errand?"

2011-06-20, 12:04 PM
"Duke? I'm afraid I was just being melodramatic. I'm of birth far too humble to serve an actual duke. No, I serve the Lord Darrban from up north. He's more a Lord from birth and the fact that no one else wants his holdings, then from any inherent strength of character or courage. It is indeed he who has send me on my current task though."

2011-06-20, 10:40 PM
I hope the funeral is as pleasant as a funeral can be, Rawchris.

Alwynn raises an eyebrow at Galwaith's mention of the dragon no one brought up, but says nothing - although he does shift in such a way as to just happen to make it a little easier to leap up with his staff in case it should be necessary.
"Such a shame," he sighs, "that necessity drives us all to such secrecy, when our shared direction of travel might suggest that frankness could facilitate an alliance!" He stirs the coals thoughtfully. "...or, failing that, get out in the open any competition or emnity."
He shrugs dramatically. "Ah well! Ce la vie. Now what do we have for dessert?"
"Oh yes." He whisks out a bag of sweets and shares them around.

2011-06-20, 11:48 PM
Galwaith stares at Alwynn with a curious twist in his grin. "Competition or enmity? Dear me, let's hope it doesn't come to that. I hardly think our goals are the least bit similar and for my part at least, there is certainly no enmity or such. My errand is less secret and more boring and perhaps silly. I would be glad to go with you as long as our paths lie together. I do know somewhat of life in the desert, and might prove of assistance." He stretches out his arms in a deep yawn and leans back with the thankful relaxation of one who has walked for most of the day.

"Now dessert sounds like something I could go for. I could never say 'no' to a sweet." He reaches in and savours a small toffee. "Wherever did you find such marvellous candies? I would hate to think that this might be the last time I would get to taste this perfection of confections."

2011-06-22, 03:06 PM
You hear the beat of wings in the distance. Over the course of a minute or so, the sound grows louder, though it remains steady and slow. Abruptly, the sound stops. There is a pause, and then a large, powerfully built figure drops from the sky, landing firmly on his feet with a blast of wind. Dust and debris swirl around the campsite, and the fire gutters for a moment.

The figure folds his wings, which are massive, draconic, and platinum. In his hands he holds a long ranseur, and the hands themselves are tipped with long black claws. He steps into the light, and the fire glints off of his mithral chain shirt; his armor, however, seems dull and muted compared to his scales, which are the same unnatural platinum of his wings. His face is strong and noble, and it reminds you strongly of a blend of the face of a true dragon, like Norvartis, and more typically humanoid feature. The air around him is very slightly warped, as if he was exceptionally hot, but the effect is faint and insubstantial.

The man looks at the group before him, and his stance suggests utter confidence and strength. There is a moment of silence, and the fire pops and crackles. Finally, he speaks, his voice light and happy, despite his appearence. "Did that look as awesome as it felt? I'm sorry, I know the effect is ruined by asking, but I've never flown half that far before, and I stuck that landing perfectly. It's hard to do when you're exhausted, believe me." He sets down his ranseur carefully, and stretches his wings and arms. "Robin above am I tired. I hate to be a burden, but do you all have anything hot to eat? I've got rations, but they don't really cut it after flying all night."

After a moment, and another pause, he lightly hits himself on the head. "Ah! Right! You don't know what I know. My name is Maekrix, paladin and wielder of arcane might. I was sent by Norvartis to ensure that none of you die and that his goals can be achieved. It is an honor to meet you all, and I look forward to working with you." He bows gracefully, and smiles at you all.

2011-06-22, 06:47 PM
Huddled amongst the desert traveler, a massive orc stands to meet the draconic emissary. His beady eyes squint in recognition of the scaleykind. After a moment, he pounds his fist into the flat of his left palm and returns the bow.

"Greetings, Maekrix. This one is Brut, known as Sanfeng, lost master of Jianghu."

"While you are welcome to our camp," Sanfeng shrugs toward Galwaith, "Not all of our company is within the circle."

