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View Full Version : EPIC 4-minute Green Lantern Trailer

2011-04-04, 09:02 AM
Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mpjFInVVsA

Looks awesome.

2011-04-04, 09:11 AM
Much cooler than the earlier trailers.

2011-04-04, 09:20 AM
Pretty cool but the green-screen scenes are painfully obvious.

Hate when movies trade sets for CGI.

2011-04-04, 09:22 AM
I'm getting screwed over by the fact I really, really, REALLY don't care about Hal Jordan. None the less, I'm gonna go see this and hope it proves me wrong. :smallamused:

2011-04-04, 09:37 AM
This could be a good new series of Lantern.

2011-04-04, 09:54 AM
Pretty nice. I'm a bit off-put by the scenes of Sinestro addressing that crowd of Lanterns, though. Two things about it mainly: the first being that the Lanterns are just crowded among a bunch of giant rocks surrounding a giant GL symbol. Why, when Oa has plenty of technologically advanced cities they could be holding this gathering in (in fact, I think it's supposed to be a planet-wide city ala Coruscant)? The second being that I don't understand why Sinestro would be the one doing that, rather than the Guardians. Aren't they in the movie? :smallconfused:

Also, just what the heck happened when Hal learned the oath out of nowhere there? That one doesn't really make sense. I hope they didn't change that just for the sake of that rather bad joke about him not knowing the oath.


2011-04-04, 09:58 AM
Pretty nice. I'm a bit off-put by the scenes of Sinestro addressing that crowd of Lanterns, though. Two things about it mainly: the first being that the Lanterns are just crowded among a bunch of giant rocks surrounding a giant GL symbol. Why, when Oa has plenty of technologically advanced cities they could be holding this gathering in (in fact, I think it's supposed to be a planet-wide city ala Coruscant)? The second being that I don't understand why Sinestro would be the one doing that, rather than the Guardians. Aren't they in the movie? :smallconfused:

Also, just what the heck happened when Hal learned the oath out of nowhere there? That one doesn't really make sense. I hope they didn't change that just for the sake of that rather bad joke about him not knowing the oath.


Sinestro rallying the troops happens in the comics, too. The Guardians are generally depicted as detached from the GL corp from my understanding in the sense that they never really show up all that often and speak until the Sinestro Corps War begins. Prior to that, Sinestro was known as the greatest of the Green Lanterns and was widely respected.

Not sure about the oath bit. In the comics he learns the oath from other GLs but the ring / power battery *can* impart knowledge so that part of the trailer didn't bother me too much.

2011-04-04, 10:31 AM
Sinestro rallying the troops happens in the comics, too. The Guardians are generally depicted as detached from the GL corp from my understanding in the sense that they never really show up all that often and speak until the Sinestro Corps War begins. Prior to that, Sinestro was known as the greatest of the Green Lanterns and was widely respected.
Er, Sinestro was cast out long before the Sinestro Corps War, that was simply when he finally formed his own Corps rather than opposing the Lanterns solo. In any event, it just seemed to give him more of a leadership role than he had. Yes, he was considered the greatest Lantern and widely respected, but if things were dire, the Guardians would be the ones leading the Corps, not him. Or at least Salaak, the GL who tends to coordinate the Lanterns and relay the Guardians' orders.

Not sure about the oath bit. In the comics he learns the oath from other GLs but the ring / power battery *can* impart knowledge so that part of the trailer didn't bother me too much.
Hm. Well, yes, the ring can do that (not the power battery), but they don't really do anything to indicate that's what's happening. Heck, I read the comics, and I actually forgot about that during that scene. I'd expect, say, Hal to be hearing a voice in his head, and the ring to be glowing slightly to indicate that it's the source of the voice, if that were what was happening.


