View Full Version : Barrow of the Forgotten King II

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2011-04-04, 04:54 PM
A few people investigate the sarcophagi as Leera finishes climbing over the rubble. Arianna says a prayer for each of the mummified dead that were disturbed when the lids were removed.

Lazarus goes around the corner and catches a glimpse of movement and dodges as a scimitar tries to disembowel him. The creature misses him and takes a step back over a bedroll on the ground. Once the attack is over, Lazarus can see two enemies in the room. The other one (V2) takes a step away from the wall where he was hiding and out into the middle of the room with his scimitar at the ready.

((post your actions and roll init))

---------- Surprise Round ----------



Old Thread – Barrow of the Forgotten King (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109448)
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109373)

2011-04-05, 02:18 AM
Init - [roll0]

Action - Throw Hammer at v2, [roll1], [roll2]

2011-04-05, 09:03 AM
((Are they alive/humanoid/what do they look like?))
Also a placeholder.

2011-04-05, 12:42 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 26/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will wait until Joh throws his hammer, then move to O-10 as quickly as possible. No other actions. (Her warhammer is still out)


The Bushranger
2011-04-05, 01:25 PM

"Oh, crap," Eileen mutters as the sounds of combat opening are heard, and she hurries to assist.

Cast Shield of Faith
Move to M-9
Init: [roll0]

2011-04-06, 12:03 AM
Lazarus takes to the wall, taking a quick circuitous route, bring the flat of his axe down on V1 and landing on top of one of the closed sarcaphogi. ((L7))

Crit confirmation:[roll1]
Damage (nonlethal):[roll2]

2011-04-06, 06:55 PM
At the opening sounds of combat, Eileen quickly casts shield of faith on herself and maneuvers around the statue and Lazarus.

Joh quickly throws his hammer at the far enemy, but misses by at least a foot. His hammer clatters against the ground and almost slides into the water at the far end of the room.

Lazarus takes a run up the wall, leaps down on his opponent and drops him with one blow of his axe, knocking him unconscious. He attempts to land on one of the bedrolls, but drops prone when he almost twists an ankle on the uneven surface.

Arianna almost takes a step onto the straw, but suddenly catches a glimpse of something else mixed in, caltrops. She almost walked right into a trap. ((DM made spot check))

Daz steadily makes his way around the crack in the floor and towards the enemy.

Leera hangs back, waiting to see what will happen.

V2 takes a few steps forward and attacks the prone Lazarus, slicing down and cutting past his armor and wounding him (dam: 3).


---------- Round 1 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 3)
Arianna 11


2011-04-07, 07:26 PM
Wincing slightly, Lazarus takes great care in getting up, keeping his guard ready against the enemy. ((I'm away from my books, but if I remember you can stand up as a full-round action and not provoke AoO's. He'll also be fighting defensively for a 22 AC.))

The Bushranger
2011-04-09, 01:31 PM
Eileen, meanwhile, doesn't hesitate, but steps forwards, her quarterstaff swinging around at her opponent as she grits her teeth in determination.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage type B: [roll1]

2011-04-09, 03:33 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 26/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna curses under her breathe, then makes her way around, jumping over the crevice again, and making her way as fast as she can to L-9. Unfortunately, this leaves her unable to attack.

2011-04-10, 01:45 AM
Joh carefully makes his way over the small end of the crack and past the statue to move to Eileen's vacant location

2011-04-10, 02:19 PM
Eileen takes a few steps forward to confront the enemy. She swings her quarterstaff around and the enemy ducks underneath and she misses.

Joh carefully moves around the crack and towards the enemy.

Lazarus gingerly stands up to defend himself against the second enemy.

Arianna hops over the crack in the floor and rushes to aid Lazarus.

Daz is waiting for space to open up before moving forward and Leera hangs back, waiting.

V2 turns and attacks Eileen and in return, he misses her as she ducks under his scimitar.


---------- Round 2 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 3)
Arianna 11

V1 (unconscious)

2011-04-10, 03:08 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 26/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna points to the caltrop infested area. Trapped!! she calls out, letting everyone know. Bless Wee Jas for letting me see it. she thinks to herself.

She then moves to M-8 and attempts to lift up V1 and shove it into V2, hopefully forcing him/it/her back.


Not sure what I should roll for this, so I'll roll Str, in case you want it.

2011-04-10, 08:22 PM
Testing his ankle gingerly, Lazarus performs another short semi-circle on the wall, aiming this time for V2 and landing opposite Eileen. ((L5))

Attack:[roll0] (+2 for flanking?)
Crit confirmation:[roll1] (+2?)
Damage (nonlethal):[roll2]

2011-04-11, 09:08 AM
Joh will step forward and cover Arianna defensively

Attack Roll Vs AC 10 to Aid Another - [roll0]

The Bushranger
2011-04-13, 11:34 AM
Gritting her teeth, Eileen nimbly spins her quarterstaff in her hands before swinging it at the enemy's head.
...and having to catch her balance to keep from falling over as she misses.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage type B: [roll1]

2011-04-13, 12:09 PM
Eileen flails with her quarterstaff, feeling off balance from the first miss and missing the second time as well.

Joh takes a step forward to help Arianna fend off the enemy.

Lazarus tests his ankle and finds it should hold up, it’s just a little sore from the misstep. He takes to the walls again and drops down on V2 and drops him with a nonlethal blow.

Arianna finds her action isn’t necessary and Daz and Leera are still on the other side of the room.

After Lazarus sends both enemies into unconsciousness, he hears a growl from the stairway and turns just in time to be attacked. He looks different from the other two, but he’s still a humanoid (goblinoid) body type. He slices down with his scimitar and catches Lazarus in a surprise attack before he leaps back and beyond immediate reach (dam: 6). His two companions are still unconscious.


---------- Round 3 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 9)
Arianna 11

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

The Bushranger
2011-04-13, 12:15 PM
Eileen spins as a new challenger arrives, and actually grins a bit.
"Oh, so the fun was just beginning? Here, have some!" And she steps forwards to attack!

Moving to O5 if she can attack from there, or O4 if not...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-04-15, 01:53 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 26/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will move to L-6, and no further. As I'm certain climbing over the beds will eat up her move.

2011-04-17, 02:49 PM
Feeling the pain, Lazarus drops his axe and draws his bow as he gingerly hops back to a safe distance to administer an ointment to his wounds. ((Oil of CLW's [roll0]))

2011-04-17, 04:40 PM
Eileen flails a few more times with her quarterstaff, completely missing the enemy, but, keeping his attention from the others.

Joh guards over the unconscious enemies on the floor.

Lazarus takes a sideways step closer to the water near the end of the room and applies a little healing.

Arianna climbs/steps over the bedrolls to get closer so she can engage the enemy.

Daz slips around the corner and he’s willing to stand guard with his shortsword out and ready so Joh can get more involved.

Leera is back around the corner and she is reluctant to come out at all.

M1 goes for the target in front of him and attacks Eileen and she barely manages to deflect it with her staff.


---------- Round 4 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

2011-04-19, 11:33 AM
Eileen pull back

Joh will move up to N5 ready to engage when Eileen is clear or when it moves out again

The Bushranger
2011-04-19, 02:30 PM
"What, and prove that I can't hit anything at all?!"

Eileen flails at the creature once more, before stepping back!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage (B): [roll1]

Five-foot step to M4

2011-04-20, 03:46 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 26/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna moves to O-3 and takes a swing at the monster.



2011-04-20, 09:59 AM
Still feeling a bit under the weather, Lazarus stows his axe and draws his bow as a last resort, keeping a careful eye on his companions.

2011-04-20, 10:16 AM
Eileen finally gets in a hit and with a solid thunk of her quarterstaff smacks the enemy. She takes a 5 foot step back and away after that hit.

Joh moves forward to confront the enemy after Eileen moves back.

Lazarus readies his bow.

Arianna moves forward and swings at M1 with her warhammer and barely misses as M1 dodges her attack.

Daz guards the unconscious enemies in the middle of the room and Leera looks around the corner to see what’s happening.

M1 is beginning to feel crowded with everyone trying to get at him at once. He attacks Arianna and makes it through her defenses (dam: 4)


---------- Round 5 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 4)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

2011-04-20, 11:21 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 22/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna takes a 5 foot step to P-3 and takes another strike at it.



2011-04-20, 11:46 AM
Joh will shift around to beside Arianna and strike at the foe


The Bushranger
2011-04-22, 01:19 PM
Grinning savagly at final success, Eileen steps forwards and goes to clout the creature about the head once more with her staff!

Five-foot step to O2.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-04-22, 03:04 PM
Lazarus relaxes a bit as he sees his companions proving more than a match for the enemy. "Idren, try not to kill the unrighteous, let it live if ye can."

