View Full Version : Summoning HD advanced creatures.

2011-04-05, 10:42 AM
I had this thought for a summon monster spells allowing summoners to call hd advanced versions of their summons. Otherwise it tends to get nerfed quickly at the level which my friends play at. I was thinking something along the lines of being able to advance a creature in hd so long as it didn't exceed your class level. But then there would have to be some sort of limitation, unless the GM could just ad hoc something if it got out of hand.

I.E. a level 2 wizard being able to advance a celestial dog 1 hd.

2011-04-05, 10:59 AM
Main problem is that not all HD are created equal. The rules on advancing monsters point out the different rates of CR increase.

2011-04-05, 11:56 AM
Do you like twiddling your thumbs at the gaming table while someone else adjusts the numbers in a MM/SRD stat block?

At the very least, force this to be done ahead of time.

Also, why not just use a higher level summon spell? Most summons are part of 'chains', like the elementals and monstrous vermin of various sizes, animal vs dire animal, etc.

2011-04-06, 09:38 AM
true but even still there is the point where certain summons might be wanted, like a hound archon being advanced in hd. Also there was a suggestion somewhere that the player make a list of the summons they like to use ahead of time.

2011-04-06, 09:58 AM
I seem to remember it saying somewhere (in the PHB even) that the wizard can customise his own summoned creatures, roll its stats etc, and summon the same creature every time. I would imagine it extends to advancing as well. I might be mistaken though.

2011-04-06, 10:00 AM
Do you like twiddling your thumbs at the gaming table while someone else adjusts the numbers in a MM/SRD stat block?

At the very least, force this to be done ahead of time.
This. Our house rule: If you don't have its complete statblock printed ahead of time, you can't summon it.

Also, why not just use Augment Summoning? Sure, it doesn't advance HD, but it gives +4 to Str and Con, which has pretty much the same visible effect (more hp, better attacks, better damage)