2011-06-22, 09:01 PM
After his preliminary magical and intuitive testings reveal the newcomer as... safe enough, Vinto becomes a bit disheartened. "Some communication, or haste, would have been nice," he shrugs, "You've already failed in your duty. As have I. One of our companions has already fallen."

2011-06-22, 10:55 PM
Alwynn grins and applauds raucously.
"Bravo! Bravo! A grand entrance! Glorious."
He rises to his feet and reaches out a hand. "I am Alwynn. Have a toffee."

He places a hand on Vinto's shoulder.
"Vinto, my love, do you not remember what our dear patron told us? This fellow is - and I could wish for far better words to use - her replacement. He could not have known that that would happen, and if it hadn't, he wouldn't be here at all."
He shrugs sadly. "It was our own carelessness that got her killed. We shall just have to do better next time!"

2011-06-22, 11:37 PM
Relaxing on a small blanket a bit behind the rest of the group is a short, trim man with a thick thatch of brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard below sparking emerald eyes. He is dressed entirely in light blue cloth held up with a wide brown belt. He stands upright, his eyes wide open, as Maekrix makes his dramatic entrance. He bends in a low sweeping bow and then stands back as Vinto and Sanfeng speak. After a few moments, however, he breaks the silence.

"I am known as Galwaith, bard extraordinaire and recent acquaintance to your friends here. Indeed, I have no connection with the great dragon Norvartis, but we are all servants of Robin and as I have likewise offered the others, I hereby put at your disposal what services I can humbly provide."

He looks around at the four of you and laughs freely. "I feel I'm surrounded by some heroes of old ready to storm the peaks of Mount Olympus!"

2011-06-24, 11:35 PM
Forgive me for the delay; it appears that I forgot to bookmark this thread. :smallredface:

Maekrix nods to each of in turn, offering a polite, if light, bow. When Vinto speaks he winces a bit in sympathy, though he deftly accepts the toffee from Alwynn with the hint of a smile. "I understand your pain, sir, and I will offer both confirmation and apology; I was sent because of your friends death, not to prevent it. That said, I have seen much in this world, and I do not doubt that it is possible to raise the dead to life. Once we have completed the task set out before us by the great golden dragon, I would be proud to help you find the resources to raise your friend."

He also turns and listens to the odd man out, Galwaith, surreptitiously placing the candy in his mouth as he does. It looks decidedly odd, a massive draconic figure, clad in mail, chewing a toffee with a smile. It is, you may realized, the first thing he has eaten in over half a day. When Galwaith finishes speaking Maekrix takes out a flask of water from his oddly-fitting pack, drinks, and then speaks.

"I agree with your sentiment, friend, and I thank you for the fine comparison. I must ask you all, however, and not without a bit of embarrassment; I have only spare information on what my task actually is. If you could elaborate on our mission, I would be grateful." Once he has finished speaking, Maekrix closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. A careful look may notice that they have become unfocused. He glances over the people before him briefly, and then his eyes return to normal.

Detect Evil. Sorry; it's a reflex for him.

2011-06-25, 05:11 PM
"We are to excavate the site of some mysterious ruins, roughly five days' southwest," Sanfeng replies stately.

The orc-kin stands over the congregation by a head, he clamps his jaw in deference to Janen's demise.

"Sympathy has ill-served our ends. Now is the time for march and toil. Do you know a way about the acid rains that block our road?"

2011-06-25, 09:26 PM
"Well, I can help you with that. I've done it before" blurts out Galwaith before stammering to a halt. He had a faint twitch of worry on his face as if he felt uncomfortable jumping in. He also conveyed the sense that he didn't want to be left to himself again and was a bit anxious about proving his usefulness.

2011-06-25, 09:49 PM
"And are you "going our way", as the monk said to the milkmaid? The less acid rain I come into contact with, the better." He brushes some invisible dust off his blue silk clothing.