2011-04-04, 10:51 AM
Pretty nice. I'm a bit off-put by the scenes of Sinestro addressing that crowd of Lanterns, though. Two things about it mainly: the first being that the Lanterns are just crowded among a bunch of giant rocks surrounding a giant GL symbol. Why, when Oa has plenty of technologically advanced cities they could be holding this gathering in (in fact, I think it's supposed to be a planet-wide city ala Coruscant)? The second being that I don't understand why Sinestro would be the one doing that, rather than the Guardians. Aren't they in the movie? :smallconfused:

Also, just what the heck happened when Hal learned the oath out of nowhere there? That one doesn't really make sense. I hope they didn't change that just for the sake of that rather bad joke about him not knowing the oath.


The Guardians don't do rallying cries. Ever. And if they do, it's Ganthet. And then they yell at him for it. :smallfrown:

I'm pretty sure the lantern's giving the "Guardian mind-meld" to Hal, so he can do the oath. Why not have Abin do a dramatic recitation, with his last words being, "Beware... my power... Green...Lantern's...light..."

Oh vell!

2011-04-04, 10:52 AM
Is it me? Or does Hal look like Dane Cook?

2011-04-04, 11:00 AM
Is it me? Or does Hal look like Dane Cook?

He's played by Ryan Reynolds who does look somewhat like Dane Cook.

2011-04-04, 11:06 AM
He's played by Ryan Reynolds who does look somewhat like Dane Cook.

Yeah that gave me a real lurch. I LIKE dane cooks humor, i really do. I just really didnt think he would be able to pull off a serious superhero role very well.

2011-04-04, 11:42 AM
Er, Sinestro was cast out long before the Sinestro Corps War, that was simply when he finally formed his own Corps rather than opposing the Lanterns solo. In any event, it just seemed to give him more of a leadership role than he had. Yes, he was considered the greatest Lantern and widely respected, but if things were dire, the Guardians would be the ones leading the Corps, not him. Or at least Salaak, the GL who tends to coordinate the Lanterns and relay the Guardians' orders.

Hm. Well, yes, the ring can do that (not the power battery), but they don't really do anything to indicate that's what's happening. Heck, I read the comics, and I actually forgot about that during that scene. I'd expect, say, Hal to be hearing a voice in his head, and the ring to be glowing slightly to indicate that it's the source of the voice, if that were what was happening.


Well, we'll see how it all plays out in context. I'm ok with them condensing Sinestro's story a little, given the different medium. If they make him a bit more of a leader figure now it won't be too big a deal for me - it's not like it is out of character for Sinestro to be a leader anywho.

Hopefully the whole ring thing will be explained, but I liked the touch with his eyes going green. It shows that the ring is doing something to him. I do hope the rings talk, though.

[P.S. I knew Sinestro was cast out long before, I was using the Sinestro Corps war as a timeline marker for the Guardians becoming more active in things.]

Mando Knight
2011-04-04, 12:48 PM
Hm. Well, yes, the ring can do that (not the power battery), but they don't really do anything to indicate that's what's happening.

His eyes change color, but I think the moment will be a little more dramatic in the theatrical release, where the scene will be a little longer (hopefully) and the implanted thought would be more obvious.

2011-04-04, 01:14 PM
Also, just what the heck happened when Hal learned the oath out of nowhere there? That one doesn't really make sense. I hope they didn't change that just for the sake of that rather bad joke about him not knowing the oath.


I had to watch it through a second time to get it. As he's screwing around talking about the oath, he keeps moving the ring closer to the lantern. It's when he actually touches ring to lantern that he gets knocked back and suddenly knows the oath. I'm assuming that this is the abridged version of that scene and that it will be shown clearer in the movie.

2011-04-04, 02:00 PM
Well, we'll see how it all plays out in context. I'm ok with them condensing Sinestro's story a little, given the different medium. If they make him a bit more of a leader figure now it won't be too big a deal for me - it's not like it is out of character for Sinestro to be a leader anywho.

Hopefully the whole ring thing will be explained, but I liked the touch with his eyes going green. It shows that the ring is doing something to him. I do hope the rings talk, though.
Fair enough. I suppose my initial concern with Sinestro's apparent leadership position was more worry that the Guardians had been taken out entirely. As long as that isn't the case, things should be fine. Though I'll still be baffled by the whole congregation among a bunch of rocks thing.

