View Full Version : Pimp my Raven. [Pathfinder]

2011-04-04, 11:59 AM
So I am currently playing a level 6 N Beguiler (Beguiler 5/MindB 1) in a Pathfinder campaign set in Eberron.

The campaign is around 60/40 RP/Combat.

My character is Enchantment spec, and has a rather low Wis along with the flaw that gives -6 to Init.

I play him as somewhat absent minded, not really observant, fun loving gambler.

Anyway, I took Obtain famillier at 3rd and grabed a Raven named Trevor.

I had planned on upgrading to an Imp at 7th as well.... Imps are better.

However, the Raven has a good wisdom, can talk and has skill focus Perception.

What this ends up with is that Trevor has become a valued party member. From scouting to having the highest Perception mod in the party to doing backup social stuff (woot for sharing skill ranks+glibness), he has proven his worth time and again.

So the upshot is that I don't think I will replace the little guy. Imp or not, the raven is my famillier.

So the question is.

What equipment or anything else can i get/take to make Trevor better?

If needed I do have a free feat I will no longer be spending.

The characters sheet is Here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=219417)

And Trevor can be found Here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=247077)

Thanks for looking.

2011-04-04, 12:07 PM
See if you can't get him a tiny +Cha vest. Invest ranks in UMD. Buy wands and a Wand Bracelet (SpC if you have have access).

2011-04-04, 12:56 PM
Thats a good idea. And yes I have access to all the 3.5 stuff on a case by case.

UMD is maxed out so thats not a problem.

2011-04-04, 04:19 PM
Well, for starters you can pick up the feat, Improved Familiar, and use it to add in the celestial template. Second, you could ask your GM if you could use the Leadership feat to add class levels. From what you've been describing, I'd suggest Rogue. If he has a high Charisma, then maybe Sorcerer. Does that help?

2011-04-04, 05:00 PM
Does that help?

Yes actually, It really does.

Sadly the celestial/Fiendish will not work as he is TN but I'll talk to him about stacking Leadership. He may actually go for that.