2011-06-26, 12:43 AM
Maekrix listens to Galwaith with interest, and then nods with respect. "I too have braved the storms and survived unscathed, but it was not an experience that I can repeat, nor a power that I can share. If you have a way to bypass them, friend, then I would be grateful." He glances down at the ground; for the first time since he has arrived you see a hint of embarrassment in Maekrix's powerful features.

"I... must apologize for my inability to provide aid in some situations. I have lived a life of little but aggression and combat, and though I have been blessed with the power of dragons the spells that I have mastered tend towards empowerment and protection from physical attacks; shielding from elemental effects like acid, however, is beyond my current abilities."

He remembers himself, and flares his wings a bit with pride. "However, that is not to say that I cannot help pass the storms. We would merely need to procure a wand or some scrolls to protect us from the acidic effects of the weather. That said, I would like to know your strategy, Galwaith."

2011-06-26, 12:50 AM
"I can protect a few of us, for a short time, if we are caught unaware by a change in the weather," Vinto muses, "But the best defense I know of is still to burrow down, or huddle under shelter. And besides, the more weather I protect us from, the less useful I become. I'm not old, but I don't have as much of a second wind as I used to!" With a sigh, he pitches an idea. "If you're up for enduring some blinding pain, and a small chance of scarring, I could probably regenerate our bodies fast enough to survive a few long minutes, should it come to that. But you'll have to understand if I'd rather save that for a last resort."

2011-06-26, 12:56 AM
Alwynn watches everyone compare anti-acid rain abilities with a wry smile. When it gets to his turn, he spreads his hands with a shrug.
"I got nothin'."

2011-06-26, 01:00 AM
Brut looks about the stymied party. He returns Galwaith's meek offer with a glance and curt order, "Speak."

2011-06-26, 01:12 AM
Alwynn pokes Sanfeng with his staff.
"Manners, milove. What do you have, dear lark?"

2011-06-26, 08:27 PM
Galwaith looks a bit intimidated by Sanfeng's curt brief demand, but his face lightens as Alwynn speaks.

"Alas my friends, I possess none of your arcane skills or the talents Robin has graced you with, but I have travelled these wastes before. In my experience, humble as it may be, I have found magical means of little use in avoiding the rains and lightening. There are, however, a multitude of abandoned ruins from some ancient civilization littering the desert and there is generally plenty of warning to seek cover. I happen to know of several good places to take refuge should the need arise and they were unoccupied when last I passed through. Plus, there are all manner of interesting trinkets and relics from the ancient peoples, some of which might be of interest to such as you. So, yeah."

"But I'm good at finding places to hide . . ."

2011-06-27, 02:57 AM
"Excellent! That's much more than any of us have! Have a lolly. And you, dear newcomer, I think we have some leftovers from the tasty meal courtesy of our cheerful friend that I'm sure you're welcome to."

2011-06-27, 09:52 AM
Maekrix smiles broadly, and lets out a laugh. "Alwynn, I cannot think of anything you could have said to make me like you more." He looks about, a bit sheepishly. "I do, however, have some trail rations, and I would hate to be a burden on your food supply. Are you sure that it's alright? I'm a bit of a heavy eater." He gestures down at his heavily muscled and scaled form. "I'm still not used to it, actually, after all these years. Gaining about fifty pounds of bulk overnight really changes your appetite."

2011-06-27, 10:04 AM
Alwynn shrugs. "Well, I can say with some confidence we didn't carry this food with us, but it's Vinto's creation. It's up to him."

2011-06-27, 11:38 AM
"Might as well have at," Vinto shrugs, "It'll be a while before I'm willing to do so again, so we all might as well enjoy it." After a yawn, he adds, "Maybe I'm just tired. I've been grumpy for a while, at your all expense. It'll do me good to get some rest. Please, help yourself to the food, you should have no troubles getting to sleep tonight."

