View Full Version : duelwielding fullblades?

2011-04-02, 11:07 PM
so was wondering if you take jotunbrud out of races of faerun can you duel wield fullblades as a human?

2011-04-02, 11:09 PM
Jotunbrud does not equal Powerful Build. It has no effect on weapon size.

2011-04-02, 11:12 PM
Jotunbrud does not equal Powerful Build. It has no effect on weapon size.

A more complete answer is no.

2011-04-02, 11:55 PM
If you want to be optimizing goofy tier6 builds, here's something a little better.

Improved Trip
Knockdown (Complete Warrior)
Power Attack
extra rage
reckless rage (Races of Stone)
Combat Reflexes
Practiced Manifester (Complete Psionic)
Improved Bullrush
Knockback (Races of Stone)

Race: Water Orc (Unearthed Arcana)

Weapon: Something with reach. I prefer spiked chain.

Barb1, pounce variant (spirit lion totem) from Complete Champion, whirling frenzy rage variant from. Extra rage as a feat.
Barb2, improved trip variant (wolf totem) from Unearthed Arcana. Improved Trip as a bonus feat
Fighter1, pick up reckless rage and knockdown as feats
Fighter2, pick up a bonus feat that you like. Cleave is pretty good.
Fighter4- dungeoncrasher variant, from Dungeonscape. Get extra damage for bullrushing and tripping.
Psychic Warrior X- pick up practiced manifester, imp bullrush, and knockback

In combat, you go into a rage, get +6 strength, +2 con, and an extra attack thanks to reckless rage and whirling frenzy. Then you attack a creature. If you hit, and do more than 10 damage, you get a free trip attack, from knockdown. If you succeed in tripping, you get a free attack from improved trip.

Now hit them again while they are on the ground with your bonus rage attack.

Use the psychic warrior power, expansion, to grow bigger so you can trip things with 4 legs or that are bigger than you with reliability.

Against untrippable enemies (fliers, oozes, etc), use knockback to get free bullrushes when you power attack, sending your enemies colliding into things and taking damage.

2011-04-03, 04:10 AM
so if i wanted to duel weild fullblades i would need to take powerful build?
im not really looking to optimize i just thing it would be funny to whirlwind holding 2 fullblades one in each hand as a human it would look like a lovley top of death.

2011-04-03, 07:54 AM
The diopsid from Dragon Compendium can dual wield two-handed weapons.

Jack Zander
2011-04-03, 10:04 AM
so if i wanted to duel weild fullblades i would need to take powerful build?
im not really looking to optimize i just thing it would be funny to whirlwind holding 2 fullblades one in each hand as a human it would look like a lovley top of death.

You can't whirlwind with two weapons either...:smallsigh:

2011-04-03, 12:52 PM
so if i wanted to duel weild fullblades i would need to take powerful build?

No. Nothing short of actually being Large would let you dual-wield Medium fullblades.

You could use Powerful Build or Strongarm Bracers to use a Large longsword (functionally equivalent to a greatsword) in one hand, and use a +1 Bashing spiked heavy shield in the other hand and end up dual-wielding 2d6 damage weapons.

2011-04-03, 01:31 PM
In theory, yes it is possible to dual-wield fullblades (technically Large bastard swords) without relying on magic items. However it requires an epic-level feat from Complete Warrior, Wield Oversized Weapon.

If you're not going into epic levels, then the best you could manage would be to use Monkey Grip to wield a fullblade in one hand and a regular bastard sword in the other.

As an aside, if you're going to try this you should also pick up Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting from Complete Adventurer, which reduces the penalities from wielding two one-handed weapons from -4 to -2.

2011-04-04, 07:34 AM
There are at least a half-dozen ways to dual-wield fullblades, with varying degrees of rules chicancery:

1) Alter self or polymorph into a creature with 4 or more arms. Phylactery of Change (11200 GP, A&EG p. 135) offers all-day polymorph up to 7HD (check out the Ormyrr in MM2). You can try TWF, but with two non-light weapons you take a -4 attack penalty on both fullblades (although the Ormyrr can reduce this to -2).

