View Full Version : Need good puzzlesa / riddles

The Goblin King
2011-04-03, 05:39 PM
I need some help thinking up some riddles and puzzles for a 3.5 DnD game I'm DMing. Do you guys(or girls) have any good ones or maybe a web site that I can go too?
(Game info)
The party is trying to kill the leader of a thieves guild and they must join the guild to get close to the leader. The party pass the other 2 tests(one was killing and the other was stealing) and I what to do some riddles/puzzles but I cant think of any good ones. any help?

2011-04-03, 06:29 PM
I would start by thinking about what would make sense, given the resources (if appropriate) and personalities of the leaders of the guild (or whoever in the guild is making up these riddles).

I'm afraid I don't have anything concrete to add, as I don't tend to use riddles and when I do they're tied pretty strongly to the storyline or location of the adventure.

2011-04-03, 06:33 PM
I used the following riddle in a dungeon...

the party was sent into a trap and monster inhabitated dungeon as part of their trial to enter something

they came to a T intersection and on the wall was written

"In war it does not matter who is right...only who is left"

One player thought that was the philosophical standing of the group they wanted to join, so refused to continue until the others persuaded him to

With the path to the right being heavily trapped and the one to the left less guarded/taxing on the party

they didn't get it though... oh well

2011-04-09, 06:14 PM
I've been lifting puzzles from Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Sometimes hard to make them real-world applicable, though...