Vinto casts healthful rest, doubling the natural healing rate from sleep. Not that we need it, but it's nice to burn spell slots on something flavorful every once and a while :3

2011-06-27, 01:10 PM
Maekrix thanks Vinto profusely, and then begins to exuberantly eat the remainder of the food. In some ways, it's a bit unnerving; the dragonborn comes across as very polite, but while eating he has a stark resemblance to a predator, with the fangs and claws to back that assumption up.

When he finishes he stands and turns back to Alwynn. "I must ask a favor of you; though I would like to stand watch, I have traveled hard today, and I fear that I would not be able to remain awake long. Additionally, I need about eight hours to recover all my spells, though I did not expend many today. What should the sleeping arrangements be? Again, I am here to help, but I feel as if I am a burden. If you need me to take first watch I will do so gladly, but I may cut into our day tomorrow a bit."

2011-06-27, 09:59 PM
Alwynn watches Maektrix scarf with a smile of amusement. He raises his eyebrow at his question.
"I get to be in charge? Excellent!" He sits up and rubs his hands together. Lets see now... I'm feeling pretty awake still, so I don't mind taking first watch. Vinto is clearly exhausted, but maybe he can get up early to take the last watch. Vinto, what do you th- Vinto? Bah, he's already asleep. Fine, he can have tonight off. Sanfeng... Brut? Whatever your name is now. Fancy midnight watch? And Galathir... Don't suppose you're an early riser, eh?
Three watchers, 4 hour watches. Sound good?"

How does setting watch work? I guess it works into the "you travel 8 hours a day" thing... An elf, an elf, my kingdom for an elf (with a Ring of Sustenence) :smalltongue:

2011-06-28, 11:06 PM
Galwaith grins widely and nods in approval. "Good idea. There might be all manner of foul beasties out here in the wilderness. But I'm quite an early bird anyway. I like to see the sun come up and the world arise; prepare myself for the day's surprise." He glances sternly at Sanfeng though. "I can be a bit of a heavy sleeper, but try not to break any ribs when you wake me up."

Setting watch works however you want it to :D

2011-06-28, 11:54 PM
Maekrix nods in consent to Alwynn's plan, and he laugh's at Galwaith's remark. "I, too, may sleep a bit heavily tonight, but after eight or so hours of rest I can watch over the rest of you, if you need more sleep. I only need a small amount of peace in the morning to ready my mind and body." He blinks, and then smiles.

"Which reminds me; allow me to scrap some of the dust and dirt from us and our equipement." He speaks a few quiet words, and nimbly flares his fingers in a small pattern. When he finishes, a soft breeze smelling distinctly of freshly crushed pine needles moves over Alwynn's body, and he and his equipement are soon fresh and sparkling. The breeze lets loose a few small sparks and flows over to Galwaith, repeating the process. "I hope you don't mind," Maekrix adds as the prestidigitation moves over to him, "but I like to feel refreshed before I sleep and after I wake up. It's more than worth the use of a single cantrip to me.

And now, if you can forgive my lack of vigilance, I will bid you goodnight, and I thank you again for the food and the guard. Wake me if there is trouble, friends." He lays on the ground, using his oddly-shaped pack for a pillow, and he wraps his wings around himself like a blanket. A careful observer may note that as he places his pack on the ground he takes out a small object; a small cloth figure, made grey cotton and shaped like a dragon.

2011-06-29, 04:40 AM
When everyone has said (or grunted) their goodnights, Alwynn finds a clear patch close to the group and runs through some stances and motions with his staff.I nearly wrote "scarf" instead of "staff" and now I want to play a hipster character. Maybe I could adapt the Battlecloak into scarf form...
Anyway, I'm recovering and preparing all stances and maneuvers. I've noted the ones I'm readying for the next day on my sheet.

2011-06-29, 03:54 PM
Alwynns staff prods rock hard muscle beneath Sanfeng's robe. The orc grins facetiously, "Got him talking, didn't it."

