View Full Version : Skaven Host (Warhammer Fantasy Battles IC)

2011-04-02, 10:36 PM
Turn 1: The gobbos valiantly march towards your forces. They surely do not know what powerful weapons await their skulls.

Skaven Forces
Chieftan - 45
Warpstone armor -30
sword of might -20
shield - 2

30 clanrats with shields - 135
Ratling gun - 55
30 slaves - 60 pts
5 jezzails - 100
Doomwheel - 150

Total: 500

Goblin Forces
Night Goblins

Night Goblin Big Boss (30) light armor + shield (4) Warboss Um’s Best Boss ‘At (30) Sword of Battle (15) = 79

22 Night Goblins Archers (60) Hand Weapons + Bows Full Command (20) = 86

20 Night Goblins (60) + 3 Fanatics (75) + Full command (20) = 155

40 Night Goblins (120) + Spears (40) + Full Command (20) = 180


Download Link (http://www.easy-share.com/1914502071/Skaven turn 1.svg)

2011-04-03, 06:23 PM
I'm going to have to edit this a few times

First, Random movement for Doomwheel

End of Movement


2011-04-03, 06:49 PM
Jezzails shoot your large goblin unit
BS3, long range, so need 5 to hit. Str 6 so 2 to wound.
rolls to hit 5d6
incase of missfires 5d6
rolls to wound 5d6

Doomwheel zaps your smaller goblin unit
Since you have more than 3 models, its not going to change targets
strength (supposed to be artilary die, so multiply by 2 and 6 is a missfire
incase of missfire [roll1]
Will do 3 hits at that strength
rolls to wound [roll2]

2011-04-03, 06:52 PM
I didn't like my jezzails, so I'm reposting the rolls

BS3, long range, so need 5 to hit. Str 6 so 2 to wound.
rolls to hit [roll0]
incase of missfires [roll1]
rolls to wound [roll2]

Summary: doomwheel does 2 wounds to the smaller goblin unit at str 10
Jezzails do 2 wounds to the large goblin unit at -4 armour. I also lose one jezzail to missfire
I'm assuming the gobbos aren't going to have armor to str 6 and 10.

No combat
Map at the end of turn


And download link

2011-04-05, 09:42 PM
The goblin hosts move forward, and do little else.


File (http://www.easy-share.com/1914547137/Skaven turn 2.svg)

2011-04-07, 07:40 AM
I don't want you to think I gave up on this, but it's going to be a few more days until I'm able to do my turn. I'm going to a 2 day warhammer tourney in my area.

2011-04-07, 07:53 AM
I don't want you to think I gave up on this, but it's going to be a few more days until I'm able to do my turn. I'm going to a 2 day warhammer tourney in my area.

Delaying an online warhammer game to play RL warhammer? Absolutely unacceptable.

J/p take your time.

2011-04-11, 06:44 PM
Alright, starting my turn. No charging and I'm going to fire my rattling gun so I'm going to be starting that too

Random Movement for doomwheel

shooting rattling gun, first 2 d6

Map after movement.


I believe I set off your fanatics, so you can go ahead and launch 'em.


2011-04-12, 12:25 PM
It's close, I am not sure we're within 8" but we'll call it so, and I'll release them.


2011-04-12, 12:35 PM
looks like one fanatic will hit (good thing I got that double this round and not after)


Hopefully the rest will restrict your movement a bit.