2011-04-23, 11:50 AM
Eileen bops the creature on the head with her quarterstaff. ((I really think you meant O3))

Joh sidesteps to attack and he misses M1 by inches as he dodges Joh’s Greatsword.

Lazarus recovers by the back wall, watching his companions fight against the enemy.

Arianna, on the other hand, misses by at least a foot and she takes a small half step forward to compensate for it.

Daz and Leera remain near the back, guarding the rear.

M1 springs to the attack, moving five feet towards Lazarus before attacking Eileen, his scimitar swinging just in front of her face, missing her by a foot before he’s on the move again, and out of their tightening noose. ((no AoOs))

---------- Round 6 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 4)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

2011-04-23, 11:51 AM
((post to fix the page error)) :smalltongue:

2011-04-23, 01:19 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 22/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Running around where Joh is currently standing, Arianna moves to N-7, braving any AoO that may come her way, and attacks.

Wee Jas, show me the evil this beast harbors. ((Detect Evil)).



((Darn!! If only she'd been using her Scimitar or Longsword. You have to get a 20 to critical with a Warhammer. Though, it is x3, when you do. :smallamused:))

2011-04-24, 07:31 AM
Slippery like a eel

Joh Steps back to reach again and thrusts at it


The Bushranger
2011-04-24, 09:07 PM
"Oooh, you're not getting away that easy!" Eileen yells, spinning to charge the creature and attack!
It's...not very effective, as she slips and barely avoids thwacking herself.

Move to N-6
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-04-24, 10:22 PM
Lazarus Lifts his bow, reticent to let fly, but ready to stop the enemy from fleeing.

Readied action to shoot

2011-04-25, 11:21 AM
Eileen quickly moves closer to attack M1, but she slips on a bit of slime and flails wildly with her quarterstaff.

Joh turns and takes a step towards M1 and attacks with his greatsword. He misses by inches again.

Lazarus brings his bow up to fire in case M1 tries to escape.

Arianna rushes into battle, swinging her warhammer. She hits his shoulder with a solid thwack and he growls back at her.

Daz is busy searching the bedrolls and finds some lengths of rope. He looks up to check on the battle.

Leera is still hanging back, indecisive.

M1 presses the fight against Arianna, bringing his scimitar around in a vicious sweep that cuts through her defenses (dam: 4)


---------- Round 7 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 8)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

2011-04-25, 12:54 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 18/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Seeing that the creature is indeed evil, Arianna's eyes glow with power as she summons to her the might of the Goddess. Lend me your power, so that I might smite this creature of evil, and send him to you for just punishment.

She attacks the creature with the might of Wee Jas. ((Smite))



The Bushranger
2011-04-26, 01:14 PM

"Leera! Got anything you can hit this sucker with from range?" Eileen shouts, as she fights to regain her balance, swings with her quarterstaff again, and swears that she will learn some combat spells as soon as she can...

Q-staff. Again!
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-04-30, 04:03 PM
Eileen and Arianna both attack M1. Arianna’s smite hits the creatures armor and slides off, not doing any damage and Eileen misses when M1 is trying to duck Arianna’s attack.

Joh manages to get in a good strike, slicing past M1’s armor and wounding him.

Lazarus is quiet on the sidelines, waiting to see if M1 is trying to escape or not.

Daz turns his attention back to the unconscious enemies and begins tying them up.

Leera yells back that all she has is a sword and nothing for long range.

M1 continues to press the fight against Arianna, turning his scimitar up and swinging once more at her and again wounding her (dam: 4) and trying to push her back and hopefully stumble backwards onto V1.


---------- Round 8 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)

2011-04-30, 08:02 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 14/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Grunting from the pain, Arianna tries to stand her ground.

((Not sure which you want for this, so....))



If she doesn't trip over V1, she'll attack the creature again.



2011-04-30, 08:04 PM
And that's a natural 20, if she stays on her feet.


Don't know why I spelled it Role on the first half. ((The second role/roll was copied/pasted, then edited. :smallyuk:))



2011-05-01, 11:41 AM
Joh will keep hammering (Swording?) at the creature


Leera, be a potential threat from behind it if nothing else

The Bushranger
2011-05-01, 04:10 PM
Eileen sighs, and brings her quarterstaff around once more!


2011-05-02, 08:34 PM
Confident in his companions but feeling slightly unproductive, Lazarus stoops and retrieves a rock, attempting to knock the enemy out.


2011-05-03, 07:40 PM
Eileen flails about with her quarterstaff and misses by at least a foot.

The enemy ducks under Joh’s attack and Lazarus’ rock misses by inches.

Arianna almost stumbles backwards against V1 as M1 tries to push her back, but she comes back swinging and hits him with a resounding thud with her warhammer, dropping him finally.

Daz and Leera are relieved that the enemy is finally down. The other two are tied up by now.

---------- Round 9 ----------

Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

The Bushranger
2011-05-04, 04:19 PM
"...oh, screw it."
Eileen drops her quarterstaff, pulling out a silver dagger!

...then discovers somebody stole her kill...

"...ah. That's that, then."

2011-05-05, 07:22 PM
Eileen pulls out a dagger only to find out the enemy is down and out.

Leera looks around the bend and finds out it's all over. She looks relieved. Daz adds in, Well, these two are securely tied up. What do we want to do with them?


Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

2011-05-05, 11:53 PM
Relaxing, Lazarus sheaths his bow and performs a short rite over the body of the fallen ememy. "Jah Idren," he whispers too low for anyone to hear, Ya would not yield and I and I apologize, be at peace."

"Leave them be," he says turning to face Daz, "they canna harm any of the Righteous, I and I can take them into town later."

The Bushranger
2011-05-05, 11:55 PM
"Leaving potential enemies behind us would be a bad idea, I'd think," Eileen states with a frown. But she looks disinclined to press the point is nobody else agrees with her.

2011-05-08, 09:02 PM
Daz nods, So...leave them here for now as we continue onwards?


Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

2011-05-09, 12:53 AM
If they wake up they hopefully will have learned enough to not come again but as a precaution i think we should remove their weapons and armour from the equation

The Bushranger
2011-05-09, 10:41 PM
"That works for me," Eileen agrees. And she goes to set about the time-honored ritual of looting the bodies, looking especially for ranged weapons to give Leera.

Search: [roll0]

2011-05-10, 01:09 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 14/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna sits down on the bed at L-6, and sighs in relief. She's beginning to get tired. Are we going to untie them before we leave this room? I think we should take them with us. If we find a way out, we can give them to the authorities of the nearest village.

2011-05-12, 06:43 PM
M1 has a potion of something and a potion of cure moderate wounds, masterwork chain shirt, masterwork scimitar, +1 composite shortbow, 17 arrows, 6 silvered arrows, 68 gp and a gold necklace

V1 and V2 each have a potion of cure moderate wounds, masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork scimitars, shortbows with 15 arrows and 22 gp.

The beds on the floor are bedrolls, are you searching those?

2011-05-12, 11:01 PM
Joh will offer the bow and its ammo to leera since she doesn't want to engage in melee

2011-05-13, 05:53 PM
Leera accepts the bow and arrows, stashing them away. She looks around and asks if they're getting out of here yet. She feels nervous and she doesn't really feel like untying the two on the ground. She'd rather leave them as they are.

The Bushranger
2011-05-14, 07:36 PM
"I'm not sure what this potion is, but these are Cure potions. Does anyone need one?" Eileen asks, smiling at Leera as she takes the arrows. "And I'll take the armor if nobody objects..."

2011-05-15, 11:00 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna shakes her head. No, go ahead. She stands and moves to O-4.

As she does, she pulls out her own potion of CLW and takes a drink.


2011-05-16, 10:21 AM
Lazarus raises an arm. "Jah, I still be injured if ye could," he gestures to the scimitar would from the recently dispatched enemy.

2011-05-16, 08:56 PM
Lazarus indicates that he would like a potion and Daz starts checking out the exit. Maybe we're beginning to catch up with them? We found three, no four of them, as Daz includes Leera in that count. It looks like there's a way down here, although it looks like it's covered in water.



Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

The Bushranger
2011-05-16, 09:10 PM

Eileen hands Lazarus a bottle of the potion, and straightens up, looking to Daz as he reports.
"How deep is the water?" she asks, moving to have a look, herself...

Move to P-4.
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-05-16, 09:15 PM
Daz replies, I can't really tell from here, but it looks like the water from up here is flowing down the stairs, it'll be tricky getting down.

2011-05-18, 12:30 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Seven. Arianna corrects, nodding sideways toward Eileen. Plus the two dead in the last room.

