View Full Version : Cleric Domain that gives Favored Enemy?

2011-04-01, 11:11 AM
Does any exist? I haven't found one, but it seems fitting for a Domain-granted ability, so I'm hoping there's one out there that has it...

2011-04-01, 01:27 PM
I don't know of one.

You could search through Curmudgeon's domain list (http://home.comcast.net/~ftm3/ASMoNM/domains.html) yourself to see if I missed anything.

2011-04-01, 02:01 PM
:smallfrown: Ctrl+F doesn't find it... How comprehensive is that list?

2011-04-01, 02:09 PM
Pretty comprehensive. Can you work something out with your GM? Worship a custom "Herne the Hunter" style god that gives you the ability?

2011-04-01, 02:35 PM
I think that many of the domains that gives you the ability to turn or rebuke some type of creatures would make sense giving Favored Enemy against something opposed.

For example, Water Domain could give Favored Enemy against Fire things, etc.

I don't think there are any non-homebrew domains that provide Favored Enemy...

The Cat Goddess
2011-04-01, 02:51 PM
I would say "no" because it's simply trying to get around the requirement of taking Ranger levels to get into a Ranger PrC.

2011-04-01, 03:07 PM
Ways to gain a Favored Enemy:
Favoured Enemy or similar
Fighter 6 (Darksong Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - Yochlols only
Ranger 1 & 5 & 10 & 15 & 20
Ranger 1, class variant, Complete Mage - Favoured Enemy (Arcanists)
Paladin 4 (Crescent Moon Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - lycanthropes only
Paladin 4 (Shadow Cloak Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - humanoid subtype
Paladin 1 (Holy Judge substitution level), Champions of Valor - devils only
Rogue 2 (Golden Hand of Vergadain substitution level), Champions of Valor Web Enhancement - organization opposed to dwarves
Slayer 1, ecl 5, Expanded Psionics Handbook - specific type of psionic creature only
Darkwood Stalker 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - orcs only, functionally same, but different name
Gnome Giant Slayer 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 6, Complete Warrior - giants only
Knight of the Chalice 1, 3, 6, 9/10, ecl 9, Complete Warrior - Fiendslaying: against evil outsiders only
Goliath Liberator 1, 5/5, ecl 8, Races of Stone - giants only
Scar Enforcer 1, ecl 6, Races of Destiny - humans and elves
Leviathan Hunter 2, 4/5, ecl 7, Stormwrack - only against huge or larger...
Abolisher 1, 4, 8/10, ecl 7, Lords of Madness - abberations only
Eldeen Ranger 4, ecl 9, Eberron Campaign Setting
Cyran Avenger 2, 5/5, ecl 7, Eberron: Five Nations, enemy region
Duraak'ash 4, 9/10, ecl 9, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Deadgrim 2, 5/5, ecl 7, Magic of Eberron - undead only
Impure Prince 2 & 6, ecl 7, Magic of Eberron - abberations only
Unnatural Enemy, feat, Player's Guide to Eberron (p.86) - extra +2 against abberations, see text
Revenant Blade 4, ecl 9, Player's Guide to Eberron - called "Giant Slayer", +4 bonus
Shade Hunter 8, ecl 13, FR: Champions of Ruin - only stacks with existing, vs shades only
Foe Hunter ?, ecl ?, Player's Guide to Faerun - depends on region
Stalker of Kharesh 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, evil creatures
Swanmay 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text
Corrupt Avenger 1, 4, 7, 10/10, ecl 7, Heroes of Horror - against a specified single creature type, also gain rage like ability

Special Mention
Improved Favoured Enemy, feat, Complete Warrior
Ranger, class variant, Races of the Wild, gain favoured enemy: Undead +3
Ranger, class variant, Cityscape Web Enhancement, gain rival organizations rather than favoured enemies
Mythic Examplar (Orsos) 3, 5, 7, 9/10, ecl 7, Complete Champion
Imaskari Vengeance Taker 1, ecl ?, FR: Underdark, see text
Nemesis, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, can sense favoured enemies, extra damage, see text
Leviathan Hunter, ecl 6, Stormwrack
Vow of Vengeance, feat, Drow of the Underdark
Paragnostic Initiate 1, ecl 5, Complete Champion, "discern weakness", see text
There may be additional methods in Dragon.

2011-04-01, 04:14 PM
Pretty comprehensive. Can you work something out with your GM? Worship a custom "Herne the Hunter" style god that gives you the ability?
Maybe; I wanted to avoid asking cuz I feel like I've already bugged the DM in question enough, hah. Especially since he's semi-anti-homebrew and knowing myself that'd just open the floodgates.

I would say "no" because it's simply trying to get around the requirement of taking Ranger levels to get into a Ranger PrC.
That's precisely why I want it, hah. Of course, Rangers are awful, I'm not sure why you'd feel the need to foist them upon anybody.

Ways to gain a Favored Enemy:
Thank you, I'll look through that.

2011-04-01, 07:02 PM
Knowledge Devotion feat gives you something that is functionally equivalent to Favored Enemy (and is generally better - wider array of opponents, and is to hit as well as damage). You can trade away the Knowledge Domain to get the feat, too...

2011-04-02, 12:09 AM
Heh, Knowledge Devotion is the reason I'm dipping Cleric in the first place... I hadn't considered that reasoning, though. I doubt my DM'd go for it, though, especially seeing as, ya know, I was doing it anyway.

In reality, I'm not sure it matters. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I probably wouldn't bother with the PrC in question anyway.

2011-04-02, 05:14 AM
You can trade away the Knowledge Domain to get the feat, too...
You can do that, but you'd lose the skill benefit if you did so. Knowledge's granted power is what lets you learn all the 6 skills you need for Knowledge Devotion. Mostly I've seen this done with builds for a higher-level one-shot game, where you max out those 6 Knowledges for all the levels of the build, then do the conversion. (You don't lose skill ranks retroactively.)

Typically I use the Education feat to get all Knowledges as class skills for all classes, and then convert Knowledge domain to Knowledge Devotion.

2011-04-02, 10:59 AM
What PrC do you even want?

2011-04-02, 11:03 AM
Impure Prince, which does have the alternative requirement of Gatekeeper Initiate, but that feat would be senseless for the character (since it's in Eberron and the character is very definitely not a Gatekeeper).

But more importantly: I'm not sure I'd even bother, even if I found a way. It's primarily a question of my own interest, which is why I've shied away from "Ask the DM" type solutions - if I really wanted it, I would, but it's more that I'm curious to see if it is an option.