Brut lays down to rest, eyes open, he volunteers silently for first watch. The leery monk watches the party, Galwaith particularly, through half-lidded eyes. In time, he wakes the bard to take second watch.

"I'm entirely serious," the cloistered monk asserts; for pride's sake, checking to make sure the rest of the party was asleep, "What is a Duke?"

2011-06-29, 04:52 PM
Vinto's only reply is to shift in his sleep, and perhaps a snort, if one listened for those kinds of things.

2011-06-29, 05:17 PM
Galwaith awakens with a start, and rubs the sleep from his eyes with a groan. "I was having such a lovely dream too . . . all lollies and pretty women. Oh well." His eyes open wide as Sanfeng mutters his question under his voice and he leans forward conspiratorially. "My goodness, you have been sheltered. No worries though, my friend, no one else need know of your lapse. A Duke is just a noble who ranks just below the king. They tend to be fabulously wealthy and incredibly picky about who they choose as bards and lutists in their courts. Not that I'm bitter or anything. Anyway, off to bed with you. Long day tomorrow and all that."

He stoically turns his back to the fire and scans the area around him with a ferocious dedication that boded ill for any creatures unlucky enough to wander into the range of his senses.

2011-06-30, 10:35 PM
Morning breaks and the mellow rays of the sun illuminate the world around you; its warming beam chasing away the mild chill of night, but giving a hint of the washing heat it will bring by mid afternoon. A few scattered wisps of cloud gently make their way east and the sky is already a rich azure filled with the gentle scent of jasmine, stone, and fresh running water.

Galwaith stokes up the fire into a cheery inferno of popping scrub oak. "Come one everyone, it won't stay pleasant for long so you might as well enjoy it while it lasts."

2011-06-30, 11:01 PM
Vinto wakes early, and eats a bit from his pouch. He puts it away, though, when he sees what Alwynn is doing.

2011-06-30, 11:33 PM
Maekrix sits up with a massive yawn, flaring his great platinum wings with a gust of wind. He sits up and stretches, and the muscles in his arms and chest strain his chain shirt. He places a small grey lump in his pack, and he stands, limbering his wings and limbs. "That was wonderful," he says with a smile as he takes out a small lump of trail bread and meat from his pack. "I haven't slept so well in months. I don't know what it is, but I trust you all more than I have anyone in a while."

He laughs a bit as he takes a bite of bread. "I suppose an elder gold dragon telling me to trust you played a part in it. Now, then, I'll need a few minutes to ready my magic for today. Yell for me if we get attacked, but otherwise I'll be back in a few minutes." He leaps into the air, leaving his pack on the ground, and a small cloud of dust blows out from beneath him. He doesn't fly high, only gaining elevation for about half a minute before he begins to wheel in great circles around the group. Every so often he beats his wings, gaining his elevation back again.

Not technically a "nonactive, nonstressful" action, but he can fly for any amount of time as long as he coasts in between bursts of gaining elevation, and gliding through the air is at least as peaceful as sitting. It's a bit like a Quickening Ritual, except he's no longer a Spellscale. If you have a problem with him meditating for spells in the air, then I can change it, but I hope it'll be fine with you.

2011-07-01, 01:02 AM
Alwynn opens one eye, and then the other, and then has a big, luxurious stretch that somehow ends in him standing. He gets out some of his tasty rations and makes a decent breakfast of porridge for us.

2011-07-04, 04:04 PM
Sanfeng rises with the sun. The solemn monk nibbles his rations over breakfast. He sits in contemplation of the coming day, rehearsing his well-practiced maneuvers through silent visualization.

"Well, let's get ourselves on the road. Nothing here but dust and sun."

{Blade magic warm-up.}

2011-07-04, 06:40 PM
Vinto winces slightly, and begins to pack up.

2011-07-06, 03:51 AM
When everyone's finished their breakfast, Alwynn rinses out the cookware and packs up his stuff. As we start walking, he spends some of his time twirling his staff and similar activities, and some time practicing his "old man" walk.