And yeah, hopefully the whole oath thing will be explained better in the full version.

Why not have Abin do a dramatic recitation, with his last words being, "Beware... my power... Green...Lantern's...light..."

Oh vell!
That would have been great. Pity they apparently missed that opportunity. :smallfrown:


2011-04-04, 02:45 PM
I just spent what should have been a productive day on Wikipedia reading up on the Green Lantern Corps. And then Sinestro. And then the rest of the corps. And then Nekron. And then the entire Darkest Night and Brightest Day synopsizes.

Thanks guys.

2011-04-04, 03:54 PM
I just spent what should have been a productive day on Wikipedia reading up on the Green Lantern Corps. And then Sinestro. And then the rest of the corps. And then Nekron. And then the entire Darkest Night and Brightest Day synopsizes.

Thanks guys.

Well stop spoiling them for yourself and pick up the actual graphic novels! (Not all at once - that would be expensive). They are great.

Read them in this order:

Green Lantern: Secret Origins
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War 1 & 2
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Blackest Night

2011-04-04, 04:09 PM
Well stop spoiling them for yourself and pick up the actual graphic novels! (Not all at once - that would be expensive). They are great.

Read them in this order:

Green Lantern: Secret Origins
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War 1 & 2
Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
Green Lantern: Agent Orange
Blackest Night
I can't! I mean I'd love to, but I need that time to work on my portfolio even though I will inevitably waste it browsing the internet!

2011-04-04, 06:44 PM
This has completely changed my thoughts on this movie. I thought that it was going to be a light hearted but serious take on the chracter trying to follow the Iron Man movie path (which works for playboy billionaire Tony Stark, but wouldn't for Hal Jordan), and end up more like the Green Hornet, that is, being absolutely horrible.

This looks epic. Epic in scale, epic on design, epic in story. I know that it's a word that get's thrown around a lot, but still, this looks like it is going to be EPIC.

2011-04-05, 02:13 AM
Also, just what the heck happened when Hal learned the oath out of nowhere there? That one doesn't really make sense. I hope they didn't change that just for the sake of that rather bad joke about him not knowing the oath.

You didn't get this? I thought it was painfully obvious.

2011-04-05, 03:35 AM
I'm not too worried about the CGI. Well, with the singular exception of the mask. The mask looks pretty terrible. Why couldn't they have just gone with a regular rubber mask?

2011-04-05, 04:15 AM
Looks aaawesome. And yeah, I thought the oath bit was quite clear.

Also, I second the 'that mask looked awful' note. I mean. Damn. That mask looked awful.

2011-04-05, 04:48 AM
I'm not too worried about the CGI. Well, with the singular exception of the mask. The mask looks pretty terrible. Why couldn't they have just gone with a regular rubber mask?

Looks aaawesome. And yeah, I thought the oath bit was quite clear.

Also, I second the 'that mask looked awful' note. I mean. Damn. That mask looked awful.

My guess is that they are still working on the special effects. In the first trailer they were mostly awful, but the quality has increased in the second one, but there is still some unfinished parts like the mask. I'll wait for a trailer short before the launch to make a guess at the real quality.

Zeta Kai
2011-04-05, 05:02 AM
Nitpicking aside, I agree that this trailer is vastly superior to the earlier ones, which painted the movie as a rip-off of other, better superhero stories. This gives me hope that the movie's creators understand & respect the character, & aren't just going for a cheap genre cash-in. We'll see, but I'm cautiously optimistic now.

2011-04-05, 09:56 PM
You didn't get this? I thought it was painfully obvious.

Guy finds magic item
Suddenly magic!

Seems straightforward enough.

Killer Angel
2011-04-06, 06:10 AM
I was never a fan of GL, but this seems Awesome.

Green-Shirt Q
2011-04-06, 03:53 PM
The special effects look really, REALLY bad. Still, I'm not the kind of person who lets that bother them, and am still really looking forward to this movie. :smallbiggrin: