View Full Version : Tips/tools of the DM'ing trade

2011-04-04, 04:25 PM
I see a lot of threads with advice on how to DM - styles to use and tips for handling various situations. But not much on the tools/aids DM's use to get the job done at the table. So I'd thought I'd start a thread about little tools and tricks DM's can use to make things run smoother or that make the overall game better.

A few examples from my table -
1) Washable markers. A while ago I was having a hard time finding wet erase markers for my battlemat. I discovered that kid's washable markers work really well and are a whole lot cheaper.

2) Baby wipes. They work fast, dry fast, and don't leak. Keeps you from having to carry around a tiny spray bottle and napkins for cleaning a battlemat.

3) Initiative Wench. Typically I have one of my players keep track of the initiative order for me. This gives me a chance to give a bored player something to do instead of causing trouble or making distractions. Also keeps them from asking when their turn is going to be.

4) Behold the power of the sticky note! Put one on your character sheet to keep track of spells/hp/conditional mods and as a DM put them everywhere for every reason imaginable. Also helpful for passing notes to other characters, and takes up almost exactly 9 squares on the battlemat, meaning it can be an improptu replacement for a huge creature.

Anyone else have any nice tricks they've found to make things work at the table?

some guy
2011-04-04, 05:09 PM
3) Initiative Wench. Typically I have one of my players keep track of the initiative order for me. This gives me a chance to give a bored player something to do instead of causing trouble or making distractions. Also keeps them from asking when their turn is going to be.

I have small cards with the pc's names and a few with skulls or demon faces on them. I place these in initiative order on the table (or other surface). Everyone can see when their turn is coming on!

4) Behold the power of the sticky note! Put one on your character sheet to keep track of spells/hp/conditional mods and as a DM put them everywhere for every reason imaginable. Also helpful for passing notes to other characters, and takes up almost exactly 9 squares on the battlemat, meaning it can be an improptu replacement for a huge creature.

I sometimes draw a small picture and write a description of some rare item on a sticky note and give it to a player.