2011-07-06, 05:11 PM
Galwaith helps everyone pack up, and then slings his own meagre belongings on his back. "Well, if anyone was cold, you won't have to worry about it for much longer. I'd say we're in for a nice balmy afternoon." He grins widely and the falls in with you as you leave the pleasant lea and continue on your way. The stream, while rapid and lively, is not deep and you wade across it easily. The morning sun is just beginning to reach the bottom of the valley as you start up the other side.

The path up the slope is fairly easy; the dried remnants of last years foliage crackles underfoot and the small shrubs and berry bushes brush at your thighs and waist. A faint dampness from the dew is still present on the leaves and gives a rich sweetness to the air. You soon crest the top of the hill and before you is laid out the vast glittering whiteness of the desert wasteland. Stretching out as far as you can see, it assaults your eyes like a tremendous ocean of blinding light, making ordinary sand look dim and pathetic by comparison. The small crystals from the evaporated acids and salts delivered by the rains refracts the light into a million facets of radiance broken only infrequently by broken hills of stone. A breeze blows in your face, with all the delicacy of dandelion fluff, but it carries with it the sterile, acrid smell of a harshly cleansed desolation.

"Well, here we are. You guys brought water, right?"

2011-07-06, 06:10 PM
Maekrix stretches his brilliant wings, and his scales catch the harsh light from the desert. He grins, looking out at the acid-blasted wasteland with wry amusement. "It has been a long, long time since I've seen this place. This is where I was born, in most senses of the term." The dragonborn watches the desert wistfully for another moment before taking a waterskin from his pack and taking a swig. He offers it to the others with a smile. "I do indeed have water, though not enough for all of us. It would be best if we crossed the wastes with due haste. Shall we be off, friends?"

2011-07-06, 09:55 PM
"I'll have water and food for myself. And of course, a trick or two if we're stuck in a pinch. If you run out and get thirsty, just ask." Vinto seems rather chipper, despite his recent bout of being a downer.

2011-07-07, 12:13 AM
Alwynn, who made sure to refill his waterskin at the stream, shakes it and smiles in response.

2011-07-07, 11:17 PM
Sucking in a deep breath, as if it would be his last, Galwaith plunges over the crest of the rise and plods down the hill to the wasteland. The soft soil underfoot quickly gives way to a coarse gritty sand clogged with dust. It crunches underfoot almost like icy frost on a field of brittle winter grass. Unlike frost, however, it raises a small puff of powder with every step, soon surrounding you with a small cloud of acrid dust that stings your nostrils and eyes. Galwaith, obviously familiar with the inconvenience, pulls his cloak over his face, leaving only a small slit through which to see.

The sun beats down unmercifully despite the earliness of the day. What little breeze cooled you back by the stream is now long gone, and the air lies still and stagnant around you. Dust builds up in the crevices and folds of your clothing, and when you move your arms, small rivulets of dust sluice their way to the ground in a miniature imitation of an avalanche. You are forced to keep your eyes mostly shut in order to prevent being dazzled by the gleaming reflection of the sun on the pure white sand. You soon fall into a blind pace, your mind busy with random thoughts as it tried to keep your mind of the numbing heat and the arid ache from your throat. The whiteness encompasses you in every direction and a growing sense of isolation and loneliness flows over you. Every step is distinct, and yet just another clockwork motion as the world grows ever brighter around you. Everything is nearly perfectly silent, the dust covered cloak over your head blocks out most of the sound, and only the harsh whisper of your breath rustling through its cloth covering disturbs your thoughts.

You may have been walking for an hour, or ten, you are no longer sure. The blur of time deadens your senses, but just as you are starting to note that the brilliance of the sand seems somewhat dimmed recently, you are interrupted by a loud shout.

"Let's go everyone! We need to find shelter now!"

Galwaith has turned to face you all and his trembling finger is pointing to the thick bank of dirty yellow clouds louring over the horizon. Although still a fair distance off, they are approaching rapidly and you can just barely make out the dense darkness underneath from the acidic downpour.