She heads to the stairs, and carefully begins to descend.


The Bushranger
2011-05-19, 07:35 PM

Frowning, Eileen nods to Daz and carefully follows Arianna down.

Balance: [roll0]

2011-05-19, 08:50 PM
The air is filled with mist and spray from the nearby waterfall, but you see a slick staircase leading down to a ledge. A cavernous chamber opens to the east, the floor lost in darkness and it looks like someone has built a rope line into the stairs as a way to make the descent easier.

Arianna is the first to take her chances on the slick stairs and lower walkway. She finds the rope attached to the wall (gives a +4 to a balance check) and slowly and carefully starts making her way down. She slips a few times, but manages to remain upright. Eileen is the next one to try her luck. First, she listens and looks around, but she doesn’t see anything unusual. She grabs on to the same rope, but when she steps off the steep stairs, she promptly falls on her butt and she’s in danger of rolling off the small ledge and into the big hole to the right (make a climb check).

((Everyone else that wants to descend after them must make balance checks. Every 5 ft square costs 4 squares of movement))


Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

The Bushranger
2011-05-19, 09:01 PM
Eileen starts down, then shrieks, landing with a thump on her backside.
This is followed by a series of swears that would make a sailor proud. Especially when she notices the hole...

"Well, crap. Can anybody offer me a hand up?" she asks as she tries to rise...

Aid Anothers asked for? :smallsmile:
Climb: [roll0]

2011-05-20, 03:38 AM
ooh this is going to take a while

Joh will help Elieen up if he can without overbalancing himself and wait till they they have made some headway down before carefully starting his way

2011-05-20, 03:31 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will continue to descend the stairs. She would offer Eileen a hand, but she's not sure of her own balance. ((Not sure how many of these I'll need, so....))





2011-05-20, 05:47 PM
Joh carefully makes his way down to Eileen and helps her up without falling into the pit next to them. They both feel unsteady on the stairs, but finally Eileen is up and ready to continue.

Arianna makes it down to K2 and realizes there's a break in the rope attached to the wall. There's a 10 foot stretch where she'll either need to attach a new rope, or try making her way without it.


Eileen 19 (Shield of Faith)
Joh 15
Lazarus 11 (dam: 2)
Arianna 11 (dam: 12)

V1 (unconscious)
V2 (unconscious)
M1 (dead)

2011-05-20, 06:35 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna stops and looks at the break in the rope. Cuthbert's blinding light. she swears under her breath. She looks back up at the others. There's a break in the rope here!! she calls.

She looks to see how much farther down they have to go.

2011-05-22, 10:47 AM
Lazarus follows down, keeping a careful grip on the rope.

He'll move til the break where presumably the others are congregating.
Balance(with +4):[roll0]

2011-05-23, 08:24 PM
Arianna stops at the break in the rope and swears. Lazarus carefully passes Joh and Eileen near the top (although he probably gets really close to them as he passes by) and joins Arianna further down. The break in the rope is about 10 ft long. Daz and Leera are waiting for Eileen and Joh to start moving again before they try the tricky descent.



Lazarus (dam: 2)
Arianna (dam: 12)

2011-05-27, 08:18 AM
Why not use our rope to bridge the gap - although it will mean leaving it here if we come back this way

The Bushranger
2011-05-28, 03:36 AM
Eileen frowns, moving up to join Arianna and Lazarus.
"I suppose we could, I hate to lose good rope but better rope than a life," she points out.

2011-05-30, 05:57 AM
Either Arianna or Lazarus will have to bridge the gap with the rope. They're the ones in front and it would be too difficult for someone else to get by unless everyone retreats back up to the top and you start over in a new order.


Lazarus (dam: 2)
Arianna (dam: 12)

2011-05-30, 12:05 PM
Lazarus pulls out his rope and with a knife cuts off a 12ft. sections, he then slowly secures it to the first end of the gap and carefully proceeds.

Use Rope:[roll0]

2011-05-30, 02:19 PM
Lazarus successfully ties off the rope on the close end and carefully makes his way down to the far end. Once there, he ties off the far end and carefully tests the rope. It seems like it will hold for the rest of the group.

2011-05-30, 02:47 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will be the first to try the new rope, making her way down the watery steps, as carefully as possible.

((Taking 20. Let me know if you need any other rolls. :smallsmile:))

2011-05-31, 09:23 AM
Proud of his handiwork, Lazarus moves the rest of the way, ax at the ready.


2011-05-31, 06:56 PM
Lazarus easily navigates the rest of the way down. Arianna is much slower, but she's relieved when she's finally ready to set foot on drier ground.

Leera is nervously checking behind her at the two they left behind. Daz is patiently waiting for Joh and Eileen to make their way down the slippery path.



Lazarus (dam: 2)
Arianna (dam: 12)

2011-05-31, 06:59 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna carefully looks for a place to sit down, while they wait for the last two.

The Bushranger
2011-06-01, 03:10 PM

Taking a deep breath, Eileen tosses her hair back, gives Leera an encouraging smile, then (after turning away) winces in anticipation as she edges out onto the rope...

(And...take 20!)

2011-06-01, 05:32 PM
If Arianna goes down a bit farther, there's a better spot to sit and wait.

Eileen is the next to test out the waters. She gingerly makes her way down, holding tightly to the rope and although she slips a few times, she manages to recover and make her way to the end.


Lazarus (dam: 2)
Arianna (dam: 12)

2011-06-01, 09:08 PM
Joh will wait till there is a decent gap before tanking (20) his upmost care to follow

The Bushranger
2011-06-04, 05:20 PM
Eileen takes a moment to catch her breath, and looks back to the others to see if they possibly need any help.

2011-06-04, 07:51 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna moves to O-13 and waits.

2011-06-04, 07:57 PM
Joh makes it about halfway when...

So many visitors this day, cries the waterfall in a gravelly baritone. But no, the voice belongs to a ruggedly handsome man who steps from the falls clad in a shirt of shimmering mail. His silvery hair isn't wet, but it cascades over his shoulders in ringlets. A trim beard rounds out his face, accented by a silver chain around his neck from which hangs a pendant shaped like an acorn. Silvery bladed axes hang from a shining belt. His intense eyes are placid pools of blue and white, and he fixes a grim gaze on you, his jaw set. Tell me, why came you here?

((Post your actions and init (if you plan on fighting)))

2011-06-05, 09:44 AM
Lazarus bows to the man, perceiving him as a sort of water spirit. "Jah sir, I and I the everliving come to stop they who awake the envious and profane the resting grounds."


2011-06-05, 02:00 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna stands back up as quick as she can. She stays behind Lazarus, letting him do the talking.

But her hand rests on her Warhammer, ready to pull it out, in case it is needed.


2011-06-06, 04:44 PM
Lazarus steps forward and speaks for the party and himself. He listens carefully and responds, Listen, evil ones have preceded you into the tomb, where they will certainly be destroyed. The Betrayer is compelled to slay them, if the foul creature in the next room does not. Who has gone ahead, you say? Well, I have a friendly wager..."

Leera and Daz are still standing on the steps at the top and Joh is half way down.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

The Bushranger
2011-06-07, 09:33 AM
Eileen's hand drops to her weapon as the man appears, but she makes no move to draw it. Looking back to Leera and Daz as he and Lazarus speak, she motions for them to join them.

2011-06-07, 09:47 AM
Lazarus tilts his head, not fully understanding, Sir, the Righteous have no need for tricks and gambles, I and I's path is set, but will ye assist I and I against the intruders?"

2011-06-07, 06:29 PM
He tilts his head to one side, as if considering Lazarus, No? You do not wish a friendly wager and a wrestling match for the information you seek? You win and I will tell you what I know? If I win...hm...

Daz and Leera are trapped at the top for the moment, the way is currently blocked. Joh is closest to the creature.



Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

2011-06-08, 09:08 AM
"If I lose?" Lazarus lets the phrase hang. "Sir, I and I must stop the intruders, I and I'll gladly wrestle, but then I and I must proceed."

2011-06-08, 09:38 AM
Joh will carefully continue down to make way

2011-06-08, 07:25 PM
Joh slowly makes his way down the rest of the way and makes it safely down to Lazarus and the rest.

If you lose, what will you be on the outcome of this match? It seems he's looking forward to the test of strength. I'll even give you the advantage of dry ground. He grins at that last statement.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

2011-06-11, 07:10 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna studies the creature before them ((Detect Evil)), then turns to Lazarus. Are you sure you want to do this? she whispers to him, worry in her voice.

2011-06-12, 02:50 AM
"Sir, I and I canna take the risk, I or another will wrestle but can ye not help I and I first?" Lazarus asks, his voice free of any pleading tones, strangely nonchalant. ((Anyone want to step in with a diplomacy check? It's not really Lazarus' strong point.))