2) Girallon's blessing + permanency spells (see Savage Species p. 60). Assuming a 13th level caster, both spells would cost about 11140 GP. While the Savage Species version of girallon's blessing has a drawback where you have to make a Will save to do anything complex with your extra arms, the updated version in the Spell Compendium removes this drawback and makes them fully-functional arms. By RAW, the permanency rules on page 60 of Savage Species still applies to the Spell Compendium version.

3) 2-level Totemist dip to pick up the Girallon Arms soulmeld. Based on the fluff, it's not entirely clear if these arms are functional enough to wield weapons, but assuming your DM says they can, this is doable at low levels, although you still have to deal with the -4 TWF penalty.

4) Arms of the Naga (56000 GP, Savage Species p. 55) and/or Gloves of Man (42000 GP, Savage Species p. 57). Cheaper to buy grafts (see below), and the Arms of the Naga say they can't be used for extra attacks, but putting on the Gloves of Man may override that (check with your DM). If you have some other way to acquire a pair of tentacles/appendages/etc. (soulmeld or the Deepspawn feat from Lords of Madness), then adding Gloves of Man should allow you to attack with manufactured weapons.

5) Grafts. Check Fiend Folio, Magic of Eberron, Lords of Madness, Races of the Dragon, Serpent Kingdoms, or Libris Mortis for more details. A few require the removal of an existing arm, but most don't specify this. Restrictions/costs vary quite a bit. You'll need two... Zombie Arm (25000 GP, Libris Mortis p. 80) is one of the cheaper options, but it will cost at least 50000 GP and permanently reduces your Dex by 4 points.

6) Strongarm Bracers (6000 GP, MIC p. 139). Since these allow you to wield weapons as if you were one size larger, you could wield a medium-sized two-handed weapon with one hand. Normally you'd take a -2 size penalty, but the item description also says you don't take any size penalties for weapons that are your normal size or for one size larger. You'll still need to take EWP (otherwise a large-sized creature would still treat a fullblade as a two-handed martial weapon), and will still have a -4 TWP penalty. Add Oversize TWF and you can bring this down to -2.

7) Drop two fullblades at your feat, cast enlarge person or expansion, pick up fullblades. This is to prevent the fullblades from increasing in size as part of your equipment, although you can get around that by adding the Sizing property (+5000 GP, MIC p. 43). Assuming you have EWP (Fullblade), you can treat these as one-handed weapons, but you still take a -2 size penalty for using medium-sized weapons. However, you can take the Oversize TWF feat (Complete Adventurer) and reduce your TWF penalties to -2... but are still at -4 due to the size penalty.

8) Unawakened Sunsword x2 (3000 GP, Expedition to Castle Ravenloft p. 210). This is an unawakened or a non-legacy knockoff of the Sun Blade that can be wielded as either a bastard sword or a shortsword. This means it can be treated as either a two-handed martial weapon, a one-handed exotic weapon, or a light martial weapon, depending on how you want to wield it. Now add the Morphing property (+1 enhancement, MIC p. 39) and you can change it to a different weapon of the same type... and since a bastard sword can be treated as a two-handed weapon, you can switch it to a fullblade... that can still be wielded as a one-handed exotic weapon or a one-handed light weapon. Find two of these (or get really creative with astral projection), and you can TWF with the equivalent of two shortswords that still do fullblade damage. Morph them into a pair of greataxes, and you can completely negate TWF penalties with a two-level dip into Bloodclaw Master (Tome of Battle).

2011-04-04, 07:56 AM
Interestingly enough, if you use Monkey Grip, using the (typo or errata as you see it) from Exemplars of Evil, you can wield large bastard swords in each hand, like the Ranger from the Fire Giants chapter in said book. This is sort of like dual-wielding fullblades (in everyway except nitpicking) but I must warn you, Monkey Grip from Complete Warrior does not work like that, and you'll be sucking up a -2 penalty to hit on top of your -4 penalty from TWF (-2 if you take Oversized TWF)