"I think I see something over there. Let's go see what we can find. If we're lucky, maybe there's a cave or something there."

He indicates a small rise up ahead about 100 metres distant, with a few small stony outcroppings giving the hill a break from the monotony of the rest of the area.

2011-07-07, 11:51 PM
As they run, Vinto slows occasionally to layer protection on his allies and new companions. "We'll be... prepared... this time..." he huffs.

Endure elementsx5(Heatbegone), mass lesser vigor (everyone heals hp :D), mass resist energy (acid), mass conviction fort (+3 moral to fort). I'll be damned if we get fatigued from running in heat >:C tl;dr - everyone gain fast healing 1, acid resistance, and 3 fort.

2011-07-08, 12:32 AM
Alwynn imitates Galwaith and covers his face with his cloak. He gives Vinto a grateful look every time he casts Endure Elements - he is not a fan of heat.

2011-07-08, 02:17 PM
Maekrix peers in the direction that Galwaith points, and he tightens his pack. "If that isn't a shelter, then we need to move quickly. I can get to the hill more quickly in the air; I'll determine if it is shelter, and I will give you a positive or negative sign. If it is not, then we all need to start running away from that storm." He takes a few swift strides away from the others, and then leaps into the air in a small explosion of sand and dust. His massive wings beat for a moment, and it strikes you that his muscular form should not be supported by his wings, despite their size.

Just as a dragon will rise, however, he moves into the air swiftly, and he flies towards the hill with powerful strokes. After about half a minute he begins to glide, and once he is near the hill he begins to look for any gap or opening in the rocks and hill. He wheels around the hill in the air a few times, making sure to view it from every angle. The whole affair takes about a minute.

2011-07-08, 08:39 PM
You soar over the small rise and at the first pass, you see nothing but a few rocky spurs and the sheer wall of a small outcropping. Upon second glance though, you notice that hidden among a few sickly looking shrubs is a small opening in the outcropping. Almost invisible save for the shadow of its opening, a closer look reveals a rather sizeable entrance that looks large enough to shelter the party, if not comfortably, then at least safely. The deep shadows and cover from the shrubs prevents you from seeing how far it reaches back, but it's better then nothing.

2011-07-09, 06:00 AM
Maekrix glides for a moment, and then beats wing as fast as he can back to the others. He calls out the them as he flies; "The hill has a cave! Come quickly!" Once he's close enough to be clearly visible he holds out a hand, and he waves them towards the hill and he takes a wide bank, turning back towards it himself. He makes sure that they have seen him and begun to follow him before slowing his pace and gliding to the ground. He hits the ground in a blast of sand, and he begins to run towards the hill after taking only a moment to catch his breath.

2011-07-09, 02:58 PM
Sanfeng grumbles at Vinto's expenditure of arcane energy, "That's hardly necessary."

The orc wanders in Maekrix's shadow. As the dragonborn signals the cave ahead, he huffs and turns to the marching procession.

"If we can keep moving..." he begins, but, cognizant of the party's flagging stamina, resigns himself to the pit stop.

2011-07-09, 09:37 PM
You stop for a quick breather and then, with the combination of Sanfeng's urging and the ominous storm front heading in your direction, you dig your feet into the grit underneath and make the final push towards safety.

As the way slopes upwards, your feet slip in the loose sand making the effort twice as exhausting as it would otherwise be. You soon stand atop the rocky hill and half walking, half sliding, you make your way down the side of the outcrop and find yourself at the bottom of the rock wall. The top stands perhaps double Sanfeng's height, and at the bottom is a yawning opening large enough to comfortably walk through. The bright light of the surrounding desert is held in check by the shadow of the rock, but you can see perhaps fifteen feet into the cave. Although the outside appears natural, the stonework inside certainly bears the mark of design and hard work. At one time, perhaps the entrance was also carefully crafted, but untold years of eroding sands has worn it down to bare rock. Just a few feet inside, however, the sides of the cave are nearly straight and smoothly finished. Narrow stone pilasters decorate the walls every few feet and they are all topped with fancifully carved volutes. There is a faint flow of air coming from the mouth of the cave; still dry as the rest of the desert, but refreshingly cool as if its source lay deep underground. Sand has drifted over the floor for several yards, and there are no marks of entry or exit by any other creatures.