2011-06-12, 03:05 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Then she adds, I sense no evil from him.

She steps closer to the water...... elemental? And what do you want in return, if Lazarus should lose?

2011-06-12, 06:14 PM
He shakes his head, Will you not wrestle with me. A fair trade, if you win, I will tell you about the path ahead, if you lose, what will you trade to me? He hasn't moved away from the waterfall yet, waiting to see if Lazarus will take him up on his offer or not.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

2011-06-12, 06:32 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna looks to the others. She's not sure what would be a fair trade. I have.... a sword? Armor?

2011-06-12, 06:34 PM
He looks disappointed at the offers.

So you know, he's wearing a chain shirt, carries a silvered battleaxe, silvered handaxe and he's wearing a fancy belt of some kind. Around his neck he has a silver necklace and a holy symbol.

2011-06-13, 01:08 AM
Lazarus removes a finely crafted punching dagger from his pack, a family heirloom but not one that saw much use. Its polished silver blade shows a grae vine motif and its brass covered handle is covered in carved flames. "This perhaps?" he asks. ((It's masterwork))

2011-06-14, 06:04 PM
His frown turns into a smile at the sight of the dagger, That will work. He divests himself of his armor and his weapons. Lazarus does the same and the silver haired man descends to where Lazarus is. He'll wrestle him on dry ground and on the wider part of the ledge. Once he's down, Lazarus motions for the others to get out of the way. ((and I'm sure you do))

Lazarus and the silver haired man circle cautiously around each other, testing, feinting until they close and get down to the business of wrestling. At first it looks like the silver haired man is getting the upper hand, then Lazarus and it looks like they're pretty evenly matched. But, at the end, Lazarus finally gets the upper hand and his opponent acknowledges his defeat as he's pinned by Lazarus. They both separate and sit for a moment to catch their breath and Sigur holds out one hand and shakes Lazarus' hand. They exchange greetings. Finally Sigur and Lazarus stand up and Sigur will greet the others and tell them his name. He seems pleased by the outcome of the fight.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

The Bushranger
2011-06-16, 07:54 PM
Eileen Thorsson

Eileen watches the goings-on warily, noting the holy symbol the man carries with interest. The fight seems to almost bore her, though...but she politely introduces herself when Sigur gives his name.

Knowledge (Religion): [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2011-06-18, 12:42 PM
Eileen realizes that Sigur is a cleric of Obad-Hai, and he seems to be sincere.

Leera and Daz cautiously make their way down the watery stairs. Leera almost slips once or twice, but Daz helps her and they make it down safely.

Sigur nods once or twice and he's polite to everyone. The evil ones are still ahead of you and there is a tomb spider in one of the chambers beyond, it has learned I wish it ill and it comes and goes in the night. I can't watch this way in my sleep. My duty is to guard these falls and is more important than risking my life driving it from the tomb. Still, it's an abomination, and it must be destroyed. Weapons touched by virtue can harm the spider most easily. The tomb spider's bite is poisonous, and if you're bitten then cure spells will have an opposite reaction and will be harmful. Beyond even that, is the Betrayer. I have only seen a glimpse of him. He is far to powerful for me to take on.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

The Bushranger
2011-06-18, 01:38 PM
Eileen Thorsson

Eileen nods respectfully to her fellow holy warrior, and listens intently to his words.
"It sounds like a distinct challenge, then. What more do you know of this Betrayer, what is it that makes him so powerful?"

2011-06-18, 04:51 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna nods in appreciation. Thank you for this information. Will it be safe to rest hear for a moment? I would like to take this tomb spider on fully rested. Without waiting for his answer, she leans against the wall and slowly, carefully lets herself slide down it. Why are you guarding the falls, if I may ask?

2011-06-19, 12:51 PM
To rest would be good

2011-06-19, 03:19 PM
Sigur smiles and steps backwards up the stairs until he is back in the water. I guard this waterfall, it is my duty and my life. As for the Betrayer, I know little. I know that I cannot defeat him, but perhaps you will. As for resting here, I foresee one problem, the prisoners you left in the previous room, when will they wake up? Or get each other untied? Will they seek revenge on you for defeating them?


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

2011-06-19, 05:35 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna looks up the watery stairs. We'll have set guard throughout the night.

Leera and I will take first watch. Lazarus, you and Eileen take second. Daz and Joh on third.

The Bushranger
2011-06-20, 08:30 PM

Eileen decides not to comment on a 'I told you so' with regards to the advisibility of leaving live enemies at their backs. But merely nods in agreement with the suggested watch order.

2011-06-22, 07:50 PM
No one seems to object to the watch order:

1st - Leera and Arianna
2nd - Lazarus and Eileen
3rd - Daz and Joh

Everyone make your spot and listen checks for the night.


Arianna 19 (dam: 12)
Lazarus 9 (dam: 2)

2011-06-23, 12:51 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Lazarus, before you lay down, do you think you can retrieve the last length of rope? Or would it be too risky?

Arianna places the sunrod down someplace where a the glow will keep some of the area lighted, but allow for a little darkness where the others are sleeping.

Leera, watch the door. She points toward the opening. I'll keep an eye out on the waterfall.


The Bushranger
2011-06-23, 06:24 PM
Eileen Thorsson

Eileen, when her turn in the nightly watch comes, nods to Leera and Arianna before assuming a watchful position, resting her chin on her quarterstaff.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-06-24, 12:41 AM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Joh will go through his weapon practice while keeping a wary eye on the fall and the surrounds

2011-06-25, 05:09 PM
Sigur retrieves their section of rope. He moves easily over the slick steps. He'll hand the rope over to Lazarus.

Night watches are set up, people stand at the bottom, keeping eyes on the top and the bottom areas. Very little is heard over the sound of the falls that Sigur lives in. A mostly restful period passes for everyone and all feel better when they wake up and eat a bit of trail food for breakfast.


Arianna 19 (dam: 1)
Lazarus 9

The Bushranger
2011-06-27, 11:06 AM
Eileen relaxes a little as the end of the night passes, and quietly consumes her trail mix, looking thoughtful.

2011-06-27, 08:50 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna sits down with Eileen and eats some trail rations also. She smiles to the other woman. Are you ready for this? I have to admit, I'm a little worried about this upcoming battle. But, at least we know something of what we are going up against.

((wxDruid, Arianna healed 7 points (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10995275&postcount=59) earlier. So she should only be at -1 dam. :smallsmile:))

2011-06-29, 06:01 PM
Sigur won't appear again unless someone calls his name.

No one has seen anything exciting overnight, seems the creatures they left tied up upstairs, decided that it wasn't worth it or weren't interested in coming down this way. The doors at the bottom (where the group is) are closed. And now that you have time to look at it, the door is engraved with a coat of arms containing a crown, a scepter, and a dragon rampant. The door is, however, cracked and broken on its upper corner.


Arianna 19 (dam: 1)
Lazarus 9

The Bushranger
2011-07-01, 12:40 AM

"Honestly? I'm not sure I'm ready for it. But I suppose I'm as ready as I'm going to be, so there's no point in holding back," Eileen admits, managing a return smile to Arianna. "No shame in worrying, though - it helps keep us alive."

She eyes the door with only modest interest...

2011-07-01, 08:58 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna looks around to be sure that everyone else is also ready. Joh and I will take the lead. Lazarus and Daz, you take the rear.

She then heads for the door, and waits for the others to join her. Be ready. she says, hefting her warhammer.

2011-07-01, 06:09 PM
Daz and Lazarus nod as they take up guard positions at the rear of the group.

Arianna cautiously opens the door and dust chokes the air in this large, open room. Webs cover the walls, but you can see the gleam of their glasslike surfaces a few clear patches. The webs also blanket the walls to the south and cover the large statue in the center of the room. You can barely make out the feathers - it appears to be a man sitting on a throne. The tracks of humanoids are apparent, leading from the door deeper into the chamber.

((make spot and listen checks and since you already know they're here somewhere, make init rolls))


((The dashed area on the map indicates a balcony))


Arianna (dam: 1)

2011-07-02, 11:40 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna takes a 5-foot step further into the room (D-2). She readies her Warhammer to attack if an enemy comes within range.

She scans the room, trying to see through the spine-tingling web-threads. Dear Mother Wee-Jas, give me strength, so that I may protect my companions.


2011-07-02, 11:41 AM
Joh will advance to beside Arianna.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Init [roll2]

The Bushranger
2011-07-03, 11:25 AM

In the middle of the group, Eileen follows Arianna and Joh into the room. A tight grip on her quarterstaff, as she softly rubs her own holy symbol.
"We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass," she whispers, scanning the room, fully alert.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Init: [roll2]

2011-07-05, 07:26 PM
Arianna looks up and thinks she spots something on the balcony, but it’s hard to tell, the webs go from floor to ceiling and cover everything.