EDIT: I am unable to download atm, so if you wouldn't mind putting the fanatics (shrink this image ( 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABeAFgDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHAAAAAcBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwUGBwQI/8QANhAAAQMDAgQEBAQGAwEAAAAAAQIDEQAEBSExBhITQQciUWF xgZGxFDJCoRUjYnLB0kNSgpL/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBP/EAB4RAQEAAgIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAABAhESIQMxQSJR/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDY6UKTRisuRVGKTSqKMUKKjogTR0VcGZz OPwtobrJ3KGGphM6lZ9EjcmgkKFUhjxQ4edfDaheNpJjqqaBT+ xJ/arfZ3ttf26bizfbfZX+VbapBounRQoqFEMiuO4zGOtb5Flc3jT dysApbWYJBMDXbWK7KzfjbgDJZLJ3eUwt0z1blIDjTy1IV20Ch pGk6wRrUytnprHVvbS5oxWZ4HxLbxvLiONbe5x+StwELeU2VJc/qMa6+okHcGpjI+KHCVkwXE5I3Ko0bt2VqUfqAB8zWkXTajrCMp 4lZTijL2mNsFqxFi66AS05Lzg7SobD2HzJrXeEMjcZLA27t8hS LxuWX0q350GJ9wQAZ96zynLj9XhePJNd968x8b8TXXEeeuLpbi vw6FlFu3OiGwdPmdz716b07iR3FeVuJ8RccP8QXmNu0kdNZLaj +tB/KoexH+apEnhW2X7Uha/5saD19hXfh+JMhw5ketYrITzQ6yoy26PQj199xVXsbtTR5kHUi Ip5VzzIjc96VvrT09hskxl8XbZC1npPo5gDuk7EH3BBHyoVX/C+zuLPguxTdJKFuFbyUn9KVKkfUa/OhVc+lnoChQqI4sthsbmWAxlbFi7bH5Q6iSn4HcfKqHxd4fcMY rGKy9ri2gmxUHn2HblwIfbEhSZ5tDqCI3IjWYrSu1VzjdrD5PE P4fL5a3sFPpC0c9ylsyDKSQTqmRt3iiysVznEGPuXMe/g8NYYoNElptppJc31UpUa7AJn1O9W3gPji4tsq4zmFl5u5alK2 2wlXkBM8oiTBOm+mk7VkYcFss2rxcShKyeZBJSr3APYx9K7WLy 1WpHTaWVJVIWJSlJ30jvpvNebPx/rnJ3/Wc/JljdauvrbMx4uYhhDQxDDt66pY5w6CyhCO5KjOvppH2OQZrI5v izOW4v3nbxxx3+UyxsgKV+RAjTQCJE9zV98LeGbbL3lxdXjDht WYUAkkIWsyIkHURr8dZ7HWLXBYmzuk3VpjLNh9KSkONMJSoD00 FemXc2Y5bm4xbLeEmesHiMWpu/t1HyqSoNrH9yVGPoTU7wh4UvfiEXfEpSlCCCm0bWCVf3EaAewm fatdoUa2ICBpFCjoUQzrUZn8/j+HrZm4yjq22nXQ0lSUFXmIJ1A1iAaIM3/U5/4k6f6S0iPtTGZxJzWNcsMg4h23cHmCmRMjYgg6EeooFI4s4fcs nLtrM2S2W2y4rleTzAASfLMz7RWD3Vlf+IfE+UXhk9RRU8+Our khufINdidEgfYVZcx4OXg6hxeYaeUkSlm4b5VH/wBAx9RU74O8P5Th1vKIydtbsXC3UAJUUqcCIOspMhJPrvE1dT2 a+sXuE3LTjlnf2iuu35D1klK0GYAIOo1rXvBXhrD3mKOXfDdy+ h4pQw4jS2MRqDookQZiNB3Gjfjfkcam0as3ra1Vk3HEK6iUlLq GxOpVGqTEROh+FWLw1wTuDwyLpq05Lq/Qlx9L7igpIk8qYjTRWvfWpNT01l5Lle1+aQhptLbaEoQkQEpEA fAUquRm4f8A+dhA1/QufuKZN3fh2BZslud+ueaP/mjKSmiqOF5e8yuawTy9iHxPz0pX464B1sFx7OpNB30K4Tfugib F4iJJC0fTehQRGb4mx+GeLDxK3wkKUgEJCQdpJga+lUziHijO3 SXU4txq3SeUfhwUhcd4WT9o+VVjxCVep4myDpbu3nEr6bLobXH JywUgxyhIPfvrNRJuMxbY1zpoDctStDkdRe3MQNSBBidJn2NdM ZEuxqHELeSS82Vly3WClxLievtBIM/bepDHZrM4DMPZRtp1xTrPScLrZcBEyP1TpHwFQz4unEIfVb/h1lHmSt0c/MdAfUgwNSPtUgzfZJxtV29bILDDfTcSCVrJP6yn9jOpq6O0DxB xK7nc2b7NIHWSpIDKkHppSnZETtv9TrrVu4i46u8vaWbLGNebZ YSClu1UtCFKiAZifKNANtfYVCl43TTz7Y/JskgGQIkAETI80gbaGu+0un7dDbVqyXUIQVyFDnXprAGpUNdDv PapxW1c+B+OLjoItswzfuBUBD7qATtsdBI94q+43OY3J3K7azu Qt9CeZTZBCgPWKx9jKdVxtuzumHGUoV5nljUalUpB0A07do+M5 4c3CE8TO8vOlaW1dRJAiT+YCPflOwAjTeKXGJK1floclOIIUJF K5aw2Y5KFPQKFE0yrih7NWzanL9xdwyTEtkkfMRpWe5DM2zLTh RbJLiUEILhKik+0nSvQT9uhXYVHv41le6QfjV0bea/4jlLxBK7nl6iQkqSkJKgNhpG3+aXj37y2eHOueRUhzcmRBHvp2 NbpkuDMPkFKXcWjfUO7jcoUfmmJ+c1A3PhdYLJNvkLpr2UErH2 B/etbTai9O1ftnFIyH4eVc3J0Z8xG48x7CkJQHLhS3cl1epuHWCo J05SB5to0q5J8LHCf5eXRHbmtj/tTyPC+4B82WZj2tz/tWtxmKpb45joG3RelKFzzONI5Vkf9NZ029dq0rwpTZJfyDaOot wJQrqOq5lESZ/fl+grjsPDZpEC5yjq0zs00E/cmrrw/gbDBtqTYtEKXAW4s8ylR6n/ArNssWbT6YjSlRNNoM6UGEBHMQtxQUZAWZ5fhWGjnLQpQoUV//9k=)) on L17 (bottom left corner), G18 (one that passed through, on bottom right) and L12 (bottom right).

