View Full Version : Half-Dragon Questions

2011-04-03, 07:56 PM
So, in my current campaign, my 8th level Warblade was recently reincarnated as a gold half-dragon orc (DM rolled 100, put it to a vote at the table, on of my friends decided to troll by saying Dragon while the others said orc, and the DM decided to split the difference).

While the +3 LA is unfortunate, it could be much worse, and all the benefits I got from Half-dragon are extremely helpful. Something I'm wondering, though.

Is there a way for a Medium-sized Half-dragon to permanently gain wings? I've looked through the Draconomicon and Dragon Magic, and haven't found anything there, but I was hopeful that the Playground might be able to help out.

2011-04-03, 07:58 PM
Taking the right Draconic Heritage feats would probably do it.

Either that, or I think there's a Draconic graft that grants wings and a fly speed to your character.

2011-04-03, 08:00 PM
The Dragon Wings and Improved Dragon Wings feats in Races of the Dragon will give permanent wings to anything with the Dragonblood subtype.

2011-04-03, 08:01 PM
Figures that the one Dragon-related book I don't have would contain what I was looking for.

Oh well, the DM has that one anyways. Thanks, folks.

2011-04-03, 09:26 PM
See if you can get the DM to approve the pathfinder version of half-dragon which will give you wings even at medium size and only +2 LA

Andion Isurand
2011-04-03, 09:32 PM
Half-shadow dragons gain wings at medium size. As per the Wyrmshadows web enhancement.