But, before she can do anything else, a swarm of bright red, fist-sized spiders boils out of the webs, rushing toward the group near the doorway. Lazarus, Daz and Leera are still on the other side of the doorway.


((The dashed area on the map indicates a balcony))

---------- Spiders! ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 1)
Eileen 8
Joh 5

The Bushranger
2011-07-07, 05:33 PM

"...spiders. Why'd it have to be spiders?!" Eileen asks rhetorically, scowling and swinging her quarterstaff around to bat at the Red Spiders (:smalleek:).


2011-07-10, 08:44 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

((I forgot Arianna can casts spells. If I'd remembered, I would have had her prepare a Bless spell for the coming battle.))

If allowed, Arianna will pray to the Goddess Wee Jas to be granted her and her companions the blessing of the Death Goddess to help protect them from harm. ((Arianna and Allies within 50 ft get a +1 bonus to atttacks and saves vs. Fear.))

If not, Arianna will attack the nasty red spiders.



2011-07-11, 07:02 PM
Arianna successful casts the spell last round, giving everyone around her the benefit of bless. Once that’s complete, she does her best to smash the spiders, but they seem to scatter from away from her weapon

Eileen swings her quarterstaff around and manages to smash a few of the tiny spiders and clear some of the webbing.

Joh hangs back for a moment

Lazarus comes from behind for an attack, but his greataxe skitters across the floor, scraping up webbing and missing the spiders.

Daz is equally unsuccessful as he comes around the other side and tries to attack with his shortsword.

Leera is hanging back for a moment, waiting for the doorway to clear up a little and she’s really not looking forward to seeing these spiders.

The swarm of spiders crawls forward and over, under, into Eileen, Daz and Lazarus’ space and they crawl and bite all over them. Eileen is the only one to get bit this round ((make a Fort Save or be poisoned))

((all make Fort saves (DC 13) or be nauseated))


---------- Round 1 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 1, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1)
Joh 5 (Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (Bless-attacks +1)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)

2011-07-12, 02:51 AM
Ugh, um why not pull back and torch the webs if we can that should burn them out.

Joh will take a stab at the nearest target





2011-07-13, 09:45 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Does anyone have a torch!? Arianna puts into words, what Joh was thinking. She then continues her attack on the menacing red spiders.




The Bushranger
2011-07-17, 05:35 PM

"I have one!" Eileen calls, stumbling back from the spiders and wildly swinging her staff at them once more, even as she feels their poison bite sapping her strength...

Full move away, if she can

2011-07-17, 07:19 PM
Arianna, Eileen, Joh, Lazarus and Daz are not nauseated by the spider swarm. Leera fails the nauseating effects from the swarm. Eileen fails her save against the poison, but it doesn’t affect her the way she thinks it does.

Arianna attacks the spiders again, again the spiders scurry out of her way.

Eileen swipes at the spiders and misses this time. She takes a step back and toward Leera.

Joh manages to hit a dense grouping of the spider swarm, but it doesn’t seem to do as much damage as he thought.

Lazarus takes a step back and attacks the swarm around him, but he misses as well.

Daz takes another swipe and is still unsuccessful. This swarm is tough to hit and even harder to wound with slashing weapons.

Leera takes an involuntary step backwards and pukes out her guts.

The swarm moves forward to leave Lazarus behind and engulf Joh along with Eileen and Daz. The tiny spiders swarm and attack, trying to get into every crevice. This time Joh and Daz are bitten as the tiny spiders crawl underneath their armor and bite down. ((Joh make a fort save))

((nauseated: unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate. only allowed single move action per turn))


---------- Round 2 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 1, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)

2011-07-17, 08:17 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Eileen, torch the webs!! Arianna shouts as she once again tries to land a blow against the swarm.



The Bushranger
2011-07-20, 06:43 PM

"On it, cover me while I light it off!" Eileen calls, pulling a torch from her pack, and then setting about lighting the thing, the better to burn spidders with!

2011-07-21, 12:36 AM
Joh will attack any that try to get to Eileen

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-07-23, 07:18 PM
Arianna and Joh both miss hitting any spiders in the swarm. Eileen takes another step away and gets out a torch and is in the process of getting it lit.

Lazarus is about to attack the swarm when a human-shaped creature wrapped in webs shambles out from behind the web-shrouded statue. Its skin ripples as if many tiny creatures squirm inside and through the openings in the wrappings, Lazarus spots flashes of red. He turns and takes on the mummy looking thing. He strikes a serious blow with his greataxe and barely manages to yank it free of the creature.

Daz manages to slice a few of them up with his short sword.

Leera helps Eileen light the torch, by the next round, they manage to get it smoldering.

The spider swarm attacks Joh and Daz this round, they crawl all over them, but don’t find any good places to bite them.

The mummy thing slam attacks Lazarus in return and he feels the strong force behind the blow as he staggers for a moment (dam: 12)

---------- Round 3 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 1, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S
Mummy - W

The Bushranger
2011-07-26, 05:51 PM
Eileen gives Leera a grateful smile for her help, before straightening with the smouldering torch, swinging it into the webbing to attempt to catch it on fire.
"Everyone look out for burning webs!"

2011-07-27, 06:31 PM
Everyone else crowds back into the water room and Eileen takes a step forward and starts lighting the webs on fire. It's a slow process and she can only clear 3 ft squares in one round. The tiny spiders hesitate at the smell and feel of fire as it begins to consume the webs.

---------- Round 4 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 1, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S
Mummy - W

2011-07-27, 11:21 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 25/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will watch for anything coming after Eileen, especially the web-mummy. She'll attack anything that comes close enough.

Otherwise, she'll hold back and let the fire hopefully clear a path into the room, and maybe clean it of the nasty webs.

It's too bad they don't have a mage of some kind. :smallfrown:



The Bushranger
2011-07-29, 05:10 PM
Eileen grins at the spiders as she continues waving her torch around at the webs.
"Hey, there, you like that don't you? That's fire, arachnid-breath! Come and take a piece of it! I love the smell of burning cobwebs in the morning!"

2011-07-30, 07:33 PM
Arianna and Eileen advance together. Lazarus is right behind them. As Eileen advances, the mummy looking creature starts coming her way and Arianna steps up to attack. She swings her warhammer and misses.

Lazarus comes around the other side and he misses as well.

Joh, Daz and Leera are behind the others, and they slowly move into the cleared area behind Eileen.

The spiders go around the flames to swarm over her companions, but they’re still searching for a searching for a way to get through their armor.

The mummy creature attacks Arianna, the person in front of him and slams her, staggering her with the blow (dam: 14)


---------- Round 5 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 15, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S
Mummy - W

2011-07-31, 03:48 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna lays a hand on her hip to heal herself a little (Lay on Hands: +5 HP), and take a five foot step out of the way to E-2.

2011-07-31, 10:48 AM
Joh will step forward into the space that Arianna left to at Slice at the thing

Attack (Mountain Hammer) [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

- Ignores DR and Hardness

2011-08-01, 10:17 PM
Staggered from the blow, but seeing the need to dispatch the mummy, Lazarus takes to the wall, not hesitating to bring the edge of his axe to bear on the monster.

Battle jumping via H3, landing in G4.

The Bushranger
2011-08-09, 01:11 AM
Eileen grits her teeth, wanting more than anything to attack the mummy - but keeps up with her work of clearing the webs.

With cleansing fire!

2011-08-09, 03:15 PM
Arianna takes a step back from the enemy and heals herself.

Eileen takes slow steps forward as she continues to set the old webbing on fire.

Joh takes a step towards the swarm and attacks with his greatsword. He manages to slice through a few of the tiny spiders.

Lazarus rebounds off the wall and attacks the mummy on the way down. He slices the monster into two pieces, freeing the smaller spiders inside the mummy.

Daz brings around his short sword and clears a few more of the tiny spiders off Joh.

Leera attempts to finish the job, but she misses.

The tiny spiders crawl over Joh, Leera and Daz and attempt to bite them, but they don’t find any chinks in their armor.

The mummy is dead…and a swarm of tiny spiders is emerging from the corpse. ((They will expand outward and attack next round))


---------- Round 6 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

((Back from GenCon))

The Bushranger
2011-08-11, 01:20 PM
Eileen continues working on burning up all the webs she can find, looking back over her shoulder - and wincing at the spiders emerging from the mummy's corpse.
"Stomp them, stomp them now! Do you need me to set them on fire too?"