2011-04-12, 12:45 PM
well, roller screwed up, but they auto-hit anyway, so looks like 3 wounds, which at a -3 armor modifier means no saves.

2011-04-12, 04:42 PM
I'll do my shooting in this post.
I thought the fanatics were in the small goblin unit? You are correct that I wouldn't have set them off in the big unit.

2011-04-12, 04:51 PM

Jezzails at spear goblins
long range need 5+
To hit:
To wound
Missfire rolls

No hits/ wounds from jezzails

Rattling gun 1 one d6
To Hit
need 4+
To Wound
need 3+

8 hits, 2 wounds on spear goblins

Doomwheel strength
To wound
Missfire roll

No wounds from Doomwheel

2011-04-12, 06:14 PM
They were in the small unit...today is not a good day for me getting rules or things right.

We can just flub it and release them on my turn, or flubb it and throw them in the big unit like I pretended to do. Your call. Or I can just redo my bit here and release them from the small unit, then rework what happened.

2011-04-12, 09:14 PM
We can just run with things the way they are. I need to remove 2 of my clanrats and 2 of your goblins (from shooting). No reason to make this too confusing.

Aaaannndd the file: http://www.easy-share.com/1914655882/SkavenAfter2.svg

2011-04-13, 01:15 PM
Compulsory Movement:

Rest to come

2011-04-13, 01:19 PM
Looks like one hits through your clanrats again

Looks like no shooting or attacks for me. Map and File coming soon.

3 dead rats.


(http://www.easy-share.com/1914673530/skaven turn 3.svg)
EDIT: Forgot to remove your dead rats, if you don't mind doing it, it would save me having to re-upload.

2011-04-13, 04:53 PM
Alright then.

Movement on doomwheel

Shooting for rattling gun

My doomwheel charges into the rear of your regular goblins. You gotta make a fear test (it causes terror).

2011-04-13, 05:11 PM
jezzail targeting spear goblins
to hit (need 4+, now in close range)
to wound (need 2+)
three wounds from jezzails

first the damage to itself for going through forest
d3 hits
str 4 vs toughness 6 need 6
4+ armour goes to 5+
no wounds self inflicted

now doomwheel shooting goblins
to wound
missfire roll
str 2, so no wounds again

no more shots for rattling gun
rolls to hit (4+)
rolls to wound (3+)
3 wounds on the spear goblins

I'm going to wait for combat for your response

2011-04-20, 02:49 PM
Gonna be tomorrow before I update this, sorry about the delay

2011-05-13, 10:45 AM
I really hate doing this, but I have to discontinue this adventure. My work load (and now school load as I am having to take a summer course) is severely limiting my online time. I am sorry to do this to you guys.