View Full Version : Creating Golems

2011-03-31, 10:35 PM
Can a character with the Craft Construct feat create any number of golems they can afford? Or is there a limit?

Because I'm looking through the golems section, the construct section, and the feat section and I see no limit.

So could a character or NPC given enough time and resources create an army?

Last is there any way to shorten the amount of time it takes to create a golem? The feat is 1000 per day and the cheapest is 20,000+

Is there any feat, DC rising, etc that can increase the speed like there is with regular crafting?

2011-03-31, 10:38 PM
Can a character with the Craft Construct feat create any number of golems they can afford? Or is there a limit?

Because I'm looking through the golems section, the construct section, and the feat section and I see no limit.

There is none.

So could a character or NPC given enough time and resources create an army?

Yes, you can.

Last is there any way to shorten the amount of time it takes to create a golem? The feat is 1000 per day and the cheapest is 20,000+

Is there any feat, DC rising, etc that can increase the speed like there is with regular crafting?

Not that I no of, sorry. Perhaps another playgrounder can answer that.

2011-03-31, 10:41 PM
Hey Major,

An NPC with enough resources / money would be able to hire / influence / command an army of golem crafters. So that is one simple way to decrease the time required to craft golems (on a larger scale). Having a planar shepherd friend or access to planes where time is faster than on the material plane can give you virtual time in order to craft said army. Having multiple people crafting is not only better for time but for survivability of the army as a whole.

2011-03-31, 10:49 PM
Exceptional Artisan from ECS
Magical Artisan (Craft Construct) from PGtF could be considered as time is a cost, but doubtful.

Akal Saris
2011-03-31, 10:50 PM
There is an Eberron-specific feat that lowers the crafting time for all item crafting feats by 25%. There is also a construct that you can build (also from Eberron) that can craft items (and golems) for you as if you were doing it, but only 1 at a time and you can't craft them while it is doing so.

2011-04-01, 12:14 AM
Exceptional Artisan from ECS
Magical Artisan (Craft Construct) from PGtF could be considered as time is a cost, but doubtful.

I doubt the magical artisan will work. But I'll check out Exceptional Artisan.

There is an Eberron-specific feat that lowers the crafting time for all item crafting feats by 25%. There is also a construct that you can build (also from Eberron) that can craft items (and golems) for you as if you were doing it, but only 1 at a time and you can't craft them while it is doing so.

That might work actually.

I believe the construct you are talking about is Dedicated Wright. Now, in theory could you craft multiple Dedicated Wrights and have teach one work on a golem?


Unrelated to those two post do multiple people working on a golem speed it up?

2011-04-01, 04:15 AM
It's unlikely, but if you're a high-level character you could perhaps look for the Nether Scrolls (if FR - otherwise, ask your DM about any equivalent in the campaign world). One of them, IIRC, allows you to decrease some of the creation costs of constructs.

The Scrolls are an artifact, though, so it may not be possible.

2011-04-01, 04:33 AM
Unrelated to those two post do multiple people working on a golem speed it up?

That's an interesting question. Since you have to build the golem and then activate it (animate it, whatever), perhaps you can get a sculptor or someone to build it while you do the crazy casting stuff? It's an idea...

2011-04-01, 01:29 PM
Yeah, I figured since with my crafts I can make everything except flesh and stone. I can probably get a teammate to make flesh or stone if they have the skills.

But the main point was using Dedicated Wright or NPC hirelings, etc.

As long as I can cast the spells and such are there any rules that multiple people can craft one golem? Or would I just be creating more golems at once?

Example: It normally takes 20 days to make a stone golem (20,000) (I think stone is the 20,000 one?)

Now with the crafting feat to lessen time (which I like, but might not have room for it. We'll see) that would be 15 days to make a stone golem. Pretty good amount of time especially with Dedicated Wright doing it for me. But if I had say, two crafting NPCs could they also work together to shorten the time?

2011-04-01, 02:18 PM
Yeah, I figured since with my crafts I can make everything except flesh and stone. I can probably get a teammate to make flesh or stone if they have the skills.

But the main point was using Dedicated Wright or NPC hirelings, etc.

As long as I can cast the spells and such are there any rules that multiple people can craft one golem? Or would I just be creating more golems at once?

Example: It normally takes 20 days to make a stone golem (20,000) (I think stone is the 20,000 one?)

Now with the crafting feat to lessen time (which I like, but might not have room for it. We'll see) that would be 15 days to make a stone golem. Pretty good amount of time especially with Dedicated Wright doing it for me. But if I had say, two crafting NPCs could they also work together to shorten the time?

Not for the part that involves spending one day per 1K gp of the magic item base cost where one is enchanting it by RAW. I think the most WOTC has published is adding an item whereby multiple characters can pony up the XP to craft something and some other things along the lines of deferring costs throughout the party for items crafted, and this on their website.

Might be able to negotiate some houserule for that kind of thing though.

However, just constructing the body is separate from that for golem, IIRC, and I think that multiple characters can work together on the same project with craft. If not addressed by RAW, then it's a reasonable houserule.

So you could build up a backlog of bodies to become golems.

2011-04-01, 02:41 PM
Gotcha, a shame then. So looks like the only way to shrink the time is to reduce the cost via the Exceptional Artisan feat.

Wonder if that stacks with the mentioned Magical Artisan (Craft construct)

You'd only pay 75% and then you'd knock off 25% of that.

Thus the main price would be about 57% which would shrink down the time because it'd be cheaper so 1000 per day would be the same but the item would be cheaper to make.

2011-04-03, 09:36 PM
Gotcha, a shame then. So looks like the only way to shrink the time is to reduce the cost via the Exceptional Artisan feat.

Wonder if that stacks with the mentioned Magical Artisan (Craft construct)

You'd only pay 75% and then you'd knock off 25% of that.

Thus the main price would be about 57% which would shrink down the time because it'd be cheaper so 1000 per day would be the same but the item would be cheaper to make.

As far as I can tell, yes, the price reduction can be stacked, and it can get a bit ridiculous (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=7274.0)when all the stops are taken out.

Except that the time it takes to make the item is based upon the base, market price for the item, not what you pay to make the item(which is half that anyway as a result of crafting), unless the Rules Compendium updated the rules in that regard.

So 2 separate 25% reductions and the half-market price cost of crafting combine to something like 28.125% of the base market price in gp that must be paid, IIRC.