2011-08-11, 05:28 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna begins stomping at the spiders, and will try to slap any that are already crawling on anyone also.


Not sure what the damage would be. :smallconfused:

2011-08-13, 05:28 PM
Not wanting to harm natural life, despite the seemingly malignant consciousness motivating it, Lazarus attempts to sweep the spiders into a crack with his great-axe. ((I have no idea if this will be remotely productive or what kind of rolls it would involve. :/)

2011-08-15, 12:25 PM
Stamp stamp stamp


2011-08-15, 06:26 PM
Arianna stomps and slaps at the spider swarm but she doesn’t seem to be hitting many of them.

Eileen cautiously moves around the statue, burning webs as she goes, trying to get behind the emerging swarm.

Joh follows her example and stomps and slaps at the spiders around him.

Lazarus tries to use his axe to sweep them past him and towards the wall. They don’t seem to be interested in going that way and swarm him instead.

Daz and Leera are both miserable as they try and rid themselves of the remainder of the first swarm.

The remnants of the first swarm try to bite Leera, Daz and Joh, but they only manage to bite Leera, she starts trying to swat them harder.

The second spider swarm, attacks Lazarus, trying to find a way to bite him, but they don’t succeed yet.


---------- Round 7 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

2011-08-16, 02:49 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Eileen, don't get so far ahead of us.

Arianna says, as she continues to try to stomp the swarming spiders.


2011-08-16, 11:25 AM
Giving up on peacefully leaving the spiders, Lazarus seeks to disentangle himself from them and begins stomping. ((5ft. step to G-4))


The Bushranger
2011-08-16, 08:43 PM
Hearing Arianna's call, Eileen doubles back (turning to her left to do so), continuing to wave her torch at the spiders' webs and stomping the spiders whenever she can!


2011-08-20, 04:05 PM
Arianna manages to stomp out the remainder of the first swarm.

Eileen continues around the statue, burning webs as she meets up with her allies again.

Joh swats and stomps ineffectively at the swarm over Lazarus.

Lazarus does the same and manages to crush some of them under his boots.

Daz and Leera each take a step forward and start swatting and stomping at the swarm around Lazarus.

The swarm moves to attack more of the group (Lazarus, Joh, Leera) and although the spiders swarm over them, they haven't found a weak spot to bite yet.

---------- Round 8 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

2011-08-21, 10:26 AM
Lazarus frantically brushes off the spiders while stomping the ones still on the ground.


2011-08-21, 11:20 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will continue her spider stomping way, hopefully.


She'll take a five foot step toward the inside again (E-3).

The Bushranger
2011-08-22, 12:14 AM
Eileen continues stomping spiders while jabbing her torch at any webs she can find!

Attacking Spiders: [roll0]

2011-08-26, 11:32 AM
Everyone is busy stomping spiders, they skitter and scatter before the heavy pairs of boots coming for them and sometimes it seems to work and sometimes they scatter in time. Arianna takes a step towards the balcony and Eileen is still busy burning webs as she stomps.

The spiders continue to swarm over Leera, Daz and Joh, but only succeed in biting Leera, she muffles a shriek as she continues to try and kill them.

---------- Round 9 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

2011-08-27, 03:29 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna is going to start looking for the next danger. There has to be something more than mummy-spiders.


While continuing to stomp.

Attack: [roll1] I made the roll visible, in case you want to make the negative bigger, for not really watching where she stomps.

2011-08-29, 03:45 PM
Regretfully, Lazarus continues to stomp spiders.


The Bushranger
2011-08-29, 05:09 PM
Eileen moves closer to Leera, helping the girl with spider-stomping as she continues to burninate the webs.


2011-08-29, 09:11 PM
Joh keeps stomping

2011-09-01, 05:24 PM
Stomp stomp stomp and burn burn burn, the battle continues til the spiders are smashed and crushed and more webs are burnt and the spiders can't seem to find a spot to bite anyone. Arianna takes a closer look under the balcony, but sees only more and more webs from floor to ceiling.

Eileen has succeeded in clearing webs in the area around the statue and the doorway.

The black outline gives an idea of where the webs have been burned away.

---------- Round 10 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

The Bushranger
2011-09-01, 05:59 PM
Eileen takes a deep breath as the last of the spiders makes a very satisfying crunch under her boots!
She looks around for any further targets, then looks at the others.
"Does anybody need any healing?" she asks.

2011-09-04, 09:53 PM
No one responds very quickly to her question, seems they're too busy looking around at the parts of the room they can see. ((make spot, listen and search (if you plan on searching) checks))

---------- Round 10 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2

2011-09-04, 11:52 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna heads to 7-H, unless something else catches her eye.



Eileen, let's search over here, please. And, I could use some healing, thank you. she says, a little embarrassed she didn't respond when first asked.

If she can reach 7-H without stopping, she'll begin searching.


2011-09-05, 01:13 AM
Im only a bit scratched but thanks anyway

Search [roll0]

Stomp [roll1]

2011-09-05, 09:21 AM
"Jah Sister," Lazarus says, feeling his cracked ribs, "I's body took some hits."

2011-09-06, 09:30 AM
Arianna pauses at F-5, suddenly remembering something. Wait! Eileen, don't heal anyone who's been bit by one of those spiders. Remember what the guardian said? Healing may do more bad than good at this point.

The Bushranger
2011-09-08, 01:09 AM
Eileen nods to Arianna and Lazarus, stepping torwards the latter first, already raising her hand to cast when Arianna's words cause her to freeze.
"What? Oh..." she says as she remembers. "Well, that sucks. Were you bitten?" she asks Lazarus, ready to apply the healing if not.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2011-09-08, 01:07 PM
Nothing else catches Arianna's eye, so she wanders toward the far corner where Eileen has already burned the webs. She can barely see into the smaller corner. It looks like there are several sarcophagi and it looks like they don't have lids, the webbing is thicker in the middle of each one.

Joh looks around as he stomps a few bugs. There's a statue in the middle of the room and a balcony overhanging the lower room on one side. There is also a staircase going up to the balcony.

Leera and Daz relax a little and look around. Leera in particular is glad that the mini spiders are gone. The webs around the edges of the area continue to slowly burn outward.

---------- Round 11 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 12, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2 - dead

2011-09-08, 08:02 PM
Lazarus shakes his head, "Nah sister, just bashed and battered."

The Bushranger
2011-09-12, 12:01 PM
Eileen nods, and takes a deep breath before casting a healing spell on Lazarus.
"Find anything yet?" she calls to Arianna, preparing to join the other woman in her search.

2011-09-15, 10:58 AM
Eileen casts a CLW on Lazarus and heals up most of the damage from the mummy attack.

---------- Round 12 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 10, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2 - dead

2011-09-15, 05:17 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 16/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna continues on to 7-H, to continue her search of the tombs. If you can, Eileen, I could use a little healing also. I was hit by the mummy, not bitten, yet.




The Bushranger
2011-09-17, 05:09 PM

Eileen nods, stepping over torwards Arianna and casting her healing spell once more on the other woman. "I can only cast one more spell of that type today," she cautions, as she joins in the search.

CLW: [roll0]

Spot: [roll1]
Listen: [roll2]
Search: [roll3]

2011-09-17, 09:51 PM
Joh continues to poke around, clearing any webs with his sword

Search [roll0]

2011-09-19, 10:56 AM
Arianna searches around and finds little, just lots of old cobwebs.

Eileen joins her and heals her a little and joins in the search. She finds more of the same, old cobwebs in this corner. She can continue to burn them away.

Joh attempts to clear cobwebs with his sword and soon his sword is gunked up webs.

Daz and Leera reluctantly join in the search, but they're staying away from the balcony.

Lazarus stops to look at the statue. It appears to be a statue of a king on a throne. It bears some resemblance to the statue of the king on the hill outside. Although when he takes a closer look he realizes that the hands and feet are shackled to the throne.


---------- Round 13 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 5, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Spiders - S - dead
Mummy – W – More Dead
Spiders – S2 - dead

2011-09-20, 08:00 AM
Upon noticing the statue's change, Lazarus takes a closer look.

He'll take 20 if no one minds, otherwise

2011-09-20, 11:18 AM
Lazarus takes a closer look at the statue, it bears a resemblance to the statue outside, but there are enough differences that Lazarus can tell it isn't the same person. The shackles are made out of stone like the rest of the statue.

From above a spider as large as a horse appears on the balcony and throws a web at Joh and traps him in webbing. ((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low balcony around the edge))


---------- Round 14 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 5, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-09-20, 11:08 PM

Str Check to break free [roll0]

2011-09-21, 02:03 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna turns at the sound of Joh being webbed, and may I assume that she sees the Spider in the Balcony?

