View Full Version : Planeshift to create Bone Armor

2011-04-01, 12:27 AM
I want to make my Bone Armor/Weapon from the Bone Knight Prestege. Since I have to craft it myself and time is important I shall shift to a plane where time is different to normal.

What would be the best plane to shift to for this purpose? Please list book as reference.

Milo v3
2011-04-01, 01:28 AM
Technically the Abyss. On the layer of Thanatos. But the danger level can be really high if your not prepared.
Bone is everywhere here, I'm pretty sure their is a city made of bone somewhere on that layer.

But its full of negative energy, undead, and demons so watch out.

Referance: Hordes Of The Abyss pages 127-132.

2011-04-01, 02:15 AM
Err no, I don't think he's looking for a place with a lot of bone. He has the bone (I think). He's looking for a plane where time advances more quickly than the Prime Material Plane, so he can get it done faster than normal.

2011-04-01, 02:37 AM
That would be pretty much the entire chaotic half of the ring, but not consistently. It can happen, or it may not. The Faerie courts, especially.

I'm not aware of any plane with a consistently accelerated time frame.

Milo v3
2011-04-01, 02:43 AM
Know anyone who can cast Genesis?
Other than that you're best bet is to try and find a Demiplane with the slow time trait (Thats Slow to everyone on the outside, fast on the inside).

The Chaotic Planes are to chaotic to be trusted.

2011-04-01, 02:54 AM
Bone isn't the issue. Its time.

I don't like my chances of spending 8 hours uninterrupted, for crafting purposes, in the Abyss. Any safer places?

Which book is Genesis?

2011-04-01, 02:57 AM
Not sure what book it's in, but it allows the caster (Sor/Wiz 9th, or Creation Domain) to create a demiplane, where they can make the rules (initially). Costs a good 5,000 XP or so... but...it would solve your problem.

I have a feeling you don't have a 17th level wizard in your party though, willing to burn 5000 XP...

Milo v3
2011-04-01, 03:30 AM
Don't know but its in the SRD
Here's a Link (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Genesis).
But I dout it will help much as the requirements are huge.

Heres a idea (Not great but still)
You're Dm could turn finding it the reward to an adventure and at the end of a small adventure a Planetravelling mage rewards you with the plane you seek (Or one that fits you're needs (It could just be a Demi-plane with the right time effect)).

2011-04-01, 04:05 AM
Genesis seems interesting. I will be taking Bone Knight around level level 9 so I might be able to hire a wizard to create me a demi-plane. A bone workshop, perhaps. Sounds kind of cool thematically. I can use it to store my wealth, armory and put a cot in so I can just plane shift to it to rest for the night.

1 day in my demi-plane = 1 hour on the material plane.

So roughly 3 months crafting = roughly 3.75 days on material plane.

Is this doable?

2011-04-01, 04:28 AM
Genesis is also in the Planar Handbook (it's 3.0, but the 3.5 web update didn't touch on that actual spell, so it's ok).

If you can find the mage, by all means do it. Have your own "Fortress of Bone". Just remember, you need some way to get in and out of your demiplane, some sort of personal portal type thing, otherwise it's slightly pointless.

Milo v3
2011-04-01, 04:29 AM
If you're DM says you can set the Plane to that speed then you're fine. Also can I take that idea? A Bone-Workshop Demiplane Sounds Awesome:smallsmile:

2011-04-01, 04:40 AM
[QUOTE=Alaris;10678959I have a feeling you don't have a 17th level wizard in your party though, willing to burn 5000 XP...[/QUOTE]

If you can find a shadowcraft mage with earth spell they can cast it without the XP cost. :smallbiggrin:

Xuc Xac
2011-04-01, 04:46 AM
If you're DM says you can set the Plane to that speed then you're fine. Also can I take that idea? A Bone-Workshop Demiplane Sounds Awesome:smallsmile:

Until you spend some time adventuring outside of it and come back to find that all your stuff in the workshop has rotten or rusted in your absence. Having time 24 days pass in just an hour can be useful when you're inside saving time, but it comes back to bite you when you're busy outside.

2011-04-01, 04:50 AM
But... it's all bone. It'll just fossilize :smalltongue:

2011-04-01, 04:55 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think using a Dedicated Wright homunculus counts as crafting it yourself, since it's bonded to you and uses your skill ranks (again, I think).

Just put a Wright in a Portable Hole and have him go to work without worry.

This probably does not work in the slightest for this situation, but it is an easy way to craft a lot of stuff without taking time off from adventuring.

2011-04-01, 09:46 AM
Why not just use Fabricate? Then again, i'm not sure if that counts as crafting it yourself. As for the Craft checks, that stuff is for chumps. Just get a scroll or two of this (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a). Mind you, this will probably be a bit cheesy-looking. Mainly because it is, but I'm sure most DM's will prefer you spending a bit more cash rather than dragging out the campaign crafting.

big teej
2011-04-01, 10:37 AM
if I may offer a sort-of suggestion

if/when I ever have a character invest in craft (I've got a prospective battlesmith so it'll be soon)

I just plan on making the crafting process part of 'travel from point A to point B' provided they have they're little portable anvil and stuff.

because it's kinda hard to play a battlesmith if you never spend more than a week in a town/city.

2011-04-01, 10:43 AM
I would suggest an Extended Rope Trick. It'll take the same amount of time as normal, true, but you're pretty much safe from attack.

2011-04-01, 11:39 AM
Look at the Planar Shepard Handbook, it has some good planes in it. I think there's the Plane of Dreams that goes at a 10:1 ratio.

2011-04-01, 11:43 AM
I have to second the Fabricate option... its gotta be cheaper and easier than contacting a mage to make you your own private demi-plane just to make one suit of armor and a weapon. Now, there are logistical issues there as well, you'll need to be able to pull off a DC 29 (if wizard) or 30 (if sorcerer used) UMD check, but that should be a lot easier than getting your own plane. :smallsmile:

2011-04-01, 11:44 AM
I actually think that the plane where some psionic/monk PrC train woul be excellent. There, 8 hours is like a few seconds. The troube would be in convincing the Githzerai to alow you to use their "Hyperbolic Time Chamber" to craft your gear.

(Complete Psionics)

2011-04-01, 12:38 PM
Clear it with your DM, first, since not all DMs will use the same planes in their setting, and some might object to using time differentials like that.

Also, consider just asking them to handwave the time involved. They might just say "sure, we'll ignore that requirement or say that you've been secretly working on it in your off-hours all along or whatever" -- they don't want their game disrupted by a character who has to change the entire pace of the story to get their class features!

Saying "I want to move the story at this pace, so we'll handwave the time needed for you to do that this time" is a perfectly normal thing to do. No need to look for complicated tricks. (Unless finding clever tricks is part of the fun for you, I suppose!)

2011-04-01, 12:53 PM
It will take 8 hours of time no matter what plane you're on. It's just a different amount of time will have passed on the Material Plane.

If I remember correctly, Bone Knight is from Eberron. The following Eberron planes have different time than the material plane,

Dal Quor: 10 minutes on plane is 1 minute on material plane
Thelanis: 1 day on Thelanis is a week on the material plane
Xoriat: 1 minute on Xoriat is an hour on the material plane

I figure Dal Quor is the only one that would help.