View Full Version : Intimidate

2011-04-05, 07:06 PM
Alright, so I've had some extra feats and skills on my newest character and I've decided to work with an intimidate ability.

Being a factotum I get good skills, but I'm mostly the jack-of-all trades. Based on everything the party has and trying to fill the "jack-of-all trades" slot. I decided to use intimidate as my debuffer.

On one hand its a skill which I'm great with. Plus it means I can debuff and intimidate with the tank to help make them frightened.

Now then we are currently level one so it is a long way to go till it matters. I have a +10 to intimidate (+2 changeling, +2 to cha skills from nymph's kiss, +4 ranks, +2 Cha). At higher levels I do plan on taking "Imperious Command" and "Never outnumbered".

Are there any other ways to make intimidate ever stronger? I plan on getting the +2 to intimidate synergy from bluff to help make it higher and tossing ranks in it, but even still. What about ways to make the actual fear better?

Because otherwise it is cower 1 round, shaken 1 round. That's it.

Maybe a way to make it not a standard action? Or a way to make it higher or last longer?

Keld Denar
2011-04-05, 07:15 PM
Fearsome armor from DotU (same source as Imperious Command) will allow you to do it as a move action.

Zhentarum Fighter ACF lets you do it as a swift action at level 9. The only reason to take fighter levels past 6! Best part is, there's no cost, well, other than having to slog through 9 fighter levels...

2011-04-05, 07:17 PM
Well, I'm factotum not fighter, but we DO have a fighter.

I assume he can't be dungeoncrasher and get that ability?

2011-04-05, 07:36 PM
TOB has a variant use of intimidate. "Battle of Wills" Don't know if you need to be ToB class to use it.

Keld Denar
2011-04-05, 07:51 PM
You CAN be a Dungeoncrasher and get that ability, yes. They are related to different features, and thus don't conflict. In fact, Zhent fighter doesn't really conflict with anything, AFAIK, because its ment as kinda a dead level filler.

2011-04-05, 07:58 PM
Yeah, the Zhentarim ACF doesn't even pretend to be a trade. It just says, "Here, have some free stuff."

2011-04-05, 09:13 PM
Dread Pirate eventually gets to demoralize in a 30 foot radius, without a "per enounter" limit - so if you can spare the class levels, strictly better than Never Outnumbered.

2011-04-05, 09:39 PM
Due to my wanting factotum 19 I can only afford a one level dip. At the moment that is mindbender (to get mind sight)

I like the fearful armor idea. I already requested the party crafter to make it as soon as possible.