If not, here's a Spot roll to attempt it.

If she spots the danger, she will move to C-11, ready to climb up the stairs and attack the creature.

If she doesn't, she'll go to Joh's aid and try to free him.

The Bushranger
2011-09-23, 01:17 AM

At the sudden cry, Eileen spins around, and gasps as she sees her companion caught!
"Don't go near the balcony!" she calls out, trying to get a better bead on the spider!

(Spot: [roll0] chcking for more spiders)

2011-10-01, 06:14 PM
Arianna spots the spider on the balcony and moves quickly through the cleared area, then the going gets harder when she reaches the stairs.

Eileen hastily looks around to see if there are any more spiders, but she only spots the one on the balcony.

Joh fails to break free from the fresh webbing.

Lazarus is still looking at the statue.

Daz is quick to follow Arianna towards the stairs and up. He has his shortsword out.

Leera is a bit slower and moves along the back wall towards the crypts. She's going around the long way and trying to avoid getting webbed.

The giant spider takes aim at Daz and fires off a web, enveloping him in the sticky strands. He starts to struggle against the webbing.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 15 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 5, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-10-04, 08:10 AM
Finally coming to, Lazarus notices the spider and moves into position to attack. ((C2))

2011-10-05, 09:21 PM
Joh continues to struggle with the webbing trying to break free.

Str Check [roll0]

2011-10-05, 09:35 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will try to make her way closer to the spider, fighting against the webbing that is holding her back.


The Bushranger
2011-10-06, 12:39 AM
Eileen hangs back, cursing herself for not having any ranged weapons, aside from her dagger, and she can't throw it far enough...

"Anyone got a spare bow?" she calls.

2011-10-07, 08:08 PM
Arianna makes very little progress as she tries to climb the stairs.

Eileen hangs back for a moment and asks if anyone else has a good bow she can borrow. Both Daz and Leera answer that they don't have one.

Joh still struggles with escaping from the webbing. He's not making much progress.

Lazarus quickly moves opposite Arianna on the opposite side of the balcony.

Daz starts the struggle with the webbing he was encased in, he's finding it hard to escape.

Leera continues to make her way around the edges of the room towards the stairs and Arianna.

The spider stares at the enemy with wary eyes and attempts to throw a web at Arianna, but for the first time in the fight misses the target.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 16 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 5, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)/webbed
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-10-10, 06:38 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 21/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna struggles against the webbing, trying to force her way through and to the spider.


If she can break free, she'll try to get even closer to the spider, as fast as she can.

2011-10-11, 03:54 PM
Lazarus takes to the wall, running up past the balcony to the ceiling ((Activating a burst of speed if necessary)), and then drops on the unnatural insect.


The Bushranger
2011-10-14, 03:46 AM

Swearing roundly, Eileen takes a tight grip on her quarterstaff, and rushes torwards the spider!

Straight forwards full movement, if possible...

2011-10-17, 05:46 PM
Arianna struggles through the fresher webbing on the stairs and balcony, but she makes it close enough to attack next round.

Eileen heads full tilt towards the stairs and suddenly slows down, she has to struggle to make it any further, the webbing strands catch on her hair and clothes.

Joh finally manages to break free from the webbing, his struggles have slowly been loosening the binding around him.

Lazarus takes the easy way up the mostly cleared walls on the side, but the balcony is a bit different and he'll have to struggle through the webbing there to get to the spider.

Daz makes it free from his webbing and he'll advance next round.

Leera stays behind Eileen, she's reluctant to face the spider.

The spider viciously attacks Arianna, biting her on the arm ((dam: 12 and make a Fort save))

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 17 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-10-17, 06:10 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas


Arianna screams out in pain as the Giant Spider sinks its deadly fangs into her arm. With determination in her eyes, she strikes out against the beast. In the name of Wee Jas, I Smite thee!!

[roll1] ((+2 for Charisma))

[roll2] ((+4 for Level))

2011-10-17, 10:39 PM
Unexpectedly landing in webbing, Lazarus attempts to free himself from the sticky strands, and in the meantime draws his bow to shoot it.

Strength:[roll0] (Not sure if Bless gives another +1 here)
Crit confirmation:[roll2]

The Bushranger
2011-10-19, 09:27 PM
Eileen grits her teeth, struggling against the webbing!

(Escape Artist, [roll0])

2011-10-20, 10:25 PM
Arianna shakes off the poison in the bite. She retaliates by smiting the spider and denting in one side of the main body.

Eileen follows Arianna and struggles against the webbing, she doesn't make it very far.

Joh finally make it free and pulls of the sticky strands of webbing.

Lazarus finds himself in a bind and manages to pull out his bow and shoots the spider.

Daz is wishing he had a ranged weapon and Leera starts helping Eileen with the sticky webbing on the stairs. She doesn't make much progress, but Eileen makes it up one more stair.

The spider takes on the closest opponent and attacks Arianna again, aiming for another bite, this time the fangs slide off her armor.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 17 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-10-22, 07:41 AM
Joh will make his way to the stairs and try to get up to where he can assist in combat

2011-10-22, 01:27 PM
Lazarus continues to struggle while firing off another shot.

Escape Artist:[roll0]
Crit confirmation:[roll2]

2011-10-22, 01:52 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

With a grunt, Arianna strikes out at the ugly spider again.

((Using Power Attack to subtract 2 from Attack, and add 2 to Damage.))



The Bushranger
2011-10-23, 06:14 PM
Eileen once again fights against the webbing, determined to get close enough to aid her companions!

(EA, [roll0])

2011-10-23, 08:34 PM
Arianna strikes a telling blow on the spider, wounding her a bit more.

Eileen is still struggling to get up the stairs along with Joh, Daz and Leera.

Lazarus still doesn't make it free, but he does get in another shot and wounds the spider again.

The spider retreats away from Arianna (Arianna gets AoO) and goes up and away into the webbing. Lazarus can still see where the spider is, but it is harder to reach the spider from the balcony (spider is now 10ft off the floor).

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 18 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-10-23, 08:56 PM
Lazarus continues to stuggle while sending off another shot.

Escape Artist:[roll0]
Crit confirmation:[roll2]

2011-10-24, 01:04 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

When the Giant Spider turns to run, Ariana swiftly takes another shot at it's retreating hide.



Being only 5'6", Arianna is going to have to make one hell of a jump to sink her axe into the monster after it retreats up into the webbing.

Instead of doing something that stupid, she instead goes into total defense, adding +4 to her AC (= 19).

The Bushranger
2011-10-26, 10:00 PM
Eileen, meanwhile, continues fighting her way through the webbing - and turning the air blue around her from the stream of curses at said webbing...

(EA [roll0])

2011-10-26, 10:31 PM
Arianna misses as the spider gets out of reach just in time. Since she can't directly attack, she goes into defense mode.

Eileen is still struggling on the stairs with the others behind her. She isn't moving far at all. Joh and Leera are behind her and Leera is helping her, but it's hard to advance through the sticky webs.

Lazarus breaks free from the webs and stabs the spider with another arrow.

The spider hurls a web towards Lazarus, trying to stop the pain he's inflicting. The webbing entangles him, trapping him again.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 19 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1, +4 to AC)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

The Bushranger
2011-10-29, 11:58 PM
Eileen's amusement level has long since gone past negative.
It's gone plaid. :smalleek:
As she continues to struggle to escape the webbing and help!

( EA [roll0] )

2011-10-30, 10:43 AM
Ensnared again, Lazarus struggles to shoot.

Crit confirmation:[roll2]

2011-10-30, 07:53 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will go to Lazarus or Eileen to try to help whichever is closest break free.


2011-11-04, 11:01 PM
It's very hard to move around on the balcony, the spider has covered the entire area with fresh webbing and the burning edges of the webbing below haven't reached this far.

Arianna slowly makes her way down to Eileen and starts helping her break free from the webbing. There is some success with Arianna's stronger strength and next round they can move 1/2 speed.

Lazarus' arrow goes to one side of the creature as it is deflected by a bit of webbing.

Daz and Leera are both following closely behind Eileen after she starts to move.

The spider doesn't seem too interested in coming down at the moment.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 20 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1, +4 to AC)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

The Bushranger
2011-11-04, 11:03 PM
Eileen gives Arianna a grateful smile for her help, drawing her short sword and advancing upon the nasty, nasty spider...

2011-11-05, 05:15 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will follow Eileen back up. Use the torch on the webbing. We need to burn her down!

2011-11-05, 09:49 AM
Not quite hearing Ariana, Lazarus continues to struggle and shoot.