2011-07-09, 10:53 PM
Alwynn smiles at the cave as he steps in and places his heavy backpack on the floor.
"How lovely!"
He goes deeper into the cave, his flourescent blue eyes piercing the shadows.
"I wonder how deep it is..."
He pauses as though a thought just occurred to him, and draws a symbol on his chest before continuing to explore.
Protection from Evil

2011-07-10, 07:33 AM
Maekrix slips inside the cave carefully, making sure not to let the rough outer walls catch his wings. He also takes care with his ranseur, holding it closely to prevent it from striking anyone or anything accidentally. Once he is inside the smoothly carved walls, he relaxes a bit. "This is interesting; I wouldn't have thought to find anything manufactured out here. Well, might as well bring some light into this place. I don't recommend you go any further than the lights have gone, to be safe." He makes some quick gestures with his right hand, and mutters a few old draconic words under his breath. There is a flash, and five globes of light as bright as torches fly out of his upturned hand. He makes another gesture, and they begins moving down the passageway quickly, brightly illuminating anything they pass.

2011-07-10, 08:03 AM
"Gah!" Alwynn shields his eyes from the glare and squints. "Ouch."
He pokes his way down into the cave, staff at the ready.

2011-07-10, 12:09 PM
Vinto coughs, and blows his nose. "I should've covered my face, but your scarf was far to lovely to be ruined by some lousy weather," he calls to Alwynn. After a bit more sputtering, he settles down and drinks some light ale from his mug. It was quite watery, which was wonderful, as far as he was concerned at the moment. "Is anyone else in need?" he asks, perhaps a bit hopefully. He didn't know what skills the Dragon thought he could bring to this venture. He wasn't an explorer or a pathfinder, or a fighter. He was a traveler, granted, but his roads were solid roads, and had frequent inns in which to stop along them; perhaps if he was feeling adventurous, a night in the woods would remind him of their comforts.

"I miss home," he says, as his mind wanders.

2011-07-10, 10:31 PM
Galwaith slips to the side, and slumps down against the wall, resting his back against the smooth (relatively) cool worked stone. He slowly peels off the covering over his face with weary arms, revealing the odd sight of a face half tanned brown, and the top a dusty glittery white. He wipes his brow with the cloth and sighs in relief. "Well, that was quite the adventure. I must say, I think my legs fell off about a mile back, and were replaced with wooden stumps. I don't think I can move them any more." He gazes with hungry eyes at Vinto's foaming mug. "My dear chap, I am beyond need. I am famished and my throat is parched with a dryness rivalled only by the seventh layer of hell! A single quenching sip of your divine refreshment will gain you a servant for life!"

Outside the entrance, the wind begins to pick up; wavy riffles of sand form ever-changing eddies that weave their sinuous lines across the desert floor. The air outside takes on a caustically astringent and pungent odour warning of the storm to come. The clouds converging overhead darken the scene outside, giving greater contrast to the glowing orbs conjured by Maekrix. They float gently down the corridor, shedding their light on walls that have remained in darkness for countless years. As they pass down the hall, the shadows cast by the pilasters lengthen and reach towards you like the filmy fingers of some long departed spirit clutching at the last dim gleam of light from the open entrance of the cave . . . and then it slips out of sight, the shadows blurring into one uniform shade of dusk.

About fifty feet down the hall, which slopes gently downhill, the light reveals another wall and two shadows of what seem to be passageways heading off to the left and the right. Those of you with sharp vision can see a pair of sconces holding torches of some kind of light coloured wood or other material.