Escape Artist:[roll3]

2011-11-05, 10:55 PM
Joh feels a bit useless at the moment as he has brought a sword to a ranged fight, he'll assist anyone stuck in the webbing best he can

The Bushranger
2011-11-08, 05:38 PM
Eileen nods in acknowledgement, and sets about torching the webs - with gusto!

2011-11-08, 09:36 PM
Arianna follows Eileen as the others finally make it up the stairs past the webbing.

Eileen starts burning the webs up here, but because they are fresher, they burn even slower.

Joh can follow the others up the stairs, with all of their struggles, they finally managed to clear most the webbing from the stairs.

Lazarus breaks free and fires off another arrow, but it misses by a hair as the spider retreats a little further up and away from the slowly encroaching burning webs.

((an entangled creature can escape w/ a DC 19 Escape Artist or DC 19 STR check))

((Anyone going near, on or under the balcony (starting with column C) will be entangled in fresh webbing and must also make the checks above. The bottom of the balcony is 10 ft high and there is a low railing around the edge))

---------- Round 21 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1, +4 to AC)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-11-09, 08:26 AM
Encouraged, Lazarus moves closer, unless doing so will entrap him again, and fires another shot.

Crit confirmation:[roll1]

2011-11-18, 08:57 PM
Lazarus misses the spider again as the others wait for the flames to reach the spider. The spider backs up as far as it can go as the smoldering flames slowly reach toward her.

---------- Round 22 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1, +4 to AC)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 3, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

The Bushranger
2011-11-18, 10:38 PM
Eileen, meanwhile, continues using her torch to spread the flames.
Almost grinning gleefully. :smalleek:

2011-11-19, 03:49 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna waits. Not really much else she can do.

2011-11-20, 12:20 PM
Lazarus sends up another arrow, hoping to end the spider's life quickly.

Crit confirmation:[roll1]

2011-11-23, 04:09 PM
Lazarus fires off another shot, this time hitting the spider. The spider, the smoldering flames finally reaching her, reacts and she rushes Lazarus, going in high for a bite. She latches on and sinks her fangs in. (dam: 13, roll a fort save).

---------- Round 23 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17, Bless-attacks +1, +4 to AC)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1)/webbed
Lazarus (dam: 16, Bless-attacks +1)
Daz (dam: 4, Bless-attacks +1/failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2, Bless-attacks +1)
Large Spider - S

2011-11-23, 09:45 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Finally! Arianna hadn't expected the giant spider to move so quickly from the flames, and so missed an opportunity to attack.

But not now. She charges after the spider, she swings her warhammer down hard, trying to do some serious damage to the creature.

((Using Power Attack to subtract 2 from Attack, and add 2 to Damage.))


[roll1] 39 Damage, with Crit Confrim? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12268777&postcount=319)

2011-11-24, 09:35 AM
Lazarus lets out a gasp of pain, dropping his bow, but instantly going for his greataxe to strike at the spider.

Fort Save:[roll0]
Crit Confirmation:[roll2]

2011-11-26, 11:08 PM
Arianna quickly attacks the spider from behind while Lazarus takes it on from underneath it. Both attacks together finally finish off the spider and Lazarus shoves it off and although he feels a little shaky, he manages to stand without much of a problem.

The others on the stairs are anxious to make it up and the webs still hinder them a little, but combined with Eileen's efforts it's much easier to move around.

---------- Round 24 ----------

Arianna 10 (dam: 17)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4)
Lazarus (dam: 16, failed poison save)
Daz (dam: 4, failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2)
Large Spider - S

The Bushranger
2011-11-26, 11:14 PM
Eileen frowns as the spider is finished off before she can reach it to aid in its death. But she sighs, and sets about finishing off the web!
"Is everybody all right?"

2011-11-27, 01:58 AM
more or less

2011-11-27, 10:45 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna sits down after killing the beast. I shall live. I would ask to be healed, but that spider bit me, so I do not think it'd be wise.

Let us go back to the man by the water stairs. She pushes herself back to her feet, using the warhammer for leverage, then goes to see if Lazarus needs any help.

2011-11-27, 11:47 PM
Lazarus gingerly extricates himself from under the arachnid, giving it a brief bow of deference. "I be alright," he calls, making his way slowly down to the rest of the party, "but I too be bitten, the healing can wait, I and I must continue to seek the defilers."

2011-12-01, 02:51 PM
Things are quiet after the spider dies and Eileen sets to cleaning up the webs with a will. Burning them away and finding a human shaped bundle and a jumble of discarded equipment in one corner. Just beyond that is an open door.


Arianna 10 (dam: 17)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4)
Lazarus (dam: 16, failed poison save)
Daz (dam: 4, failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2)
Large Spider - dead

2011-12-01, 05:12 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna will head back to the previous room, leaving Eileen and Joh to clean up the webs, and perhaps loot the corpse.

Guardian? We've killed the spider. But... we need some healing. And two of us have been bitten. Can you help us? she says. She's holding her arms where the fangs bit in.

2011-12-02, 08:47 AM
Either ignoring or forgetting about the punctures in his shoulder, Lazarus moves to inspect the body.

Take 20 on search for a 26.

2011-12-04, 08:54 AM
In the waterfall room, Sigur pokes his head out of his waterfall. You've killed it? Do you have proof of this? He comes closer to inspect her bite marks.


In the room with the dead spider, Lazarus leans closer to inspect the body. He has to remove some of the webbing, but when he does, he discovers that it was a hobgoblin and he's wearing a mithral breastplate. Other items around the dead hobgoblin - three throwing axes, heavy wooden shield, a nicer battleaxe and a satchel (do you look inside?).

((Does anyone else look around the balcony?))


Arianna 10 (dam: 17)
Eileen 8 (dam: 6, failed poison save)
Joh 5 (dam: 4)
Lazarus (dam: 16, failed poison save)
Daz (dam: 4, failed poison save)
Leera (dam: 2)
Large Spider - dead

2011-12-04, 11:37 AM
Ignoring the other items for the time being, Lazarus inspects the contents of the satchel.

2011-12-04, 01:45 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna frowns as she holds up her arm to be inspected. Well, I walked out alive. If that's not proof enough, I could go back and retrieve a fang or something. she says. She then lifts up the gore splattered warhammer. There's this. But I suppose that could be from any creature.

The Bushranger
2011-12-08, 03:00 PM
Eileen does indeed set about looking around the balcony carefully, clearing out the rest of the webs before cautiously taking a look through the open door....

(Taking 20 on Search)

2011-12-19, 01:30 PM
The satchel has food, bones and a few other things.

Eileen carefully searches around and finds something unusual, it looks like it might be religious or of some significance? But it's hard to tell. ((make a knowledge religion check)). It's a skull wearing some sort of jewelry.


Sigur nods, I'd really prefer to see some sort of proof. Where are your friends? He looks up from her wounds and looks down at the far exit.

2011-12-19, 09:25 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna sighs. Then turns back toward the Spider Room to retrieve one of the spider's legs.

Unless for some reason she's stopped, or attacked, she'll come back a few moments later, more gore covering her, with a giant spider leg in tow. Does this do it for ya?

2011-12-20, 05:34 PM
Sigur is all smiles when she reappears with the leg. Oh, that's wonderful. He feels a lot safer now without the giant spider next door. I can heal those of you that were not bitten by the spider. If you have been bitten, then I'm afraid the cure spells will have the reverse effect and you'll feel worse.

2011-12-20, 07:10 PM
"Jah Idren," Lazarus calls, "some weapons, other things, come see."

Two diamonds, unkown potion, 12pp, 67gp, plus the weapons.

2011-12-20, 08:42 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna does not take this news well. She lets the leg drop, and goes in to see what Lazarus has found.

The Bushranger
2011-12-26, 04:38 PM
Eileen, meanwhile, carefully studies the skull, looking thoughtful as she tries to think what it might be for.

Kn (R) [roll0]

2011-12-27, 11:33 AM
Eileen studies the skull and the object attached to it. It's a small box attached to a leather cord and wrapped around the skulls forehead. She believes it is some kind of phylactery and very possibly has religious significance, but to learn more she needs to cast detect magic and use her spellcraft skill to determine more about it.

The Bushranger
2011-12-29, 07:57 PM
Eileen frowns as she identifies the skull as a phylactery. A lich? Here? she muses, wondering if they're in over their heads...before starting to quietly cast a spell to find out more.

(Casting Detect Magic.
Spellcraft: [roll0])

2012-01-04, 03:01 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068) Health: 9/26
Paladin of Wee Jas

Arianna picks up the potion. I wonder what this is? she turns to Eileen, who's busy studying the skull. Eileen, can you tell what this is? she walks the potion over to the mage (?).

2012-01-04, 03:34 AM
Joh will assist in looting the room